
Strahan, Jonathan (ed.) - The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year / Стрэн, Джонатан (ред.) - Лучшее в НФ и фэнтези за год [2007-2019, EPUB, ENG]

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Jonathan Strahan (ed.) - The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year

Название: The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year / Лучшее в НФ и фэнтези за год
Год выпуска: 2007-2019
Под редакцией: Strahan, Jonathan / Стрэн, Джонатан
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook/OCR
Язык: английский

Широко известная серия антологий фантастики. Завершена 13-м выпуском в 2019 году.
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 01 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-068-6, Night Shade Books
How to Talk to Girls at Parties / Как общаться с девушками на вечеринках by Neil Gaiman
El Regalo / Дар by Peter S. Beagle
I, Row-Boat / Я — Роби-бот by Cory Doctorow
In the House of the Seven Librarians by Ellen Klages
Another Word for Map Is Faith by Christopher Rowe
Under Hell, Over Heaven by Margo Lanagan
Incarnation Day / День инкарнации by Walter Jon Williams
The Night Whiskey by Jeffrey Ford
A Siege of Cranes by Benjamin Rosenbaum
Halfway House by Frances Hardinge
The Bible Repairman by Tim Powers
Yellow Card Man / Человек с жёлтой карточкой by Paolo Bacigalupi
Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter (Fantasy) / Прекрасная дочь Пол Пота by Geoff Ryman
The American Dead / Мёртвые американцы by Jay Lake
The Cartesian Theater by Robert Charles Wilson
Journey Into the Kingdom by M. Rickert
Eight Episodes by Robert Reed
The Wizards of Perfil / Колдуны из Перфила by Kelly Link
The Saffron Gatherers / Сборщицы шафрана by Elizabeth Hand
D. A. by Connie Willis
Femaville 29 by Paul Di Filippo
Sob in the Silence / Плач в темноте by Gene Wolfe
The House Beyond Your Sky / Дом за вашим небом by Benjamin Rosenbaum
The Djinn's Wife / Супруга джинна by Ian McDonald
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 02 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-268-0, Night Shade Books
The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate / Купец и волшебные врата by Ted Chiang
The Last and Only, or Mr. Moskowitz Becomes French by Peter S. Beagle
Trunk and Disorderly / Хобот и Неразбериха by Charles Stross
Glory / Ореол by Greg Egan
Dead Horse Point by Daryl Gregory
The Dreaming Wind / Вихрь сновидений by Jeffrey Ford
The Coat of Stars / Сюртук из звёзд by Holly Black
The Prophet of Flores / Пророк с острова Флорес by Ted Kosmatka
Wizard's Six by Alex Irvine
The Cambist and Lord Iron: A Fairy Tale of Economics by Daniel Abraham
By Fools Like Me by Nancy Kress
Kiosk / Киоск by Bruce Sterling
Singing of Mount Abora by Theodora Goss
The Witch's Headstone / Надгробие для ведьмы by Neil Gaiman
Last Contact / Последний контакт by Stephen Baxter
Jesus Christ, Reanimator by Ken MacLeod
Sorrel's Heart by Susan Palwick
Urdumheim by Michael Swanwick
Holiday by M. Rickert
The Valley of the Gardens by Tony Daniel
Winter's Wife / Жена Зимы by Elizabeth Hand
The Sky Is Large and the Earth Is Small / Огромное небо и маленькая Земля by Chris Roberson
Orm the Beautiful / Орм Прекрасный by Elizabeth Bear
The Constable of Abal / Констебль из Абала by Kelly Link
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 03 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-149-2, Night Shade Books
Exhalation / Выдох by Ted Chiang
Shoggoths In Bloom by Elizabeth Bear
Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel by Peter S. Beagle
Fixing Hanover / Починить Гановера by Jeff VanderMeer
The Gambler / Игрок by Paolo Bacigalupi
The Dust Assassin by Ian McDonald
Virgin by Holly Black
