J. R. R. Tolkien / Дж. Р. Р. Толкин - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1949-2023 г. Автор: Tolkien, J. R. R. / Толкин, Дж. Р. Р. Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Джон Рональд Руэл Толкин (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 3 января 1892 г. - 2 сентября 1973 г.) - английский писатель и поэт, переводчик, лингвист, филолог. Профессор Оксфордского университета. Наиболее известен как автор классических произведений «высокого фэнтези»: «Хоббит, или Туда и обратно», «Властелин колец» и «Сильмариллион».
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again / Хоббит, или Туда и обратно 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-547-95197-3, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt The Hobbit, or There and Back Again / Хоббит, или Туда и обратно 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-11555-2, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (illustrated by Alan Lee) The Hobbit, or There and Back Again / Хоббит, или Туда и обратно 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-42538-9, HarperCollins (enhanced edition with audio) The History of the Hobbit 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: HarperCollins (with John D. Rateliff) (complete edition of the manuscript of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit)
The Lord of the Rings / Властелин Колец 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-547-95194-2, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
01 The Fellowship of the Ring / Братство Кольца 02 The Two Towers / Две твердыни 03 The Return of the King / Возвращение Короля
The Lord of the Rings / Властелин Колец 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-32259-6, HarperCollins (illustrated by Alan Lee) The Lord of the Rings / Властелин Колец 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-850131-0, HarperCollins (illustrated by the author)
01 The Book of Lost Tales: Part I / Книга Утраченных Сказаний. Часть I 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-210599-8, HarperCollins (with Christopher Tolkien)
The Cottage of Lost Play / Домик утраченной игры The Music of the Ainur / Музыка Айнур The Coming of the Valar and the Building of Valinor / Пришествие Валар и создание Валинора The Chaining of Melko / Оковы Мэлько The Coming of the Elves and the Making of Kor / Пришествие эльфов и возведение Кора The Theft of Melko and the Darkening of Valinor / Воровство Мэлько и затмение Валинора The Flight of the Noldoli / Бегство Нолдоли The Tale of the Sun and Moon / Сказание о Солнце и Луне The Hiding of Valinor / Сокрытие Валинора Gilfanon's Tale: The Travail of the Noldoli and the Coming of Mankind / Рассказ Гильфанона: страдания Нолдоли и приход Людей
02 The Book of Lost Tales: Part II / Книга Утраченных Сказаний. Часть II 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-210600-1, HarperCollins (with Christopher Tolkien)
The Tale of Tinuviel / Сказание о Тинувиэль Turambar and The Foaloke / Турамбар и Фоалокэ The Fall of Gandolin / Падение Гондолина The Nauglafring / Науглафринг The Tale of Earendel / Сказание об Эаренделе The History of Eriol or Aelfwine and the End of the Tales / История Эриола, или Эльфвине, и окончание сказаний
03 The Lays of Beleriand / Песни Белерианда 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-734820-6, HarperCollins
The Lay of the Children of Hurin / Песнь о детях Хурина Poems Early Abandoned
The Flight of the Noldoli / Исход Нолдоли из Валинора Fragment of an alliterative Lay of Earendel / Фрагмент аллитерационного Лэ об Эарэндэле The Lay of the Fall of Gondolin
Lay of Leithian / Лэйтиан, или Освобождение от оков The Lay of Leithian recommenced
04 The Shaping of Middle-Earth / Устроение Средиземья: «Квента», «Амбарканта» и «Анналы» 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 9780007348213, HarperCollins
Prose Fragments Following The Lost Tales / Пpозаические фpагменты, следующие за «Утpаченными Сказаниями» The Earliest 'Silmarillion' / Самый ранний «Сильмариллион» The Quenta / Квента The First 'Silmarillion' Map / Первая карта к «Сильмариллиону» The Ambarkanta / Амбарканта The Earliest Annals of Valinor / Самые ранние «Анналы Валинора» The Earliest Annals of Beleriand / Самые ранние «Анналы Белерианда»
05 The Lost Road and Other Writings / Утраченный путь и другие произведения 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 9780007348220, HarperCollins
The Fall of Numenor / Падение Нумэнора The Lost Road / Утраченный путь The Nameless Land / Безымянная земля The Song of Aelfwine (intermediate version)The Song of Aelfwine (final version)Silmarillion II: Annals of ValinorSilmarillion III: Annals of Beleriand / Поздние Анналы Бэлэрианда AinulindaleThe Lhammas / Лламмас Quenta Silmarillion
06 The Return of the Shadow 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-734823-7, HarperCollins 07 The Treason of Isengard 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-358-61634-4, HarperCollins 08 The War of the Ring 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-734825-1, HarperCollins 09 Sauron Defeated 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 9780007348268, HarperCollins
Part One: The End of the Third AgePart Two: The Notion Club PapersPart Three: The Drowning of Anadune
