
Silverberg, Robert (ed.) - This Way to the End Times / Силверберг, Роберт (ред.) - Конец Света - там [2016, epub, ENG]

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picRobert Silverberg (ed.) - This Way to the End Times: Classic Tales of the Apocalypse

Название: This Way to the End Times / Конец Света - там
Год выпуска: 2016
Под редакцией: Silverberg, Robert / Силверберг, Роберт
Издательство: Three Rooms Press
ISBN: 978-1-941110-48-5
Формат: epub
Качество: ebook (retail)
Язык: английский

Это сборник удивительных историй, в которых авторы решили положить конец миру, используя различные способы, от совершенно кошмарных, до нелепо смешных.
В сборник о конце света вошли произведения как классических писателей-фантастов, так и современных авторов.
The Eternal Adam / Вечный Адам by Jules Verne and Michel Verne
The Last Generation: A Story of the Future by James Elroy Flecker
Finis by Frank Lillie Pollock
The Coming of the Ice / Приход льдов by G. Peyton Wertenbaker
N Day by R. S. Richardson
Guyal of Sfere / Гвил из Сфиры by Jack Vance
A Pail of Air / Ведро воздуха by Fritz Leiber
Who Can Replace a Man? / Кто может заменить человека? by Brian W. Aldiss
Heresies of the Huge God by Brian W. Aldiss
The New Atlantis / Новая Атлантида by Ursula K. Le Guin
When We Went to See the End of the World / Как мы ездили смотреть конец света by Robert Silverberg
The Wind and the Rain / Ветер и дождь by Robert Silverberg
The Screwfly Solution / Эффективное решение by James Tiptree, Jr.
After-Images by Malcolm Edwards
Daisy, in the Sun / Роза, на Солнце by Connie Willis
Three Days After by Karen Haber
The Rain at the End of the World / Дождь и конец света by Dale Bailey
The End of the World as We Know It / Конец света, каким мы его себе представляем by Dale Bailey
Final Exam by Megan Arkenberg
Prayers to the Sun by a Dying Person by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro
Last and First Men (excerpt) / Последние и первые люди: история близлежащего и далёкого будущего by Olaf Stapledon
Образец текста:


NONE OF THE OTHERS WERE any help. Daisy’s brother, when she knelt beside him on the kitchen floor and said, “Do you remember when we lived at Grandma’s house, just the three of us, nobody else?” looked at her blankly over the pages of his book, his face closed and uninterested. “What is your book about?” she asked kindly. “Is it about the sun? You always used to read your books out loud to me at Grandma’s. All about the sun.”
He stood up and went to the windows of the kitchen and looked out at the snow, tracing patterns on the dry window. The book, when Daisy looked at it, was about something else altogether.
“It didn’t always snow like this at home, did it?” Daisy would ask her grandmother. “It couldn’t have snowed all the time, not even in Canada, could it?”
It was the train this time, not the kitchen, but her grandmother went on measuring for the curtains as if she didn’t notice. “How can the trains run if it snows all the time?” Her grandmother didn’t answer her. She went on measuring the wide curved train windows with her long yellow tape measure. She wrote the measurements on little slips of paper, and they drifted from her pockets like the snow outside, without sound.
. . .
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