
McCaffrey, Anne / Маккеффри, Энн - Собрание сочинений (131 произведение) [1967-2019, fb2/epub, ENG]

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Anne McCaffrey - Собрание сочинений

Годы выпуска: 1967-2019 г.
Автор: McCaffrey, Anne / Маккеффри, Энн
Язык: Английский
Формат: fb2/epub
Качество: OCR/eBook

Энн Айнез Маккефри (Anne Inez McCaffrey, 1 апреля 1926 г. - 21 ноября 2011 г.) - американская писательница-фантаст. Первая женщина, награждённая премиями «Хьюго» и «Небьюла».
С 1954 года — профессиональный писатель. Первая публикация — «Свобода соревноваться» (1953). Секретарь-казначей Ассоциации американских писателей-фантастов (1968—1970). С 1970 г. жила в графтве Уиклоу (Ирландия).
Среди ранних произведений Маккефри выделяется роман-дебют «Восстановленная» [Restoree] (1967), героиня которого возвращается к жизни после анабиоза, а также цикл повестей о женщине-киборге, чей мозг (и, следовательно, личность) управляет звездолетом, объединенный в сборник «Корабль, который пел» [The Ship Who Sang]. Эта книга и ее продолжения состовляют цикл "The Ship Who ..."
Самыми известными работами Энн Маккефри являются книги цикла «Всадники Перна». Хотя первые романы этого цикла похожи на классическое фэнтези (драконы и общество, аналогичное обществу средневековой западной Европы), сама Энн характеризовала их как научную фантастику.
Действие происходит на планете Перн, которую колонизировали выходцы с Земли. Они не знали, что блуждающая планета в этой системе несет за собой проклятье — Нити, уничтожающие все живое на своем пути. Их может остановить только камень, железо, вода и огонь. Защищая свои жизни, люди генетически модифицировали местную форму жизни — маленьких огнедышащих дракончиков и создали на их основе гигантских драконов, которые при рождении телепатически объединялись с человеком. Многие века Алая Звезда неумолимо возвращается через каждые 200 лет, и в течение следующих 50 лет всадники, рискуя собой, сражаются за жизнь на планете.
01 Acorna: The Unicorn Girl / Наследница единорогов 2005, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-179834-4, HarperCollins e-books (with Margaret Ball)
02 Acorna's Quest / Поиски Акорны 2005, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-180716-9, HarperCollins e-books (with Margaret Ball)
03 Acorna's People / Народ Акорны 2005, epub, ISBN: 0-06-087975-0, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
04 Acorna's World / Мир Акорны 2005, epub, ISBN: 0-06-087967-X, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
05 Acorna's Search / Миссия Акорны 2005, epub, ISBN: 0-06-088000-7, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
06 Acorna's Rebels / Мятежники Акорны 2003, fb2, ISBN: 0-380-97899-7, Eos / HarperCollins; 2005, epub, ISBN: 0-06-087775-8, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
07 Acorna's Triumph / Триумф Акорны 2005, epub, ISBN: 0-06-088004-X, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
01 First Warning 2005, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-052538-X, Eos / HarperCollins; 2005, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-180860-9, HarperCollins e-books (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
02 Second Wave 2006, epub (retail), ISBN: 0-06-119754-8, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
03 Third Watch 2007, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-146758-5, HarperCollins (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
01 Freedom's Landing / Земля свободы 1995, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-101-65590-0, Ace Books
02 Freedom's Choice / Выбор свободных 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-698-14382-1, Ace Books
03 Freedom's Challenge 1998, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-698-14383-8, Ace Books
04 Freedom's Ransom 2002, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-698-14384-5, Ace Books
The Thorns of Barevi 1970, fb2
01 Decision at Doona / Спор о Дьюне 1969, fb2
02 Crisis on Doona 2013, epub (retail), Event Horizon EBooks (with Jody Lynn Nye)
03 Treaty at Doona (= Treaty Planet) 2013, epub (retail), Event Horizon EBooks (with Jody Lynn Nye)
01 Dragonflight / Полёт дракона 1968, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45395-2, Del Rey / Ballantine
02 Dragonquest / Странствия дракона 1971, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45396-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
03 The White Dragon / Белый дракон 1978, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45397-6, Del Rey / Ballantine
Harper Hall / Арфистка Менолли
01 Dragonsong / Песни Перна 1976, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-2793-1, Transworld Digital
02 Dragonsinger / Певица Перна 1978, fb2, ISBN: 0-553-11835-8, Bantam Books; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-2794-8, Transworld Digital
03 Dragondrums / Барабаны Перна 1986, fb2, ISBN: 0-553-25855-9, Bantam Spectra; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-5233-9, Transworld Digital
