
Library Genesis 258000-258999

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258000 - Флора Узбекистана Т. 1 (1941) (0s) fdc124a594b6896da5fddff8740a0824.djvu
258001 Генкал С.И., Вехов Н.В. - Диатомовые водоросли водоемов Русской Арктики: архипелаг Новая Земля и остров Вайгач. (2007) (0s) 14a33361ea95c220c3b7d23db344b14c.djvu
258002 Генкал С.И., Трифонова И.С. - Диатомовые водоросли планктона Ладожского озера и водоемов его бассейна (2009) (0s) 4c83eb94568d92d3e467a2a970cc605e.djvu
258003 Георгиевский А.Б. - Проблема преадаптации. Историко-критическое исследование. (1974) (0s) ecc7c256690daf96bcd4657da12ca450.djvu
258004 Gmelin I.G. - Flora Sibirica sive Histiria Plantarum Sibireae Т. 1 (1747) (0s) d8a674e788f27e976f0cda958dbf4f89.djvu
258005 Gmelin I.G. - Flora Sibirica sive Histiria Plantarum Sibireae Т. 2 (1749) (0s) 34150f6c5d5afa2c083b228a9c51a90b.djvu
258006 Gmelin I.G. - Flora Sibirica sive Histiria Plantarum Sibireae Т. 3 (1768) (0s) 17b07599eed1e7361fa8a8f2a6bef3d8.djvu
258007 Gmelin I.G. - Flora Sibirica sive Histiria Plantarum Sibireae Т. 4 (1769) (0s) 88c0018cfb95af78c155b6aab37bfbe3.djvu
258008 Гете И.В. - Избранные сочинения по естествознанию. (1957) (212s) 4a3b3f65aeb368f424686a3351804b2a.pdf
258009 Грант В. - Эволюция организмов. (1980) (0s) c9e81cec3763cbfc448a2c4716b8b337.djvu
258010 Грегори В.К. - Эволюция лица от рыбы до человека. (1934) (0s) 89421b3162e4f2926f54d75ab70606f8.djvu
258011 Грезе И.И. - Бокоплавы (1985) (0s) 3a8a20cb6738c42937e0d1c014cd708c.djvu
258012 - Низшие растения, грибы и мохообразные советского Дальнего Востока. Грибы. Аскомицеты. Эризифальные, клавиципитальные, гелоциальные. Т. 2. (1991) (0s) 38c1b05337d620c76b6db297b31f48e6.djvu
258013 Хржановский В.Г., Пономаренко С.Ф. - Практикум по курсу общей ботаники. (1989) (0s) cd94b84fe025e480fd65eafae65c0e6a.djvu
258014 Имбри Дж., Имбри К.П. - Тайны ледниковых эпох. (1988) (0s) 7aa1097dbca47712d1f617b5c244d4ed.djvu
258015 Ижевский С.С. и др. - Иллюстрированный справочник жуков-ксилофагов -- вредителей леса и лесоматериалов Российской Федерации (2005) (223s) a0f97742f6f821728e2da6d8c8088e21.pdf
258016 Яблоков А.В. - Изменчивость млекопитающих. (1966) (0s) 547bd5443e7741f97c94a4a67cb26ff7.djvu
258017 Яковлев А.А. - Биологическая микроскопия для юных натуралистов. Практическое пособие (0) (31s) d5ec26b2cc9828a82d87a23281d0276e.pdf
258018 Яценко-Хмелевский А.А. - Основы и методы анатомического исследования древесины. (1954) (0s) 69b52993bd5efde003d01a6fd68197f6.djvu
258019 Юркина В.И. - Блохи (1961) (0s) d539f7b97abd00fa0966f0cf283836fc.djvu
258020 Юрцев Ю.А., Камелин Р.В. - Основные понятия и термины флористики (1991) (0s) 247c6babc835304e4dfee96fb7e92ce1.djvu
258021 Юшманов Н.В. - Определитель языков. (1941) (0s) d8fc52e60cf8ae98174b91d352903dd2.djvu
258022 - Кадастр беспозвоночных животных Самарской Луки (2007) (0s) ebf240cba0e37418e2eba0e8d6d42316.djvu
258023 Калугина-Гутник А.А. - Фитобентос Черного моря. (1975) (0s) a2c19fd1319f455c15fb3a8dfeaff004.djvu
258024 Канаев И.И. - Жорж Луи Ле Клер де Бюффон (1707-1788). (1966) (0s) 57f40fe63f26ddbed199b872bd13181a.djvu
258025 Кантор Ю.И. - Брюхоногие моллюски Мирового океана: Подсемейство Волютопсиина. (1990) (0s) cdbff47d4cafc9a2b3fd57963b86e1d7.djvu
258026 Карташова Н.Н. - Строение и функции нектарников цветка двудольных растений (1965) (0s) d633f986be9558e422ac28ce042b2622.djvu
258027 Казенас В.Л. - Роющие осы Казахстана и Средней Азии (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Определитель (1978) (0s) 2d060429b45215a0e78ac3d443dd831f.djvu
258028 Казенас В.Л. - Роющие осы-церцерисы Средней Азии и Казахстана (1984) (0s) 277b62bad9d333fd1f6841550d2b5569.djvu
258029 Казенас В.Л. - Роющие осы (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae (1998) (285s) 375918dd58e7356779eea69696404210.pdf
258030 Казенас В.Л., Байшанов Б.У. - Геологическая история и фауногенез Казахстана и сопредельных территорий в эпохи развития млекопитающих и антофильных насекомых (1999) (43s) 9e3fbea45e382d448fa819944e66d9b6.pdf
258031 Казенас В.Л. - Роющие осы (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Казахстана. Подсемейства Pemphredoninae и Astatinae Вып. 2. (2000) (321s) 1d60cd84193cdfd84e9bbb0fe3112150.pdf
258032 Казенас В.Л. - Фауна и биология роющих ос (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Казахстана и Средней Азии (2001) (0s) 3d2e25dc6d249f4dde58189486d6e96d.djvu
258033 Казенас В.Л. - Роющие осы (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Казахстана (Эколого-фаунистический обзор (2002) (178s) 4cd55570ce22242fe4794450381a8de1.pdf
258034 Казенас В.Л., Николаев Г.В. - Членистоногие, опасные для здоровья и жизни человека (2004) (0s) 698bf1cb4b2c67b3fb37a7e754b9ceea.djvu
258035 Казенас В.Л., Романенко Н.Г. - Основная литература о насекомых Казахстана и сопредельных территорий Ч. 1-3 (2006) (592s) f3656919b92b4c31edebc12f51b78e66.pdf
258036 Хохуткин И.М. - Струтура изменчивости видов на примере наземных моллюсков (1997) (0s) 15b7a85ec2efb75c9a8602f875a85b6a.djvu
258037 Киселев И.А. - Планктон морей и континентальных водоемов. Вводные и общие вопросы планктонологии. Т. 1. (1969) (0s) efcb441e9aaf0bd5434ea6314d2fb41f.djvu
258038 Киселев И.А. - Планктон морей и континентальных водоемов. Распределение, сезонная динамика, питание и значение. Т. 2. (1980) (0s) b1f3d9041a596d36a86f9e45cea1f979.djvu
258039 Китаев С.П. - Основы лимнологии для гидробиологов и ихтиологов (2007) (0s) d9eb83f3fb8834fb2e48b58d5c4edd85.djvu
258040 Ключко З.Ф. - Совки квадрифиноидного комплекса (1978) (0s) 22fa0f13df7efe5f3394daedfe63f356.djvu
258041 Колчин Б.А., Черных Н.Б. - Дендрохронология Восточной Европы. (1977) (0s) d40b0e4409983398a5ac845867a4c7ea.chm
258042 Комарова Т.И. - (Mysidacea)Мизиды (1991) (0s) 798e906f4b9ec4941876e496ff93d734.djvu
258043 Кондратьева Е.Н. - Фотосинтезирующие бактерии и бактериальный фотосинтез. (1972) (0s) a0cb928566781c1325c21a4a762d22d5.djvu
258044 - Конспект флоры Иркутской области (сосудистые растения (2008) (327s) 3d08cdb530aad1d37e30ab5dfed359c7.pdf
258045 Коржинский С. - Гетерогенезис и эволюция. К теории происхождения видов (1899) (0s) 7c4db157d976e2dea6e3e340bcdedc29.djvu
258046 Кожов М.М. - Животный мир озера Байкал. (1947) (0s) 45c9c66702ef6c02ebfc8a98a540785d.djvu
258047 Козо-Полянский Б.М. - Чайные растения Казахстана. (1943) (0s) 5df983c623e5251bcfe15909bbf5bb11.djvu
258048 Крашенинников И.М., Кучеровская-Роженец С.Е. - Растительность Башкирской СССР. (1941) (0s) 7d55fbe826b81cddf8370f7d2cb05a49.djvu
258049 - Красная книга Республики Карелия (2007) (0s) 33c5d72dc822ee841895fb6e204eacb4.djvu
258050 - Красная книга Алтайского края. Редкие и находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения виды растений. Т. 2. (2006) (0s) 47f960f303cfbc9a105a88f1e3178723.djvu
258051 - Красная книга Кыргызской Республики (2006) (543s) b5305dac855357dd256edbffb9e49c23.pdf
258052 - Красная книга Липецкой области. Растения, грибы, лишайники. Т. 1. (2005) (0s) c3e02c71e6a2709aba372d4f7133ea3f.djvu
258053 - Красная книга Мурманской области (2003) (385s) 03df4b035f7fa1ae4b3671e95c954e38.pdf
258054 - Красная книга Оренбургской области (1998) (0s) 3a29448deb29467758d9a4e1cf655200.djvu
258055 - Красная книга Российской Федерации (растения и грибы). (2008) (0s) 865de4cf4eacf1bef9ddc358c40cd5ae.djvu
258056 - Красная книга Тверской области (2002) (0s) fe45bb080e3a6f4fcad0ce9f821bbf66.djvu
258057 - Красная книга Ярославской области. (2004) (0s) 69927202a8dae07d7a48389703850817.djvu
258058 Круглов Н.Д. - (Lymnaeidae Gastropoda Pulmonata) Европы и Северной Азии)Моллюски семейства прудовиков (2005) (0s) 336a084aa4a43dae7c80f1c8842b4f34.djvu
258059 - Флора Западной Сибири П. Крылова. Rosaceae -- Papilionaceae Вып. VII. (1933) (0s) 0935d019feee604c11d652da94d63792.djvu
258060 - Флора Западной Сибири П. Крылова. Geraniaceae -- Cornaceae Вып. VIII. (1935) (0s) f22ed337b92de174d18e28cb5520ba54.djvu
258061 - Флора Западной Сибири П. Крылова. Pirolaceae -- Labiatae Вып. IX. (1937) (0s) b80c8a084b3d625637c854d7ad936e13.djvu
258062 - Флора Западной Сибири П. Крылова. Solanaceae -- Dipsacaceae Вып. X. (1939) (0s) bfc120f2998dbaaac346662f9dcce9a1.djvu
258063 - Флора Западной Сибири П. Крылова. Campanulaceae -- Compositae Вып. XI. (1949) (0s) b029327906bee1c645d99ed876d09cae.djvu
258064 Купянская А.Н. - Муравьи (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Дальнего Востока СССР (1989) (0s) dc8c00d301f35134013c207c0d63e544.chm
258065 Куренцов А.И. - Короеды Дальнего Востока СССР. (1941) (0s) 908aa5c4fae7f42193ddfacb2c55abbb.djvu
258066 Куваев В.Б. и др. - Растительный покров острова Сибирякова. (1994) (0s) ff9f737c87d51a2223f4e13545b8e965.djvu
258067 Лапшина Е.Д. - Флора болот юго-востока Западной Сибири (2004) (302s) ede929f06459b7c1d4c40ba2bab1a812.pdf
258068 Лелей А.С. - Осы-немки (Hymenoptera, Mutilidae) фауны СССР и сопредельных стран. (1985) (0s) 8b897abbc8de5ee13d87af73db0acb77.djvu
258069 Лиштва А.В. - Лихенология (2007) (122s) 8d2a8682dbd825eb536fe345307f7c8d.pdf
258070 Литвинчук С.Н., Боркин Л.Я. - (Triturus cristatus complex) на территории России и сопредельных стран.)Экология, систематика и распространение гребенчатых тритонов (2009) (0s) 07375bb9de49359a2695e74b5c9d1541.djvu
258071 Львовский А.Л., Моргун Д.В. - Булавоусые чешуекрылые Восточной Европы. (2007) (0s) 3a148f53a34104c9a9f05200a97932f3.djvu
258072 Логвиненко В.Н. - Фулгороидные цикадовые -- Fulgoroidea (1975) (0s) a248cfd2f30ba039b2916dae8e7e7ffb.djvu
258073 Лукин Е.И. - Дарвинизм и географические закономерности в изменении организмов. (1940) (0s) ca7ef5d64673dc834bc8557df17bce7f.djvu
258074 Лутова Л.А. и др. - Генетика развития растений. (2000) (0s) 1c2fd6adbb9890f49ffb91e5a7795aa5.djvu
258075 Магакьян А.К. - Растительность Армянской СССР. (1941) (0s) a3144297f031a1f27b40ff37b9004ea6.djvu
258076 Маевский П.Ф. - Флора средней полосы европейской части СССР (1941) (0s) f49a693e166fd4f256b0f0be18d5ca8e.djvu
258077 Малиновский А.А. - Тектология. Теория систем. Теоретическая биология. (2000) (0s) 66eaab5bb8bd65e050fd792448062141.djvu
258078 Малышева В.Ф., Малышева Е.Ф. - Высшие базидиомицеты лесных и луговых систем Жигулей (2008) (0s) ef62c093cfd1fc96e4b7005cd76f4abe.djvu
258079 Мариковский П.И. - Маленькие труженики гор (1975) (0s) 9cb6e0cb396790b1532f12a68a96b812.chm
258080 Мартинсон Г.Г. - В поисках предков фауны Байкала. (1959) (0s) c780c5fb8230aefd41c527a63d97d6ac.djvu
258081 Мартинсон Г.Г. - Следы исчезнувших озер в Азии. (1968) (0s) bf1752220481ea402bb2eeac6cc2836c.djvu
258082 Масюк Н.П. - Морфология, систематика, экология, географическое распространение рода Dunaliella Teod. и перспективы его практического использования. (1973) (0s) e29589e1bab5d6bee3f220536e80a0d7.djvu
258083 - Методы изучения двустворчатых моллюсков (1990) (0s) ec7dbc732f765f9aa1dc48907496934f.djvu
258084 Митяев И.Д., Ященко Р.В., Казенас В.Л. - Удивительный мир беспозвоночных. По страницам Красной книги Казахстана (2005) (60s) f1342b808ee30324392a1b32ab131287.pdf
258085 Монтеверде Н.А. - Ботанический атлас (1916) (0s) 04e59eb123dc0fa71f97258655922832.djvu
258086 Моргун Д.В. - Эпистемологические основания проблемы вида в биологии. (2002) (0s) fe6ea9c17bee7a508805499220efe0fc.djvu
258087 Наумов Д.В. и др. - Мир кораллов. (1985) (0s) ae48d8457ce473d7a151ed60174a42ba.djvu
258088 Назаров В.И. - Эволюционная теория во Франции после Дарвина. (1974) (0s) ca6cb80c4b67068d57bcba472648dd77.djvu
258089 Негробов О.П. и др. - Определитель семейств личинок жесткокрылых (Coleoptera) Европейской части России (2008) (65s) 27e4585f1333501b4b4aa0e404925eee.pdf
258090 Николаева А.М. - Полужесткокрылые Мещерской низины (2006) (0s) af3b05bc162c079e7a90a6a581759a32.djvu
258091 Нотов А.А. - Материалы к флоре Тверской области. Высшие растения Ч. 1. (2005) (124s) 5b9c8971774814806cc93dc4b331ecdd.pdf
258092 Нотов А.А. - Адвентивный компонент флоры Тверской области: динамика состава и структуры (2009) (474s) 5d4655d29acb9bc3fa216525d47f7a06.pdf
258093 Нотов А.А. - Национальный парк "Завидово": Сосудистые растения, мохообразные, лишайники. (2010) (432s) 1504ee8908add66ce1f1fa052d1f35c6.pdf
258094 Новак Е. - Ученые в вихре времени. (2009) (0s) 3aa960a2664af05ad6ef530194822f79.djvu
258095 Новиков Г.А. - Очерк истории экологии животных. (1980) (0s) b0f24d68603f60d7c851e5321570c198.djvu
258096 Новотельнов С.А. - Сфагн (торфяной мох) как всасывающий перевязочный материал для гнойных ран. (1941) (0s) 5b21370f6eef5bf4eb70d5b6a9a71690.djvu
258097 Окснер А.М. - Определитель лишайников УССР. (1937) (184s) b0e996867b821b7ab25d66aeaaa6f248.pdf
258098 Окснер А.М. - Флора лишайников Украины Т. 1. (1956) (410s) a9162c639e039a8340303a99959d17f4.pdf
258099 Окснер А.М. - Флора лишайников Украины Т. 2. (1968) (532s) f00dff440b2df3af98f3931d4730c9f6.pdf
258100 Опарин А.И. - Возникновение жизни на Земле. (1946) (0s) c29da0b87f1b96734305a89959d95c9c.djvu
258101 - Определитель членистоногих, вредящих здоровью человека. (1958) (0s) c81f447f0af4eddabf876be08efb26bb.djvu
258102 - Определитель вредных и полезных насекомых и клещей овощных культур и картофеля в СССР. (1982) (0s) 17532d0381ac75dd63bda6b23513a5d0.djvu
258103 - Определитель вредных и полезных насекомых и клещей плодовых и ягодных культур в СССР. (1984) (0s) 99a8b4d07b54883aac99ccebe25ab03b.djvu
258104 Пармузин Ю.П. - Средняя Сибирь. Очерк природы. (1964) (0s) 72cf481e6f072d1c71af6a885f1f2bb7.djvu
258105 Пасецкий В.М. - Нильс Адольф Эрик Норденшельд (1832-1901). (1979) (0s) 807cd4c57d06e2ef4d04f20532bf49cd.djvu
258106 Паушева З.П. - Практикум по цитологии растений. (1988) (0s) 1af813c07bb114ccfc1ffa0ff0fa1ce0.djvu
258107 Павловский Е.Н. - Ядовитые животные Средней Азии и Ирана (1942) (0s) 6f5d0945c51e05abd0135777564f6661.djvu
258108 Пчелкин А.В. - Популярная лихенология. (2006) (40s) 7b0fa4edb79208ac1f0b0a12a0ec2a99.pdf
258109 Петров Н.П. - Важнейшие полезные дикие растения Туркмении (1942) (0s) b641af845ebd4a1d9bd3f0558d53a951.djvu
258110 Погребняк П.С. - Основы лесной типологии. (1953) (0s) dc7da043916783cd2767ad6b022cd694.djvu
258111 Поляков И.М. - Ж.-Б. Ламарк и учение об эволюции органического мира. (1962) (0s) 1fc41a85bc5dd7a75e93ce42b95701d4.djvu
258112 - Проблемы доантропогенной эволюции биосферы. (2003) (0s) 8b505a89895cf7dfa9e21967d6492a71.djvu
258113 Прохоров В.П., Теплова Л.П. - Весенние и осенние дискомицеты (школьный определитель (1982) (0s) 0b9dc12636feff0e2368bcb310f7f0e0.djvu
258114 Прокоп В. - Зденек Буриан -- палеонтолог (1990) (150s) 38dbefa43e6187cdfed330dab7ec715a.pdf
258115 - Промысловые рыбы СССР (Атлас (1949) (0s) 04f91dfe6a898dc1fd14e021f5b7deaf.djvu
258116 - Птицы России и сопредельных регионов. Рябкообразные, Голубеобразные, Кукушкообразные, Совообразные. (1993) (0s) 97a7054ce4f55649e3ab10f60c39f851.djvu
258117 - Птицы России и сопредельных регионов. Совообразные, Козодоеобразные, Стрижеобразные, Ракшеобразные, Удодообразные, Дятлообразные. (2005) (0s) 8f9c1acdc8541f28ce144c046cad05b4.djvu
258118 Пузанов И.И. - Зоогеография. (1938) (0s) 3f06a5e448158c744cc606f823b346be.djvu
258119 Raunkiaer С. - Life forms of plants and statistical plant geography (1934) (0s) dc9c1231206e46b07641294d7e301e4f.djvu
258120 - Размножение и кладки яиц моллюсков (1991) (0s) 6978f92edecbd93837c7d65d7f9a9f61.djvu
258121 - Редкие и исчезающие животные. Рыбы. (1994) (0s) fb9dd21ecd9e66ef7087bf8632c75547.djvu
258122 Решетников Ю.С. - Экология и систематика сиговых рыб. (1980) (0s) ddab16d5f919285d0a4ebe85028e72ec.djvu
258123 Рябинина З.Н., Князев М.С. - Определитель сосудистых растений Оренбургской области. (2009) (0s) c5653c74fd1b7b4e45793fa21087be02.djvu
258124 Рябушко Л.И. - Атлас токсичных микроводорослей Черного и Азовского морей. (2003) (0s) 1d272e087756441656876b2b7d1a0ccf.djvu
258125 Росс Г. и др. - Энтомология. (1985) (0s) b5627115afe66ae72a25f54dd58d70b3.djvu
258126 Ростова Н.С. - Корреляции: структура и изменчивость. (2002) (0s) ead8c4d1d30549b166f47cb1184b8750.djvu
258127 Ростовцев С. - Определитель растений для школы и самообразования. Таблицы для определения сосудистых растений (весенних, летних и осенних). Ч. 1. (1913) (0s) 4da33e18dc2b58e9e9771c91d6d7e804.djvu
258128 Ручин А.Б., Артаев О.Н. - Рыбы, амфибии и рептилии Республики Мордовия. Атлас (2007) (0s) b357e34de98aee15eb71cb7aaf95999c.djvu
258129 Русинек О.Т. - Паразиты рыб озера Байкал (фауна, сообщество, зоогеография и история формирования). (2007) (571s) 853ffd041d4a61dc2fd085df0478efea.pdf
258130 Рузский М. Ч. 2. - Муравьи России (1907) (0s) 7c17d049ae4826180e482f567c3a4eaa.djvu
258131 Саут Р., Уиттик А. - Основы альгологии. (1990) (0s) a1edd01d7c41d98985a7204e096caba9.djvu
258132 Щербак Г.И. - Клещи семейства Rhodacaridae Палеарктики. (1980) (0s) 578ee0ba5855d4204392225ce9c1bb48.djvu
258133 Секретарева Н.А. - Сосудистые растения Российской Арктики и сопредельных территорий. (2004) (0s) c5a3be123ec91c712e4da342492e90c9.djvu
258134 Семенов-Тянь-Шаньский А. - Таксономические границы вида и его подразделений. Опыт точной категоризации низших систематических единиц. (1910) (0s) 6e3a14e758525ca5a401df2bc914b4a1.djvu
258135 Сенотрусова В.Н. - Гамазовые клещи -- паразиты диких животных Казахстана (1987) (0s) 2c15260088ce782855737c9a9cb00d64.djvu
258136 Сергиенко Г.Д. - Вши (1974) (0s) 5e01e7ed1dd0c9858f2410f9e19baaba.djvu
258137 Северцов С.А. - Динамика населения и приспособительная эволюция животных. (1941) (0s) 9a269fa9670c9c4f686fc6bb27be0c61.djvu
258138 Шаталкин А.И. - Философия зоологии Жана Батиста Ламарка: взгляд из XXI века. (2009) (0s) 07f48bdc5bc0d61b5b5a1e36053acc8b.djvu
258139 Шишкин Б.К. - Как составлять гербарий. (1941) (0s) 708f9b2bb53c585aac24490c24d4e725.djvu
258140 Шульпин Л.М. - Орнитология. Строение, жизнь и классификация птиц. (1940) (0s) 03760064c82a2e8b6ac790088f7526fe.djvu
258141 Синская Е.Н. - Учение о виде и таксонах. (1961) (0s) fcc42c2d47abda5170a71e29bcc6227a.djvu
258142 Синская Е.Н. - Проблема популяций у высших растений. (1963) (0s) 4fae7d0efc6134551ab6954b4a3dc858.djvu
258143 Смирнов А.И. - Окунеобразные (бычковидные), скорпенообразные, камбалообразные, присоскоперообразные, удильщикообразные (1986) (0s) 4c3875aed8ad83b3f64889cd260af221.djvu
258144 Соколов В.Е. - Редкие и исчезающие животные. Млекопитающие. (1986) (0s) a709b3856d78a15e7cda3148f3c3fa6f.djvu
258145 Соломаха В.А. - Синтаксономия растительности Украины. Третья версия. (2008) (0s) 886b405a35ccceb22fe26ebb59becd5d.djvu
258146 Спрыгин И.И. - Растительный покров Средневолжского края (1931) (0s) 827114abcc1d340c5cf471a2ea9d335e.djvu
258147 Стадниченко А.П. - (Unionidae, Cycladidae)Перловицевые, Шаровковые (1984) (0s) df239151db8132e60dd5f6d47b27032d.djvu
258148 Стадниченко А.П. - Lymnaeidae и Acroloxidae Украины. Методы сбора и изучения, биология, экология, полезное и вредное значение (2006) (0s) d692f36a1646bfb5662704d47f4e8c1c.djvu
258149 Стороженко С.Ю. - (Insecta: Grylloblattida)Систематика, филогения и эволюция гриллоблаттидовых насекомых (1998) (0s) 412e757d62c8a90c27d9c52cc5554cf3.djvu
258150 Страутман Ф.И - Птицы западных областей УССР Т. 1 (1963) (0s) 2bed7b3fc30aab505cc63bca4d58b8a9.djvu
258151 Страутман Ф.И. - Птицы западных областей УССР Т. 2 (1963) (0s) ed4169db1d1ca1c6380459fb213e41a3.djvu
258152 Стороженко С.Ю. - (Orthoptera: Ensifera) азиатской части России)Длинноусые прямокрылые насекомые (2004) (0s) 7ec36d9fd0680bd9ab4c66b3cdab4271.djvu
258153 Свистун В.И. - Динотерии Украины. (1974) (35s) 19eab77fa620d598fc9966c4085becd6.pdf
258154 Таращук В.И. - Земноводные и пресмыкающиеся (1959) (0s) 205a17eea0fdadaa1b39c315a0c5d50d.djvu
258155 Татаринов Л.П. - Очерки по эволюции рептилий. Архозавры и зверообразные (2009) (0s) fa0b583ef8ce68f4e4c77c4817c8e0e1.djvu
258156 Чудинов П.К. - Ранние терапсиды (1983) (0s) c0329d6636b0f0bdc3b889a242a61a24.djvu
258157 Терентьев П.В., Чернов С.А. - Краткий определитель земноводных и пресмыкающихся СССР. (1936) (0s) 7d05a13947658e07bf1808bfe1c3f214.djvu
258158 Титов В.В. - Крупные млекопитающие позднего плиоцена Северо-Восточного Приазовья (2008) (262s) 1eceb5bf4efebae73ad1049afb74cf13.pdf
258159 Толканиц В.И. - Ихневмониды-метопиины (1987) (0s) 797d603fb894e5140aeeba9ba0b2c709.djvu
258160 Порьфирьев В.С. (научн. ред.) - Труды Волжско-Камского государственного заповедника Выпуск 1 (1968) (209s) cfb6a6b8e1cd43ccc37264a85871c409.djvu
258161 Любарский Е.Л. (научн. ред.), Назарова И.В. (научн. ред.) - Труды Волжско-Камского государственного заповедника Выпуск 2 (1972) (183s) 00774fda6be8babe02bbceec3e4b1464.djvu
258162 Любарский Е.Л. (научн. ред.) - Труды Волжско-Камского государственнго природного заповедника Выпуск 3 (1977) (192s) b800cf97eba13c80bb6088a6388004cd.djvu
258163 Бакин О.В. (ред.), ГоршковЮ.А. (ред.) - Труды Волжско-Камского государственнго природного заповедника Выпуск 5 (2002) ISBN10:5-98039-002-2(231s) 13a0055387f84211604ecc4e23e371ae.djvu
258164 Бакин О.В. (ред.), ГоршковЮ.А. (ред.) - Труды Волжско-Камского государственнго природного заповедника Выпуск 6 (2005) ISBN10:5-85247-248-1(437s) 09930b25c1a03c7fefc24f4885375cfa.djvu
258165 Цингер Я.А. - Простейшие. Практическое руководитво для средней школы. (1947) (0s) 6adb5de6327080c50208fee8f684f8ef.djvu
258166 Цветков М.А. - Изменение лесистости Европейской России с конца XVII столетия по 1914 год. (1957) (0s) ebd7835257f4b9ecb0cbf1cc4fba64f7.djvu
258167 Уголев А.М. - Эволюция пищеварения и принципы эволюции функций. Элементы современного функционализма. (1985) (0s) a2e88699997c958d6d4b18feea277333.djvu
258168 Уголев А.М. - Естественные технологии биологических систем. (1987) (0s) d40b3eee76441f0e48e5a9193526ee96.djvu
258169 Украинцева В.В. - Растительность и климат Сибири эпохи мамонта (2002) (0s) 82fcfdf78d432ef6336f5d27e8c2108c.djvu
258170 Увалиева К.К. - Наземные моллюски Казахстана и сопредельных территорий (1990) (0s) 09dce04bf74a10141160f7883bbafe69.djvu
258171 Валуев В.А. - Полевой определитель куликов и гусеобразных Восточной Европы и Урала в полете (2008) (56s) 77c4bd9c1aa3deb14935033dc0331d2f.pdf
258172 Васильева Е.Д. - Рыбы Черного моря. Определитель морских, солоноватоводных, эвригалинных и проходных видов с цветными иллюстрациями, собранными С.В. Богородским. (2007) (0s) 72f72d1dd11c92f9ae26c93109eb3e47.djvu
258173 - Радуга-дуга (1986) (0s) b0738fb9c1635cf259e04cd046030a09.djvu
258174 Виноградова Ю.К. и др. - Черная книга флоры Средней России (Чужеродные виды растений в экосистемах Средней России). (2009) (0s) 1a3689e71b26285432059d80dc41c392.djvu
258175 Винокуров А.А. - Редкие и исчезающие животные. Птицы. (1992) (0s) e222504443312a1fd15d107bc4ba4615.djvu
258176 Залесский Д.М. - Сенполии. Их декорастущие виды и вопросы культуры. (1983) (0s) a92fd678c2ee308f79143e26f4d2a997.djvu
258177 Зажигин В.И. - Грызуны позднего плиоцена и антропогена юга Западной Сибири. (1980) (0s) 817b3b966e89164a54c5df7bebb505db.djvu
258178 Земская А.А. - Паразитические гамазовые клещи и их медицинское значение. (1973) (0s) 52577a6bbe9929a03f3fd1013110d6db.djvu
258179 Зеров Д.К., Партыка Л.Я. - Мохообразные Украинских Карпат. (1975) (0s) 3b630c596cc590d3d30733d3911cfe6a.djvu
258180 Жадин В.И. - Наши пресноводные моллюски (1926) (0s) a9bcfeca398883cb1d6f1da72106b6fd.djvu
258181 Жданов В.М. - Эволюция вирусов. (1990) (0s) 0b250aa5856bf42f96c5108faf03520c.djvu
258182 - Животный мир Кировской области. Вып. 2 (Насекомые) (1974) (0s) 12d6a48320004d37269c637bec064602.djvu
258183 Под ред. Ю.И. Полянского. - Жизнь животных. Простейшие. Кишечнополостные. Черви Т. 1. (1987) (0s) 2667d9d61f8eaa4af274342e398c13ba.djvu
258184 Под ред. Ю.И. Полянского. - Жизнь животных. Моллюски. Иглокожие. Погонофоры. Щетинкочелюстные. Иглокожие. Полухордовые. Хордовые. Членистоногие. Ракообразные Т. 2. (1988) (0s) 7ac6960a5ff9b111651462f3e69a937b.djvu
258185 Журкина Л.А., Бакташева Н.М. - Редкие и исчезающие растения Калмыкии (1990) (0s) 71f6492dc51b2cb08b031b968aa3feab.djvu
258186 - Зональные типы биомов России: Антропогенные нарушения и естественные процессы восстановления экологического потенциала ландшафтов. (2003) (243s) 1fc89a735abd40751c0c32d441bc00fb.pdf
258187 Desmond Morris - (Kodansha Globe)The Human Zoo: A Zoologist's Study of the Urban Animal (1996, Kodansha Globe) ISBN13:9781568361048(272s) 0542a15503590001c59f438edf5aaf7e.pdf
258188 Yvonne Li Walls, Jan W. Walls - (Using... (Cambridge))Using Chinese: A Guide to Contemporary Usage (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521785655(290s) 0844c31da9b311085ab2a920d51df6b7.pdf
258189 LearningExpress Editors - 1001 Math Problems (2004, LearningExpress, LLC) ISBN10:1576855120(176s) 169d8d7656dbca033cf5cd1550bda352.pdf
258190 David Geary, Cay S. Horstmann - Core JavaServer Faces (2010, Prentice Hall) ISBN13:9780137012893(672s) 1c96eccb9ff882b2af61fc5aac9b4f2e.Pdf
258191 K. Nakamura - (Fundamental Theories of Physics)Quantum versus Chaos: Questions Emerging from Mesoscopic Cosmos (1997, Springer) ISBN10:0792345576(224s) 1f1b1b38a688b3084608a9e6bf86ed21.djvu
258192 Neil Strauss - Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life (2009, It Books) ISBN13:9780060898779(432s) 34e12242ebcfbb371b0dd69b1d31f984.Pdf
258193 Jerry Joyce, Marianne Moon - Windows 7 Plain & Simple (2009, Microsoft Press) ISBN13:9780735626669(400s) 421081046e8707dc83946e243808f080.pdf
258194 David A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce - Computer Vision: A Modern Approach (2002, Prentice Hall) ISBN13:9780130851987(693s) 451b8dac4cca13a5c6b6d9d350095a14.pdf
258195 John Robert Taylor - Scattering theory: The quantum theory on nonrelativistic collisions (1972, Wiley) ISBN10:0471849006(477s) 46cba74a9322f0c9ceb82a1a1f049d51.pdf
