
Bradley, Marion Zimmer / Брэдли, Мэрион Зиммер - Собрание сочинений (134 произведения) [1954-2022, fb2/epub, ENG]

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Marion Zimmer Bradley / Мэрион Зиммер Брэдли - Собрание сочинений

Годы выпуска: 1954-2022 г.
Автор: Bradley, Marion Zimmer / Брэдли, Мэрион Зиммер
Язык: Английский
Формат: fb2/epub
Качество: OCR/eBook

Мэрион Зиммер Брэдли (Marion Zimmer Bradley, 3 июня 1930 г. - 25 сентября 1999 г.) – известная американская писательница, автор всемирно известного цикла «Дарковер» и не менее знаменитой артурианы «Туманы Авалона».
Первые фантастические рассказы и повести, а также дебютный роман «Falcons of Narabedla» (1957) были неплохо приняты читателями, но настоящая известность пришла к Мэрион Брэдли в 70-е годы после публикации сразу нескольких романов цикла «Дарковер». Популярность этих произведений настолько велика, что до сих пор, уже после смерти Брэдли, продолжают выходить новые романы, написанные уже другими авторами.
В течение 70-х годов у Брэдли постоянно выходят фантастические романы, как из цикла о Дарковере, так и внесерийные, часть из которых написана в соавторстве с братом – Полом Зиммером. В 1983 году выходит в свет роман «Туманы Авалона», ставший одним из эталонов артурианы и переведенный на множество языков по всему миру. В этом романе Мэрион Брэдли удалось совместить легенды артуровского цикла с борьбой христианства и язычества. Дальнейшие продолжения, а точнее, предыстории «Туманов» получились менее увлекательными.
С 1984 года под редакцией Брэдли стали издаваться ежегодные антологии «Sword and Sorceress» («Меч и колдунья»), посвященные женскому взгляду на жанр «меча и колдовства». С 1989 г. Брэдли также становится pедактоpом жуpнала «Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine».
В 90-е годы большинство произведений Брэдли написано в соавторстве с другими писательницами – Андре Нортон, Мерседес Лэки, Дайаной Паксон, Холли Лайл и Деборой Росс.
The Fall of Atlantis 2003, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-7434-7157-1, Baen
В этом издании романы Web of Light и Web of Darkness не выделены, текст идет подряд
01 Web of Light
02 Web of Darkness
01 The Mists of Avalon / Туманы Авалона 1983, fb2; 2001, epub, ISBN: 0345448162, Del Rey / Ballantine
02 The Forest House / Лесная обитель 1993, fb2; 1995, epub, ISBN: 978-1-1012-1272-1, Roc (with Diana L. Paxson)
03 Lady of Avalon 2007, fb2, ISBN: 1-4295-4496-1, Roc; 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-1-1012-1278-3, Roc (with Diana L. Paxson)
04 Priestess of Avalon 2000, fb2; 2008, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4406-3433-8, Roc (with Diana L. Paxson)
05 Ancestors of Avalon 2006, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-08688-9, Roc (by Diana L. Paxson)
06 Ravens of Avalon 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4295-4205-0, Viking (by Diana L. Paxson)
07 Sword of Avalon 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-15194-5, Roc / New American Library (by Diana L. Paxson)
01 Dark Satanic 1972, fb2
02 The Inheritor 1984, fb2
Shadow's Gate
    01 Ghostlight / Призрачный свет 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-8711-0, Tor
    02 Witchlight 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4668-1916-0, Tor
    03 Gravelight 2011, epub, ISBN: 9781429992763, Tor
    04 Heartlight 2012, epub, ISBN: 9781466819177, Tor
Нумерация книг в цикле - соответственно isfdb
01 Darkover Landfall / Вынужденная посадка 1987, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-88677-234-6, DAW Books
02 Stormqueen! / Королева бурь 1972, epub
03 Hawkmistress! / Повелительница ястреба 1985, epub, ISBN: 0-09-934990-6, Arrow Books
04 Two to Conquer / Два завоевателя 1980, epub
05 The Heirs of Hammerfell / Наследники Хаммерфелла 1989, fb2; 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-938185-27-4, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
06 The Shattered Chain 1976, epub
07 Thendara House 1983, epub
08 City of Sorcery 1984, epub
09 Rediscovery 1993, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-938185-04-5, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust (with Mercedes Lackey)
10 The Spell Sword 1974, epub
11 The Forbidden Tower 1977, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-323-4, DAW Books
12 Star of Danger 1965, epub
13 The Winds of Darkover / Ветры Дарковера 1970, epub
14 The Bloody Sun / Кровавое солнце 1964, epub
15 The Heritage of Hastur 1975, fb2
16 The Sword of Aldones / Меч Алдонеса 1962, fb2/epub
17 The Planet Savers / Спасатели планеты 1976, fb2, Ace Books
    The Planet Savers / Спасатели планеты
    The Waterfall
18 Sharra's Exile 1981, epub (кардинально переработанная версия The Sword of Aldones)
19 The World Wreckers / Разрушители мира 1971, epub
20 Hastur Lord 2010, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-19670-0, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
21 Exile's Song 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-16572-0, DAW Books (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)
22 The Shadow Matrix 1999, fb2, ISBN: 0-88677-812-3, DAW Books (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)
23 Traitor's Sun 2000, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-15758-9, DAW Books (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)
24 Thunderlord 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-0-698-19070-2, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
25 The Laran Gambit 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-938185-73-1, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust (with Deborah J. Ross)
Darkover: First Contact 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-49830-9, DAW Books
    01 Darkover Landfall / Вынужденная посадка
    04 Two to Conquer / Два завоевателя
The Ages of Chaos 2002, epub, ISBN: 9781101663110, DAW Books
    02 Stormqueen! / Королева бурь
    03 Hawkmistress! / Повелительница ястреба
The Saga of the Renunciates 2002, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7564-0092-7, DAW Books
    06 The Shattered Chain
    07 Thendara House
    08 City of Sorcery
The Forbidden Circle 2002, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-15750-3, DAW Books
    10 The Spell Sword
    11 The Forbidden Tower
A World Divided 2003, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-49812-5, DAW Books
    12 Star of Danger
    13 The Winds of Darkover / Ветры Дарковера
    14 The Bloody Sun / Кровавое солнце
Heritage and Exile 2002, epub, ISBN:978-1-101-15749-7, DAW Books
    15 The Heritage of Hastur
    18 Sharra's Exile
To Save a World 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7564-0250-1, DAW Books
