Clifford D. Simak / Клиффорд Саймак - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1931-2023 г. Автор: Simak, Clifford D. / Саймак, Клиффорд Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Клиффорд Дональд Саймак (Clifford Donald Simak, 3 августа 1904 г.—25 апреля 1988 г.) - один из крупнейших американских фантастов. Хотя первый свой научно-фантастический рассказ Саймак напечатал в 1931 году, признание пришло к нему позже — в конце 30-х годов, когда он начал активно сотрудничать с журналом «Эстаундинг», редактором которого был Джон Кэмпбелл. Вместе с Азимовым, Ван Вогтом, Дель Реем, Каттнером, Старджоном, Ханлайном, которые печатались в журнале Кэмпбелла, Саймак считается отцом современной американской научной фантастики, а благодаря этим писателям период с конца 30-х до второй половины 40-х годов по праву называют «золотым веком» фантастики США. Российскому читателю имя Клиффорда Саймака известно с 1957 года, когда на страницах журнала «Знание-сила» был опубликован его рассказ «Однажды на Меркурии». С тех пор на русском языке вышли его романы «Всё живое...», «Почти как люди», «Заповедник гоблинов», «Город», «Кольцо вокруг Солнца» и многие другие. С начала 60-х годов Саймак переключился в основном на написание романов, наиболее значительным из которых является «Пересадочная станция» (1963), также удостоенная премии «Хьюго», однако другие его книги того времени — «Что может быть проще времени» (1961), «Почти как люди» (1962), «Все живое» (1965) не слишком ему уступают. В 1968 году выходит знаменитый роман «Заповедник гоблинов», почти сразу же переведенный на русский язык и ставший чрезвычайно популярным среди советских любителей фантастики. Романы Саймака, опубликованные в 70-80-х годах, заметно уступают ранее опубликованным. Наиболее значительными из них являются «Выбор богов» (1972), «Наследие звёзд» (1977), «Пришельцы» (1980). Рассказ «Грот танцующих оленей» (1980) удостоен премий «Хьюго» и «Небьюла». Отличительная черта творчества Саймака — вера в разум, в доброе начало в человеке и человечестве, призыв к миру и единению всех, кто живёт на планете Земля и с кем ещё, возможно, встретятся земляне. Свыше тридцати романов, сборников повестей и рассказов, многочисленные литературные премии, в том числе и самая престижная в американской фантастике премия «Хьюго», лауреатом которой Саймак становился неоднократно, — таков итог более чем пятидесятилетней творческой деятельности этого патриарха научно-фантастического жанра. В 1976 году Ассоциация американских писателей-фантастов удостоила Клиффорда Саймака титулом «Гранд-мастер».
City / Город 1958, fb2, Ace Books
01 City / Город 02 Huddling Place / Берлога 03 Census / Перепись 04 Desertion / Дезертирство 05 Paradise / Рай 06 Hobbies / Развлечения 07 Aesop / Эзоп 08 The Simple Way / Простой способ
Epilog / Эпилог 1973, fb2 City / Город 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-0-575-10524-9, Gollancz
01 City / Город 02 Huddling Place / Берлога 03 Census / Перепись 04 Desertion / Дезертирство 05 Paradise / Рай 06 Hobbies / Развлечения 07 Aesop / Эзоп 08 The Simple Way / Простой способ 09 Epilog / Эпилог
Mr. Meek - Musketeer / Мистер Мик - мушкетёр 1944, fb2 Mr. Meek Plays Polo / Мистер Мик играет в поло 1944, fb2
Cosmic Engineers / Космические инженеры 1950, fb2/epub Empire / Империя 1951, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62012-631-8, Duke Classics Time and Again (= Time Quarry; First He Died) / Снова и снова 1951, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2416-7, Open Road Integrated Media Ring Around the Sun / Кольцо вокруг Солнца 1953, fb2 Time Is the Simplest Thing (= The Fisherman) / Что может быть проще времени? 