
Library Genesis 243000-243999

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243000 Полищук М. Л. - (Общество и личность)В преддверии натиска «третьей волны»; Контуры планетарной цивилизации в общественно-политической мысли Запада (1989, Наука) (160s) 825d543f677ea905e0f9e0fc27874d5c.rar
243001 Половинкин С.М. - (Новое в жизни. Науке и технике)П.А. Флоренский: Логос против хаоса (1989, Знание) (64s) f3093f840b6ec1883a880f3ba84f3558.rar
243002 Померанец Г. - (Лики культуры)Выход из транса (1995, Юрист) (575s) e8c693c431c8f7ac438fca66aee18874.pdf
243003 Померанц Г - Поспеть за богом (1999, Пров-пресс) (164s) ae791dea011aa7ed9523313d0270eb85.rar
243004 Помпонацци Пьетро. - (БЛАР)Трактаты о бессмертии души, о причинах естественных явлений или о чародействе. (1990, Наука ) (312s) 4d94e1ea040db014ef1e9b9eadf8c2f4.rar
243005 Поппер К - Открытое общество и его враги. Время лжепророков Т. 2 (1992, КИ.,) (528s) 34199108dd59abee8112ed5ee95c22fa.rar
243006 Попова Н.Г. - Французский постфрейдизм (1986, ВШ) (122s) 37f55a680520a773fc243fd01db9b98a.rar
243007 Поппер К. Р. - Нищета историцизма. (1993, Прогресс VIA) (187s) 048110631cadeec1bec7bb8e9732f600.rar
243008 Проблема - Проблема человека в западной философии (1988, Прогресс,) (552s) 9b22a40bfe2a745a70188e161a379095.rar
243009 Прокл - (Путь)Первоосновы телогии (1993, Прогресс) (319s) b9199cf88cdc5895e1e63984d35f4e0e.rar
243010 Прокопий кесарийский - Тайная история (1991, Веста) (91s) e3302c644c34a2be2d7fa335b7c252d0.rar
243011 Пропп В.Я - Исторические корни волшебной сказки. (1986, Изд. ЛГУ,) (365s) d49b10a1b919db6b711c5242ce01a9f4.rar
243012 Прудон П.Ж. - (Мыслители 29 века)Что такое частная собственность? (1998, Республика) (386s) a0b8e529fb1ebf52f84628f5389fd796.rar
243013 Пуанкаре А. - О науке (1990, Наука) (736s) ecee785427b1e4936be80c9b4a60ba81.rar
243014 Пугачев В.Н., Соловьев А.И - Введение в политологию (1998, Аспект-Пресс) (447s) ba88362e898279df745b95478a65d7a2.rar
243015 Пюимеж Жерар де - Шовен, солдат-землепашец. Эпизод из истории национализма (1999, ЯРК) (400s) 311ebbf569030ba4d809e495ca634f1b.pdf
243016 Райх В - (Классики зарубежной психологии)Психология масс и фашизм. (1997, Ун. Книга) (380s) ef19c687774563eac4ee919d7623d5d4.rar
243017 Райх В - (Классики зарубежной психологии)Функция оргазма. Основные сексуально-экономические проблемы биологической энергии. (1997, Ун. Книга) (303s) 530b3d8e3e1a5fe973329c7d8f749e9f.rar
243018 Ранк О. - Миф о рождении героя. (1995, Мартис) (320s) 51e4d30d545ff3ce1d6eaf81db18f43b.rar
243019 Ранкур-Лаферриер Д - (Библ психоанализа)Психика Сталина (1996, Прогресс-Академия) (240s) 702de8eac70fc0ba54ec7ec3d50cf124.rar
243020 Рассел Б - История западной философии: в 2-х т. Т.2. (1994, НГУ) (464s) ce9418b374dba3487878e4b5d8d14279.rar
243021 Рассел Б - (Библиотека атеиста)Почему я не христианин? (1987, ИПЛ) (334s) 5ce1e1a6a68372c2495f2d3238b152e3.rar
243022 Заблуждающийся - Заблуждающийся разум (1990, ИПЛ) (464s) 4fd8ea9bbe95d1287569030c057083d4.rar
243023 Реале Дж., Антисери Д - Западная философия от истоков до наших дней. Античность. Т.1 (1994, Петрополис,) (334s) a4bff917a8ad817a9124a7745ed2ea87.rar
243024 Реале Дж., Антисери Д - Западная философия от истоков до наших дней. Средневековье Т.2 (1994, Петрополис,) (368s) 0cd1a0c8dfd9877fa0a4a929d72fa18a.rar
243025 Реале Дж., Антисери Д - Западная философия. Новое время Т.3 (1994, Петрополис,) (736s) c9cf3113ec0cd09050cecadaa4432cb9.rar
243026 Реале Дж., Антисери Д - Западная философия. Новое время. Т.3 (1994, Петрополис,) (736s) fdb2645693c07b89120398a013047895.rar
243027 Реале Дж., Антисери Д - Западная философия. От романтизма до наших дней Т.4 (1994, ПП,) (880s) 4edd84096a1effaa020ec53eab46ec98.rar
243028 Классики - (История философии в памятниках)Классики мирового религоведения. (1996, Канон) (496s) 51c6970a1b17f3cfc9cd62db288cbf49.rar
243029 Добиаш-Рождественская О.А - Крестом и мечом (1991, Наука) (110s) 9627909032f3ba88a818b0ac1c80ad96.rar
243030 Рикёр П. - Конфликт интерпретаций. Очерки о герменевтике. (1995, Academia-Центр МЕДИУМ) (412s) 8afdf425f64c36fbe904da7b2b8060c0.rar
243031 Риккерт Г - (МХХв)Науки о природе и науки о культуре (1998, Республика) (413s) 4e3d7c91590feea8d1505b8ebd6a2ab1.rar
243032 Римские - (Бэм)Римские стоики. Сенека. Эпиктет. Марк Аврелий (1995, Республика) (463s) 3dd9efc70738b564791910843f3948ef.rar
243033 Роботизация - (Реферативный сборник)Роботизация экономики США: Современные тенденции и перспективы (1987, Наука) (166s) 2972bacc87614492f812391b39ae8ff5.rar
243034 Россия и Германия - Россия и Германия. Опыт философского диалога. (1993, Медиум) (364s) d3fe7477cbf6382850474e48105d255e.rar
243035 Роттердамский Эразм - (Памятники философской мысли)Философские произведения (1987, Наука) (703s) cc79e9bb756feebec7e8282847bc28d2.rar
243036 Роттердамский Эразм - Похвала Глупости. (1991, Сов.Россия) (464s) 5eaac1911dc62e91953cf9bca8c2d5b3.rar
243037 Розанов В.В - Религия и культура Т.1 (1990, Правда,) (636s) 595690af17b2276b6e50f0b7cd9d3682.rar
243038 - (РУС)Русские философы Вып. 1 (1993, Кн. Палата) (368s) 318153cd367b98def834c4175e3df4c9.rar
243039 - Русская философия 2 пол 19 века Ч.1. (1991, УРГУ) (256s) 2254067a56be7a14c15b0ecfc702dd0c.rar
243040 Л.Г. Филонова - Русские философы Вып. 3. (1996, Кн. Палата) (324s) ea66c85949c5ee2e3762b5857cad177e.rar
243041 Русская идея - Русская идея. / М.А. Маслин (1992, Республика) (496s) 4d3dd6fd3a2df08a649fdb6e49d6a0e3.rar
243042 Русская идея - (История эстетики в памятниках и док)Русская идея. Т.1. (1994, Искусство) (539s) 60485d01695bf42ffda1424aaf27caee.rar
243043 Русская идея - (История эстетики в памятниках и док)Русская идея. Т.2. (1994, Искусство) (684s) 8a7d1ddcdb4bd72f994b7ef7d0bea90c.rar
243044 Русский - Русский космизм (1993, Педагогика-Пресс) (368s) 90bdd5cfe7067e2fbf423e986a6beaf3.rar
243045 - Очерки русской культуры 19 века. Общественно-культурная среда Т.1 (1998, МГУ) (384s) 1c654892c499dd2bcf9dd7fddaa31453.rar
243046 Рутенбург В.И. - Титаны Возрождения (1991, Наука) (157s) fba7c83d7a495fa19cd42c7c92ce8d14.rar
243047 - Маркиз де Сад и XX век (1992, РИК Культура) (256s) 2247c8e7fb4d8c1484a13a2e198d2943.rar
243048 Сартр Ж.П. - (Мыслители 20 века)Бытие и ничто. (2000, Республика) (639s) f565469b4629455644ebbac848d29e8f.rar
243049 Сартр Ж.П. - Фрейд (1992, Новости) (304s) 5c2e040b68f346f308cd63a6e62ab194.rar
243050 Сартр Ж. П. - Герострат. (1992, Республика) (222s) 1c61b65759e8227b3f2e916bd684765f.rar
243051 Сартр Ж.-П - (Журнал Путь)Проблемы Метода (1994, Прогресс,) (240s) 25cd381ae42cd7f10613032b6c5ef260.rar
243052 Сартр Ж.-П - Стена. Избранные произведения (1992, Политиздат,) (480s) 35d7e48139f0b397c73fd5741395c070.rar
243053 Савельева Л. И. - Античность в русской романтической поэзии (1986, КГУ) (78s) ce54258cb3100a1eeb0c28033dbd1af0.rar
243054 Савельева И.М - Альтернативный мир: модели и идеалы (1990, Наука) (208s) 2351b9cb19da6426a3f08c13ae1682f9.rar
243055 Шелер М. - Ресентимент в структуре моралей (1999, Наука) (231s) 47fd282665c75495a64393ba558aa16e.rar
243056 Сепир Э. - (Филологи мира)Избранные труды поязыкознанию и культурологии (1993, Прогресс) (656s) 412707d37e5ec959b2ceb4448c94fce9.rar
243057 Секст Эмпирик - Сочинения в двух томах. Т. 1. (1976, Мысль) (399s) a6594a25e0398854f6b09261633f92f2.rar
243058 Шарп Д - Незримый ворон. Конфликт и трансформация в жизни Франца Кафки. (1994, МОДЕК,) (128s) b5299088c9d054b145b68e1d93bbe7ef.rar
243059 Шеллинг Ф. В. Й - Философия искусства (1966, Мысль) (496s) 6d85554665a0ebc9734976aba8cf49ec.rar
243060 Шеллинг Ф.В. Й - Сочинения. т.2 (1987, Мысль) (636s) 775b6e039f54fe9e5d0f842fcf3dd4fe.rar
243061 Шеллинг Ф.В. Й - Сочинения. т.1 (1987, Мысль) (637s) 29ef1e6c11c680584d8db2237f2d667f.rar
243062 Лазарев В.В - Шеллинг (1976, Мысль) (199s) 3cfc082709871a07dc4c9cfafcb19a30.rar
243063 Диалектический - Диалектический материализм. / А. П, Шептулина. (1974, Высш. школа) (328s) 5a64eecba99ff5c4c78cb149ff0965ad.rar
243064 Шестаков В. - Мифология XX века (1988, Искусство) (224s) 7287639bb41cd24bfc0582061da1c6b9.rar
243065 Шестов Л - (Вопросы фил)Сочинения. Т.1. Власть ключей (1993, Наука) (667s) 282dce9cad4d24a175ebb77b49de5f61.rar
243066 Шлейермахер Ф.Д. - Речи о религии (1994, Алетейя) (350s) 9dd135f6f389c1e42b492e036005b384.rar
243067 Шопенгауэр А - (БЭМ)Свобода воли и нравственность (1992, Республика) (448s) 372528fe0f4b6a0158c97cf01ee2698d.rar
243068 Ромм А.С. - Бернард Шоу 1856 – 1950 (1965, Искусство) (252s) 557817a09a9d83ccdfa17cdb3ef975c0.rar
243069 Шпенглер О - Закат Европы. Т.1 (1993, Наука) (592s) 5db9fa053d52f50c393416dba43637f0.rar
243070 Шпенглер О - Закат Европы. Очерки морфологии мировой истории. Всемирно-исторические перспективы Т.2. (1998, Мысль) (608s) 632e94d04a84a55b6009241c86687e0d.rar
243071 Шпет Г.Г - Введение в этническую психологию (1996, Алетейя) (156s) b245e1d651f87f7e119c437bd3efdb55.rar
243072 Штайнер Р - (Духовная наука)Христианство как мистический факт (1991, Ной) (154s) 4c249139260a09860b654c2f3978bd82.rar
243073 Штомпка П - Социология социальных изменений (1996, Аспект-Пресс) (416s) dfa5d4157d6eb6d4bd64bc0bc34f13f9.rar
243074 Швейцер - (Мыслители ХХ века)Жизнь и мысли (1996, Республика) (528s) 9da9cf88e1ef5395d3e3b8c4fd9df836.rar
243075 Быховский Б.Э - Сигер Брабантский. (1979, Мысль) (183s) 1dd5eb49fa318a5c05c9c6174fc34910.rar
243076 Подокшин С.А. - Франциск Скорина (1981, Мысль) (215s) 07b46f8fa2b1fbc5fb28068d7e4362c5.rar
243077 Табачников И.А - Григорий Сковорода. (1972, Мысль) (207s) d3f2ed3916875bd6f179ee5ab4584428.rar
243078 Слемнев М., Васильков В - Диалектика спора (1990, Университетское,) (224s) 13c4317c4cb73bc999fc6d0c0deabaef.rar
243079 Смит А - (БЭМ.)Теория нравственных чувств (1997, Республика) (351s) cc7a1b33fd80119252a31fae62e80597.rar
243080 Нарсесянц К.В. - Сократ (1980, Мысль) (193s) 239a6589acaae0c2982e5c809e241c42.rar
243081 Соловьев Э.Ю. - (Немецкая философия: новые исследования.)И.Кант: взаимодополнительность морали и права. (1992, Наука) (216s) 768ee8bd6e9deec0cce4916a4ef05356.rar
243082 Соловьев В. С - Сочинения в 2-х т. Т.2 (1990, Мысль) (822s) bdc25a1f082c87dbe7eadd2cb55b8874.rar
243083 Соловьев Э. Ю. - Прошлое толкует нас(Очерки по истории философии и культуры). (1991, Политиздат) (432s) e8518105990789a69f2366b9543df115.rar
243084 Соловьев Вл. - (МР)Философская публицистика (1989, Правда) (735s) 30454595d64b36d5dd6de36c798b2ee2.rar
243085 Соловьев Вл. - (МР)Чтение о богочеловеке (1989, Правда) (735s) 614f1094af6dd6f528cc10b867e80b77.rar
243086 Соловьев Вл. - (Пэв И иД.)Философия искусства и литературная критика (1991, Искусство) (701s) 62dfdfae59345f24b59c6683801325ba.rar
243087 Сорокин П.А - (М ХХ века)Человек. Цивилизация. Общество (1992, Политиздат,) (543s) ed357877c6966d3152273d15492e8f93.rar
243088 Сорокин П.А. - (Социологическое наследие)Общедоступный учебник социологии (1994, Наука) (560s) 73408a72852f6579cc42186c99338968.rar
243089 Современный - Современный философский словарь. (1998, Панпринт,) (1064s) 47515f28bea90695445b84afdf1e2e08.rar
243090 Марченко А.И - Введение в социологию (1995, Новая школа,) (144s) f9d7f0fabe65bb3c7ae0c17d8ed53ff8.rar
243091 Спадолини Дж. - Европейская идея в период между просвещением и романтизмом (1993, Общ. Данте,) (352s) ae0a41de5bd055d58e876d0d05d76439.rar
243092 Спиноза Б - Избранные произведения в 2-х т. Т.1 (1957, ГИПОЛит.,) (632s) 852a4aeb1dbefe345579147c7e7d64c4.rar
243093 Соколов В.В - Спиноза (1973, Мысль) (224s) a7d834c2247860a2938199c9c49e95d8.rar
243094 Сравнительное - Сравнительное изучение цивилизаций. Хрестоматия. / Б.С. Ерасов (1998, Аспект-Пресс) (556s) 7ebc9a24b496198952e54fcf0b4a9ffc.rar
243095 Штайнер Р. - Философия свободы. Основные черты одного современного мировоззрения. (1993, Ной) (224s) b231f9f096f10f6833847f8707052804.rar
243096 Степанов Ю.С., Проскурин С.Г - Константы мировой культуры. Алфавиты и алфавитные тексты в периоды двоеверия (1993, Наука) (153s) 16d40a8d6b466f110935582419ae34b2.pdf
243097 Страх. - Страх.. Антология (1998, Алетейя) (408s) ee7aa1708e9bd0dd75697ffc124c2d96.rar
243098 Строение - Строение фильма (1984, Наука) (277s) 40141bc285286e30a047fe6ad1393f9c.rar
243099 Леви-Стросс Клод - (Мыслители 20 века)Путь масок. (2000, Республика) (399s) aeaa6d9a02bd4c3dd85d71c21b0fd143.rar
243100 Струве П.Б - (М ХХ в)Patriotica. Политика, культура, религия, социология (1997, Республика) (527s) 02e25933b803ea379841e9cf046ad2b7.rar
243101 Струве П.Б - Избранные сочинения (1996, Российская политическая энцикл.,) (472s) 8f4ef4b3a09bc71b6d3ce8568d522258.rar
243102 Тайлор Э. Б. - Первобытная культура. Пер. с англ. (1989, Политиздат) (573s) efef5d950e3cac6cf6eb4aa9ac265fe9.rar
243103 Теплиц Ежи - История киноискусства. т.1-2. 1895-1927 (1968, Прогресс,) (335s) 8ac8fbe993135a6adba4cf51cdfbcd07.rar
243104 Теплиц Ежи - История киноискусства. т.3. 1928-1933 (1971, Прогресс,) (279s) 88e07ade4ad7a767868d1d148b5e24aa.rar
243105 Терапиано Ю. - Маздеизм (1992, Сфера) (112s) 6622896aa95ee50f31d49003ef3ba00d.rar
243106 Тюбенгерн Я - Пересмотр международного порядка (1980, Прогресс,) (416s) 83e73ebee45fd4dc796a2562573618f4.rar
243107 Тоффлер А. - Третья волна (1998, АСТ) (781s) 26aa085e950a2cd69630119bfd8d4c53.rar
243108 Тоффлер А. - Футурошок. (1997, Лань) (464s) 2b84f583686b52c4df3b35147d3ac843.rar
243109 Токвиль А. Де - Демократия в Америке (1992, Прогресс,) (554s) fc870adeeee6321a5f6c6057c951debf.rar
243110 Мееровский Б. В - Джон Толанд. (1979, Мысль) (190s) fb7bb9cb8316056baa2645711a482daf.rar
243111 Томпсон Д.Л., Пристли Д - (Классики зарубежной психологии)Социология. Вводный курс (1998, Фирма,) (496s) 281fea190937dcac2d3cc9aee7db673a.rar
243112 Тондл Л. - (Обществ науки за рубежом)Проблемы семантики (1975, Прогресс) (480s) 49a6445e99618f9fb90eb6c71bc6e922.rar
243113 Покровский - Генри Торо. (1983, Мысль) (188s) b67bea6967d15cb50cf72515f6cca170.rar
243114 Трельч Эр. - Историзм и его проблемы. (1994, Юристь) (690s) 07c9163f33c4c348c98ec5625ab562e6.pdf
243115 Трифон - Древнехристианские и оптинские старцы (1994, Мартис) (254s) f8f1a3352834b5d855c783b40c6ddb06.rar
243116 Троцкий Л.Д. - Литература и революция (1991, ПИ) (400s) b7e24bac7a9d67e0348c6195c9176178.rar
243117 Троцкий Л.Д. - (История КПСС)Уроки Октября (1991, Лениздат) (366s) 08466581258df8821c23e60cad62522f.rar
243118 Трубецкой С.Н - Сочинения (1994, Мысль) (816s) 16c657f30ecab46b66be6dd9e6ac7619.rar
243119 Трубецкой Е.Н - (Мыслители ХХ века)Смысл жизни (1994, Республика) (432s) 82f5a41dbbc54d6b2b96fe209c253f55.rar
243120 Уайли Джеймс - (Библиотека аналитической литературы)В поисках фаллоса. Приап и Инфляция мужского (1996, Б.С.К.,) (128s) 34633697f54fcfbf12c02bc9cbf66ca6.rar
243121 Уайтхед А. - ((Философская мысль Запада).ЗФ)Избранные работы по философии. (1990, Прогресс) (377s) 57237fba3cd3b2e329a00c43feeaa541.rar
243122 Уильямс Дональд Ли - Пересекая границу. Психологическое изображение пути знания Карлоса Кастанеды. (1994, Модек) (191s) b36f1725dc6ddeb75d9c080d1a29638b.rar
243123 Юнг К.Г - О психологии восточных религий и философий (1994, Медиум,) (255s) 2c78e0ec5f56a80a1f6bcb1b309aea22.rar
243124 Юнг К.Г. - Миф и душа. Шесть архетипов (1996, Гос библ) (384s) 34ba510f75397b39484ffbb05f983c88.rar
243125 Юнг К.Г. - Алхимия снов. (1995, Семира) (350s) 29d22157d640d5fb922a0a880d302437.rar
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243127 Юнг К.Г. - Божественный ребенок (1997, Олимп,) (400s) 4d9fdb3bd055a2ae7aadf7e989685dd3.rar
243128 Юнг К - (БАЛ)Человек и его символы (1996, Б.С.К.,) (454s) f50c3418ef5949ea1e91176338c5132c.rar
243129 Юнг К. Г. - ((История психологии в памятниках).ЗФ)Собрание сочинений. Конфликты детской души. (1997, Канон ) (336s) d34f5a72e83e923d97d8ca6657cfde6e.rar
243130 Юнг К.Г. - (История психологии в памятгиках)Дух Меркурий (1996, Канон) (384s) 396de67efef10e10089e9963c5fe0d57.rar
243131 Юнг К. Г - (КЗП)Психологические типы. (1998, Ун. Книга) (720s) 108e3ef14fb78325eb486c164cd6cc7f.rar
243132 Юнг К.Г - Синхронистичнность (1997, Рефл-Бук,) (314s) cd78f03408ed28fb4a4c1e0e7705b145.rar
243133 Юнг К.Г - Воспоминания, сновидения, размышления. (1998, Инициатива-АСТ-ЛТД,) (480s) 46e9d21a62bd5b86f1c117a057459a2b.rar
243134 Пронников В.А, Ладанов И.Д. - Управление персоналом в Японии (1989, Наука) (207s) 9620a5f7016060140a64475a0adda61c.rar
243135 Успенский Б.А - Краткий очерк истории русского литературного языка (11-19 вв) (1994, Гнозис,) (239s) 14020b19c3eeee51cb30d0a742bcee3a.rar
243136 Успенский Б.А - (Язык. Семиотика. Культура)Избранные труды. Т.1. Семиотика истории. Семиотика культуры (1994, Гнозис,) (432s) d4f63b9cbf969a30a866c38aafa576cd.pdf
243137 Утопия - Утопия и утопическое мышление. Антология зарубежной литературы. / В.А. Чаликова (1991, Прогресс,) (405s) 5d4c4a85aaa02873dd1f9623c61dc643.rar
243138 Гелиополис - (Утопия 20 века)Гелиополис / Сост. Ю.И. Архипова (1992, Прогресс) (814s) 75da960f3c6a1e7aa31808377c6b8128.rar
243139 Валянский С.И., Калюжный Д.В - Новая хронология земных цивилизаций. Современная версия истории (1996, Олимп,) (384s) a3b3f5279939dbb31f46b1005dfbd597.rar
243140 Валла Лоренцо - Об истинном и ложном благе. О свободе воли (1989, Наука) (475s) f73053a41675793da68077f6eafdbc46.rar
243141 Вартовский М. - Модели. Репрезентация и научное понимание (1988, Прогресс) (507s) 666989a92f2b8c40b8f210a99a145867.rar
243142 Васильева Т.В. - (Из истории мировой культуры.)Афинская школа философии. (1985, Наука) (160s) 7c823e72a0f66d14ef9a063a14608aaf.rar
243143 Васильев Л.С. - История Востока. Т.1. (1994, Высш. Шк.) (495s) 72afdba1965e27093f827a31678ac4d8.rar
243144 Васильев Л.С. - История Востока. Т.2. (1994, Высш. Шк.) (495s) 072863b5efe1982c7b8fef2c99c4403e.rar
243145 Вехи. - (Антология русской публицистики)Вехи. Интеллигенция в России (1991, Мол. Гв.) (462s) 3bd755a800e058d87c97751ec8dc5f11.rar
243146 Вейнингер Отто. - Пол и характер. Мужчина и женщина в мире страстей и эротики. (1991, Форум XIX-ХХ-ХХ1) (192s) a401ea4336149303951cbc4e94af34e5.rar
243147 Вернадский В.И - Труды по истории науки в России (1988, Наука) (464s) d2306ceda7b6585e64704807b1dc44fe.rar
243148 Вернан Ж-.П - Происхождение древнегреческой мысли (1988, Прогресс,) (224s) f75db59856d42308db7af95e337281bc.rar
243149 Вико Дж - Основания новой науки об общей природе наций (1994, Рефл) (656s) 1b81f4239c5c85552adbf133fa9ac4c2.rar
243150 Киссель М.А - Джамбатиста Вико. (1980, Мысль) (197s) e4f64ed7f45a2d78b6b90f1f543e5d62.rar
243151 Виндельбанд В - История древней философии (1995, ТАНДЕМ,) (368s) f4aef71b62e64cb0d3c6ceca7f4b30e1.rar
243152 Виндельбанд В - Философия культуры. Избранное (1994, Изд. Рос.АН1,) (350s) e7f5f77e9f406afdc692f43a265fa36a.rar
243153 Виндельбанд В - Философия в немецкой духовной культуре Х1Х столетия (1993, Наука) (105s) 286d406312df7ff67f5eff25e17aef46.rar
243154 Виндельбанд В - (Канон философии)От Канта до Ницше (1998, Канон-Пресс Кучково поле,) (496s) fea525a7d4a28ccbe8f2b4dfad8d1622.rar
243155 Винни Пух - (Аналитическая философия в культуре ХХ в.)Винни Пух и философия обыденного языка (1994, Гнозис) (334s) 77df89697a3bed62e378dcf5c908f0fc.rar
243156 Виппер Р.Ю. - История древнего мира (1993, Республика) (511s) 37afe4c6d433cc95c45cbfa30e7aab2c.rar
243157 Витгенштейн - Людвиг Витгенштейнчеловек и мыслитель (1993, Прогресс-Культура) (352s) 7fd3a0d31d9c0c61fa10b85f00f3975a.rar
243158 Культура - Культура Византии 13 – 1 пол. 15 вв.. Т.3. (1991, Наука) (640s) 453a14d0bb60656e3e8f38e888398f56.rar
243159 Волков Г.Н. - Истоки и горизонты прогреса (1976, ИПЛ) (335s) 0614771989272fca0c8288f8093b16c3.rar
243160 Вольтер - (ПФМ)Философские сочинения (1989, Наука) (752s) 1be3e995f8e065e5443bbe17e46228a8.rar
243161 Кузнецов В.Н - Франсуа Мари Вольтер. (1978, Мысль) (223s) 81ddd2d8e86574360e322ba1a9351272.rar
243162 Вундт В - Введение в философию (1998, ЧеРо,) (354s) 8a4b94afacce989b1b4053cfb1b78fea.rar
243163 Вебер М. - (Социологич. мысль Запада)Избранные произведения (1990, Прогресс) (808s) 3c8f42e0575bb4ee6f97974714ab62f8.rar
243164 Вебер М - Избранное. Образ общества (1994, Юрист) (704s) ef6640cb5f9e737ef4c20fa21a11cf1b.pdf
243165 Витгенштейн Л - Философские работы. Часть 1 (1994, Гнозис) (612s) 748f0516b4e2d822a12876ba862b82a6.rar
243166 Зеленин Д.К - (Традиционная духовная культура славян)Избранные труды. Статьи по духовной культуре 1901 - 1913 (1994, Индрик,) (400s) 9ed002616b52c89919766405d7637908.rar
243167 Зеньковский В.В - История русской философии. Т.1. ч.1. (1991, Эго,) (219s) 3c62693f997244f2bd0ab393920bd16e.rar
243168 Зеньковский В.В - История русской философии. Т.1. ч.2. (1991, Эго,) (280s) 2e2fed056b01d9c6a1484ae503a44b79.rar
243169 Зеньковский В.В - История русской философии. Т.2. ч.1. (1991, Эго,) (255s) 1d5c0cdef69c2a5b0e75648761057a66.rar
243170 Зеньковский В.В - История русской философии. Т.2. ч.2. (1991, Эго,) (269s) 405f9c8ee35a79bfd5a9b9a0606b6d44.rar
243171 Зеньковский В.В - Русские мыслители и Европа (1997, Республика) (368s) 64d6702adb7365dd6f476c54dfbb8bb4.rar
243172 Зиммель Г - Избранное. Т.1. Философия культуры (1996, Юрист) (671s) 7b9d02146481123f179e4cd360444dd1.pdf
243173 Зиммель Г - Избранное. Т.2. Созерцание жизни (1996, Юрист) (607s) d3cfd992d0ae503143e4e95ea7213cdb.pdf
243174 Цицерон - Философские трактаты (1985, Наука) (382s) ef6210513f06ef88b4f0b14721f93639.rar
243175 Цицерон - О старости, о дружбе, об обязанностях (1993, Наука) (247s) bd5cec392b2f1a0b7181ec9c54e9a261.rar
243176 Ботвинник М.Н., Стратановский Г.А. - Знаменитые греки (1968, Просвещение) (250s) e51c767f8992f3114d5704a09430a13b.rar
243177 Золтан Д - Этос и аффект (1977, Прогресс) (371s) abe44f0a22d3500ca1eec61096a35304.rar
243178 Buoncristiano, Rourke, Sanderson - (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 18)A geometric approach to homology theory (1976, Cambridge University Press) 0-521-20940-4(149s) dc5741ef38fc7abd8ebb2bca0231e1f6.pdf
243179 Шварц А. С. - Род расслоенного пространства (0, Труды ММО 10 (1961) 217-272 и 11 (1962) 99-126; Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 55 (1966) 49-140) (84s) 952ed2913fbdd7d4f662130ad5e9d2d1.pdf
243180 J. P. May - (Cbms Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 91)Equivariant Homotopy and Cohomology Theory (1996, American Mathematical Society) ISBN 0821803190(435s) a64f0bbfd91457e12a665c371073deac.pdf
243181 Hudson J. F. P. - Piecewise linear topology (1969, Benjamin) (289s) 64ab293635607d24bb0830c67f44f7a0.pdf
243182 А. В. Чернавский, С. В. Матвеев - Основы топологии многообразий (1974, Кубанский гос. университет) (177s) 02e53ad807af086a43a7a05c6b563c2c.pdf
243183 А. В. Чернавский - Полиэдры, симплексы и теория степени отображения (1994, НК НМУ) (26s) 7af25f8308fc1efc6c90f7170727fd1e.pdf
243184 E. C. Zeeman - Seminar on combinatorial topology Chapters 6,7,8 (1966, IHES / University of Warwick) (196s) a7563db53f5890ce973ebeca30ed6ced.pdf
243185 J. H. C. Whitehead - Simplicial spaces, nuclei, and m-groups (0, Proc. London Math. Soc. 45 (1939), 243-327) (85s) 532bfe9e4f9b707546d6c318be8d3eba.pdf
243186 L C Glaser - (Van Nostrand Reinhold math studies 27)Geometrical Combinatorial Topology vol 1 (1970, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co) ISBN 044202696X(161s) 729035bac188ccba4d1243a25f77d0d9.djvu
243187 L C Glaser - (Van Nostrand Reinhold math studies 28)Geometrical combinatorial topology vol 2 (1970, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co) ISBN 0442782837(175s) 44981f7453503b4e65b7a8f42b70512b.djvu
243188 Фентон К.Л., Фентон М.А. - Каменная книга - летопись доисторической жизни (1997, Международная академическая издательская компания "Наука") 5-7846-0009-5(629s) df1256435268790305779d2148524b48.djvu
243189 Boden K. - (Geologische und palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Neue Folge. Band X)Die Fauna des unteres Oxford von Popilany in Litauen (1911, VERLAG VON GUSTAV FISCHER) (102s) 32ff7f298f1c45eb08684a51f1817159.pdf
243190 Бодылевский В.И. - Малый атлас руководящих ископаемых (1990, Недра) 5-247-01658-0(130s) ef403d297d1c7744c75347a9f2e930a0.pdf
243191 Богораз В.Г. - Чукчи и религия (1939, ГлавСевМорПути) (215s) 347c0519628eff1002714daf9ef01b46.pdf
243192 Борисяк А. - (Труды Геологического комитета. Новая серия, Выпуск 11)Pelecypoda юрских отложений европейской России. Выпуск 1. Nuculidae (1904) (64s) 49c970a43f663ac4462a12076f46f79a.pdf
243193 Борисяк А. - (Труды Геологического комитета. Новая серия, Выпуск 19)Pelecypoda юрских отложений европейской России. Выпуск 2. Arcidae (1905) (78s) b6611d2d2b51656c7fa5d7370d9afb76.pdf
243194 Борисяк А., Иванов Е. - (Труды Геологического комитета. Новая серия, Выпуск 143)Pelecypoda юрских отложений европейской России. Выпуск V. Pectinidae (1917) (76s) 0ee76b1a275a1262438af5f15249c2c7.pdf
243195 Burckhardt C. - (Anales del Museo de la Plata, Seccion Geologica y Mineralogica V.2.)Profils géologiques transversaux de la Cordillère Argentino-Chilienne. Stratigraphie et Tectonique (1900) (189s) 30c63526902fbeb7ad198ca352d1de92.pdf
243196 Collignon M. - Atlas des fossiles caractéristiques de Madagascar. Fasc.9. Aptien (1962) (90s) 86fef7e20ffab720d2a26e0e24ff55ec.pdf
243197 Collignon M. - Atlas du fossiles caractéristiques de Madagascar. Fasc.8. (Berriassian, Valanginien, Hauterivien, Barremien) (1962) (137s) fcfdedb9c3c38976d77eb15308dec329.pdf
243198 Cox J.S. - (Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. V.80)William Joscelyn Arkell (1959) (9s) 5c4c17a2599438c668dea54b91f7117d.pdf
243199 Djanélidzé A. - Materiaux pour la géologie du Radcha (1933) (90s) f0e3cd2efec75b3d9acb66a20a5ccb18.pdf
