
Various - Super-Science Fiction: The Complete Fiction / Разные авторы - Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Super-Science Fiction" [2021, EPUB, ENG]

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picSuper-Science Fiction: The Complete Fiction

Название: Super-Science Fiction: The Complete Fiction / Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Super-Science Fiction"
Год выпуска: 2021
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
ISBN: отсутствует
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Super-Science Fiction". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry.
"Super-Science Fiction" - НФ журнал, издавался с декабря 1956 по октябрь 1959. Редактором журналя был W.W. Scott.
Среди авторов: Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison, Isaac Asimov, Jack Vance ...

К сожалению, несмотря на заявленное "The Complete Fiction", в антологии нет произведений из одного выпуска журнала - за февраль 1959. Надеюсь, что позже появится дополненная версия антологии.
December 1956
Catch 'Em All Alive! (= Collecting Team) / Звероловы - Robert Silverberg
Who am I? - Henry Slesar
Psycho at Mid-Point - Harlan Ellison
Chance of a Lifetime - Milton Lesser
Once Within a Time - Russ Winterbotham
February 1957
Mission: Hypnosis - Harlan Ellison
The Great Illusion - Manly Banister
Mr. Loneliness - Henry Slesar
Woman's Touch - Evelyn E. Smith
The Untouchable Adolescents - Ellis Hart (Harlan Ellison)
Every Day is Christmas / Рождество каждый день - James E. Gunn
Death of a Mutant - Charles V. De Vet
April 1957
One Woman for Venus - Winston Marks
The Rim of Eternity - Koller Ernst
Pariah Girl - Boyd Ellanby (Lyle G. Boyd and William C. Boyd)
Brink of Madness - Arthur Sellings
Galactic Thrill Kids - Robert Silverberg
Invulnerable - Harlan Ellison
Bright Flowers of Mars - Curtis W. Casewit
Hometown - Richard Wilson
June 1957
World of a Thousand Colors / Мир тысячи красок - Robert Silverberg
Final Trophy - Harlan Ellison
Desire Woman - Henry Slesar
Pushover Planet - Don Berry
New Men for Mars / Будущие марсиане - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
The Well-Fed Birds - Richard R. Smith
The Dope - O.H. Leslie (Henry Slesar)
August 1957
Three Survived / Трое выживших - Robert Silverberg
Alternate Universe - Robert Bloch
The Search for Sally - A. Bertram Chandler
I'll Take Over - George Whitley (A. Bertram Chandler)
Hunt and Strike - Raymond E. Banks
Twice-Told Tale - Theodore L. Thomas
Invasion Footnote - Cortwainer Bird (Harlan Ellison)
October 1957
A Time for Revenge / Время для мести - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
The Childless Ones - Daniel F. Galouye
Song of the Axe - Don Berry
The Fear Trap - Richard R. Smith
Death's Planet / Планета смерти - Robert Silverberg
The Better Life - Charles V. De Vet
December 1957
The Gentle Vultures / Сердобольные стервятники - Isaac Asimov
Broomstick Ride / Шабаш - Robert Bloch
The Hunters of Cutwold / Охота на Катволде - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
Get Rich Quick - Richard R. Smith
Quarantined Species - J.F. Bone
Misfit / Слабак - Robert Silverberg
The Weegil - Evelyn E. Smith
February 1958
Worlds of Origin (= Coup de Grace) / Удар милосердия - Jack Vance
Secret Weapon - Arthur Zirul
The Red, Singing Sands - Koller Ernst
Prison Planet - Robert Silverberg
The Happy Sleepers - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
The Old Timer - Richard R. Smith
Time Travel Inc. / Корпорация «Путешествуй во времени» - Robert F. Young
April 1958
Planet of Parasites - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
All the Troubles of the World / Все грехи мира - Isaac Asimov
All-Purpose Robot - Jay Wallace
I Want to Go Home - Robert Moore Williams
The Tool of Creation - J.F. Bone
The Seed of Earth - Robert Silverberg
The Situation on Sapella Six - Harlan Ellison
Pain Reaction - Theodore Cogswell and Hal Randolph
June 1958
Hostile Life-Form - Daniel F. Galouye
Little America on the Moon - Arthur J. Burks
Slaves of the Tree / Рабы Дерева - Eric Rodman (Robert Silverberg)
Special Aptitude - Richard Hardwick
Frontier Planet / Приграничная планета - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
No Planet is Safe - Harlan Ellison
One to a Customer - Theodore R. Cogswell
August 1958
A World Called Sunrise - Eric Rodman (Robert Silverberg)
The Cold-Blooded Ones - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
Many Mansions in the Sky - Koller Ernst
A Planet All My Own - Richard F. Watson (Robert Silverberg)
The Gift of Numbers - Alan E. Nourse
The Beautiful People - Austin Hamel
The Martian Wine - Curtis W. Casewit
October 1958
The Fight with the Gorgon (= Gorgon Planet) / Планета Горгоны - Robert Silverberg
The Painted Ghost - Richard R. Smith
The Untouchables / Неприкасаемые - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
Nothing's Impossible - Charles L. Fontenay
Castaways of Space / Брошенные в космосе - Dan Malcolm (Robert Silverberg)
The Great White Gods - Wynne N. Whiteford
Invasion - A. Bertram Chandler
Blood by Transit - Harlan Ellison
December 1958
The Aliens Were Haters - Robert Silverberg
First Man in a Satellite - Charles W. Runyon
The Unique and Terrible Compulsion - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
The Fast-Moving Ones - J.F. Bone
Exiled from Earth / Изгнанные с Земли - Richard F. Watson (Robert Silverberg)
Creature from Space - Harlan Ellison
The Utter Stranger - Alan E. Nourse
February 1959
Этих произведений в антологии нет!