1961, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1325-3, Open Road Integrated Media They Walked Like Men / Почти как люди 1962, fb2 Way Station (= Here Gather the Stars) / Пересадочная станция 1963, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1318-5, Open Road Integrated Media All Flesh Is Grass / Вся плоть - трава 1965, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1324-6, Open Road Integrated Media The Werewolf Principle / Принцип оборотня 1967, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1322-2, Open Road Integrated Media Why Call Them Back From Heaven? / Зачем звать их обратно с небес? 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-7968-6, Open Road Integrated Media The Goblin Reservation / Заповедник гоблинов 1968, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2417-4, Open Road Integrated Media Out of Their Minds / Исчадия разума 1970, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1326-0, Open Road Integrated Media Destiny Doll / Игрушка судьбы 1971, fb2; 1972, epub, ISBN: 0-425-02103-3, Berkley Medallion A Choice of Gods / Выбор богов 1972, fb2; 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-2415-0, Open Road Integrated Media Cemetery World / Могильник 1973, fb2/epub Our Children's Children / Дети наших детей 1974, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2409-9, Open Road Integrated Media Enchanted Pilgrimage / Паломничество в волшебство 1975, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1327-7, Open Road Integrated Media Shakespeare's Planet / Планета Шекспира 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1328-4, Open Road Integrated Media A Heritage of Stars / Звёздное наследие 1977, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1323-9, Open Road Integrated Media Mastodonia / Мастодония 1978, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2412-9, Open Road Integrated Media The Fellowship of the Talisman / Братство талисмана 1978, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2413-6, Open Road Integrated Media The Visitors / Пришельцы 1980, fb2 Project Pope / Проект «Ватикан» 1981, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2414-3, Open Road Integrated Media Special Deliverance / Живи, высочайшей милостью ... 1982, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2410-5, Open Road Integrated Media Where the Evil Dwells / В логове нечисти 1982, fb2 Highway of Eternity / Магистраль Вечности 1986, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2411-2, Open Road Integrated Media
Strangers in the Universe / Незнакомцы во Вселенной 1957, fb2
Target Generation / Поколение, достигшее цели Mirage (= Seven Came Back) / Мираж Beachhead (= You'll Never Go Home Again) / Ветер чужого мира The Answers (= ... And the Truth Shall Make You Free) / Истина Retrograde Evolution / Эволюция наоборот The Fence / Изгородь Shadow Show / Театр теней
Aliens for Neighbours 1963, fb2/epub
Dusty Zebra / Пыльная зебра Honorable Opponent / Достойный противник Carbon Copy / Точная копия Idiot's Crusade / Дурак в поход собрался Operation Stinky / Операция «Вонючка» Jackpot / Куш Death Scene / Место смерти Neighbor / Сосед
Worlds Without End / Бесконечные миры 1964, fb2
Worlds Without End / Бесконечные миры The Spaceman's Van Gogh / Ван Гог космоса Full Cycle / Круг замкнулся
So Bright the Vision / Сила воображения 1968, fb2
The Golden Bugs / Золотые жуки Leg. Forst. / Коллекционер So Bright the Vision / Сила воображения Galactic Chest / Галактический фонд призрения
The Marathon Photograph and Other Stories / Фото битвы при Марафоне 1986, fb2
The Birch Clump Cylinder / Цилиндр The Whistling Well / Поющий колодец The Marathon Photograph / Фото битвы при Марафоне The Grotto of the Dancing Deer / Грот танцующих оленей
The Creator and Other Stories 1993, fb2
The Creator / Создатель Shotgun Cure / Убийственная панацея All the Traps of Earth / Все ловушки Земли Death Scene / Место смерти Reunion on Ganymede / Примирение на Ганимеде The Money Tree / Денежное дерево Party Line / Новый вид связи The Answers (= ... And the Truth Shall Make You Free) / Истина The Thing in the Stone / Кто там, в толще скал?