04 Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern / Морита — повелительница драконов 1983, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45401-0, Del Rey / Ballantine
05 Nerilka's Story / История Нерилки 1986, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45402-7, Del Rey / Ballantine
06 Dragonsdawn / Заря драконов 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45398-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
07 The Renegades of Pern / Отщепенцы Перна 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-36933-5, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45404-1, Del Rey / Ballantine
08 All the Weyrs of Pern / Все вейры Перна 1991, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45405-8, Del Rey / Ballantine
09 The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall / Хроники Перна: Первое падение 1993, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 0-345-45399-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
The Survey: P.E.R.N. / Отчет об исследовании: P.E.R.N.
The Dolphins' Bell / Колокол Дельфинов
The Ford of Red Hanrahan / Брод Рэда Ханрахана
The Second Weyr / Второй Вейр
Rescue Run / Спасательная экспедиция
10 The Dolphins of Pern / Дельфины Перна 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45406-5, Del Rey / Ballantine
11 Dragonseye (= Red Star Rising) / Глаз дракона 1996, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45400-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
12 The Masterharper of Pern / Мастер-арфист 1998, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45403-4, Del Rey / Ballantine
13 The Skies of Pern / Небеса Перна 2002, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-43469-2, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-44713-5, Del Rey / Ballantine
14 Dragon's Kin / Драконий родич 2003, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-46198-3, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2003, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-46199-5, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Todd McCaffrey)
15 Dragonsblood / Кровь драконов 2005, fb2/epub (retail), ISBN: 0-345-48193-3, Del Rey / Ballantine (автор - Todd McCaffrey)
16 Dragon's Fire / Драконье пламя 2006, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-49382-8, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Todd McCaffrey)
17 Dragon Harper / Арфист драконов 2007, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-50252-0, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Todd McCaffrey)
18 Dragonheart / Сердце дракона 2008, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-593-05867-1, Bantam Books (UK); 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49114-5, Del Rey / Ballantine (автор - Todd McCaffrey)
19 Dragongirl / Всадница 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-52191-0, Del Rey / Ballantine (автор - Todd McCaffrey)
20 Dragon's Time Время драконов 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-52641-0, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Todd McCaffrey)
21 Sky Dragons Небеса драконов 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-53350-0, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Todd McCaffrey)
Weyr Search / Поиск Вейра 1967, fb2
Dragonrider / Оседлавший дракона 1967, fb2
A Gift of Dragons 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45860-5, Del Rey / Ballantine
The Smallest Dragonboy / Младший претендент
The Girl Who Heard Dragons / Девушка, которая слышала драконов
Runner of Pern / Скороходы Перна
Ever the Twain / Неразлучная пара
The Impression / Запечатление 1989, fb2
Beyond Between / По ту сторону Промежутка 2003, fb2
01 Dinosaur Planet / Планета динозавров I 1978, fb2
02 Dinosaur Planet Survivors / Планета динозавров II 1984, fb2
The Mystery of Ireta 2003, epub (retail), ISBN: 0-345-47203-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
    01 Dinosaur Planet / Планета динозавров I
    02 Dinosaur Planet Survivors / Планета динозавров II
01 Sassinak / Сассинак 1990, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-671-69863-X, Baen (with Elizabeth Moon)
02 The Death of Sleep / Смерть по имени сон 1990, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-671-69884-2, Baen (with Jody Lynn Nye)
03 Generation Warriors / Поколение воинов 1991,fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-671-72041-4, Baen (with Elizabeth Moon)
01 Powers That Be / Майор запаса 1993, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-38173-4, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45755-4, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
02 Power Lines / Планета под следствием 1994, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45753-0, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
03 Power Play / Ловушка для пиратов 1995, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45754-7, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
01 Changelings 2006, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-47002-8, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2006, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-49099-5, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