Beware the Robot! - Daniel F. Galouye
Horror in Space - James Rosenquest
A Place Beyond the Stars - Tom Godwin
Waters of Forgetfulness - Eric Rodman (Robert Silverberg)
Re-Conditioned Human (= Second Start) / Второй шанс - Robert Silverberg
Ego-Transfer Machine - George H. Smith
April 1959
Mournful Monster / Скорбный монстр - Dan Malcolm (Robert Silverberg)
The Abominable Creature - F.X. Fallon
Vampires from Outer Space / Вампиры из внешнего космоса - Richard F. Watson (Robert Silverberg)
The Huge and Hideous Beasts - James Rosenquest
A Cry for Help / Крик о помощи - Eric Rodman (Robert Silverberg)
June 1959
Terror of the Undead Corpses - Russell Thompson
Creatures of Green Slime - James Rosenquest
The Day the Monsters Broke Loose - Robert Silverberg
Beasts of Nightmare Horror - Richard F. Watson (Robert Silverberg)
Mating Instinct - Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
The Enormous Diamond - Bill Wesley
August 1959
The Horror in the Attic - Alex Merriman (Robert Silverberg)
Monsters That Once Were Men / Чудовища, что когда-то были людьми - Eric Rodman (Robert Silverberg)
Birth of a Monster - Richard Stark (Donald E. Westlake)
Man-Hunting Robot - James Rosenquest
Planet of the Angry Giants / Планета разъяренных гигантов - Dirk Clinton (Robert Silverberg)
World of Creeping Terror - J.W. Rose
Which Was the Monster? - Dan Malcolm (Robert Silverberg)
Specimens - George H. Smith
October 1959
The Loathsome Beasts - Dan Malcolm (Robert Silverberg)
The Monsters Came by Night - Charles D. Hammer (Robert Silverberg)
Asteroid of Horror - James Rosenquest
Flying Saucers in the Sea - F.X. Fallon
The Great Secret / Большой секрет - George H. Smith
The Insidious Invader / Вероломные захватчики - Eric Rodman (Robert Silverberg)
The Man Who Could Levitate - Abraham Stern
Образец текста:
The Utter Stranger

Alan E. Nourse

He was so alone in a strange world, so utterly alone! And yet no one would believe he was one bit different from the other inhabitants of that strange, new world

“JUST suppose,” said Morgan, “that I did believe you. Just for argument.” He glanced up at the man across the table. “Where would we go from here?”
The man shifted uneasily in his seat. He was silent for a long time, staring down at the table, fingering the glass before him. Not at all a strange man, Morgan thought. Rather common, in fact. Ordinary face, nose a little too long, fingers too dainty, suit that makes him look like a Boot on his first liberty—but in spite of that, a very ordinary-looking man.
Too ordinary, thought Morgan.
Finally the man looked up. His eyes were dark, with a hunted look in their depths that chilled Morgan a little. “I wish I knew,” the man said. “I don’t. I’ve thought, and I’ve thought, and nothing leads anywhere. But you’ve got to believe me, Morgan. I’m lost—I mean it. If I can’t get help, I don’t know where it’s going to end.”
“I’ll tell you where it’s going to end,” said Morgan. “It’s going to end in a hospital, A mental hospital. They’ll lock you up in the looney bin, and they won’t let you out again.” He poured himself another glass of beer from the pitcher, took a deep drink. “And that,” he added, “will be that.”
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