258196 David Flanagan - (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))Java in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference for Java Programmers (1997, O'Reilly Media) ISBN10:156592262X;ISBN10:1565922417(628s) 4dfb6ba1064a160b8e48e78b14a80615.pdf
258197 Sticker H - How to Calculate Quickly (1955, Dover) (192s) 63c4053ca7a28a03af6532d21f7e1f58.djvu
258198 Jill Cleave - Big, Soft, Chewy Cookies (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071418660(176s) 7585803ee2a022029b9edcfc53e995d6.pdf
258199 Kirk Tuck - Commercial Photography Handbook: Business Techniques for Professional Digital Photographers (2009, Amherst Media, Inc.) ISBN13:9781584282600(128s) 76699501dd101b4683101900b8e880a9.pdf
258200 Thuan L. Thai, Hoang Lam - .Net Framework Essentials (2003, O'Reilly Media) ISBN13:9780596005054(384s) 7c285a2df933dedf68cdb8dfe0f09146.pdf
258201 Petros Zerfos, Rebecca Montanari, Thomas Phan - Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services: First International ICST Conference, MobiCASE 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, October 26-29, 2009, Revised Selected ... and Telecommunications Engineering) (2010, Springer) ISBN10:3642126065(406s) 957ccaa22499b5a0240221b5e6364127.pdf
258202 Hershey Foods Corporation - Hershey's Chocolate Cookbook (1989, Publications International) ISBN10:0881764884(96s) 966f54fa651bca95072805b2f08421bb.pdf
258203 Alessandro Del Sole - Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed (2010, Sams) ISBN13:9780672331008(1272s) 9c9ce1ae3c486c488318d956cccfd480.Pdf
258204 A. Peres - (Fundamental Theories of Physics)Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods (1995, Springer) ISBN10:0792336321(464s) 9dd7d03215eede01700812ab82e9e58e.djvu
258205 Cardenas-Nelson, Jennifer Connolly - Picture Puzzles For Dummies (2009, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470506851(192s) a0e72b0a203d09daa7a9dad0e5a1c4be.pdf
258206 R. Graham, G. Hoehler, Fritz Haake - (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics Vol 66)Quantum Statistics in Optics and Solid State Physics: Statistical Theory of Instabilities in Stationary Nonequilibrium Systems With Applications to Lasers ... (1973, Springer-Verlag) ISBN10:0387061894(173s) cf8cbc6572f2959146dd23643e1db437.djvu
258207 Walter Greiner, D.A. Bromley - Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Wave Equations (2000, Springer) ISBN10:3540674578(424s) e160f08f1ed6e35c1cddf2cab57c038a.pdf
258208 Eric Tyson, Jim Schell - Small Business For Dummies (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470177471(432s) e8711f6d3e7d6025bb6a734eacea8cba.pdf
258209 John Robert Taylor - Scattering theory: The quantum theory on nonrelativistic collisions (1972, Wiley) ISBN10:0471849006(477s) ede8612da73ed2306caf3269239b6b47.pdf
258210 Anna Maria Busse Berger - Medieval Music and the Art of Memory (2005, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520240286(304s) eebc7e0b71d6ce9541f0bba998a80eeb.pdf
258211 Alessandro D'Atri, Domenico Saccà - Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies: ItAIS:The Italian Association for Information Systems (2009, Physica-Verlag HD) ISBN13:9783790821475;ISBN13:9783790821482(578s) f847d91d0c13e7eccd9a941ff555c82a.pdf
258212 Andrew Knight - Basics of MATLAB and Beyond (1999, Chapman and Hall/CRC) ISBN10:0849320399(216s) fe8107c94b259d5f77bf2fccd3110274.pdf
258213 Douglas Robinson - Becoming A Translator: An Accelerated Course (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:041514860X;ISBN10:0415148618(344s) fe9bbfc7e46896048a0e05fc0214271d.pdf
258214 Абаренков И.В. - Квантовая механика. Краткий конспект лекций (2005) (162s) c7515b37ee7cf617e93e7256d2b456e0.djvu
258215 John B. Kidd, Frank-Jurgen Richter - Development Models, Globalization and Economies: A Search for the Holy Grail? (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403991685(288s) 00be08a45c0dd1a4c5d619ddd8242896.pdf
258216 Alan Macfarlane - The Riddle of the Modern World: Of Liberty, Wealth and Equality (2000, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0312232047(342s) 00d3d70cf4a22348bde6d66a8cd3e8d6.pdf
258217 Professor John H Dunning, John H. Dunning - (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy)Alliance Capitalism and Global Business (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0415148286;ISBN10:0203016521;ISBN10:020313060X(400s) 019af6e89c48d91dc138ebda9f76c260.pdf
258218 Arthur T. Denzau, Ravi K. Roy - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Fiscal Policy Convergence from Reagan to Blair: The Left Veers Right (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415324130;ISBN10:0203357957;ISBN10:0203387406(176s) 01d1f11564b640003ffad89a389d2d5d.pdf
258219 Robert Bideleux, Professor Richard Taylor, Richard Taylor - European Integration and Disintegration: East and West (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415137403;ISBN10:0203437195;ISBN10:0203745434;ISBN10:0415137411(312s) 0205eefc0126a33fae8336aaec3e0118.pdf
258220 Richard N. Langlois - (The 2004 Graz Schumpeter Lectures)The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Schumpeter, Chandler, and the New Economy (2007, Routledge) ISBN13:9780415771672;ISBN10:0203963636(144s) 054a44e362001df9d0a1ec8810ddd67a.pdf
258221 Carbo Santiago, Edward P.M. Gardener, Philip Molyneux - (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions)Financial Exclusion (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403990514(200s) 066c545a5a8542c628f57b3ff403b4a5.PDF
258222 Wolfgang Lecher, Hans-Wolfgang Platzer - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)European Union - European Industrial Relations?: Global Challenge, National Development and Transitional Dynamics (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0415158729;ISBN10:0203444590;ISBN10:020375283X(328s) 06787e96ef233a75acac21aa3ccdc2c9.pdf
258223 John Gaffney - Political Parties and the European Union (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415090598;ISBN10:0203421167;ISBN10:0203729404;ISBN10:0415090601(340s) 08558d49c55104ae4160f1a8117225d5.pdf
258224 Richard Lachmann - Capitalists in Spite of Themselves: Elite Conflict and European Transitions in Early Modern Europe (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195075684(328s) 08e88a16bc485518bdef0bfb8d0e49a9.pdf
258225 Eric D. Gerst - Vulture Culture: Dirty Deals, Unpaid Claims, and the Coming Collapse of the Insurance Industry (2008, AMACOM) ISBN10:0814400264(256s) 09c4a46d1ee2afb476907b9cd37be84a.pdf
258226 Peter Gowan - Global Gamble: Washington's Faustian Bid for World Dominance (1999, Verso) ISBN10:1859848745(319s) 0bb518a126561982420f15a21038c947.pdf
258227 Dr Colin Crouch, Professor Wolfgang Streeck - Political Economy of Modern Capitalism: Mapping Convergence and Diversity (1997, Sage Publications Ltd) ISBN10:0761956522(224s) 0e8c84a324995a2e8d7b7dcb71dd4db2.pdf
258228 Keith Pilbeam - International Finance (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403948372(512s) 0e9806e61e4913d022a675d95e7de69b.djvu
258229 Daniel Moss, Barbara DeSanto - Public Relations Cases: International Perspectives (2001, Routledge) ISBN10:0415234255;ISBN10:0203996801(256s) 0f5ac294d5c7dcf55c0f0e901c70258e.pdf
258230 Don Tapscott, Anthony D. Williams - Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (2006, Portfolio Hardcover) ISBN13:9781591841388(320s) 1010b58f664509ab81f70edaa91c5fa7.djvu
258231 Carlo Pietrobelli, Arni Sverrison - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Linking Local and Global Economies: The Ties that Bind (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415296900;ISBN10:0203987373(280s) 10929caa3bc26d53e4bdf14efc1b10d6.pdf
258232 Cathryn Brennan, Murray Frame - Russia and the Wider World in Historical Perspective: Essays for Paul Dukes (2000, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0312229267(254s) 10a88853606aa2f54414b827dd9ff66d.pdf
258233 Thomas Kruppe, Ralf Rogowski, Klaus Schömann - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Labour Market Efficiency in the European Union: Employment Protection and Fixed Term Contracts (1998, Routledge) ISBN10:041515734X;ISBN10:0203444051;ISBN10:0203752295(224s) 1256c681d3f3c2d5f65448d66e41203e.pdf
258234 Machiko Nissanke, Erik Thorbecke - (Studies in Development Economics and Policy)The Impact of Globalization on the World's Poor: Transmission Mechanisms (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0230004792(336s) 130d1fb646e2ad39d63f39e16253afcd.pdf
258235 Ingo Barens, Volker Caspari, Bertram Schefold - (Published With the Support of Eshet)Political Events and Economic Ideas (2004, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN10:1843764407(424s) 13557610717e3aa47bfce91948f511d6.pdf
258236 Flavio Romano - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Clinton and Blair: The Political Economy of the Third Way (2006, Routledge) ISBN10:0415378583(192s) 141fc12c4229ed183f4722df4b8f0b24.pdf
258237 Matthew Allen - (New Perspectives in German Studies)The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm: Explaining Germany's Comparative Advantage? (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403995265(184s) 17641653aba947975304a65f0407f031.pdf
258238 Daniel Gross - Pop!: Why Bubbles Are Great For The Economy (2007, HarperBusiness) ISBN10:0061151548(240s) 1810523ddc5328ed058a308e70f849e3.pdf
258239 Steven Kettell - The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy-Making: From the Gold Standard to the Euro (2004, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403920710(240s) 18384148fdf2a26c0b3436729552edb5.pdf
258240 Gordon L. Clark, Darius Wójcik - The Geography of Finance: Corporate Governance in a Global Marketplace (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199213368(280s) 18579cada4b77bd9e0c03608a2707cd2.pdf
258241 Hella Engerer - (Studies in Economic Transition)Privatization and Its Limits in Central and Eastern Europe: Property Rights in Transition (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333751426(332s) 18b208fd30f795ae3269d814ccc1f897.pdf
258242 Moshe Maor - (Routledge Ilse)Parties, Conflicts and Coalitions in Western Europe: The Organisational Determinants of Coalition Bargaining (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0415116023;ISBN10:0203429346;ISBN10:020373758X(216s) 18ee14d9aa8f1546ab0c9bb26ed63ece.pdf
258243 Stephan Barisitz - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006: From Communism to Capitalism (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415428815;ISBN10:0203945247;ISBN13:9780415428811;ISBN13:9780203945247(224s) 1a2218b3eec68de87fb2e1bd461b9d02.pdf
258244 Daniele Archibugi, Bengt-Åke Lundvall - The Globalizing Learning Economy: Major Socio-Economic Trends and European Innovation Policy (2001, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199241090(328s) 1a8e695bef5d3a8859a670e9554b9200.pdf
258245 Julie Froud, Johal Sukhdev, Adam Leaver, Karel Williams - Financialization and Strategy: Narrative and Numbers (2006, Routledge) ISBN10:0415334179(416s) 1b14e0a5c45ccdb0aa28a8ca664a8e63.pdf
258246 Benjamin J. Cohen - The Geography of Money (1998, Cornell University Press) ISBN10:0801435137(248s) 1b1c107d379f5b879a9deb70addd3d48.pdf
258247 Patrik Marier - Pension Politics : Consensus and Social Conflict in Ageing Societies (2008, Routledge) ISBN13:9780415425995;ISBN10:0203931211;ISBN13:9780203931219(240s) 1c414a12b8141c624af9b6e6084bec68.pdf
258248 Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Makoto Ito, Nobuharu Yokokawa - Capitalism in Evolution: Global Contentions--East and West (2001, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN10:1858988608(206s) 1d6bcbb5d8fefbea2875bd01a89e3ae2.pdf
258249 Katlijn Malfliet, Lien Verpoest, Evgeny Vinokurov - (Studies in Central and Eastern Europe)The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0230521061(272s) 1dbea945d3c755228596e67e3d601a0f.pdf
258250 George Pagoulatos - Greece's New Political Economy: State, Finance and Growth from Postwar to EMU (2003, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333752775(288s) 1e432d4d904cc0fbb671eff86fa19cca.pdf
258251 Sanford Ikeda - (Routledge Foundations of the Market Economy)Dynamics of the Mixed Economy: Toward a Theory of Interventionism (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415089336;ISBN10:0203021681;ISBN10:0203204204(320s) 1e5f737bd607383bdd3d59c3168a9b09.pdf
258252 Johan Deprez, John T. Harvey - Foundations of International Economics: Post-Keynesian Perspectives (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:041514650X;ISBN10:0203017765;ISBN10:0203172019(296s) 1f805908037754a9048a867c8f666578.pdf
258253 Raymond W. Baker - Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0471644889;ISBN10:3175723993(438s) 1fde6bb0903783a294ab008b556a0a49.pdf
258254 Morten Balling, Frank Lierman, Andy Mullineux - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Financial Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Stability and Efficiency (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415342538;ISBN10:0203481682;ISBN10:0203681215(400s) 2155d7d2f3f4a974ac0e3d31301f3136.pdf
258255 Jack Godwin Ph.D. - Clintonomics: How Bill Clinton Reengineered the Reagan Revolution (2009, AMACOM) ISBN10:0814413986(304s) 2485ec44c77b919a5d3414641c5d6b6a.pdf
258256 Raghbendra Jha - (Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance)Macroeconomics for Developing Countries (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415262135;ISBN10:0203422821;ISBN10:0203424646;ISBN10:0415262143(512s) 24dffa2bccaa4fa64925ed23ed7655b0.pdf
258257 Ahmed Naciri - (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance)Corporate Governance Around the World (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415428742;ISBN10:0203930673;ISBN13:9780415428743;ISBN13:9780203930670(432s) 25eac0f7dc466a84096c5ab3f0d0c780.pdf
258258 Richard H. Roberts - Religion and The Transformation of Capitalism: Comparative Approaches (1995, Routledge) ISBN10:0415119170;ISBN10:0203210689;ISBN10:0203210808(360s) 267fff8b1b4c2ecb4e8353ad1a4899c3.pdf
258259 Richard Robison - (International Political Economy)The Neoliberal Revolution: Forging the Market State (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403997152(304s) 2691bd87ee4e77100d61212be17e6c8b.pdf
258260 Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palma, Malcolm Sawyer - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the History of Economic Thought: Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt Volume One (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415133912;ISBN10:0203983297(528s) 28241fc49721fa9118c7cd435d8c8b36.pdf
258261 Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - Seeking Growth under Financial Volatility (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403996350(272s) 2b4786d1d58704137b5401f963c2b41b.pdf
258262 Alexander Ebner, Nikolaus Beck - The Institutions of the Market: Organizations, Social Systems, and Governance (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199231430(352s) 2bf87013a27b207ea7c85795e88b68b1.pdf
258263 Greg N. Gregoriou - (IPO): An International Perspective of IPOs (Quantitative Finance)Initial Public Offerings (2005, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN10:0750679751;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780750679756(464s) 2c4c24554d94e9a5efc3337f3e37970d.pdf
258264 Peijie Wang - The Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance (2005, Springer) ISBN10:354021237X(351s) 2cab2260c0fa7a737759e1aeddca981c.pdf
258265 Eilis Ferran, Charles AE Goodhart - Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century (2001, Hart Publishing) ISBN10:1841132799(356s) 30c0ce3015c209280b2636a043ed3e22.pdf
258266 Christopher Brown - (New Directions in Modern Economics)Inequality, Consumer Credit And The Saving Puzzle (2008, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN13:9781847205094(183s) 335de31ce7b596cfe4646c0bf91ec16a.pdf
258267 Paul Langley - (Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy)World Financial Orders: An Historical International Political Economy (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:0415255740;ISBN10:0203166833;ISBN10:0203261542(208s) 35d0694dc36889cab6933642c06ecbfd.pdf
258268 John Grieve-Smith, Jonathan Michie - (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy)Global Instability: The Political Economy of World Economic Governance (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415202221;ISBN10:0203165446;ISBN10:0203259882;ISBN10:041520223X(296s) 36733e3afaf7b60c1c688e4b94402399.pdf
258269 Jan-Erik Lane, Paul Pennings - (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)Comparing Party System Change (1998, Routledge) ISBN10:0415165504;ISBN10:0203451058;ISBN10:0203456955(272s) 3825064a85c958143c177b683a57f7c7.pdf
258270 Leslie Sklair - Capitalism and Development (1994, Routledge) ISBN10:0415075467;ISBN10:0203201965;ISBN10:020320199X;ISBN10:0415075475(392s) 38fc838241ca1b440489e97f265524c3.pdf
258271 Christopher Hood, Henry Rothstein, Robert Baldwin - The Government of Risk: Understanding Risk Regulation Regimes (2001, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199243638(232s) 392035f2de8ceb8ba078db79e0aa0830.pdf
258272 Volker Bornschier - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Culture and Politics in Economic Development (2005, Routledge) ISBN10:0415354544;ISBN10:0203001249(256s) 3d0a77e2c121da6a89dadbfee90196b4.pdf
258273 Claudio Morrison - (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series)A Russian Factory Enters the Market Economy (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:041541878X;ISBN10:0203941438;ISBN13:9780415418782;ISBN13:9780203941430(256s) 3db61fb6e655ae9051e4dbb84b3b42a2.pdf
258274 Douglas J. Forsyth, Daniel Verdier - (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)The Origins of National Financial Systems: Alexander Gerschenkron Reconsidered (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415301688;ISBN10:0203222113;ISBN10:0203276590(256s) 3f17ee9d603573773b37567c763bbba3.pdf
258275 Brendan Brown - What Drives Global Capital Flows?: Myth, Speculation and Currency Diplomacy (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403947570(256s) 4166f0ba3830d590fe71149613bc3d6e.pdf
258276 Mary Kaldor, Terry Karl, Yahia Said - Oil Wars (2007, Pluto Press) ISBN10:0745324797(304s) 41b44bb342f4922e4933ab6ab3a660da.pdf
258277 Morten Balling, Frank Lierman, Andy Mullineux - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)Technology and Finance: Challenges for Financial Markets, Business Strategies and Policy Makers (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:041529827X;ISBN10:020322261X;ISBN10:0203277074(400s) 4281b6a8fff566790f800d39dbe19082.pdf
258278 Peter Temple - (Financial Times Series)First Steps In Economic Indicators (2002, Financial Times Management) ISBN10:0273659111;ISBN10:1279431059(224s) 4439ed39f25867691e50f3e2d5dd026e.pdf
258279 David Coates - Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approaches (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403918864(312s) 457ae57b1b9440f5d8f4a7773d2e466a.pdf
258280 Robert Boyer, Toshio Yamada - (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy)Japanese Capitalism in Crisis: A Regulationist Interpretation (2000, Routledge) ISBN10:041520559X;ISBN10:0203459172;ISBN10:0203767411(256s) 472a70e94e4f727274e24a669d572704.pdf
258281 Amedeo Fossati, Giorgio Panella - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Fiscal Federalism in the European Union (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415202620;ISBN10:0203976150(320s) 49c52c77a53a1423d26afb7eee7959ca.pdf
258282 Josh Whitford - The New Old Economy: Networks, Institutions, and the Organizational Transformation of American Manufacturing (2006, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199286019(228s) 4b17d46630ae75ecc21532580782a9b3.pdf
258283 Steve Fraser - Every Man a Speculator: A History of Wall Street in American Life (2005, HarperCollins) ISBN10:0066620481(752s) 4b46ebb88b466c70e4432bfdc8bd8cb2.pdf
258284 Ravi Batra - Greenspan's Fraud: How Two Decades of His Policies Have Undermined the Global Economy (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403968594(288s) 4b932b0f7add897c8f53f0fcab2bac55.pdf
258285 Stefan Sullivan - (Ideas)Marx for a Post-Communist Era: On Poverty, Corruption and Banality (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:0415201934;ISBN10:020399616X(208s) 4bba0b537f9841f6910b0d19b9679133.pdf
258286 Steve H. Hanke, Lars Jonung, Kurt Schuler - Russian Currency and Finance: A Currency Board Approach to Reform (1994, Routledge) ISBN10:0415096510;ISBN10:0203980301(240s) 4bdbb1f156cfe99da1579c9063e1f944.pdf
258287 Alan H Smith, Alan Smith - Russia and the World Economy: Problems of Integration (1993, Routledge) ISBN10:0415089247;ISBN10:020321675X;ISBN10:0203217233;ISBN10:0415089255(272s) 4d61bc5c66cc74f5eca5035d55602940.pdf
258288 Mitch Anthony, Richard Wagner - From the Boiler Room to the Living Room: The Financial Services Revolution and What it Means to You and Your Clients (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470255094(240s) 4f3e04058706776353cb0c1d5e9708f6.pdf
258289 Robert Albritton, Makoto Itoh, Richard Westra, Alan Zuege - Phases of Capitalist Development: Booms, Crises and Globalizations (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:033375316X(368s) 4f681f3f6d99d2b3bae9e79815a74945.pdf
258290 Oleh Havrylyshyn - (Studies in Economic Transition)Divergent Paths in Post-Communist Transformation: Capitalism for All or Capitalism for the Few? (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403996342(400s) 4ff064720173900b0f0b7e29f94ab999.pdf
258291 George DeMartino - (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy)Global Economy, Global Justice: Theoretical and Policy Alternatives to Neoliberalism (2000, Routledge) ISBN10:0415124271;ISBN10:0203013166;ISBN10:0203208609;ISBN10:0415224012(296s) 50a9753ecf181a14a21a31b9aea9861d.pdf
258292 Tim Bale - (Comparative Government and Politics)European Politics: An Introduction (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403918708(288s) 5198ae35bd9037e80e82a9133670110e.pdf
258293 André C. Drainville - (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy)Contesting Globalization: Space and Place in the World Economy (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415319293;ISBN10:0203622596;ISBN10:0203338529(232s) 526143ddf59b9bc13c4ddf27cc180e31.pdf
258294 Forrest Capie, Geoffrey E Wood - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)Monetary Unions: Theory, History, Public Choice (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415300398;ISBN10:0203417917;ISBN10:0203419405(208s) 532d8c443f221b40247338b627a45382.pdf
258295 Immanuel Wallerstein - (A John Hope Franklin Center Book)World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction (2004, Duke University Press) ISBN13:9780822334422(128s) 54a82b582900544988119d9b35f98d98.pdf
258296 Jens Holscher, Horst Tomann, David Lane, Martin Myant - (Studies in Economic Transition)Varieties of Capitalism in Post-Communist Countries (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403996415(288s) 54bf0157bd3edd87e341457a8675c044.pdf
258297 John J. Murphy - (Wiley Trading)Intermarket Analysis: Profiting from Global Market Relationships (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471023299;ISBN10:3175723993(288s) 5555a17ac37ef67c6d0729f3a4362829.pdf
258298 Steffen Mau - (Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State)The Moral Economy of Welfare States: Britain and Germany Compared (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415317541;ISBN10:0203590619;ISBN10:0203339088(248s) 55e53cf74b8c1c134c47790bf27b3f33.pdf
258299 Moon Joong Tcha - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Gold and the Modern World Economy (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:041527561X;ISBN10:0203987640(224s) 56d283d2955a8f90271b4484be62ab5f.pdf
258300 Richard Sylla, Gianni Toniolo - Patterns of European Industrialization: The Nineteenth Century (1991, Routledge) ISBN10:0415062144;ISBN10:0203418476;ISBN10:0203726715;ISBN10:0415081564(288s) 571961c2c9db0c4d986f566c63c45a2b.pdf
258301 Paul Edwards - Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice (2003, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:063122257X(552s) 59fbf30f3a0b1c56d65c1f14d6ec143c.pdf
258302 Emmanuel Apel - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)Central Banking Systems Compared: The ECB, The Pre-Euro Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve System (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415300428;ISBN10:0203423186;ISBN10:020342493X(240s) 5bb78348c293c3872f10a5cfcebb52a2.pdf
258303 Richard Burdekin, Farrokh Langdana - Confidence, Credibility and Macroeconomic Policy (1995, Routledge) ISBN10:0415102782;ISBN10:0203425197;ISBN10:0203733436(236s) 5d3241d95582b99090831ea69c163703.pdf
258304 Barry Goss - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)Debt, Risk and Liquidity in Futures Markets (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415400015;ISBN10:0203940156;ISBN13:9780415400015;ISBN13:9780203940150(240s) 5d877ba72eda2fec92986a672f09dfd9.pdf