02 Maelstrom 2006, fb2; 2006, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-49736-9, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
03 Deluge 2008, fb2; 2008, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-50505-7, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
01 Catalyst 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-51897-2, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
02 Catacombs 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-52478-2, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)
Серия из 4-х рассказов, послужившая основой для романа The Crystal Singer. Была опубликована в 4-х выпусках "Continuum" (ред. Roger Elwood)
01 Prelude to a Crystal Song 1974, fb2
02 Killashandra - Crystal Singer 1974, fb2
03 Milekey Mountain 1974, fb2
04 Killashandra - Coda and Finale 1975, fb2
01 The Crystal Singer / Певцы Кристаллов 1982, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45745-5, Del Rey / Ballantine
02 Killashandra 1985, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45748-6, Del Rey / Ballantine
03 Crystal Line 1992, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45744-8, Del Rey / Ballantine
The Coelura 1983, fb2/epub
Nimisha's Ship 1998, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45750-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 The Ship Who Sang / Корабль, который пел 1969, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-5219-3, Transworld Digital
Brain Ships 2003, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-7434-7166-0, Baen
    03 The Ship Who Searched / Корабль, который искал (with Mercedes Lackey)
    02 PartnerShip / Корабль-партнёр (with Margaret Ball)
04 The City Who Fought / Город, который боролся 1993, fb2 (with S. M. Stirling)
The City and The Ship 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-7434-7189-X, Baen
    04 The City Who Fought / Город, который боролся (with S. M. Stirling)
    07 The Ship Avenged (with S. M. Stirling)
05 The Ship Who Won 1994, fb2 (with Jody Lynn Nye)
The Ship Who Saved the Worlds 2003, epub, ISBN: 0-7434-7171-7, Baen
    05 The Ship Who Won (with Jody Lynn Nye)
    06 The Ship Errant (with Jody Lynn Nye)
06 The Ship Errant 1996, fb2 (with Jody Lynn Nye)
07 The Ship Avenged 1997, fb2 (with S. M. Stirling)
Honeymoon 1977, fb2
The Ship That Returned / Корабль, который вернулся 1999, fb2
01 To Ride Pegasus 1973, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45751-6, Del Rey / Ballantine
To Ride Pegasus
A Womanly Talent
A Bridle for Pegasus
02 Pegasus in Flight 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45752-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
03 Pegasus in Space 2000, fb2; 2000, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45752-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 The Rowan / Ровена 1990, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-5211-7, Transworld Digital
02 Damia / Дамия 1993, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-65959-5, Ace Books
03 Damia's Children 1994, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-65960-1, Ace Books
04 Lyon's Pride 1995, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-65956-4, Ace Books
05 The Tower and the Hive 2000, epub, ISBN: 978-1-440-67432-7, Ace Books
Restoree 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45756-1, Del Rey / Ballantine
The Mark of Merlin 1971, fb2/epub
Ring of Fear 1971, fb2/epub
The Kilternan Legacy 2003, epub, ISBN: 1-58715-793-4, Wildside Press
Stitch in Snow 1984, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-5225-4, Transworld Digital
The Year of the Lucy 1986, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-5226-1, Transworld Digital
The Lady (= The Carradyne Touch) 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45757-8, Del Rey / Ballantine
Black Horses for the King 1996, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4481-5242-1, RHCP Digital
Get Off the Unicorn 1977, fb2; 2002, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-345-45747-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
Lady in the Tower
A Meeting of Minds
Dull Drums
Weather on Welladay
The Thorns of Barevi
Horse from a Different Sea
The Great Canine Chorus
Finder's Keeper
A Proper Santa Claus
The Smallest Dragonboy / Младший претендент
The Girl Who Heard Dragons 1994, fb2
The Girl Who Heard Dragons / Девушка, которая слышала драконов
Velvet Fields
Euterpe on a Fling
Duty Calls / Долг зовет
A Sleeping Humpty Dumpty Beauty / Шалтай-Болтай
The Mandalay Cure / Мандалей
A Flock of Geese
The Greatest Love
A Quiet One
If Madam Likes You ...
Zulei, Grace, Nimshi, and the Damnyankees
Cinderella Switch
Habit Is an Old Horse
The Bones Do Lie
An Exchange of Gifts 1995, epub, ISBN: 1-880448-48-3, Wildside Press
No One Noticed the Cat 1996, fb2; 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4794-4953-8, Wildside Press
If Wishes Were Horses 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4794-3707-8, Wildside Press

