
Various - Imaginative Tales: The Complete Fiction / Разные авторы - Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Imaginative Tales" [2021, EPUB, ENG]

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picImaginative Tales: The Complete Fiction

Название: Imaginative Tales: The Complete Fiction / Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Imaginative Tales"
Год выпуска: 2021
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
ISBN: отсутствует
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Imaginative Tales". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry.
"Imaginative Tales" - журнал НФ и фэнтези, издавался с 1954 по 1958 годы. Сначала журнал специализировался на крупных произведениях юмористической фэнтези, позднее стал похож по содержанию на парный к нему "Imagination".
В 1958 году журнал был переименован в "Space Travel", но это не помогло, в этом же году журнал был закрыт вместе с "Imagination".
Среди авторов: Philip K. Dick, John Christopher, Edmond Hamilton, Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison.
September 1954
Toffee - Charles F. Myers
November 1954
Toffee Takes a Trip - Charles F. Myers
Toffee Haunts a Ghost - Charles F. Myers
January 1955
Black Magic Holiday - Robert Bloch
The Earthlight Commandos - Raymond E. Banks
Private Secretary - Ed Ritter
March 1955
Mr. Margate's Mermaid - Robert Bloch
The Man with Two Lives - Daniel F. Galouye
Four Hours to Eternity - S.M. Tenneshaw (Frank M. Robinson)
Dream Street - Frank M. Robinson
May 1955
The Miracle of Ronald Weems - Robert Bloch
Over the River ... - Daniel F. Galouye
July 1955
The Big Binge - Robert Bloch
... So Very Dark - Daniel F. Galouye
September 1955
Terror Station - Dwight V. Swain
Coffin for Two - Winston K. Marks
The Invisible Enemy - Jerry Sohl
The Brat - Henry Slesar
Buck and the Space War - Mack Reynolds
November 1955
The Metal Emperor - Raymond A. Palmer
Psi-Man Heal My Child! / Псионик, исцели моё дитя! - Philip K. Dick
Manna - John Christopher
The Critic - Raymond E. Banks
Yokel with Portfolio / Сверчок в мегаполисе - Bob Silverberg
An Ounce of Cure / Немного подлечиться - Alan E. Nourse
January 1956
The Cosmic Bunglers - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps)
Practical Joke - Richard O. Lewis
Code of the Bluster World - Milton Lesser
The Girl from Nowhere - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
A Day for Battle - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser)
March 1956
Enemy of the Qua - Dwight V. Swain
Late Arrival - A. Bertram Chandler
The Doormen of Space - S.M. Tenneshaw
Like a Silver Arrow - Ivar Jorgensen
No Place for an Earthman - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser)
The Treasure Is Mine! - Paul W. Fairman
May 1956
Gateway to Infinity - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
The Final Quarry - Adam Chase (Milton Lesser)
The Case of the Stripped Blonde - Ivar Jorgensen
No Cause for Alarm - Dick Purcell
A Town for Mr. Sntzl - Stephen Wilder (Milton Lesser)
It Fell from the Sky - S.M. Tenneshaw
Intruder from the Void - Milton Lesser
July 1956
Thunder World - Edmond Hamilton
Field Trip - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
The Man Without a Planet - Adam Chase (Milton Lesser)
Space Traveler's Revenge - Ivar Jorgensen
Flight of the Ark II - Alexander Blade
Jason and the Maker - Paul W. Fairman
September 1956
Operation Disaster - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
You'll Go Mad on Mars! - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser)
“I'll Think You Dead!” - Paul W. Fairman
Juggernaut from Space - S.M. Tenneshaw
Christopher Hart's Borkle - Henry Still
The Music of the Spheres - Milton Lesser
November 1956
The Cosmic Kings - Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Microscopic Nightmare - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser)
The Valiant Die Hard! - Adam Chase (Milton Lesser)
The Last Enemy - Robin Peters
The Runaway - Ivar Jorgensen
No Trap for the Keth - Ralph Burke (Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg)
January 1957
The Ultimate Weapon - S.M. Tenneshaw (Robert Silverberg)
The Mentaller - Mark Reinsberg
The Enemy Within - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
The Star Slavers - Robert Silverberg (на самом деле Randall Garrett, у Jerry, скорее всего, ошибка)
Last Ship Out - Robert Moore Williams
Wednesday Morning Sermon - Alexander Blade (Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg)
The Nudes of Quendar III / Нагие на Квендаре III - Robert Silverberg
March 1957