258305 Harry G. Shaffer - American Capitalism and the Changing Role of Government (1999, Praeger) ISBN10:0275965783(152s) 5dede96d56e0a0a847014fb227689520.pdf
258306 Chamsy El-Ojeili, Patrick Hayden - Critical Theories of Globalization: An Introduction (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:140398638X(272s) 5f850e8aaf5c1b8855cf10d070190f44.pdf
258307 Harald Hagemann, Stephan Seiter - (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy)Growth Theory and Growth Policy (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415260000;ISBN10:0203422848;ISBN10:0203424662(336s) 6064a48b54d6dbbfb7fedd98dc1bd9d6.pdf
258308 David G. Mayes - The Future of Financial Markets (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333998448(256s) 633c9c020b76695ac84451a4171a6771.pdf
258309 Jani Kaarlejarvi - Fiscal Policy Without a State in EMU?: Germany, the Stability and Growth Pact and Policy Coordination (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0230542751(280s) 6416a415ead9835c1e1cea8ab36cb4ac.pdf
258310 William Lazonick, Mary O'Sullivan - (Jerome Levy Economics Institute)Corporate Governance and Sustainable Prosperity (2002, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333777573(326s) 643e91326b5426650faca9f6f00d12e2.pdf
258311 Federico Varese - The Russian Mafia: Private Protection in a New Market Economy (2001, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:019829736X(304s) 667f7980089b23b6451a69eec43a0a39.pdf
258312 John R. Bryson, Peter W. Daniels - (Elgar Original Reference)The Handbook of Service Industries (2007, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN13:9781840649482;ISBN10:2007000148(504s) 66b3a5a0876e51a43c31416d50cb77f5.pdf
258313 David F. Prindle - The Paradox of Democratic Capitalism: Politics and Economics in American Thought (2006, The Johns Hopkins University Press) ISBN10:080188411X(392s) 675c1cc75626539e15630810235149fb.pdf
258314 Bengt Furaker - Sociological Perspectives on Labor Markets (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403991510(320s) 67938232baef6c576945005e0aafc4bf.pdf
258315 Marieke de Goede - International Political Economy And Poststructural Politics (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403949328(288s) 6994a0d9dcee3ba7582c92fcc859fe22.pdf
258316 Jeffry A. Frieden, David A. Lake - International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415222796;ISBN10:0203518586;ISBN10:0203547055(512s) 6a34645ec999eaa46622f804704ed212.pdf
258317 James Busumtwi-Sam, Laurent Dobuzinskis - (International Political Economy)Turbulence and New Directions in Global Political Economy (2003, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:140390362X(256s) 6af2364530580060c644ce611934d533.pdf
258318 Dilip K. Ghosh, Shahriar Khaksari - Managerial Finance in the Corporate Economy (1995, Routledge) ISBN10:0415111110;ISBN10:0203984250(416s) 6b5bcd43cbdaff5c543a49421bfbf413.pdf
258319 Barbara McPake, Charles Normand - Health Economics: An International Perspective (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415391296;ISBN10:0203935047(312s) 6e919fd705e00e6a6833d41f332b6a7a.pdf
258320 Eric H Mielants - The Origins of Capitalism and the "Rise of the West" (2007, Temple University Press) ISBN10:1592135757(256s) 6ebc736498560e86c2489bb33e43a9b1.pdf
258321 Makoto Itoh - The Japanese Economy Reconsidered (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333665198(169s) 6edc749ac7acc635806a4781bd6a1972.pdf
258322 Harald Bauder - Labor Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets (2006, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780195180879;ISBN13:9780195180886;ISBN10:0195180879;ISBN10:0195180887(288s) 6fa23158edeab07a6a42a88d7bec81de.pdf
258323 Narcís Serra, Joseph E. Stiglitz - (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series)The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199534081(384s) 7096ffe58ebca6ee472503a0985238ac.pdf
258324 Bill Lucarelli - Monopoly Capitalism in Crisis (2004, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403932557(208s) 7185db8f2cc7fbceb752b44a0a954950.pdf
258325 Michelle Miller-Adams - (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)The World Bank: New Agendas in a Changing World (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415193532;ISBN10:0203455142;ISBN10:0203763386(192s) 7457c5443a876da9022a36a4ab097cee.pdf
258326 David Coates - Prolonged Labour: The Slow Birth of New Labour in Britain (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403993599(371s) 76cd34e7a1409b31068ce47cdce3b9c1.pdf
258327 Alberto Alesina, Enrico Spolaore - The Size of Nations (2003, The MIT Press) ISBN10:0262012049(271s) 77487a8b6433692d828200b0a20e6d40.PDF
258328 Ulrike Neyer - (Contributions to Economics)The Design of the Eurosystem's Monetary Policy Instruments (2007, Physica-Verlag HD) ISBN13:9783790819779(179s) 78abb7d23895a64c9349e72979d0856e.pdf
258329 Martin Holmes - European Integration: Scope and Limits (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333914465(254s) 798f3da70ca75c24ecf9a47f4a9236f7.pdf
258330 Josep M. Colomer - Comparative European Politics (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415437555;ISBN10:0203894529;ISBN10:1031321993;ISBN10:1637331983(320s) 79ddca0afed4b2584c8072100e2a75a1.pdf
258331 John N. Clarke, Geoffrey R. Edwards - (Global Issues)Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century (2004, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:033380256X(256s) 7b1b4fe42ca65a3816290d04d5bc3613.pdf
258332 Mark Metzler - (Twentieth Century Japan: the Emergence of a World Power)Lever of Empire: The International Gold Standard and the Crisis of Liberalism in Prewar Japan (2006, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520244206(396s) 7e59afa4d731918a94177f3e023de8b6.pdf
258333 Ferdinand A. Gul, Judy S.L. Tsui - The Governance of East Asian Corporations: Post Asian Financial Crisis (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403944105(280s) 7e8641c42dbe28e4678efc092d60a801.pdf
258334 Dominic Kelly - (International Political Economy)Japan and the Reconstruction of East Asia (2002, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333964330(258s) 7f60d02b1b1c84d2523a7442c4d25ddc.pdf
258335 P. Doole, S. Mortali, S. Persuad, Prof H M Scobie, H.M. Scobie - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy, 3)The Italian Economy in the 1990s (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415139368;ISBN10:020320834X;ISBN10:020326696X(120s) 7f8086372b212894b14c8389c0962f3e.pdf
258336 Otto Newman, Richard de Zoysa - The Promise of the Third Way: Globalization and Social Justice (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333792858(271s) 7f887fff971d7410725ff0881a1535bc.pdf
258337 Francis Snyder - (Studies in European Law and Integration)Regional and Global Regulation of International Trade (2002, Hart Publishing) ISBN10:1841132187(326s) 7f93c013fe51bb052d27f7c882f99d74.pdf
258338 Craig N. Murphy - (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy)Global Institutions, Marginalization and Development (2005, Routledge) ISBN10:0415700558;ISBN10:0203366883;ISBN10:0203681304(240s) 814d83da37265b27d118205704bb53d4.pdf
258339 Philip Arestis, Elias Karakitsos - The Post-Bubble US Economy: Implications for Financial Markets and the Economy (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403936498(328s) 81990f1827430ba48ac79c6b72ac6d8e.pdf
258340 Paul Langley - The Everyday Life of Global Finance: Saving and Borrowing in Anglo-America (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199236596(320s) 82d2b815f18c0ca04cabcc2e864d940d.pdf
258341 William A. Maloney, Andrew McLaughlin - (Routledge Research in European Public Policy)The European Automobile Industry (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415113296;ISBN10:0203983998(272s) 838d7f47b46901e4d989706327160772.pdf
258342 Helmut Dietl - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Japan, Germany and the United States: Organizational Response to Market Inefficiencies (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0415171881;ISBN10:0203448960;ISBN10:0203757203(208s) 87ffe4d3a1f0306f6d428ec676286e0b.pdf
258343 Carlos J. Rodriguez-Fuentes - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Regional Monetary Policy (2005, Routledge) ISBN10:0415327636;ISBN10:020302219X;ISBN13:9780415327633(224s) 891034c45501e13beafd737aea908a77.pdf
258344 Bo Strath - (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415133149;ISBN10:0203209117;ISBN10:020326732X(288s) 8ae84b0cd8278410f1dcfe7ec11a5d3c.pdf
258345 Marc Flandreau - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)Money Doctors: The Experience of International Financial Advising 1850-2000 (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415321549;ISBN10:0203987594(336s) 8be3ef4748eb9ac170abec19b2e54e79.pdf
258346 Sangheon Lee, Deirdre McCann, Jon C. Messenger - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Working Time Around the World: Trends in Working Hours, Laws, and Policies in a Global Comparative Perspective (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:041543937X;ISBN10:0203945212(240s) 8c721b68825a637e93c4baae7e32df43.pdf
258347 Jean Gadrey - (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy)New Economy, New Myth (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:0415301416;ISBN10:020322275X;ISBN10:0203277155(168s) 8dc6fa23393ec303ad605be3dae93dae.pdf
258348 Akira Kohsaka - New Development Strategies: Beyond the Washington Consensus (2004, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403920729(320s) 8f6f44bf37a0b78bc88376a7a606a21e.pdf
258349 Immanuel Wallerstein - (Studies in Modern Capitalism)The Politics of the World-Economy: The States, the Movements and the Civilizations (1984, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521259185(200s) 908d1787005ad0613c793e938846a442.pdf
258350 Marc Uzan - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)The Macroeconomics of Global Imbalances: European and Asian Perspectives (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415774691;ISBN10:0203889029;ISBN13:9780415774697;ISBN13:9780203889022(160s) 93abc3b103e5e9eb0478e4811fa713c3.pdf
258351 Dr Phil Harris, Professor Frank McDonald - European Business and Marketing (2004, Sage Publications Ltd) ISBN10:0761966048(336s) 93c1474f8a63b97ff908950f45955557.pdf
258352 Masahiko Aoki, Gregory Jackson, Hideaki Miyajima - Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organizational Diversity (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199284511(416s) 94b886621f4ee71aa99c854ba5aa1c70.pdf
258353 Stephen A. Zarlenga - The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power (2002, American Monetary Institute) ISBN10:1930748035(736s) 94be5b448f9cf43dae574aad5ea35d91.pdf
258354 David F Ruccio - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Economic Representations: Academic and Everyday (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415774535;ISBN10:0203927648;ISBN13:9780415774536;ISBN13:9780203927649(344s) 957cfdbde50383b1e5b03a19dd46c465.pdf
258355 Wesley B. Truitt - (Greenwood Guides to Business and Economics)The Corporation (2006, Greenwood) ISBN10:0313336067(296s) 970adba5f6a39c31520eb34b1fcc3d9f.pdf
258356 Hans C. Blomqvist, Mats Lundahl - The Distorted Economy (2003, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:033380208X(272s) 972755d8853713b2258f847551296cb2.pdf
258357 Philip Molyneux, Munawar Iqbal - Banking and Financial Systems in the Arab World (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403941319(352s) 9752f7df31b55186ab4355eada0baf0e.pdf
258358 Bo Sodersten - (International Political Economy)Globalization and the Welfare State (2004, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403918945(264s) 98b390da03ebefeea06ba10926f30932.pdf
258359 MAARTEN PRAK - (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)Early Modern Capitalism: Economic and Social Change in Europe 1400-1800 (2001, Routledge) ISBN10:0415217148;ISBN10:0203988957(256s) 9a07ee7206cbaa7e58559f809cca025a.pdf
258360 Giovanna Vertova - (Routledge Studies in Global Competition)The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization (2006, Routledge) ISBN10:041535398X;ISBN10:0203000404;ISBN13:9780415353984(272s) 9a16842483794d5d782a43a255ea4338.pdf
258361 Giuliano Bonoli, Martin Powell - (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)Social Democratic Party Policies in Contemporary Europe (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415304253;ISBN10:0203342631(240s) 9b45139b09b27f4a0a06db23d6c2d0b7.pdf
258362 Miroslav Jovanovic - (Routledge Studies in Global Competition)Evolutionary Economic Geography: Location of production and the European Union (2008, Routledge) ISBN13:9780415423465;ISBN10:0203893182;ISBN13:9780203893180(512s) 9ba6f3ed6b128efdf46bf84cc3accee5.pdf
258363 Petri Mäntysaari - Comparative Corporate Governance: Shareholders as a Rule-maker (2005, Springer) ISBN10:3540253807(445s) 9c1896d864f8d0fba0b44c2cdc949491.djvu
258364 John E. Parkinson, Andrew Gamble, Gavin Kelly - The Political Economy of the Company (2001, Hart Publishing (UK)) ISBN10:1841131202(311s) 9cd6e915fa0ea85f88817469900d3f3b.pdf
258365 Shalendra D. Sharma - (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415771803;ISBN10:0203937813;ISBN13:9780415771801;ISBN13:9780203937815(224s) 9ea32a80af1a281dbbb19d8475cc2956.pdf
258366 Michael H. Best - The New Competitive Advantage: The Renewal of American Industry (2001, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198297440(304s) 9eadbf903c8dac4b18b0e7d3f8778152.pdf
258367 Carlos M. Pelaez, Carlos A. Pelaez - Global Recession Risk: Dollar Devaluation and the World Economy (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0230521509(276s) 9f6db80a3c16a0ee3d9d498d3fee3564.pdf
258368 John E. Mueller - Capitalism, Democracy, and Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery. (1999, Princeton University Press) ISBN13:9780691001142(335s) a03f0f9c44df54bc017df77345af5e2d.pdf
258369 Imad A. Moosa - Exchange Rate Regimes: Fixed, Flexible or Something in Between (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403936722(288s) a231976122b11796d9d31e6da3f5e010.pdf
258370 Deepak Lal, Richard H. Snape - Trade, Development and Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Anne O. Krueger (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333790340(334s) a347e458d1a4717593853a9ea9fb1a55.pdf
258371 Steven Tolliday, Jonathan Zeitlin - The Power to Manage?: Employers and Industrial Relations in Comparative Historical Perspective (1991, Routledge) ISBN10:0415026253;ISBN10:0203996623(368s) a45679eb70950c00386826ca205bb0ea.pdf
258372 Amit Bhaduri - (The Graz Schumpeter Lectures)Growth, Distribution and Innovations: Understanding their Interrelations (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:041542108X(80s) a46ebe9ca8302e0b33766aeddb78cada.pdf
258373 David L. Western - Booms, Bubbles and Busts in US Stock Markets (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415369681;ISBN10:0203643097;ISBN10:0203682378;ISBN10:041536969X(216s) a4b73405979f920b974e31e94c31e8b0.pdf
258374 Jean Grugel, Wil Hout - (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)Regionalism across the North/South Divide: State Strategies and Globalization (1998, Routledge) ISBN10:0415162122;ISBN10:0203451104;ISBN10:0203459652;ISBN10:0415162130(208s) a4bb3ef10e2e73f37f325202cf6569ca.pdf
258375 Brian Walters - The Fall of Northern Rock: An Insider's Story of Britain's Biggest Banking Disaster (2008, Harriman House) ISBN13:9781905641802;ISBN10:1730233880(176s) a4f3254834d5a5c07c037dcde14fd222.pdf
258376 Geoffrey Owen, Tom Kirchmaier, Jeremy Grant - Corporate Governance in the US and Europe: Where Are We Now? (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403998663(176s) a58b203caa33cd6f0772298fb1409dae.pdf
258377 Helge Hveen, Kristen Nordhaug - Public Policy in the Age of Globalization: Responses to Environmental and Economic Crises (2003, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333998480(272s) a65c062881af54ba5add6e17a5564ab7.pdf
258378 Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Philip Manow - (Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State)Comparing Welfare Capitalism: Social Policy and Political Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA (2001, Routledge) ISBN10:0415255716;ISBN10:0203166825;ISBN10:0203261534(352s) a65d919cbf0710e13e4f4d69a705514a.pdf
258379 Daryl D'Art - Economic Democracy and Financial Participation: A Comparative Study (1992, Routledge) ISBN10:0415062152;ISBN10:020320431X;ISBN10:0203316045(384s) a6e5e9a881699ccb0516e95e93e8308b.pdf
258380 Marc Uzan - The Financial System Under Stress: An Architecture for the New World Economy (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415135168;ISBN10:0203206614;ISBN10:0203266773(240s) a79b1ec0df3ed313f181b92e6d0bbbcf.pdf
258381 Alice Landau - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)The International Trading System (2005, Routledge) ISBN10:0415322561;ISBN10:0203300459;ISBN10:0203339282(176s) a7d543b689f398c89e5cad14cba27601.pdf
258382 Tarsem Bhogal, Arun Trivedi - (Finance and Capital Markets)Trade Finance: A Pragmatic Approach (2008, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0230553788(256s) a89333ffdd44797afa1e63059ea4bf6a.pdf
258383 Moshe Maor - (Theory and Practice in British Politics)Political Parties and Party Systems: Comparative Approaches and the British Experience (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0415082846;ISBN10:020399311X;ISBN10:0415082854(296s) aa6614e5f833613db67d3ad173e15449.pdf
258384 David A. Smith, Dorothy J. Solinger, Steven C. Topik - States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415201195(304s) aaa4c4382f3f0f57cd258bcdd392a512.pdf
258385 Robert Eyler - Economic Sanctions: International Policy and Political Economy at Work (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403974632(252s) acfa2c03c99f1c1b39de639ae1737172.pdf
258386 Patrick Artus, Andre Cartapanis, Florence Legros - Regional Currency Areas In Financial Globalization: A Survey of Current Issues (2005, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN10:1843766906(410s) b062cf8cc72a5e649cf70da93a93ee43.PDF
258387 Stephen Haber, Revolution, and Peace Hoover Institution on War - Crony Capitalism and Economic Growth in Latin America: Theory and Evidence (2002, Hoover Institution Press) ISBN10:0817999620(157s) b0750211b7978624626df228b5cdb873.pdf
258388 Jose Maria Fanelli - Macroeconomic Volatility, Institutions and Financial Architecture: The Developing World Experience (2008, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0230542808(352s) b134979fd5ff7fcdc8fc9473b290de92.pdf
258389 Knut Roder - (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics)Social Democracy and Labour Market Policy: Developments in Britain and Germany (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415299772;ISBN10:0203417542;ISBN10:0203419030(320s) b5827fd6db6343076a753bf739fa8cb7.pdf
258390 Bret Benjamin - Invested Interests: Capital, Culture, and the World Bank (2007, Univ Of Minnesota Press) ISBN10:0816648727(296s) b6faf8c853730fc229529d82cc342825.pdf
258391 Jeremy Black - Great Powers and the Quest for Hegemony: The World Order Since 1500 (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415395798;ISBN10:0203938895;ISBN10:0415395801;ISBN13:9780415395793;ISBN13:9780415395809;ISBN13:9780203938898(288s) b7a330081069567b8453e941d98f5ec9.pdf
258392 Ernesto Zedillo - The Future of Globalization: Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415771846;ISBN10:0203946529(432s) b99af80979f56da24dbecf2ed68a806a.pdf
258393 Michel R. Gueldry - France and European Integration: Toward a Transnational Polity? (2001, Praeger) ISBN10:0275967344(256s) b9dd477cb150236d972a8fc2574f8c0b.pdf
258394 Joseph E. Stiglitz, José Antonio Ocampo - (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series C)Capital Market Liberalization and Development (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199230587(384s) ba543cb19b4d15956beade3daa8e0246.pdf
258395 Hilaire Belloc, Cecil Chesterton, Sforza Ruspoli, Ron Paul - The Party System (2008, Ihs Press) ISBN13:9781932528114;ISBN13:9781932528442;ISBN10:193252844X(160s) ba6e9147c49501961f3ce8a691855f07.pdf
258396 Ranald Michie - The London Stock Exchange: A History (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198295081(688s) bef784c89de1f00f6c0aba0afa2429ef.pdf
258397 - (Political Chronologies of the World)A Political Chronology of Europe (2001, Routledge) ISBN10:1857431138;ISBN10:0203403401;ISBN10:0203410165(364s) bf21f93b083c29d8fc6c543aecd56a6d.pdf
258398 Christiane Krieger-Boden, Edgar Morgenroth, George Petrakos - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)The Impact of European Integration on Regional Structural Change and Cohesion (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415400244;ISBN10:0203934822;ISBN13:9780415400244;ISBN13:9780203934821(336s) bf503e4bfbcc068021b82fa443bab765.pdf
258399 Colin Turner - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Trans-European Telecommunication Networks: The Challenges for Industrial Policy (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:041516186X;ISBN10:0203065093;ISBN10:0203163761(192s) bfd738bfcca5263f349bc9fe022b461f.pdf
258400 Greg J Bamber, Russell D. Lansbury, Nick Wailes - International and Comparative Employment Relations (2004, Sage Publications Ltd) ISBN10:1412901251(472s) c035116f469ecb84a34faefb98a9f4ce.PDF
258401 Kjell A. Eliassen, Marit Sjovaag Nfa, Marit Sjovaag - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)European Telecommunications Liberalisation (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415187818;ISBN10:0203983017(320s) c191e98765c871dee07cea5d826e3838.pdf
258402 Adalbert Winkler - Banking and Monetary Policy in Eastern Europe: The First Ten Years (2002, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333977181(241s) c53a5505be35a04e57455544b1bb1810.pdf
258403 Andrew Graham, Anthony Seldon - (The New Routledge Library of Economics)Government and Economies in the Postwar World: Economic Policies and Comparative Performance, 1945-85 (1991, Routledge) ISBN10:0415072883;ISBN10:0203167813;ISBN10:0203262832(348s) c608a8bbeb5e31b7e2dc61f7eb47b2f7.pdf
258404 Kees van Kersbergen - Social Capitalism: A Study of Christian Democracy and the Welfare State (1995, Routledge) ISBN10:0415116708;ISBN10:0203429583;ISBN10:0203737822(304s) c69dec29049ad88b83e7cea5ac702b8f.pdf
258405 William K. Tabb - Economic Governance in the Age of Globalization (2004, Columbia University Press) ISBN10:0231131550(528s) c6aaddfd50fce71f53f65a65b2a19a31.pdf
258406 Stewart Hamilton, Alicia Micklethwait - Greed and Corporate Failure: The Lessons from Recent Disasters (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403986363(256s) c72ba7db3b1f20731a1cdd74ae46c847.pdf
258407 Wolfgang Streeck, Kathleen Thelen - Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies (2005, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199280452(318s) c8026d3f78e2ed763d8dd4e164a7216f.pdf
258408 Paul H. Dembinski, Carole Lager, Andrew Cornford, Jean-Michel Bonvin - Enron and World Finance: A Case Study in Ethics (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403947635(320s) c90515967759f5ea92fe2072b3e436ae.pdf
258409 Vikash Yadav - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Risk in International Finance (2008, Routledge) ISBN13:9780415775199;ISBN10:0203929233;ISBN13:9780203929230(192s) ca0fb8ba58f2a836cd49e496d2d1bd88.pdf
258410 Teresa Lawlor, Mike Rigby, Roger Smith - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)European Trade Unions (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415170435;ISBN10:0203983505(272s) ca8e60e125b7023ba64c0512e144c842.pdf
258411 Murray Kemp - (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy)International Trade Theory: A Critical Review (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415437652;ISBN10:0203927168(240s) cb45f1d5df54b148a7c195159b7b1ffc.pdf
258412 Christine A. Mallin - Handbook on International Corporate Governance (2006, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN10:1845420349;ISBN13:9781845420345(259s) ce1e63f2747727633f935b0702aab00e.pdf
258413 Augustine C. Arize, Theologos Homer Bonitsis, Ioannis N. Kallianiotis, Krishna M. Kasibhatla, John Malindretos - (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)Balance of Payments Adjustment: Macro Facets of International Finance Revisited (2000, Greenwood Press) ISBN10:0313308268(280s) cfc33fd7932d0c2f753248bcc8024f1d.pdf
258414 Tony Killick - The Flexible Economy: Causes and Consequences of the Adaptability of National Economies (1994, Routledge) ISBN10:0415117755;ISBN10:0203983653;ISBN10:0415117763(424s) d0099c1ad4db8546d3deade2c196e3b4.pdf
258415 Elizabeth De Boer-Ashworth - (International Political Economy)The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change: The Place of the Central European Transition (2000, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0312234635(224s) d068681809e64907d02bb17ba4b7f65a.pdf
258416 Anthony Payne - Key Debates in New Political Economy (2006, Routledge) ISBN10:041539726X(216s) d22e7657705d1f8b7726da505ad25432.pdf