Drummer, beat, and piper, blow,
Harper, strike, and soldier, go.
Free the flame and sear the grasses
Till the dawning Red Star passes.

Lessa woke, cold. Cold with more than the chill of the everlastingly clammy stone walls. Cold with the prescience of a danger greater than when, ten full Turns ago, she had run, whimpering, to hide in the watch-wher’s odorous lair.
Rigid with concentration, Lessa lay in the straw of the redolent cheese room, sleeping quarters shared with the other kitchen drudges. There was an urgency in the ominous portent unlike any other forewarning. She touched the awareness of the watch-wher, slithering on its rounds in the courtyard. It circled at the choke-limit of its chain. It was restless, but oblivious to anything unusual in the pre-dawn darkness.
The danger was definitely not within the walls of Hold Ruath. Nor approaching the paved perimeter without the Hold where relentless grass had forced new growth through the ancient mortar, green witness to the deterioration of the once stone-clean Hold. The danger was not advancing up the now little used causeway from the valley, nor lurking in the craftsmen’s stony holdings at the foot of the Hold’s cliff. It did not scent the wind that blew from Tillek’s cold shores. But still it twanged sharply through her senses, vibrating every nerve in Lessa’s slender frame. Fully roused, she sought to identify it before the prescient mood dissolved. She cast outward, towards the Pass, farther than she had ever pressed. Whatever threatened was not in Ruatha… yet. Nor did it have a familiar flavor. It was not, then, Fax.
Lessa had been cautiously pleased that Fax had not shown himself at Hold Ruath in three full Turns. The apathy of the craftsmen, the decaying farmholds, even the green-etched stones of the Hold infuriated Fax, self-styled Lord of the High Reaches, to the point where he preferred to forget the reason why he had subjugated the once proud and profitable Hold.
Lessa picked her way among the sleeping drudges, huddled together for warmth, and glided up the worn steps to the kitchen-proper. She slipped across the cavernous kitchen to the stable-yard door. The cobbles of the yard were icy through the thin soles of her sandals and she shivered as the predawn air penetrated her patched garment.

The watch-wher slithered across the yard to greet her, pleading, as it always did, for release. Glancing fondly down at the awesome head, she promised it a good rub presently. It crouched, groaning, at the end of its chain as she continued to the grooved steps that led to the rampart over the Hold’s massive gate. Atop the tower, Lessa stared towards the east where the stony breasts of the Pass rose in black relief against the gathering day.
Indecisively she swung to her left, for the sense of danger issued from that direction as well. She glanced upward, her eyes drawn to the red star which had recently begun to dominate the dawn sky. As she stared, the star radiated a final ruby pulsation before its magnificence was lost in the brightness of Pern’s rising sun.
For the first time in many Turns, Lessa gave thought to matters beyond Pern, beyond her dedication to vengeance on the murderer Fax for the annihilation of/her family. Let him but come within Ruath Hold now and he would never leave.
But the brilliant ruby sparkle of the Red Star recalled the Disaster Ballads—grim narratives of the heroism of the dragon-riders as they braved the dangers of between to breathe fiery death on the silver Threads that dropped through Pern’s skies. Not one Thread must fall to the rich soil, to burrow deep and multiply, leaching the earth of minerals and fertility. Straining her eyes as if vision would bridge the gap between peril and person, she stared intently eastward. The watch-wher’s thin, whistled question reached her just as the prescience waned.
Dawnlight illumined the tumbled landscape, the unplowed fields in the valley below. Dawnlight fell on twisted orchards, where the sparse herds of milchbeasts hunted stray blades of spring grass. Grass in Ruatha grew where it should not, died where it should flourish. An odd brooding smile curved Lessa’s lips. Fax realized no profit from his conquest of Ruatha… nor would he, while she, Lessa, lived. And he had not the slightest suspicion of the source of this undoing.
Or had he? Lessa wondered, her mind still reverberating from the savage prescience of danger. East lay Fax’s ancestral and only legitimate Hold. Northeast lay little but bare and stony mountains and Benden, the remaining Weyr, which protected Pern.
Lessa stretched, arching her back, inhaling the sweet, untainted wind of morning.
. . .