Pride and Prometheus / Гордость и Прометей by John Kessel
The Thought War / Невидимая война by Paul J. McAuley
Beyond the Sea Gates of the Scholar Pirates of Sarsköe / За морскими воротами учёных-пиратов Сарске by Garth Nix
The Small Door by Holly Phillips
Turing's Apples / Яблоки Тьюринга by Stephen Baxter
The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates / «Нью-Йорк таймс» по специальной цене by Stephen King
Five Thrillers / Пять триллеров by Robert Reed
The Magician's House by Meghan McCarron
Goblin Music by Joan Aiken
Machine Maid by Margo Lanagan
The Art of Alchemy / Искусство алхимии by Ted Kosmatka
26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss / 26 обезьян и бездна by Kij Johnson
Marry the Sun by Rachel Swirsky
Crystal Nights / Хрустальные ночи by Greg Egan
His Master's Voice / Голос его хозяина by Hannu Rajaniemi
Special Economics / Экстремальная экономика by Maureen F. McHugh
Evidence of Love in a Case of Abandonment: One Daughter's Personal Account by M. Rickert
From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled ... / И бежали мы от падшей славы вавилонской by Michael Swanwick
If Angels Fight / Где ангелы сражаются by Richard Bowes
The Doom of Love in Small Spaces by Ken Scholes
Pretty Monsters / Милые чудовища by Kelly Link
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 04 2010, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-171-3, Night Shade Books
It Takes Two / Требуются двое by Nicola Griffith
Three Twilight Tales by Jo Walton
The Night Cache by Andy Duncan
The Island / Остров by Peter Watts
Ferryman by Margo Lanagan
"A Wild and a Wicked Youth" by Ellen Kushner
The Pelican Bar / Бар «Пеликан» by Karen Joy Fowler
Spar by Kij Johnson
Going Deep by James Patrick Kelly
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown / Самая холодная девушка в Коулдтауне by Holly Black
Zeppelin City by Eileen Gunn and Michael Swanwick
Dragon's Teeth by Alex Irvine
This Wind Blowing, and This Tide / С ветром тем и с той волной by Damien Broderick
By Moonlight by Peter S. Beagle
Black Swan / Чёрный лебедь by Bruce Sterling
As Women Fight by Sara Genge
The Cinderella Game / Игра в Золушку by Kelly Link
Formidable Caress: A Tale of Old Earth by Stephen Baxter
Blocked / Запертые by Geoff Ryman
Truth and Bone by Pat Cadigan
Eros, Philia, Agape / Эрос, Филия, Агапе by Rachel Swirsky
The Motorman's Coat by John Kessel
Mongoose / Мангуст by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette
Echoes of Aurora by Ellen Klages
Before My Last Breath / Перед моим последним вздохом by Robert Reed
JoBoy / Джо-бой by Diana Wynne Jones
Utriusque Cosmi by Robert Charles Wilson
A Delicate Architecture / Хрупкое создание by Catherynne M. Valente
The Cat Who Walked a Thousand Miles by Kij Johnson
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 05 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-172-0, Night Shade Books
Elegy for a Young Elk / Элегия о молодом лосе by Hannu Rajaniemi
The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains / Истина — пещера в Чёрных горах by Neil Gaiman
Seven Sexy Cowboy Robots by Sandra McDonald
The Spy Who Never Grew Up by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Aarne-Thompson Classification Revue by Holly Black
Under the Moons of Venus / Под лунами Венеры by Damien Broderick
The Fool Jobs / Дурацкое задание by Joe Abercrombie
Alone by Robert Reed
Names for Water by Kij Johnson
Fair Ladies by Theodora Goss
Plus or Minus by James Patrick Kelly
The Man with the Knives by Ellen Kushner
The Jammie Dodgers and the Adventure of the Leicester Square Screening by Cory Doctorow
The Maiden Flight of McCauley's Bellerophon / Первый полёт «Беллерофонта» by Elizabeth Hand