243200 Donovan D.T. - The Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy and palaeontology of Traill Ø, East Greenland (1953) (201s) 5941b3c85ee34da138692ffa5f4a2600.pdf
243201 Donovan D.T. - (Meddelelser om Grønland. Bd.154)Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Volgian and Berriasian rocks of East Greenland (1964) (50s) 438f591a7eb06d3069d9847eb8e35dba.pdf
243202 Ермакова С.П. - Зональный стандарт бореального нижнего триаса (2002, Наука) 5-02-006440-8(57s) b11c4592e1c7f8f71543034671d816b9.pdf
243203 Ершова Е.С. - Объяснительная записка к биостратиграфической схеме юрских и нижнемеловых отложений архипелага Шпицберген (1983, ПГО Севморгеология) (77s) 3504bc0cb476803b7614b1e4fa54ae5e.pdf
243204 Дзюба О.С. - Белемниты (Cylinrdoteuthidae) и биостратиграфия средней и верхней юры Сибири (2004, ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО СО РАН ФИЛИАЛ "ГЕО") 5-7692-0684-5(202s) 11c158a1c9e44498de47b07a01232b86.pdf
243205 Fischer J.C. - Géologie, paléontologie et paléoécologie du Bathonien au Sud-Ouest du massif ardennais (1969) (362s) 6bfa20ddb3d45f432c015acce31f5dd9.pdf
243206 Пчелинцев В.Ф. - (Монографии по палеонтологии СССР. Том 48. Выпуск 1)Брюхоногие и пластинчатожаберные лейаса и нижнего доггера Тетиса в пределах СССР (Крыма и Кавказа) (1937) (95s) 4b7e65df1f63330f9fd3f195dae0da77.pdf
243207 Пчелинцев В.Ф. - Брюхоногие мезозоя Горного Крыма (1963, Издательство Академии наук СССР) (136s) a4a695ff3c7dec1e567606369a9def1c.pdf
243208 Первушов Е.М. - Позднемеловые скелетные гексактинеллиды России. Часть II. Морфология и уровни организации. Семейство Ventriculitidae (Phillips, 1875), partim; семейство Coeloptychiidae Goldfuss, 1833, - (Lychniscosa); семейство Leptophragmidae (Goldfuss, 1833), - (Hexactinosa) (2002, Научная книга) 5-–93888–-089–-0(274s) bdede9b6b1e9252c8df0097412672081.pdf
243209 Первушов Е.М., Ермохина Л.И. - Определение пространственного положения поверхностей геологических тел. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов геологического факультета (2009, Издательский центр «Наука») 978-5-91272-733-8(54s) 440c2008b9f8a1a5795cffd1254e0233.pdf
243210 Первушов Е.М., Архангельский М.С., Иванов А.В. - Каталог местонахождений остатков морских рептилий в юрских и меловых отложениях Нижнего Поволжья (1999, Издательство Государственного учебно-научного центра «Колледж») 5-900641-75-9(234s) 20dd6cbb73e5e2ef56fb5c703b34f1ab.pdf
243211 Пчелинцев В.Ф. - Мурчисониата мезозоя Горного Крыма (1965, Наука) (248s) 9fa56a480c66d53beed1348e41810d60.pdf
243212 Dercourt J., Gaetani M., Vrielynck B., Barrier E., Biju-Duval B., Brunet M.F., Cadet J.P., Crasquin S., Sandulescu M. - Peri-Tethys palaeogeographical Atlas (2000) (24s) 6cfa848e522ebd2052e26018be62ab50.pdf
243213 Первушов Е.М. - (Труды Научно-исследовательского института геологии Саратовского государственного университета. Том II)Позднемеловые вентрикулитидные губки Поволжья (1998, Издательство Государственного учебно-научного центра «Колледж») 5-900641-55-4(214s) 5cf38622ecc031bde6ab7ae0caf2857a.pdf
243214 Первушов Е.М., Ермохина Л.И. - Структурная геология и геологическое картирование. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов геологических факультетов. В 2 частях. Часть 1. Геометрия и пространственное положение геологических тел (2008, Издательство Саратовского университета) 978-5-292-03866-5(137s) 45944449e4fc68e2b4a123d418f3293e.pdf
243215 Коллектив авторов - (Труды института геологии и геофизики. Выпуск 596)Фанерозой Сибири. Том 2. Мезозой, кайнозой (1984, Наука) (153s) 16d213519f2f60037fc7f36e5f34470c.pdf
243216 Phillips J. - A monograph of British belemnitidae: Jurassic (1865) (210s) 5bd4410c66116eeb6226d6118d98a392.pdf
243217 Несис К.Н. - Полевой определитель планктона. Зоологический институт АН СССР. III. Головоногие моллюски (1984, ПГО Севморгео) (179s) 1d47ad023887cd162769d42b6c14b04d.pdf
243218 Подобина В.М. - Фораминиферы верхнего мела и палеогена Западно-Сибирской низменности и их значение для стратиграфии (1975, Издательство Томского университета) (290s) e395eb67a61acf0e3f1d651c43ba4e6e.pdf
243219 Подобина В.М. - Фораминиферы и биостратиграфия палеогена Западной Сибири (1998, Издательство научно-технической литературы) (328s) ee8e22ae9a01ad59e1f1aed71bb3cad0.pdf
243220 Потапенко Ю.Я. - Геология Карачаево-Черкесии. Учебное пособие (2004) (79s) f008cefd8c8cf39ce006123cf242d7bf.pdf
243221 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology, Volume 55) (1993, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224550(455s) 02514266d7d02df206118e974c1803a0.pdf
243222 Robert K. Poole - (Advances in Microbial Physiology, Volume 42) (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120277425(304s) 035ae69c48e56e44aaf750477b872a99.pdf
243223 William S. Allison, Immo Scheffler - (Methods in Enzymology Volume 456)Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondrial Electron Transport Complexes and Reactive Oxygen Species Part A (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0080877761;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780080877761(492s) 050616e28c17690e7f3e356e7c15012d.pdf
243224 J. A. Callow - (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 33) (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059339(312s) 068586a1061c512921e40846bc7a1a91.pdf
243225 Charles W. Heckman - Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Odonata - Anisoptera (2006, Springer) ISBN10:1402048017;ISBN13:9781402048012;ISBN10:1402048025(733s) 0807d472bdaeced2375f1494a9d46e89.pdf
243226 - (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 10) (1983, Academic Press) ISBN10:012005910X(306s) 0a26bb36efda2bace6557e5fbc2955ed.pdf
243227 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology, Volume 69) (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224690(462s) 0a5b69b783933e64724e659786aee926.pdf
243228 Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli - (Advances in Genetics, Volume 36) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:012017636X(414s) 0b593ae25aa67794119a915acd51bb2f.pdf
243229 - (ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY VOL16 APL) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242168(376s) 0b70d3369e624053d0885334509dfb0e.pdf
243230 Gordon F. Bickerstaff - (Methods in Biotechnology)Immobilization of Enzymes and Cells (1997, Humana Press) ISBN10:0896033864(367s) 157758d2d63e5c6d6ef4b1591673a78b.pdf
243231 - (ADV IN MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY VOL 15) (1977, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120277158(455s) 1950fa61aa5578b9bd6264edb8e86d80.pdf
243232 Perlman D. (ed.) - (ADVANCES IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY VOL 22)Advances in applied microbiology (1977, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120026228(328s) 1c72f797ef224a334327e47d13118f22.pdf
243233 Author Unknown - (ADVANCES IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 38) (1993, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120026384(319s) 23ce04a2e08d4d0efe19bf1038f335d8.pdf
243234 Frank J. Dixon - Advances in Immunology, Volume 61 (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224615(416s) 2b050e4eea704617d49723037784e9d8.pdf
243235 Harold Barnes - (Oceanography and Marine Biology - An Annual Review 20) (1982, CRC Press) ISBN10:0080284604;ISBN10:0203400607;ISBN10:0203708849(778s) 314a100f31c0ae5d1c9fe8762950ad37.pdf
243236 Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli - (Advances in Genetics, Volume 41) (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176416(206s) 34f698e076907a15add049fdcfd27ddb.pdf
243237 Peter Evans - (Advances in Insect Physiology, Volume 28) (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242281(339s) 370b09a808bcbbd7662f9432a11f00d8.pdf
243238 Martin J. Bishop - Guide to Human Genome Computing (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121020517(306s) 380dc0d605675fe3ecd0ea95e40f9e6d.pdf
243239 - (Advanced in Marine Biology 17) (1980, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120261170(521s) 3ad8209d41fbb266456dabb9c4099b3a.pdf
243240 Robert K. Poole, Robert K. Poole - (Advances in Microbial Physiology, Volume 45) (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:012027745X(365s) 3b8196fc8213eafdd8a6230ee908bdba.pdf
243241 J. A. Callow, John H. Andrews, Inez C. Tommerup - (Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 21) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059215(265s) 3cb2e0ae2202d1a5c19150a0334b2a53.pdf
243242 Peter R. Shewry, Paul A. Lazzeri, Keith J. Edwards - (Advances in Botanical Research 34)Biotechnology of Cereals (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059347(368s) 49866aeca780b5d568c57239281cc76b.pdf
243243 Michael C. Carroll - Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Germ Laboratory (2005, Harper Paperbacks) ISBN10:006078184X(352s) 4a4832c5f013313f0b7fc80052b625fa.pdf
243244 Eric Nestler, Steven Hyman, Robert Malenka - Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience (2008, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071481273;ISBN10:007164119X(516s) 4acb168e0b5854e1695167b5f35cc9d0.pdf
243245 - (ADVANCES IN IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME 42) (1988, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224429(344s) 4af605923d65e12468c818917d4dadb2.pdf
243246 - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS 20) (1979, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176203(473s) 4b13c1e44e02c9fb9c3af022fb18c230.pdf
243247 - (Current topics in developmental biology 13) (1980, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531139(365s) 4df8d1756a70f2b6b6b28a50f07c1b38.pdf
243248 David O. Norris - Vertebrate Endocrinology (2006, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120887681;ISBN13:9780120887682;ISBN10:2006020110(560s) 4fe74ae75d57eb414889e804af6c5a5c.pdf
243249 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology 64) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:012022464X(365s) 5223c29008beda7848089a50157a3624.pdf
243250 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology 59) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224593(468s) 58b1a232f369f0c71918dc633e152093.pdf
243251 Anthony H. Rose, David W. Tempest - (Advances in Microbial Physiology 36) (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120277360(327s) 6252104252af0c25dcc3f401c3ff2475.pdf
243252 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 17)Neural Development Part III: Neuronal Specificity, Plasticity, and Patterns (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531171(320s) 63aa057b2dfc99eb6438089947d87bf2.pdf
243253 Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap - (Advances in Genetics 31) (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176319(291s) 654018e4cf7d0cfe4c457d83f7bb4031.pdf
243254 - (ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY VOL 9) (1972, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242095(438s) 68814d2033fbd113f7a902b2bea5fece.pdf
243255 Shirley Ayad, Ray Boot-Handford, Martin Humphries, Karl Kadler, Adrian Shuttleworth - The Extracellular Matrix Factsbook (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120689111;ISBN10:2040120408(301s) 702751167bc9cfe8d9d06351ff45f4ac.pdf
243256 J. A. Callow - (Advances in Botanical Research 22) (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059223(328s) 70e3e24997be8cea3c6d1028f070b177.pdf
243257 Louise Scheuer, Sue Black - The Juvenile Skeleton (2004, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121028216(400s) 71eef0f57f454f42b992c52dc3ce62dc.pdf
243258 Author Unknown - (ADVANCES IN IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME 33) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:012022433X;ISBN10:4421460028(367s) 777b554f211cf4691015008d74900984.pdf
243259 J. A. Callow - Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 12 (1986, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059126(284s) 7ad27f150664fddfbfbe47b408b79368.pdf
243260 C.H. Wu, J.W. McLarty - (Methods in Computational Biology and Biochemistry)Neural Networks and Genome Informatics Volume 1 (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0080428002;ISBN10:1865843830(220s) 7c601204e40e25515a2dfa93987f5ac0.pdf
243261 Author Unknown - (ADVANCES IN IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME 32) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224321(372s) 7c6c2c92494494f354317a61da5cb70d.pdf
243262 Author Unknown - (ADVANCES IN PROTEIN CHEMISTRY 5) (1949, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120342057(481s) 7d71514d9cc7a7011276a69f8988f86c.pdf
243263 Stephen Simpson - (Advances in Insect Physiology, Volume 31) (2003, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242311;ISBN10:2076315500(308s) 85f98580999e6f997b0f8c1f517d2bca.pdf
243264 Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Francesco Giannelli, Theodore Friedmann - (Advances in Genetics, Volume 34) (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176343(497s) 8e42d5de1ae1f5afb7ffbb38276a8173.pdf
243265 - (ADVANCES IN IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME 52) (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224526(496s) 8f744be20c35c6be541e7f76665cbb79.pdf
243266 J. A. Callow - Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 15 (1989, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059150(211s) 9396bc1175d3d1c18a749d8edaf0b06e.pdf
243267 Edward Reekie, Fakhri A. Bazzaz - Reproductive Allocation in Plants (Physiological Ecology) (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120883864;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780120883868(264s) 93d10bb474e30bef0ef2559e000e5289.pdf
243268 Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli - (Advances in Genetics, Volume 34) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176351(331s) 9a75971eceec171840081450efd1aaee.pdf
243269 Author Unknown - (ADVANCES IN IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME 16) (1973, Academic Press) ISBN10:012022416X(366s) a0aa01dbd90b5886805be805fda5b622.pdf
243270 Markus J. Seibel, Simon P. Robins, John P. Bilezikian - Dynamics of Bone and Cartilage Metabolism, Second Edition: Principles and Clinical Applications (2006, Academic Press) ISBN10:012088562X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780120885626(920s) a0e17e3f3a2ba237a912eed2fb4dcede.pdf
243271 J. A. Callow - (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 29) (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059290(207s) a1825bca56441c8406dc32613b389586.pdf
243272 Alan J. Southward, Paul A. Tyler, Craig M. Young, Lee A. Fuiman - (Advances In Marine Biology Volume 47) (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120261480;ISBN10:1865843830(344s) a7577adcfd1f6e6ddebf29933e6eaeba.pdf
243273 J. A. Callow - (Advances in Botanical Research 31)Plant Trichomes (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059312(311s) ab2f313ae18887b61b9ecfc4813bc17d.pdf
243274 Beatrix Beisner, Kim Cuddington - (Theoretical Ecology Series)Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes of Theory Change Volume 2 (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120884593(464s) ab6bb33e8a937a6f92c8a9674526e396.pdf
243275 Author Unknown - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS Volume 26) (1989, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176262(202s) ad1e23784ed64000ec21e3aeed9cc078.pdf
243276 Peter Evans - (Advances in Insect Physiology 24) (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242249(386s) adea8d0d7c14d6ac7f2264303c6e6bc8.pdf
243277 - (ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY VOL 11) (1975, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242117(439s) b4d272751676513456bcd695beaa1c3e.pdf
243278 Harold Barnes - Oceanography And Marine Biology (1989, Taylor & Francis) ISBN10:0080377181;ISBN10:0203016297;ISBN10:0203191307;ISBN10:0080363970(558s) b5d07451197478af2eefd04d070df31c.pdf
243279 - (ADV IN MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY VOL 20 APL) (1980, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120277204(377s) b8643ace27756e04a731953072d01949.pdf
243280 - (CURRENT TOPICS DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY V11) (1977, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531112(232s) b946b23efbf11c5fb2cc7d4567cef2cf.pdf
243281 M. Kreis, J. H. Walker - (Advances in Botanical Research 32)Plant Protein Kinases (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059320(527s) bb9080c381c0e4f8c974a4d7a882a169.pdf
243282 - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS VOLUME 30) (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176300(377s) bcb4eb57c972b6a957eb37d02f11e558.pdf
243283 Harold Barnes - Oceanography And Marine Biology (1999, Taylor & Francis) ISBN10:0080350658;ISBN10:0203400682;ISBN10:020370892X(650s) bdbc59200749fb6e74347ec4088cb057.pdf
243284 Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli - (Advances in Genetics, Volume 33) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176335(336s) c0b8237fdafe3f1a950a591783a99541.pdf
243285 Thomas J. Chambers, Thomas P. Monath, Karl Maramorosch, Aaron J. Shatkin, Frederick A. Murphy - (Advances in Virus Research 59)The Flaviviruses: Structure, Replication and Evolution (2003, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120398591;ISBN10:1865843830(369s) c35914cebd65d5b71c62cbc99400e887.pdf
243286 - (ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY VOL 3) (1966, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242036(382s) c80bb94b70429f123b6dfe74cfc33ee9.pdf
243287 - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS VOLUME 5) (1953, Academic Press) ISBN10:012017605X(0s) cb3556db512cb6af2532e148a3771f26.pdf
243288 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology, Volume 53) (1993, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224534(342s) cc4fed5648c84f2265e5f4ddf6798aec.pdf
243289 - (ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY VOL13 APL) (1978, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120242133(384s) ce4ab84b9be7a08e8216101edc5de630.pdf
243290 - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS VOLUME 1) (1947, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176017(0s) ce9606d6e7517b4622c5e3e21deb3fd7.pdf
243291 S. Peng, L.E. Babcock, H. Lin - Polymerid Tribolites from the Cambrian of Northwestern Hunan, China, Two-Volume Set v. 1 (2006, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0080450415;ISBN10:703014905X(688s) d7c9d261b9f448875bef2b28617fd8bd.pdf
243292 J.M. Neff - Bioaccumulation in Marine Organisms: Effect of Contaminants from Oil Well Produced Water (2002, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0080437168;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(468s) d877031e950215b943523f8311bbfdee.pdf
243293 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology, Volume 60) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120224607(388s) d95d7899a1d0e47c6df4011fd151e9aa.pdf
243294 - (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 18) (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059185(300s) da41ff9af49dfd30f199d05d0851516d.pdf
243295 Karl Maramorosch, Aaron J. Shatkin - (Advances in Virus Research, Volume 63) (2004, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120398656;ISBN10:1865843830(536s) dad8a7c86f06ab3eb39331e835feb7dd.pdf
243296 - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS VOLUME 19) (1977, Academic Press) ISBN10:012017619X(592s) dd08b3bdf518684ed7249158e8fe9e0c.pdf
243297 Frank J. Dixon - (Advances in Immunology, Volume 64) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:012022464X;ISBN10:0120224666(365s) e48e907f5d8da53b2e1aa303c5bb931d.pdf
243298 N. Michelle Holbrook, Maciej A. Zwieniecki - (Physiological Ecology)Vascular Transport in Plants (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120884577;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780120884575(592s) e5fe98d03946b96cd0d5603d5ae0447e.pdf
243299 Nicolau Beckmann - Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Systems (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120843706(334s) ea706f00df0c8424a295ad4596c990e4.pdf
243300 R. T. Plumb - (Advances in Botanical Research 36)Plant Virus Vector Interactions (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059355(221s) ec5ffdea8a4176f56503743e0879ce2d.pdf
243301 - (ADVANCES IN GENETICS VOLUME 27) (1990, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176270(468s) ed0f7b05bc4c3d88abd527fce246d658.pdf
243302 J. A. Callow - (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 35) (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059363(293s) ed4de9485f92d9153215debade80a647.pdf
243303 David Dudgeon - (Aquatic Ecology)Tropical Stream Ecology (2008, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120884496;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780120884490(370s) ed951f6b855f35c7ad5fe29b10532aba.pdf
243304 Darryl I. MacKenzie, James D. Nichols, J. Andrew Royle, Kenneth H. Pollock, Larissa L. Bailey, James E. Hines - Occupancy Estimation and Modeling: Inferring Patterns and Dynamics of Species Occurrence (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120887665;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780120887668(343s) ed9f93abc16d380dc5f43166a1b9e199.pdf
243305 Robert K. Poole - (Advances in Microbial Physiology, Volume 46) (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120277468(389s) eebbaf6fbb5090f364c8e22d374d91b8.pdf
243306 - (Advances in Genetics, Volume 21) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120176211(384s) ef1f52ce690d3b82db55f55f3cfc28e3.pdf
243307 J. A. Callow - (Advances in Botanical Research, Vol. 11) (1985, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120059118(205s) f14e62150c51ea85a2b8d9dd669cc73c.pdf
243308 - (ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY VOL15 APL) (1981, Academic Press) ISBN10:012024215X(629s) f42c6810c9e13b7b1c7e9d2e149c4323.pdf
243309 - (ADVANCES IN MARINE BIOLOGY VOL. 19 APL) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120261197(380s) fa81b094a2857c87e72f5f0fa38b25f9.pdf
243310 - (ADV IN MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY VOL 17 APL) (1978, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120277174(412s) fdc34be9e6fdbfd29b0ea678730008f6.pdf
243311 Michael Topic - (Mcgraw-Hill Telecom)Streaming Media Demystified (2002, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN 007138877X(525s) ada32bf37079c4d23da89ca64c02e1b8.rar
243312 Bruce Greenwald - Competition Demystified: A Radically Simplified Approach to Business Strategy (2005, Portfolio Hardcover) ISBN 1591840570(416s) bcb5eaede3e1e0cb4e007db7195d5b3f.rar
243313 Jim Taylor - Blu-ray Disc Demystified (2008, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN 0071590927(432s) c135c3492db51d94310b4d068472ebf2.pdf
243314 Andrew M. Chisholm - Derivatives Demystified: A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options (The Wiley Finance Series) (2004, John Wiley & Sons) ISBN10:047009382X(250s) 1116868383491a87741ce3baf8a40e9f.pdf
243315 Liming Xiu - VLSI Circuit Design Methodology Demystified: A Conceptual Taxonomy (2007, Wiley-IEEE Press) ISBN13:9780470127421(202s) 2340a2a13aba628fa8765707a5324f2d.pdf
243316 Thomas McCafferty - Options Demystified (2005, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071454152(304s) 26a26a7f7ed077f8fd972c0644a9d68b.pdf
243317 Merle Potter - Fluid Mechanics DeMYSTiFied (2009, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071626816(314s) 2f1d2ade5d693bf1327dbf5ea30756f5.pdf
243318 Mary Digiulio, James Keogh - Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified (Demystified Nursing) (2008, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071494502(604s) 31c2d1e173786b8529be41daac8ceae5.pdf
243319 Rhonda Huettenmueller - Business Calculus Demystified (2005, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071451579(384s) 3a60e4a823e7a7baffe2b4ef9d91a3a6.pdf
243320 Sid Kemp, Sid Kemp - Project Management Demystified (2004, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071440143(288s) 493f4531b322ac08eaee572c4a39bb8c.pdf
243321 Melody Templeton - Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified (2009, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:007160121X(272s) 50616b2b5ebfe8cdc8adc83a4443fe86.pdf
243322 Larry Stephens, Larry Stephens - Advanced Statistics Demystified (2004, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071432426(350s) 52068bf2a4e8c23ffc4d65a0ff34f150.pdf
243323 Lee Purcell - CD-R/DVD Disc Recording Demystified (2000, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing) ISBN10:0071357157(528s) 539b7891d121be0a10c0f14d1c728233.pdf
243324 William Duggan - The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens (0) ISBN 0071412131(0s) 6090bdebf4d88491c84325caeace0479.pdf
243325 Byron, A Lewis, Frank, R Pucelik - Magic of NLP Demystified: A Pragmatic Guide to Communication & Change (Positive Change Guides) (1990, Metamorphous Press) ISBN10:1555520170(176s) 6d8b8ba83029fc47b6644b6e57d10886.pdf
243326 Geoff Reiss - Project Management Demystified: Today's Tools and Techniques (1995, Spon Press) ISBN10:0419207503(240s) 6db3ac3b290b1cdac07a5cc2c1258f23.pdf
