
Whates, Ian (ed) - No More Heroes / Уэйтс, Йен (ред) - Героев больше нет [2021, EPUB, ENG]

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Ian Whates (ed) - No More Heroes

Название: No More Heroes / Героев больше нет
Год выпуска: 2021
Под редакцией: Whates, Ian / Уэйтс, Йен
Издательство: PS Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-78636-293-3
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Фантастика на тему: "музыканты, которые ушли слишком рано" ...
Session Ma by Keith Brooke
So We Beat On by Ren Warom
Renegade by Tim Lebbon
So Long, Marianne by Storm Constantine
Let's Dance by Alison Littlewood
The Birth Of Liquid Plejades by Stephen Palmer
Motörhead on the Orient Express by Gavin G. Smith
Naught's Reckoning by Maura McHugh
Tyranny Unleashed, Doctrines Overthrown, The Mirror Shattered by Michael Cobley
The Odessa File by Allen Ashley
A Stranger Shade by Vaughan Stanger
The Sound of Smoke by Neil Williamson
Ninety–Seven–Point–Six by Jaine Fenn
Parfitt: Knight by Adam Roberts
The Great Gig in the Sky by Una McCormack
Fanning the Flames by Martin Sketchley
The Day the World Turned by Andrew Hook
Thieves in the Temple by Bryony Pearce
Onward by Ian Whates
Siren's Song by Donna Scott

Tim Lebbon

In memory of Phil Lynott (1949–1986)

IT WAS THE FIRST time I ever cried at the death of a stranger.
The reaction startled me a little because it was so unexpected, and because I was a teenaged boy sitting on a bench in a busy bus station reading a newspaper. This was way back before social media and the internet, and mobile phones the size of house bricks were wielded by rich businessmen eager to be seen as different or important. I was halfway through an hour-long stop between coaches, and I filled the time with a bar of chocolate and a read of the day’s paper. His picture was on page 4.
A rush of emotions swept through me. Shock, because at that age I was still mostly immune to the effects of death. I hadn’t even lost a grandparent. There was also a sprinkling of anger that he’d abused life so much that death was his new friend. Most of all, it was sadness that someone so great was no longer in the world. I looked around the bus station, newspaper open on my lap and half-eaten Mars Bar in my hand, and realised that I was seeing a new world through watery eyes. This was a place without him. Yesterday he was with us, having a physical effect on reality, the reverberations of his music filling the air and travelling around the planet. Today, he was no more. His music lived on, but only on replay.
. . .
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