
Silverberg, Robert (ed) - Explorers of Space / Силверберг, Роберт (ред) - Первопроходцы космоса [1975, EPUB, ENG]

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Robert Silverberg (ed) - Explorers of Space

Название: Explorers of Space / Первопроходцы космоса
Год выпуска: 1975
Под редакцией: Silverberg, Robert / Силверберг, Роберт
Издательство: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 0-8407-6439-1
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR (Jerry)
Язык: английский

Тема антологии - исследователи космоса, ближнего и дальнего.
Exploration Team / Исследовательский отряд by Murray Leinster
Beachhead / Ветер чужого мира by Clifford D. Simak
Kyrie / Kyrie by Poul Anderson
Jupiter Five / Юпитер Пять by Arthur C. Clarke
Collecting Team / Звероловы by Robert Silverberg
Each an Explorer / По-своему исследователь by Isaac Asimov
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow / Обширней и медлительней империй by Ursula K. Le Guin
What's It Like Out There? / Как там, в небесах? by Edmond Hamilton
Edmond Hamilton


I hadn’t wanted to wear my uniform when I left the hospital, but I didn’t have any other clothes there and I was too glad to get out to argue about it. But as soon as I got on the local plane I was taking to Los Angeles, I was sorry I had it on.
People gawked at me and began to whisper. The stewardess gave me a special big smile. She must have spoken to the pilot, for he came back and shook hands, and said, “Well, I guess a trip like this is sort of a comedown for you.”
A little man came in, looked around for a seat, and took the one beside me. He was a fussy, spectacled guy of fifty or sixty, and he took a few minutes to get settled. Then he looked at me, and stared at my uniform and at the little brass button on it that said TWO.
. . .
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