243327 Dr. Kristin Mulrooney - American Sign Language Demystified with DVD (2009, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071601376(304s) 791844cfe1b12ae7e51eea2d707f0893.pdf
243328 M Barbera - Shareholder Value Demystified: An Explanation of Methodologies and Use (Strategic Resource Management Series) (1999, University of New South Wales Press) ISBN10:086840697X(68s) 7fe7a7eeeb518703abecc9ae34b01ffe.pdf
243329 David McMahon - Complex Variables Demystified (2008, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:007154920X(275s) 915a7825e3fda5df3be40d8fe5caad0a.pdf
243330 Paul Keller - Six Sigma Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide (2004, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071445447(450s) 9c65efb45e76f6ae55cb0d1f35d2ebc6.pdf
243331 Larry Long - Home Networking Demystified (2005, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN10:0072258780(309s) 9d16a29dbb52cac96e6de0f4b0b8a813.pdf
243332 Allan Bluman - Business Math Demystified (2006, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071464700(390s) a6f020116462e47c3858404ed437d7e0.pdf
243333 David McMahon - Signals & Systems Demystified (2006, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071475788(302s) b0bae80bf30c2d08e7bc29a056a342c2.djvu
243334 Denise Colon - SANs Demystified (2002, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071396586(290s) b1914d47f81d24cfdd07e4fa2a50b000.pdf
243335 Jeffry R. Haber - Accounting Demystified (2003, AMACOM) ISBN10:0814407900(192s) baf2b3e64baf227c0632863d35fa6dc0.pdf
243336 Sid Kemp - Quality Management Demystified (2005, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071449086(320s) c3713a5153da629379eb73c69aab4ffd.pdf
243337 Jeff Kent - Visual C# 2005 Demystified (2005, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN10:0072261706(330s) c5c9217f47a18d554c244b4caaaae544.pdf
243338 Stephen R. Galati - Geographic Information Systems Demystified (2006, Artech House Publishers) ISBN13:9781580535335(302s) cd20970bc0fc85566d42434a9da7c2c9.pdf
243339 Larry Long - Personal Computing Demystified (2004, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media) ISBN10:0072255145(352s) cd5c081bd6715c1cf361e440f05c5a44.pdf
243340 Phyllis Dutwin - English Grammar Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide (2009, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071600809(352s) cf2493463e8fc9560799e77e49d8b471.pdf
243341 Arieh Ben-Naim - Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense (2008, World Scientific Publishing Company) ISBN10:9812832254(250s) d980425fc6cdfe542eced21c367fb031.pdf
243342 Edward Willett - Genetics Demystified (2005, McGraw-Hill Professional) ISBN10:0071459308;ISBN10:0071490515(210s) e7035cf8f3eb66d72ab9fe33a1b89d51.pdf
243343 Bonita Kramer, Christie Johnson - Financial Statements Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide (2009, McGraw-Hill) ISBN10:0071543872(320s) f0ec1263e159e979f7d4b579bb42abc3.pdf
243344 Anthony Rice - Accounts Demystified: The Astonishingly Simple Guide to Accounting (2008, Pearson Prentice Hall) ISBN 0273714929(251s) 9b727a3e87be1ba51f15bf49e7b79a6a.pdf
243345 Anthony Rice - Accounts Demystified: How to Understand Financial Accounting and Analysis (2003, Financial Times Management) ISBN 0273663348(309s) 229599711a75a2226dc08ad089678896.pdf
243346 Gibilisco, Stan - Electricity Demystified (0, McGraw Hill) 0071466967(0s) b9a1548caa986f383de1d5b7b11942fd.pdf
243347 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 30) (1987, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533301(274s) 01dbdc50ee01e75c41bd933659d24a88.pdf
243348 Renata Pasqualini - (Advances in Genetics 67)Tissue-Specific Vascular Endothelial Signals and Vector Targeting Part A (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123750105;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123750105(140s) 03bc3397182822bedfed1ca94dc0109a.pdf
243349 - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 30) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531309(295s) 05d5a4c99223bff96aead073cf5d27c8.pdf
243350 Roger A. Pedersen, Gerald P. Schatten - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 34) (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531341(287s) 0827829167fcbae197cc97e7f9e60fa0.pdf
243351 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology 277)International Review Of Cell and Molecular Biology (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748089;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748089(272s) 09b83e3455e30fe2f3eee7628b20911e.pdf
243352 George Iwama, Teruyuki Nakanishi, William S. Hoar, David J. Randall - (Fish Physiology Volume 15)The Fish Immune System: Organism, Pathogen, and Environment (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504392(380s) 0aa6dd17d7e6bae7c690428a33853e26.pdf
243353 - (Fish Physiology 12)The Cardiovascular System: The Cardiovascular System Part B (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504368(474s) 0b40d7aec62e8ea99e9a36107bb49c2e.pdf
243354 Richard Gordon, Brian C. Goodwin, Kwang W. Jeon, Jonathan Jarvik - (International Review of Cytology 150)Mechanical Engineering of the Cytoskeleton in Developmental Biology (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123645530(431s) 0bf5c5ff347768e7f2570960c87bccfe.pdf
243355 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V88) (1984, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123644887(471s) 0e48caba93b0fcebf48350075f485c53.pdf
243356 - (PROG NUCLEIC ACID RES&MOLECULAR BIO V22) (1979, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125400225(404s) 112f49ee565fd1e2c027543d6f624d86.pdf
243357 B. Paul Morgan, Claire L. Harris - Complement Regulatory Proteins (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125069650(382s) 1773d46bd21a8f98840b56f39f83709d.pdf
243358 T. Bergan, James R. Norris - (Methods in Microbiology, Volume 13) (1980, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215134(458s) 18c4a2155e60f9abb8dac65ac0b10139.pdf
243359 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V10) (1961, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643104(409s) 1c14ab9d3af8a18a6f4b1d1aebc03dd0.pdf
243360 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 31) (1988, Academic Press) ISBN10:012153331X(360s) 1d96aa15ba4a50b5c5f2ac7c171614ea.pdf
243361 Klaus Ley - (Current Topics in Membranes 64)Leucocyte Adhesion (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123749093;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123749093(300s) 1ec1601340d0d0a51f429d5c4801cccb.pdf
243362 Kwang W. Jeon, Jonathan Jarvik - (International Review of Cytology, Volume 145) (1993, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123645484(331s) 25548b61794663f24c64afad566bd171.pdf
243363 Paul Anderson, Patricia Wright, William S. Hoar, David J. Randall, Anthony P. Farrell - (Fish Physiology 20)Nitrogen Excretion (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504449;ISBN10:0120585707(358s) 2968cca673f46fc9ca5f81fc370799f3.pdf
243364 Richard C. Green, Alan J. Cross, Ronald J. Bradley, Robert Adron Harris, Peter Jenner - (International Review of Neurobiology 40)Neuroprotective Agents and Cerebral Ischaemia (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668409;ISBN10:012197880X(378s) 2d786cfddf59e1f33f47f0f0c0f136eb.pdf
243365 J. M. Cushing, Robert F. Costantino, Brian Dennis, Robert Desharnais, Shandelle Marie Henson - (Theoretical Ecology Series)Chaos in Ecology: Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics Volume 1 (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121988767(225s) 2e01da4b3b774e2efd337c7303facbd5.pdf
243366 Dale J. Benos, Douglas M. Fambrough - (Current Topics in Membranes 47)Amiloride-Sensitive Sodium Channels: Physiology and Functional Diversity (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533476;ISBN10:0120890305(384s) 2e327ba40cbf00d03c94c693ea61792d.pdf
243367 John Dempster - (Biological Techniques Series)The Laboratory Computer: A Practical Guide for Physiologists and Neuroscientists (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122095510(354s) 2e69f210ada0321ab9797b056337c744.pdf
243368 Annie Mercier, Jean-Francois Hamel - (Advances In Marine Biology, Volume 55)Endogenous and Exogenous Control of Gametogenesis and Spawning in Echinoderms (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:012374959X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123749598(320s) 30798e13c18ed1ea6d22383b42dfce8c.pdf
243369 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology 273)International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748046;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748041(368s) 35fb32315ddd92058e1555d6eba1626c.pdf
243370 Allen I. Laskin, Geoffrey M. Gadd, Sima Sariaslani - (Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 68) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748038;ISBN13:9780123748034(298s) 3700877e6fa505bafe23fb603a0f0575.pdf
243371 Martin Friedlander, Michael Mueckler, Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology 137A)Molecular Biology of Receptors and Transporters: Bacterial and Glucose Transporters (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123645379(376s) 37a613199f08b9db540e2b4a45f2267d.pdf
243372 W. James Nelson, Arnost Kleinzeller, Dale J. Benos - (Current Topics in Membranes 43)Membrane Protein-Cytoskeleton Interactions (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533433(427s) 39c04058b8592e83de25835512509497.pdf
243373 Author Unknown - (Methods in Microbiology, Volume 19) (1988, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215193(518s) 3af2b114f9cf2ba71d9022929c68b6ee.pdf
243374 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V80) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123644801(328s) 3c09df0c17349a7b8544a7151665ea6e.pdf
243375 Geoffrey A. Cordell - (Chemistry and Biology, Volume 50)Alkaloids (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124695507(590s) 3d932ebe994b9b189aec9c0e545e9dbe.pdf
243376 Stephen Neidle - Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure (2007, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123695074;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123695079(302s) 3ee0b52c328b6e28739548dd2a871baf.pdf
243377 - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 29) (1987, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533298(310s) 3f8a91a25bb351c56960b4ae156f4914.pdf
243378 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V126) (1991, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123645263(307s) 4160fd36c97e6964a4ce84b03df614fc.pdf
243379 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V43) (1976, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643430(423s) 425101f5016b0eb9fc0fb38b6629053e.pdf
243380 - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 20 ST) (1986, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531201(440s) 446390b4b817acb628c3039625543ce9.pdf
243381 Roger A. Pedersen, Gerald P. Schatten - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 39) (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531392(317s) 4498ce394a98d6ac040ce83273477a31.pdf
243382 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 17) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533174(0s) 473c01af4005044ded8f8b0311ff11c2.pdf
243383 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 27) (1986, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533271(320s) 474186225e505eedd92ee000c6ddd7fe.pdf
243384 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 35) (1990, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533352(628s) 49f5e74e2c7c6709af7cbf7d094669fa.pdf
243385 Frederick W. Alt - (Advances in Immunology, Volume 103) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748321;ISBN13:9780123748324(144s) 4b640d4a6b2d8823fa8caf0b6221b6c8.pdf
243386 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 24) (1985, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533247(532s) 4bb4fe21805788778c75c123df8b6bc4.pdf
243387 David Stern, George Witman, Elizabeth H. Harris - The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook Volume 1-3 (2008, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123708737;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123708731;ISBN13:9780123708748;ISBN13:9780123708755;ISBN13:9780123708762(2000s) 4edaed9b150e08f4c84d19179fd94236.pdf
243388 Nicholas J. Bernier, Glen Van Der Kraak, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner - (Fish Physiology 28)Fish Neuroendocrinology (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123746310;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123746313(500s) 50ac3294e21032f593e738b8d7b8580f.pdf
243389 Adalberto Luis Val, Vera Maria Fonseca de Almeida e Val, David J. Randall - (Fish Physiology 21)The Physiology of Tropical Fishes (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504457(400s) 522be00845ef9d7453e403d2c8200954.pdf
243390 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY 29) (1970, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643295(450s) 52424825b5981cce3035419124b3aae2.pdf
243391 Paul-Pierre Pastoret, Philip Griebel, Hervé Bazin, André Govaerts - Handbook of Vertebrate Immunology (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125464010(673s) 55707eb7bdfc3169518b21fc6d3d5abb.pdf
243392 John Smythies, Ronald J. Bradley - (International Review of Neurobiology 33) (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668336(368s) 56df5d772b19f848a9e405e0eeab9f53.pdf
243393 Author Unknown - (Fish Physiology 11B)The Physiology of Developing Fish: Viviparity and Posthatching Juveniles: The Physiology of Developing Fish: Viviparity and Posthatching Juveniles (1988, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504341(436s) 581e11660814949417361c2032fc43d7.pdf
243394 Michael L. Johnson, Ludwig Brand - (Methods in Enzymology 454)Computer Methods Part A (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123745527;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123745521(488s) 598310559367bdbc88ddbb9841688501.pdf
243395 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V8) (1959, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643082(541s) 5a4f0822675a8497c07aabcc672a6fb5.pdf
243396 Author Unknown - Norris Methods in Microbiology v. 2 (1970, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215029(402s) 5baaf48bf02f48705b74db7893fa0f46.pdf
243397 - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 37) (1990, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533379(318s) 5cc41f88140f6e174d8e584d6eebf24c.pdf
243398 - (METHODS IN MICROBIOLOGY,VOLUME 22) (1990, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215223(628s) 6182a2bb50a6ce5197b481040f3b44f5.pdf
243399 Author Unknown - (PROG NUCLEIC ACID RES&MOLECULAR BIO V9) (1969, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125400098(476s) 647ab044ef3cbc6268984871fc918bf3.pdf
243400 Bastien D. Gomperts, Ijsbrand M. Kramer, Peter E.R. Tatham - Signal Transduction (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122896319(420s) 6ae217d0ac93ce78d1017a9c9bb3f5e0.pdf
243401 William S. Allison, Anne Murphy - (Methods in Enzymology 457)Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondrial Protein Kinases, Protein Phosphatases and Mitochondrial Diseases Part B (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123746221;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123746221(450s) 6b3f87c9fafc3436d7f4deea5ecd53eb.pdf
243402 Chris M. Wood, Trevor J. Shuttleworth - (Fish Physiology Volume 14)Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Fish Ionic Regulation (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504384(352s) 6ba1e9e177ec68076b0caf1e5846ef57.pdf
243403 Author Unknown - (METHODS IN MICROBIOLOGY,VOLUME 7A) (1972, Academic Press) ISBN10:012521507X(479s) 6ca259656990c9c86ff502c197ef5c97.pdf
243404 Genevieve Prevost - (Advances in Parasitology 70)Parasitoids of Drosophila (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123747929;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123747921(416s) 6cd5a28dead12e0970b10c0cd185fae4.pdf
243405 Olivier Pourquie - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 88)HOX Genes (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123745292;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123745293(328s) 6cdf8cb59ec5a80d47ff30f2a63cd007.pdf
243406 Roger A. Pedersen, Gerald P. Shatten - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 42)Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 20-41 (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531422(197s) 71448549a36fb17c3a3ee24e383fdbfb.pdf
243407 Kivie Moldave - (Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 59) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125400594(373s) 71aabc651eba3384c801256d531863cb.pdf
243408 John R. Smythies, Ronald J. Bradley - INTERNATIONAL REVIEW NEUROBIOLOGY Volume 21 (1980, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668212(424s) 75aff49dea44439ff8f43dc4e397eb3d.pdf
243409 Dario Izzo, Luca Rossini - (International Review of Neurobiology 76)Brain Machine Interfaces for Space Applications: enhancing astronaut capabilities (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748216;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748218(296s) 79e37b6d017084d45f75393bcd83ed4f.pdf
243410 Steve F. Perry, Bruce Tufts - (Fish Physiology 17) (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504414(356s) 7b51be7613d33d1f2a92f485f1eec19d.pdf
243411 Brian K. Kay, Jill Winter, John McCafferty - Phage Display of Peptides and Proteins: A Laboratory Manual (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124023800(344s) 7d982440b6d87b78195011fd0ed1dfe7.pdf
243412 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology 276) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748070;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748072(368s) 7eb14db181adee940d3321ab359bc909.pdf
243413 Stephen Simpson, Jerome Casas - (Advances in Insect Physiology, Volume 37)Physiology of Human and Animal Disease Vectors (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748291;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748294(350s) 82e8867193884f1a344e323be168a2e1.pdf
243414 David J. Randall, David J. Randall, Anthony P. Farrell, William S. Hoar - (Fish Physiology 16)Deep-Sea Fishes (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504406(388s) 83c4e5b92c7bc1373151946c3004c045.pdf
243415 Author Unknown - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V42) (1975, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643422(360s) 8423a22c3689e09ba864197c8c4d8ee8.pdf
243416 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V11A) (1961, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643112(356s) 86b61c91a019084ae5b10c3becabf504.pdf
243417 Flora de Pablo, Alberto Ferrus, Claudio D. Stern, Roger A. Pedersen, Gerald P. Schatten - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 36) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531368(329s) 872d36a3531b275e5080e2f2fa5f1cc6.pdf
243418 William H. Marquardt - Biology of Disease Vectors (2004, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124732763;ISBN10:1865843830(816s) 87743a50ec3f929b82c12d00df0ec9d3.pdf
243419 Michael R. King - Principles of Cellular Engineering: Understanding the Biomolecular Interface (2006, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123693926;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123693921(320s) 884ac1b28789405d958835f1f9c35c3b.pdf
243420 Lawrence I. Gilbert, Jamshed R. Tata, Burr G. Atkinson - (Cell Biology)Metamorphosis: Postembryonic Reprogramming of Gene Expression in Amphibian and Insect Cells (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122832450(687s) 9009ba2955880f98b6a2b63f0299f15b.pdf
243421 Octavian S. Ksenzhek, Alexander G. Volkov - Plant Energetics (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124273505(389s) 90396c9c4a0e56afe2213975d8925aab.pdf
243422 Author Unknown - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW NEUROBIOLOGY V 23) (1982, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668239(446s) 91223f6d6ff2d05091e740cd95c59e48.pdf
243423 Joanne P. Webster - (Advances in Parasitology 68)Natural History of Host-Parasite Interactions (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123747872;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123747877(366s) 92eb74d1546a804e8ae6ecead23fa4e1.pdf
243424 Daniel Klionsky - (Methods in Enzymology Volume 451)Autophagy: Lower Eukaryotes and Non-Mammalian Systems Part A (2008, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123745489;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123745484(808s) 9d1f10f154a21ea97f4e1a9aa1f1fdc7.pdf
243425 Leitmannova Liu - (Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers & Liposomes Volume 10) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748232;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748232(250s) a057cbdda40f423f28436de6d1aed29a.pdf
243426 Michael L. Johnson, Jo M. Holt, Gary K. Ackers - (Methods in Enzymology 455)Biothermodynamics Part A (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123745969;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123745965(512s) a47f3ee3d214b1f2e92182536df75722.pdf
243427 James R. Norris, David J. Read, A. K. Varma - Methods in Microbiology (Techniques for the Study of Mycorrhiza, Volume 23) (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215231(512s) a4b2e641ba5cbae5c3a997bcb3ee6fff.pdf
243428 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology 189)A Survey of Cell Biology (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:012364593X(310s) a4caa1c70674d774b4565a0525843f4c.pdf
243429 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 27) (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531279(373s) aa1ad75bc0e7217cabbcb4d2cb0efcc3.pdf
243430 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology, Volume 198) (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123646022(359s) ae08ab897a9b157d8abbdb3d07578204.pdf
243431 Richard Epand, Douglas M. Fambrough, Dale J. Benos - Lipid Polymorphism and Membrane Properties, Volume 44 (Current Topics in Membranes) (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533441(568s) b13973aaf99365e5be37bea187f4fe85.pdf
243432 XIAO-HONG LU - Novel Approaches to Studying Basal Ganglia and Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Volume 89 (International Review of Neurobiology) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748941;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748096(250s) b13bb40f6dff8e54ea9b41a16cfc37dd.pdf
243433 Anton McLachlan, A.C. Brown - The Ecology of Sandy Shores, Second Edition (2006, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123725690;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123725691(392s) b6626b7879b0d022de6b05bc63d973f3.pdf
243434 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 274) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748054;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748058(360s) bef8161f66a045874a3ab3ce18f26e8b.pdf
243435 D.W. Sims - (Advances In Marine Biology, Volume 53) (2007, Academic Press) ISBN10:012374119X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123741196(318s) c0f23cb0e78e3e3ea7648c6616fbc5f1.pdf
243436 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 32) (1988, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533328(344s) c1007601dc1f444b233e7d3485a96115.pdf
243437 Theodore Friedmann, Jay C. Dunlap, Stephen F. Goodwin - (Advances in Genetics 66) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748313;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748317(96s) c188a55b7897bfcf2ec25bd05f35743d.pdf
243438 Jean-Claude Kader, Michel Delseny - (Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 50) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748356;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748355(272s) c374510b39e9cd8384d6b69adcc81c63.pdf
243439 Kivie Moldave - (Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 61) (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125400616(431s) c8678cade6892e878ab00a12040f9e3f.pdf
243440 Katherine A. Fitzgerald, Luke A.J. O'Neill, Andy J.H. Gearing, Robin E. Callard - The Cytokine Factsbook and Webfacts, Second Edition (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121551423;ISBN10:2001092474(515s) c943db2e0ad3532bd916998f3d039c60.pdf
243441 Author Unknown - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW NEUROBIOLOGY V 20) (1978, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668204(360s) ca316f676b9c747b74d31f62b3820555.pdf
243442 Jan Robert Factor - Biology of the Lobster: Homarus americanus (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122475704;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780122475702(528s) cc94d6b3d78077c13b01e90906583c02.pdf
243443 Roger A. Pedersen - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 29) (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531295(369s) d08730b3f2812359a9963a8b80d96db6.pdf