The Ship Who Sang

SHE WAS BORN a thing and as such would be condemned if she failed to pass the encephalograph test required of all newborn babies. There was always the possibility that though the limbs were twisted, the mind was not, that though the ears would hear only dimly, the eyes see vaguely, the mind behind them was receptive and alert.
The electro-encephalogram was entirely favorable, unexpectedly so, and the news was brought to the waiting, grieving parents. There was the final, harsh decision: to give their child euthanasia or permit it to become an encapsulated ‘brain,’ a guiding mechanism in any one of a number of curious professions. As such, their offspring would suffer no pain, live a comfortable existence in a metal shell for several centuries, performing unusual service to Central Worlds.
She lived and was given a name Helva. For her first 3 vegetable months she waved her crabbed claws, kicked weakly with her clubbed feet and enjoyed the usual routine of the infant. She was not alone, for there were three other such children in the big city’s special nursery. Soon they all were removed to Central Laboratory School, where their delicate transformation began.
One of the babies died in the initial transferral, but of Helva’s ‘class,’ 17 thrived in the metal shells. Instead of kicking feet, Helva’s neural responses started her wheels; instead of grabbing with hands, she manipulated mechanical extensions. As she matured, more and more neural synapses would be adjusted to operate other mechanisms that went into the maintenance and running of a space ship. For Helva was destined to be the ‘brain’ half of a scout ship partnered with a man or a woman, whichever she chose, as the mobile half. She would be among the elite of her kind. Her initial intelligence tests registered above normal and her adaption index was unusually high. As long as her development within her shell lived up to expectations, and there were no side-effects from the pituitary tinkering, Helva would live a rewarding, rich and unusual life, a far cry from what she would have faced as an ordinary, ‘normal’ being.
However, no diagram of her brain patterns, no early IQ tests recorded certain essential facts about Helva that Central must eventually learn. They would have to bide their official time and see, trusting that the massive doses of shell-psychology would suffice her, too, as the necessary bulwark against her unusual confinement and the pressures of her profession. A ship run by a human brain could not run rogue or insane with the power and resources Central had to build into their scout ships. Brain ships were, of course, long past the experimental stages. Most babies survived the perfected techniques of pituitary manipulation that kept their bodies small, eliminating the necessity of transfers from smaller to larger shells. And very, very few were lost when the final connection was made to the control panels of ship or industrial combine. Shell-people resembled mature dwarfs in size whatever their natal deformities were, but the well-oriented brain would not have changed places with the most perfect body in the Universe.
So, for happy years, Helva scooted around in her shell with her classmates, playing such games as Stall, Power-Seek, studying her lessons in trajectory, propulsion techniques, computation, logistics, mental hygiene, basic alien psychology, philology, space history, law, traffic, codes: all the et ceteras that eventually became compounded into a reasoning, logical, informed citizen. Not so obvious to her, but of more importance to her teachers, Helva ingested the precepts of her conditioning as easily as she absorbed her nutrient fluid. She would one day be grateful to the patient drone of the subconscious-level instruction.
. . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 13.07.2019
McCaffrey, Anne - If Wishes Were Horses - 1998.epub на McCaffrey, Anne - If Wishes Were Horses - 2018.epub (OCR на retail)
McCaffrey, Anne - No One Noticed the Cat - 2019.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
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DreamMan писал(а):

Здравствуйте торент у меня выдаёт ошибку: [2018-06-05 07:20:43] Error: McCaffrey, Anne - Preallocate: Системе не удается найти указанный путь. Может ли это быть из-за "\ " в имени файла. Вроде винда говорит что нельзя его применять в имени файла.
Реально "\" в именах файлов нет - проверил и в папке с релизом и в тексте торрент-файла. "\' " бэкслэш+апостроф есть только в списке файлов, который показывается по соответствующей кнопке. Возможно это - особенность скрипта, который этот список формирует. На самом деле в именах файлов там просто апостроф. Этот символ я использую в именах много лет и проблем вроде бы не было. Да и попытайся я использовать запрещенный символ - винда, под которой я работаю, заругалась бы. Кроме того, этот релиз раздался непосредственно с моего компа уже шестикратно (на сию минуту). В общем нужно специалистов спрашивать ...


Обратного слэша в именах действительно нет. Здесь всё в порядке.
Возможно проблема в очень длинных именах? Попробуйте загружать в папку с исходно коротким именем. Напр. для виндов типа "c:\t"
см. https://windowsten.ru/sisteme-ne-udaetsya-najti-ukazannyj-put/


Похоже у меня проблемма с папкой "Series/The Ship Who ..." у меня создаётся "Series\The Ship Who\" не знаю как это исправить ak


Папка "The Ship Who ... " переименована в "The Ship Who", поскольку точка в конце имени - символ небезопасный (уже у некоторых не загружалось). Те, кто уже загрузил раздачу без неприятностей и собирается сидировать - подберите торрент-файл заново. Насколько я понимаю, переименовать у себя папку будет достаточно, чтобы нормально раздавалось.


UPD Релиз обновлен 13.07.2019
McCaffrey, Anne - If Wishes Were Horses - 1998.epub на McCaffrey, Anne - If Wishes Were Horses - 2018.epub (OCR на retail)
McCaffrey, Anne - No One Noticed the Cat - 2019.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
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