Over the River and Through the Woods 1996, epub, ISBN: 0-9648320-2-X, Tachyon Publications
A Death in the House / Смерть в доме The Big Front Yard / Необъятный двор Good Night, Mr. James / Спокойной ночи, мистер Джеймс Dusty Zebra / Пыльная зебра Neighbour / Сосед Over the River and Through the Woods / Через речку, через лес Construction Shack / Строительная площадка Grotto of the Dancing Deer / Грот танцующих оленей Rule 18 / Правило 18 (Бонус, в другие издания сборника не включался)
The Civilisation Game and Other Stories 1997, fb2
Horrible Example / Дурной пример The Civilisation Game / Игра в цивилизацию Hermit of Mars / Марсианский отшельник Masquerade / Однажды на Меркурии Buckets of Diamonds / Ведро алмазов Hunch / Наитие The Big Front Yard / Необъятный двор
The Best of Clifford D. Simak 2010, epub, ISBN: 2940011807343, Halcyon Press
Empire / Империя Hellhounds of the Cosmos / Нечисть из космоса Project Mastodon / Проект «Мастодонт» The Street that Wasn't There / Улица, которой не было (with Carl Jacobi) The World that Couldn't Be / Мир, которого не может быть
I Am Crying All Inside and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 1 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1265-2, Open Road Integrated Media
Installment Plan / Торговля в рассрочку I Had No Head and My Eyes Were Floating Way Up In the AirSmall Deer / Мелкая дичь Ogre / Страшилища Gleaners / Крохоборы Madness from Mars / Марсианин Gunsmoke InterludeI Am Crying All Inside / Я весь внутри плачу The Call from Beyond / Зов извне All the Traps of Earth / Все ловушки Земли
The Big Front Yard and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 2 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1283-6, Open Road Integrated Media
The Big Front Yard / Необъятный двор The Observer / Наблюдатель Trail City's Hot-Lead CrusadersJunkyard / Свалка Mr. Meek - Musketeer / Мистер Мик — мушкетёр Neighbour / Сосед Shadow World / Мир «теней» So Bright the Vision / Сила воображения
The Ghost of a Model T and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 3 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1284-3, Open Road Integrated Media
Leg. Forst. / Коллекционер Physician to the Universe / Врачеватель вселенной No More Hides and TallowCondition of Employment / Специфика службы City / Город Mirage (= Seven Came Back) / Мираж The Autumn Land / Земля осенняя Founding Father / Отец-основатель Byte Your Tongue! / Прикуси язык! The Street that Wasn't There (= The Lost Street) / Улица, которой не было (with Carl Jacobi) The Ghost of a Model T / Призрак модели «Т»
Grotto of the Dancing Deer and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 4 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2316-0, Open Road Integrated Media
Over the River and Through the Woods / Через речку, через лес The Grotto of the Dancing Deer / Грот танцующих оленей The Reformation of Hangman's GulchThe Civilization Game / Игра в цивилизацию Crying Jag / Поведай мне свои печали Hunger Death / Голодная смерть Mutiny on Mercury / Мятеж на Меркурии Jackpot / Куш Day of Truce / День перемирия Unsilent Spring / Целительный яд (with Richard S. Simak)
No Life of Their Own and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 5 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2317-7, Open Road Integrated Media
No Life of Their Own / Без своей жизни Spaceship in a Flask / Кораблик в бутылке The Loot of Time / Эпоха сокровищ Huddling Place / Берлога To Walk a City's Street / Гуляя по улицам Cactus ColtsMessage From Mars / Послание с Марса Party Line / Новый вид связи A Hero Must Not DieThe Space-Beasts / Космические твари Contraption / Подарок The Whistling Well / Поющий колодец
New Folks' Home and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 6 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2318-4, Open Road Integrated Media
