
Pohl, Frederik (ed.) - Science Fiction Discoveries / Пол, Фредерик (ред.) - Научно-фантастические изобретения [1976, EPUB, ENG]

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picCarol and Frederik Pohl (ed.) - Science Fiction Discoveries

Название: Science Fiction Discoveries / Научно-фантастические изобретения
Год выпуска: 1976
Под редакцией: Pohl, Frederik & Pohl, Carol / Пол, Фредерик & Пол, Кэрол
Издательство: Bantam Books
ISBN: 0-553-08635-9
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Все, как сказано в названии - научно-фантастические изобретения (в довольно широком смысле) Smile
Starlady by George R. R. Martin
The Never-Ending Western Movie / Бесконечный вестерн by Robert Sheckley
The Age of Libra by Scott Edelstein
To Mark the Year on Azlaroc by Fred Saberhagen
An Occurrence at the Owl Creek Rest Home by Arthur Jean Cox
The Force That Through the Circuit Drives the Current / Та сила, что через цепи гонит ток by Roger Zelazny
Deathrights Deferred by Doris Piserchia
Error Hurled by Babette Rosmond
Образец текста:
by George R. R. Martin

This story has no hero in it. It’s got Hairy Hal in it, and Golden Boy, and Janey Small and Mayliss, and some other people who lived on Thisrock. Plus Crawney and Stumblecat and the Marquis, who’ll do well enough as villains. But it hasn’t got a hero . . . well, unless you count Hairy Hal.
On the day it all began, he was out late, wandering far from the Plaza in the dock section near the Upend of the Concourse. It was night-cycle; the big overhead light-panels had faded to black, and here the wall-lights were few and dim. Elsewhere, just down the Concourse, the Silver Plaza was alive with music; multi-colored strobes were flashing, and joy-smoke was belching from the air ducts. But Hal walked in darkness, through silent halls full of deserted loading trucks, past shadowed stacks of freight. Here, near the docks, Thisrock was much as the Imperials had known it. The corridors near the Plaza were all shops and disfigured plastic; the walls of the Concourse were covered with boasts and slogans and obscenities. But here, here, the only markings on the shining duralloy were the corridor numbers that the men of the Federal Empire had left. Hairy Hal knew the business was elsewhere. But he’d given up on business that night, and he was here.
Which was why he heard the whimper.
. . .
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