The Miracle Aquilina / Чудесная девушка by Margo Lanagan
The Taste of Night / Вкус ночи by Pat Cadigan
The Exterminator's Want-Ad by Bruce Sterling
Map of Seventeen / Карта семнадцать лет by Christopher Barzak
The Naturalist by Maureen F. McHugh
Sins of the Father by Sara Genge
The Sultan of the Clouds / Султан облаков by Geoffrey A. Landis
Iteration by John Kessel
The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn by Diana Peterfreund
The Night Train / Ночной поезд by Lavie Tidhar
Still Life (A Sexagesimal Fairy Tale) by Ian Tregillis
Amor Vincit Omnia by Tom Holt (as by K. J. Parker)
The Things / Ничтожества by Peter Watts
The Zeppelin Conductors' Society Annual Gentlemen's Ball by Genevieve Valentine
The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers Beneath the Queen's Window by Rachel Swirsky
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 06 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-346-5, Night Shade Books
The Case of Death and Honey / Дело о смерти и мёде by Neil Gaiman
The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees / Осы-картографы и пчёлы-анархисты by E. Lily Yu
Tidal Forces by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Younger Women by Karen Joy Fowler
White Lines on a Green Field / Белые линии на зелёном поле by Catherynne M. Valente
All That Touches the Air by An Owomoyela
What We Found / Обнаружено нами by Geoff Ryman
The Server and the Dragon by Hannu Rajaniemi
The Choice / Выбор by Paul J. McAuley
Malak / Малак by Peter Watts
Old Habits by Nalo Hopkinson
A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong by Tom Holt (as by K. J. Parker)
Valley of the Girls / Долина Девчонок by Kelly Link
The Brave Little Toaster by Cory Doctorow
The Dala Horse / Даларнская лошадка by Michael Swanwick
The Corpse Painter's Masterpiece by M. Rickert
The Paper Menagerie / Бумажный зверинец by Ken Liu
Steam Girl / Стим-Герл by Dylan Horrocks
After the Apocalypse / После апокалипсиса by Maureen F. McHugh
Underbridge by Peter S. Beagle
Relic by Jeffrey Ford
The Invasion of Venus / Нападение на Венеру by Stephen Baxter
Woman Leaves Room by Robert Reed
Restoration by Robert Shearman
The Onset of a Paranormal Romance by Bruce Sterling
Catastrophic Disruption of the Head / Губительный выстрел в голову by Margo Lanagan
The Last Ride of the Glory Girls / Последний налёт Дивных Девиц by Libba Bray
The Book of Phoenix (Excerpted from The Great Book) by Nnedi Okorafor
Digging / Земляные работы by Ian McDonald
The Man Who Bridged the Mist / Мост через туман by Kij Johnson
Goodnight Moons by Ellen Klages
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 07 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-59780-460-8, Night Shade Books
The Contrary Gardener by Christopher Rowe
The Woman Who Fooled Death Five Times by Eleanor Arnason
Close Encounters / Близкие контакты by Andy Duncan
Great-Grandmother in the Cellar by Peter S. Beagle
The Easthound by Nalo Hopkinson
Goggles (c.1910) by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Bricks, Sticks, Straw / Камни, Прутья, Солома by Gwyneth Jones
A Bead of Jasper, Four Small Stones by Genevieve Valentine
The Grinnell Method by Molly Gloss
Beautiful Boys by Theodora Goss
The Education of a Witch by Ellen Klages
[b]Macy Minnot's Last Christmas on Dione, Ring Racing, Fiddler's Green, the Potter's Garden
/ Последнее Рождество Мэси Миннот на Дионе, гонки по кольцам Сатурна, Лужайка Скрипача и сад старого гончара by Paul J. McAuley
What Did Tessimond Tell You? / Что тебе рассказал Тессимонд? by Adam Roberts
Adventure Story / Приключение by Neil Gaiman
Katabasis / Катабасис by Robert Reed
Troll Blood by Peter Dickinson