New Folks' Home / Дом обновлённых The Questing of Foster Adams / Испытание Фостера Адамса Hermit of Mars / Марсианский отшельник Worlds Without End / Бесконечные миры Barb Wire Brings Bullets!Second Childhood / Второе детство Beachhead (= You'll Never Go Home Again) / Ветер чужого мира Sunspot Purge / Большая уборка на Солнце Drop Dead / Упасть замертво Worrywart / Беспокойство
A Death in the House and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 7 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-3734-1, Open Road Integrated Media
Operation Stinky / Операция «Вонючка» Green Thumb / Зелёный мальчик с пальчик When It's Hangnoose Time in HellThe Sitters / Воспителлы Tools / Инструменты Target Generation (= Spacebred Generations) / Поколение, достигшее цели War Is PersonalNine Lives / Девять жизней A Death in the House / Смерть в доме The Birch Clump Cylinder / Цилиндр
Good Night, Mr. James and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 8 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-3735-8, Open Road Integrated Media
Good Night, Mr. James / Спокойной ночи, мистер Джеймс Brother / Брат Senior Citizen / Пенсионер The Gunsmoke Drummer Sells A WarKindergarten / Детский сад Reunion on Ganymede / Примирение на Ганимеде Galactic Chest / Галактический фонд призрения Death Scene / Место смерти Census / Перепись Auk House / Дом на берегу
Earth for Inspiration and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 9 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-3736-5, Open Road Integrated Media
Earth for Inspiration / На Землю за вдохновением Idiot's Crusade / Дурак в поход собрался Hellhounds of the Cosmos / Нечисть из космоса Honorable Opponent / Достойный противник Green Flight, Out!Carbon Copy / Точная копия The Asteroid of Gold / Золотой астероид Good Nesters are Dead Nesters!Desertion / Дезертирство The Golden Bugs / Золотые жуки Full Cycle / Круг замкнулся
The Shipshape Miracle and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 10 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-4519-3, Open Road Integrated Media
Introduction: Little Things: The Way Clifford D. Simak Wrote by David W. Wixon The Money Tree / Денежное дерево Shotgun Cure / Убийственная панацея Paradise / Рай The Gravestone Rebels Ride by Night!How-2 / «Сделай сам» The Shipshape Miracle / Чудесное избавление Rim of the Deep / На краю бездны Eternity Lost / Утраченная вечность Immigrant / Кимон
Dusty Zebra and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 11 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-4520-9, Open Road Integrated Media
Introduction: Clifford D. Simak: Opinions of a Reticent Author by David W. Wixon Dusty Zebra / Пыльная зебра Hobbies / Развлечения Guns on GuadalcanalCourtesy / Учтивость The Voice in the Void / Голос в пустоте Retrograde Evolution / Эволюция наоборот Way for the Hangtown Rebel!Final Gentleman / Последний джентльмен Project Mastodon / Проект «Мастодонт»
The Thing in the Stone and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 12 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-4521-6, Open Road Integrated Media
Introduction: Clifford D. Simak: Seeker After the Truth by David W. Wixon The Thing in the Stone / Кто там, в толще скал? The World of the Red Sun / Мир красного солнца Skirmish / Разведка Aesop / Эзоп The Hangnoose Army Rides to Town!Univac: 2200 / Унивак-2200 The Creator / Создатель The Spaceman's Van Gogh / Ван Гог космоса Hunch / Наитие Construction Shack / Строительная площадка
Buckets of Diamonds and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 13 2023, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-8309-6, Open Road Integrated Media
Horrible Example / Дурной пример Lobby[/b] / Лобби The Trouble with Ants (= The Simple Way) / Простой способ Buckets of Diamonds / Ведро алмазов The Fighting Doc of Bushwhack Basin... And the Truth Shall Make You Free (= The Answers) / Истина Clerical Error / Ошибка Shadow of Life / Тень жизни Infiltration / Проникновение The Marathon Photograph / Фото битвы при Марафоне