243444 Kwang W. Jeon - (International Review of Cytology 278)International Review Of Cell and Molecular Biology (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748097;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748096(376s) d188b20a00a1fd04cae347ef0b98e996.pdf
243445 Fred Rainey, Aharon Oren - (Methods in Microbiology 35)Extremophiles (2006, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215371(821s) d2eb5b5a1137ba67927e26dac90b09de.pdf
243446 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport v. 23) (1985, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533239(216s) d6391e9a52f105b25d09b43488b5df8c.pdf
243447 Thomas Lecuit - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 89)Tissue Remodeling and Epithelial Morphogenesis (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123749026;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123749024(240s) df35b35fc2708f54d390cf6fc1f5d7f3.pdf
243448 Author Unknown - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY V5) (1956, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643058(570s) e08614298a3250d590865aa3bed169cd.pdf
243449 Poulton T.P. - (GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. BULLETIN 358)Zonation and correlation of Middle Boreal Bathonian to Lower Callovian (Jurassic) ammonites, Salmon Cache Canyon, Porcupine river, Northern Yukon (1987) 0-660-12512-9(162s) 2c0903eaf5e41eba8621526d8c50ddba.pdf
243450 Renz C., Frech F. - (Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie. Beil.-Bd. 38)Beitrage zur Geologie von Hallas und der angrenzenden Gebiete (1914) (123s) 033f8f08d6d5d304a667c56fc9d23d60.pdf
243451 Riding J.B., Fedorova V.A., Ilyina V.I. - (AASP CONTRIBUTIONS SERIES NUMBER 36)Jurassic and Lowermost Cretaceous Dinflagellate Cyst Biostratigraphy of the Russian Platform and Northern Siberia, Russia (1999, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation) (190s) b0e1057a700c897ae04dc5017a0834ab.pdf
243452 Riding J.B., Helby R. - Early Jurassic (Toarcian) dinoflagellate cysts from the Timor Sea, Australia (2001) (219s) 5d8d29b96dd0154ba0833ed69d4e794e.pdf
243453 Rieber H. - (Palaeontographica. Abt. A. Bd. 122)Ammoniten und Stratigraphie des Braunjura β der Schwäbischen Alb (1963) (104s) e56fe0889da187d9cc14afd3cb77c5f0.pdf
243454 R. von Bothmer, T. van Hintum, H. Knüpffer, K. Sato - Diversity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare) (Developments in Plant Genetics and Breeding) (2003, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444505857;ISBN10:1865843830(300s) 007ddb365eb39f692f1f027579084d90.pdf
243455 Helen Macbeth, Paul Collinson - (Biosocial Society Symposium Series)Human Population Dynamics: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (2002, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521808650;ISBN13:9780521808651(240s) 00a1e9c0aabaa75a7f144decb2427156.pdf
243456 H. Kenneth Hudnell, H. Kenneth Hudnell - (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of the Science and Research Needs (2008, Springer) ISBN10:038775864X;ISBN13:9780387758640;ISBN13:9780387758657(950s) 016be353f36e9f68d3aa0191e3c33d71.pdf
243457 Desmond Morris - The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal (1999, Delta) ISBN10:0385334303(256s) 0236848a4fa6090b9430d90f8018772d.pdf
243458 Umberto Quattrocchi - CRC World Dictionary of Grasses: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology - 3 Volume Set v. 2 (2006, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849313031;ISBN13:9780849313035(2408s) 039acd06728811979402e9bd8196e4f0.pdf
243459 James N. Thompson Jr, Jenna J. Hellack, Gerald Braver, David S. Durica - Primer of Genetic Analysis: A Problems Approach (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521842689;ISBN13:9780521842686;ISBN13:9780511354649;ISBN10:0511354649;ISBN13:9780521603652;ISBN10:052160365X(324s) 03fdb5ed5296e9214d7d555833d59fb3.pdf
243460 Itai Bab, Carmit Hajbi-Yonissi, Yankel Gabet, Ralph Müller - Micro-Tomographic Atlas of the Mouse Skeleton (2007, Springer) ISBN10:0387392548;ISBN10:0387392580;ISBN13:9780387392547;ISBN13:9780387392585(196s) 06b57cf4553e61b384ab2f247c8e6ac5.pdf
243461 Lawrence R. Walker, Roger del Moral - (Cambridge Studies in Ecology)Primary Succession and Ecosystem Rehabilitation (2003, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521800765;ISBN13:9780521800761;ISBN13:9780511063282;ISBN10:0511063288;ISBN13:9780521529549(456s) 07fbd5312ca9e6bdf6cdef740708f363.pdf
243462 Jasjit S. Suri, Jasjit S. Suri, Aly Farag - (Topics in Biomedical Engineering. International Book Series)Deformable Models: Theory & Biomaterial Applications (2007, Springer) ISBN10:0387312048;ISBN13:9780387312040;ISBN13:9780387683430(600s) 09562ee33a115bd816c0d680b59adf55.pdf
243463 Charles Tanford, Jacqueline Reynolds - Nature's Robots: A History of Proteins (Oxford Paperbacks) (2004, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:019860694X(320s) 0a039e772690069470e28a9572e98086.pdf
243464 Mark Borodovsky, Svetlana Ekisheva - Problems and Solutions in Biological Sequence Analysis (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521847540;ISBN13:9780521847544;ISBN13:9780511333880;ISBN10:0511333889;ISBN13:9780521612302;ISBN10:0521612306(366s) 0b5070b8d2455262e98413577678e01d.pdf
243465 Peter L. Lutz, John A. Musick, Jeanette Wyneken - The Biology of Sea Turtles Volume II (2002, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849311233(496s) 0cdb33f819992a78b138d51dd48dd800.pdf
243466 Douglas Stokke, Leslie H. Groom - Characterization of the Cellulosic Cell Wall (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0813804396;ISBN13:9780813804392(274s) 0d43da66d020ce6a223e4f5b267f5385.pdf
243467 William F. Royce - Introduction to the Practice of Fishery Science, Revised Edition (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:012600952X(448s) 0dbc5aa5cc3c25a5e565bd204f59b5e2.pdf
243468 E. Edward Bittar, Robert A. Maue - (Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology)Molecular and Cellular Insights to Ion Channel Biology (2004, Elsevier Science & Technology) ISBN10:0444506454(485s) 0e4f839d5bb9b5602a786bc348a30524.pdf
243469 Bryan Kestenbaum - Epidemiology and Biostatistics: An Introduction to Clinical Research (2009, Springer) ISBN10:0387884327;ISBN13:9780387884325;ISBN13:9780387884332;ISBN10:2009927087(242s) 10719c8754d29da5572951aa4301be3b.pdf
243470 Venkatarajan Mathura, Pandjassarame Kangueane - Bioinformatics: A Concept-Based Introduction (2008, Springer) ISBN10:038784869X;ISBN13:9780387848693;ISBN13:9780387848709(190s) 115601d2c6409fa7655a96a97f163658.pdf
243471 Dai Rees, Steven Rose - The New Brain Sciences: Perils and Prospects (2004, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521830095;ISBN13:9780521830096;ISBN13:9780511336997;ISBN10:0511336993;ISBN13:9780521537148;ISBN10:0521537142(316s) 1290bfee7b29c91a1b54fda9c9d16a8f.pdf
243472 J. Colt, J.E. Huguenin - Design and Operating Guide for Aquaculture Seawater Systems, Volume 33: Second Edition (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science) (2002, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444505776;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(336s) 1480c6f53d75bd750148e314977570d3.pdf
243473 Carol Frischmann - Pets and the Planet: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Pet Care (2009, Howell Book House) ISBN10:0470275731;ISBN13:9780470275733(312s) 14db77962abafa12f533ae17e229fcc1.pdf
243474 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW NEUROBIOLOGY V 8) (1965, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668085(332s) 14fb5a5c1cf64015d8530d0d7516349d.pdf
243475 Bonnie J. Ploger, Ken Yasukawa - Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field: An Hypothesis-testing Approach to the Development, Causation, Function, and Evolution of Animal Behavior (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125583303(472s) 1518a9bfbf440a697a88713c01e74f03.pdf
243476 Leslie A. Dierauf, Frances M.D. Gulland - CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine: Health, Disease, and Rehabilitation (2001, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849308399;ISBN10:2001025211(1120s) 15202a16866c5a452370d9954f0092c6.pdf
243477 Floyd E. Bloom, A. Björklund, T. Hökfelt - (Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy 15)The Primate Nervous System, Part III (1999, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:044450043X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:0444903402(456s) 1899e9a7930c4c6f137302d8a58237a5.pdf
243478 Janet Moore - An Introduction to the Invertebrates (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521857368;ISBN13:9780521857369(338s) 1992332d76d2bdeda1105e3dcdeb143d.pdf
243479 Malte C. Ebach, Raymond S. Tangney - Biogeography in a Changing World (Systematics Association Special Volumes) (2006, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849380383;ISBN13:9780849380389(232s) 19a97a06e0c900049f0ac4ad20de3c2f.pdf
243480 Jonathan Marks - (Foundations of Human Behavior)Human Biodiversity: Genes, Race, and History (1995, Aldine Transaction) ISBN10:0202020339;ISBN10:0202020320(321s) 1a32b04255dd5a3cd133be17301b4b02.pdf
243481 Derek A. Roff - Introduction to Computer-Intensive Methods of Data Analysis in Biology (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521846285;ISBN13:9780521846288;ISBN10:2257820010(376s) 1bc885cf2b35257e0e03c0bd16aa7cbb.pdf
243482 N. Rama Krishna, Lawrence J. Berliner - Biological Magnetic Resonance: Modern Techniques in Protein NMR Volume 16 (1999, Springer) ISBN10:0306459523;ISBN10:0306470837(387s) 1c1690f50a2636a59b3bcfd721199f56.pdf
243483 Michael Ruse - The Darwinian Paradigm (1989, Routledge) ISBN10:0415003008;ISBN10:0203981278(310s) 1c7f37c1efee7e48b7e96c1f0099a0c2.pdf
243484 V.C. Lakhan - Advances in Coastal Modeling, Volume 67 (Elsevier Oceanography Series) (2003, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444511490;ISBN10:2076315500(614s) 1c86f44277db849853329fd29f79a8e8.pdf
243485 Eileen Fabian Wheeler - Horse Stable and Riding Arena Design (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0813828597;ISBN13:9780813828596(328s) 1c95287ff6ee8cf9a1900e7cacd381e4.pdf
243486 Clara Pinto-Correia - Return of the Crazy Bird: The Sad, Strange Tale of the Dodo (2003, Springer) ISBN10:0387988769(216s) 1dbcb3213c97712c3f82d9362440b4d9.pdf
243487 Marc H. V. Van Regenmortel, David L. Hull - (Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis)Promises and Limits of Reductionism in the Biomedical Sciences (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0471498505(382s) 1e0d19a149a6a738cdc57dafde7ff42f.pdf
243488 Novartis Foundation - (Novartis Foundation Symposia)Role of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Smooth Muscle (2002, Wiley) ISBN10:0470844795(296s) 1f019bf2fe0ceeb7e9931878d606ff68.pdf
243489 J.A. Russell, A.J. Douglas, R.J. Windle, C.D. Ingram - The Maternal Brain: Neurobiological and Neuroendocrine Adaptation and Disorders in Pregnancy & Post Partum (2001, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444505482(380s) 1f3dcb9bef9284ddd6d4bc5d0058843f.pdf
243490 Johann Schaller, Simon Gerber, Urs Kaempfer, Sofia Lejon, Christian Trachsel - Human Blood Plasma Proteins: Structure and Function (2008, Wiley) ISBN10:0470016744;ISBN13:9780470016749(538s) 1f3e6f680f36c0aeffff795060ef5944.pdf
243491 Hazel Davies, Carol A. Butler - (Animal Q&a Series)Do Butterflies Bite?: Fascinating Answers to Questions About Butterflies and Moths (2008, Rutgers University Press) ISBN10:0813542685;ISBN13:9780813542683(223s) 1f8bf95d9948d5c3b195950109dccbb5.pdf
243492 Ved Pal Singh - (Progress in Industrial Microbiology)Biotransformations: Microbial Degradation of Health-Risk Compounds (1995, Elsevier Science Pub Co) ISBN10:0444819770(298s) 1fdb90d1fe865c165642b668e6837961.pdf
243493 Ricki Lewis - Discovery: Science as a Window to the World (2000, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632044527;ISBN10:0393493016(248s) 209576323f3c8a10285c6b3f67757e26.pdf
243494 Arne Valberg - Light Vision Color (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0470849029;ISBN10:0470849037(474s) 20a85aa918b2b70816ccca126c9d1880.pdf
243495 Carmelo R. Tomas - Identifying Marine Phytoplankton (1997, Academic Press) ISBN10:012693018X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780126930184(858s) 21266982a5ed139b1743bdc08689afa6.pdf
243496 Mary J Tucker - Dieseases of the Wistar Rat (1997, CRC Press) ISBN10:0748405216;ISBN10:0203211251;ISBN10:020326892X(254s) 229630d42e2e393004a8cdb446dd3a0b.pdf
243497 W.N. Konings, H.R. Kaback, J.S. Lolkema - (Handbook of Biological Physics)Transport Processes in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Organisms Volume 2 (1996, North Holland) ISBN10:0444824421(956s) 22fad9ceab45c8f97204f8fc91cdea4a.pdf
243498 Author Unknown - (Progress in Brain Research 66)PEPTIDES AND NEUROLOGICAL DISEASE (1986, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444807330;ISBN10:0444801049(380s) 2313db71f0e3c16ff5f89a2420221c8c.pdf
243499 David E. Reisner - Bionanotechnology: Global Prospects (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849375282(368s) 231a4f62b5cafe754e95908f81a072d3.pdf
243500 E. Edward Bittar, Virginia M. Miller, Meredith Hay - Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology: Principles of Sex-Based Differences in Physiology (2004, Elsevier Science & Technology) ISBN10:044451497X(200s) 2485524b0b1712c5cb1fa1d484a6874b.pdf
243501 Frederich W. Tesch, Ray J. White, John Thorpe - The Eel (2003, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632063890(416s) 25dfdd0f3f1bbd04543eb9783208c57d.pdf
243502 Stuart Sumida, Karen L.M Martin - Amniote Origins: Completing the Transition to Land (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0126764603(510s) 265e900a4d7399c0b81277e46846259e.pdf
243503 Lisa Yount - Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (Library in a Book) (2008, Facts on File) ISBN10:0816072175;ISBN13:9780816072170(364s) 2bcb19595588b3c785033c0252847130.pdf
243504 Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium on Plant Breeding, Kendall R. Lamkey, Michael Lee, Arnel R. Hallauer - Plant Breeding: The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:9780813828244(379s) 2cab85914480212ece5c23df6f4a1918.pdf
243505 J.C. Briggs - Global Biogeography (Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy) (1995, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444882979(472s) 2cb3620116ea012011a07798d1d173c8.pdf
243506 Michael H. Crawford - Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521838092;ISBN13:9780511335242;ISBN10:0511335245;ISBN10:0521838096;ISBN13:9780521546973;ISBN10:0521546974(486s) 2d46c6a728ec6468b4c97837187ee872.pdf
243507 Gerardo R. Vasta PhD, Hafiz Ahmed PhD - Animal Lectins: A Functional View (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849372690;ISBN13:9780849372698(596s) 2ddab1cf2088ccd413e6247cf8c3aab5.pdf
243508 R.H. Straub, E. Mocchegiani - (NeuroImmune Biology)The Neuroendocrine Immune Network in Ageing vol 4 (2004, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444516174;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(456s) 30d3fffee7e87c8727cf819748c5c05d.pdf
243509 Olga Lakela - Flora of Northeastern Minnesota (1965, Univ of Minnesota Pr) ISBN10:0816603693(556s) 3217f5152dd1257fa2f4c252e60aaeec.pdf
243510 Murray E. Fowler, Susan K. Mikota - Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0813806763;ISBN13:9780813806761(565s) 3218c48ec2b20187146e46290c6e0d99.pdf
243511 L. Matera, R. Rapaport - (NeuroImmune Biology)Growth and Lactogenic Hormones Volume 2 (2002, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444510516;ISBN10:1865843830(330s) 32ba09f63b2bfcccdeb7b069875ef8e7.pdf
243512 Carl W. Schaefer, Antonio Ricardo Panizzi - Heteroptera of Economic Importance (2000, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849306957(856s) 3380880597e32075c83c59b4cb39df42.pdf
243513 John Warham - The Behaviour, Population Biology and Physiology of the Petrels (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127354158(616s) 33fc33e8d1588ba5efb03682820ad67e.pdf
243514 William H. Kimbel, Yoel Rak, Donald C. Johanson, Ralph L. Holloway, Michael S. Yuan - (Series in Human Evolution)The Skull of Australopithecus afarensis (2004, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195157060(272s) 347c4e67e2e921f284393458bafecc18.pdf
243515 Jay Schulkin - Cognitive Adaptation: A Pragmatist Perspective (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521517915;ISBN13:9780521517911;ISBN13:9780511428951(208s) 353365a94508288621adbee40f4cefb6.pdf
243516 Norman M. Ford - The Prenatal Person: Ethics from Conception to Birth (2002, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0631234926;ISBN10:0631234918(272s) 3540a98cb9927398660312f032228bc6.pdf
243517 David M. Stoff, Elizabeth J. Susman - Developmental Psychobiology of Aggression (2005, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521826012;ISBN13:9780521826013(288s) 36da36e2c5dfd071aff2d262c64a3f34.pdf
243518 Hafiz Ahmed, Hafiz Ahmed PhD - Principles and Reactions of Protein Extraction, Purification, and Characterization (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849320348(408s) 375ce4319a0d9d16ac8e6893399a0a89.pdf
243519 J. William Schopf - Life's Origin: The Beginnings of Biological Evolution (2002, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520233905(224s) 37c7b02146e6dbd1f4a6c81da2edd531.pdf
243520 Sue Grabham - (Backpack Books)Backpack Books: 1001 Facts About Dinosaurs (2002, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:078948448X(192s) 390b473a69535722aa6b4235e442fc7d.pdf
243521 Gerald J. Bakus - Quantitative Analysis of Marine Biological Communities: Field Biology and Environment (2007, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN10:0470044403;ISBN13:9780470044407(435s) 3959ab5691ba688fe75a79a87301bf5f.pdf
243522 Jon F. Wilkins - Genomic Imprinting (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387775757;ISBN13:9780387775753(125s) 39be9f4aa586022a224ecef252f2717e.pdf
243523 Joshua M. Epstein - Nonlinear Dynamics, Mathematical Biology, And Social Science (Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity Lecture Notes) (1997, Westview Press) ISBN10:0201959895(176s) 3a96c53c99a5829ce93d28f734bf8c1d.pdf
243524 Catherine Allen - (Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource)Corals, Jellyfish, Sponges and Other Simple Animals (2005, UXL) ISBN10:0787694126(368s) 3ce64a96dd3168a1a2acecc8bf7a2d49.pdf
243525 Dick Neal - Introduction to Population Biology (2004, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521825377;ISBN13:9780521825375(408s) 3ed310bbbe7bbde20fe60c97e9c2cc29.pdf
243526 Shuiping Jiang, Shuiping Jiang - Regulatory T Cells and Clinical Application (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387779086;ISBN13:9780387779089;ISBN13:9780387779096;ISBN10:2008925544(606s) 3f5ea8415e98ad581e619655e944c8da.pdf
243527 Walter Glannon - Genes and Future People: Philosophical Issues in Human Genetics (2002, Westview Press) ISBN10:0813365600;ISBN10:8113012877(240s) 3f61af4c0c8846e0f1ee48439c735ca6.pdf
243528 David Edwards, Jason Stajich, David Hansen - Bioinformatics: Tools and Applications (2009, Springer) ISBN10:0387927379;ISBN13:9780387927374;ISBN13:9780387927381(451s) 4093c634946fd0ecbefbdb1c874b9dcd.pdf
243529 Riegraf W., Werner G., Lorcher F. - Der Posidonienschiefer Biostratigraphie, Fauna und Fazies des südwestdeutschen Untertoarciums (Lias epsilon) (1984) (123s) 2e5fd3b1a2cf2a21fd5faa38fb5238ec.pdf
243530 Novartis Foundation - (Novartis Foundation Symposia)Molecular Clocks and Light Signalling (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0470852836(306s) 410313459fbb0348e9c91278cbc23f4b.pdf
243531 Design, and Monitoring of Marine Reserves and Protected Areas in the United States Committee on the Evaluation, Ocean Studies Board, National Research Council - Marine Protected Areas: Tools for Sustaining Ocean Ecosystem (2001, National Academies Press) ISBN10:0309072867;ISBN10:2001000995(288s) 41ce3b0f07ec3c575e3875f0431bc207.pdf
243532 William J. Sutherland - Ecological Census Techniques: A Handbook (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521844622;ISBN13:9780521844628(448s) 41e66c547ada9093b9211b3faab15653.pdf
243533 John Colombo, Peggy McCardle, Lisa Freund - Infant Pathways to Language: Methods, Models, and Research Directions (2008, Psychology Press) ISBN10:0805860630;ISBN13:9780805860634(336s) 430fddfa729624018673fafb5930373e.pdf
243534 Roemer F. - Die Versteinerungen des norddeutschen Oolithen-Gebirges (1836, Hahn’schen Hofbuchhandlung) (240s) 8af82a5b93307f930d55a7f83be451d8.pdf
243535 Philip C J Donoghue, M. Paul Smith - Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record (Systematics Association Special Volumes) (2003, CRC Press) ISBN10:0415275245;ISBN10:020364252X;ISBN10:020367636X(296s) 440082c579f02cb8eb033d823a5e56db.pdf
243536 Романов Л.Ф., Касумзаде А.А. - Лимиды, спондилиды, пликатулиды и аномииды юры юга СССР (1991, “Штиинца”) 5-376-00626-3(153s) 8fced067ef6d5a2920f927db37880e12.pdf
243537 Charles Cunningham, Andrew J. R. Porter - (Methods in Biotechnology)Recombinant Proteins from Plants (1997, Humana Press) ISBN10:0896033902(308s) 440e806278217f51c3c3f5bcfa41dff3.pdf
243538 Ruth Kimchi, Marlene Behrmann, Carl R. Olson - Perceptual Organization in Vision: Behavioral and Neural Perspectives (Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition Series) (2003, Psychology Press) ISBN10:0805838732;ISBN10:0805838724;ISBN10:1410608913(488s) 4545cedd41936e6e505161bb0b588404.pdf
243539 M.P. Mattson - (Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology 12)Membrane Lipid Signaling in Aging and Age-Related Disease (2003, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444512977;ISBN10:2076315500(236s) 456101c573e0d1ed6906166c89ee74dd.pdf
243540 Ростовцев К.О. - (Труды МСК. Выпуск 15)Юрские отложения южной части Закавказья (1985, Наука) (238s) 1d90f8c862802f4463d32c47235ece82.pdf
243541 J. Hyönä, D.P. Munoz, W. Heide, Ralph Radach - The Brain's Eye: Neurobiological and Clinical Aspects of Oculomotor Research (Progress in Brain Research) (2002, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444510974(544s) 459dd122bcefa020a08ea283274dd328.pdf
243542 Schröder M. - (Palaeontographica. Abt.A)Frühontogenetische Schalen jurassischer und unterkretazischer Gastropoden aus Norddeutschland und Polen (1995) (110s) d31ce03bae1d4dc2fdf29d3cdd27055f.pdf
243543 Richard Frankham, Jonathan D. Ballou, David A. Briscoe - Introduction to Conservation Genetics (2002, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521630142;ISBN13:9780521630146(640s) 45a56f1d61b129e22407e2316decdf91.pdf
243544 Rob Hume - RSPB Complete Birds of Britain and Europe (2003, Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd) ISBN10:0751373540;ISBN13:9780751373547(480s) 460a994e3a475e68a39b353e5bfcdaf9.pdf
243545 Mary E. Glenn, Marina Cords - The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects) (2003, Springer) ISBN10:0306473461;ISBN10:030648417X(454s) 464f9266198b4cfcc63b7725b9da9797.pdf
243546 Paul Southgate, John Lucas - The Pearl Oyster (2008, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444529764;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780444529763(544s) 48cfd382e81b3e817608b4ac7b801a78.pdf
243547 Alan Zelicoff MD, Michael Bellomo - Microbe: Are We Ready for the Next Plague? (2005, AMACOM) ISBN10:0814408656(256s) 49abc8b89b892cc53b3c7830b549cd0f.pdf
243548 Novartis Foundation - (Novartis Foundation Symposium)The hERG Cardiac Potassium Channel: Structure, Function and Long QT Syndrome (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0470021403(308s) 4a33c6aaa6e97f0ef320bc19f65f189d.pdf
243549 Stanley Gelfand - Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics (2004, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0824756525;ISBN10:0203997778(512s) 4abc646dd437674fbe66b6a9d9fb4003.pdf
243550 Kate Jackson - Mean and Lowly Things: Snakes, Science, and Survival in the Congo (2008, Harvard University Press) ISBN10:0674029747;ISBN13:9780674029743(336s) 4b3d7948c5c383f0dfe8540f7166cb9d.pdf
243551 Семенов В.П. - (Тр. СПб общ-ва естествоисп. Отд. геол. и минер. Том XXIV)Новые данные к фауне юрских отложений Оренбургской губернии (1896) (23s) 2b16275f1a89cd322efc19665f548deb.pdf
243552 Spath L.F. - The Upper Jurassic invertebrate faunas of Cape Leslie, Milne Land. I. Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian (1935) (96s) b3e69f5fef8ddf7c6bf576692f3d1b25.pdf
243553 Gerd Gigerenzer - Adaptive Thinking: Rationality in the Real World (Evolution and Cognition Series) (2002, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195153723;ISBN10:0195136225(360s) 4c59a0fa35c5a91cbbc442ab9728a98e.pdf
243554 Charles Crawford, Dennis Krebs - Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology (2008, Psychology Press) ISBN10:0805859578(544s) 4cec778e255d7e9d1067fafb941fca4e.pdf
243555 Spath L.F. - Additional observations on the invertebrates (chiefly ammonites) of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of East Greenland. II. Some infra-Valanginian ammonites from Lindeman-Fjord, Wollaston Foreland; with a note on the base of the Cretaceous (1952) (45s) 6da0e1222fb71596c29e6e90b359aecc.pdf
