
Liu, Cixin / Лю, Цысинь - Собрание сочинений (29 произведений) [2014-2020, epub, ENG]

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Liu, Cixin / Лю, Цысинь - Собрание сочинений

Годы выпуска: 2014-2020 г.
Автор: Liu, Cixin / Лю, Цысинь
Язык: Английский
Перевод с китайского
Формат: epub
Качество: eBook

Лю Цысинь (род. 23 июня 1963 г.) - современный китайский писатель-фантаст.
Свою творческую деятельность автор начал ещё в 1980-е годы, но впервые опубликован был только в июне 1999 года. Лю Цысинь считается самым популярным фантастом Китая с миллионными тиражами книг. Его произведения рассказывают, в основном, о роли Китая в будущем мире.
Лю Цысинь является неоднократным обладателем китайской премии China Galaxy Science Fiction Award. В 2011 его роман «Three Body III: Death's end» стал лучшим по версии Китайской ассоциации мировой научной фантастики.
23 августа 2015 года роман «Задача трёх тел», ставший бестселлером в США, в переводе Кена Лю получил престижную американскую премию «Хьюго». Это первый и пока единственный неанглоязычный роман, получивший данную премию.
01 The Three-Body Problem / Задача трёх тел 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4668-5344-7, Tor
02 The Dark Forest / Тёмный лес 2015, epub, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4668-5343-0, Tor
03 Death's End / Вечная жизнь Смерти 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4668-5345-4, Tor
The Supernova Era / Эпоха Сверхновой 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78854-241-8, Head of Zeus
Ball Lightning / Шаровая молния 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78669-467-6, Head of Zeus
Of Ants and Dinosaurs (= The Cretaceous Past) 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78954-609-5, Head of Zeus
The Wandering Earth 2013, epub, Beijing Guomi Digital Technology Co.
The Wandering Earth
Of Ants and Dinosaurs
Sun of China
The Wages of Humanity
Curse 5.0
The Micro-Age
Taking Care of Gods / Забота о Боге
With Her Eyes
The Longest Fall
Hold Up the Sky 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-83893-763-8, Ad Astra / Head of Zeus
The Village Teacher
The Time Migration
Fire in the Earth
Ode to Joy
Full-Spectrum Barrage Jamming
Sea of Dreams
Cloud of Poems
The Thinker
The Weight of Memories 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-9403-3, Tor.com
Part I

The Madness Years

China, 1967

The Red Union had been attacking the headquarters of the April Twenty-eighth Brigade for two days. Their red flags fluttered restlessly around the brigade building like flames yearning for firewood.
The Red Union commander was anxious, though not because of the defenders he faced. The more than two hundred Red Guards of the April Twenty-eighth Brigade were mere greenhorns compared with the veteran Red Guards of the Red Union, which was formed at the start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in early 1966. The Red Union had been tempered by the tumultuous experience of revolutionary tours around the country and seeing Chairman Mao in the great rallies in Tiananmen Square.
But the commander was afraid of the dozen or so iron stoves inside the building, filled with explosives and connected to each other by electric detonators. He couldn’t see them, but he could feel their presence like iron sensing the pull of a nearby magnet. If a defender flipped the switch, revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries alike would all die in one giant ball of fire.
And the young Red Guards of the April Twenty-eighth Brigade were indeed capable of such madness. Compared with the weathered men and women of the first generation of Red Guards, the new rebels were a pack of wolves on hot coals, crazier than crazy.
. . .

Mother: Baby, can you hear me?
Fetus: Where am I?
Mother: Oh, good! You can hear me. I’m your mother.
Fetus: Mama! Am I really in your belly? I’m floating in water …
Mother: That’s called the ami—ani—amniotic fluid. Hard word, I know. I just learned it today, too.
Fetus: What is this sound? It’s like thunder far away.
Mother: That’s my heartbeat. You’re inside me, remember?
Fetus: I like this place; I want to stay here forever.
Mother: Ha, you can’t do that! You’ve got to be born.
Fetus: No! It’s scary out there.
Mother: Oh … we’ll talk more about that later.
Fetus: What’s this line connected to my tummy, Mama?
Mother: That’s your umbilical cord. When you’re inside mommy, you need it to stay alive.
Fetus: Hmmm. Mama, you’ve never been where I am, have you?
Mother: I have! Before I was born, I was inside my mother, too. Except I don’t remember what it was like there, and that’s why you can’t remember, either. Baby, is it dark inside mommy? Can you see anything?
Fetus: There’s a faint light coming from outside. It’s a reddish-orange glow, like the color of the sky when the sun is just setting behind the mountain at Xitao Village.
Mother: You remember Xitao? That’s where I was born! Then you must remember what mommy looks like?
. . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 20.11.2021
Liu, Cixin - The Wandering Earth - 2013.epub (сборник)
Liu, Cixin - Ball Lightning - 2018.epub (роман)
Liu, Cixin - The Supernova Era - 2019.epub (роман)
Liu, Cixin - Of Ants and Dinosaurs - 2020.epub (роман)
Liu, Cixin - Hold Up the Sky - 2020.epub (сборник)
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UPD Релиз обновлен 12.07.2019
Liu, Cixin - The Wandering Earth - 2013.epub (сборник)
Liu, Cixin - Ball Lightning - 2018.epub (роман)


UPD Релиз обновлен 23.10.2020
Liu, Cixin - The Supernova Era - 2019.epub (роман)


А есть в русском переводе?


qwerasdfzxcv1 писал(а):

А есть в русском переводе?
Кое-что есть здесь (сделайте поиск по имени Лю Цысинь). На Флибусте есть довольно много


UPD Релиз обновлен 20.11.2021
Liu, Cixin - Of Ants and Dinosaurs - 2020.epub (роман)
Liu, Cixin - Hold Up the Sky - 2020.epub (сборник)
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