Epilog and Other Stories: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak vol. 14 2023, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-8310-2, Open Road Integrated Media
Lulu / Прелесть Smoke KillerShadow Show / Театр теней Epilog / Эпилог A Bomb for No. 10 DowningLimiting Factor / Фактор ограничения Masquerade / Однажды на Меркурии The Fence / Изгородь Rule 18 / Правило 18 Mr. Meek Plays Polo / Мистер Мик играет в поло The World That Couldn't Be / Мир, которого не может быть
The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume One 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-4900-9, Open Road Integrated Media
Grotto of the Dancing Deer and Other Stories (сборник) Heritage of Stars / Звёздное наследие City / Город
The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Two 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-4901-6, Open Road Integrated Media
Good Night, Mr. James and Other Stories (сборник) Time and Again / Снова и снова Way Station / Пересадочная станция
The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Three 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-5759-2, Open Road Integrated Media
I Am Crying All Inside and Other Stories (сборник) Highway of Eternity / Магистраль Вечности Project Pope / Проект «Ватикан»
The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Four 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-5766-0, Open Road Integrated Media
The Big Front Yard and Other Stories (сборник) Time Is the Simplest Thing (= The Fisherman) / Что может быть проще времени? The Goblin Reservation / Заповедник гоблинов
The Complete Serials 2018, epub, Jerry eBooks
Журнальные публикации романов COSMIC ENGINEERS / Космические инженеры TIME QUARRY / Снова и снова RING AROUND THE SUN / Кольцо вокруг Солнца THE FISHERMAN / Что может быть проще времени? HERE GATHER THE STARS / Пересадочная станция GOBLIN RESERVATION / Заповедник гоблинов CEMETERY WORLD / Могильник OUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN / Дети наших детей THE VISITORS / Пришельцы
The Complete and Original Short Fiction 2020, epub, Jerry eBooks
The World of the Red Sun / Мир красного солнца
Mutiny on Mercury / Мятеж на Меркурии The Voice in the Void / Голос в пустоте Hellhounds of the Cosmos / Нечисть из космоса The Asteroid of Gold / Золотой астероид
The Creator / Создатель
Rule 18 / Правило 18 Hunger Death / Голодная смерть Reunion on Ganymede / Примирение на Ганимеде The Loot of Time / Эпоха сокровищ
Cosmic Engineers / Космические инженеры (Beginning a three-part serial) Cosmic Engineersх (Part Two) Cosmic Engineers (Conclusion) Madness from Mars / Марсианин Hermit of Mars / Марсианский отшельник
The Space-Beasts / Космические твари Rim of the Deep / На краю бездны Clerical Error / Ошибка Sunspot Purge / Большая уборка на Солнце
Masquerade / Однажды на Меркурии Earth for Inspiration / На Землю за вдохновением Spaceship in a Flask / Кораблик в бутылке The Street That Wasn't There / Улица, которой не было
Tools / Инструменты
Shadow of Life / Тень жизни A Hero Must Not DieHunch / Наитие Infiltration / Проникновение Green Flight, Out!Guns on GuadalcanalMessage from Mars / Послание с Марса
Ogre / Страшилища Lobby / Лобби City / Город Smoke KillerMr. Meek – Musketeer / Мистер Мик - мушкетёр Cactus ColtsHuddling Place / Берлога Census / Перепись Mr. Meek Plays Polo / Мистер Мик играет в поло Trail City's Hot-Lead CrusadersThe Gravestone Rebels Ride by Night!Desertion / Дезертирство The Reformation of Hangman's Gulch
War Is PersonalWay for the Hangtown Rebel!Good Nesters Are Dead Nesters!The Hangnoose Army Rides to Town!Barb Wire Brings Bullets!
The Gunsmoke Drummer Sells a WarNo More Hides and TallowWhen It's Hangnoose Time in HellParadise / Рай Hobbies / Развлечения
Aesop / Эзоп
Eternity Lost / Утраченная вечность Limiting Factor / Фактор ограничения