243556 Esa Ranta, Per Lundberg, Veijo Kaitala - (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)Ecology of Populations (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521854350;ISBN13:9780521854351(388s) 4cf3a209c2e0856a3428da1a0ffb5bc2.pdf
243557 Swinnerton H.H. - The rocks below the Red Chalk of Linkolnshire and their cephalopod faunas (1935) (25s) 7a1cba5a89d57b0c6a76fa29b3e25d55.pdf
243558 L. Hertz - Non-Neuronal Cells of the Nervous System: Function and Dysfunction: Structure, Organization, Development and Regeneration: in Molecular and Cell Biology) (Pt. I) Volume 31: Part I, Part II (2003, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444514511(1300s) 4d6b810c74598a767b29229998165586.pdf
243559 Timothy A. Kohler, George G. Gumerman - Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies: Agent-Based Modeling of Social and Spatial Processes (Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity Proceedings) (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195131681;ISBN10:0195131673(416s) 4e3af5d8548d4370ee8bad0042024a08.pdf
243560 Kevin R. Crooks, M. Sanjayan - Connectivity Conservation (Conservation Biology) (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521857066;ISBN10:0521632706;ISBN10:0521634458;ISBN10:0521662303;ISBN10:0521665396;ISBN10:0521772796;ISBN10:05217(726s) 50d433e2a3f4dfbaf338cf6b84a64d98.pdf
243561 William G. Hopkins - Plant Development (The Green World) (2006, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:0791085627(151s) 51291f6be06f201dd36dd0ceab3027c5.pdf
243562 Tessa M. Pollard - (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology)Western Diseases: An Evolutionary Perspective (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521851807;ISBN10:0521820502;ISBN10:0521811074;ISBN10:0521818478;ISBN10:0521843995;ISBN10:0521825806;ISBN10:05218(236s) 51e98f4a2063f520cf3b3befbd003e61.pdf
243563 Author Unknown - (World Crop Pests Volume 7A)Soft Scale Insects (1997, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444893032;ISBN10:0444423729;ISBN10:0444423745;ISBN10:0444426302;ISBN10:0444427988;ISBN10:0444427996;ISBN10:04444(476s) 543a7009dc68194a287d03e9d71f192d.pdf
243564 Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth, Thomas Luetteke, Martin Frank - Bioinformatics for Glycobiology and Glycomics: An Introduction (2010, Wiley) ISBN10:0470016671;ISBN13:9780470016671(494s) 55167172eb501feb5708d2b0fab35ba9.pdf
243565 Author Unknown - (New Comprehensive Biochemistry 12)Sterols and bile acids (1985, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444806709;ISBN10:0444803033(447s) 57586fed613c807184d4144dc0b586d0.pdf
243566 C. R. Kennedy - Ecology of the Acanthocephala (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521850088;ISBN13:9780521850087(260s) 5797c1d2a3378257e388396b627ca4a3.pdf
243567 Ken A. Otter - Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: An Integrated Approach (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198569998(344s) 57ccd8efc6238f6cc32d8e7749e2bb7d.pdf
243568 John P. Sundberg, Tsutomu Ichiki - Genetically Engineered Mice Handbook (Research Methods For Mutant Mice) (2005, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849322200;ISBN13:9780849322204(336s) 5a1062a804c8af6dda3f208ffed1f0ee.pdf
243569 Gerald Litwack - (Vitamins and Hormones, Volume 49)Steroids (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127098496(512s) 5a4c767e8b0cdb3a74bcb11ecfa28727.pdf
243570 Susan Lappan, Danielle Whittaker - (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects)The Gibbons: New Perspectives on Small Ape Socioecology and Population Biology (2009, Springer) ISBN10:0387886036;ISBN13:9780387886039;ISBN13:9780387886046(526s) 5b44eea68ed4cc4de92cf790438afe93.pdf
243571 Committee on Characterizing Biologically Significant Marine Mammal Behavior, National Research Council - Marine Mammal Populations and Ocean Noise: Determining When Noise Causes Biologically Significant Effects (2005, National Academies Press) ISBN10:0309094496;ISBN10:0309546672(142s) 5fe34bff7b4344c848c731bf48982ad2.pdf
243572 Ford F. Ebner - Neural Plasticity in Adult Somatic Sensory-Motor Systems (Frontiers in Neuroscience) (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849315212;ISBN13:9780849315213(296s) 61c37755e5b5d2e9772435a9106696cb.pdf
243573 Zuckert Rachel - (Modern European Philosophy)Kant on Beauty and Biology: An Interpretation of the 'Critique of Judgment' (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521865891;ISBN13:9780521865890;ISBN13:9780511335303;ISBN10:051133530X(424s) 61ea4402439569f09890d013aed99b51.pdf
243574 Avi Peled - NeuroAnalysis: Bridging the Gap between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415451329;ISBN10:0203894731(160s) 6200670d39e8dd29962de7edccdf94dc.pdf
243575 Werner R. Loewenstein - The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life (1999, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195118286(384s) 62990c3c131fcbf1a8c4e22665946337.pdf
243576 J. Benton Jones Jr. - Tomato Plant Culture: In the Field, Greenhouse, and Home Garden, Second Edition (2007, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849373956;ISBN13:9780849373954(404s) 634746070691b63c6c8a98f1154c35ac.pdf
243577 Gerald Litwack - Vitamins and Hormones, Volume 59 (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127098593(378s) 635b00977860c8eace20239be1708ca0.pdf
243578 Pushpam Kumar, Pushpam Kumar - Ecology and Human Well-Being (2007, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd) ISBN10:0761935533(424s) 63b18569fdd0ff3250f5fdf69193f79b.pdf
243579 Giuseppe Cicco, Duane F. Bruley, Marc Ferrari, David K. Harrison - (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXVII (2006, Springer) ISBN10:0387295437;ISBN10:0387295402;ISBN13:9780387295435(390s) 645d051974caed49a225ef8981e4971e.pdf
243580 Jason T. Eberl - (Routledge Annals of Bioethics)Thomistic Principles and Bioethics (2006, Routledge) ISBN10:0415770637(176s) 6846aa641f23f3a54410c4409a46ee77.pdf
243581 J.N. Kraeuter, M. Castagna - Biology of the Hard Clam, Volume 31 (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science) (2001, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444819088;ISBN10:1865843830(772s) 691a8078e3a0f8a2c38361c2a8c1ae12.pdf
243582 J. Storm-Mathisen, O.P. Ottersen - Glutamate (Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy) (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444502866;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:0444903402(312s) 6ae8f20974c0f50d6711fe45b1090098.pdf
243583 C. Gomez-Campo - (Developments in Plant Genetics and Breeding Volume 4)Biology of Brassica Coenospecies (1999, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444502785;ISBN10:1865843830(500s) 6bbd98c179f869de2e704e6a3a2b981d.pdf
243584 Nicholas J. Wade, Josef Brozek, Jir¡ Hoskovec - Purkinje's Vision: The Dawning of Neuroscience (2001, Psychology Press) ISBN10:080583642X;ISBN10:1410600971(176s) 6bc8734ddda574ee8f6d034fd2666817.pdf
243585 L. Dijkshoorn, K.J. Towner, Mark J Struelens MD PhD FSHEA - New Approaches for the Generation and Analysis of Microbial Typing Data (2001, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:044450740X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:3225556459(370s) 6bcbe7da11f7d22390113d617ec88766.pdf
243586 Tim Caro - Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology (1998, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195104897;ISBN10:0195104900(608s) 6dd2abf252fc502c04c7ee6ae4afd747.pdf
243587 Timothy A. Mousseau, Charles W. Fox - Maternal Effects As Adaptations (1998, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:019511163X(400s) 6de3b796fca89db4ae40b20e252f13f0.pdf
243588 Fred H. Previc - The Dopaminergic Mind in Human Evolution and History (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521516994;ISBN13:9780521516990;ISBN13:9780511539787(224s) 6e070e067ee93740d2f2612da863198c.pdf
243589 Claire F. Michaels, Claudia Carello - (Century psychology series)Direct Perception (1981, Prentice Hall) ISBN10:0132147912(244s) 6ea9832c757a78a5f8cbbe9648345a29.pdf
243590 Michael M. Miyamoto, Joel Cracraft - Phylogenetic Analysis of DNA Sequences (1991, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195066987(368s) 7179b5be2a8d4a05deaeccaa39634401.pdf
243591 Adrian P. Wydeven, Timothy R. Deelen, Edward Heske - Recovery of Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States: An Endangered Species Success Story (2009, Springer) ISBN10:0387859519;ISBN13:9780387859514;ISBN13:9780387859521(350s) 71977c8c54403a9c0a5306b88595e703.pdf
243592 Juliet Clutton-Brock - Horse (DK Eyewitness Books) (2008, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0756637759;ISBN13:9780756637750(72s) 729dd8f7f4d38da68667dd65c04bb2de.pdf
243593 Philip Winn - Dictionary of Biological Psychology (2001, Routledge) ISBN10:0415136067;ISBN10:0203298845;ISBN10:0203288335(896s) 72e78377ceb0d7720f092b75b163de64.pdf
243594 Ger Van Der Vusse - (Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology)Lipobiology (2004, Elsevier Science & Technology) ISBN10:0444514961(724s) 74e349009d67cb0401a804947fd9daf8.pdf
243595 Sheila M. Crispin - Notes on Veterinary Ophthalmology (2005, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632064161(384s) 767ecaf9817dbf6afc011a169f5dc539.pdf
243596 G.L. Mills, etc. - Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Guidebook to Lipoprotein Technique v. 14 (1984, Elsevier Science Ltd) ISBN10:0444805915;ISBN10:0444805745;ISBN10:0720442001(526s) 777057453af060b6485320d416713368.pdf
243597 Peter M. Elias, Kenneth R. Feingold - Skin Barrier (2005, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0824758153;ISBN13:9780824758158(632s) 77d0ccc38db98d4e134ba3013c66be6c.pdf
243598 Angela E. Newton, Raymond S. Tangney - (Systematics Association Special Volumes)Pleurocarpous Mosses: Systematics and Evolution (2007, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849338565;ISBN13:9780849338564(464s) 785adf5cffe860ea5a4b953dfc43db50.pdf
243599 I. Endo, T. Nagamune, S. Katoh, T. Yonemoto - (Progress in Biotechnology 16)Bioseparation Engineering (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444504419;ISBN10:1865843830(240s) 78c3d93f31403a025c9c296eb5346060.pdf
243600 Simon Mays - The Archaeology of Human Bones (1998, Routledge) ISBN10:0415166217;ISBN10:0415174074;ISBN10:020319439X;ISBN10:020319442X(256s) 79c6d0e709d9f97b66205961c302b0e2.pdf
243601 Amir Hussain, Igor Aleksander, Leslie S. Smith, Allan Kardec Barros, Ron Chrisley, Vassilis Cutsuridis - Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) (2009, Springer) ISBN10:0387790993;ISBN13:9780387790992;ISBN13:9780387791005(300s) 7b8ebeaeb48acdc275f41436c2738bc4.pdf
243602 Nigel Rothfels - Representing Animals (2002, Indiana University Press) ISBN10:025321551X;ISBN10:025334154X(264s) 7d01dceb0b6ac357e2a1921ee1ccbd7c.pdf
243603 Michael E. N. Majerus - Melanism: Evolution in Action (1998, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198549822(364s) 7df2904f626f38ee2a031507c18715a9.pdf
243604 Phill Jones - Sickle Cell Disease (Genes and Disease) (2008, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:0791095878(143s) 7e3a9e86b33d60200414b50dbbbc9094.pdf
243605 Author Unknown - METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY,VOLUME 8, Volume 8 (1974, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641087(464s) 7ea6b6f513804e325321aa3c7fb029b3.pdf
243606 James Silverberg, J. Patrick Gray - Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates (1992, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195071190(328s) 7ee1aaab49678536e1cdeed84fa0c3ba.pdf
243607 Richard N. Strange - Introduction to Plant Pathology (2003, Wiley) ISBN10:0470849738;ISBN10:047084972X(480s) 8046ee8b1c1afca3b546c50960d4b3e6.pdf
243608 Velten K. - Mathematical Modeling and Simulation - Introduction for Scientist and Engineers (2008, Wiley) ISBN13:978-3-527-40758-3(362s) e47bf75ce2694bae57fefc3dbc3aa745.pdf
243609 Akhlaq Farooqui - Beneficial Effects of Fish Oil on Human Brain (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1441905421;ISBN13:9781441905420;ISBN13:9781441905437(386s) 0132278218f2ca3af9248c36c7fa6c42.pdf
243610 Iris Meier, Iris Meier - (Plant Cell Monographs)Functional Organization of the Plant Nucleus (2008, Springer) ISBN10:3540710574;ISBN13:9783540710578;ISBN13:9783540710585;ISBN10:9876543210(192s) 02a978cd579474dadd3059373862abb5.pdf
243611 Bruce A. Bohm - The Geography of Phytochemical Races (2008, Springer) ISBN10:140209051X;ISBN13:9781402090516;ISBN13:9781402090523(350s) 043418e8304d1de1c39429e3c90ec785.pdf
243612 Jan Verplaetse, Jelle Schrijver, Sven Vanneste, Johan Braeckman - The Moral Brain: Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1402062869;ISBN13:9781402062865;ISBN13:9781402062872(275s) 08c4dcdd9fc27d5e9a8f5a11e15808fd.pdf
243613 Yakov Pachepsky, David E. Radcliffe, H. Magdi Selim - Scaling Methods in Soil Physics (2003, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849313740(456s) 0a361d846be4bba5cfc006ee1d9765d5.pdf
243614 Nancy M. Trautmann, William S. Carlsen, Marianne E. Krasny, Christine M. Cunningham - Assessing Toxic Risk : Teachers Guide and Student Edition (2001, Natl Science Teachers Assn) ISBN10:0873551966(50s) 0a3664f9672694760fd83d9ab8dae5f2.pdf
243615 Anthony W. D. Larkum - A Natural Calling: Life, Letters and Diaries of Charles Darwin and William Darwin Fox (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1402092326;ISBN13:9781402092329;ISBN13:9781402092336(578s) 0cfa34261294b2cecbc61d81465de3da.pdf
243616 F. Stuart Chapin III, Pamela A. Matson, Peter M. Vitousek, M.C. Chapin - Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology (2002, Springer) ISBN10:0387954392;ISBN10:0387954430(456s) 0ddb89d731fff6b2a854b4a5f4ef26ad.pdf
243617 Liwang Ma, Lajpat R. Ahuja, Tom Bruulsema - Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420052950(320s) 0f29c0fc07eec3d802ed59a69427b631.pdf
243618 Alexander Sigalov - Multichain Immune Recognition Receptor Signaling: From Spatiotemporal Organization to Human Disease (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387097880;ISBN13:9780387097886(357s) 12e30a5f992d0b5234a65efba5b325f5.pdf
243619 Michael R. Wagner, Joseph R. Cobbinah, Paul P. Bosu - Forest Entomology in West Tropical Africa: Forest Insects of Ghana (2008, Springer) ISBN10:140206506X;ISBN13:9781402065064;ISBN13:9781402065088(244s) 153d9eb674785b9586b767b1bf56df75.pdf
243620 Fred Van Dyke - Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402068905;ISBN13:9781402068904;ISBN13:9781402068911(478s) 1c061ff593e8766d4c17864290df4d0e.pdf
243621 Therese M. Donovan, Charles Welden - Spreadsheet Exercises in Ecology and Evolution (2001, Sinauer Associates) ISBN10:0878931562(556s) 205089a8984b1d25fa32fe47dfe6a070.pdf
243622 G.O. Evans - Animal Hematotoxicology: A Practical Guide for Toxicologists and Biomedical Researchers (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420080091(224s) 237c0ed69f26528541a1aad82faf0b97.pdf
243623 Willem Renema, Willem Renema - (Topics in Geobiology)Biogeography, Time and Place: Distributions, Barriers and Islands (2007, Springer) ISBN10:1402063733;ISBN13:9781402063732;ISBN13:9781402052019;ISBN13:9781402043253;ISBN13:9781402040443;ISBN13:97814020388(416s) 2503366bde3a107fb54bd50be30d9078.pdf
243624 Sanetaka Shirahata, Koji Ikura, Masaya Nagao, Akira Ichikawa, Kiichiro Teruya - Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT), Kyoto, Japan, September 25-28, 2006 (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1402096453;ISBN13:9781402096457;ISBN13:9781402096464(357s) 250415aa50444c584eed1134a269ba58.pdf
243625 Peter L. Antonelli - Mathematical Essays on Growth and the Emergence of Form (1985, The University of Alberta Press) ISBN10:0888640897(349s) 2a1e289f0f64a134723bf9b39b887c31.pdf
243626 S.K. Robisch - Wolves and the Wolf Myth in American Literature (2009, University of Nevada Press) ISBN10:0874177731;ISBN13:9780874177725;ISBN13:9780874177732(512s) 2a4f9145dc9bb722d45cb867caba6b84.pdf
243627 Nancy M. Trautmann - (Cornell Scientific Inquiry Series)Assessing Toxic Risk, Teacher Edition (2001, NSTA Press) ISBN10:0873552237;ISBN10:9786468600(50s) 2f73ee601bd1caf5cd513bb903f0366b.pdf
243628 Lester E Ehler, Rene Sforza, Thierry Mateille - Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control (2003, CABI) ISBN10:085199735X(288s) 328b20adbc71bb48071ecc1da62af25c.pdf
243629 Eric O. Odada, Daniel O. Olago - (Advances in Global Change Research)The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity (2002, Springer) ISBN10:1402007728;ISBN10:0306482010(598s) 36400dc21d1502838ab4af838564feff.pdf
243630 David W. Ussery, Trudy M. Wassenaar, Stefano Borini - Computing for Comparative Microbial Genomics: Bioinformatics for Microbiologists (Computational Biology) (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1848002548;ISBN13:9781848002548;ISBN13:9781848002555(274s) 367d9c07d07994ae206c72a01a465835.pdf
243631 Soma - Organic Marijuana, Soma Style: The Pleasures of Cultivating Connoisseur Cannabis (Marijuana Tips) (2005, Quick American Archives) ISBN10:0932551688(128s) 383c6edf8fc2e5cda898d764ce7c46ae.pdf
243632 Larry P. Tilley DVM DACVIM(Internal Medicine), Francis W. K. Smith Jr. DVM DACVIM(Internal Medicine & Cardiology), Mark Oyama DVM DACVIM(Cardiology), Meg M. Sleeper VMD DACVIM(Cardiology) - Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology (2007, Saunders) ISBN10:1416023984;ISBN13:9781416023982;ISBN10:1865843830(464s) 3c5a4a75be4c2e892ed0e3ff713b1978.pdf
243633 Richard J. Beamish, Brian J. Rothschild - (Fish & Fisheries Series)The Future of Fisheries Science in North America (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1402092091;ISBN13:9781402092091;ISBN13:9781402092107(736s) 3ed1c8da3299459441551b3eda265032.pdf
243634 Tiina Nõges, Tiina Nõges, Reiner Eckmann, Külli Kangur, Peeter Nõges, Anu Reinart, Gulnara Roll, Heikki Simola, Markku Viljanen - European Large Lakes: ecosystem changes and their ecological and socioeconomic impacts (Developments in Hydrobiology) (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402083785;ISBN13:9781402083785(276s) 44cfd3ca900f0e4514cc0123bd7a1cef.pdf
243635 Peter J. Quinn, Xiaoyuan Wang - (Subcellular Biochemistry)Lipids in Health and Disease (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402088302;ISBN13:9781402088308;ISBN13:9781402088315(598s) 47ebb54eb4cc550a60174246df8427f5.pdf
243636 John F. Allen, Elizabeth Gantt, John Golbeck, Barry Osmond - Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun: 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402067070;ISBN13:9781402067075;ISBN13:9781402067099(1640s) 49b280df2422426d5cfb061c4dbbb590.pdf
243637 Maarten E. A. Reith - (Contemporary Neuroscience)Neurotransmitter Transporters: Structure, Function, and Regulation (2002, Humana Press) ISBN10:0896039455(532s) 5092fd6879d60ff260e3ad62bd8b1a44.pdf
243638 Ronald Ross Watson, Victor R. Preedy - Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420080377(424s) 527ffd552ae0123b2a2f9bcb41b6e67f.pdf
243639 Trygve O. Tollefsbol - Epigenetics of Aging (2009, Springer) ISBN10:144190638X;ISBN13:9781441906380;ISBN13:9781441906397(448s) 53941adda2538432fc63817cac8ff0a6.pdf
243640 Raphael Wong, Harley Tse - Lateral Flow Immunoassay (2008, Humana Press) ISBN10:1588299082;ISBN13:9781588299086;ISBN13:9781597452403(223s) 5603cc8c6bc9052a4817d8752e03316a.pdf
243641 Hendrik Jan Groenewegen, Pieter Voorn, Henk W. Berendse, Antonius B. Mulder, Alexander R. Cools - (Advances in Behavioral Biology)The Basal Ganglia IX (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1441903399;ISBN13:9781441903396;ISBN13:9781441903402(608s) 58d81b3fd25a63352d1e850a63ba2f51.pdf
243642 Junichi Azuma, Junichi Azuma, Stephen W. Schaffer, Takashi Ito - (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 7)Taurine 7 (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387756809;ISBN13:9780387756806;ISBN13:9780387756813;ISBN10:2008937801(550s) 5d10270d9191bdbeaaa86dd5d3fc456b.pdf
243643 Owen M. Wolkowitz, Anthony J. Rothschild - Psychoneuroendocrinology: The Scientific Basis of Clinical Practice (2003, American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.) ISBN10:0880488573(588s) 6109dfd84e62b1c4611c0bf76b029ccc.pdf
243644 Neil H. Landman, Neil H. Landman, Richard A. Davis, Royal H. Mapes - Cephalopods Present and Past: New Insights and Fresh Perspectives (2007, Springer) ISBN10:1402064616;ISBN13:9781402064616;ISBN13:9781402068065(482s) 620c382c93a175a2ebf2ed6bebae8b04.pdf
243645 Matthew Hamilton - Population Genetics (2009, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405132779;ISBN13:9781405132770(424s) 65ef797b56b032b4dfed948aeae18d0c.pdf
243646 Jason J. Davis - Engineering the Bioelectronic Interface: Applications to Analyte Biosensing and Protein Detection (2009, Royal Society of Chemistry) ISBN10:0854041656;ISBN13:9780854041657(259s) 668bf904d337e191e6b2678f317511c9.pdf
243647 U. P. Hedrick - Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World (1972, Dover Publications) ISBN10:0486204596(686s) 686268feef98f6fd7893a5ee5e92655d.pdf
243648 Delivering Alien Invasive Species - (Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology)Handbook of Alien Species in Europe (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402082797;ISBN13:9781402082795;ISBN13:9781402082801(400s) 6d80df02c2f9eef3dcd1caba02572362.pdf
243649 Erkki Tomppo, Markus Haakana, Matti Katila, Jouni Peräsaari - (Managing Forest Ecosystems)Multi-Source National Forest Inventory: Methods and Applications (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402087128;ISBN13:9781402087127;ISBN13:9781402087134(374s) 6f517ec9230bbf03463ba0f8947577a6.pdf
243650 Sue Dallas, Diana North, Joanne Angus - Grooming Manual for the Dog and Cat (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405111836;ISBN13:9781405111836;ISBN10:2005022934(288s) 7ab0d284d5931754a65e74f9660d7ff5.pdf
243651 Dilek Anec, Dilek Anaç, Pierre Martin-Prével - Improved Crop Quality by Nutrient Management (1999, Springer) ISBN10:0792358503(310s) 81281da3e198b0e9df23a71240bc0596.pdf
243652 James P. Crutchfield, Peter Schuster - (Santa Fe Institute Studies on the Sciences of Complexity)Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Interplay of Selection, Accident, Neutrality, and Function (2003, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195142659;ISBN10:0195142640(488s) 82e039a6af86c6a5945690e98645e041.pdf
243653 El-Ghazali Talbi, Albert Y. Zomaya - (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)Grid Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2007, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN10:0471784095;ISBN10:3175723993;ISBN13:9780471784098(392s) 835c4e8d198fe4689a26a12706233fb0.pdf
243654 Andrea Belgrano, Ursula M. Scharler, Jennifer Dunne, Robert E. Ulanowicz - Aquatic Food Webs: An Ecosystem Approach (2005, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198564821;ISBN10:019856483X;ISBN13:9780198564829;ISBN13:9780198564836(272s) 83a71c913980d72ab402cb84ab5df753.pdf
243655 Martin Ingrouille, Bill Eddie - Plants: Diversity and Evolution (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521790972;ISBN13:9780521790970(466s) 83e18f4401371c8612414736c217d789.pdf
243656 Antonius M. VanDongen - (Frontiers in Neuroscience)Biology of the NMDA Receptor (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420044141(350s) 84c861b8d5e9cbffe1dbff25ffc0a2ad.pdf
243657 Jonathan Morris - (Biotechnology in the 21st Century)The Ethics of Biotechnology (2005, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:0791085201;ISBN13:9780791085202(158s) 8604f69a50726042e4a0221fd4c641f7.pdf
243658 Allan M. Jones - (Routledge Introductions to Environment)Environmental Biology (1997, Routledge) ISBN10:0415136202;ISBN10:0203137574;ISBN10:0203178963(216s) 868fe04a11e9a740cb88b92bc64fb24a.pdf
243659 Zigang Dong, Young-Joon Surh - (Oxidative Stress and Disease)Dietary Modulation of Cell Signaling Pathways (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849381487;ISBN13:9780849381485(504s) 86a9a095643c7035137fd899cf8e8bbd.pdf
243660 Gregory W. Konat - (Methods in Signal Transduction Series)Signaling by Toll-Like Receptors (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420043188(224s) 878566c2bdf7017a2b7e8358826db729.pdf
243661 Robin C. Craw, John R. Grehan - (Oxford Biogeography Series)Panbiogeography: Tracking the History of Life (1999, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195074416(240s) 889602e841af2d57015ebf8c549d311f.pdf
243662 Nelly Oudshoorn - Beyond the Natural Body: An Archaeology of Sex Hormones (1994, Routledge) ISBN10:041509190X;ISBN10:0203421523;ISBN10:0203729765;ISBN10:0415091918(208s) 89be22b3c65e641d9dd46269b507c9b8.pdf
243663 Alain Bernot - Genome Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis (2004, Wiley) ISBN10:047084955X;ISBN10:0470849541(248s) 8bbdd5386ba591b19e91ca95c39dbebf.pdf
243664 P. A. Thomas - Trees: Their Natural History (2000, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521453518;ISBN10:0511037619;ISBN10:052145963X(296s) 8d10584298e78383fdbef32f320ecebe.pdf
243665 Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler - Spiking Neuron Models (2002, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521813840;ISBN13:9780521813846(400s) 8da7b6dbdc09d7b4e8b7b76afc081db4.pdf