10 Morgoth's Ring 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 9780008363697, HarperCollins
Ainulindale / Айнулиндалэ The Annals of Aman / Анналы Амана The Later Quenta Silmarillion (Part 1 of 2) / Поздняя Квэнта Сильмариллион Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth / Атрабет Финрод ах Андрет
11 The War of the Jewels / Война за Самоцветы 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-734828-2, HarperCollins
The Grey Annals / Серые анналы The Later Quenta Silmarillion (Part 2 of 2) / Поздняя Квэнта Сильмариллион The Wanderings of Hurin and Other Writings Not Forming Part of the Quenta Silmarillion / Путешествия Хурина Quendi and Eldar
12 The Peoples of Middle-Earth 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-734829-9, HarperCollins
The Prologue and Appendices to The Lord of the RingsLate WritingsTeachings of PengolodUnfinished Tales
The Silmarillion / Сильмариллион 2009, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-192763-8, HarperCollins
Ainulindale / Айнулиндалэ Valaquenta / Валаквента Quenta Silmarillion / Квента Сильмариллион Akallabeth / Акаллабет (Падение Нуменора) Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age / О Кольцах Власти и Третьей Эпохе
The Silmarillion (Illustrated by the author) / Сильмариллион 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-856031-7, HarperCollins Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth / Неоконченные предания Нуменора и Средиземья 2009, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-32257-2, HarperCollins
Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin / О Туоре и его приходе в Гондолин Narn I Hin Hurin: The Tale of the Children of Hurin / Нарн и Хин Хурин: Повесть о детях Хурина A Description of the Island of Numenor / Описание острова Нуменор Aldarion and Erendis: The Mariner's Wife / Алдарион и Эрендис The Line of Elros: Kings of Numenor from the Founding of the City of Armenelos to the Downfall / Род Эльроса The History of Galadriel and Celeborn and of Amroth King of Lorien / История Галадриэли и Келеборна The Disaster of the Gladden Fields / Поражение в Ирисной низине Cirion and Eorl and the Friendship of Gondor and Rohan / Кирион и Эорл The Quest of Erebor / Поход к Эребору The Hunt for the Ring / Охота за Кольцом The Battles of the Fords of Isen / Битва у бродов Изена The Druedain / Друэдайн The Istari / Истари The Palantiri / Палантиры
The Children of Hurin / Дети Хурина 2009, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-32258-9, HarperCollins Beren and Luthien 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-328-78486-5, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt The Fall of Gondolin 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-328-61299-1, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt The Nature of Middle-Earth 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-838793-8, HarperCollins (UK) The Fall of Númenor: And Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-Earth 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-328070-0, William Morrow / HarperCollins
The Story of Kullervo 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-813137-1, HarperCollins
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-758469-7, HarperCollins
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil / Приключения Тома Бомбадила Bombadil Goes Boating / Лодочная прогулка Бомбадила Errantry / Странствие Princess Mee / Принцесса Ми The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late / Как Лунный Дед засиделся The Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon / Как Лунный Дед поторопился The Stone Troll / Каменный Тролль Perry-the-Winkle / Прыткий Перри The Mewlips / Мары Oliphaunt / Олифант Fastitocalon / Фаститокалон Cat / Кот Shadow-Bride / Невеста-тень The Hoard / Клад The Sea-Bell / Колокол моря The Last Ship / Последний корабль
Tree and Leaf 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-738809-7, HarperCollins
On Fairy-Stories / О волшебных сказках Mythopoeia / Мифопоэйя Leaf by Niggle / Лист работы Мелкина The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son / Возвращение Беорхтнота, сына Беорхтхельма
Letters from Father Christmas / Письма Рождественского Деда 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-547-96402-7, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun / Легенда о Сигурде и Гудрун 2009, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-32307-4, HarperCollins
The New Lay of the Volsungs or The Longest Lay of Sigurd / Новая песнь о Вельсунгах The New Lay of Gudrun or The Slaying of the Niflungs / Новая песнь о Гудрун The Prophecy of the Sibyl / Прорицание вёльвы
The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun Together with the Corrigan Poems 2016, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-008-20214-9, HarperCollins The Battle of Maldon together with The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth 2023, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-846584-1, HarperCollins