The Call from Beyond / Зов извне Seven Came Back (= Mirage) / Мираж Time Quarry (= Time and Again; First He Died) / Снова и снова (Part 1 of a 3 part serial) Time Quarry (Part 2 of a 3 part serial) Bathe Your Bearings in Blood! (= Skirmish) / Разведка Time Quarry (Conclusion)
The Trouble with Ants (= The Simple Way) / Простой способ Second Childhood / Второе детство Good Night, Mr. James / Спокойной ночи, мистер Джеймс “You'll Never Go Home Again!” (= Beachhead) / Ветер чужого мира Courtesy / Учтивость
The Fence / Изгородь Gunsmoke Interlude / Интерлюдия в пороховом дыму Time Quarry (= Time and Again; First He Died) / Снова и снова (Installment 1)
Time Quarry (Installment 2) Time Quarry (Conclusion) ... And the Truth Shall Make You Free (= The Answers) / Истина Retrograde Evolution / Эволюция наоборот Junkyard / Свалка Kindergarten / Детский сад The Questing of Foster Adams / Испытание Фостера Адамса Spacebred Generations (= Target Generation) / Поколение, достигшее цели Worrywart / Беспокойство Shadow Show / Театр теней Contraption / Подарок
Immigrant / Кимон Neighbor / Сосед Green Thumb / Зелёный мальчик с пальчик Dusty Zebra / Пыльная зебра Idiot's Crusade / Дурак в поход собрался How-2 / «Сделай сам»
Project Mastodon / Проект «Мастодонт» Full Cycle / Круг замкнулся
The Spaceman's Van Gogh / Ван Гог космоса Drop Dead / Упасть замертво Honorable Opponent / Достойный противник So Bright the Vision / Сила воображения Galactic Chest / Галактический фонд призрения Jackpot / Куш Worlds Without End / Бесконечные миры
Operation Stinky / Операция «Вонючка» Founding Father / Отец-основатель Lulu / Прелесть Shadow World / Мир «теней» Death Scene / Место смерти Carbon Copy / Точная копия Nine Lives / Девять жизней
The World that Couldn't Be / Мир, которого не может быть Leg. Forst. / Коллекционер The Sitters / Воспителлы The Money Tree / Денежное дерево The Big Front Yard / Необъятный двор The Civilization Game / Игра в цивилизацию
Installment Plan / Торговля в рассрочку No Life of Their Own / Без своей жизни A Death in the House / Смерть в доме
Final Gentleman / Последний джентльмен Crying Jag / Поведай мне свои печали All the Traps of Earth / Все ловушки Земли Gleaners / Крохоборы Condition of Employment / Специфика службы The Golden Bugs / Золотые жуки The Trouble with Tycho / Зловещий кратер Тихо
Shotgun Cure / Убийственная панацея Horrible Example / Дурной пример The Fisherman (= Time Is the Simplest Thing) / Что может быть проще времени?(First of Four Parts) The Fisherman (Part Two of Four Parts) The Fisherman (Third of Four Parts) The Fisherman (Conclusion)
The Shipshape Miracle / Чудесное избавление Day of Truce / День перемирия Physician to the Universe / Врачеватель вселенной The Fisherman (First of Two Parts) The Fisherman (Conclusion) New Folks' Home / Дом обновлённых
Over the River and Through the Woods / Через речку, через лес Small Deer / Мелкая дичь
Buckets of Diamonds / Ведро алмазов I Am Crying All Inside / Я весь внутри плачу
The Thing in the Stone / Кто там, в толще скал?
Reality Doll (= Destiny Doll) / Игрушка судьбы The Autumn Land / Земля осенняя
To Walk a City's Street / Гуляя по улицам The Observer / Наблюдатель Cemetery World / Могильник (Part One of Three Parts) Cemetery World (Part Two of Three Parts)
Univac: 2200 / Унивак-2200 Cemetery World (Conclusion) Construction Shack / Строительная площадка Our Children's Children / Дети наших детей (Part One) Our Children's Children (Conclusion) Epilogue / Эпилог
Marathon Photograph / Фото битвы при Марафоне The Birch Clump Cylinder / Цилиндр
Senior Citizen / Пенсионер The Ghost of a Model T / Призрак модели «Т»
Unsilent Spring / Целительный яд
Auk House / Дом на берегу Brother / Брат
Party Line / Новый вид связи
The Visitors / Пришельцы (Part One of Three Parts) The Visitors (Part Two of Three Parts) The Visitors (Part Three of Three Parts)
Grotto of the Dancing Deer / Грот танцующих оленей The Whistling Well / Поющий колодец
Byte Your Tongue! / Прикуси язык!