    17 The Planet Savers / Спасатели планеты
    19 The World Wreckers / Разрушители мира
    The Waterfall
Clingfire Trilogy
    01 The Fall of Neskaya 2002, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-11899-3, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
    02 Zandru's Forge 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-14190-8, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
    03 A Flame in Hali 2005, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-11814-6, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
Children of Kings
    01 The Alton Gift 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-21865-5, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
    02 The Children of Kings 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7564-0797-1, DAW Books (with Deborah J. Ross)
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover 1993, fb2, ISBN: 0-88677-593-0, DAW Books; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-61138-355-3, Book View Cafe
Free Amazons
    To Keep the Oath
    Amazon Fragment
    House Rules
    The Keeper's Price
    The Lesson of the Inn
    Hilary's Homecoming
    Hilary's Wedding
    Everything But Freedom
Dyan Ardais
    The Hawkmaster's Son
    A Man of Impulse
    The Shadow
Bride Price 1987, fb2 (рассказ)
01 Glenraven 1997, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-87799-2, Baen (with Holly Lisle)
02 In the Rift 1999, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-57791-3, Baen (with Holly Lisle)
The Complete Lythande 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-61138-326-3, Book View Cafe
    The Secret of the Blue Star / Секрет голубой звезды
    The Incompetent Magician
    Somebody Else's Magic
    Sea Wrack
    The Wandering Lute
    The Walker Behind / Идущий позади
    The Malice of the Demon
    The Footsteps of Retribution
    The Wuzzles
    The Virgin and the Volcano (with Elisabeth Waters)
    Chalice of Tears, or I Didn't Want that Damned Grail Anyway
    To Kill the Undead
    To Drive the Cold Winter Away
    Fool's Fire
    Here There Be Dragons
    North to Northwander
    Goblin Market
    The Gratitude of Kings (with Elisabeth Waters)
    The Children of Cats
01 Hunters of the Red Moon / Охотники красной луны 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-938185-06-9, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust (with Paul Edwin Zimmer)
02 The Survivors / Уцелевшие 1979, fb2 (with Paul Edwin Zimmer)
01 Black Trillium / Чёрный Триллиум 1990, fb2 (with Andre Norton and Julian May)
04 Lady of the Trillium / Леди Триллиума 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4976-7581-0, Open Road Integrated Media (with Elisabeth Waters)
The Door Through Space 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-775450-51-1, The Floating Press
Seven from the Stars 1962, fb2
The Strange Women 1962, fb2 (as Miriam Gardner)
The Colors of Space 1963, fb2; 2018, epub, ISBN: нет, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Falcons of Narabedla 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4794-0755-2, Wildside Press
Castle Terror 2018, epub, ISBN: нет, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Souvenir of Monique 2018, epub, ISBN: нет, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Bluebeard's Daughter 2018, epub, ISBN: нет, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
The Brass Dragon 1978, fb2, ISBN: 0-416-86370-1, Methuen Children's Books
Endless Universe (= Endless Voyage) 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-20668-9, Ace Books
Endless Voyage 2018, epub, ISBN: нет, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Drums of Darkness 1976, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-25108-3, Ballantine Books
The Ruins of Isis / Руины Изиды 1978, epub, ISBN: 0-915442-60-4, Starblaze Editions
The Catch Trap 1979, fb2; 2018, epub, ISBN: нет, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
The House Between the Worlds 1980, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-938185-10-6, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Survey Ship 1980, fb2; 1981, fb2 (illustrated), ISBN: 0-441-79112-3, Ace Books
Night's Daughter 1985, fb2
Warrior Woman 2014, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
The Firebrand 1987, fb2; 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-02888-9, Roc / New American Library
Tiger Burning Bright / Тигр, светло горящий 1995, fb2
The Dark Intruder & Other Stories 1964, fb2
The Dark Intruder (= Measureless to Man)
Jackie Sees a Star
Exiles of Tomorrow / Ссылка в прошлое
Death Between the Stars
The Crime Therapist
The Stars Are Waiting
Black & White
The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley 1990, fb2, ISBN: 0-7474-0465-8, Sphere
Centaurus Changeling
The Climbing Wave
Exiles of Tomorrow / Ссылка в прошлое
Death Between the Stars
Bird of Prey
The Wind People
The Wild One / Дикарка
Treason of the Blood
The Day of the Butterflies
Hero's Moon
The Engine
The Secret of the Blue Star / Секрет голубой звезды
To Keep the Oath
Elbow Room
Blood Will Tell
Marion Zimmer Bradley Super Pack 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-68146-527-2, Start Publishing LLC
Falcons of Narabedla
Death Between the Stars
The Dark Intruder
The Door Through Space
Black & White
Treason of the Blood
Jackie Sees a Star
The Planet Savers / Спасатели планеты
The Stars Are Waiting
Exiles of Tomorrow / Ссылка в прошлое
The Colors of Space
The Crime Therapist
Year of the Big Thaw
The Wild One / Дикарка
The Wind People
The Marion Zimmer Bradley Science Fiction MEGAPACK 2018, epub, Wildside Press
Falcons of Narabedla
The Planet Savers / Спасатели планеты
The Door Through Space
The Colors of Space
Year of the Big Thaw
Centaurus Changeling 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Year of the Big Thaw 1954, fb2
The Crime Therapist 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Death Between the Stars 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Peace in the Wilderness 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Bird of Prey 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
The Stars Are Waiting 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
A Dozen Of Everything / По дюжине всего 1959, fb2
Measureless to Man (= The Dark Intruder) 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
Phoenix 1963, epub (with Ted White)
Another Rib 1963, fb2 (with Juanita Coulson)
The Jewel of Arwen 1973, fb2
Genuine Old Master 2010, epub, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust
The Heart of the Hill 2001, fb2 (with Diana L. Paxson)
Book One
Mistress of Magic