243666 Sam R. Telford Jr. - Hemoparasites of the Reptilia: Color Atlas and Text (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1420080407;ISBN13:9781420080407(376s) 8fbaf66dde10f400e7987119cf87e777.pdf
243667 Simon Verhulst, Johan Bolhuis - Tinbergen's Legacy: Function and Mechanism in Behavioral Biology (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521874785;ISBN13:9780521874786;ISBN13:9780511463518;ISBN13:9780521697552(262s) 924b844e1f8f150bf24fe60f26dfede4.pdf
243668 Author Unknown - Vitamins and Hormones v. 13 (1955, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127098135(382s) 9258487f4cc83db64f0ee51dc5e8435c.pdf
243669 Frances Garrett - (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism)Religion, Medicine and the Human Embryo in Tibet (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415441153;ISBN10:0203927427;ISBN13:9780415441155;ISBN13:9780203927427(224s) 92a19c67828436f6db40a73d5b548a9a.pdf
243670 Janice R. Matthews, Robert W. Matthews - Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521699274;ISBN13:9780521699273;ISBN13:9780511354540;ISBN10:0511354541(256s) 92faeb2d0cf0d6704d22496f284bd440.pdf
243671 John Nelson - Structure and Function in Cell Signalling (2008, Wiley) ISBN10:0470025506;ISBN13:9780470025505;ISBN13:9780470025512(410s) 93bc52cf13f641f809d27a1786324885.pdf
243672 Robert Cudeck, Robert C. MacCallum - Factor Analysis at 100: Historical Developments and Future Directions (2007, Routledge Academic) ISBN10:0805862129;ISBN13:9780805853476;ISBN10:0805853472;ISBN13:9780805862126;ISBN13:9781410615800;ISBN10:1410615804(384s) 949192b293c4cc7a084f595ec2b28d63.pdf
243673 Kenneth P. Burnham, Kenneth P. Burnham - (Monograph American Fisheries Society 5)Design and Analysis Methods for Fish Survival Experiments Based on Release-Recapture (1987, Amer Fisheries Society) ISBN10:0913235415(437s) 9731624cf03cde6940b1aeacc00487aa.pdf
243674 Rowland H. Davis - Neurospora: Contributions of a Model Organism (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195122364(352s) 97322a4b07afd860bb07feddfd333cfd.pdf
243675 Murray Wrobel - Elsevier's Dictionary of Reptiles (2005, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444514996;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(758s) 994ab012cb4851ef636bfcf11a203373.pdf
243676 Larry L. Barton, W. Allan Hamilton - Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria: Environmental and Engineered Systems (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521854856;ISBN13:9780511290282;ISBN10:0511290284;ISBN10:0521854857(562s) 9a0a9d379a607a4165d00d480369ac36.pdf
243677 Elizabeth J. Reitz, Elizabeth S. Wing - (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology)Zooarchaeology (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521857260;ISBN13:9780521857260;ISBN13:9780511376993;ISBN13:9780521673938(536s) 9ab24552db257cbb9856e9b060b9f01c.pdf
243678 Nello Cristianini, Matthew W. Hahn - Introduction to Computational Genomics: A Case Studies Approach (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521856035;ISBN13:9780521856034(200s) 9c81aaf5ac7ad744fa02c8248641bdeb.pdf
243679 Lyle D. Broemeling - (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)Bayesian Methods for Measures of Agreement (2009, Chapman and Hall/CRC) ISBN10:1420083414;ISBN13:9781420083415(340s) 9c91143506cd22fb4167f848b9f717ab.pdf
243680 Lee Ellis, Scott Hershberger, Evelyn Field, Scott Wersinger, Sergio Pellis, David Geary, Craig Palmer, Katherine Hoyenga, Amir Hetsroni, Kazmer Karadi - Sex Differences: Summarizing More than a Century of Scientific Research (2008, Psychology Press) ISBN10:0805859594;ISBN13:9780805859591(992s) 9cd2fe9900614f06481a423f0c71bc4c.pdf
243681 Dr Nick Neave - Hormones and Behaviour: A Psychological Approach (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:052187145X;ISBN13:9780521871457;ISBN13:9780511377136;ISBN13:9780521692014(366s) 9d9ef9293d75936d0bcc409822c4581c.pdf
243682 Carl Y. Saab - The Spinal Cord (Gray Matter) (2005, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:0791085112;ISBN13:9780791085110(93s) 9ec80399818e26c1366a82f492cf5e79.pdf
243683 Phillip Clark, Wayne Boardman, Shane Raidal - Atlas of Clinical Avian Hematology (2009, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405192488;ISBN13:9781405192484(200s) 9f91c3346e25cdc74c13a798ea59ef57.pdf
243684 Anthony Walsh, Kevin M Beaver - (Criminology and Justice Studies)Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and Research (2008, Routledge) ISBN10:0415989434;ISBN10:0203929918(304s) 9fe7689e7d5429ecd91aa3d2e85781f3.pdf
243685 John E. Smith - (STUDIES IN BIOLOGY)Biotechnology (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521884942;ISBN13:9780521884945;ISBN13:9780511463945;ISBN13:9780521711937(278s) a0110b05899c5fb74063711d15eaa722.pdf
243686 Andre Menez - The Subtle Beast: Snakes, From Myth to Medicine (Science Spectra) (2003, CRC Press) ISBN10:041528497X;ISBN10:0203422678;ISBN10:0203424425(176s) a01536f1f57935daac0a6c1ddb24a1e5.pdf
243687 DK Publishing - Eye Wonder: Reptiles (Eye Wonder) (2002, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0789485559;ISBN13:9780756623173(48s) a05cb23e48831dc2fa7acdbe888eb14b.pdf
243688 Frank H. Stephenson - Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: A Guide to Mathematics in the Laboratory (2003, Academic Press) ISBN10:0126657513;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2003106049(302s) a0a1d40551fd144d922da693649e9424.pdf
243689 Friedhelm Goltenboth, Kris H. Timotius, Paciencia P. Milan, Josef Margraf - Ecology of Insular Southeast Asia: The Indonesian Archipelago (2006, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444527397;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780444527394(568s) a16abab60d5db557c75244e487d73f4b.pdf
243690 Grethe R. Hasle, Erik E. Syvertsen, Karen A. Steidinger, Karl Tangen, Carmelo R. Tomas - Identifying Marine Diatoms and Dinoflagellates (1996, Academic Press) ISBN10:0126930155(598s) a467d00bcabefc652d3b15255c76bf10.pdf
243691 Jean-Pierre Schermann - Spectroscopy and Modeling of Biomolecular Building Blocks (2007, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444527087;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780444527080(498s) a467e33cd34c3d91497aa988033f3c67.pdf
243692 E. Velazquez, C. Rodriguez-Barrueco - (Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences)First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization (2007, Springer) ISBN10:1402040199;ISBN13:9781402040191;ISBN13:9781402057656(362s) a58ac2362c81bc91bcda250332b5dc9b.pdf
243693 Robin N. Gibson - (Fish and Aquatic Resources)Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation (2005, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632059265(416s) a5ae9da2e8e402d8205b65b43ace1819.pdf
243694 Evan Weiher, Paul Keddy - Ecological Assembly Rules: Perspectives, Advances, Retreats (1999, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521652359;ISBN10:0511032994;ISBN10:0521655331(430s) a5d77a6642e81cb0e30198783e5f25e1.pdf
243695 Peter D. Moore, Richard Garratt - Tundra (Biomes of the Earth) (2006, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:0816053251(144s) a62363d58d98ded9da20dba9c452afc8.pdf
243696 Donald T. Haynie - Biological Thermodynamics (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521711347;ISBN13:9780521884464;ISBN13:9780511386374;ISBN13:9780521711340(438s) a66b96030a94987830f568c78b8a351c.pdf
243697 Peter Haugen, William J. Cannon - (Twentieth-Century Science)Biology: Decade by Decade (2007, Facts on File) ISBN10:0816055300;ISBN13:9780816055302(272s) a73db1d3e41b517c43989aae476e976e.pdf
243698 Birdlife International - State of the World's Birds 2004 (2004, BirdLife International) ISBN10:0946888507(73s) a76408350ae96026ca2357ac33a3e2b2.pdf
243699 David M. Prescott - Methods in Cell Biology (1975, Academic Pr) ISBN10:0125641095(397s) aa113c57a75d52935ba71a7d736a3798.pdf
243700 Gerald Sonnenfeld - (Advances in Space Biology and Medicine 10)Experimentation with Animal Models in Space (2005, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444519076(334s) ab29bf3d65aa6c855add34611d54cccb.pdf
243701 Amalya Lumerman Oliver - Networks for Learning and Knowledge Creation in Biotechnology (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521872480;ISBN13:9780521872485;ISBN13:9780511506536(252s) ac168232c109f16964c04b18ba82feda.pdf
243702 F. Schmid - Genera of the Trichoptera of Canada and Adjoining or Adjacent United States (1998, NRC Research Press) ISBN10:0660164027(319s) ac3bc645b5409bda97dbfb2f5958efb7.pdf
243703 J.M. Lawrence - (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 37)Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology (2006, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444529403;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780444529404(380s) acc734acf20bf2f7db1b67a9a8db3f0f.pdf
243704 Paul J. Wood, David M. Hannah, Jonathan P. Sadler - Hydroecology and Ecohydrology: Past, Present and Future (2008, Wiley) ISBN10:0470010177;ISBN13:9780470010174(460s) ad51048bfa3f230f67ad4ff0b798451e.pdf
243705 Peter Sell, Gina Murrell, S. M. Walters - Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, Campanulaceae - Asteraceae Volume 4 (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521553385;ISBN13:9780521553384(652s) add9e9296ce3d0ebe75e09f7fe183cf9.pdf
243706 David G. Baker - Flynn’s Parasites of Laboratory Animals (2007, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:081381202X;ISBN13:9780813812021(840s) ae4d789f72c1d9e8cb6a0e5a16f734e6.pdf
243707 S.A. Elias - (Developments in Quaternary Sciences 12)Advances in Quaternary Entomology (2009, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444534245;ISBN10:0444514708;ISBN10:0444514716;ISBN10:0444514627;ISBN10:0444515925;ISBN10:0444515933;ISBN10:04445(304s) ae5de33e5ada0ae6ff6a0b26ebb51f4f.pdf
243708 Wilfrid Jänig - Integrative Action of the Autonomic Nervous System: Neurobiology of Homeostasis (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521845181;ISBN13:9780521845182(632s) ae7c490d8fef5bc86ee6f465517b2ff3.pdf
243709 David D. Perkins, Alan Radford, Matthew S. Sachs - The Neurospora Compendium: Chromosomal Loci (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125507518(325s) b0254edb0b92be22d54b297ef9445cfe.pdf
243710 Darrell Jackson, Michael Richardson - High-Frequency Seafloor Acoustics (Underwater Acoustics) (2006, Springer) ISBN10:0387341544;ISBN10:0387369457;ISBN13:9780387341545;ISBN13:9780387369457(557s) b03e8c975d65919675411204507c7f2e.pdf
243711 Didier Chatenay Ph.D., Simona Cocco Ph.D., Remi Monasson Ph.D., Denis Thieffry Ph.D., Jean Dalibard Ph.D. - (Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School 2004)Multiple Aspects of DNA and RNA: from Biophysics to Bioinformatics, Volume Session LXXXII (2006, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444520813;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(378s) b0efce69dda8bf012cb11a84858631f5.pdf
243712 R.D. Stapleton Jr., V.P. Singh - (Progress in Industrial Microbiology 36)Biotransformations: Bioremediation Technology for Health and Environmental Protection (2002, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444509976;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(634s) b0f38fb008f35a4a904beaa988e1d974.pdf
243713 Theodore H. Fleming - A Bat Man in the Tropics: Chasing El Duende (Organisms and Environments) (2003, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520236068(333s) b140969be2a36052622a4508c4c8e6cd.pdf
243714 Peter De Wulf, William C. Earnshaw - The Kinetochore:: From Molecular Discoveries to Cancer Therapy (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387690735;ISBN13:9780387690735;ISBN13:9780387690766(514s) b21333b2e5488a47f4c229f3203f8a5a.pdf
243715 Frédéric Thomas, François Renaud, Jean-François Guégan - Parasitism and Ecosystems (2005, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198529872;ISBN10:0198529864(232s) b2651a1b045a4b87f5bb0b1d11780768.pdf
243716 K.B. Storey, J.M. Storey - (North-Holland Mathematical Library)Protein Adaptations and Signal Transduction Volume 2 (2001, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444507590;ISBN10:2076315500(312s) b31df4974ab0b8bedcf1ec898ea6c001.pdf
243717 E.L. Hertzberg - (Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology)Gap Junctions (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0762305991(430s) b47a1540d08c637502c8615d0fa7df42.pdf
243718 Carl-erik Tornqvist - (The Green World)Plant Genetics (2006, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:0791085635(124s) b4ba1c5b9c3f5b6fb34eab1e2526219a.pdf
243719 Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, John Paul Robinson, Harry A. Crissman, Leslie Wilson, Paul T. Matsudaira - (Methods in Cell Biology 41)Flow Cytometry Part A (1994, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641427;ISBN10:0122030516(591s) b4d22856caeae7ea0d33c692a4e3f46c.pdf
243720 Richard Bardgett, Michael Usher, David Hopkins - Biological Diversity and Function in Soils (Ecological Reviews) (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521847095;ISBN13:9780521847094(428s) b6e3412b571e87dd52ac62cfeeb2d65b.pdf
243721 Irina Pollard - Bioscience Ethics (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521768284;ISBN13:9780521768283;ISBN13:9780511540066;ISBN13:9780521745277(332s) b6f1654da72caa76e714b961ebff41da.pdf
243722 Simon Hardy - Human Microbiology (Lifelines) (2002, CRC Press) ISBN10:0415241995;ISBN10:0203164407;ISBN10:0203258541;ISBN10:0415241685(240s) b712d017b2f56a33458c8bc7c9342cc4.pdf
243723 Patricia A. Hoffee, Mary Ellen Jones - (Methods in Enzymology, Volume 51)Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleotide Metabolism (1978, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121819515(654s) b7da7e9151e98ee1b3f992565005ae4e.pdf
243724 Huisheng Xie, Vanessa Preast - Xie's Veterinary Acupuncture (2007, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:081381247X;ISBN13:9780813812472;ISBN10:2006010824;ISBN10:8400279700(359s) b80db3135456fa4b670c8b4b56ba5168.pdf
243725 Roger Bartlett - Sports Biomechanics: Reducing Injury and Improving Performance (1999, Routledge) ISBN10:0419248102;ISBN10:0419184406;ISBN10:0203474562;ISBN10:0203782801(296s) b87eb98efb189e9023ffaa1715402613.pdf
243726 C.N. Hunter, Fevzi Daldal, Marion C. Thurnauer, J. Thomas Beatty - (Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration)The Purple Phototrophic Bacteria (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402088140;ISBN10:2008932524;ISBN13:9781402088148;ISBN13:9781402088155;ISBN13:9781402042492;ISBN13:9781402033230;(1014s) b92a80060d7115bd263145de4b769624.pdf
243727 Brian Harvey, Anton Baer, Joachim Carolsfeld, Carmen Ross - Migratory Fishes of South America: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation Status (2004, IDRC) ISBN10:0968395821(372s) b9a101cdbebe690f63a94f238e09eb96.pdf
243728 Massimo Pigliucci, Katherine Preston - Phenotypic Integration: Studying the Ecology and Evolution of Complex Phenotypes (2004, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195160436(464s) bb43ed14c663ae4487119aaf62e8ac4c.pdf
243729 L. McKerracher, G. Doucet, S. Rossignol - (Progress in Brain Research)Spinal Cord Trauma: Regeneration, Neural Repair and Functional Recovery (2002, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444508171(488s) bc6bd51aa4afee53e9d6dcb144e6c63b.pdf
243730 Amitabha Chattopadhyay - Serotonin Receptors in Neurobiology (Frontiers in Neuroscience) (2007, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849339774;ISBN13:9780849339776(224s) bd0c3ef62bb85e94e15d53c81b3fd618.pdf
243731 K. Minoura - Lake Baikal: A Mirror in Time and Space for Understanding Global Change Processes (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444504346;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:2076315500(348s) bf97ff37fa59528e10ac209add060d3b.pdf
243732 Shrawan Kumar - Muscle Strength (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:0415369533(538s) c0a9db85b32d028dc76778ae4da7e845.pdf
243733 Laubichler Manfred D., Maienschein Jane - Form and Function in Developmental Evolution Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521872685;ISBN13:9780521872683;ISBN13:9780511506994(256s) c118661dee60e1f2d0710d78dae096ed.pdf
243734 S.B. Petersen, B. Svensson, S. Pedersen - (Progress in Biotechnology 10)Carbohydrate Bioengineering (1995, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444822232(384s) c30871158ffca2253a37c12bf173539c.pdf
243735 Erin McKenna, Erin McKenna, Andrew Light - Animal Pragmatism: Rethinking Human-Nonhuman Relationships (2004, Indiana University Press) ISBN10:0253344220;ISBN10:0253216931(256s) c309811d9e62c3ee68d770c5d1af360d.pdf
243736 John Blair, Myron Fottler, Hon. Albert C. Zapanta - (Advances in Health Care Management 4)Bioterrorism Preparedness, Attack and Response (2004, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0762311053(384s) c392578e5b97c077adbf7743fd135450.pdf
243737 Shara E. Bailey, Jean-Jacques Hublin - (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology)Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in Dental Paleoanthropology (2007, Springer) ISBN10:1402058446;ISBN13:9781402058448;ISBN13:9781402058455(409s) c3faa6758dc8d88bf05b18a9bbba9539.pdf
243738 Klaus Rohde - Nonequilibrium Ecology (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation) (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521854342;ISBN13:9780521854344(236s) c40814d0713a97bff0c4d5975c50f345.pdf
243739 Carl Linnaeus, Stephen Freer - Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica (2005, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198569343(428s) c435b6c37d70b13d284609b1c90fc497.pdf
243740 Robert J. Blanchard, D. Caroline Blanchard, Guy Griebel, David Nutt - (Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience 17)Handbook of Anxiety and Fear (2008, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444530657;ISBN10:0444808957;ISBN10:0444809341;ISBN10:0444809880;ISBN10:0444810145;ISBN10:0444810161;ISBN10:04448(450s) c5a88badf0a64dae23e1ab339285d69e.pdf
243741 David W. Galbraith, Don P. Bourque, Hans J. Bohnert, Leslie Wilson, Paul T. Matsudaira - (Methods in Cell Biology 50)Methods in Plant Cell Biology Part B (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641524;ISBN10:0122738721(555s) c5c2d2d05456a68cca1115b54d3237b4.pdf
243742 Lisa Seachrist Chiu, Judith A. Seachrist - When a Gene Makes You Smell Like a Fish: And Other Amazing Tales about the Genes in Your Body (2006, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195169948;ISBN13:9780195169942;ISBN13:9780195327069(240s) c668cb70c861401563aa8d514dca4711.pdf
243743 Lesley-Jane Eales - Immunology for Life Scientists (2003, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN10:0470845236;ISBN10:0470845244(368s) c6f4df45353fd6e2dc55b68c721c887f.pdf
243744 Robert E. Schmidt, Drury R. Reavill, David N. Phalen - Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds (2003, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0813805023(234s) c771e6a99478fb6001f4e89b90fe2ad3.pdf
243745 Lars Østnor - Stem Cells, Human Embryos and Ethics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2008, Springer) ISBN10:140206988X;ISBN13:9781402069888;ISBN13:9781402069895(255s) c7b2fbf14ad5f2b49db0c887641fd711.pdf
243746 C. Bondy, D. LeRoith - Cytokines (Growth Factors & Cytokines in Health & Disease) Part A (1997, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0762301171(416s) c8914ce0f239a3fd236b2b64fa3f90d4.pdf
243747 Stephane Heritier, Eva Cantoni, Samuel Copt, Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser - (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)Robust Methods in Biostatistics (2009, Wiley) ISBN10:0470027266;ISBN13:9780470027264;ISBN10:2009008863(292s) c8e3d44c7f07813ba82c6bf586d0dc94.pdf
243748 Martin L. Cody - Plants on Islands: Diversity and Dynamics on a Continental Archipelago (2006, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520247299(269s) c9b419ca3828b2f1968bdba0c16f1be8.pdf
243749 Richard Wrangham, Elizabeth Ross - Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Longterm Research (2008, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521896010;ISBN13:9780521896016;ISBN13:9780511423475;ISBN13:9780521720588(280s) cac17fa984916d11daca729fbdf3fab2.pdf
243750 Deborah Poole - (Blackwell Companions to Anthropology)A Companion to Latin American Anthropology (2008, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0631234683;ISBN13:9780631234685(560s) cb0e0302ad37776fda72602a5cc7cdd6.pdf
243751 Bertold Hock, Erich F. Elstner - Plant Toxicology, Fourth Edition (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment) (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:0824753232;ISBN10:8002281160;ISBN10:8457961772(664s) cbcdaed5343d167556c0174fd03c3991.pdf
243752 Alvin Berger, Matthew A. Roberts - Unraveling Lipid Metabolism With Microarrays (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:0824758110;ISBN10:0203997093;ISBN10:8002281160;ISBN10:8457961772(472s) cc34daf41ad349919543ccc71bdc7487.pdf
243753 DK Publishing - (DK READERS)Snakes Slither and Hiss (2008, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:075663749X;ISBN13:9780756637491;ISBN13:9780756637484(32s) cdd5295340c1d7889164afaf9339d44b.pdf
243754 Marc Ereshefsky - The Poverty of the Linnaean Hierarchy: A Philosophical Study of Biological Taxonomy (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology) (2000, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521781701;ISBN10:0511030800(328s) d06021757606d4cb026f6d0542ff8c43.pdf
243755 Dipankar Dasgupta, Fernando Nino - Immunological Computation: Theory and Applications (2008, Auerbach Publications) ISBN10:1420065459;ISBN10:0849338328;ISBN10:1420054619;ISBN10:1420059327;ISBN10:0849340586;ISBN10:0849330459;ISBN10:14200(296s) d0c2be550c767c6aa0b76f89d2ccfd53.pdf
243756 - METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY VOLUME 3 (1969, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641036(360s) d28f33573df7b46de05e0341e47357fe.pdf
243757 T. R. McClanahan, C. R. C. Sheppard, D. O. Obura - Coral Reefs of the Indian Ocean: Their Ecology and Conservation (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195125967(552s) d36a464e15244e914a509ab5c39cccd0.pdf
243758 John Alcock - The Triumph of Sociobiology (2001, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195143833;ISBN10:2100061151(272s) d43779211f38b0b52ed20d633d64771a.pdf
243759 Andrew Hopkins, Zeng-Yu Wang, Rouf Mian, Mary Sledge, Reed E. Barker - (Developments in Plant Breeding)Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf (2004, Springer) ISBN10:1402018673;ISBN10:1402025912(408s) d43bb5130ec6679674d529c59ed20a94.pdf
243760 William Agosta - Thieves, Deceivers, and Killers: Tales of Chemistry in Nature (2002, Princeton University Press) ISBN10:0691092737;ISBN10:0691004889(248s) d4b9ae1e50c4da0d751a86d3bfddad0a.pdf
243761 Günter P. Wagner - The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology (2000, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127300554(624s) d4feda65cfeaabd76b9a975f20548afb.pdf
243762 Susan C. M. Gardner, Eva Oberdorster - (New Perspectives: Toxicology and the Environment)Toxicology of Reptiles (2005, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849327156;ISBN13:9780849327155(328s) d5100dc978ecae778b30964a5288ccb9.pdf
243763 Gregory Cochran, Henry Harpending - The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution (2009, Basic Books) ISBN10:0465002218;ISBN13:9780465002214(304s) d5c9c3db270b738004c1b06f80392d77.pdf
243764 Murray Wrobel - Elsevier's Dictionary of Mammals (2007, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444518770;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780444518774(868s) d69a8cc9fdd63ddbc7566550688e2b35.pdf
243765 J. Ricard - (New Comprehensive Biochemistry)Biological Complexity and the Dynamics of Life Processes (1999, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444500812;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:0444803033(376s) d6caf8fd622caf1193fd7feec4bed67d.pdf
243766 Sio-Iong Ao - (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)Data Mining and Applications in Genomics (2008, Springer) ISBN10:1402089740;ISBN13:9781402089749;ISBN13:9781402089756(152s) d78609adb982b9b44c33fb56cfd8d445.pdf
243767 Erella Hovers - (Human Evolution Series)The Lithic Assemblages of Qafzeh Cave (2009, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195322770;ISBN13:9780195322774(384s) d7b714753244f6d55535d330186aafd0.pdf
243768 Michael Bulmer - Francis Galton: Pioneer of Heredity and Biometry (2003, The Johns Hopkins University Press) ISBN10:0801874033(376s) d915e1725eb690a335f735e7f6daa5d7.pdf
243769 Giorgio Bertorelle, Michael W. Bruford, Heidi C. Hauffe, Annapaolo Rizzoli, Cristiano Vernesi - Population Genetics for Animal Conservation (Conservation Biology) (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521866308;ISBN10:0521632706;ISBN10:0521634458;ISBN10:0521662303;ISBN10:0521665396;ISBN10:0521772796;ISBN10:05217(410s) d955990aeb92d7a11340887a8f973b24.pdf