The Tattooed Man / Татуированный человек - Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Suicide Run - Mark Reinsberg
Starship Saboteur / Саботажник на звездолёте - Robert Silverberg
The Drainers - Robert Moore Williams
Hungry World - Randall Garrett
The Man Who Hated Noise - S.M. Tenneshaw (Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg)
May 1957
The Horde from Infinity - Dwight V. Swain
Twelve Hours to Blow! / Двенадцать часов до взрыва! - Robert Silverberg
The Man from Space - Robert Moore Williams
Pause in Battle - Ivar Jorgensen
The Pink Puppy Dog - Mark Reinsberg
The Last Killer - Randall Garrett
July 1957
World of Never-Men - Edmond Hamilton
The Red Rash Deaths - Robert Moore Williams
Devil's World - Randall Garrett
Hot Trip for Venus - Randall Garrett
Pirates of the Void - Ivar Jorgensen (Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg)
The Assassin - Robert Silverberg
September 1957
The Cosmic Destroyer - Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
The Dead World / Мёртвый мир - Warren Kastel (Robert Silverberg)
Monster in the Night - Robert Moore Williams
Killer First-Class - Randall Garrett
Outpost Peril / Опасная застава - Robert Silverberg
New Year's Eve—2000 A.D. / Новогодний вечер 2000 года - Ivar Jorgensen (Robert Silverberg)
November 1957
The Ship from Infinity - Edmond Hamilton
Truckstop - Rog Phillips
The Android Kill / Бойня в Ригель-сити - Alexander Blade (Robert Silverberg)
Deathtrap Planet - Randall Garrett
Get Off My Planet! - Tom W. Harris
Housemaid No. 103 / Горничная № 103 - Ivar Jorgensen (Robert Silverberg)
January 1958
Stay Out of Space! - Dwight V. Swain
Return to Phoneytown - Tom W. Harris
Traitor Legion / Легион предателей - Robert Silverberg
Lefty Baker's Nuthouse - Rog Phillips
Strike the First Blow! - Randall Garrett
Vanishing Act - Robert Randall (Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg)
March 1958
Men of the Morning Star - Edmond Hamilton
WANTED: A Planet to Boss - Tom W. Harris
The Lure of Galaxy A . Приманка галактики А - Ivar Jorgensen (Robert Silverberg)
Decision Final - Robert Randall (Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg)
Tag, You're It! - Mark Reinsberg
May 1958
Giant Killer - Dwight V. Swain
Ghost World - A. Bertram Chandler
Refueling Station - Rog Phillips
The Fire Dancers - Tom W. Harris
Unknown Soldier of Space . Неизвестный солдат космоса - Robert Silverberg
July 1958
Planet of Exile - Edmond Hamilton
Blizzard-Brain - Darius John Granger (John Jakes)
The Ultimate Vice - A. Bertram Chandler
To Please the Master - Margaret St. Clair
September 1958
The Star Hunter / Звёздный охотник - Edmond Hamilton
A Case of Ptomaine (= Mealtime) / Время обедать - Harlan Ellison
The Deadly Mission - Alexander Blade (John Jakes)
Tipsy-Turvy Planet - Larry Fisher
November 1958
The Godmen / Люди как боги - Edmond Hamilton
His First Day at War (= Battlefield) / После боя - Harlan Ellison
Captain's Choice - Tom W. Harris
Nine Shadows at Doomsday - S. M. Tenneshaw (John Jakes)
Gateway to Terror / Врата в Ужас - Robert Silverberg
The Man Who Would Not Die - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
Образец текста:
A Case of Ptomaine

Harlan Ellison

Their job was to make sure a planet was safe before Earthmen came to colonize it. Their mistake was in thinking Earthmen had a right to do this . . .

WHILE THE SHIP Circe burnt its way like some eternal Roman Candle through the surrounding dark of forever, within:
“You make me sick, Dembois! Absolutely sick to my gut!”
“Sick? Why you sleazy crumb, I ought to break you in half! Who the hell do you think you’re—”
“All right! Now! That’s it from the both of you. I’ve got enough on my hands now with just getting there and back—I said knock it off, Kradter—just getting there and back, and I’ve heard enough swill from both of you on this trip! So kill it before I take a spanner to your heads. Read me?”
There were three of them riding the flame to the stars. Three on a CatalogShip sent to chart the planets of unknown stars, and take brief studies of the worlds themselves. They were three months out, on a jump between their last world—an ivy-covered ball of green they had named Garbo because it was the single planet of its star—and their next one, which had no name. Nor chart position; nor star whose light had reached the Earth as yet. But there was another island of star clusters across this immensity of black between galaxies, and as soon as they had hopped it through inverspace, they would find yet another shining light to draw them on.
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