
Mohamed, Premee - And What Can We Offer You Tonight / Мохамед, Преми - И что мы можем предложить вам сегодня вечером [2021, EPUB, ENG]

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picPremee Mohamed - And What Can We Offer You Tonight

Название: And What Can We Offer You Tonight / И что мы можем предложить вам сегодня вечером
Автор: Mohamed, Premee / Мохамед, Преми
Год выпуска: 2021
Издательство: Neon Hemlock Press
ISBN: 978-1-952086-26-7
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

В городе далекого будущего вы можете попасть в руки правительства из-за единственной ошибки. "And What Can We Offer You Tonight" рассказывает историю Джуэл, состоявшейся куртизанки в роскошном доме. Все рушится, когда ее подруга убита клиентом, но каким-то образом возвращается к жизни. Месть будет непростой ...

Эта книга получила премию Небьюла 2021 в категории "повесть".
Образец текста:

The dead girl woke and asked for her perfume and we gave it to her and she slept again.
And when she did so I felt glad I had not let anyone rifle through her things as often happened before the funeral. Someone might have been wearing her scent at the ceremony but no one was.
So now she lies on my bed with her bluewhite hand curled around the glowing vial. The one thing she wanted.
Nero sniffs, leans a shoulder gingerly against the doorway, avoiding his newly-implanted wings. "They do that with dinoflagellates, you know. It's nothing special."
"Don't be jealous," I tell him. Of course he cannot help it, he is very young, and anyway we are all of us a little rattled right now, I would say that none of us are really acting like ourselves, not really.
Someone needs to tell, someone whispers just outside the cracked door of my room, and someone whispers back Shhh! What is wrong with you? and someone else adds What the fuck is wrong with you?
For now I think the secret is safe. But the owners of our House will find out at some point. Not from me and not from my fellow courtesans, and need has nothing to do with what we do anyway. Does it. Ever. Has it. Ever.
Nero gets up to stand watch in the hallway and that leaves me in here with the dead girl who is not dead.
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