I Had No Head and My Eyes Were Floating Way Up in the Air / Лишь одно человеческое
The World of the Red Sun / Мир красного солнца 1931, fb2 Shadow Of Life / Тень жизни 1943, fb2 Eternity Lost / Утраченная вечность 1949, fb2 Limiting Factor / Фактор ограничения 1949, fb2 Skirmish / Разведка 1950, fb2 Immigrant / Кимон 1954, fb2 How-2 / «Сделай сам» 1954, fb2 Final Gentleman / Последний джентльмен 1960, fb2 The Trouble with Tycho / Зловещий кратер Тихо 1983, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-441-82443-4, Ace The Shipshape Miracle / Чудесное избавление 2010, fb2 Univac: 2200 / Унивак-2200 1973, fb2
Chapter 1
Inspector Drayton sat, solidly planted behind the desk, and waited. He was a raw-boned man with a face that looked as if it might have been hacked, by a dull hatchet, out of a block of gnarled wood. His eyes were points of flint and at times they seemed to glitter, and he was angry and upset. But such a man, Peter Maxwell knew, would never give way to any kind of anger. There was, behind that anger, a bulldog quality that would go plodding on, undisturbed by anger. And this was just the situation, Maxwell told himself, that he had hoped would not come about. Although, as now was evident, it had been too much to hope. He had known, of course, that his failure to arrive at his proper destination, some six weeks before; would have created some consternation back here on the Earth; the thought that he might be able to slip home unobserved had not been realistic. And now here he was, facing this man across the desk and he'd have to take it easy. He said to the man behind the desk: "I don't believe I entirely understand why my return to Earth should be a matter for Security. My name is Peter Maxwell and I'm a member of the faculty of the College of Supernatural Phenomena on Wisconsin Campus. You have seen my papers..." "I am quite satisfied," said Drayton, "as to who you are. Puzzled, perhaps, but entirely satisfied. It's something else that bothers me. Would you mind, Professor Maxwell, telling me exactly where you've been?" "There's not very much that I can tell you," Peter Maxwell said. "I was on a planet, but I don't know its name or its coordinates. It may be closer than a light-year or out beyond the Rim." "In any event," said Drayton, "you did not arrive at the destination you indicated on your travel ticket." "I did not," said Maxwell. "Can you explain what happened?" "I can only guess. I had thought that perhaps my wave pattern was diverted, perhaps intercepted and diverted. At first I thought there had been transmitter error, but that seems impossible. The transmitters have been in use for hundreds of years. All the hugs should have been ironed out of them by now." "You mean that you were kidnapped?" "If you want to put it that way." "And still will tell me nothing?" "I have explained there's not much to tell." "Could this planet have anything to do with the Wheelers?" . . .
Gordon Knight was anxious for the five-hour day to end so he could rush home. For this was the day he should receive the How-2 Kit he’d ordered and he was anxious to get to work on it. It wasn’t only that he had always wanted a dog, although that was more than half of it, but, with this kit, he would be trying something new. He’d never handled any How-2 Kit with biologic components and he was considerably excited. Although, of course, the dog would be biologic only to a limited degree and most of it would be packaged, anyhow, and all he’d have to do would be assemble it. But it was something new and he wanted to get started. He was thinking of the dog so hard that he was mildly irritated when Randall Stewart, returning from one of his numerous trips to the water fountain, stopped at his desk to give him a progress report on home dentistry. “It’s easy,” Stewart told him. “Nothing to it if you follow the instructions. Here, look, I did this one last night.” He then squatted down beside Knight’s desk and opened his mouth, proudly pulling it out of shape with his fingers so Knight could see. “Thish un ere,” said Stewart, blindly attempting to point, with a wildly waggling finger, at the tooth in question. He let his face snap back together. “Filled it myself,” he announced complacently. “Rigged up a series of mirrors to see what I was doing. They came right in the kit, so all I had to do was follow the instructions.” He reached a finger deep inside his mouth and probed tenderly at his handiwork. “A little awkward, working on yourself. On someone else, of course, there’d be nothing to it.” He waited hopefully. “Must be interesting,” said Knight. “Economical, too. No use paying the dentists the prices they ask. Figure I’ll practice on myself and then take on the family. Some of my friends, even, if they want me to.” He regarded Knight intently. Knight failed to rise to the dangling bait. Stewart gave up. “I’m going to try cleaning next. You got to dig down beneath the gums and break loose the tartar. There’s a kind of hook you do it with. No reason a man shouldn’t take care of his own teeth instead of paying dentists.” “It doesn’t sound too hard,” Knight admitted. “It’s a cinch,” said Stewart. “But you got to follow the instructions. There’s nothing you can’t do if you follow the instructions.” And that was true, Knight thought. You could do anything if you followed the instructions, if you didn’t rush ahead, but sat down and took your time and studied it all out. Hadn’t he built his house in his spare time, and all the furniture for it, and the gadgets, too? Just in his spare time, although God knew, he thought, a man had little enough of that, working fifteen hours a week. It was a lucky thing he’d been able to build the house after buying all that land. But everyone had been buying what they called