Even in high summer, Tintagel was a haunted place; Igraine, Lady of Duke Gorlois, looked out over the sea from the headland. As she stared into the fogs and mists, she wondered how she would ever know when the night and day were of equal length, so that she could keep the Feast of the New Year. This year the spring storms had been unusually violent; night and day the crash of the sea had resounded over the castle until no man or woman within could sleep, and even the hounds whimpered mournfully.
Tintagel . . . there were still those who believed the castle had been raised, on the crags at the far end of the long causeway into the sea, by the magic of the ancient folk of Ys. Duke Gorlois laughed at this and said that if he had any of their magic, he would have used it to keep the sea from encroaching, year by year, upon the shoreline. In the four years since she had come here as Gorlois’s bride, Igraine had seen land, good land, crumble into the Cornish sea. Long arms of black rock, sharp and craggy, extended into the ocean from the coast. When the sun shone, it could be fair and brilliant, the sky and water as brilliant as the jewels Gorlois had heaped on her on the day when she told him she bore his first child. But Igraine had never liked wearing them. The jewel which hung now at her throat had been given her in Avalon: a moonstone which sometimes reflected the blue brilliance of sky and sea; but in the fog, today, even the jewel looked shadowed.
In the fog, sounds carried a long way. It seemed to Igraine, as she stood looking from the causeway back toward the mainland, that she could hear footfalls of horses and mules, and the sound of voices—human voices, here in isolated Tintagel, where nothing lived but goats and sheep, and the herdsmen and their dogs, and the ladies of the castle with a few serving women and a few old men to guard them.
. . .
Chapter ONE

