
Conklin, Groff (ed.) - 17 X Infinity / Конклин, Грофф (ред.) - Бесконечность помноженная на 17 [1963, EPUB, ENG]

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picGroff Conklin (ed.) - 17 X Infinity

Название: 17 X Infinity / Бесконечность помноженная на 17
Год выпуска: 1963
Под редакцией: Conklin, Groff / Конклин, Грофф
Издательство: Dell
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Произведения 17-ти выдающихся авторов в разных поджанрах фантастики (и НФ, и фэнтези, и другое), показывающие будущее (очень разнообразное).
The Simian Problem by Hollis Alpert
Strikebreaker / Штрейкбрехер by Isaac Asimov
Come Into My Cellar (= Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!) / Ребятки! Выращивайте гигантские грибы у себя в подвалах! by Ray Bradbury
MS Fnd in a Lbry / ЗПС НЙД В ББЛТК by Hal Draper
Cato the Martian by Howard Fast
The Spaceman Cometh by Henry Gregor Felsen
The Machine Stops / Машина останавливается by E. M. Forster
Frances Harkins by Richard Goggin
The Day They Got Boston by Herbert Gold
A-W-F, Unlimited / Полная Боевая Готовность by Frank Herbert
As Easy As A.B.C. / "В. К. С." by Rudyard Kipling
MacDonough's Song / Песня Макдоны by Rudyard Kipling
Silenzia by Alan Nelson
What to Do Until the Analyst Comes (= Everybody's Happy But Me!) by Frederik Pohl
Short in the Chest by Margaret St. Clair (as by Idris Seabright)
The Last of the Spode by Evelyn E. Smith
Never Underestimate by Theodore Sturgeon
Brooklyn Project / Бруклинский проект by William Tenn
Образец текста:

Hugh Fortnum woke to Saturday’s commotions, and lay eyes shut, savoring each in its turn.
Below, bacon in a skillet; Cynthia waking him with fine cooking instead of cries.
Across the hall, Tom actually taking a shower.
Far off in the bumble-bee dragon-fly light, whose voice was already damning the weather, the time, and the tides? Mrs. Goodbody? Yes. That Christian giantess, six-feet-tall with her shoes off, the gardener extraordinary, the octogenarian-dietitian and town philosopher.
He rose, unhooked the screen and leaned out to hear her cry:
“There! Take that! This’ll fix you! Hah!”
“Happy Saturday, Mrs. Goodbody!”
The old woman froze in clouds of bug-spray pumped from an immense gun.
“Nonsense!” she shouted. “With these fiends and pests to watch for?”
“What kind this time?” called Fortnum.
“I don’t want to shout it to the jaybirds, but—” she glanced suspiciously around—“what would you say if I told you I was the first line of defense concerning Flying Saucers?”
“Fine,” replied Fortnum. “There’ll be rockets between the worlds any year now.”
“There already are!” She pumped, aiming the spray under the hedge. “There! Take that!”
. . .
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