258417 Ashoka Mody - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Foreign Direct Investment and the World Economy (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415701929;ISBN10:0203966147(272s) d25bbf10e754f3597d01984d40c97193.pdf
258418 Graham Harrison - Global Encounters: International Political Economy, Development and Globalization (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403920796;ISBN10:0333717082;ISBN10:0333711106(272s) d2bbdfe7792c1feb206ba351ee8ead19.pdf
258419 Bryan Burrough, John Helyar - Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (2003, Harper Paperbacks) ISBN13:9780060536350(592s) d420c6f5a799c7a7eacce664bca3082b.pdf
258420 Matthias Kipping, Akira Kudo, Harm G. Schröter - (Routledge International Studies in Business History)German and Japanese Business in the Boom Years (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415288762;ISBN10:0203644425;ISBN10:0203675258(304s) d85760f61b15404211b63b7eea45963a.pdf
258421 Stefan Hedlund - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Russian Path Dependence: A People with a Troubled History (2005, Routledge) ISBN10:0415354005;ISBN10:0203000420(416s) d9509f79c03a415a3a965af9ad715cc9.pdf
258422 June G. Hopps, Demetrius S. Iatridis - Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe: Perspectives and Approaches (1998, Praeger) ISBN10:0275951324(224s) d9775f1abe8446d7bbe8e312220cc025.pdf
258423 Lieven De Winter, Huri Tursan - (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)Regionalist Parties in Western Europe (1998, Routledge) ISBN10:0415164370;ISBN10:0203169395;ISBN10:0203264886(280s) db5fd20f8fc2238f8b30f80790b703f4.pdf
258424 Nigel Grimwade - International Trade Policy: A Contemporary Analysis (1996, Routledge) ISBN10:0415068789;ISBN10:0203027884;ISBN10:0203151542;ISBN10:0415068797(400s) dec5ce1d59d06cfb6709aac129f44f5d.pdf
258425 Adrienne Heritier - Explaining Institutional Change in Europe (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199298129(281s) defb88f8931f2b0258f623c727404f4a.pdf
258426 Stephen Casper - Creating Silicon Valley in Europe: Public Policy Towards New Technology Industries in Comparative Perspective (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199269525(250s) df5b749eec524591eacf01de0d12a5e3.pdf
258427 Thomas Frank - One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism and the End of Economic Democracy (2001, Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd) ISBN10:0436276194(430s) e0f9393142e161f0f503dcb6deda90ff.pdf
258428 Stephen Fortescue - Russia's Oil Barons and Metal Magnates: Oligarchs and the State in Transition (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403986177(240s) e1ee875b7bc5e4d9738d9b37f5d8bdb3.pdf
258429 Barry Eichengreen, Dieter Stiefel, Michael Landesmann - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)The European Economy in an American Mirror (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415771722;ISBN10:0203945719;ISBN13:9780415771726;ISBN13:9780203945711(528s) e2ac4c26f4edcebfd315ae6a0246e8ce.pdf
258430 David M. Jones - Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471220957;ISBN10:3175723993(256s) e3653ec0ab98d5769e605d016ed1b01c.pdf
258431 Robert Salais, Noel Whiteside - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Governance, Industry and Labour Markets in Britain and France: The Modernizing State (1998, Routledge) ISBN10:0415157331;ISBN10:0203976290(312s) e799e7ee51be231cbbd21b8faeb34e51.pdf
258432 Henry Etzkowitz - The Triple Helix: University-Industry-Government Innovation in Action (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415964504;ISBN10:0203929608(176s) eb020b783ff3f3e840ca6721524eb53a.pdf
258433 Leo Lucassen, David Feldman, Jochen Oltmer - Paths of Integration: Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004) (Amsterdam University Press - IMISCOE Research (2006, Amsterdam University Press) ISBN10:9053568832(320s) ec032df5aa3d14da7ec79030a66343ba.pdf
258434 Meghnad Desai, Yahia Said - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Global Governance and Financial Crises (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415305292;ISBN10:0203713214;ISBN10:0203342844(176s) ec6d443d3e67a5314690f5ce63e64e61.pdf
258435 Jolle Demmers, Alex E. Fernández Jilberto, Barbara Hogenboom - (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism: Conflict and Depolitization in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415341167;ISBN10:020347869X;ISBN10:0203672410(376s) edec8f6bced37cd227c116e17f23d4b5.pdf
258436 Arthur Benz, Yannis Papadopoulos - (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science)Governance and Democracy: Comparing National, European and International Experiences (2006, Routledge) ISBN10:0415362911(272s) ee78b79b17aeaff1806e09b56d5bc340.pdf
258437 John Dunning, Rajneesh Narula - (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, 3)Foreign Direct Investment and Governments: Catalysts for economic restructuring (1995, Routledge) ISBN10:0415118204;ISBN10:0203981537;ISBN10:0415173558(488s) eebba8af2d27d48de61e93fb5ff36b94.pdf
258438 Stephen G. Ryan - Financial Instruments and Institutions: Accounting and Disclosure Rules (2007, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470040379;ISBN10:3175723993(528s) ef26ba9833d172d61e31df16fdbe94e1.pdf
258439 Francesco Farina, Roberto Tamborini - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Macroeconomic Policy in the European Monetary Union: From the Old to the New Stability and Growth Pact (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415429005;ISBN10:0203934539(240s) ef8f897376c3d379bac424182baf5460.pdf
258440 Erik Jones - Economic Adjustment and Political Transformation in Small States (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199208333(256s) f00c9741ea79c44bd8cc5aebca63d734.pdf
258441 Joseph B. Treaster - Paul Volcker: The Making of a Financial Legend (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471428124;ISBN10:3175723993(260s) f095e2960f73f2421cd9b630fc79d8f8.pdf
258442 John F Chown - (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)A History of Monetary Unions (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:041527737X;ISBN10:020341778X;ISBN10:0203419227(384s) f09b8df0311f6b3a0ad478a4aae800d7.pdf
258443 Susanne Soederberg, Georg Menz, Philip Cerny - (International Political Economy)Internalizing Globalization: The Rise of Neoliberalism and the Decline of National Varieties of Capitalism (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403948038(288s) f0f8c35a7256af6039679c54de18755d.pdf
258444 Michael P. Sullivan - Theories of International Relations: Transition vs. Persistence (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0312230745(336s) f2fe3b7cd4e23bc206fe5bab68adccb9.pdf
258445 Marshall I. Goldman - The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:041531528X;ISBN10:0203563344;ISBN10:0203344952;ISBN10:0415315298(304s) f33660b6fc8f61c5f99682db1aebf32d.pdf
258446 Carola Frege - Employment Research and State Traditions: A Comparative History of the United States, Great Britain, and Germany (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199208067(275s) f4b4575dd885cbcc82ad6b26c69e9fb9.pdf
258447 Ruud A.I. van Frederikslust, James S. Ang, P.S. Sudarsanam - Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance: A European Perspective (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415405319;ISBN10:020394013X(784s) f4fa9560cd051d7b4b29a01bd3abb8e3.pdf
258448 Helen Wallace - (One Europe or Several?)Interlocking Dimensions of European Integration (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333802969(378s) f65b7480c01179fec512d60c88d2b426.pdf
258449 Helen Brown - (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization and Technology)Knowledge and Innovation: A Comparative Study of the USA, the UK and Japan (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415416639;ISBN10:0203939352;ISBN13:9780415416634;ISBN13:9780203939352(224s) f671498183f65e8ce5dac48545fbd707.pdf
258450 Peter Cressey, Bryn Jones - (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)Work and Employment in Europe: A New Convergence? (1995, Routledge) ISBN10:0415125324;ISBN10:0203976045(272s) f731d3bb96c27b164e1ae77ef62afd34.pdf
258451 Eric E. Otenyo, Nancy Lind - (Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, volume 15)Comparative Public Administration: The Essential Readings (2007, JAI Press) ISBN10:0762313595;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780762313594(1018s) f8fc46d23e57c8c36b920530860a0e65.pdf
258452 S. Javed Maswood - Japan in Crisis (2002, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:033397719X(192s) fa3341d5f575398190f93cf345e19f31.pdf
258453 Michael McKinley - (Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy)Economic Globalisation as Religious War (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415332664;ISBN10:0203495713;ISBN13:9780415332668;ISBN13:9780203495711(256s) fa5761b9f5519bd14b4a0bdb8206f0d3.pdf
258454 J. Magnus Ryner - (Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy)Capitalist Restructuring, Globalization and the Third Way: Lessons from the Swedish Model (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:0415252946;ISBN10:0203164911;ISBN10:0203259262(288s) fa7afea2341294c12db979369951edef.pdf
258455 Anastasios Korkotsides - (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)Consumer Capitalism (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415375185;ISBN10:0203934105(256s) faa303a8e3523e01aae5ebc5c45431df.pdf
258456 Aaditya Mattoo, Robert M. Stern, Gianni Zanini - A Handbook of International Trade in Services (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780199235216(576s) fad3e24b0c5ba4d947fc6020fd68f3fd.pdf
258457 Simon Hix - The Political System of the European Union (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333961811(448s) fdfc642116aa0ddde4733c0e2344a920.pdf
258458 Leslie Elliott Armijo, Leslie Elliott Armijo - (International Political Economy)Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets (1999, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:0333730909(348s) ff2abd3033917346ffbb6e2bb359fa5d.pdf
258459 Julie Adair King, Serge Timacheff - Digital Photography For Dummies (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470250747(352s) 000b6f5f3b4b67dc5961fb124bc064e5.pdf
258460 K. J. Ray Liu, Ahmed K. Sadek, Weifeng Su, Andres Kwasinski - Cooperative Communications and Networking (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521895132(642s) 003d8f4ae7375a5f071674cd5d5a0d7b.pdf
258461 Greg Harvey - Manage Your Life with Outlook For Dummies (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780471959304(360s) 0714ee7d793c06b95aa6b1bb842a620e.pdf
258462 Holly Anderson, Jason Apergis, Sergio Del Piccolo, Chris Geier, Codi Kaji, Shaun Leisegang, Igor Macori, Gabriel Malherbe, Jason Montgomery, Colin Murphy, Chris O'Connor, Anthony Petro, Eric Schaffer, Mike Talley - (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)Professional K2 blackpearl (2009, Wrox) ISBN13:9780470293058(936s) 20dd98d522a8a8d52ab6ce563d548ca5.pdf
258463 Antonio Nucci, Konstantina Papagiannaki - Design, Measurement and Management of Large-Scale IP Networks: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521880695(406s) 213d1326609e4825b8529810f38447fc.pdf
258464 Danny Briere, Pat Hurley - Home Theater For Dummies (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470411896(408s) 31c82f45c1695ed65a84ee2603005e76.pdf
258465 Thomas Weir, Eric Wing, Jamie D. Richardson, David J. Harrington - Mastering Revit Structure 2009 (2008, Sybex) ISBN13:9780470384404(832s) 37d0e2e568b9e54e7cd43123e1e0c673.pdf
258466 Vincent Varallo - (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)ASP.NET 3.5 Enterprise Application Development with Visual Studio 2008: Problem Design Solution (2009, Wrox) ISBN13:9780470396865(504s) 5a122a88b377c84ddd3ae750287701fb.pdf
258467 Roland Hess - Animating with Blender: How to Create Short Animations from Start to Finish (2008, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240810799(368s) 5f3caa8a166cff886ff1bcd32be34357.pdf
258468 Barbara Obermeier, Ted Padova - Photoshop Elements 7 For Dummies (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470397008(400s) 62488afc52274b08e00f4327a3dd51de.pdf
258469 Gary M. Olson, Ann Zimmerman, Nathan Bos, William Wulf - (Acting with Technology)Scientific Collaboration on the Internet (2008, The MIT Press) ISBN13:9780262151207(432s) 66c6efa74bf2f8a12bca79fb95b912df.pdf
258470 Soumen Chakrabarti, Earl Cox, Eibe Frank, Ralf Hartmut Güting, Jiawei Han, Xia Jiang, Micheline Kamber, Sam S. Lightstone, Thomas P. Nadeau, Richard E. Neapolitan, Dorian Pyle, Mamdouh Refaat, Markus Schneider, Toby J. Teorey, Ian H. Witten - Data Mining: Know It All (2008, Morgan Kaufmann) ISBN13:9780123746290(480s) 702a489123232dcde70a86b50723d592.pdf
258471 Levente Buttyan, Jean-Pierre Hubaux - Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Thwarting Malicious and Selfish Behavior in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521873710(500s) 73f4cc0b5ddfd04cf112c1575b069bdb.pdf
258472 G. Lambert-Torres, G. Lambert-Torres, J.M. Abe, J.I. Da Silva Filho, H.G. Martins - (in Artificial Intelligence and Applications)Advances in Technological Applications of Logical and Intelligent Systems: Selected Papers from the Sixth Congress on Logic Applied to Technology - Volume (2008, IOS Press) ISBN13:9781586039363(296s) 770949c17f0d9f138b0d2b30af3c6236.pdf
258473 Kate Binder, Guy Hart-Davis - iMac Portable Genius (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470290613(384s) 923833426000137b6348df076a31650f.pdf
258474 Syed A. Ahson, Mohammad Ilyas - VoIP Handbook: Applications, Technologies, Reliability, and Security (2008, CRC Press) ISBN13:9781420070200(440s) 99485ef3d0a84b9e89aadc86a8840ebb.pdf
258475 Marsha Collier - eBay Business All-in-One For Dummies (2009, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470385364(864s) b93f84959f4ca063e33a0fc72f9d773d.pdf
258476 John Blossom - Content Nation: Surviving and Thriving as Social Media Changes Our Work, Our Lives, and Our Future (2009, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470379219(368s) c2aeda588b92a507386b361048f183f3.pdf
258477 Judi Doolittle - PeopleSoft Developer's Guide for PeopleTools and PeopleCode (2008, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN13:9780071496629;ISBN10:0071496629(600s) de456943b86d8ca8134145d03f6c23ae.pdf
258478 Julie Adair King - Canon EOS Rebel XS/1000D For Dummies (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470433928(336s) ea417ffc2c769f455b31584404f03b21.pdf
258479 MD William R. Rassman, MD Robert M. Bernstein, MD Jae P. Pak, MD Eric S. Schweiger - Hair Loss and Replacement For Dummies (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470087879(336s) eb130e903158d5811f4ce0c88b8bd2a0.pdf
258480 Черкасов О. Ю., Якушев А. Г. - Математика: интенсивный курс подготовки к экзамену (Скорая помощь абитуриентам (2003, Айрис-пресс) ISBN10:5-8112-0256-3(431s) 8079e7c1a7d8c5ed724751f91a0c3d58.djvu
258481 - (Математика в школе 2010-05) (0, Школьная пресса) (80s) 6c9fd556f18a48635b9ddc59b15c327e.djvu
258482 Michael Badger - Zenoss Core Network and System Monitoring: A step-by-step guide to configuring, using, and adapting this free Open Source network monitoring system - with ... Mark R. Hinkle, VP of Community Zenoss Inc. (2008, Packt Publishing) ISBN13:9781847194282(280s) 01c06e9ef8e9b6d8e98ebb2277925f46.pdf
258483 Ettore Bolisani, Ettore Bolisani - (Premier Reference Source)Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet: Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Networked Environments (2008, IGI Global) ISBN13:9781599048161;ISBN13:9781599048185(440s) 03150e59121de7d3e6c0b8825e642011.pdf
258484 Scott L. Bain - Emergent Design: The Evolutionary Nature of Professional Software Development (2008, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN13:9780321509369;ISBN10:0321553721(448s) 06615b5078699a6778885227f9790873.chm
258485 Charles Agar - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's Thailand (2004, Frommers) ISBN10:0764544527(416s) 074c1eba0ce98526db2c0d3567b93694.pdf
258486 Kikuo Cho, Atsuo Matsui - Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (2001, World Scientific Publishing Company) ISBN10:9810245882(496s) 097c2fac1535da011fa44dbf9f9faf61.pdf
258487 Robert Michael - Holy Hatred: Christianity, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust (2006, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN13:9781403974716(256s) 0b82517d26ce7e5698524d5c14dfa565.pdf
258488 Samuel Z. Goldhaber, Paul M. Ridker - (Fundamental and Clinical Cardiology)Thrombosis and Thromboembolism (2001, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0824706463(394s) 0e10072619405f7259784be51c8f1ce6.pdf
258489 Israel Shahak, Norton Mezvinsky - (Pluto Middle Eastern Studies)Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel: New Introduction by Norton Mezvinsky (2004, Pluto Press) ISBN10:0745320910;ISBN10:0745320902(208s) 106919998ba9966d5e3f0bba715f53eb.pdf
258490 Michael Aubert - (Symbian Press)Quick Recipes on Symbian OS: Mastering C++ Smartphone Development (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470997833(382s) 126415df708325c3965bb9c56e55f0f6.pdf
258491 Solomon Negash, Solomon Negash, Michael E. Whitman, Amy B. Woszczynski, Ken Hoganson, Herbert Mattord - Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time and Asynchronous Information Technology Education (2008, IGI Global) ISBN13:9781599049649;ISBN13:9781599049656(406s) 148613b8a85d7bccd30aa92b64086937.pdf
258492 Carole Matthews, John Cronan - eBay® QuickSteps (2007, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN10:0071485597(240s) 15d1735ff7c3a4b9cd05b14f296ec6c6.pdf
258493 Ian H. Witten, David Bainbridge - (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Multimedia Information and Systems)How to Build a Digital Library (2002, Morgan Kaufmann) ISBN10:1558607900;ISBN10:2002107327(518s) 1820c1b1c24403a2dcf1136f52fc33cd.pdf
258494 Murat Aydemir - Images of Bliss: Ejaculation, Masculinity, Meaning (2007, Univ Of Minnesota Press) ISBN13:9780816648665;ISBN13:9780816648672(384s) 18e28c10604e785b7103650d81e69aae.pdf
258495 Alireza Asgharzadeh - Iran and the Challenge of Diversity: Islamic Fundamentalism, Aryanist Racism, and Democratic Struggles (2007, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN13:9781403980809(272s) 1c631089222f94c3c81e079998437e6e.pdf
258496 DK Publishing - (DK Eyewitness Books)Forensic Science (2008, DK CHILDREN) ISBN13:9780756633837;ISBN13:9780756633639(72s) 1e58693268b5c154acc5f6a9dd88382a.pdf
258497 Beth Reiber - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's Tokyo (2008, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470181553(308s) 25b91ae4b748a4c9d30f747c6eb64779.pdf
258498 Raymond J. Lawrence Jr. - (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)Sexual Liberation: The Scandal of Christendom (2007, Praeger) ISBN10:0275993736(192s) 28ec91e70536e365e3432c2bc54ec337.pdf
258499 Barbara Mennel - Cities And Cinema (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0203015606(0s) 2cec48f394b9e5e9cdd62362632f422d.pdf
258500 Michael Northcott - An Angel Directs the Storm: Apocalyptic Religion and American Empire (2004, I. B. Tauris) ISBN10:1850434786;ISBN13:9781850434788(220s) 2e558c7a1e77df21347e7af16dbe1930.pdf
258501 Mary Herczog - Frommer's Portable New Orleans (2008, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470194058(203s) 3180c721d5280a26d51a7ccc54e1f8b6.pdf
258502 Lisa Moore - Sperm Counts: Overcome by Man's Most Precious Fluid (2007, NYU Press) ISBN13:9780814757185;ISBN10:0814757189(256s) 3446235538564e63f3a6bfd109d792e1.pdf
258503 Darril Gibson - MCITP SQL Server 2005 Database Developer All-in-One Exam Guide (Exams 70-431, 70-441 & 70-442 (2008, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN10:0071546693(944s) 35f7e7a9bb8382e5e960c7f19030aeb1.pdf
258504 Earl F. Burkholder - The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Foundation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (2008, CRC Press) ISBN13:9781420063011(392s) 37a61e88c0d8f4638e59547a51eef071.pdf
258505 Ghobad Heidari - WiMedia UWB: Technology of Choice for Wireless USB and Bluetooth (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470518342(308s) 3df9a7e52f18a08a37b6a8e00bfc8807.pdf
258506 Karl Samson - Frommer's Portable Portland (2008, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470164136(154s) 4020950293cac3cd92710e964143b227.pdf
258507 Kindersley Dorling - (Eye Wonder)Pirate (2005, Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd) ISBN10:1405309822(48s) 4340f6619b7bb0da8e750ad40bbb3b71.pdf
258508 Magaret R. G. Sque, Sheila Payne - Organ and Tissue Donation: An Evidence Base for Practice (2007, Open University Press) ISBN10:0335216927;ISBN10:0335216935;ISBN13:9780335216925;ISBN13:9780335216932(192s) 44af71ae87605f344a897363aa0f7b0f.pdf
258509 Bachir Bekka, Pierre de la de la Harpe, Alain Valette - (T) (New Mathematical Monographs)Kazhdan's Property (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521887205(486s) 460548b933d40a79a976835464670ba5.pdf
258510 Paul E. Mullen, Michele Pathé, Rosemary Purcell - (Cambridge Medicine)Stalkers and their Victims (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521732413(334s) 4682540d9d574e8aff8f1b7debd8a767.pdf
258511 Christine K. Cassel, Rosanne Leipzig, Harvey Jay Cohen, Eric B. Larson, Diane E. Meier - Geriatric Medicine (2003, Springer) ISBN10:0387955143;ISBN10:0387323244;ISBN10:0387323260;ISBN13:9780387323244;ISBN13:9780387323268(1200s) 4ab5da8d5428e47fef5164fa8f354806.pdf
258512 W. Richard Stevens - TCP/IP Illustrated: The Protocols Vol. 1 (1994, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0201633469(600s) 4d60a26a568f7f1ba7f67eba6add2e3f.chm
258513 John Cromie - (QuickTime Developer Series)QuickTime for .NET and COM Developers (2006, Morgan Kaufmann) ISBN13:9780127745756;ISBN10:0127745750(360s) 4e094ee280f83ece6a060446300a82ae.pdf
258514 Simon Foster, Jen Lin-Liu, Sharon Owyang, Sherisse Pham, Beth Reiber, Lee Wing-sze, Christoper Winnan - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's China (2008, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470181843(896s) 4e20069c88717f52089bf267290efbd4.pdf
258515 Canada Mortgage, Housing Corporation - Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction (1998, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) ISBN10:0660172941(303s) 502a2595d6b58c4cb0350fb5dda5daf1.pdf
258516 Edwin Lyle Brown - 802.1X Port-Based Authentication (2006, Auerbach Publications) ISBN10:1420044648;ISBN10:0849392756;ISBN10:0849319579;ISBN10:0849327253;ISBN10:0849374952;ISBN10:0849319528;ISBN10:08493(256s) 52defeb67708d4c5797e914a071773e1.pdf
258517 DK Publishing - (Eyewitness Travel Guides)China (2005, DK Travel) ISBN10:0756609194(672s) 5cf8ffa33b81f66a045f504b90a8341f.pdf
258518 Dwight Spivey - Mac OS X Leopard Portable Genius (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470290507(368s) 5d219fe0aaa52f90afba999f08feaddd.pdf
258519 Marchetti, Tan - (Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia Series)Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and New Global Cinema: No Film is An Island (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415380685(304s) 5de04b6303a77db0b38dae7dd91be67a.pdf
258520 Elfriede Dustin - Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing (2002, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0201794292(304s) 5eb7f1a7dfaf43094ed8855640f4a0a7.chm
258521 Donatello Annaratone - Steam Generators: Description and Design (2008, Springer) ISBN10:3540777148;ISBN13:9783540777144;ISBN13:9783540777151(427s) 62d2e4a8389e8c7b3c1fc6097dd17da2.pdf
258522 Susan Elizabeth Hough, Roger G. Bilham - After the Earth Quakes: Elastic Rebound on an Urban Planet (2005, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195179137(336s) 66254f5e82e3a683dc4e59dceffc8107.pdf
258523 Juha Pyrhonen, Tapani Jokinen, Valeria Hrabovcova - Design of Rotating Electrical Machines (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470695161;ISBN13:9780470695166(538s) 67641bee66c7f4d8cbac58351c462783.pdf
258524 Gertz, Khleifi - Palestinian Cinema (2008, Edinburgh Univercity press) ISBN13:9780748634088(256s) 68a44c7b0c9f0e4a9a587cd6f5ea0de8.pdf
258525 Bruce Powel Douglass - Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems (2002, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0201699567(528s) 6c0439b1643c59625fde359da331ac2e.chm
258526 Margaret A. Lloyd, Joseph G. Murphy - Mayo Clinic Cardiology: Board Review Questions and Answers (2007, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:142006746X;ISBN13:9781420067460(352s) 6c5233606d807e2c1e8a8af3c6c1e241.pdf
258527 Gráinne Smith - Anorexia and Bulimia in the Family: One Parent's Practical Guide to Recovery (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0470861614(234s) 6dd83b4b3307c230ea9d8b5cd315110e.pdf
258528 Michael Rathford - The Nostradamus Code World War 3 (2007-2012 (2008, Truth Revealed Publishing) ISBN10:0977634108(100s) 704ebd8114e6728cdf2299f2e880d55a.pdf
258529 Konstantinos G. Ioannou, Stavros Kotsopoulos, Konstantinos Ioannou - (Handbook of Research On...)Handbook of Research on Heterogeneous Next Generation Networking: Innovations and Platforms (2008, Information Science Reference) ISBN13:9781605661087;ISBN13:9781605661094(608s) 71690a1fef9bd4a79f141c6b08308d22.pdf