The landing gear was almost the least of their worries; but it made a serious problem in getting in and out. The great starship lay tilted at a forty-five degree angle with the exit ladders and chutes coming nowhere near the ground, and the doors going nowhere. All the damage hadn't been assessed yet--not nearly--but they estimated that roughly half the crew's quartets and three-fourths of the passenger sections were uninhabitable.
Already half a dozen small rough shelters, as well as the tent like field hospital, had been hastily thrown up in the great clearing. They'd been made, mostly out of plastic sheeting and logs from the resinous local trees, which had been cut with buzz-saws and timbering equipment from the supply materials for the colonists. All this had taken place over Captain Leicester's serious protests; he had yielded only to a technicality. His orders were absolute when the ship was in space; on a planet the Colony Expedition Force was in charge.
. . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 15.08.2024
Добавлен epub (eBook) к имеющемуся fb2 (OCR)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover (Darkover) - 2014.epub
Добавлен сборник в издательском качестве (retail)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Marion Zimmer Bradley Super Pack - 2015.epub
06 Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Ravens of Avalon (Avalon) - 2007.epub
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Strange Women - 1962.fb2
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Night's Daughter - 1985.fb2
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Warrior Woman - 2014.epub
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Tiger Burning Bright - 1995.fb2
05 Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Heirs of Hammerfell (Darkover) - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Marion Zimmer Bradley Science Fiction MEGAPACK - 2018.epub (сборник)
25 Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Laran Gambit (Darkover) - 2022.epub
04 Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Priestess of Avalon (Avalon) - 2008.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
09 Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Rediscovery (Darkover) - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Colors of Space - 2018.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Castle Terror - 2018.epub
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Souvenir of Monique - 2018.epub
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Bluebeard's Daughter - 2018.epub
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Endless Voyage - 2018.epub (к имеющемуся fb2 с названием Endless Universe)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Catch Trap - 2018.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The House Between the Worlds - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Phoenix - 1963.epub
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UPD Релиз обновлен 28.04.2017


UPD Релиз обновлен 02.02.2018
Добавлен сборник в издательском качестве (retail)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Marion Zimmer Bradley Super Pack - 2015.epub


UPD Релиз обновлен 05.07.2018


UPD Релиз обновлен 28.06.2019


UPD Релиз обновлен 14.09.2023
25 Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Laran Gambit (Darkover) - 2022.epub


UPD Релиз обновлен 15.08.2024
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