Название: Marvel: The Complete Pulp Fiction / Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Marvel" Год выпуска: 2021 Издательство: Jerry eBooks ISBN: отсутствует Формат: EPUB Качество: OCR Язык: английский
Описание: Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Marvel". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry. "Marvel" - НФ журнал, издавался с августа 1938 по апрель 1941 и с ноября 1950 по май 1952. Отличался более фривольным содержанием, чем у большинства других НФ журналов. Название журнала несколько раз менялось, но слово "Marvel" сохранялось: "Marvel Science Stories" - с августа 1938 по август 1939, "Marvel Tales" - с декабря 1939 по май 1940, "Marvel Stories" - с ноября 1940 по апрель 1941, "Marvel Science Stories" - с ноября 1950 по май 1951, "Marvel Science Fiction" - с августа 1951 по май 1952. Редактором журнала был Robert O. Erisman. Среди авторов: Henry Kuttner, Jack Williamson, A.E. van Vogt, A. Bertram Chandler, Lester del Rey, William Tenn, Jack Vance, Arthur C. Clarke, Murray Leinster, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, L. Sprague de Camp ...
August 1938
Survival - Arthur J. Burks Dictator of the Americas / Диктатор Америки - James Hall (Henry Kuttner) The Dark Heritage / Мрачное наследие - Robert O. Kenyon (Henry Kuttner) Through the Time-Radio - Stanton A. Coblentz Monsters of the Mountain - Leon Byrne Avengers of Space / Мстители пространства - Henry Kuttner
November 1938
Exodus - Arthur J. Burks The Dead Spot - Jack Williamson The Thirty and One - David H. Keller Rout of the Fire Imps - Stanton A. Coblentz The Time Trap / Ловушка времени - Henry Kuttner
February 1939
After World's End / После конца света - Jack Williamson Faster Than Light - D.D. Sharp The Weather Adjudicator - Stanton A. Coblentz The Second Moon - R.R. Winterbotham Vast Beyond Concept - Hal Remson
April/May 1939
Tomorrow - John Taine Newscast - Harl Vincent
August 1939
Dark Invasion / Тёмное вторжение - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. Disappearing Sam - R.R. Winterbotham Hour of Judgment - R. DeWitt Miller Dust - Lloyd Arthur Eshbach Lightning Strikes Once - Harl Vincent
December 1939
The Angel from Hell / Ангел из преисподней - Nils O. Sonderlund (Jack Williamson) Love's Lethal Ingredient - Allan K. Echols Lust Rides the Roller Coaster - Ray King (Ray Cummings) My Bride Belongs to the Ages - Arthur J. Burks Perfectionist Perdition - John Wallace Girls for Satan’s Utopia - Brent North
May 1940
Mistress of Machine-Age Madness / Пленница подземного мира - Nils O. Sonderlund (Jack Williamson) World Without Sex - Robert O. Wentworth (Edmond Hamilton) The Test-Tube Monster - George E. Clark Princess of Power / Принцесса силы - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. Fresh Fiancés for the Devil's Daughter - Russell Gray
November 1940
Queen of Venus - John Russell Fearn A Dictator for All Time - Raymond Z. Gallun The Thought-World Monsters - Richard O. Lewis The Man Who - A. Fedor and Henry Hasse Substitute for War - D.D. Sharp Cycle - John L. Chapman
April 1941
The Last Secret Weapon - Polton Cross (John Russell Fearn) The Thought Machine - Ray Cummings The Girl from Venus - D. D. Sharp The Iron God / Железный Бог - Jack Williamson We, The Other-People - Bruce Manchester
November 1950
Trin - Arthur J. Burks The Cataaaa / Кот! Кот! - A.E. van Vogt Overlord of Earth - Lloyd Arthur Eshbach The Guinea-Pig - Cedric Walker No Time Like the Future - Forrest J. Ackerman Temptress of the Time Flow - Gardner F. Fox The Day They Landed - Paul Chadwick Firebrand! - A. Bertram Chandler Behind the Ate Ball: A Martian Oddity - Anonymous (Forrest J. Ackerman)
February 1951
The Man - Bryce Walton The Difference - Kenneth O'Hara (Bryce Walton) The Girl Who Practised Aklat - H.A. De Rosso Trans-Plutonian - Milton Lesser The Last Spaceman - Lester del Rey The Red Stuff / Красное вещество - John Beynon (John Wyndham) Forbidden Weapon - Alfred Coppel
May 1951
The Ones - Betsy Curtis Second Advent - Mack Reynolds Hallock's Madness / Безумие Хэллока - William Tenn The Thing - Richard Matheson Golden Girl / Златокожая девушка - Jack Vance Polyoid - Bryce Walton Captain Wyxtpthll's Flying Saucer (= Trouble With the Natives) / Ох уж эти туземцы! - Arthur C. Clarke The Circle - Milton Lesser
August 1951
Seed - Raymond F. Jones Skag with the Queer Head - Murray Leinster An Easy Little Puzzle - Philip Latham (R. S. Richardson) This Joe (= The First Martian) / Первый марсианин - A.E. van Vogt At No Extra Cost - Peter Phillips Yes and No - Kris Neville
November 1951
Embroidery / Вышивание - Ray Bradbury “Will You Walk a Little Faster” / «Не могли бы вы чуточку поторопиться?» - William Tenn The Dark Dimension / Тёмное измерение - William Morrison Shah Guido G. / Шах Пепе С. - Isaac Asimov Chowhound - Mack Reynolds The Most Dangerous Love - Philip Latham (R. S. Richardson) The Restless Tide - Raymond Z. Gallun Mountains of the Mind - Richard Matheson Dover Spargill's Ghastly Floater / Позорный промах Довера Спаргилла - Jack Vance
May 1952
She Knew the Face of Evil / Она видела лик зла - Robert Moore Williams The Subversive - Alfred Coppel Star-Wife - Morton Klass Brother - Frank Quattrocchi Rules of the Game - Milton Lesser Who's Zoo? - L. Major Reynolds Time Was - Francis G. Rayer In-Group - L. Sprague de Camp Asylum - William Morrison Precedent - Daniel Keyes
Образец текста:
Ray Bradbury
It was supposed to happen at five o’clock....
THE dark porch air in the late afternoon was full of needle flashes, like a movement of gathered silver insects in the light. The three women’s mouths twitched over their work. Their bodies lay back and then imperceptibly forward, so that the rocking chairs tilted and murmured. Each woman looked to her own hands, as if quite suddenly, they had found their hearts beating there. “What time is it?” “Ten minutes to five.” “Got to get up in a minute and shell those peas for dinner.” “But—” said one of them. “Oh yes, I forgot. How foolish of me . . .” The first woman paused, put down her embroidery and needle, and looked through the open porch door, through the warm interior of the quiet house, to the silent kitchen. There upon the table, seeming more like symbols of domesticity than anything she had ever seen in her life, lay the mound of fresh-washed peas in their neat, resilient jackets, waiting for her fingers to bring them into the world. “Go hull them if it’ll make you feel good,” said the second woman. “No,” said the first. “I won’t. I just won’t.” The third woman sighed. She embroidered a rose, a leaf, a daisy on a green field. The embroidery needle rose and vanished. ...