258530 Jorg Rech, Jorg Rech, Bjorn Decker, Eric Ras - (Premier Reference Source)Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments: Techniques, Methods, and Applications (2008, IGI Global) ISBN13:9781599048772;ISBN13:9781599048789(372s) 77c4bd5b9ce7f5bda0c30ee39540f31b.pdf
258531 Ingo Steinwart, Andreas Christmann - (Information Science and Statistics)Support Vector Machines (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9780387772417;ISBN13:9780387772424(602s) 798dde496d8aacdd2650d3358373cfe7.pdf
258532 Lisa Marie Rovito - (Wonderful Weekends)Frommer's Great Escapes From NYC Without Wheels (2006, Frommer's) ISBN10:0764598295;ISBN13:9780764598296(275s) 7cf4c248d2547c6c4f6c729218d463b7.pdf
258533 Derk-Jan Grood - TestGoal: Result-Driven Testing (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9783540788287;ISBN13:9783540788294(397s) 8000e0a26a5373f2976257f3c7dfc528.pdf
258534 DK Publishing, John Woodward - (DK Eyewitness Books)Climate Change (2008, DK CHILDREN) ISBN13:9780756637712;ISBN13:9780756637705(72s) 825957284476b3d9924d9329e8dcc046.pdf
258535 Corey Sandler - Laptops For Dummies Quick Reference (2008, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470240564(240s) 82d9f6ce193b3994d8dd2a81e7cdb933.pdf
258536 Patrick Lenz - Simply Rails 2.0 (2008, SitePoint) ISBN13:9780980455205(450s) 8694f0899638057c73495d0ffed05b33.pdf
258537 Kerry Christiani - (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)Frommer's Berlin Day by Day (2008, Frommers) ISBN10:0470519800;ISBN13:9780470519806(190s) 86a2f22fe1259c9828cd67dd2deb2372.pdf
258538 John C. Birchfield, John Birchfield Jr - Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities (2007, Wiley) ISBN13:9780471699637(368s) 8711b4034f525e13cc40e2a7521787e2.pdf
258539 Yasser Shohoud - (Developmentor Series (Dm))Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers (2002, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0201774259(608s) 8883c8ac47259c5f2fc8df0472dd4e61.pdf
258540 Jelena Misic, Vojislav Misic - (Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing)Wireless Personal Area Networks: Performance, Interconnection, and Security with IEEE 802.15.4 (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470518472;ISBN13:9780470986479;ISBN13:9780470725276;ISBN13:9780470775653;ISBN13:9780470724491;ISBN13:97804709(336s) 88cad0b090a251b7d26fcb16b2f4edf4.pdf
258541 Stephen Mulhall - On Film (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0203928520;ISBN10:0415441536;ISBN13:9780415441537;ISBN13:9780203928523(0s) 8e34d391675407ed32ff39ce6a7ae01d.pdf
258542 Robert Hirsch, John Valentino - Photographic Possibilities: The Expressive Use of Ideas, Materials and Processes (2001, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240803620(272s) 90a93f8d532b0bbb48d19d8497f1e1a7.pdf
258543 - Complementary Oncology: Adjunctive Methods in the Treatment of Cancer (0) ISBN10:3131374519;ISBN10:1588903230;ISBN10:2005008532(303s) 9255e081763b7279c507610c1b85563a.pdf
258544 John Drew, Sarah Meyer - Color Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Graphic Designers (2008, RotoVision) ISBN10:2888930188(224s) 05fde94198bc51f07e758cfcf53f5d81.pdf
258545 Dr. Christian Saxtoft - (Telecoms Explained)Convergence: User Expectations, Communications Enablers and Business Opportunities (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470727089;ISBN13:9780470753675;ISBN13:9780470998052(250s) 9a2b256feb5b16bf14b546cb4709bf3d.pdf
258546 Ein-Ya Gura, Michael Maschler - Insights into Game Theory: An Alternative Mathematical Experience (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521874229(250s) 9af69ee41d55269a54349138186d72c7.pdf
258547 Sander van Vugt - (Expert's Voice in Linux)Beginning Ubuntu LTS Server Administration: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition (2008, Apress) ISBN13:9781430210825;ISBN13:9781430210818(424s) 9fe7e30ee173b8222aa9234e07811492.pdf
258548 David Cleland, Lewis Ireland - Project Manager's Handbook: Applying Best Practices Across Global Industries (2007, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071484426(547s) a16c06ffabb88abf87044d0158f42473.pdf
258549 Anna E. Brooke - (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)Frommer's Provence & the Riviera Day by Day (2008, Frommers) ISBN10:0470146044;ISBN13:9780470146040(218s) a1f7436cf8ed7c6093d2c8155f300a4b.pdf
258550 Brandon Goldfedder - The Joy of Patterns: Using Patterns for Enterprise Development (2001, Pearson Education) ISBN10:0201657597(208s) a67ea300dc022ff39497b34959a4e9bd.chm
258551 George Dangas, Roxana Mehran, Jeff Moses - Handbook of Chronic Total Occlusions (2007, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:1841846244;ISBN13:9781841846248;ISBN10:1264332424(250s) aa82f4e8c8fae42c866251331b5e3ac6.pdf
258552 Richard Petersen - Ubuntu: The Complete Reference (2008, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN10:0071598464(722s) adea7e6d6a518dc3f4c5cea295c9d747.pdf
258553 Dana Dabelea, Georgeanna J. Klingensmith - Epidemiology of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (2008, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:1420047973;ISBN13:9781420047974;ISBN10:2125202700(376s) afdddf35787a47dd2caabd4b4a06b1eb.pdf
258554 Leslie Brokaw - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's Montreal & Quebec City 2008 (2007, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470170434(308s) b2b1a4a74269253af8b43eff14724da2.pdf
258555 Jon Harrop - F# for Scientists (2008, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN13:9780470242117(368s) b312e9b317ad21d69480cbc5e10d357e.pdf
258556 Angela Charlton - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's Moscow & St. Petersburg (2008, Frommers) ISBN10:0470194030;ISBN13:9780470194034(367s) b4460a7d88110f85d7a4a797fac58b0f.pdf
258557 Michael S. Zambruski - (ESI International Project Management Series)A Standard for Enterprise Project Management (2008, Auerbach Publications) ISBN10:1420072455;ISBN10:0849393833;ISBN10:1420055208;ISBN10:1420069691;ISBN10:1420064622;ISBN10:1420052195;ISBN10:08493(128s) b452034a03806dd1573f2b36e17ecdef.pdf
258558 Christian Kurz - Imagine Homeopathy: A Book of Experiments, Images, and Metaphors (2005, Thieme Publishing Group) ISBN10:3131392215;ISBN10:1588903311(312s) b465ddcfc8b89c6ece50f545d5040481.pdf
258559 Susheela Raghavan - Handbook of Spices, Seasonings, and Flavorings (2006, CRC Press) ISBN10:084932842X;ISBN13:9780849328428(330s) b56f2d6313c9fea4ba2c13a537107fce.pdf
258560 Jonathan Auerbach - Body Shots: Early Cinema's Incarnations (2007, University of California Press) ISBN13:9780520252592;ISBN13:9780520252936;ISBN13:1615141312111(214s) b657b54eeb63cf890a18c8c0739606f5.pdf
258561 Takahiro Inoue, Shinichi Hirai - Mechanics and Control of Soft-fingered Manipulation (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9781848009806;ISBN13:9781848009813(245s) baf10aa95ab80779efef98e7897f2974.pdf
258562 Suzanne Sparks - The Manager's Guide To Business Writing (1998, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0070718679(187s) bb38e81e5e480c5207e391812e559fe9.pdf
258563 Ravi Kalakota, Marcia Robinson - Services Blueprint: Roadmap for Execution (2003, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0321150392(384s) bde93e2512f1b8296adfbd686423a041.chm
258564 Philip K. C. Tse - Multimedia Information Storage and Retrieval: Techniques and Technologies (2008, IGI Global) ISBN13:9781599042251;ISBN13:9781599042275(420s) c24c5fc766ea396ca1f21d14702311fb.pdf
258565 Eileen Tracy - The Student's Guide to Exam Success (2006, Open University Press) ISBN10:0335220487;ISBN13:9780335220489;ISBN10:0883910500(208s) c3fecf3db648ef3842e46766118d72e8.pdf
258566 Juliet Clutton-Brock - (DK Eyewitness Books)Horse (2008, DK CHILDREN) ISBN13:9780756637750(72s) c631d46c115a68b9c285e3afc8ce5816.pdf
258567 Jack Xu - Practical WPF Graphics Programming (2007, UniCAD, Inc.) ISBN13:9780979372513;ISBN10:0979372518(688s) c6da65a8cefad95807b0f41652877cdd.pdf
258568 Russ Hepworth-Sawyer - (The Mastering Music Series)From Demo to Delivery (2008, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240811321(336s) c82dcafdb1c391aa9e89431792e65240.pdf
258569 John S. Bowman, Sherry Marker, Peter Kerasiotis - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's Greek Islands (2008, Frommers) ISBN10:0470165391;ISBN13:9780470165393(520s) c8ee2a925a7c0d1b9e82ac33ba9c0ea2.pdf
258570 Hal Brands - From Berlin to Baghdad: America's Search for Purpose in the Post-cold War World (2008, The University Press of Kentucky) ISBN13:9780813124629(440s) d20ee83470027f7b89c9a73f91c4d3bb.pdf
258571 Terje Aven - Risk Analysis: Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:9780470517369(204s) d25868638e6505f600b4487229fdf436.pdf
258572 Dr. Shahram Khosravi - Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Workflow Programming (2008, Wrox) ISBN13:9780470402511(624s) d4986b9c06daa2394754b7aefdba1417.pdf
258573 Andrea Natale - Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology (2007, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:1841846201;ISBN13:9781841846200;ISBN10:1264332424(388s) d5f24849bc9ae87d31aed464e776d12b.pdf
258574 Zahir Irani, Peter Love - Evaluating Information Systems: Public and Private Sector (2008, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN13:9780750685870(384s) d6a8a59969ce2821f4d82632ae8f087b.pdf
258575 Peter Aleshire, Geoffrey H. Nash - (The Extreme Earth)Mountains (2008, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN13:9780816059188;ISBN10:0816059187(144s) d748b78e3c8f597cceedde6721b0f907.pdf
258576 Scott Walden - (New Directions in Aesthetics)Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature (2008, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405139242;ISBN13:9781405139243(344s) d843b0ee44d811dd96864afb0542459b.pdf
258577 Lorraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes, Malcolm Tight - How to Research (2006, Open University Press) ISBN10:033521746X;ISBN10:0335217478;ISBN13:9780335217465;ISBN13:9780335217472(304s) da2954fe56b1a8b50d99be358553aa5c.pdf
258578 Barry J. Goldstein, Dirk Mueller-Wieland - Type 2 Diabetes: Principles and Practice (2007, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0849379571;ISBN13:9780849379574(608s) dbd904a6fc211e3fdb40dce994d61675.pdf
258579 LearningExpress Editors - 1001 Math Problems (2004, LearningExpress, LLC) ISBN10:1576855120(176s) dd3b4264f4a0730c8f54cbafda859eec.pdf
258580 John Little - Beginning Bodybuilding: Real Muscle/Real Fast (2007, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071495762(220s) ddfcb906b07948efb8b10b15a7f51fa5.pdf
258581 Marion Lane - Yorkshire Terrier: Your Happy Healthy Pet (2005, Howell Book House) ISBN10:0764583859;ISBN13:9780764583858(144s) de4bfbfa421e09680c3694a88b68798d.pdf
258582 George McDonald - (Irreverent Guides)Frommer's Irreverent Guide to Amsterdam (2006, Frommer's) ISBN10:0471773379;ISBN13:9780471773375(288s) e00a18af4119a4e235753b8b7f6a7414.pdf
258583 Markus Staeuble, Jurgen Schumacher - ZK Developer's Guide: Developing responsive user interfaces for web applications using Ajax, XUL, and the open source ZK rich web client development framework (2008, Packt Publishing) ISBN13:9781847192004(184s) e03465cd0e02d468e4ea4cfd851662df.pdf
258584 Howard Swanton - Pocket Consultant: Cardiology (2003, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405101970(464s) e5331cec9fbb913d0e77cce541ff9068.pdf
258585 Gregory Skomal PhD - Saltwater Aquarium: Your Happy Healthy Pet (2006, Howell Book House) ISBN13:9780470037959;ISBN10:0470037954(128s) e6a3267bc520dac32e055fbc8f36d18e.pdf
258586 Molly E. Holzschlag - Spring Into HTML and CSS (2005, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0131855867(336s) e83cd17dcf968716f0b097c5c017978a.chm
258587 Richard Carlin, Ronald D. Cohen - (American Popular Music)Folk (2005, Facts on File) ISBN10:0816053138(286s) e865f12c38b1a33a87dde5ee146a9ac5.pdf
258588 A. W. Eaton - (Philosophers on Film)Talk to Her (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415773660(128s) e883ddcd78120b8cb8d422a7f350ac23.pdf
258589 Thomas A. Garrity, Lori Pedersen - All the Mathematics You Missed But Need to Know for Graduate School (2002, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521792851;ISBN10:0521797071(280s) e9b8952dbe1c7c97f11ffec91de564f6.pdf
258590 Robert A. McArthur, Franco Borsini - Animal and Translational Models for CNS Drug Discovery: Psychiatric Disorders Vol. 1 (2008, Academic Press) ISBN13:9780123738561;ISBN13:9780123738554;ISBN13:9780123738608;ISBN13:9780123738615;ISBN10:1865843830(528s) ea7308ccf556951d65b5b318fe49f620.pdf
258591 Charles S. Swartz - Understanding Digital Cinema: A Professional Handbook (2004, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240806174(336s) eb17b31e81f6cd816f27cb9afe46d2be.pdf
258592 Mark Hulsether - (Baas Paperbacks)Religion, Culture, and Politics in the Twentieth-Century United States (2007, Edinburgh University Press) ISBN13:9780748613021(249s) eeeca9255cdf85b527e7d893424a393a.pdf
258593 Brian Silverman - Frommer's Portable New York City 2008 (2007, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470144381(216s) f16394545fd66d6acae29defeea8c2a7.pdf
258594 Louis R. Caplan, Warren J. Manning - (Neurological Disease and Therapy)Brain Embolism (2006, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0824729293;ISBN13:9780824729295(349s) f74936b38ed6652be264c677f596c37f.pdf
258595 Darwin Porter, Danforth Prince - (Frommer's Complete)Frommer's England 2008 (2007, Frommers) ISBN13:9780470138199(800s) f89ec352d9e2e2b6f9172c449a1348fa.pdf
258596 Theodore Warkentin, Andreas Greinacher - (Fundamental and Clinical Cardiology)Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (2007, Informa HealthCare) ISBN10:1420068970;ISBN13:9781420068979;ISBN13:0246810121416(112s) fbd3d0ef5a66e1486fc3d04ecf4684cd.pdf
258597 Elfriede Dustin - Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing (2002, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0201794292(304s) fbf1370ea0f0a057144a83e9e00736da.pdf
258598 Chris Weston - Nature Photography: Insider Secrets from the World's Top Digital Photography Professionals (2008, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240810163;ISBN13:9780240810164(288s) fc3385da24cd2b5f2bdcedd881eb1c11.pdf
258599 Stephen P. Berczuk, Brad Appleton, Kyle Brown - Software Configuration Management Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration (2003, Addison-Wesley Professional) ISBN10:0201741172(218s) fcbfa49fead7947326349e885a1670c6.chm
258600 Leonard Berkowitz - (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)Causes and Consequences of Feelings (2000, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521633257;ISBN10:052163363X(266s) 6416ceec24fb7445e9266ecbb569a183.pdf
258601 Jose Alfonso Feito - Children's Belief About the Social Consequences of Emotional Expression (1997, Dissertation.com) ISBN10:096585647X(136s) 82848ed17325cd045d9ecf57ef970893.pdf
258602 Sally Planalp - (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes (1999, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521553156;ISBN10:0521557410(316s) b55e1615fb63bc6fc5bb8f7dc76e887c.pdf
258603 Nico H. Frijda, Antony S. R. Manstead, Sacha Bem - (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)Emotions and Beliefs: How Feelings Influence Thoughts (2000, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521771382;ISBN10:0521787343(260s) f65d6442b4fa244ffde41f4dcf012d64.pdf
258604 G. Cotter Cunningham - Your Financial Action Plan: 12 Simple Steps to Achieve Money Success (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471650307(224s) 0203b0fc18f7de05270426704a1c6563.pdf
258605 Mark D. Wolfinger - (Wiley Trading)Create Your Own Hedge Fund: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0471655074(234s) 03a65be395563b63869c41115261c435.pdf
258606 Mark Mengel, L. Schwiebert - (LANGE Clinical Medicine)Family Medicine: Ambulatory Care and Prevention (2009, McGraw-Hill Medical) ISBN13:9780071494564;ISBN10:0071494561(892s) 054407aa6064122104476613ed0cd8b2.pdf
258607 Jeffrey A. Hirsch, Yale Hirsch, Hirsch Organization - Stock Trader's Almanac 2005 (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471649368(192s) 05b2ddcc204a436c2c80a1b40a31e487.pdf
258608 Frank J. Fabozzi CFA, Moorad Choudhry - (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471484156(800s) 0866327be8b16b5e7b068f8d685d9d0e.pdf
258609 James Altucher - (Wiley Trading)Trade Like Warren Buffett (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0471655848(246s) 1041b2937d131e4a3b8860e31bd7c913.pdf
258610 Joe DiNapoli, Lee Winfield, David Winfield - Trading with DiNapoli Levels: The Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to Investment Markets (1997, Coast Investment Software, Incorporated) ISBN10:1891159046(300s) 119f93d2c476495bde74b94dc40a4938.djvu
258611 Steven W. Disbrow - JavaScript Weekend Crash Course (2001, Hungry Minds) ISBN10:0764548042(418s) 12acdbe055f85848126b68611eb92e93.pdf
258612 Dreyfus - (Mathematics in Science and Engineering Volume 130)The art and theory of dynamic programming (1977, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122218604(299s) 15cc2e075322d8b73f0ba25867cbbfee.pdf
258613 Benjamin Van Vliet - (Financial Market Technology)Building Automated Trading Systems: With an Introduction to Visual C++.NET 2005 (2007, Academic Press) ISBN10:0750682515;ISBN13:9780750682510(336s) 160a1e742dbd78e6d544e362449740a8.pdf
258614 Stefano Gatti - (Academic Press Advanced Finance)Project Finance in Theory and Practice: Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects (2007, Academic Press) ISBN13:9780123736994(440s) 188bc9744f043bbca02ec0923e49c81c.pdf
258615 Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, Aynsley J. Kellow - International Environmental Policy: Interests and the Failure of the Kyoto Process (2003, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN10:184064818X(214s) 1b73456a8e8d7088f61ab6356e8da00d.pdf
258616 Mark Whistler - Trading Pairs + CD: Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471584282(279s) 1c00e0800ce1bf03f361d2cbb11f0207.pdf
258617 Russell L. Olson - (Wiley Finance)The Handbook for Investment Committee Members: How to Make Prudent Investments for Your Organization (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0471719781(160s) 1e36bb50d117e295e884586b483d768d.pdf
258618 Charles Brandes - Value Investing Today (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071417389(208s) 202358494e636e45c6623083b36b1824.pdf
258619 Stuart A. McCrary - (Wiley Finance)Hedge Fund Course (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471671584(285s) 2197ce44e5836540843579c7a933aed3.pdf
258620 Ian Millington - (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology)Artificial Intelligence for Games Companion CD-ROM (2006, Morgan Kaufmann) ISBN13:9780123736611;ISBN10:0123736617(0s) 23064ce0bcb6a947cef50f578f981dfc.pdf
258621 Philippe Jorion - Financial Risk Manager Handbook (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:047143003X(832s) 23e10133629e5f6cfb087ea0cb59583a.pdf
258622 Eric Shkolnik - When Buy Means Sell : An Investor's Guide to Investing When It Counts (2002, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071387064(256s) 249d64ea50f3b5797ad0d1d7dbd62f26.pdf
258623 Julian Knight - British Politics for Dummies (2010, John Wiley & Sons Ltd) ISBN13:9780470686379(412s) 283c2156a73b61eda936efa17e23d2da.pdf
258624 Bruce J. Feibel - (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)Investment Performance Measurement (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471268496(368s) 2b4cccc4066c8310b67079a22d4e51cb.pdf
258625 Jared Martinez - The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading: The Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit (2007, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071476881(224s) 2bc0b88d49339dfcbcf73068b518cfda.pdf
258626 Donald Coxe - The New Reality of Wall Street : An Investor's Survival Guide to Triple Waterfalls and Other Stock Market Perils (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071417532(288s) 2f8d78ff470c719e8f792f5b084402bd.pdf
258627 Carrie Snyder, Carrie Snyder - (Information Plus Reference Series)Reference Series (2009, Information Plus) ISBN10:0787651036(4800s) 3022d7b0838c5d76abddc2f83e208916.pdf
258628 Richard Smitten - (Wiley Trading)Trade Like Jesse Livermore (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471655856(220s) 330e619685bbe55917e4cb8035f7b3a3.pdf
258629 Thomas Ryan, Chad Jacobs - (Wiley Finance)Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:047167852X(272s) 39dbf463892531e49e6986ba0e15df75.pdf
258630 Richard Brandt, Thomas Weisel, Lance Armstrong - Capital Instincts: Life as an Entrepreneur, Financier, and Athlete (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471214175(304s) 3f16e9ffb5dfe62165a3dbc46df80000.pdf
258631 John F. Ehlers - (Wiley Trading)Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures: Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471463078(256s) 41a38f3702f3a23761b56c2e727cfbdb.pdf
258632 Beverley Raphael, John Wilson - Psychological Debriefing: Theory, Practice and Evidence (2000, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521647002(376s) 434b9298ea336d9349065a60acfd2739.pdf
258633 S. Fujita, S. Godoy - Quantum Statistical Theory of Superconductivity (1996, Springer) ISBN10:0306453630(338s) 4362969a40bc5b59fbc60cbac4896b9a.pdf
258634 Charles Smithson - Credit Portfolio Management (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471324159(320s) 441a5406c3ca4be68e37bd90f1c33761.pdf
258635 Charles R. Geisst - Undue Influence: How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at Risk (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471656631(330s) 51436eb3708e995215be222d8466fb87.pdf
258636 Janet M. Tavakoli - Collateralized Debt Obligations and Structured Finance : New Developments in Cash and Synthetic Securitization (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471462209(352s) 546238ca2469b0c533640f01584c74d6.pdf
258637 Cliff Asness, Frank J. Fabozzi - Short Selling: Strategies, Risks, and Rewards (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471660205(416s) 5551316bf76869242aeedeb06d5d34a5.pdf
258638 Donald P. Delves - Stock Options and the New Rules of Corporate Accountability : Measuring, Managing, and Rewarding Executive Performance (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071417540(288s) 5ba219758d93e89afe29b573c4ab7b60.pdf
258639 George Jabbour, Phillip Budwick - (Wiley Trading)The Option Trader Handbook: Strategies and Trade Adjustments (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471567078(352s) 5decc8b12d4f98cf9e745afcdc201f4e.pdf
258640 Jerry Yudelson - Marketing Green Building Services: Strategies for Success (2007, Architectural Press) ISBN13:9780750684743(312s) 5f20e0e7ffe7af0265490251f55d6bf4.pdf
258641 Donald M. Borchert - (Gale Non Series E-Books)The Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10-volume Set (2005, Macmillan Library Reference) ISBN10:0028660722(0s) 65ea59315cf5eae066a4c5e8d5c42fb4.pdf
258642 Hrishikesh (Rick) D. Vinod, Derrick Reagle - (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)Preparing for the Worst: Incorporating Downside Risk in Stock Market Investments (2004, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN10:0471234427(286s) 68b7a12c1aa6b3f00b87ccc492b31d18.pdf
258643 George A. Fontanills - (Wiley Trading)The Options Course: High Profit & Low Stress Trading Methods (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0471668516(592s) 69ceb6d0ec4b874370cc8e3ba6a28ce2.pdf
258644 Charles C. Zhang, Lynn L. Chen-Zhang - Make Yourself a Millionaire : How to Sleep Well and Stay Sane on the Road to Wealth (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071409823(288s) 6b7f43b0407baa6a2874adfcb708d181.pdf
258645 Jeffrey H. Rattiner - Rattiner's Review for the CFP Certification Examination, Fast Track Study Guide (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471272655(354s) 6dbc5a186657831e31922c21cd51186c.pdf
258646 John L. Person - (Wiley Trading)A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics: How to Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:047158455X(288s) 710c9212f0faebbf8efd64f2d7c06c0e.pdf
258647 Sergio M. Focardi, Frank J. Fabozzi CFA - (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471465992(800s) 72986ae79ebf58975c5903cfa7aa409a.pdf
258648 James L. Grant - Foundations of Economic Value Added (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471234834(324s) 7415ff6006f6c78f16f987519032cf0c.pdf
258649 Michael Sincere - Understanding Stocks (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071409130(180s) 75260dc73335d8c517c8fc8c4a68479a.pdf
258650 Gary Gray, Patrick Cusatis, J. Woolridge - Streetsmart Guide to Valuing a Stock (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071416668(288s) 77ca695fc1616e1cffedbd9bf1e327ee.pdf
258651 Reto Gallati - Risk Management and Capital Adequacy (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071407634(550s) 790aec0529ec56ada65e5efd504377ee.pdf