Farmer Giles of Ham / Фермер Джайлс из Хэма 1949, fb2 Smith of Wootton Major / Кузнец из Большого Вуттона 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-55729-5, HarperCollins Mr. Bliss / Мистер Блисс 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-00-743619-4, HarperCollins Bilbo's Last Song / Последняя песня Бильбо (спетая им в Серой Гавани) 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-385-75296-1, Alfred A. Knopf Roverandom / Роверандом 1998, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-737810-4, HarperCollins (UK) The Fall of Arthur / Смерть Артура 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-748995-4, HarperCollins
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-737592-9, HarperCollins
Sir Gawain and the Green KnightPearlSir Orfeo
Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-44279-5, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays / Чудовища и критики и другие статьи 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-007-37590-5, HarperCollins
Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics / «Беовульф»: чудовища и критики On Translating Beowulf / О переводе «Беовульфа» Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / «Сэр Гавейн и Зелёный Рыцарь» On Fairy-Stories / О волшебных сказках English and Welsh / Английский и валлийский A Secret Vice / Тайный порок Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford / Прощальное обращение к Оксфордскому университету
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien / Письма 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-36379-3, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Complete Tolkien Companion by J. E. A. Tyler 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-466-86645-4, St. Martin’s Press The Atlas of Middle-Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-547-52440-5, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt An Atlas of Tolkien by David Day 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62686-516-7, Thunder Bay Press
The Music of the Ainur
There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar; and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made. And he spoke to them, propounding to them themes of music; and they sang before him, and he was glad. But for a long while they sang only each alone, or but few together, while the rest hearkened; for each comprehended only that part of the mind of Ilúvatar from which he came, and in the understanding of their brethren they grew but slowly. Yet ever as they listened they came to deeper understanding, and increased in unison and harmony. And it came to pass that Ilúvatar called together all the Ainur and declared to them a mighty theme, unfolding to them things greater and more wonderful than he had yet revealed; and the glory of its beginning and the splendour of its end amazed the Ainur, so that they bowed before Ilúvatar and were silent. Then Ilúvatar said to them: ‘Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music. And since I have kindled you with the Flame Imperishable, ye shall show forth your powers in adorning this theme, each with his own thoughts and devices, if he will. But I will sit and hearken, and be glad that through you great beauty has been wakened into song.’ . . .
Hador Goldenhead was a lord of the Edain and well-beloved by the Eldar. He dwelt while his days lasted under the lordship of Fingolfin, who gave to him wide lands in that region of Hithlum which was called Dor-lómin. His daughter Glóredhel wedded Haldir son of Halmir, lord of the Men of Brethil; and at the same feast his son Galdor the Tall wedded Hareth, the daughter of Halmir. Galdor and Hareth had two sons, Húrin and Huor. Húrin was by three years the elder, but he was shorter in stature than other men of his kin; in this he took after his mother’s people, but in all else he was like Hador, his grandfather, strong in body and fiery of mood. But the fire in him burned steadily, and he had great endurance of will. Of all Men of the North he knew most of the counsels of the Noldor. Huor his brother was tall, the tallest of all the Edain save his own son Tuor only, and a swift runner; but if the race were long and hard Húrin would be the first home, for he ran as strongly at the end of the course as at the beginning. There was great love between the brothers, and they were seldom apart in their youth. Húrin wedded Morwen, the daughter of Baragund son of Bregolas of the House of Bëor; and she was thus of close kin to Beren One-hand. Morwen was dark-haired and tall, and for the light of her glance and the beauty of her face men called her Eledhwen, the elven-fair; but she was somewhat stern of mood and proud. The sorrows of the House of Bëor saddened her heart; for she came as an exile to Dor-lómin from Dorthonion after the ruin of the Bragollach. Túrin was the name of the eldest child of Húrin and Morwen, and he was born in that year in which Beren came to Doriath and found Lúthien Tinúviel, Thingol’s daughter. Morwen bore a daughter also to Húrin, and she was named Urwen; but she was called Lalaith, which is Laughter, by all that knew her in her short life. . . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 26.10.2023
Добавлена непонятно как потерявшаяся книга "The Children of Hurin"
Добавлено: 04 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Shaping of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle Earth) - 2019.epub 05 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lost Road and Other Writings (The History of Middle Earth) - 2019.epub
Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Nature of Middle-Earth (Middle Earth Universe) - 2021.epub
Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lord of the Rings (ill. by the author) - 2021.epub 09 Tolkien, J. R. R. - Sauron Defeated (The History of Middle Earth) - 2021.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) 10 Tolkien, J. R. R. - Morgoth's Ring (The History of Middle Earth) - 2021.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2)
Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - Roverandom - 2013.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2)
Добавлено: 03 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lays of Beleriand (The History of Middle Earth) - 2019.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) 11 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The War of the Jewels (The History of Middle Earth) - 2022.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays - 2012.epub (сборник эссе, включает, в частности, "A Secret Vice") Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Fall of Numenor (Middle Earth Universe) - 2022.epub (история 2-й эпохи, редактор: Brian Sibley, иллюстрации: Alan Lee) Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Silmarillion (ill. by the author) (Middle Earth Universe) - 2022.epub (с иллюстрациями автора) Замены: 06 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Return of the Shadow (The History of Middle Earth) - 1988.epub на 06 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Return of the Shadow (The History of Middle Earth) - 2019.epub (OCR на retail epub) 08 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The War of the Ring (The History of Middle Earth) - 1990.epub на 08 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The War of the Ring (The History of Middle Earth) - 2021.epub (OCR на retail epub) Tolkien, J. R. R. - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo - 1975.epub на Tolkien, J. R. R. - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo - 2021.epub (OCR на retail epub)
Добавлено: 12 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Peoples of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle Earth) - 2022.epub Замены: 07 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Treason of Isengard (The History of Middle Earth) - 1989.epub на 07 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Treason of Isengard (The History of Middle Earth) - 2021.epub Удалено (неважное качество, есть качественные замены): 03 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lays of Beleriand (The History of Middle Earth) - 1985.fb2 04 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Shaping of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle Earth) - 1995.fb2 05 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lost Road and Other Writings (The History of Middle Earth) - 1992.fb2 09 Tolkien, J. R. R. - Sauron Defeated (The History of Middle Earth) - 1993.fb2 10 Tolkien, J. R. R. - Morgoth's Ring (The History of Middle Earth) - 1994.fb2 11 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The War of the Jewels (The History of Middle Earth) - 1995.fb2 12 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Peoples of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle Earth) - 1997.fb2
Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Battle of Maldon - 2023.epub
Я собирался заниматься обновлениями своих релизов, там еще работы невпроворот, но не выложить ТАКУЮ новинку - никак не мог
Книга вышла 30 августа ...
UPD Вместо одной книги Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Fall of Gondolin здесь теперь собрание сочинений
UPD Релиз обновлен 01.10.2019 Добавлена непонятно как потерявшаяся книга "The Children of Hurin"
UPD Релиз обновлен 25.11.2020 Добавлено: 04 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Shaping of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle Earth) - 2019.epub 05 Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lost Road and Other Writings (The History of Middle Earth) - 2019.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 08.09.2021 Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Nature of Middle-Earth (Middle Earth Universe) - 2021.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 12.01.2022 Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lord of the Rings (ill. by the author) - 2021.epub 09 Tolkien, J. R. R. - Sauron Defeated (The History of Middle Earth) - 2021.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) 10 Tolkien, J. R. R. - Morgoth's Ring (The History of Middle Earth) - 2021.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2)
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.10.2022 Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - Roverandom - 2013.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2)
UPD Релиз обновлен 02.12.2022 5 файлов добавлено, 3 заменены
UPD Релиз обновлен 01.02.2023 Теперь в "The History of Middle Earth" все файлы в издательском качестве. Старые fb2 неважного качества из "The History of Middle Earth" удалены.
UPD Релиз обновлен 26.10.2023 Добавлено: Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Battle of Maldon - 2023.epub