243770 Gary England - Fertility and Obstetrics in the Horse (Library Vet Practice) (2005, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405120959;ISBN13:9781450120951(320s) db20c5c412df54c30b497a28f90b2cd0.pdf
243771 Steven M. Platek, Todd K. Shackelford - Foundations in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521884217;ISBN13:9780521884211;ISBN13:9780511507274;ISBN13:9780521711180(232s) db464e999e39e9afe48c399ba5017572.pdf
243772 Amade M'Charek - The Human Genome Diversity Project: An Ethnography of Scientific Practice (Cambridge Studies in Society and the Life Sciences) (2005, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521832225;ISBN13:9780521832229(224s) db87de694d2272a86126445e4a07a558.pdf
243773 Tianhao Zhang, Krishendu Chakrabarty, Richard B. Fair, Sergey Edward Lyshevsky - Microelectrofluidic Systems: Modeling and Simulation (2002, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849312760(288s) dbccad1a925686f174edc018dff54903.pdf
243774 Thomas T. Warner PhD FRCP, Simon R. Hammans MD FRCP - Practical Guide to Neurogenetics (2008, Saunders) ISBN10:0750654104;ISBN13:9780750654104;ISBN10:2152393805(344s) dbe82e0589e88f1ddee602e6596b61cc.pdf
243775 Author Unknown - (METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY,VOLUME 21)NORMAL HUMAN TISSUE AND CELL CULTURE: ENDOCRINE, UROGENITAL, AND GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEMS PART B (1980, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641400(512s) dcf8203ad9cd805dea012ee76fe16da6.pdf
243776 R. N. Gibson - Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review: Volume 39 (2001, CRC Press) ISBN10:0415238749;ISBN10:0203247191;ISBN10:0203228960(496s) de1553601b5cd2e40e166ebb15ecab36.pdf
243777 Shane Crotty - Ahead of the Curve: David Baltimore's Life in Science (2003, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520225570(488s) df4d9f61f2e00ca10ecb842ea780d6a5.pdf
243778 A. Chimiak, R.C. Hider, A. Liu, J.B. Neilands, K. Nomoto, Y. Sugiura - Siderophores from Microorganisms and Plants (Structure and Bonding) (1985, Springer) ISBN10:3540136495;ISBN10:0387136495(143s) e07165a89f1c26d629aa10ef79cc6f54.pdf
243779 Alan J. Lacey - (The Practical Approach Series)Light Microscopy in Biology: A Practical Approach (1999, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199636699;ISBN10:0199636702(480s) e0b4c12143a9fa2179e8f2c825aaae9f.pdf
243780 Peter Boyle, Paul Rodhouse - Cephalopods (2005, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632060484;ISBN10:2004005858;ISBN13:9780632060481(464s) e0fc9a776be134a109d10432c59e2a1d.pdf
243781 Gerhard Gottschalk - (Methods in Microbiology, Volume 18) (1985, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215185(383s) e111f08f3853bbad4a3084077a4a66aa.pdf
243782 Kivie Moldave - (Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 75) (2003, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125400756;ISBN10:1865843830(356s) e17cc40715f10f48519c36fa9692e1b9.pdf
243783 Gregory A. Lewbart - Invertebrate Medicine (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0813818443;ISBN13:9780813818443(356s) e1b77c0378db83be719f63e72459ff3c.pdf
243784 John Gastil - Democracy in Small Groups: Participation, Decision-making and Communication (1998, New Society Publishers) ISBN10:0865712743;ISBN10:0865712735;ISBN10:1550922165;ISBN10:1550922173(224s) fbf92dfb8bdd0b70a478ddaa6700cc5d.pdf
243785 Bert Kinzey - (detail & scale)F-106 Delta Dart, in detail & scale (1983, Arms and Armour Press) ISBN10:0816850275(72s) 88c49d571a0d79d5cfb8a658052e9cdd.pdf
243786 Bert Kinzey, Ernest J. Gentle - (Detail and Scale)F9F Panther in Detail and Scale (1983, Aero Publishers (CA)) ISBN10:0816850259(71s) 8e105f5f408508ec61383f08c840342e.pdf
243787 Alwyn T. Lloyd - (D & S Vol. 18)B-47 Stratojet - Production Versions (1986, Kalmbach Pub Co / Airlife) ISBN10:085368619X(72s) e8ab557ef14eb7a7ffafc58ae29854a2.pdf
243788 Stadnik Z.M. - (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences)Physical Properties of Quasicrystals (1999, Springer) ISBN 3540651888(438s) fc3be3f18347cdcba241d1d9955cd305.djvu
243789 - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology Volume 23) (1988, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531236(268s) e8068953dae77bb24c5118fcbfa8d3e3.pdf
243790 - (METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY 2) (1966, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641028(426s) e363c6b482fff81c0bbf3ac65dab0b2b.pdf
243791 Alan R. Hemsley, Imogen Poole - (Linnean Society Symposium, Number 21)The Evolution of Plant Physiology Volume 1 (2004, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123395526(512s) e6e99d6f1efa0c6bc0449b21a631bd92.pdf
243792 Charles P. Ordahl, Roger A. Pedersen, Gerald P. Schatten - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology Volume 47)Somitogenesis Part I (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531473(319s) e88c363a33c522d0b4b1858117adaeda.pdf
243793 William F. Perrin, Bernd Wursig, J. G.M. Thewissen - Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (2008, Academic Press) ISBN10:012373553X;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123735539(1352s) e9efccd6dfe2393bfc3ca287dab49455.pdf
243794 - (FISH PHYSIOLOGY 10B) (1984, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123504325;ISBN10:0123504309(416s) ec196a1663d89cf8e745b8ee22f167aa.pdf
243795 Roger A. Pedersen, Gerald P. Schatten - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 44) (1998, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531449(257s) ef08a52cc14122578008e0a2be7f728d.pdf
243796 Margaret C.M. Smith, Elizabeth Sockett - (Methods in Microbiology 29)Genetic Methods for Diverse Prokaryotes (1999, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215290;ISBN10:0126523401(500s) f0b203b9336786ee8a3abd1756573bce.pdf
243797 Robert K. Poole - (Advances in Microbial Physiology 55) (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123747902;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123747907(328s) f1fc6fcfe4bff01357c87954c4eb52c5.pdf
243798 - (INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY 28) (1970, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123643287(387s) f2dd05c02873e67d94c8262e308230a7.pdf
243799 Gerald Litwack - (Vitamins and Hormones 51) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127098518(468s) f3599fe24d5edb48c622826dacc6fd3e.pdf
243800 John D. Wehr, Robert G. Sheath, James H. Thorp - Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification (Aquatic Ecology) (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0127415505(917s) f3b521c9ef565c5606934c360db75c2a.pdf
243801 Ronald J. Bradley, Adron R. Harris, Peter Jenner, John Smythies - The Neuromodulators, (International Review of Neurobiology) Volume 64 (2005, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668654;ISBN10:1865843830(296s) f557a4fbb0ada87bebf1dfc6cf6444bd.pdf
243802 Stanley G. Schultz - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 3)Cellular and Molecular Biology of Sodium Transport (1989, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533344(379s) f563de4dd697266128724a45bd134707.pdf
243803 James R. Norris, David J. Read, A. K. Varma - (Methods in Microbiology 24)Techniques for the Study of Mycorrhiza Part II (1992, Academic Press) ISBN10:012521524X(464s) f573c7b21f7927d5e004a959655ed4d5.pdf
243804 - (METHODS IN MICROBIOLOGY 1) (1969, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125215010(712s) f7623465be9ab96906c4cd70bb173bf2.pdf
243805 Author Unknown - (Current Topics in Membranes and Transport 3) (1972, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121533034(436s) fae26a696b836859926a62594a5335f1.pdf
243806 Meir Pener, Stephen Simpson - Advances in Insect Physiology: Locust Phase Polyphenism: An Update Volume 36 (2009, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123748283;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN13:9780123748287(304s) fc5c18d6055d47e973b94e04311689c2.pdf
243807 - (Current Topics in Developmental Biology 25) (1991, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531252(234s) fd437f8a6802928c69e53d7c821d2363.pdf
243808 Jon D. Miller - Biomedical Communications: Purpose, Audience, and Strategies (2001, Academic Press) ISBN10:0124967515(458s) fed072daa3b785239b8c40be1dad45d5.pdf
243809 Barbara L. Gartner - Plant Stems: Physiology and Functional Morphology (Physiological Ecology) (1995, Academic Press) ISBN10:0122764609(440s) ff11a599ff7a4218d5b1f22a88741be5.pdf
243810 Bruce A. Stein, Lynn S. Kutner, Jonathan S. Adams - Precious Heritage: The Status of Biodiversity in the United States (2000, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195125193(399s) e2917f13732a388b54820790ee3e8feb.pdf
243811 Peter Herring - The Biology of the Deep Ocean (Biology of Habitats) (2002, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0198549555(330s) e42dce8a3af361b1d887f350bc0c0757.pdf
243812 H. Randy Gimblett - (Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity)Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Agent-Based Modeling Techniques for Simulating Social and Ecological Processes (2002, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195143361;ISBN10:019514337X(344s) f3444ce21bb093de6726fa98a4a53f8f.pdf
243813 Toby A. Appel - (Monographs on the History and Philosophy of Biology)The Cuvier-Geoffrey Debate: French Biology in the Decades before Darwin (1987, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195041380(306s) fcade36d929ca9c115bfa8e6b6fcf801.pdf
243814 James Devillers, Minh-Ha Pham-Delegue - Honey Bees: Estimating the Environmental Impact of Chemicals (2002, CRC Press) ISBN10:0415275180;ISBN10:0203218655;ISBN10:0203274083(332s) ec010bb76fb19721b458bf98679e8f03.pdf
243815 Professor Frederic Lawrence Holmes, Dr. William C. Summers M.D. - Reconceiving the Gene: Seymour Benzer's Adventures in Phage Genetics (2006, Yale University Press) ISBN10:0300110782;ISBN13:9780300110784(352s) ec7b118046fa5db98586e243f73d333e.pdf
243816 Gianfranco Menestrina, M. Dalla Sera - (Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxic Action)Pore-forming Peptides and Protein Toxins (2003, CRC Press) ISBN10:0415298520;ISBN10:0203986644(360s) f147ef45c23d64bc62e62b92963e6309.pdf
243817 D.G. Stavenga, W.J. de Grip, E.N. Pugh - (Handbook of Biological Physics 3)Molecular Mechanisms in Visual Transduction (2000, North Holland) ISBN10:0444501029;ISBN10:1865843830(596s) fd57f70691519444c93ef8ac0cb5612c.pdf
243818 Anthony Blazevich - Sports Biomechanics: The Basics: Optimising Human Performance (2007, A&C Black) ISBN10:0713678712;ISBN13:9780713678710;ISBN13:9781408104132(192s) ec6f0c4446f21e91484617d076da5420.pdf
243819 Walter D. Koenig, Janis L. Dickinson - Ecology and Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Birds (2004, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521822718;ISBN13:9780521822718(304s) ecf6043b897d3c409fdafc162bc19c47.pdf
243820 Hanna Kokko - Modelling For Field Biologists: and Other Interesting People (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521831326;ISBN13:9780521831321(242s) eeb2fa887bb55f384d86b9d0c48dc3ce.pdf
243821 David Hill, Matthew Fasham, Graham Tucker, Michael Shewry, Philip Shaw - Handbook of Biodiversity Methods: Survey, Evaluation and Monitoring (2005, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521823684;ISBN13:9780521823685(588s) f551a76232ac49bc5f71ef9af94d99f0.pdf
243822 John L. Long - Introduced Mammals of the World: Their History, Distribution and Influence (2003, CSIRO Publishing) ISBN10:0643067140;ISBN10:0851997368(612s) f5b2e1997c4d404f2ad0e18bca826f33.pdf
243823 David J. King - Applications And Engineering Of Monoclonal Antibodies (1998, CRC Press) ISBN10:0748404228;ISBN10:0203211693;ISBN10:0203269179;ISBN10:0748404236(249s) f78734a0b8408fc5a7b78fce88934ff7.pdf
243824 Austin Burt, Robert Trivers - Genes in Conflict: The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements (2008, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press) ISBN10:0674027221;ISBN13:9780674017139;ISBN13:9780674027220(632s) f8752ad7652aec7f36fdf0bcbb2261c4.pdf
243825 Jan Kremers - The Primate Visual System: A Comparative Approach (2005, Wiley) ISBN10:0470868090(382s) f8e19b9877dc90f2342471fad3603912.pdf
243826 Alain Vanderpoorten, Bernard Goffinet - Introduction to Bryophytes (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521877121;ISBN13:9780521877121(312s) f9f4a05b7f4353a8f237ac9d44557ffb.pdf
243827 Falk Raphael - (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)Genetic Analysis: A History of Genetic Thinking (2009, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521884187;ISBN13:9780521884181(344s) fa219f6678f0e9dfa950241d5a031524.pdf
243828 Novartis Foundation - (Novartis Foundation Symposia)Signalling Pathways in Acute Oxygen Sensing (2006, Wiley) ISBN10:0470014571(300s) fd0b34bc865024364496cb19669130ee.pdf
243829 Anne Morel - Stereotactic Atlas of the Human Thalamus and Basal Ganglia (2007, Informa Healthcare) ISBN10:0824728947(160s) e758e5422052bbe1b1c4f08baa18b823.pdf
243830 R. B. Payne - (Ornithological Monographs)Sexual Selection, Lek and Arena Behavior, and Sexual Size Dimorphism in Birds (1984, Amer Ornithologists Union) ISBN10:0943610400(52s) e9ae5053e080526432670346516c7a74.pdf
243831 James F. Willott - Handbook of Mouse Auditory Research: From Behavior to Molecular Biology (2001, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849323282(736s) ea09ec8f69a8043c794b61e94ccaafa4.pdf
243832 Catherine E. Chambers - (DK READERS)Ape Adventures (2008, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0756637503;ISBN13:9780756637514;ISBN13:9780756637507(48s) ef52a05147191665c931311e6a83f08d.pdf
243833 Lothar Eggeling, Michael Bott - Handbook of Corynebacterium glutamicum (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849318211;ISBN13:9780849318214;ISBN10:2004057912(632s) ef7fac37f795b6f318d9127eb0ea9891.pdf
243834 Jennie R. Lill - Microwave Assisted Proteomics (2009, Royal Society of Chemistry) ISBN10:085404194X;ISBN13:9780854041947;ISBN13:5101610181020(130s) f25895bdde5e0ee44cac845897aec356.pdf
243835 Michael R. Conover - Predator-Prey Dynamics: The Role of Olfaction (2007, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849392705;ISBN13:9780849392702(264s) f36ad8d78b26191edc882ee8744aeb92.pdf
243836 Thomas A. Christensen - (Frontiers in Neuroscience)Methods in Insect Sensory Neuroscience (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849320240(464s) f409ab4ad8d31980aeb520ca14d443b3.pdf
243837 MAGNER - A History of the Life Sciences, Revised and Expanded (2002, Marcel Dekker Ltd) ISBN10:0824743601;ISBN10:0824708245(512s) f575ebcf6a2fc7a4681a9d867470baee.pdf
243838 E. A. Schreiber, Joanna Burger - (Marine Biology)Biology of Marine Birds (2001, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849398827(744s) fd4e5cea37f297615305d74ab81a5fe7.pdf
243839 Ю. С. Железко - Потери электроэнергии. Реактивная мощность. Качество электроэнергии. Руководство для практических расчетов (2009, НЦ ЭНАС) ISBN 978-5-93196-958-9(456 стр.s) d9eb95fe4c4158bcf279848ffe873828.djvu
243840 Костин,В.Н.,Распопов,Е.В.,Родченко,Е.А. - Передача и распределение электроэнергии.Учебное пособие (2003, СПб.СЗТУ) (147s) dae21d747547193f4a10b7dd5c0e1f47.pdf
243841 William R. Koehler - The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training; An Effective & Authoritative Guide for Selecting, Training & Maintaining Dogs in Home Protection, Plant Security, Police, & Military Work (1972, Howell Books) ISBN10:0876055528(400s) 08f7afc3b2d72c04786b8192a9c13ca2.pdf
243842 Stephen Sprang - (Advances in Protein Chemistry 74)Mechanisms and Pathways of Heterotrimeric G Protein Signaling (2007, Academic Press) ISBN10:012034288X;ISBN13:9780120342884;ISBN13:7400190065323(290s) 09a2793ba35a17818dd181afccfc4120.pdf
243843 Aziz Belmiloudi - (Communications and Control Engineering)Stabilization, Optimal and Robust Control: Theory and Applications in Biological and Physical Sciences (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9781848003439;ISBN13:9781848003446(502s) 13ddc76d9a7aab54917b4d59440b9716.pdf
243844 Marzia Malcangio - Synaptic Plasticity in Pain (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9781441902252;ISBN13:9781441902269(504s) 1445d2f44b77714d65f16837babe2593.pdf
243845 James H. Hunt - The Evolution of Social Wasps (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780195307856;ISBN13:9780195307979(280s) 2040d5d6a1acbc01df5c90472d0d5a1b.pdf
243846 David P. Barash Ph.D., Judith Eve Lipton - The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People (2002, Holt Paperbacks) ISBN10:0805071369(240s) 2208aae4bc62f0497f7cef939786314f.djvu
243847 Stefan Jentsch, Bernhard Haendler - (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings)The Ubiquitin System in Health and Disease (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9783540851066(191s) 25199fd88aefc7549ec3e528ca947b8d.pdf
243848 David L. Hull, Michael Ruse - (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521616719;ISBN13:9780521851282;ISBN13:9780521616713(552s) 257b04b1440ded5f2f6e9d12844a2bc6.pdf
243849 Jeffrey A. Lockwood - Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780195333053(400s) 27f5f1218240855bc3a55d9192db2452.pdf
243850 Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay - Sound Source Localization (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research) (2005, Springer) ISBN10:038724185X;ISBN13:9780387241852(330s) 30cc9486ef34a36b47ddfdf5be32d903.pdf
243851 McGraw - Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms Volumes 2 (1982, Mcgraw-Hill (Tx)) ISBN10:0070790310(1119s) 3687f1dccd4c889dc2a96b3963e69072.djvu
243852 Bruce H. Pugesek, Adrian Tomer, Alexander von Eye - Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology (2002, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521781337;ISBN10:0521380901;ISBN13:9780521781336;ISBN13:1397805110690;ISBN13:4882411171250(336s) 387f2277c0220e220cc7255bcdaf215e.pdf
243853 A. Philip Draycott - (World Agriculture Series)Sugar Beet (2006, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:140511911X;ISBN13:9781405119115(496s) 3e7482ef1b590ac25b1eb6fa88a2c27c.pdf
243854 John L. VandeBerg, Sarah Williams-Blangero, Suzette D. Tardif - (Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects)The Baboon in Biomedical Research (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9780387759906;ISBN13:9780387759913(391s) 4c9ca84f561e4994d88bd8ac8c0e33aa.pdf
243855 Committee on Biomolecular Materials and Processes, National Research Council - Inspired by Biology: From Molecules to Materials to Machines (2008, National Academies Press) ISBN13:9780309117043;ISBN13:9780309117050(170s) 4e9dd5957f8cd9ca27fafb412dd831f2.pdf
243856 Jennifer L. Nielsen, Haritz Arrizabalaga, Nuno Fragoso, Alistair Hobday, Molly Lutcavage, John Sibert - (Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries)Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9781402096396;ISBN13:9781402096402;ISBN13:1990199219941(400s) 5220c774a6dd182c14d58461ea96a4e2.pdf
243857 Paul A. Johnsgard - The Avian Brood Parasites: Deception at the Nest (1997, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195110420(424s) 5eb7f91bb568925a5ed9cd65d6148939.pdf
243858 David B. Weishampel, Peter Dodson, Halszka Osmólska - The Dinosauria (2007, University of California Press) ISBN10:0520254082(880s) 5fecf16ba28caa7ab57fdf5ab761f952.pdf
243859 N. Waran - (Animal Welfare)The Welfare of Horses (2002, Springer) ISBN10:1402007663;ISBN10:1402022700;ISBN13:9781402032264;ISBN13:9781402043611;ISBN13:9781402065576;ISBN13:9781402085529;(225s) 61652a9957ffc148adfedccf7000cd62.pdf
243860 John M. Walker - (Methods in Molecular Biology)Protein Protocols Handbook (2002, Humana Press) ISBN10:0896039404;ISBN10:0896039412(1176s) 62f38b654f57d79bf9c73738bca8e077.pdf
243861 Robert E Blankenship - Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis (2002, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:9780632043217;ISBN10:8028647626;ISBN10:0632043210(336s) 634f217f59439ebd038e370551c02455.pdf
243862 Baruch Rinkevich, Valeria Matranga - Stem Cells in Marine Organisms (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9789048127665;ISBN13:9789048127672(371s) 63cfbf4e1ee4619a79ee1dc8f247d0d8.pdf
243863 Maria Fernanda Suarez, Peter V. Bozhkov - (Methods in Molecular Biology)Plant Embryogenesis (2007, Humana Press) ISBN13:9781588299314;ISBN13:9781597452731(184s) 6615fbab6c77cdd63143ccd36bb16208.pdf
243864 Steven N. Vaslef, Robert W. Anderson - (Tissue Engineering Intelligence Unit, 7)The Artificial Lung (2002, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1587060191;ISBN10:1587061678(176s) 6b4883d93c7a3c1c036cbdc0332965a3.pdf
243865 McGraw - Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms Volumes 1 (1982, Mcgraw-Hill (Tx)) ISBN10:0070790310(1119s) 6d77c8ebc21fe213217740b85dad8f0b.djvu
243866 Carson-Dellosa Publishing - The Complete Book of Animals The Complete Book Series (2000, American Education Publishing) ISBN10:156189544X(352s) 7a2552d339e99e7c995f7b282f295dc3.pdf
243867 James Neill - The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies (2009, McFarland) ISBN13:9780786435135(478s) 8d2f3ec4b7d42b3da1166b418ffae330.pdf
243868 N. Waran - (Animal Welfare)The Welfare of Horses (2002, Springer) ISBN10:1402007663;ISBN10:1402022700;ISBN13:9781402032264;ISBN13:9781402043611;ISBN13:9781402065576;ISBN13:9781402085529;(225s) 98daf8cdd0ddc672510f7f4db9ab4c40.pdf
243869 J.M. Storey, K.B. Storey - Environmental Stressors and Gene Responses (Cell and Molecular Responses to Stress) Volume 1 (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444504885;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:6048222416;ISBN10:3052436082;ISBN10:6175255712(324s) a4e6c9a74cbdc428ed03bd844f27032a.pdf
243870 Lauri S. Friedman - Stem Cell Research (Introducing Issues With Opposing Viewpoints) (2005, Greenhaven) ISBN13:9780737741759(159s) ba43537d249828dbb6e8282176b6e653.pdf
243871 Rowland H. Davis - The Microbial Models of Molecular Biology: From Genes to Genomes (2003, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195154363(352s) bafab322247e1aa71bbb7480ea850a01.pdf
243872 Loren Nancarrow, Janet Hogan Taylor - The Worm Book: The Complete Guide to Gardening and Composting with Worms (1998, Ten Speed Press) ISBN10:0898159946(160s) c60fdfb997ad30099f162b651fc0e2a9.djvu
243873 Martin Hrabé de Angelis, Pierre Chambon, Steve Brown - Standards of Mouse Model Phenotyping (2006, Wiley-VCH) ISBN10:3527310312(358s) c71012596d4265fa125a8668d48f5a97.pdf
243874 Geoffrey M. Cooper, Robert E. Hausman - The Cell: A Molecular Approach (2006, Sinauer Associates, Inc.) ISBN13:9780878932191;ISBN10:0878932194(745s) caa2f0d7a385371f2b6ae3bd53d0701e.djvu
243875 David M. Williams, Malte C. Ebach, G. Nelson - Foundations of Systematics and Biogeography (2007, Springer) ISBN13:9780387727288;ISBN13:9780387727301(310s) d48fa6f647a135a7ea3d4c064606c983.pdf
243876 Alan R. Templeton - Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory (2006, Wiley-Liss) ISBN10:0471409510;ISBN13:9780471409519(705s) e99269416e76bf57d922449bfc63f1ab.pdf
243877 Bethany Spielman - Bioethics in Law (2006, Humana Press) ISBN10:158829434X;ISBN10:1597452955;ISBN13:9781588294340(186s) f13ced4828803f1a13705625d1ae61d1.pdf
243878 D. G. Pugh DVM MS - Sheep and Goat Medicine (2001, Saunders) ISBN13:9780721690520;ISBN10:0721690521;ISBN10:2152393805(468s) 046ab8cf2b94f20cb9320aaef1109bd5.pdf
243879 M. Smith, K.C. Thompson - Cryptosporidium: The Analytical Challenge (Special Publication) (2001, Royal Society of Chemistry) ISBN10:0854048405(162s) 1f2c4ef260c6f3464818ad65691fa446.pdf
243880 Hans Meinhardt, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Deborah R. Fowler, Deborah R. Fowler - The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells (The Virtual Laboratory) (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9783540921417;ISBN13:9783540921424(269s) 420c2e791c8f7a8671d7221e74d4107b.pdf
243881 Melody Clark - In Situ Hybridization: Laboratory Companion (2003, Wiley-VCH) ISBN13:9783527308859(183s) 5e2ef9f74dbe1acc9674de9afebe0eaf.pdf
243882 Jeffrey M. Smith - Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating (2003, Yes! Books) ISBN10:0972966587(304s) 6d34835bd465e46ec79414844a3e9f6f.pdf
243883 Graeme Harris, Nigel Milner - Sea Trout: Biology, Conservation and Management (2007, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:9781405129916;ISBN10:1405129913(520s) 6e16f51663dab2032c554178aa5e9d0c.pdf
243884 Matteo Conti - The Selfish Cell: An Evolutionary Defeat (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9781402086410;ISBN13:9781402086427(90s) 7109412c10c145acfb60040b1f19fb81.pdf
243885 Petr Karlovsky - Secondary Metabolites in Soil Ecology (Soil Biology) (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9783540745426;ISBN13:9783540745433(294s) 87d32459bf46e6a7e6644f7516a2cd95.pdf
243886 Justin E. H. Smith - (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)The Problem of Animal Generation in Early Modern Philosophy (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521840775;ISBN13:9780521840774(470s) 885cc11209235eeb0ffb1685fdd945b5.pdf