258652 Danny Goodman - JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition (2001, Wiley) ISBN10:0764547186(1600s) 7c0192ef08a1867e3fc6b6f8202246b4.pdf
258653 Gene Siciliano - (Briefcase Books Series)Finance for Non-Financial Managers (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071413774(220s) 7d42c1c46f7a71663e2fbc20e6699fab.pdf
258654 Pamela P. Peterson, Frank J. Fabozzi CFA, Wendy D. Habegger - (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)Financial Management and Analysis Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master Financial Management and Analysis (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471477613(448s) 7fbfab262eb7e002b084871b93da5091.pdf
258655 M. Rivas - (Fundamental Theories of Physics)Kinematical Theory of Spinning Particles: Classical and Quantum Mechanical Formalism of Elementary Particles (2001, Springer) ISBN10:079236824X(360s) 845aa87092f54930b463004c5056a350.pdf
258656 Bruce E. Johansen - (Science 101)Global Warming 101 (2008, Greenwood) ISBN13:9780313346903(216s) 86bf5c4cbe74a8a723b7c06eeda06aa6.pdf
258657 Les Masonson - All About Market Timing (2003, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071413316(246s) 88b541dee3d16b931dd22dfb879b3010.pdf
258658 Bruce Tuckman - Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471063177;ISBN10:0471063223(512s) 88cd8a2e917d3870a0ab08b73efb035b.pdf
258659 Frank J. Fabozzi, Steven V. Mann, Moorad Choudhry - The Global Money Markets (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471220930(328s) 8b233dec97850ecf8173cc81d50e0359.pdf
258660 Danny Goodman - JavaScript Bible (2001, Wiley) ISBN10:0764533428(1200s) 8d4f8430e6eaa72ecc4217d17b1d7b15.pdf
258661 Yiteng (Arden) Huang, Jacob Benesty - Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems (2004, Springer) ISBN10:1402077688(392s) 8f704faf3ee44be027e95cca26e2b17f.pdf
258662 Greg N. Gregoriou, Vassilios Karavas, François-Serge Lhabitant, Fabrice Douglas Rouah - (Wiley Finance)Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance Analysis, and Selection (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:0471681946(424s) 90cc2b981be598acc471dc2498d0db9d.pdf
258663 United Nations Environment Programme - Kick the Habit: A UN Guide to Climate Neutrality (2008, United Nations Environment Programme) ISBN13:9789280729269(202s) 95145909b3b50f95049e36e8d319b9eb.pdf
258664 Curtis Faith - Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders (2007, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:007148664X(288s) 98499d734dd4ed884078f55cdc97a641.pdf
258665 Koji Yagi - A Japanese Touch for Your Home (1982, Kodansha International Ltd) ISBN10:087011526X(84s) 018fd4edfb3077d38aacceacb5d0ba27.pdf
258666 Sean Punch, Peter Dell'Orto, Sean Punch - GURPS Martial Arts (2007, Steve Jackson Games) ISBN13:9781556347627(256s) 0ee2578f95ff49363fbf73612701b189.pdf
258667 Hans-Christian Vortisch, Shawn Fisher - Gurps High-Tech (2007, Steve Jackson Games) ISBN13:9781556347702(256s) 1027f3797b7bd51bdf3a2ddb2b45f530.pdf
258668 - Untitle (2006, Pepin Press) ISBN10:9054961260;ISBN10:905496121X;ISBN10:905768005X(0s) 1364b51d9a194b287adbbaf508bbeb43.pdf
258669 Kaye Thorne, David Mackey - Everything You Ever Needed to Know about Training (2003, Kogan Page) ISBN10:0749440481(242s) 14634538003bd328a7572cbc0c308344.chm
258670 Mike Mattesi - Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators (2006, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240808451;ISBN10:0240808452(248s) 1f96632846921f772c3fbd2076dc9d3c.pdf
258671 Harvey Cohn - Advanced Number Theory (1980, Dover Publications) ISBN10:048664023X(288s) 21785b9cb1c819d673a01ca52d0c856f.pdf
258672 Kelly Dempski, Emmanuel Viale - Advanced Lighting and Materials with Shaders (2004, Jones & Bartlett Publishers) ISBN10:1556222920(340s) 224718e6517228ab5ab8e92f5b9528f2.pdf
258673 Linda Bellingham, Jean Ann Bybee - Food Styling for Photographers: A Guide to Creating Your Own Appetizing Art (2008, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240810065;ISBN10:1865843830(272s) 238ad7e6759d76336feaff6671f6a398.pdf
258674 Rod Wynne-Powell, Richard Earney - (Digital Workflow)Mac OS X for Photographers: Optimized image workflow for the Mac user (2008, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240520278;ISBN10:1865843830(328s) 270ac3f9e87f31d2cb5c074de67bf9b6.pdf
258675 Mr Grant B Cooke, Grant Cooke, Dr Maureen V Cox, Maureen Cox, Deirdre Griffin - Teaching Young Children to Draw: Imaginative Approaches to Representational Drawing (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0750706538(128s) 2e5582b7146fc1b6e97f42f502834ba6.pdf
258676 Jeffrey Zeldman - Designing With Web Standards (2003, New Riders Press) ISBN10:0735712018(456s) 320cfe54648dd91dd6b3c4ef6dc8d13b.pdf
258677 John G. Blair - Digital Boudoir Photography: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Fabulous Images of Any Woman (2006, Course Technology PTR) ISBN10:1598632205(276s) 33ef277fbf84f503ab5350375dd19cbe.pdf
258678 Kimon Nicolaides - (A Working Plan for Art Study)The Natural Way to Draw (1975, Houghton Mifflin Co) ISBN10:0395080487;ISBN10:0395530075(221s) 45c5476edf903d16f585159014c6645e.pdf
258679 Richard Munden - (Systems on Silicon)ASIC and FPGA Verification: A Guide to Component Modeling (2004, Morgan Kaufmann) ISBN10:0125105819(336s) 4916296a713539e80803559c324be3a9.pdf
258680 Platt - How to Draw Cartoons (2009, Accent Press, Ltd.) ISBN10:0954709209(60s) 5181d7a5894634ef57e1c4015e792a6c.pdf
258681 Catharine Fishel - Inside the Business of Graphic Design: 60 Leaders Share Their Secrets of Success (2002, Allworth Press) ISBN10:1581152574(288s) 586faad6972d29f3810d1a8c4baddbb9.pdf
258682 Mark Balch - (Professional Engineering)Complete Digital Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture (2003, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071409270(460s) 5b6f73a7731509a4c214302cad54eae7.pdf
258683 D. Bahat - The Illustrated Atlas of Jerusalem (1996, Carta the Isreal Map & Pub Co Ltd) ISBN10:9652203483(152s) 5c33bf360ad58c8d97608bc92405adfa.djvu
258684 Geoff Kelly - How to Draw Krappy Kartoons Really Well (2007, Allen & Unwin) ISBN10:1741147603(112s) 5cc7ac7b0bfdd2a1ca281833ced64822.pdf
258685 Richard F. Tinder - Engineering Digital Design (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0126912955(884s) 5f5ee42f9c0d00a336b93d8fad652996.pdf
258686 Samer Akkach - (Suny Series in Islam)Cosmology And Architecture In Premodern Islam: An Architectural Reading Of Mystical Ideas (2005, State University of New York Press) ISBN10:0791464113(262s) 64b84acd156722790a5b099cbc6b10b2.pdf
258687 Mark A. Simon - Storyboards: Motion in Art (2006, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240808055;ISBN10:0240808053(448s) 6e6d9eb699eb9e5e014fcbf8d2b63c28.pdf
258688 Dean Fisher, Josephine Robinson - Teach Yourself VISUALLY Drawing (2007, Visual) ISBN13:9780470067154(289s) 7a8dcffe2efaaea656802ee2dff69853.pdf
258689 Scott Spencer - ZBrush Character Creation: Advanced Digital Sculpting (2008, Sybex) ISBN13:9780470249963(352s) 7c50c65fa174f5d332f9bf583e766b34.pdf
258690 Brian H. Murray - Defending the Brand: Aggressive Strategies for Protecting Your Brand in the Online Arena (2003, AMACOM) ISBN10:0814407544(272s) 87c91495262cd1736a781723cb3ae6bc.chm
258691 Nikos Sarris, Michael G. Strintzis - 3D Modeling and Animation: Synthesis and Analysis Techniques for the Human Body (2004, IRM Press) ISBN10:1931777985;ISBN10:1931777993;ISBN10:1591402999(395s) 8f428ea85fbff552fc1ecc336d122a09.pdf
258692 Andrew Rollings, David Morris - Game Architecture and Design (2003, New Riders Games) ISBN10:0735713634(960s) 9286d7feb16c34b935692a5a7fdfa8f1.pdf
258693 Arnold Gallardo - 3D Lighting: History, Concepts, and Techniques (With CD-ROM) (Graphics Series (2000, Charles River Media) ISBN10:1584500387(489s) 96ff23d63738b3ddea994c1892206b9a.pdf
258694 Stephen D. Brown - (McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design (2005, McGraw-Hill Companies) ISBN10:0072460857(939s) a4313021b62a9325f677348a12fb4a9d.pdf
258695 John M. Najemy - A History of Florence. 1200-1575 (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:978-1-4051-1954-2;ISBN10:1-4051-1954-3(528s) a8a6b18a26c1e77dfdfc55de1229a0d2.pdf
258696 Florentin Smarandache, The artist. - (computer generated outer-art)Hieroglyphs & Diagrams (2006, H ex is) ISBN10:193123311X;ISBN13:9781931233118(76s) a8ebe3b457a970af588d916b6604c3aa.pdf
258697 William H. Stoddard - GURPS Fantasy (2004, Steve Jackson Games) ISBN10:1556345194(240s) b6cca3d6d1b7b62f3dabd47faf4fe1ed.pdf
258698 Lisa Lopuck, Sheryl Hampton - Adobe(R) Seminars: Web Page Design (1997, Adobe Press) ISBN10:1568304269(256s) bbed74ec20b05266dad47678583ea791.pdf
258699 Florentin Smarandache - Outer-Art, Vol. III: Prints, Outer-Sculptures, and Digital Works (2006, Hexis) ISBN10:1931233098(140s) c36ecf08bee43f67d6bda74df0124a5b.pdf
258700 Betty Edwards - The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence (1999, Tarcher) ISBN10:0874774195;ISBN10:0874774241(320s) c683b77a39d44ee1eae64b4af62af231.pdf
258701 - Acoustic Detailing for Multi-Storey Residential Buildings (2004, SCI) ISBN10:1859421539(44s) cbfa0331ea9ba46be0ad2cbfe5bd2426.pdf
258702 Efthimia Bilissi, Michael Langford - Langford's Advanced Photography (2008, Focal Press) ISBN13:9780240520384(432s) d73a354ddf402813ce4a590b4477e79f.pdf
258703 Sicco Van Gelder - Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures & Markets (2003, Kogan Page) ISBN10:0749440236(260s) dfaf53ddabca42bd2458eb1e45d28866.pdf
258704 David Marcombe - (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion)Leper Knights: The Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England, c.1150-1544 (2003, Boydell Press) ISBN10:0-85115-893-5(342s) e4f582b6f728274c9a8a529bdfdfe413.pdf
258705 Roy E. Allen - Financial Crises and Recession in the Global Economy (2001, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN 1840646322(232s) 0509d03617cdd640e80e5160fb733502.zip
258706 Robert J. Barro - (Lionel Robbins Lectures)Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study (1997, The MIT Press) ISBN 0262024217(160s) 46468e69614f8f1bc02e1c0da62a7764.zip
258707 Alec Benn - The Unseen Wall Street of 1969-1975: And Its Significance for Today (2002, Praeger) ISBN 1567205933(240s) 7eab7369deb387b30c4c395b6af48fe2.rar
258708 - The Nature of Party Government: A Comparative European Perspective (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN 0333681991(253s) ef07e048d4d69c5489ee84da1dc9d90a.zip
258709 Christopher G. A. Bryant, Edmund Mokrzycki - The New Great Transformation?: Change and Continuity in East-Central Europe (1994, Routledge) ISBN 0415092507(240s) c826f481857d33992d58d0a1fd0b84a6.zip
258710 J. A. Chandler - Comparative Public Administration (2000, Routledge) ISBN 0415184584(288s) 1b469b6af4ed163bc98a0e2c41f223f7.zip
258711 J. A. Chandler - Local Government in Liberal Democracies: An Introductory Survey (1992, Routledge) ISBN 0415088755(224s) 4e8ba7c4a464ad2f06e41f7e2d5f77be.zip
258712 Tony Cleaver - Understanding the World Economy (1997, Routledge) ISBN 0415128161(280s) fc991c19eeb77551f31e6c6aa68fa432.zip
258713 Daniel Cohen - The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of Nations (1998, The MIT Press) ISBN 0262032538(152s) f9b4324333c48eb810520907f81ae997.zip
258714 - Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 2009 (2008, Gale Cengage) ISBN 078769634X(2758s) 2873bf13bb6b62edaeb2797d4beb37fa.pdf
258715 Diane Coyle - The Weightless World: Strategies for Managing the Digital Economy (1998, The MIT Press) ISBN 0262032597(272s) 7d23bac371bc75ae633886d3b4474d0a.pdf
258716 Hernando De Soto - The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else (2000, Basic Books) ISBN 0465016146(276s) 617cb99b405a32efb10c3f0ae0b83d2b.pdf
258717 Deprez & Harvey - Foundations of International Economics: Post-Keynesian Perspectives (1999, Routledge) ISBN 0415146518(296s) 1929b910cd6a40882828462e329f64eb.zip
258718 Robert M. Dunn - International Economics (2000, Routledge) ISBN 0415208807(624s) ca5538839bdc490a1c61ccf5c7bf166b.zip
258719 Jeremy Edwards - Banks, Finance and Investment in Germany (1996, Cambridge University Press) ISBN 0521566088(268s) c4acd59771170c80e90414ce1d463604.rar
258720 - European Political Facts of the Twentieth Century (2001, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN 0333792033(493s) d9cc07a9d1f109d8194e690f25c7b2e3.zip
258721 George Friedman - The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century (2009, Doubleday) ISBN 038551705X(272s) 22e66622dcf8f74ce17393df88cd9377.pdf
258722 Barrie Rigby - Design of Electrical Services for Buildings (2005, Spon Press) ISBN10:0415310830(320s) 01ee7f39ee76cd8563acb404a51f577a.pdf
258723 Debbe Kennedy, Sally K. Green, Joel A. Barker - (Bk Business)Putting Our Differences to Work: The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance (2008, Berrett-Koehler Publishers) ISBN13:9781576754993;ISBN13:9781576757819(208s) 226a89a45df03539682eae038109184f.pdf
258724 Jo Cairns, Roy Gardner, Denis Lawton - Faith Schools: Consensus or Conflict? (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415335256;ISBN10:0415335264(224s) 2373d6429224bb249105ea676f8b38e2.pdf
258725 Nicholas M. Healy - (Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine)Church, World and the Christian Life: Practical-Prophetic Ecclesiology (2000, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521781388;ISBN10:0521786509(212s) 458f179a9f6ea4d95cd034fa7393cd06.pdf
258726 Michelle LeBaron, Venashri Pillay - Conflict Across Cultures: A Unique Experience of Bridging Differences (2006, Intercultural Press) ISBN13:9781931930222;ISBN10:1931930228(224s) 48ad83be941251b0ed4e5584ecb0404e.pdf
258727 Eugene M. McCarthy - Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World (2006, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195183231(608s) 4c4d78f16bb31ffcc7359715e290ff7e.pdf
258728 Chris Vadnais - (Instant Series)Instant Boris Effects (2004, Focal Press) ISBN10:1578202620(192s) 4e2b962c63e9fb7f2efdeb44d9412301.pdf
258729 Binghe Wang, Teruna J. Siahaan, Richard A. Soltero - (Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development)Drug Delivery: Principles and Applications (2005, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN10:0471474894(464s) 603eb01ee154f7848c00a3f24a987dca.pdf
258730 Nadia Nedjah, Luiza Macedo Mourelle, Mario Neto Borges, Nival Nunes Almeida - (Studies in Computational Intelligence)Intelligent Educational Machines: Methodologies and Experiences (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540449205(185s) 64c508d9e6a17de131841ecc43feb5a3.pdf
258731 Ahmed Bouridane - (Signals and Communication Technology)Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9780387095318(221s) 6859edd69bf23bde4d828a641bfa36aa.pdf
258732 ROB DIXON - (CMI Open Learning Programme)The Management Task (2003, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN10:0750659858(304s) 717a3a1b73dab65ef0cd2ee843b9487d.pdf
258733 Allen I. Laskin, Sima Sariaslani, Geoffrey M. Gadd - (Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 61). (2007, Academic Press) ISBN13:9780120026630;ISBN10:0120026635(392s) 73a3776026d5dfadaa8830f61cdd4f1f.pdf
258734 J. S. Odorico - (Advanced Methods ( BIOS ))Human Embryonic Stem Cells (2005, BIOS Scientific Publ) ISBN10:1859962785;ISBN10:1264332424(391s) 7eae7e813ab9e96543e970d1e805a11b.pdf
258735 Ira Nachem - The Complete Guide to Financing Real Estate Developments (2007, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:007147935X(530s) 83948358ceb86757410b8d03a2df4e36.pdf
258736 Spencer Burke, Barry Taylor - A Heretic's Guide to Eternity (2006, Jossey-Bass) ISBN13:9780787983598;ISBN10:0787983594(288s) 8a05dc860375e3c0fc594a00f69e7070.pdf
258737 S.D. Perry - (Resident Evil #3)City of the Dead (1999, Pocket) ISBN10:0671024418(352s) 9839228ef1b0876934a02fb2a0af7dd7.pdf
258738 Diane D. Blair, Jay Barth - (Politics and Governments of the American States)Arkansas Politics and Government (2005, University of Nebraska Press) ISBN10:0803261985(499s) 992d9aba581b967a32855b13c3bc1205.pdf
258739 Wayne Grudem - Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth: An Analysis of More Than 100 Disputed Questions (2004, Multnomah Books) ISBN10:157673840X(864s) 9e586cec2e8a73ffb22e0d34ff4c0e05.pdf
258740 Edward L. Lamie - Real-Time Embedded Multithreading: Using ThreadX and ARM (2005, CMP) ISBN10:1578201349(356s) 9f8165da0612187003c55c4534388a53.pdf
258741 Robert Chazan - Fashioning Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom (2004, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521831840(396s) 9f99b2b73e15fa3d24302749b8e0676b.pdf
258742 J. Akiyama, Y. Egawa, H. Enomoto - (Annals of Discrete Mathematics)Graph Theory and Applications (1989, North Holland) ISBN10:0444705384(424s) a039e3d06e17a9c4b529370c57166fcf.pdf
258743 Patricia Mellodge, Pushkin Kachroo - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)Model Abstraction in Dynamical Systems: Application to Mobile Robot Control (2008, Springer) ISBN10:3540707921;ISBN13:9783540707929;ISBN13:9783540707998(118s) a0ada04c64854202be18e06e16c1a87e.pdf
258744 Sham Bhangal, Kristian Besley - Foundation Flash 8 (2005, friends of ED) ISBN10:1590595424;ISBN10:1590593154(400s) a43e91bd954904290bf20566ea47b6dd.pdf
258745 Eugenia Paulicelli - (Dress, Body, Culture)Fashion under Fascism: Beyond the Black Shirt (2004, Berg Publishers) ISBN10:1859737730;ISBN10:1859737781(256s) a48f2b567cb383a4025a197dc633532e.pdf
258746 Anna Mindess - Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters (2006, Intercultural Press) ISBN13:9781931930260;ISBN10:1931930260(309s) a705d436ed0f6033c49c1132730f0d9c.pdf
258747 Marcel Mauss - (Routledge Classics)A General Theory of Magic (2001, Routledge) ISBN10:0415255503;ISBN10:0203996143(192s) aa0a2ae8e855221b3d19c0776f1eaf66.pdf
258748 J.P. Telotte - (Essential Readers in Contemporary Media)The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader (2008, The University Press of Kentucky) ISBN13:9780813124926(368s) aad155095ace8bba7ecee9bdeac85034.pdf
258749 M.R. El-Gewely - (Biotechnology Annual Review, Volume 1). (1995, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444818901(496s) abb496ce8a4b609cdc433abf19ca3f97.pdf
258750 Jedwin Smith - Fatal Treasure: Greed and Death, Emeralds and Gold, and the Obsessive Search for the Legendary Ghost Galleon Atocha (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471158941(272s) ac6dace1e8243af63772475da7d91188.pdf
258751 Arleen Marcia Tuchman - (Studies in Social Medicine)Science Has No Sex: The Life of Marie Zakrzewska, M.D. (2006, The University of North Carolina Press) ISBN10:0807830208(352s) af3c3f876ddd2abb6cfe8e4131c8ffa5.pdf
258752 Elie Agur - (Cadogan Chess Books)Bobby Fischer: His Approach to Chess (1992, Everyman Chess) ISBN10:1857440013(276s) af4ed0226c2f7b0e0e91e02dabb40bbb.djvu
258753 Doug Lennox - Now You Know Extreme Weather: The Little Book of Answers (2007, Dundurn) ISBN10:1550027433;ISBN13:9781550027433(96s) b13ee8f56bf52d08d06bcc65250bbbef.pdf
258754 Lee Holmes - Windows Powershell Cookbook: for Windows, Exchange 2007, and MOM V3 (2007, O'Reilly Media) ISBN10:0596528493(592s) b2597b88acd9ae31639d89e89ec86f58.pdf
258755 Ms Sarah Quinton, Ms Teresa Smallbone - Postgraduate Research in Business: A Critical Guide (2006, Sage Publications Ltd) ISBN10:1412908353(184s) b26f7ea916752d5cb13f471153e7a0a4.pdf
258756 Anthony Vidler, Peter Eisenman - (Writing Architecture)Histories of the Immediate Present: Inventing Architectural Modernism (2008, The MIT Press) ISBN10:0262720515;ISBN13:9780262720519(239s) b50c5749773085210b8172e04204bf3b.pdf
258757 William M. Schniedewind - How the Bible Became a Book: The Textualization of Ancient Israel (2004, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521829465(272s) ba0e8679c811e12d8fb9ebf7508f46f2.pdf
258758 Nina L. Khrushcheva - Imagining Nabokov: Russia Between Art and Politics (2008, Yale University Press) ISBN13:9780300108866(256s) ba288ed21137cc0253f2e9f78a69fbe7.pdf
258759 Joan Roughgarden - Evolution and Christian Faith: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist (2006, Island Press) ISBN10:1597260983(168s) bab47f87fe55dc13f3a94cf495b79f86.pdf
258760 Clive Brand, Roland D'Costa - (Practice Notes)Practice Notes Executorship and Administration of Estates (2001, Routledge-Cavendish) ISBN10:1859414591(150s) bb244412d3b6a13cce416ff2f66c275c.pdf
258761 Woodrow Kroll - Now What? Living Out Your Christian Faith (2006, Back to the Bible) ISBN10:0847408000(0s) c2c12169907cf633e9d770ef03397c6e.pdf
258762 Jürgen Haffer - Ornithology, Evolution, and Philosophy: The Life and Science of Ernst Mayr 1904-2005 (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540717773;ISBN13:9783540717775(474s) c3147d4657908c579b7ae0a7404f7b66.pdf
258763 Margaret K. Nydell - Understanding Arabs, 4th Edition: A Guide to Modern Times (2005, Intercultural Press) ISBN13:9781931930253;ISBN10:1931930252(288s) c55505d7a63c3947d9cec16e58de2389.pdf
258764 Shane Borrowman - Trauma and the Teaching of Writing (2005, State University of New York Press) ISBN10:0791462773(240s) c6780e05f7e359b0d2942483ec7b72a0.pdf
258765 Elizabeth R. DeSombre - Flagging Standards: Globalization and Environmental, Safety, and Labor Regulations at Sea (2006, The MIT Press) ISBN10:0262042347;ISBN13:9780262042345;ISBN10:0262541904;ISBN13:9780262541909(280s) c8ed118479025d6dda045096b318df72.pdf
258766 Lisa Yount - (Makers of Modern Science)Alfred Wegener: Creator of the Continental Drift Theory (2009, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN13:9780816061747;ISBN10:0816061742(160s) c8ef748f7e0f459b6dffc2e72545b190.pdf
258767 Water Environment Federation - Clarifier Design: WEF Manual of Practice No. FD-8 (2005, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071464166;ISBN10:0071589228(704s) c9a9148f3dcec8de29e84b3ace7364c2.pdf
258768 Jeffrey M. Stonecash - Reassessing the Incumbency Effect (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521515513;ISBN13:9780521515511(184s) cbd782ebe7c0022969b5bb8ed0be3a3c.pdf
258769 Halton C. Arp - Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations (2003, Apeiron) ISBN10:0968368999(234s) cd7cbc8327036530500b0718573f8f49.pdf
258770 James L. Heft - Believing Scholars: Ten Catholic Intellectuals (2005, Fordham University Press) ISBN10:0823225267;ISBN10:0823225259(204s) ceaae28ce0aec914d1e56325aa2cfc34.pdf
258771 Kevin Myers - Buy It, Fix It, Sell It...PROFIT (2003, Kaplan Business) ISBN10:0793169380(320s) d1e30bef2f8f972f8dba285a3c21dc7e.pdf
258772 Research Group, The Electrical Measuring Devices Research Group - (Strategic Planning Series)The 2000-2005 World Outlook for Electrical Measuring Devices (2000, Icon Group International) ISBN10:0757656323(125s) d21dc4e245218bd2b6ab5cbef37b7128.pdf
258773 Tom Wolsky - (DV Expert Series)Final Cut Pro 5 Editing Essentials (2005, Focal Press) ISBN13:9781578202867(272s) d647f381463baef17898ae5d27279162.pdf
258774 K. Morioka - Hair Follicle: Differentiation under the Electron Microscope - An Atlas (2004, Springer) ISBN10:4431224297(152s) d89e18ef9020f61dbdd79f3874554b18.pdf
258775 Shahram Akbarzadeh, Benjamin MacQueen - (Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies)Islam and Human Rights in Practice: Perspectives Across the Ummah (2008, Routledge) ISBN13:9780415449595;ISBN13:9780203926758(192s) d9287c2a088bd0d09009c2dc54917332.pdf
258776 Steven Greenberg - Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition (2004, University of Wisconsin Press) ISBN10:0299190900;ISBN10:0299190943(264s) dac64852c6110351aa1333427eb5dbda.pdf
258777 Michael Burton - (Elite Transformations)Elite Foundations of Liberal Democracy (2006, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.) ISBN10:0742553604;ISBN13:9780742553606;ISBN13:9780742553613;ISBN10:0742553612(238s) dd36ad1c811b6698108334abe1f071f7.pdf
258778 Joseph A. Beavo, Sharron H. Francis, Miles D. Houslay - Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases in Health and Disease (2006, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849396689;ISBN13:9780849396687(728s) df3ea5da68ab1cd1f3d88bf2a8484eec.pdf
258779 Claude Bouillon, John Wilkinson - The Science of Hair Care (2005, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0824759699;ISBN10:0203027221;ISBN13:9780824759698(752s) e0da9892cb36a998719c0f72bccd4d4a.pdf
258780 Madawi Al-Rasheed - (Cambridge Middle East Studies)Contesting the Saudi State: Islamic Voices from a New Generation (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521858366(332s) e2b17a43d48c359b26cd6abe45a698ca.pdf
258781 Paul Naour - (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects)E.O. Wilson and B.F. Skinner: A Dialogue Between Sociobiology and Radical Behaviorism (2009, Springer) ISBN10:0387894616;ISBN13:9780387894614;ISBN13:9780387894621(138s) e353b842f9406f02831515f8768bf29e.pdf
258782 Prof. Judith L. Sensibar - Faulkner and Love: The Women Who Shaped His Art (2009, Yale University Press) ISBN13:9780300115031(616s) e3e160553ac341696f716088de9ff043.pdf
258783 Sue Fox - Etiquette For Dummies (2007, For Dummies) ISBN13:9780470106723(384s) e79dbb832503295185719e5a438cac8d.pdf
258784 Ian Fillis, Ruth Rentschler - Creative Marketing: An Extended Metaphor for Marketing in a New Age (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403941904(304s) eb542a424bd15a8d6f8dbe0bda24a7e0.pdf