The Color Least Used by Nature by Ted Kosmatka
Jack Shade in the Forest of Souls by Rachel Pollack
Two Houses / Два дома by Kelly Link
Blood Drive by Jeffrey Ford
Mantis Wives by Kij Johnson
Immersion / Погружение by Aliette de Bodard
About Fairies by Pat Murphy
Let Maps to Others by Tom Holt (as by K. J. Parker)
Joke in Four Panels by Robert Shearman
Reindeer Mountain by Karin Tidbeck
Domestic Magic by Melanie Tem and Steve Rasnic Tem
Swift, Brutal Retaliation by Meghan McCarron
Nahiku West by Linda Nagata
Fade to White by Catherynne M. Valente
Significant Dust by Margo Lanagan
Mono no Aware / Моно-но аварэ by Ken Liu
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 08 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-84997-666-4, Solaris
Some Desperado / Та ещё сорвиголова by Joe Abercrombie
Zero for Conduct / Нулевое сопротивление by Greg Egan
Effigy Nights by Yoon Ha Lee
Rosary and Goldenstar by Geoff Ryman
The Sleeper and the Spindle / Веретено и дева by Neil Gaiman
Cave and Julia by M. John Harrison
The Herons of Mer de l'Ouest by M. Bennardo
Water by Ramez Naam
The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling / Истина факта, истина чувства by Ted Chiang
The Ink Readers of Doi Saket by Thomas Olde Heuvelt (trans. of De inktlezers van Doi Saket 2012)
Cherry Blossoms on the River of Souls by Richard Parks
Rag and Bone by Priya Sharma
The Book Seller / Книготорговец by Lavie Tidhar
The Sun And I by Tom Holt (as by K. J. Parker)
The Promise of Space by James Patrick Kelly
The Master Conjurer by Charlie Jane Anders
The Pilgrim and the Angel by E. Lily Yu
Entangled by Ian R. MacLeod
Fade to Gold by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
Selkie Stories Are for Losers by Sofia Samatar
In Metal, In Bone by An Owomoyela
Kormak the Lucky by Eleanor Arnason
Sing by Karin Tidbeck
Social Services by Madeline Ashby
The Road of Needles / Дорога иголок by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Mystic Falls by Robert Reed
The Queen of Night's Aria / Ария для Королевы Ночи by Ian McDonald
The Irish Astronaut by Val Nolan
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 09 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-78108-309-3, Solaris
Slipping by Lauren Beukes
Moriabe's Children by Paolo Bacigalupi
The Vaporization Enthalpy of a Peculiar Pakistani Family by Usman T. Malik
The Lady and the Fox / Леди и Лис by Kelly Link
Ten Rules for Being an Intergalactic Smuggler (the Successful Kind) by Holly Black
The Long Haul: From the ANNALS OF TRANSPORTATION, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009 by Ken Liu
Tough Times All Over / Жить всё труднее by Joe Abercrombie
The Insects of Love by Genevieve Valentine
Cold Wind by Nicola Griffith
Interstate Love Song (Murder Ballad No. 8) by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Shadow Flock / Подмена by Greg Egan
I Met a Man Who Wasn't There by Tom Holt (as by K. J. Parker)
Grand Jeté (The Great Leap) by Rachel Swirsky
Mothers, Lock Up Your Daughters Because They Are Terrifying by Alice Sola Kim
Shay Corsham Worsted by Garth Nix
Kheldyu by Karl Schroeder
Caligo Lane by Ellen Klages
The Devil in America by Kai Ashante Wilson
Tawny Petticoats / Тауни Петтикоутс by Michael Swanwick
The Fifth Dragon by Ian McDonald
The Truth About Owls by Amal El-Mohtar
Four Days of Christmas by Tim Maughan
Covenant by Elizabeth Bear
Cimmeria: From the Journal of Imaginary Anthropology by Theodora Goss
Collateral / Косвенный ущерб by Peter Watts
The Scrivener by Eleanor Arnason
Someday by James Patrick Kelly
Amicae Aeternum by Ellen Klages
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 10 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-78108-437-3, Solaris
