
Asimov, Isaac (ed) - Before the Golden Age / Азимов, Айзек - До Золотого Века [1974, fb2, ENG]

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picIsaac Asimov - Before the Golden Age

Название: Before the Golden Age / До Золотого Века
Год выпуска: 1974
Под редакцией: Asimov, Isaac / Азимов, Айзек
Издательство: Doubleday
ISBN: 0-385-02419-3
Формат: fb2
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

26 произведений, опубликованных до начала Золотого Века НФ - периода, начавшегося когда Джон Кэмпбелл возглавил журнал Astounding Stories.
Одна из интереснейших антологий фантастики.
Кроме собственно произведений, содержит великолепные комментарии Азимова, где он рассказывает о фантастике того времени, об авторах, издателях, журналах и - о себе, разумеется Smile
Introduction by Isaac Asimov
Part One: 1920 to 1930 by Isaac Asimov
Part Two: 1931 by Isaac Asimov
  • The Man Who Evolved / Эволюция доктора Полларда by Edmond Hamilton
  • The Jameson Satellite by Neil R. Jones
  • Submicroscopic by S. P. Meek
  • Awlo of Ulm by S. P. Meek
  • Tetrahedra of Space by P. Schuyler Miller
  • The World of the Red Sun / Мир красного солнца by Clifford D. Simak
Part Three: 1932 by Isaac Asimov
  • Tumithak of the Corridors / Тумитак из подземных коридоров by Charles R. Tanner
  • The Moon Era / Лунная эра by Jack Williamson
Part Four: 1933 by Isaac Asimov
  • The Man Who Awoke by Laurence Manning
  • Tumithak in Shawm / Тумитак в Шоме by Charles R. Tanner
Part Five: 1934 by Isaac Asimov
  • Colossus by Donald Wandrei
  • Born of the Sun by Jack Williamson
  • Sidewise in Time / Когда время сошло с ума by Murray Leinster
  • Old Faithful by Raymond Z. Gallun
Part Six: 1935 by Isaac Asimov
  • The Parasite Planet / Планета-паразит by Stanley G. Weinbaum
  • Proxima Centauri / Проксима Центавра by Murray Leinster
  • The Accursed Galaxy / Проклятая галактика by Edmond Hamilton
Part Seven: 1936 by Isaac Asimov
  • He Who Shrank by Henry Hasse
  • The Human Pets of Mars by Leslie F. Stone
  • The Brain Stealers of Mars / Похитители мыслей by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  • Devolution / Эволюция by Edmond Hamilton
  • Big Game by Isaac Asimov
Part Eight: 1937 by Isaac Asimov
  • Other Eyes Watching by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  • Minus Planet by John D. Clark
  • Past, Present and Future by Nat Schachner
Part Nine: 1938 by Isaac Asimov
  • The Men and the Mirror by Ross Rocklynne
Образец текста:

by Clifford D. Simak

“Ready, Bill?” asked Harl Swanson. Bill Kressman nodded.
“Then kiss 1935 good-bye!” cried the giant Swede, and swung over the lever.
The machine quivered violently, then hung motionless in pitch blackness. In the snap of a finger the bright sunlight was blotted out and a total darkness, a darkness painted with the devil’s brush, rushed in upon the two men.
Electric lights glowed above the instrument boards, but their illumination was feeble against the utter blackness which crowded in upon the quartz windows of the machine.
The sudden change astounded Bill. He had been prepared for something, for some sort of change, but nothing like this. He half started out of his seat, then settled back.
Harl observed him and grinned.
“Scared,” he jested.
“Hell, no,” said Bill.
“You’re traveling in time, my lad,” said Harl. “You aren’t in space any more. You are in a time stream. Space is curved about you. Can’t travel in time when you’re still in space, for space binds time to a measured pace, only so fast, no faster. Curve space about you, though, and you can travel in time. And when you’re out of space there’s absolutely no light, therefore, utter darkness. Likewise no gravity, nor any of the universal phenomena.”
Bill nodded. They had worked it all out before, many, many times. Double wall construction of a strength to withstand the vacuum into which the flier would be plunged at the move of the lever which would snatch it out of space into the time stream. An insulation to guard against the absolute zero that would rule where there could be no heat. Gravity grids at their feet so that they would still be able to orient themselves when flung into that space where there was no gravity. An elaborate heating system to keep the motors warm, to prevent the freezing of gasoline, oil and water. Powerful atmosphere generators to supply air to the passengers and the motors.
It had represented years of work, ten years of it, and a wealth that mounted into seven figures. Time after time they had blundered, again and again they had failed. The discoveries they had made would have rocked the world, would have revolutionized industry, but they had breathed no word of it. They had thought of only one thing, time travel.
. . .
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