258785 Lynne Broadbent, Alan Brown - (Issues in Teaching Series)Issues in Religious Education (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:0415262526;ISBN10:0415262534(256s) f0c06b116af08a02f43742133177b26b.pdf
258786 Jeannette South-Paul, Samuel Matheny, Evelyn Lewis - (LANGE CURRENT Series)CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine (2007, McGraw-Hill Medical) ISBN10:0071461531(832s) fcb9f8beceb2e39cfd360be84654f0e1.pdf
258787 Б. М. Яворский, А. А. Детлаф - Физика для школьников старших классов и поступающих в вузы (2005, Дрофа) 5-7107-9384-1(795 с.s) 9e08d51c04313dcf37e0e08c3099a031.djvu
258788 G. Schmidt - Non-linear Vibrations (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN 0521113229(424s) e11aa5c338f2bf557d5a996752558d85.pdf
258789 Tze Leung Lai, Hailiang Yang, Siu Pang Yung - Probability, Finance And Insurance: Proceedings Of The Workshop, The University of Hong Kong 15-17 July 2002 (2004, World Scientific Publishing Company) ISBN10:9812388532(250s) 002aa0de94248b7aecb26c23965e0a94.pdf
258790 Massimo Filippi - (Neuromethods)fMRI Techniques and Protocols (2009, Humana Press) ISBN10:1603279180;ISBN13:9781603279185;ISBN13:9781603279192(822s) 010f73b73c3c1571237670ccedf701a0.pdf
258791 Bob Seelert - Start with the Answer: And Other Wisdom for Aspiring Leaders (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470450320;ISBN13:9780470450321(256s) 0285ff647c7a9cbea717909244c1ad6e.pdf
258792 Michael Rear - (Studies in International Relations)Intervention, Ethnic Conflict and State-Building in Iraq: A Paradigm for the Post-Colonial State (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415964660;ISBN13:9780415964661;ISBN10:0203895479;ISBN13:9780203895474(298s) 091ff346acec4f37f073a7fe4eb9a40c.pdf
258793 Author Unknown - (Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 36)Infinite Abelian Groups Volume 1 (1970, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122696018(290s) 0b11ebd0673cc61ab5fa85061657b8d3.pdf
258794 Dr. Shahram Khosravi - (Programmer's Reference (Wrox))ASP.NET AJAX Programmer's Reference: with ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET 3.5 (2007, Wrox) ISBN10:047010998X;ISBN13:9780470109984(1522s) 0e4b28f4b1497446a5d2c8618350fb6a.pdf
258795 Joshua A. Fishman - Do Not Leave Your Language Alone: The Hidden Status Agendas Within Corpus Planning in Language Policy (2006, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) ISBN10:0805850236;ISBN10:0805850244(168s) 0ecf107a0c473c70672e1791abc445f7.pdf
258796 Deborah Lock - (DK READERS)My Dress-Up Box (2007, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0756625297;ISBN13:9780756625283;ISBN13:9780756625290(32s) 0fde31555f47740c97eab8ae77a48a2d.pdf
258797 Rajesh M. Basrur - (Asian Security Studies)South Asia's Cold War: Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative Perspective (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415391946;ISBN10:0203928237;ISBN13:9780415391948;ISBN13:9780203928233(184s) 12238f9bc69b51532780836217bc7c8f.pdf
258798 David Huddart - (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)Postcolonial Theory and Autobiography (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415353424;ISBN10:0203306570;ISBN13:9780415353427;ISBN13:9780203306574(208s) 128161efa61fbf91893b9b396a7ba438.pdf
258799 David A. Scott, Jerry Podany, Brian B. Considine - (Getty Trust Publications: Getty Conservation Institute)Ancient & Historic Metals: Conservation and Scientific Research (1995, Getty Publications) ISBN10:0892362316(316s) 15260140c556f2cdbc6a3f16e4d54a66.pdf
258800 Francesca Gherardi, Francesca Gherardi - (Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology)Biological Invaders in Inland Waters: Profiles, Distribution and Threats (2007, Springer) ISBN10:1402060289;ISBN13:9781402060281;ISBN13:9781402060298(734s) 154cc435019d8925fadd5432b1e7e8bd.pdf
258801 Patrick J. Morrissette - (Routledge Psychosocial Stress Series)The Pain of Helping: Psychological Injury of Helping Professionals (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415945526(176s) 15f5df0e5c4d3d37be94e7dc49f3d3e8.pdf
258802 Richard J. Reed - North American Combustion Handbook: A Basic Reference on the Art and Science of Industrial Heating with Gaseous and Liquid Fuels Vol. 2 (1986, North American Mfg. Co.) ISBN10:0960159630(457s) 1839bc24e042c8f1bcc42c079a6bc5ac.pdf
258803 John Richardson, Hugh Gilmartin - Wake Up and Smell the Profit: 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business (2009, How to Books) ISBN10:1845283341;ISBN13:9781848033047(101s) 1acd8a87864279cc9374d2cc0efbf964.pdf
258804 Theo Dimitrakos, Fabio Martinelli, Peter Y A Ryan, Steve Schneider - (Lecture ... Computer Science / Security and Cryptology)Formal Aspects in Security and Trust: Fourth International Workshop, FAST 2006, Hamilton, Ontario, Canda, August 26-27, 2006, Revised Selected Papers (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540752269;ISBN10:1216467706(285s) 1b637c8a4ef5b77f69def4033a479b6b.pdf
258805 Saso Dzeroski, Jan Struyf - Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases: 5th International Workshop, KDID 2006 Berlin, Germany, September 18th, 2006 Revised Selected and Invited Papers ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540755489(301s) 1cb134b8eed1e4e4b5bd46ad3f069bc8.pdf
258806 George A. Selgin - Praxeology & Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics (1990, Ludwig Von Mises Inst) ISBN10:0945466099(0s) 1eec4737b510dba70a85c09b1cc13afd.pdf
258807 - Water Conservation, Reuse, and Recycling: Proceedings of an Iranian-American Workshop (2005, National Academy Press) ISBN10:0309545021;ISBN10:0309092930(279s) 1ef42605d15fbbcbbc38d2ea72b879a9.pdf
258808 Takeshi Tokuyama - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Computer Science and General Issues)Algorithms and Computation: 18th International Symposium, ISAAC 2007, Sendai, Japan, December 17-19, 2007, Proceedings (2008, Springer) ISBN10:3540771182(929s) 1fb4f114f6bfddf36aec8598c0a8abe2.pdf
258809 Dave Ferguson, Eric Bramlett, Jon Ferguson - (Leadership Network Innovation Series)The Big Idea: Aligning the Ministries of Your Church through Creative Collaboration (2007, Zondervan) ISBN10:0310272416;ISBN13:9780310313960;ISBN13:9780310272410;ISBN10:2006025104(208s) 208e844f7ae247dacaecae1deb4b3350.pdf
258810 J. Chen, Y. Wang, Simon Duffy, G. Shen, L.P. Dobrzhinetskaya - Advances in High-Pressure Techniques for Geophysical Applications (2005, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444519793;ISBN10:1865843830(532s) 20aafc928addb7f1663762070f4e807e.pdf
258811 Annie J. Randall - Music, Power, and Politics (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415943647;ISBN10:0203329759(296s) 214454adb8bf3406a431ee85cba1e565.pdf
258812 Paul R. Berman B.S. Ph.D. M. Phil, Chun C. Lin - (Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Vol 52). (2006, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120038528;ISBN10:2076315500(452s) 2155e8cf59bf66d289d7eb67d30093f8.pdf
258813 Michael Jandl, Christina Hollomey, Sandra Gendera, Anna Stepien, Veronika Bilger - Migration and Irregular Work in Austria: A Case Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Irregular Foreign Employment in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st ... University Press - IMISCOE Reports) (2009, Amsterdam University Press) ISBN13:9789089640536;ISBN13:9789048506385(248s) 21e7c3e39286ccff9c7fcff61c09ad27.pdf
258814 Shelagh Young - How to Be a Successful Life Coach: A Guide to Setting Up a Profitable Coaching Business (2009, How to Books) ISBN10:1845282965;ISBN13:9781848033108(231s) 23f1b2c2778b164660b9f508dba7032d.pdf
258815 Robert T. Tauber - Classroom Management (2007, Praeger) ISBN10:0275996689(432s) 242707eadb181d21a0dedad7dd4c088b.pdf
258816 Charles H. Kahn - Essays on Being (2009, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199534802;ISBN13:9780199534807(192s) 260c33014acfcb3ca3a12e36bc2c4fdd.pdf
258817 Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia Gross - Nonprofit Governance: Law, Practices, and Trends (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470358041(259s) 26f0e7604fac85c3dc7cec93bf60cbaf.pdf
258818 Nuray Aykin - Usability and Internationalization. Global and Local User Interfaces: Second International Conference on Usability and Internationalization, UI-HCII 2007, ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540732888(576s) 275a29c75c2f4b7ca8959dc944b8ccca.pdf
258819 Lew Freedman - (Greenwood Biographies)LeBron James: A Biography (2008, Greenwood) ISBN10:0313343616(184s) 27f2fd149b2fd362af992edc22f15da4.pdf
258820 Philip H. Mirvis, Karen Ayas, George Roth - To the Desert and Back: The Story of the Most Dramatic Business Transformation on Record (2003, Jossey-Bass) ISBN10:0787966770(288s) 298717ce8c60eeb13d943eb0a60ca208.pdf
258821 Carol L. Schroeder - Specialty Shop Retailing: How to Run Your Own Store Revised (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471212644;ISBN10:0471147214(368s) 2b4f22a0130e37c3b4fb794cf34f1189.pdf
258822 Owen Hargie - Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice (2003, Routledge) ISBN10:0415227208;ISBN10:0415227194;ISBN10:0203427882;ISBN10:0203442539(560s) 2c703cbe18d4515033c6683ff5ad90e1.pdf
258823 Geraint G. Howells, Hans-W Micklitz, Thomas Wilhelmsson, Geraint G. Howells, Hans-W Micklitz - (Markets and the Law) (Markets and the Law)European Fair Trading Law: The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (2006, Ashgate Publishing) ISBN13:9780754645894(295s) 2f9d37193f341bf1603e34da41f89f50.pdf
258824 Benjamin Bederson, Alexander Dalgarno - (Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Volume 32). (1993, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120038323(464s) 31a970cbc5a6d40a701ad2b9fbea0db0.pdf
258825 D. A. Burns, S. M. Breathnach, Neil Cox, Christopher E. Griffiths - Rook's Textbook of Dermatology 4 vol. set. (2004, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632064293;ISBN10:1405129743(4568s) 32b4147dda306b1e5566c813f85007b1.pdf
258826 Mark Gradstein, Kai A. Konrad - (CESifo Seminar Series)Institutions and Norms in Economic Development (2007, The MIT Press) ISBN13:9780262072847(256s) 34f7e8ebc4812e06ccefc7bdba91abfa.pdf
258827 Ioannis N. Vogiatzakis, Ioannis N. Vogiatzakis, Gloria Pungetti, A.M. Mannion - (Landscape Series)Mediterranean Island Landscapes: Natural and Cultural Approaches (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402050631;ISBN13:9781402050633;ISBN13:9781402050640(372s) 36421d30144588ecf918edb869966a83.pdf
258828 Asa Gunnarsson;Eva-Maria Svensson;Margaret Davies - Exploiting the Limits of Law (2007, Ashgate Pub Co) ISBN13:9780754649359(224s) 36628b52b8e671408aae9877588f44ec.pdf
258829 Stuart A. Cohen - (St. Antony's Middle East Monographs)British Policy In Mesopotamia 1903-1914 (2008, Ithaca Press (GB)) ISBN10:086372325X;ISBN13:9780863723254(265s) 36cb9b6030815d5f66b0fa2512716f68.pdf
258830 Ronald Burk, Daniel Feeney - Small Animal Radiology and Ultrasound: A Diagnostic Atlas and Text (2002, Saunders) ISBN10:0721681778(784s) 36e57b1474c1a36e29a6d10a394a71de.pdf
258831 Neil Arya and Joanna Santa Barbara - Peace Through Health: How Health Professionals Can Work for a Less Violent World (2008, Kumarian Press) ISBN10:1565492587;ISBN13:9781565492585(320s) 3afc57a9ce9f1c10acd457a5489a831d.pdf
258832 Murray Hollis - Practical Straw Bale Building (2005, CSIRO Publishing) ISBN10:0643069771;ISBN10:0643092145(104s) 3bc0efdd242e756e777ecb1691e28487.pdf
258833 Cheri Barton Ross, Jane Baron-Sorensen - Pet Loss and Human Emotion: A Guide to Recovery (2007, Taylor & Francis) ISBN10:0415955769(224s) 3cc6b775f633a5253bb6e1730f39f6cd.pdf
258834 Shiv S Mathur, Alfred Kenyon - Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies (2001, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN10:0750653639(400s) 40e1a44bcc483cd07a3dc4d64cd31591.pdf
258835 C.D.J. Waters - 30 Minutes to Understand the Financial Pages (2000, Kogan Page Ltd) ISBN10:0749432829(64s) 416e04b227beeccdbd37183a53a8d3a2.pdf
258836 Vanessa C.M. Chio - (Studies in International Relations)Malaysia and the Development Process: Globalization, Knowledge Transfers and Postcolonial Dilemmas (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415949416;ISBN10:0203328256(264s) 41fbfbd5c2c87027e2cb96c62b4582ce.pdf
258837 Flavio Oquendo - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)Software Architecture: First European Conference, ECSA 2007, Madrid, Spain, September 24-26, 2007, Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540751319(340s) 423a5325331cbc95a0e75c0787a04de3.pdf
258838 Steven Vertovec - (Key Ideas)Transnationalism (2009, Routledge) ISBN10:0415432995;ISBN10:0203927087(216s) 462429898a2466b3b3ea3d86693cefe7.pdf
258839 Leandro N. de Castro, Fernando J. Von Zuben, Helder Knidel - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Computer Science and General Issues)Artificial Immune Systems: 6th International Conference, ICARIS 2007, Santos, Brazil, August 26-29, 2007, Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540739211(438s) 488e51192d41c4ad9689d2848e98d607.pdf
258840 Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts, Sarah Whatmore - The Dictionary of Human Geography (2009, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405132876;ISBN13:9781405132879;ISBN13:9781405132886(1072s) 48ed4df1d79a82dc0ca748eb4738fb0c.pdf
258841 R. P. Chhabra, J.F. Richardson - (Butterworth-Heinemann/IChemE)Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied Rheology: Engineering Applications (2008, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN10:0750685328(536s) 498cf7af6c1f974d4b1d6fde6310b1d2.pdf
258842 DK Publishing - (Eye Wonder)Explorer (2006, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0756619785(48s) 4af144569f7e2ffe66c2e42011b4bf71.pdf
258843 Peter A. Hancock and James L. Szalma, Peter A. Hancock, James L. Szalma - (Human Factors in Defence)Performance Under Stress (2008, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754670599(406s) 4b6205ae5379fa268c6201eb59cd9472.pdf
258844 Sanford M. Jacoby - (Series in Organization and Management)Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions, and the Transformation of Work in the 20th Century (2004, Psychology Press) ISBN10:0805844090;ISBN10:0805844104;ISBN10:1410610144(296s) 4ce84f131c9f0e4ca62cc3629fdd159e.pdf
258845 Torsten Bert Moeller, Emil Reif - Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy (2006, Thieme Publishing Group) ISBN10:3131256036;ISBN13:9783131256034;ISBN10:1588905772;ISBN13:9781588905772(255s) 4ec74ea5763ecd2ffe60a176a05d8708.pdf
258846 Kevin Kunz, Barbara Kunz - Complete Reflexology for Life (2007, DK ADULT) ISBN10:0756628520;ISBN13:9780756628529(356s) 540e609cd7d36a246d965967bc9bb964.pdf
258847 Ravi Ramamurti, Jitendra V. Singh - Emerging Multinationals in Emerging Markets (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521513863;ISBN13:9780521513869;ISBN13:1397805115343(460s) 562a67420350719d098d29dbe1a10e63.pdf
258848 Sean M. Quinlan - (The History of Medicine in Context)The Great Nation in Decline (2007, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754660989(270s) 5760503a9793d737ab10aba16c9cc08a.pdf
258849 Autodesk - Learning Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 Foundation (2007, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240809270(480s) 5765e87ad9618a8d9588647232c2b28b.pdf
258850 Jose Cabezon, Sheila Greeve Davaney - Identity and the Politics of Scholarship in the Study of Religion (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415970660;ISBN10:0415970652;ISBN10:0203324625(240s) 5bee76997a3aa428c25545a862bde37a.pdf
258851 Hoath/Maibach - Neonatal Skin: Structure and Function, Revised and Expanded (2003, Marcel Dekker Ltd) ISBN10:0824748425;ISBN10:0824708873(392s) 5c21d98ab41f57b150b51485040c0a46.pdf
258852 Pete Egoscue - The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion: Revolutionary Program That Lets You Rediscover the Body's Power to Rejuvenate It (1993, Harper Paperbacks) ISBN10:0060924306(224s) 5d3d3bbb5ccc505640f648f453f8cd1a.djvu
258853 Frank J. Fabozzi CFA, Pamela Peterson Drake - (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)Finance: Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470407352;ISBN13:9780470407356(811s) 5d85dc55db6512fc8c4ace4fa5d11b19.pdf
258854 Author Unknown - (Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Volume 27). (1990, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120038277(308s) 5df6e02e8bd5fc94c805f1e6ada9d115.pdf
258855 Edward D. Levin, Jerry J. Buccafusco - (Frontiers in Neuroscience)Animal Models of Cognitive Impairment (2006, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849328349;ISBN13:9780849328343(400s) 5e8017746536b44affa6fc402c28673d.pdf
258856 Dr Diana J Sanders, Mr Frank Wills - (Counselling in Practice series)Counselling for Anxiety Problems (2003, Sage Publications Ltd) ISBN10:0761965742;ISBN10:0761965750(248s) 609d19b10e836ba25c126050f7259205.pdf
258857 Caesar, A. G. Way - (Loeb Classical Library No. 402)Caesar: Alexandrian War. African War. Spanish War (1955, Loeb Classical Library) ISBN10:0674994434(464s) 627348c0c907b230a2178ba28c86200d.pdf
258858 Bradford Perkins - (Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations Volume 1)The Creation of a Republican Empire, 1776-1865 (1993, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521382092(272s) 640368efe69a456cb5e26c70cea404c3.pdf
258859 Ana Paiva, Rui Prada, Rosalind W. Picard - (Lecture ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: Second International Conference, ACII 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, September 12-14, 2007, Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540748881(781s) 6566159a0edb6998a8d4129b4612de70.pdf
258860 Joe Merlino, William von Hagen, Eric Foster-Johnson, Kenneth Hess, Jaldhar Vyas - PC MagazineLinuxSolutions (2006, Wiley) ISBN13:9780471777694;ISBN10:0471777692(442s) 65ef52f6e9fc73ddc3051990377c4f5b.pdf
258861 Marjorie Perloff - (Modern & Contemporary Poetics)Differentials: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy (2004, University Alabama Press) ISBN10:0817314210;ISBN10:0817351280(368s) 6b48caa6f15a330017fa15587a550990.pdf
258862 Michael Holoubek, Michael Potacs - (Springers Handbücher der Rechtswissenschaft) (German Edition)Handbuch des öffentlichen Wirtschaftsrechts: Band 1 / Band 2 (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3211367381(2797s) 6d71f0babf9f49fbd8f4e078210c022b.pdf
258863 Vincent D. Duffy - Digital Human Modeling: First International Conference, ICDHM 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540733183(1068s) 70011e0f1edb7b23f450490bd0c47e9e.pdf
258864 Hillel Shuval, Hassan Dweik - (Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace)Water Resources in the Middle East: Israel-Palestinian Water Issues From Conflict to Cooperation (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540695087(458s) 7261afabee49c7315438e8b67b60d1ac.pdf
258865 Eloi Bosse, Jean Roy, Steve Wark - Concepts, Models, and Tools for Information Fusion (2007, Artech House Publishers) ISBN10:1596930810(392s) 728d61b98efc469b43d34b98db6b6303.pdf
258866 Roger E. Sanders - DB2(R) Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management (2003, IBM Press) ISBN13:9780131840485;ISBN10:0131840487(512s) 745535db120eaaec687d8f609cf7e155.chm
258867 Roger Buckley, Jim Caple - (Theory & Practice of Training)The Theory and Practice of Training (2007, Kogan Page) ISBN10:0749449764;ISBN13:9780749449766(326s) 75fe3dbd276f5a3797ae9f2824440ab5.pdf
258868 Marco Winckler, Hilary Johnson, Philippe Palanque - (Lecture ... / Programming and Software Engineering)Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design: 6th International Workshop, TAMODIA 2007, Toulouse, France, November 7-9, 2007, Proceedings (2008, Springer) ISBN10:3540772219(299s) 76010dbf5272b0f1380bdae778e10beb.pdf
258869 Apostolos Antonacopoulos, Jianying Hu - Web Document Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities (2004, World Scientific Pub Co Inc) ISBN10:9812385827(344s) 76dbccd9d09dad8fea2945eb321992e4.pdf
258870 Anitra Nelson, Anitra Nelson - Steering Sustainability in an Urbanising World (2008, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754671466(290s) 76e86ad67d58afc1b87d69e4aab0cc27.pdf
258871 DK Publishing - (Eye Wonder)Desert (2007, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:075662908X;ISBN13:9780756629083;ISBN13:9780756629090(48s) 78248500fd20744a2e4b807e8a8ef385.pdf
258872 Jean Decety, William Ickes - The Social Neuroscience of Empathy (2009, The MIT Press) ISBN13:9780262012973(264s) 7c637614d87ce8e832ee5aabcdee35ab.pdf
258873 Allan Wigfield, Kathleen C. Perencevich, John T. Guthrie - Motivating Reading Comprehension: Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0805846832;ISBN10:0805846824(344s) 7c954c4c554897019f5f949ac4399040.pdf
258874 Paul Hoggett, Marjorie Mayo, Chris Miller - The Dilemmas of Development Work: Ethical Challenges in Regeneration (2008, Policy Press) ISBN10:1861349726;ISBN13:9781861349712;ISBN13:9781861349729(201s) 7d8d9601d42aad5f97d85695fa92e0b4.pdf
258875 Tanja Staehler - Plato and Levinas: The Ambiguous Out-Side of Ethics (2009, Routledge) ISBN10:0415991803;ISBN10:0203873122;ISBN13:9780415991803;ISBN13:9780203873120(296s) 7d943aa600d2fff57a89debe43f0fbea.pdf
258876 Phil Jones - Communicating Strategy (2008, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780566088100(198s) 7dad05c40af4a6ddb033c2262f87ad12.pdf
258877 Toke Aidt, Zafiris Tzannatos - (Directions in Development)Union and Collective Bargaining: Economic Effects in a Global Environment (2003, World Bank Publications) ISBN10:0821350803(168s) 7f1386c0c4d05130381ae48d5a805cd2.pdf
258878 George Bebis, Richard Boyle, Bahram Parvin, Darko Koracin, Nikos Paragios, Syeda-Mahmood Tanveer, Tao Ju, Zicheng Liu, Sabine Coquillart, Carolina Cruz-Neira, Torsten Möller, Tom Malzbender - (Lecture Notes ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)Advances in Visual Computing: Third International Symposium, ISVC 2007, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, November 26-28, 2007, Proceedings, Part II (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540768556(827s) 81bd68551650c3407cad89de208e5015.pdf
258879 Edmund A. Mennis, Chester D. Clark - Understanding Corporate Pension Plans (1983, The Financial Analysts Research Foundation (Research Foundation of CFA Institute)) ISBN13:9780943205595(89s) 838d728244749f6c1d8772e4118e9496.pdf
258880 Michael Phillips, Salli Rasberry, Diana Fitzpatrick - Marketing Without Advertising: Inspire Customers To Rave About Your Business & Create Lasting Success (2005, NOLO) ISBN10:1413301843(240s) 87a1f0cf36d77c0b17814f0b55724827.pdf
258881 Mary Ellen S. Capek, Molly Mead - Effective Philanthropy: Organizational Success through Deep Diversity and Gender Equality (2006, The MIT Press) ISBN10:0262033372(417s) 87dac4787e86975dfa77c70248ce2539.pdf
258882 William W. Hines, Douglas C. Montgomery, David M. Goldsman, Connie M. Borror - Probability and Statistics in Engineering (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0471240877(672s) 89c414d66418ba0ff416f18af1e331a9.pdf
258883 Steven J. Zaloga - (Battle Orders)US Armored Units in the North Africa and Italian Campaigns 1942-45 (2006, Osprey Publishing) ISBN10:1841769665(96s) 89e4e42d6c8fd14bfad1ee1a666269fb.pdf
258884 Paul Rogers - Iraq and the War on Terror: Twelve Months of Insurgency 2004/2005 (2006, I. B. Tauris) ISBN10:1845112059(144s) 8a26faab839ef5602e27948bb67d3166.pdf
258885 Scott Rae, Kenman L. Wong - Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethics (2004, Zondervan) ISBN10:0310240026;ISBN13:9780310315643(480s) 8fbdaa42984ec591f55c4ed8df277ec0.pdf
258886 Bing-Yuan Cao - Fuzzy Information and Engineering: Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Fuzzy Information and Engineering (ICFIE) (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540714405(1032s) 920a54ff25267f87011f4ea16f967ceb.pdf
258887 Robert A. Schwartz, Reto Francioni - Equity Markets in Action: The Fundamentals of Liquidity, Market Structure & Trading + CD (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:047146922X(480s) 93fa0117592efa30d3c7609963cb0c36.pdf
258888 Kaplan - (Book & CD-ROM)Kaplan GMAT Premier Program, 2009 (2008, Kaplan Publishing) ISBN10:141955204X(672s) 95c3d7192454898f4107a427b413d504.pdf
258889 Elmar Lueth - (Sightline Books)No Such Country: Essays toward Home (2002, University Of Iowa Press) ISBN10:0877457964(196s) 95c71254b4de571f08f5c20c7ebc4479.pdf
258890 Jay Nagdeman - The Professional's Guide to Financial Services Marketing: Bite-Sized Insights For Creating Effective Approaches (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470410795;ISBN13:9780470410790(288s) 962337bc6268c17a9e83fee0da1058ec.pdf
258891 Rachel Pain and Susan J. Smith, Rachel Pain, Susan J. Smith - (Re-Materialising Cultural Geography)Fear: Critical Geopolitics and Everyday Life (2008, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754649663(274s) 114aec043489a5ec00086d2968fac245.pdf
258892 Matthew Harrison - Vehicle Refinement: Controlling Noise and Vibration in Road Vehicles (R-364 (2004, SAE) ISBN10:0768015057(360s) 2caf44910c78841ba6bd76c306f08878.pdf