Black Dog / Чёрный пёс by Neil Gaiman
City of Ash by Paolo Bacigalupi
Jamaica Ginger by Nalo Hopkinson and Nisi Shawl
A Murmuration by Alastair Reynolds
Kaiju Maximus®: "So Various, So Beautiful, So New" by Kai Ashante Wilson
Waters of Versailles by Kelly Robson
Capitalism in the 22nd Century, or A.I.R. by Geoff Ryman
Emergence by Gwyneth Jones
The Deepwater Bride by Tamsyn Muir
Dancy vs. the Pterosaur by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Calved by Sam J. Miller
The Heart's Filthy Lesson / Тяжёлый урок by Elizabeth Bear
The Machine Starts by Greg Bear
Blood, Ash, Braids by Genevieve Valentine
Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers by Alyssa Wong
The Lily and the Horn by Catherynne M. Valente
The Empress in Her Glory by Robert Reed
The Winter Wraith by Jeffrey Ford
Botanica Veneris: Thirteen Papercuts by Ida Countess Rathangan / Botanica Veneris: Тринадцать бумажных узоров Иды, графини Ратангана by Ian McDonald
Little Sisters by Vonda N. McIntyre
Ghosts of Home by Sam J. Miller
The Karen Joy Fowler Book Club by N. A. Sulway
Oral Argument by Kim Stanley Robinson
Drones by Simon Ings
The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn by Usman T. Malik
The Game of Smash and Recovery by Kelly Link
Another Word for World by Ann Leckie
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 11 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-78108-562-2, Solaris
The Future Is Blue by Catherynne M. Valente
Mika Model / Модель Мика by Paolo Bacigalupi
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
Two's Company / Двое — в самый раз by Joe Abercrombie
You Make Pattaya by Rich Larson
You'll Surely Drown Here If You Stay by Alyssa Wong
A Salvaging of Ghosts by Aliette de Bodard
Even the Crumbs Were Delicious by Daryl Gregory
Number Nine Moon by Alex Irvine
Things with Beards by Sam J. Miller
Successor, Usurper, Replacement by Alice Sola Kim
Laws of Night and Silk by Seth Dickinson
Touring with the Alien by Carolyn Ives Gilman
The Great Detective by Delia Sherman
Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home by Genevieve Valentine
Those Shadows Laugh by Geoff Ryman
Seasons of Glass and Iron / Времена хрусталя и железа by Amal El-Mohtar
The Art of Space Travel by Nina Allan
Whisper Road (Murder Ballad No. 9) by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Red Dirt Witch by N. K. Jemisin
Red As Blood and White As Bone by Theodora Goss
Terminal by Lavie Tidhar
Foxfire, Foxfire / Лисий огонь, ложный огонь by Yoon Ha Lee
Elves of Antarctica by Paul J. McAuley
The Witch of Orion Waste and the Boy Knight by E. Lily Yu
Seven Birthdays by Ken Liu
The Visitor from Taured by Ian R. MacLeod
Fable by Charles Yu
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 12 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78618-100-8, Solaris
Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance by Tobias S. Buckell
Probably Still the Chosen One by Kelly Barnhill
The Martian Obelisk by Linda Nagata
A Series of Steaks by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
Carnival Nine by Caroline M. Yoachim
Eminence by Karl Schroeder
The Chameleon's Gloves by Yoon Ha Lee
The Faerie Tree by Kathleen Kayembe
The Mocking Tower / Обманная башня by Daniel Abraham
Sidewalks by Maureen F. McHugh
My English Name by R. S. Benedict
Crispin's Model by Max Gladstone
The Secret Life of Bots by Suzanne Palmer
Concessions by Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali
Confessions of a Con Girl by Nick Wolven
The Smoke of Gold Is Glory / Дым золота — это слава by Scott Lynch
The Discrete Charm of the Turing Machine / Дискретное очарование машины Тьюринга by Greg Egan
The Lamentation of Their Women by Kai Ashante Wilson
