
Hartwell, David G. (ed.) - The Space Opera Renaissance / Хартвелл, Дэвид (ред.) - Космическая опера / Новая космическая опера [2011, EPUB, ENG]

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David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer (ed.) - The Space Opera Renaissance

Название: The Space Opera Renaissance / Космическая опера / Новая космическая опера (на русском издана как 2 тома)
Год выпуска: 2011
Под редакцией: Hartwell, David G. & Cramer, Kathryn / Хартвелл, Дэвид & Крамер, Кэтрин
Издательство: Orb
ISBN: 9781429975179
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Продолжительные межзвездные перелеты, покорение новых миров, масштабные космические сражения и встречи с инопланетными существами, — все это вы найдете в захватывающих произведениях Эдмонда Гамильтона, Роберта Шекли, Лоис Макмастер Буджолд, Дэна Симмонса, Урсулы Ле Гуин, Пола Макоули, Майкла Муркока, Джона Райта, и многих других авторов.
The Star Stealers / Похитители звёзд novelette by Edmond Hamilton
The Prince of Space / Принц космоса novella by Jack Williamson
Enchantress of Venus / Венерианское чародейство novella by Leigh Brackett
The Swordsmen of Varnis / Меченосцы Варниса short story by Clive Jackson (as by Geoffrey Cobbe)
The Game of Rat and Dragon / Игра с крысодраконом short story by Cordwainer Smith
Empire Star / Имперская звезда novella by Samuel R. Delany
Zirn Left Unguarded, the Jenghik Palace in Flames, Jon Westerley Dead / Зирн без охраны, дворец Дженгик горит, Джон Вестерли мёртв short story by Robert Sheckley
Temptation / Искушение novella by David Brin
Ranks of Bronze / Бронзовые шеренги short story by David Drake
Weatherman / Метеоролог novella by Lois McMaster Bujold
A Gift from the Culture / Дар Культуры short story by Iain M. Banks
Orphans of the Helix / Сироты спирали novella by Dan Simmons
The Well Wishers / Грезящие над кладезем novella by Colin Greenland
Escape Route / Сквозь горизонт событий novella by Peter F. Hamilton
Ms. Midshipwoman Harrington / Гардемарин Харрингтон novella by David Weber
Aurora in Four Voices / Утренняя заря novella by Catherine Asaro
Ring Rats / Судовые крысы novella by R. Garcia y Robertson
The Death of Captain Future / Смерть капитана Фьючера novella by Allen Steele
A Worm in the Well / Червь в колодце novelette by Gregory Benford
The Survivor / Изгой novel by Donald Kingsbury
Fool's Errand / Подвиг шута short story by Sarah Zettel
The Shobies' Story / История «шобиков» novelette by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Remoras / Реморы novelette by Robert Reed
Recording Angel / Внимая ангелу novelette by Paul J. McAuley
The Great Game / Большая игра short story by Stephen Baxter
Lost Sorceress of the Silent Citadel / Волшебница Безмолвной Цитадели novelette by Michael Moorcock
Space Opera / Космическая опера short story by Michael Kandel
Grist / Грист novella by Tony Daniel
The Movements of Her Eyes / Движения её глаз novelette by Scott Westerfeld
Spirey and the Queen / Спайри и королева novelette by Alastair Reynolds
Bear Trap / Медвежий капкан novelette by Charles Stross
Guest Law / Гостевой закон novelette by John C. Wright


They met at Ve Port more than a month before their first flight together, and there, calling themselves after their ship as most crews did, became the Shobies. Their first consensual decision was to spend their isyeye in the coastal village of Liden, on Hain, where the negative ions could do their thing.
Liden was a fishing port with an eighty-thousand-year history and a population of four hundred. Its fisherfolk farmed the rich shoal waters of their bay, shipped the catch inland to the cities, and managed the Liden Resort for vacationers and tourists and new space crews on isyeye (the word is Hainish and means “making a beginning together,” or “beginning to be together,” or, used technically, “the period of time and area of space in which a group forms if it is going to form.” A honeymoon is an isyeye of two). The fisherwomen and fishermen of Liden were as weathered as driftwood and about as talkative. Six-year-old Asten, who had misunderstood slightly, asked one of them if they were all eighty thousand years old. “Nope,” she said.
Like most crews, the Shobies used Hainish as their common language. So the name of the one Hainish crew member, Sweet Today, carried its meaning as words as well as name, and at first seemed a silly thing to call a big, tall, heavy woman in her late fifties, imposing of carriage and almost as taciturn as the villagers. But her reserve proved to be a deep well of congeniality and tact, to be called upon as needed, and her name soon began to sound quite right. She had family—all Hainish have family—kinfolk of all denominations, grandchildren and cross-cousins, affines and cosines, scattered all over the Ekumen, but no relatives in this crew. She asked to be Grandmother to Rig, Asten, and Betton, and was accepted.
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