
IRC bookz - релизы английской художественной литературы 2018, комплекты 138-157 [EPUB/MOBI/AZW3/PDF, ENG]

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IRC bookz: комплекты 138-157 2018

Язык: Английский
Формат: epub/mobi/azw3/pdf
Качество: OCR/eBook
Количество книг (файлов): 5789, всего в раздачах IRC bookz - 716224
Список книг: FileList2018-n138-157.txt в раздаче

Полный список файлов для этой серии раздач теперь не входит в саму раздачу.
Раздается здесь: https://booktracker.org/viewtopic.php?t=50560
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Nick, thank you so much for all the hard work!

Will there be комплекты 001-031?


mikapanja писал(а):

Nick, thank you so much for all the hard work!

Will there be комплекты 001-031?
There isn't any "hard work" for me: I'm just mirroring packs that appear on IRC Smile I don't think that there will be packs marked 001-031 in 2018. Those who make this collection changed marking from YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-packnumber after releasing 2018-03-01 - 2018-03-31. You may count these packs as 001-031 if you like Smile


OldOldNick писал(а):

I don't think that there will be packs marked 001-031 in 2018. Those who make this collection changed marking from YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-packnumber after releasing 2018-03-01 - 2018-03-31. You may count these packs as 001-031 if you like Smile
Hmm, but you did release a pack for the first 6 days of april, so I'm inclined to think that the month labelling was still used in April.
If that's the case, the digit labelling began in May, which would presumably correspond to 001-031.
And your first digit pack (032-061) was released at the beginning of July, which would fit right in as the former June release.

Is there a way to contact these good people? Perhaps they could clarify what happened and what packs they missed (if any).
Who knows, they might even release them (notably the rest of november 2017 and april 2018, and I assume 001-031).

Thanx Smile


mikapanja писал(а):

Hmm, but you did release a pack for the first 6 days of april
Yes, there were 6 packs marked by april, consider them as bonus Smile Really I think that they just forgot to count those packs ...
And I'm quite sure that every book inteded for releasing in this series really has appeared, may be not in date order ...


Is there a way to contact these good people? Perhaps they could clarify what happened and what packs they missed (if any).
IRC network: IrcHighway, channel #ebooks. Bot Trainpacks sends these packs, but don't answer any questions Smile (!Trainpacks gives you the list of packs now available and tells what command use to get some pack). You may ask on #ebooks channel about contacts, maybe somebody will answer ...


OldOldNick писал(а):

IRC network: IrcHighway, channel #ebooks. [...] You may ask on #ebooks channel about contacts, maybe somebody will answer ...
I've tried using IRC a while ago, but am ashamed to say I was completely lost be
I simply didn't know how to use it Embarassed

Since you are an experienced user Rambo, could you please ask on my behalf?
It would mean a lot. Thanx for considering!
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