An Evening with Severyn Grimes by Rich Larson
Though She Be But Little by C. S. E. Cooney
The Moon Is Not a Battlefield by Indrapramit Das
The Worshipful Society of Glovers by Mary Robinette Kowal
Come See the Living Dryad by Theodora Goss
Fairy Tale of Wood Street by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Babylon / Вавилон by Dave Hutchinson
Bring Your Own Spoon by Saad Z. Hossain
The Hermit of Houston by Samuel R. Delany
Belladonna Nights by Alastair Reynolds
Don't Press Charges and I Won't Sue by Charlie Jane Anders
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 13 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78618-215-9, Solaris
Mother Tongues by S. Qiouyi Lu
Olivia’s Table / Стол Оливии by Alyssa Wong
The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington by P. Djèlí Clark
Yard Dog by Tade Thompson
The Woman Who Destroyed Us by S. L. Huang
The Blue Fairy’s Manifesto by Annalee Newitz
The Starship and the Temple Cat by Yoon Ha Lee
A Brief and Fearful Star by Carmen Maria Machado
Field Biology of the Wee Fairies by Naomi Kritzer
Intervention by Kelly Robson
The Bookcase Expedition by Jeffrey Ford
A Witch's Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies / Ведьмовское пособие по перемещению между мирами by Alix E. Harrow
The Staff in the Stone / Посох в камне by Garth Nix
Okay, Glory by Elizabeth Bear
Widdam by Vandana Singh
Dreadful Young Ladies by Kelly Barnhill
The Only Harmless Great Thing by Brooke Bolander
The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society by T. Kingfisher
When We Were Starless by Simone Heller
If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again by Zen Cho
Blessings by Naomi Novik
Meat and Salt and Sparks by Rich Larson
Nine Last Days on Planet Earth by Daryl Gregory
Golgotha by Dave Hutchinson
Flint and Mirror / Кремень и зеркало by John Crowley
An Agent of Utopia by Andy Duncan
You Pretend Like You Never Met Me, and I’ll Pretend Like I Never Met You by Maria Dahvana Headley
Quality Time by Ken Liu
The Storyteller’s Replacement by N. K. Jemisin
Firelight / Свет домашнего очага by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington
P. Djèlí Clark

“By Cash pd Negroes for 9 Teeth on Acct of Dr. Lemoire”
—Lund Washington, Mount Vernon plantation, Account Book, dated 1784

THE FIRST NEGRO tooth purchased for George Washington came from a blacksmith, who died that very year at Mount Vernon of the flux. The art of the blacksmith had been in his blood—passed down from ancestral spirits who had come seeking their descendants across the sea. Back in what the elder slaves called Africy, he had heard, blacksmiths were revered men who drew iron from the earth and worked it with fire and magic: crafting spears so wondrous they could pierce the sky and swords with beauty enough to rend mountains. Here, in this Colony of Virginia, he had been set to shape crueler things: collars to fasten about bowed necks, shackles to ensnare tired limbs and muzzles to silence men like beasts. But blacksmiths know the secret language of iron, and he beseeched his creations to bind the spirits of their wielders—as surely as they bound flesh. For the blacksmith understood what masters had chosen to forget: when you make a man or woman a slave you enslave yourself in turn. And the souls of those who made thralls of others would never know rest—in this life, or the next.
When he wore that tooth, George Washington complained of hearing the heavy fall of a hammer on an anvil day and night. He ordered all iron making stopped at Mount Vernon. But the sound of the blacksmith’s hammer rang out in his head all the same.
. . .
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