243887 Elliott Sober - (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)From a Biological Point of View: Essays in Evolutionary Philosophy (1994, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521471842;ISBN10:0521477530(267s) ba0e3746ea841ebeb3e51b7d4b54bc8b.pdf
243888 Dale R. McCullough, Seiki Takatsuki, Koichi Kaji - Sika Deer: Biology and Management of Native and Introduced Populations (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9784431094289;ISBN13:9784431094296;ISBN10:2008934594(666s) bcf736b2b10a2ae1f88c21791be5970a.pdf
243889 Bohumil Sikyta - (Progress in Industrial Microbiology)Techniques in Applied Microbiology (1995, Elsevier Science & Technology) ISBN10:0444986669(436s) e2767440d2db9be48e7de066a2422abd.pdf
243890 Meir Shinitzky - Biomembranes, Singal Transduction Across Membranes Vol. 2 (1995, Wiley-VCH) ISBN13:9783527300235;ISBN10:3527300236(325s) e4a3e119ffe0ddfd154348a8410b22cc.pdf
243891 Mike Martin - Small Animal ECGs: An Introductory Guide (2007, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:9781405141604;ISBN10:1405141603(144s) f5a95706ad0a8ab59e1e4856ac1b32ed.pdf
243892 David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa - (International Review of Neurobiology Volume 80)Psychophysiological States: The Ultradian Dynamics of Mind-Body Interactions (2007, Academic Press) ISBN13:9780123742759;ISBN10:1865843830(286s) fabaf329cd2af71666f13af8ade37f3e.pdf
243893 K.G.V. Smith - Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects: Diptera: An Introduction to the Immature Stages of British Flies v.10 (1989, Royal Entomological Society) ISBN10:0901546755(280s) fe3e8be7abbdf3d631961d2829c8cdac.djvu
243894 Angela Heiser, J.H.K. Liu - Rat Jugular Vain and Carotid Artery Catheterization for Acute Survival Studies: A Practical Guide (2007, Springer) ISBN10:0387494146;ISBN10:0387494162;ISBN13:9780387494142;ISBN13:9780387494166(116s) 0990d8dba9af175ed7580f90d9c90782.pdf
243895 Zamir K Punja, Zamir Punja - Fungal Disease Resistance in Plants: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering (Crop Science) (2004, CRC Press) ISBN10:1560229608;ISBN10:1560229616(266s) 0a30986c04842b2e8afd6317d4e084e8.pdf
243896 Mart Latterich - RNAi (Advanced Methods) (2007, Taylor & Francis) ISBN13:9780415409506;ISBN10:0203967216(158s) 0f5a95a277f6e7139fedaaa6cb220a5f.pdf
243897 Jang B. Rampal - (Methods in Molecular Biology 381)Microarrays: Synthesis Methods Volume I (2007, Humana Press) ISBN13:9781588295897;ISBN13:9781597453035(452s) 161aee30a066e1e2c1d53a6092e736e5.pdf
243898 Louis-Marie Houdebine, Jianglin Fan - Rabbit Biotechnology: Rabbit genomics, transgenesis, cloning and models (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9789048122264;ISBN13:9789048122271(136s) 176e5f648ed6f9822f07ce94888bbedf.pdf
243899 Eric Verspoor, Lee Stradmeyer, Jennifer L. Nielsen - The Atlantic Salmon: Genetics, Conservation and Management (2007, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:1405115823;ISBN13:9781405115827(520s) 1b89068c8edba8abbac6ed579b996f1e.pdf
243900 Alexander I. Agoulnik - (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)Relaxin and Related Peptides (2007, Springer) ISBN13:9780387746708(142s) 1e677a0c35a0b8ef8d1c06e132c0683a.pdf
243901 J. Amesz - (New Comprehensive Biochemistry)Photosynthesis (1987, Elsevier Science Ltd) ISBN10:0444808647;ISBN10:0444803033(372s) 1faa291f611b313713e0b204f145adda.pdf
243902 Laszlo Patthy - Protein Evolution (1999, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN13:9780632047741(228s) 22b009bec2a792156457715a1d7bd5a4.chm
243903 G. S. Saharan, Naresh Mehta - Sclerotinia Diseases of Crop Plants: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9781402084072;ISBN13:9781402084089;ISBN10:2008924858(486s) 2322574c88d6ae5275297782520b63c2.pdf
243904 Tim McClanahan, George Branch - Food Webs and the Dynamics of Marine Reefs (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780195319958(248s) 259b8828d8e943bb70459ea6064dd911.pdf
243905 Kivie Moldave - Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology Volume 74 (2003, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125400748;ISBN10:1865843830(315s) 28462df93950059d2afc0ff3826ae34f.pdf
243906 Ralph Waldo Trine - Every Living Creature (2006, Cosimo Classics) ISBN10:1596059842(92s) 2a561bb165973eb36ca7695627487b1e.pdf
243907 Simon Roe - (Practical Approach Series)Protein Purification Applications: A Practical Approach (2001, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0199636729;ISBN10:0199636710(184s) 2c8fe82d7bd18a2d083ac076d5abb70e.pdf
243908 George D. Rose - (Advances in Protein Chemistry 62)Unfolded Proteins (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0120342626(398s) 2f841d767b38e94db2ecbb0d65f6b476.pdf
243909 Maddy Hargrove, Mic Hargrove - Freshwater Aquariums For Dummies (2006, For Dummies) ISBN10:0470051035;ISBN10:9786468600;ISBN10:3175723993;ISBN13:9780470051030(368s) 0a216c1b793ddf0c2724a1e8b7c4df52.pdf
243910 Raymond Romand, Isabel Varela-Nieto - Development of Auditory and Vestibular Systems-3: Molecular Development of the Inner Ear, Volume 57 (Current Topics in Developmental Biology) (2003, Academic Press) ISBN10:0121531570(490s) 115a2e9abc8aec6f68c6b13ad7fe8d4f.pdf
243911 Donald R. Demuth, Richard Lamont - (Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology)Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication: Role in Virulence and Pathogenesis (2006, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:0521846382;ISBN10:0521801079;ISBN10:0521801737;ISBN10:0521809401;ISBN10:0521815258;ISBN10:0521809541;ISBN10:05218(330s) 14f00b8e37c5dc096e7258ab7ba0b46d.pdf
243912 Virginia C. G. Richardson MA VetMB MRCVS - (Library Vet Practice)Diseases of Domestic Guinea Pigs (2000, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0632052090(152s) 2147aed5d2504b102b77eb08cf050e3e.pdf
243913 A. Kristina Downing - (Methods in Molecular Biology 278)Protein NMR Techniques (2004, Humana Press) ISBN10:1588292460;ISBN10:1592598099(496s) 21eafbab3700d6c7b1c346c1b78c7576.pdf
243914 Christian de Duve - Life Evolving: Molecules, Mind, and Meaning (2002, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195156056(360s) 33e4ae882e794773c712be3bccde43b2.pdf
243915 Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, Mario Roederer, Hans J. Tanke - (Methods in Cell Biology 75)Cytometry: New Developments (2004, Academic Press) ISBN10:0125641702;ISBN13:0405060708987(920s) 45041e5c9efd449484fc7618997c941b.pdf
243916 Susan McHugh - Dog (Animal) (2004, Reaktion Books) ISBN10:1861892039(224s) 4e57a0423660cada09b2fa50b59fc178.pdf
243917 Marian Stamp Dawkins - Observing Animal Behaviour: Design and Analysis of Quantitive Controls (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:019856936X(208s) 50d27a8480744e273b066adec876b274.pdf
243918 Author Unknown - (Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 6)Density Gradient Centrifugation (1978, North Holland) ISBN10:0720442214(534s) 54137003c81bdd50e52f5912da8c9407.pdf
243919 Max M. Häggblom, Ingeborg D. Bossert - Dehalogenation: Microbial Processes and Environmental Applications (2003, Springer) ISBN10:1402074069(520s) 60bd0f2a753e345e33be3fdfc4bb0559.pdf
243920 Richard T. Di Giulio, David E. Hinton - The Toxicology of Fishes (2008, CRC Press) ISBN13:9780415248686(1096s) 621e6b906281f63db8214d25cfc2c96f.pdf
243921 Norman A. Johnson - Darwinian Detectives: Revealing the Natural History of Genes and Genomes (2007, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195306759(256s) 66a20e759d5a514cfa2a2a9264163e50.pdf
243922 Zoya Ignatova, Israel Martínez-Pérez, Karl-Heinz Zimmermann - (Advances in Information Security)DNA Computing Models (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9780387736358;ISBN13:9780387736372(288s) 8215fa59c0c6578226c235c497e93aa8.pdf
243923 Barbara Brenner - DINOSAURIUM (A Bank St. Museum Book) (1993, Bantam Books for Young Readers) ISBN10:0553354272;ISBN10:1590190599;ISBN10:0553076140(0s) 862e8a037842e25977491aea1db0db98.pdf
243924 Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Lyla M. Hernandez - Diffusion and Use of Genomic Innovations in Health and Medicine: Workshop Summary (2008, National Academies Press) ISBN13:9780309116763;ISBN10:0309116767(116s) 93ab7980d768f040c143ce988a25e63e.pdf
243925 David Lambert - DK Guide to Dinosaurs (2000, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0789452375(64s) 98a0085e9c5c4332f17e314bc3f06afc.pdf
243926 Sylvie Doublie - (Methods in Molecular Biology 364)Macromolecular Crystallography Protocols: Structure Determination Volume 2 (2007, Humana Press) ISBN10:1588299023;ISBN13:9781588299024;ISBN13:9781588292926;ISBN10:1588292924(400s) a0138b514afdcbf463e110f428be4e67.pdf
243927 Dougal Dixon - (DK/Google E.guides)Dinosaur (2004, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0756607612(96s) a26fb4e3249f10327799790f1f987737.pdf
243928 DK Publishing - (DK Guides)Mammals (2003, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0789495813(64s) acd9d73913d1d8ab9ff28c3781b0441a.pdf
243929 Jan Dijksterhuis, Robert A. Samson - Food Mycology: A Multifaceted Approach to Fungi and Food (2007, CRC Press) ISBN10:0849398185(424s) ae6b3a68d062d763c874a9abbd046de7.pdf
243930 Martin Hovland - (Springer Praxis Books / Life Sciences)Deep-Water Coral Reefs: Unique Biodiversity Hot-Spots (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9781402084614(300s) b1eef910c6c72bed967c7cbfa2a84d36.pdf
243931 Zigang Dong, Young-Joon Surh - Dietary Modulation of Cell Signaling Pathways (Oxidative Stress and Disease) (2008, CRC Press) ISBN13:9780849381485(504s) b96bdbf133de4a324266c73b3e2149c6.pdf
243932 John Dighton, James F. White Jr., Peter Oudemans - The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem (Mycology) (2005, CRC Press) ISBN10:0824723554;ISBN13:9780824723552(960s) bd1c75c396c4b030cc382eef53424e76.pdf
243933 Michael J. Dilworth, Michael J. Dilworth, Euan K. James, Janet I. Sprent, William E. Newton - (Nitrogen Fixation: Origins, Applications, and Research Progress)Nitrogen-fixing Leguminous Symbioses (2008, Springer) ISBN13:9781402035456;ISBN13:9781402035487(404s) c5ba07ec406e250caf4cdab5d818ad61.pdf
243934 Christian de Duve - Singularities: Landmarks on the Pathways of Life (2005, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521841955;ISBN13:1397805218419(274s) c8ec259c34a0a21194cec1316c343358.pdf
243935 A. F. G. Dixon - Insect Herbivore-Host Dynamics: Tree-Dwelling Aphids (2005, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521802321(208s) d5589535b1386b85173818c4bc6591fb.pdf
243936 Richard Walker - (DK Guides)DK Guide to the Human Body (2001, DK CHILDREN) ISBN10:0789473887(64s) ebe313d538683d72c06177edde79bb2f.pdf
243937 Sarah L. Pallas - Developmental Plasticity of Inhibitory Circuitry (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9781441912428;ISBN13:9781441912435(192s) ede035d940198d42bbb6cc7a83bf9033.pdf
243938 C. Patrick Doncaster, Andrew J. H. Davey - Analysis of Variance and Covariance: How to Choose and Construct Models for the Life Sciences (2007, Cambridge University Press) ISBN10:052186562X;ISBN13:9780521865623(304s) efec2920bfdaab13b8210d45d18c0be3.pdf
243939 Hemanta K. Majumder, Hemanta K. Majumder - (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid Parasites (2008, Springer) ISBN10:0387775692;ISBN13:9780387775692(178s) f21892975dcc8fb6f0b62e775b7a0f38.pdf
243940 Martino Bolognesi, Guido di Prisco, Cinzia Verde - (Protein Reviews)Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins: A Tribute to Beatrice and Jonathan Wittenberg (2008, Springer) ISBN10:8847008069;ISBN13:9788847008069;ISBN13:9788847008076(264s) fc096366115c177cce16427bcf4fc008.pdf
243941 Jeff Day MD - Don't Touch That!: The Book of Gross, Poisonous, and Downright Icky Plants and Critters (2008, Chicago Review Press) ISBN10:155652711X;ISBN13:9781556527111(112s) fdc67a17dc3e86ceb0ad593d7fe5783e.pdf
243942 Ka Yin Leung, Leung Ka Yin - Current Trends in the Study of Bacterial and Viral Fish and Shrimp Diseases (Molecular Aspects of Fish and Marine Biology) (2004, World Scientific Publishing Company) ISBN10:9812387498(432s) 19ff233a804513e127a84a9b555359bb.pdf
243943 Frank Robb, Garabed Antranikian, Dennis Grogan, Arnold Driessen - Thermophiles: Biology and Technology at High Temperatures (2007, CRC Press) ISBN13:9780849392146(368s) 442c114ad26b15eb97ac957f666d161e.pdf
243944 Marion Copeland - Cockroach (Animal) (2004, Reaktion Books) ISBN10:186189192X(208s) 03797c53679c17700532a3b911ef176b.pdf
243945 John Avise - Clonality: The Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution of Sexual Abstinence in Vertebrate Animals (2008, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN13:9780195369670(256s) 0519b0700643e82971d4150b1786edfe.pdf
243946 Alexander McCall Smith - Creating Humans: Ethical Questions Where Reproduction and Science Collide (Modern Scholar) (2004, Recorded Books) ISBN10:1402585969;ISBN13:9781402585968(0s) 124e8ecde75eac74d133df849d09beaa.pdf
243947 Novartis Foundation - (Novartis Foundation Symposia)Cortical Development: Genes and Genetic Abnormalities (2008, Wiley-Interscience) ISBN10:0470060921;ISBN13:9780470060926(302s) 17325293eb07d6eb616567bd98a5b879.pdf
243948 Andrew Harris, Darren Locke - Connexins: A Guide (2008, Humana Press) ISBN13:9781934115466;ISBN13:9781597454896(576s) 4403384b9b2d26595c7e01d6d14b8dcb.pdf
243949 Phillip E. Pack Ph.D. - Biology (Cliffs AP) (2001, Cliffs Notes) ISBN10:0764586823;ISBN10:3175723993;ISBN10:8004343422;ISBN10:8004342086(416s) 63b3074fb9c1f8dbdb67ebfa8bb07fd6.pdf
243950 Alexander S. Spirin, James R. Swartz - Cell-free Protein Synthesis: Methods and Protocols (2007, Wiley-VCH) ISBN13:9783527316496;ISBN13:9783527317578;ISBN13:9783527317592;ISBN13:9783527312269;ISBN13:9780470080115;ISBN13:97835273(262s) 7488503c81f2840edaf85d074ee437e4.pdf
243951 Kostas Bourtzis, Thomas A. Miller - (Contemporary Topics in Entomology)Insect Symbiosis Volume 3 (2008, CRC Press) ISBN13:9781420064100(384s) 827708d2dff46e388708e14a6c202091.pdf
243952 STAMPI, BROUGHTON - Why we nap (1990, Birkhäuser Boston) ISBN10:0817634622;ISBN10:3764334622(279s) 9dd4c0595386749e48ae459d7f3d6e48.pdf
243953 Chiquito J. Crasto, S.H. Koslow - (Methods in Molecular Biology 401)Neuroinformatics (2007, Humana Press) ISBN13:9781588297204(404s) 9e9c21f6f2dbc52accf13817980fdf24.pdf
243954 Clive Hambler - (Studies in Biology)Conservation (2004, Cambridge University Press) ISBN13:9780521801904(378s) b267313f98cb63f8ea01063a732abac6.pdf
243955 Angela Clow, Frank Hucklebridge - Neurobiology of the Immune System (International Review of Neurobiology) Volume 52 (2002, Academic Press) ISBN10:0123668530(442s) c3fe701ece1c25eca3da665eee4f726e.pdf
243956 Phillip E. Pack Ph.D. - CliffsAP Biology (Cliffs Ap Biology) (2007, Cliffs Notes) ISBN13:9780470097649;ISBN10:0470097647;ISBN10:2007015552;ISBN10:9786468600;ISBN10:3175723993(360s) c7058c2562f8e69e11f73875ccab2e10.pdf
243957 Robert Cook-Deegan - The Gene Wars: Science, Politics, And The Human Genome (1996, W. W. Norton and Company, Inc.) ISBN10:0393313999(416s) cb9666ce959278e736e6231cdab557da.pdf
243958 Jose Luis Perez Velazquez, Richard Wennberg - (Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience)Coordinated Activity in the Brain: Measurements and Relevance to Brain Function and Behavior (2009, Springer) ISBN13:9780387937960;ISBN13:9780387937977(265s) cfd74241b0e43a3fbf1bcfbb56a5e2f5.pdf
243959 C. Milton Coughenour, Shankariah Chamala - Conservation Tillage and Cropping Innovation: Constructing the New Culture of Agriculture (2000, Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN10:0813819474(360s) d4fd05cd067712b19741cbe91e39fe44.pdf
243960 Michael C. Corballis - The Lopsided Ape: Evolution of the Generative Mind (1993, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195083520;ISBN10:0195066758(384s) e2889f98bbcdbb15a2ef5ca7e83ba017.pdf
243961 David Griffeath, Cristopher Moore - (Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity Proceedings)New Constructions in Cellular Automata (2003, Oxford University Press, USA) ISBN10:0195137183;ISBN10:0195137175(360s) eaf97ea8784d6eb7cc9d31949eb507d5.pdf
243962 B. A. Cooke, R. J. B. King, J. J. Van Der Molen - (New Comprehensive Biochemistry)Hormones and Their Actions: Specific Actions of Protein Hormones Part II (1988, Elsevier Science Ltd) ISBN10:044480997X;ISBN10:0444803033;ISBN10:0444809961(382s) ea0d67e4c4f8019884edc8c2434791e9.pdf
243963 E.J. Masoro - Caloric Restriction: A Key to Understanding and Modulating Aging (Research Profiles in Aging) v. 1 (2003, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444511628;ISBN10:2076315500(192s) f4656dfa8d9aecaba55c12fd7ed1db17.pdf
243964 H.W.M. Steinbusch, J. de Vente, S.R. Vincent - (Handbook of Chemical Neuroanatomy 17)Functional Neuroanatomy of the Nitric Oxide System (2000, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:0444502858;ISBN10:1865843830;ISBN10:0444903402(472s) fc9962b46cd0b7e434a27ed946bfa573.pdf
243965 Dennis E. Vance, J.E. Vance - (New Comprehensive Biochemistry 31)Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes (1996, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:044482359X;ISBN10:0444823646;ISBN10:0444803033(553s) fff6e48313c32ede918a4ee55ac7d9c9.pdf
243966 Lisa Moore - Sperm Counts: Overcome by Man's Most Precious Fluid (2007, NYU Press) ISBN13:9780814757185;ISBN10:0814757189(203s) fd6e48756f30cdf95431808db258cbc9.pdf
243967 William Sullivan, R. Scott Hawley - Drosophila Protocols (2000, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) ISBN10:0879695862(720s) e59962b89634f2bb0dee61807807b2c3.pdf
243968 John R. Williams, Anthony A. Clifford - Supercritical Fluid Methods and Protocols (Methods in Biotechnology) (2000, Humana Press) ISBN10:0896035719(272s) e399ecbfec1d322abddc884bd1fb7f80.pdf
243969 Lawrence A. Lacey, Lawrence A. Lacey, Harry K. Kaya - Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology: Application and evaluation of pathogens for control of insects and other invertebrate pests (2007, Springer) ISBN10:1402059310;ISBN13:9781402059322;ISBN13:9781402059315;ISBN13:9781402059339(870s) f04e1f87013b6eccbb4fb76da9f81a4d.pdf
243970 Peter Tompa, Alan Fersht - Structure and Function of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (2009, Chapman and Hall/CRC) ISBN10:1420078925;ISBN13:9781420078923(359s) f0505254fa5940a1ce07e2eb799f0e7d.pdf
243971 Olimpia Meucci - Chemokine Receptors and NeuroAIDS: Beyond Co-Receptor Function and Links to Other Neuropathologies (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1441907920;ISBN13:9781441907929;ISBN13:9781441907936(412s) 041ed1d037b5a2f836ea5e47e35d3eca.pdf
243972 Umberto Di Porzio, Roberto Pernas-Alonso, Carla Perrone-Capano - (Neuroscience Intelligence Unit)Development of Dopaminergic Neurons (1999, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1570595658(192s) 1d8c332caa925891e1fe5c94f61dbed9.pdf
243973 K. Sandy Pang, A. David Rodrigues, Raimund M. Peter - Enzyme- and Transporter-Based Drug-Drug Interactions: Progress and Future Challenges (2010, Springer) ISBN10:1441908390;ISBN13:9781441908391;ISBN13:9781441908407(746s) 349e45e663f42e3e9346f4b1682e7bdc.pdf
243974 Daniel, M.D. Hoessli, Subburaj, Ph.D. Ilangumaran - (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)GPI-Anchored Membrane Proteins and Carbohydrates (1999, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1570595577(215s) 3f6ffbf2b70f2ce3b0c0ec25ec984bfb.pdf
243975 Shein-Chung Chow, Jen-pei Liu - (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)Design and Analysis of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies (2008, Chapman and Hall/CRC) ISBN10:1584886684;ISBN13:9781584886686(760s) 52cbead0c15fd518d222538a559a6942.pdf
243976 P. B. Kirti - Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes (2008, CRC Press) ISBN10:1560223081(680s) 57795ef4187a7c3fb0c582f89970d222.pdf
243977 Derry Roopenian, Elizabeth Simpson - (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit 8)Minor Histocompatibility Antigens: From the Laboratory to the Clinic (2000, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1570595992(185s) 663815d90acc3516da9c66b01b7172ad.pdf
243978 Caleb Ellicott Finch - (Neuroscience Intelligence Unit)Clusterin in Normal Brain Functions and During Neurodegeneration (1999, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1570595836(123s) 753dcaf957774ab1ee7b40b66e1ebdfc.pdf
243979 Kazuo Shinozaki, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki - Molecular Mechanisms to Cold, Drought, Heat and Salt Stress in Higher Plants (Biotechnology Intelligence Unit1) (1999, R. G. Landes) ISBN10:1570595631(170s) 7b450552ef87e9572c9b3c36be4a7b1e.pdf
243980 Author Unknown - (Principles of Medical Biology 10)Molecular and Cell Endocrinology (1998, JAI Press) ISBN10:1559388153(684s) 89c0a01fc0dd71f8777a3376ef4ef99a.pdf
243981 A.G. Lee - Endocytosis and Exocytosis (Biomembranes. A Multi-Volume Treatise) Volume 4 (1996, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:1559386614;ISBN10:1559386878(306s) 8ce7992f224ace21c188c27b8c95b29f.pdf
243982 Edward Bittar - (Principles of Medical Biology)Cell Chemistry and Physiology Part IV, Volume 4D (1996, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:1559388080(508s) a344cd9a795b707df0649e18f7387228.pdf
243983 Cheng-Ming Chuong - (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)Molecular Basis of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis (1998, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1570594902(444s) a92a31516fb8c30236931f0965359ef4.pdf
243984 Hyman M. Schipper - (Neuroscience Intelligence Unit)Astrocytes in Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (1998, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1570594899(256s) b7e411ebc6380558e2f31c2a3cbfbc77.pdf
243985 David S. Wilcove - No Way Home: The Decline of the World's Great Animal Migrations (2007, Island Press) ISBN10:1559639857;ISBN13:9781559639859(256s) beac7172c94f92a20f011c6a1c49ae85.pdf
243986 E. Edward Bittar, Neville Bittar - Reproductive Endocrinology and Biology (1998, JAI Press(NY)) ISBN10:155938817X(354s) c119e7ec85a8a039d1d9ae41ea1a5218.pdf
243987 Oleg Demin, Igor Goryanin - (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical & Computational Biology)Kinetic Modelling in Systems Biology (2008, Chapman and Hall/CRC) ISBN10:1584886676(360s) cf87a26e564267b5b5c9051a53e2f8ea.pdf
243988 Edward Bittar - (Principles of Medical Biology 11)Development Biology (1998, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:1559388161(332s) cfbe2d61086a1f19a55df9b19333a24b.pdf
243989 Thomas Landefeld - Mentoring and Diversity: Tips for Students and Professionals for Developing and Maintaining a Diverse Scientific Community (Mentoring in Academia and Industry) (2009, Springer) ISBN10:1441907777;ISBN13:9781441907776;ISBN13:9781441907783(105s) d45a89822ae73866203fc75b48c4fccd.pdf
243990 Edward Bittar - (Principles of Medical Biology)Microbiology (1998, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:1559388145(404s) d9952c0e6594297eee94162d171ed5b3.pdf
243991 Qiang Cui, Ivet Bahar - Normal Mode Analysis: Theory and Applications to Biological and Chemical Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical & Computational Biology) (2005, Chapman and Hall/CRC) ISBN10:158488472X;ISBN13:9781584884729(432s) e427b3b86227426f8751c7ddf05fc9fc.pdf
243992 Michael Whitaker - (Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology 13)Cell Cycle (1996, Elsevier Science) ISBN10:1559389494(236s) ff89e1e469a544daa9a7e0d00acf9b1d.pdf
243993 Zahra Moussavi - (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering)Fundamentals of Respiratory System and Sounds Analysis (2006, Morgan and Claypool Publishers) ISBN10:1598290967;ISBN13:9781598290967;ISBN10:1598290975;ISBN13:9781598290974(68s) 0b96d2c7599fad1b390199c8d43c4830.pdf
243994 Jens Rittscher, Raghu Machiraju, Stephen T. C. Wong - Microscopic Image Analysis for Life Science Applications (Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging) (2008, Artech House Publishers) ISBN10:1596932368;ISBN13:9781596932364(489s) 121ae18e46ffb072f1459a8e46d982ff.pdf
243995 Todd D. Gould - Mood and Anxiety Related Phenotypes in Mice: Characterization Using Behavioral Tests (Neuromethods) (2009, Humana Press) ISBN10:1607613026;ISBN13:9781607613022;ISBN13:9781607613039(330s) 1806c61c0f96c12af518eab7b099c7f7.pdf
243996 Wolfgang Hilt, Dieter H. Wolf - (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)Proteasomes : The World of Regulatory Proteolysis (2001, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1587060116(391s) 2fec878d604945c6a4c616d2859d5a32.pdf
243997 Dominique Michaud - (Biotechnology Intelligence)Recombinant Protease Inhibitors in Plants Unit, 3 (2000, Landes Bioscience) ISBN10:1587060078(241s) 36ab62cf3d1feae577d3618a18b92e2e.pdf
243998 Jianjun Li - (Methods in Molecular Biology)Functional Glycomics: Methods and Protocols (2009, Humana Press) ISBN10:1607614537;ISBN13:9781607614531;ISBN13:9781607614548(284s) 37811720e1c43c96527e0865d3fae75f.pdf
243999 Gregory J. Stewart, Denton A. Cooley - The Skeletal and Muscular Systems (The Human Body, How It Works) (2009, Chelsea House Publications) ISBN10:1604133651;ISBN13:9781604133653;ISBN13:9781438126685(136s) 46e451818a0ded71e3e89ef6d3d0372c.pdf
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