258893 Jason J. S. Barton, Michael Benatar - (Current Clinical Neurology)Field of Vision: A Manual and Atlas of Perimetry (2003, Humana Press) ISBN10:1588291758;ISBN10:1592593550(352s) 9657a24fcd9d0fb870b3a5b486c84cca.pdf
258894 Marina Alberti - Advances in Urban Ecology: Integrating Humans and Ecological Processes in Urban Ecosystems (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387755098;ISBN13:9780387755090;ISBN13:9780387755106(366s) 965a04934351f8c4f8d7a238965604c2.pdf
258895 Lindsey Moore - (Transformations)Arab, Muslim, Woman: Voice and Vision in Postcolonial Literature and Film (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415404169(208s) 9790e697765b302d2dee4e0c2e187655.pdf
258896 Robert B.J. Dorion - (International Forensic Science and Investigation)Bitemark Evidence (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:082475414X(680s) 99ce56a629cfc3546207944aa45504fc.pdf
258897 Guy Wyser-Pratte - (Wiley Investment Classics)Risk Arbitrage (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470415711;ISBN13:9780470415719(304s) 9a3606945f0067ecc70f755fdca45505.pdf
258898 Michele M. Burlew - Reading External Data Files Using SAS: Examples Handbook (2002, SAS Publishing) ISBN10:1590471156(296s) 9d6ffecfe237aabf8341d6ad26731186.pdf
258899 J.H. Bungey, S.G. Millard, J. H. Bungey, S. G. Millard - Testing of Concrete in Structures (1995, Spon Press) ISBN10:0751402419(286s) 9eec6f03541ba9d16bd47e540b1b03ad.pdf
258900 Kim H. Tan - (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment)Soils in the Humid Tropics and Monsoon Region of Indonesia (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420069071(584s) 9f5618a4ad76dbf45aac8791302a922d.pdf
258901 Darrell Jobman - The Handbook of Alternative Investments (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471418609(496s) a04632c07077c9883605ae1c39625c97.pdf
258902 Nuray Aykin - Usability and Internationalization. HCI and Culture: Second International Conference on Usability and Internationalization, UI-HCII 2007, held as Part ... incl. Internet/Web, and HCI) (Pt. 1 (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540732861(661s) a0f97df5606e6dcb809fd86a377717f8.pdf
258903 Tom Hunley - (New Writing Viewpoints)Teaching Poetry Writing: A Five-Canon Approach (2007, Multilingual Matters) ISBN13:9781853599750;ISBN13:9781853599743(184s) a137701d93f1002c55c2af94443f0361.pdf
258904 Mark Fesen M.D. F.A.C.P. - Surviving the Cancer System: An Empowering Guide to Taking Control of Your Care (2009, AMACOM) ISBN10:0814413560;ISBN13:9780814413562(288s) a25ba48e0807adc335fec86c3313099e.pdf
258905 Jerry G. Blaivas, Michael B. Chancellor, Michael R. Verhaaren, Jeffrey P. Weiss - Atlas of Urodynamics (2007, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:9781405146258(256s) a5d317a7ce56a937d3adb76cf62986c2.pdf
258906 Robert G. Powell, Dana Caseau, Dana L. Powell - (Routledge Communication Series)Classroom Communication and Diversity: Enhancing Instructional Practice (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0805840257;ISBN10:0805840265;ISBN10:1410610292(256s) a70136808f843425446a98b3f97eecef.pdf
258907 Albert Parr Ph.D. MS in Physics BS in Physics with Honors and BS in Mathematics, Raju Datla, James Gardner - (Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences Volume 41)Optical Radiometry (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124759882;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(586s) a7bfa2508b5264cf29097b4896c6e607.pdf
258908 Andrew Holmes - Commoditization and the Strategic Response (2008, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780566087431(244s) a7f04ca6f03d225289cd7c178d175a33.pdf
258909 Author Unknown - (Progress in Optics, Vol. 31). (1993, North Holland) ISBN10:0444898360(454s) a8070a2e73fbc6b8d8e30f4bb5729623.pdf
258910 Boland - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (2005, Sphinx Publishing) ISBN13:9781572485273;ISBN10:1572485272(288s) a95fa35c81a0b03aea9ea6a4e387549f.pdf
258911 Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, Ken Turner, Kasia Jaszczolt - (Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface Volume 19)Particles at the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface: PART SEMANTICS/PRAGMATICS INTERF (2008, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0080552935;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780080552934(260s) a965cdd7ba56a528ee32a2793163dd57.pdf
258912 Kenneth A. Rogers and Marvin G. Kingsley - (Homeland Security)Calculated Risks (2007, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754671336(218s) aad563e4626cd24752e4020b5c5d4524.pdf
258913 Yuen Chung Kwong - Annual Review of Scalable Computing Volume 3 (2001, World Scientific Publishing Company) ISBN10:9810245793;ISBN10:9810241194;ISBN10:9810244134(228s) aae8a81e115e232c3b30ee425c0c4cc5.pdf
258914 Frank Geraets, Leo Kroon, Anita Schoebel, Dorothea Wagner, Christos Zaroliagiis - Algorithmic Methods for Railway Optimization: International Dagstuhl Workshop, Railway Optimization 2004, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 20-25, 2004, ... Computer Science and General Issues) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:354074245X(321s) ab6f91c10d08cd195b4a7dca9f8522fe.pdf
258915 Jeffrey H. Rattiner - Rattiner's Review for the CFP(R) Certification Examination, Fast Track, Study Guide (Rattiner's Review for the CFP Certification Examination (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:047043628X(456s) ac3048bc089c29fe16850d368c6ff91b.pdf
258916 Erika Rummel - (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)The Confessionalization of Humanism in Reformation Germany (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195137124(224s) adb7b3a556b3d14215ea9831a1d4c291.pdf
258917 Jakob R. Izbicki, Alexander F. Chernousov, Dieter Broering, Yuri I. Gallinger, Emre F. Yekebas, Pavel M. Bogopolski, Asad Kutup, Nib Söhendra - Surgery of the Esophagus: Textbook and Atlas of Surgical Practice (2009, Steinkopff) ISBN13:9783798513099(386s) ae06a495454ac3c0f5af14de19e5d54a.pdf
258918 Kim Addonizio, Dorianne Laux - The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry (1997, W. W. Norton & Company) ISBN10:0393316548(288s) aec7e84b5e8a8493bd85108f53c0b48a.pdf
258919 Brian Marick - (The Facets of Ruby Series)Programming Cocoa with Ruby: Create Compelling Mac Apps Using RubyCocoa (2009, Pragmatic Bookshelf) ISBN10:1934356190;ISBN13:9781934356197(300s) afc963b0d7370bced4abf70da6e5758f.pdf
258920 Peter J. Olver - (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)Classical Invariant Theory (1999, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521558212(304s) b31418e046e0e38b0f5a68ea6e0b642b.djvu
258921 Rachel Tribe, Jean Morrissey - Handbook of Professional and Ethical Practice for Psychologists, Counsellors and Psychotherapists (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:1583919694;ISBN10:0203323629(288s) b49e0cdcd62e2e2ea6eef43a57dce3ba.pdf
258922 Dr Sue Dymoke - Drafting and Assessing Poetry: A Guide for Teachers (2003, Sage Publications Ltd) ISBN10:0761948546;ISBN10:0761948554(224s) baafaefc0417bdad4462fb5dc4fc9b60.pdf
258923 Timothy P. McNamara - (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)Semantic Priming: Perspectives from Memory and Word Recognition (2005, Psychology Press) ISBN10:1841690791;ISBN13:9781841690797(216s) bf22656c1c6c9f3ea37fa2b37ea12f33.pdf
258924 Brad Schepp, Debra Schepp - (How to Make . . .)How to Make Money with YouTube: Earn Cash, Market Yourself, Reach Your Customers, and Grow Your Business on the World's Most Popular Video-Sharing Site (2009, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071621369;ISBN13:9780071626187;ISBN10:0071626182;ISBN13:9780071621366(240s) bf7d64a59c4da008f1894d8ec3e7aac3.pdf
258925 International Code Council - 2009 International Building Code: Softcover Version (2009, ICC (distributed by Cengage Learning)) ISBN13:9781580017251;ISBN13:9781580017244(676s) c2277d49ffd9dfc5866995fbb878ebaa.pdf
258926 N. Bellomo, Renee Gatignol - (Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences)Lecture Notes on the Discretization of the Boltzmann Equation (2003, World Scientific Publishing Company) ISBN10:9812382259(316s) c30fa5625c19fcb370562907f2530be6.pdf
258927 Patrick I. Borgen, Arnold D.K. Hill - (Vademecum)Breast Diseases (2000, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:157059578X(196s) c312c00e31ceeb828ff55f2530f37f4c.pdf
258928 Ronald Berman - Fitzgerald-Wilson-Hemingway: Language and Experience (2003, University Alabama Press) ISBN10:0817312781(136s) c55a0632a729a9837d96f80da41f5b5e.pdf
258929 Ivan Cury - TV Commercials: How to Make Them: or, How Big is the Boat? (2004, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240805925(256s) c581b7585af4b80c2038319bcf2fa65e.pdf
258930 Francisco Botana, Tomas Recio - (Lecture Notes in ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)Automated Deduction in Geometry: 6th International Workshop, ADG 2006, Pontevedra, Spain, August 31-September 2, 2006, Revised Papers (2008, Springer) ISBN10:354077355X;ISBN10:2007941260(213s) c58e5addd7c8c5de9c70b13c52ebac1b.pdf
258931 Heinz Gartner, Ian Cuthbertson - European Security and Transatlantic Relations after 9/11: (2005, Palgrave Macmillan) ISBN10:1403936854;ISBN10:2004059168(272s) c633c005d7d3f08b3398c8247e023e84.pdf
258932 Thomas Lucatorto, Marc De Graef, F. B. Dunning, Randall G. Hulet - (Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences)Electromagnetic Radiation: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics: Electromagnetic Radiation Volume 29C (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124759777(406s) c65e18ffee21475af653cb79f5c01168.pdf
258933 DK Publishing - (DK Eyewitness Workbooks)Earth (2007, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0756630096;ISBN13:9780756630096(48s) c77fe8160a904801d72d1739fdf2ef71.pdf
258934 Willem Frijhoff, Myra Heerspink Scholz - (The Atlantic World)Fulfilling God's Mission: The Two Worlds of Dominie Everardus Bogardus, 1607-1647 (2007, Brill Academic Publishers) ISBN10:9004162119;ISBN13:9789004162112;ISBN10:9061684021(628s) c7c1c5869514259405d21fe4bce69525.pdf
258935 Ernst Breisach - American Progressive History: An Experiment in Modernization (1993, University Of Chicago Press) ISBN10:0226072762(268s) c882390af8527ac1df6751680f422bbf.pdf
258936 Ron Moore - Making Common Sense Common Practice: Models for Manufacturing Excellence (2004, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN10:0750678216(478s) c8f7e8a28a11d9733bf07bf12ff69016.pdf
258937 Robert Miller, Alexey M Ivanitsky - (Conceptual Advances in Brain Research)Complex Brain Functions: Conceptual Advances in Russian Neuroscience (2000, CRC Press) ISBN10:905823021X(432s) c990b81d20e1db2b81181df426d0a00c.pdf
258938 James Harley - Xenakis: His Life in Music (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415971454;ISBN10:0203342798(308s) cbadcc2c7a2d52548ab4ecebc2c254de.pdf
258939 Mal Warwick - (The Mal Warwick Fundraising Series)Fundraising When Money Is Tight: A Strategic and Practical Guide to Surviving Tough Times and Thriving in the Future (2009, Jossey-Bass) ISBN10:0470481323(256s) cc69fcdc94650d09be5525f6a3ee0c34.pdf
258940 Rolf Wustenhagen, Jost Hamschmidt, Sanjay Sharma, Mark Starik - (New Perspectives in Research on Corporate Sustainability)Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2008, Edward Elgar Publishing) ISBN10:1847200370;ISBN13:9781847200372(317s) ccbb981b7165f9f17bc03788ff006c4e.pdf
258941 Bernhard Westrich, Bernhard Westrich, Ulrich Förstner - (Environmental Science and Engineering / Environmental Science)Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540347828;ISBN13:9783540347828(430s) cf135d0c5c4b463f59c1668ff14657b8.pdf
258942 Noel F. McGinn - (Reference Books in International Education)Learning through Collaborative Research: The Six Nation Education Research Project (2004, Routledge) ISBN10:0415949335;ISBN10:0203327535(256s) cf58210602486a7aafdbe57479147aec.pdf
258943 Arnold J. Rudolph M.D., Arnold J. Rudolph MD, Arnold J. Rudolph MD - (Atlas of the Newborn)Atlas of the Newborn: Thorax, Abdomen, Blood, Endocrine, and Metabolic Disorders (1999, pmph usa) ISBN10:1550090356;ISBN10:0393493016(228s) d3d44d554aa910f302a63b150b74c205.pdf
258944 Christian Bessiere - Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2007: 13th International Conference, CP 2007, Providence, RI, USA, September 25-29, 2007, Proceedings ... / Programming and Software Engineering) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540749691(890s) d8bc3108bd5019b6dba5a85a9bdbd074.pdf
258945 Michael Schlander - (Innovation and Valuation in Health Care)Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: A Qualitative Study (2007, Springer) ISBN10:0387719954;ISBN13:9780387719955;ISBN13:9780387719962(245s) d919c5d7720d0d64389984c07cffed07.pdf
258946 Roman Obermaisser, Yunmook Nah, Peter Puschner, Franz J. Rammig - Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems: 5th IFIP WG 10.2 International Workshop, SEUS 2007, Santorini Island, Greece, May 7-8, 2007, ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540756639;ISBN10:1217406506(563s) d92521c8bbcdd99c34c71f2eae004d08.pdf
258947 Bernard Marr - Perspectives on Intellectual Capital: Multidisciplinary Insights Into Management, Measurement, and Reporting (2005, Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN10:0750677996(256s) d9636b31a7ba8a643cc1876011335340.pdf
258948 R.P. Agarwal, Donal O'Regan - Infinite Interval Problems for Differential, Difference and Integral Equations (2001, Springer) ISBN10:0792369610(352s) dab899bccc29dd594d2ed8fef60a0cdf.djvu
258949 C. Vasudev - Combinatorics and Graph Theory: As Per U.P.T.U. Syllabus (2007, New Age Publications (Academic)) ISBN13:9788122421231;ISBN13:9788122428902(0s) dad3012ec53df4e0ab484f60a5bccb0c.pdf
258950 Stefan Edelkamp, Alessio Lomuscio - (Lecture ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence: 4th Workshop, MoChArt IV, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 29, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540741275(185s) db01ec593f42debe9bfdc3630b399de4.pdf
258951 Jeanne F. Loring, Robin L. Wesselschmidt, Philip H. Schwartz - Human Stem Cell Manual: A Laboratory Guide (2007, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123704650;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123704658(488s) dd4cbb06cd5744ec54d3fb4eab9a0bea.pdf
258952 Sam Kauffmann - Avid Editing: A Guide for Beginning and Intermediate Users (2006, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240808169;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780240808161(448s) dd545f8d458a0b3af30085dffd1304f5.pdf
258953 Shakespeare William, Gibbons Brian - (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)Measure for Measure (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521670784(240s) dda5559a076dad3c0e5bb31ac875f699.pdf
258954 Richard Silberglitt - Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-depth Analysis: Bio/Nano/materials/information (2006, RAND Corporation) ISBN10:083303975X(281s) e23ef2e6ab4508bf1ca3384bf0f6fb6b.pdf
258955 Roger Shashoua - Dancing with the Bear: A Serial Entrepreneur Goes East (2007, GMB Publishing Ltd) ISBN10:1846730767;ISBN13:9781846730764;ISBN13:9781846730771(195s) e7cc14e72bee58fc0dbce5b7f7c30b98.pdf
258956 Marc J. Epstein, Bill Birchard - Counting What Counts: Turning Corporate Accountability to Competitive Advantage (2000, Basic Books) ISBN10:0738203130(320s) e924f4b731102d698af923d123741dab.pdf
258957 John E. Thiel - Senses of Tradition: Continuity and Development in Catholic Faith (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195137264(264s) ea7b2f4c4c885b8536f012343748c8a3.pdf
258958 Vivien A. Schmidt - The Futures of European Capitalism (2002, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199253684(376s) eba7d3562bfeec1d514a543848c5c9a1.pdf
258959 Mariusz Duplaga, Mariusz Duplaga, Krzysztof Zielinski, David Ingram - (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics)Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies (2004, IOS Press) ISBN10:1586034383(360s) ec21f4712e0fe7493cf570bb5558f4a3.pdf
258960 Ian Oakley, Stephen Brewster - (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Second International Workshop, HAID 2007 Seoul, Korea, November 29-30, 2007 Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540767010(145s) ecbf528a836f144f903608771d8049cd.pdf
258961 John Lynes - (Ulysses Green Escapes: Ontario's Bike Paths & Rail Trails)Ontario's Bike Paths and Rail Trails (2007, Hunter Publishing (NJ)) ISBN10:2894646488;ISBN13:9782894646489(172s) ed67f4edd2d3c381085f325487e66e8f.pdf
258962 CHO - Complex Carbohydrates in Foods (1999, Marcel Dekker Inc) ISBN10:0824742281;ISBN10:0824701879(700s) ef6b429f82bcf6266f8fc8fb92fedbef.pdf
258963 Lynda Payne - (The History of Medicine in Context)With Words and Knives (2007, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754636892(194s) ef7d1192f5ec445b3d13d68f53ebf197.pdf
258964 Denilson Barbosa, Angela Bonifati, Zohra Bellahsène, Ela Hunt, Rainer Unland - (Lecture Notes ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)Database and XML Technologies: 5th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2007, Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2007, Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540752870;ISBN10:2007935597(141s) f08ad4edcb50c11b2deda6c62a2b0360.pdf
258965 David Hands, Jack Ingram, Robert Jerrard - Design Management Case Studies (2002, Routledge) ISBN10:041523378X;ISBN10:0415233798(256s) f2108ccc74d84173f8f44bc7d99c2eb4.pdf
258966 Irena Backus - (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History)Life Writing in Reformation Europe (2008, Ashgate) ISBN13:9780754660552(302s) f3c565c4639b5b2152cb02b28b818d99.pdf
258967 Hans Munthe-Kaas, Brynjulf Owren - (Abel Symposia)Mathematics and Computation, a Contemporary View: The Abel Symposium 2006 (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9783540688488;ISBN13:9783540688501(130s) f4a6b18b84a5caf131a3e378d418102c.pdf
258968 Bernt Schiele, Anind K. Dey, Hans Gellersen, Boris De Ruyter, Manfred Tscheligi, Reiner Wichert, Emile Aerts, Alejandro Buchmann - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Information ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007, Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540766510(375s) f50ceae70e7dcb8f89531c1e2829b3d7.pdf
258969 David Yeadon - Seasons in Basilicata: A Year in a Southern Italian Hill Village (2005, Harper Perennial) ISBN10:0060531118(480s) f8f6ae64d5f662442442a6f9f2d84ccb.pdf
258970 Richard Howson, Kylie Smith - (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)Hegemony: Studies in Consensus and Coercion (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415955440;ISBN13:9780415955447;ISBN10:0203927184;ISBN13:9780203927182(256s) fc0de43abfe7eb7faf7eb61af426b81e.pdf
258971 June Lines - (30 minutes series)30 Minutes to Prepare a Job Application (1997, Kogan Page Ltd) ISBN10:0749423692(64s) fc2f79adcfadb843968675c25e980825.pdf
258972 Hiroshi Ito, Jean Daniel Marty, Monique Mauzac - (Advances in Polymer Science)Microlithography/Molecular Imprinting (2005, Springer) ISBN10:3540218629(276s) fc5d924e499dab832216419a04cbe944.pdf
258973 Eric M. Uslaner - Corruption, Inequality, and the Rule of Law: The Bulging Pocket Makes the Easy Life (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521874890;ISBN13:9780521874892(360s) fd1c51a3d4fe15de0be231d4cc0a1494.pdf
258974 Marc Galanter - Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Alcoholism and Women Volume 12 (1995, Springer) ISBN10:0306449218;ISBN10:0306471388(496s) fe0f099eb07ab912090a5c941bcba0c1.pdf
258975 John Paul Kawalek - Rethinking Information Systems in Organizations: Integrating Organizational Problem Solving (2007, Routledge) ISBN10:0415403049;ISBN10:0203936051(272s) fe7acafac5985a4869a1b8bcd6f698bb.pdf
258976 Václav Matousek, Pavel Mautner - (Lecture Notes in Computer ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)Text, Speech and Dialogue: 10th International Conference, TSD 2007, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2007, Proceedings (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540746277(663s) ffb2acaf47233f4e0b659d09a72faf88.pdf
258977 Prof. Annette Stott PhD - Pioneer Cemeteries: Sculpture Gardens of the Old West (2008, University of Nebraska Press) ISBN13:9780803216082(404s) 023276b67123bb65894ff3846d6abfcb.pdf
258978 Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl EdD, Michael C. McKenna Phd, Lesley Mandel Morrow PhD - Reading Research at Work: Foundations of Effective Practice (2006, The Guilford Press) ISBN10:1593853009;ISBN10:1593852991;ISBN13:9781593852993;ISBN13:9781593853006(450s) 02340d615d1e161bf6c35843049e68ac.pdf
258979 Martine Collard - Ontologies-Based Databases and Information Systems: First and Second VLDB Workshops, ODBIS 2005/2006 Trondheim, Norway, September 2-3, 2005 Seoul, Korea, ... Computer Science and General Issues) (2007, Springer) ISBN10:3540754733(153s) 02e883902860b74e3ae87b5471330dba.pdf
258980 Glenn Altschuler, Stuart Blumin - (Pivotal Moments in American History)The GI Bill: The New Deal for Veterans (2009, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195182286;ISBN13:9780195182286(272s) 0439adaf118b1c15c51325e2b73c7709.pdf
258981 Michael Rabiger - (Screencraft Series)Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics (2003, Focal Press) ISBN10:0240805178(560s) 064555115882691dc33f6db9f6bee55a.pdf
258982 Vladimir Soloviev, Professor Vladimir Wozniuk - Politics, Law, and Morality: Essays by V. S. Soloviev (2000, Yale University Press) ISBN10:0300079958(368s) 07188ec56babff6d97be6657c57deb80.pdf
258983 Fanchi - PEH. General Engineering CD Vol. 1 (2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers) ISBN13:9781555631130(0s) 078965db958696a5a618da283bf9c969.pdf
258984 Sarah J. Purcell - (Early American Studies)Sealed with Blood: War, Sacrifice, and Memory in Revolutionary America (2002, University of Pennsylvania Press) ISBN10:0812236602(288s) 084c16f7b11acdf54578de2e69b557e2.pdf
258985 Thomas C. Jepsen - Distributed Storage Networks: Architecture, Protocols and Management (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0470850205(338s) 09154aaed8f2832195c188288ce50d9b.pdf
258986 Michael Heale - (Lancaster Pamphlets)Franklin D. Roosevelt: The New Deal and War (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0415145880(112s) 098c7218c07fea20b54ab2774ce511e2.djvu
258987 Prof. Gregg Mitman - Breathing Space: How Allergies Shape Our Lives and Landscapes (2007, Yale University Press) ISBN10:0300110359;ISBN13:9780300110357(336s) 0adc8953087591352ab87d5073ba21e0.pdf
258988 Alan D. St. John - Oregon's Dry Side: Exploring East of the Cascade Crest (2007, Timber Press, Incorporated) ISBN10:0881928291;ISBN13:9780881928297(324s) 0b57d9492f347029c9c6220a7d003851.pdf
258989 Kevin J. Anderson, Doug Beason - Assemblers of Infinity (1993, Bantam / Spectra) ISBN10:0553299212;ISBN13:9780553299212(555s) 0bbb5c1f94c9c031b7f9b75d919e7343.pdf
258990 Stephanie Laurens, Mary Balogh, Jacquie D'alessandro, Candice Hern - It Happened One Night (2008, Avon) ISBN10:0061354163(384s) 0cc5da52463f1594873194d3812ba361.pdf
258991 John R. Baker, Ralph Muller, D. Rollinson - (Advances in Parasitology, Vol. 43). (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120317435(329s) 0de07b269f107ef971e1933a88a99ecc.pdf
258992 Adam Winsler, Charles Fernyhough, Ignacio Montero - Private Speech, Executive Functioning, and the Development of Verbal Self-Regulation (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521866071(272s) 10ea832b3191854d0bf9658ee888fb01.pdf
258993 Michael J. O'Brien, R. Lee Lyman - Seriation Stratigraphy and Index Fossils: The Backbone of Archaeological Dating (2002, Plenum Pub Corp) ISBN10:030647168X;ISBN10:0306461528(0s) 11bd3d463c63d6414a223b53883a440f.pdf
258994 Michael Laitman - Bail Yourself Out: How You Can Emerge Strong from the World Crisis (2009, Bnei Baruch/Laitman Kabbalah Publishers) ISBN13:9781897448274(120s) 11c2c0db43e1a79a3aaca63136bb1cde.pdf
258995 Pierre Le Béguec, Hans-Peter Sieber, E.W. Morscher - Revision of loose femoral prostheses with a stem system based on the "press-fit" principle: A concept and its system of implants, a method and its results (2007, Springer) ISBN13:9782287396267(180s) 15d4a92b4cb316989202b200646dad47.pdf
258996 I. J. S. Fairlamb - (SPR Organometallic Chemistry)Organometallic Chemistry (2010, Royal Society of Chemistry) ISBN13:9780854043538(190s) 16d01eb32a18bc6cfe6099506f382356.pdf
258997 Marlene L. Rose - (Medical Intelligence Unit 21)Transplant-Associated Coronary Artery Vasculopathy (2001, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1587060051;ISBN10:1587060787(210s) 1983146cdf20aab335cf1a47669e4566.pdf
258998 Dominic Murphy, Michael Bishop - (Philosophers and their Critics)Stich and His Critics (2009, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405112077;ISBN13:9781405112079;ISBN13:9781405112062(280s) 19fbe58a0858d96f1c69029522cb5f3b.pdf
258999 Zhao Ziyang, Bao Pu, Renee Chiang, Adi Ignatius - Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang (2009, Simon & Schuster) ISBN13:9781439149386;ISBN10:1439149380(336s) 1e4166d5b3118958113d4758f1427e4d.pdf
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