estates, and Grace had set her heart on it, and there’d been nothing he could do. If he’d had to pay carpenters and masons and plumbers, he would never have been able to afford the house. But by building it himself, he had paid for it as he went along. It had taken ten years, of course, but think of all the fun he’d had! He sat there and thought of all the fun he’d had, and of all the pride. No, sir, he told himself, no one in his circumstances had a better house. Although, come to think of it, what he’d done had not been too unusual. Most of the men he knew had built their homes, too, or had built additions to them, or had remodeled them. He had often thought that he would like to start over again and build another house, just for the fun of it. But that would be foolish, for he already had a house and there would be no sale for another one, even if he built it. Who would want to buy a house when it was so much fun to build one? And there was still a lot of work to do on the house he had. New rooms to add, not necessary, of course, but handy. And the roof to fix. And a summer house to build. And there were always the grounds. At one time he had thought he would landscape, a man could do a lot to beautify a place with a few years of spare-time work. But there had been so many other things to do, he had never managed to get around to it. Knight and Anson Lee, his neighbor, had often talked about what could be done to their adjoining acreages if they ever had the time. But Lee, of course, would never get around to anything. He was a lawyer, although he never seemed to work at it too hard. He had a large study filled with stacks of law books and there were times when he would talk quite expansively about his law library, but he never seemed to use the books. Usually he talked that way when he had half a load on, which was fairly often, since he claimed to do a lot of thinking and it was his firm belief that a bottle helped him think. After Stewart finally went back to his desk, there still remained more than an hour before the working day officially ended. Knight sneaked the current issue of a How-2 magazine out of his briefcase and began to leaf through it, keeping a wary eye out so he could hide it quickly if anyone should notice he was loafing. He had read the articles earlier, so now he looked at the ads. It was a pity, he thought, a man didn’t have the time to do all there was to do. For example: Fit your own glasses (testing material and lens-grinding equipment included in the kit). Take out your own tonsils (complete directions and all necessary instruments). Fit up an unused room as your private hospital (no sense in leaving home when you’re ill, just at the time when you most need its comfort and security). Grow your own medicines and drugs (starts of 50 different herbs and medicinal plants, with detailed instructions for their cultivation and processing). Grow your wife’s fur coat (a pair of mink, one ton of horse meat, furrier tools). Tailor your own suits and coats (50 yards of wool yard-goods and lining material). Build your own TV set. Bind your own books. Build your own power plant (let the wind work for you). Build your own robot (a jack of all trades, intelligent, obedient, no time off, no overtime, on the job 24 hours a day, never tired, no need for rest or sleep, do any work you wish). . . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 01.12.2023
Замены: Simak, Clifford D. - Empire - 1951.epub на Simak, Clifford D. - Empire - 2012.epub
Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.10. The Shipshape Miracle and Other Stories - 2017.epub Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.11. Dusty Zebra and Other Stories - 2017.epub Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.12. The Thing in the Stone and Other Stories - 2017.epub
Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - The Complete and Original Short Fiction - 2020.epub (Jerry eBooks)
Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - A Choice of Gods - 2015.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume One - 2017.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Two - 2017.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Complete Serials - 2018.epub (журнальные публикации романов, Jerry eBooks)
Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.13. Buckets of Diamonds and Other Stories - 2023.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Three - 2018.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Four - 2018.epub
Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.14. Epilog and Other Stories - 2023.epub
Замена: Simak, Clifford D. - Why Call Them Back From Heaven - 1967.fb2 на Simak, Clifford D. - Why Call Them Back From Heaven - 2022.epub
На рутрекере есть релиз Саймака (не мой, хотя файлы я релизеру пересылал), но он не обновлялся, а за 15й-16й годы вышло много электронных изданий (от Open Road Integrated Media), включая первые 9 томов The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak. Кроме того, я убрал все txt, rtf, html и т.д. и сделал из них fb2 (там, где fb2 не было). По дороге исправил несколько сотен ошибок распознавания (не факт, что все). Если Open Road Integrated Media действительно выпустит полное собрание коротких произведений (и оставшиеся тома до меня доберутся) - у нас получится полное собрание художественных произведений
UPD Релиз обновлен 19.05.2017
UPD Релиз обновлен 11.08.2017 Добавлены вышедшие в этом году еще три тома полного собрания коротких произведений
UPD Релиз обновлен 14.11.2020 Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - The Complete and Original Short Fiction - 2020.epub (Jerry eBooks)
UPD Релиз обновлен 18.12.2021 Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - A Choice of Gods - 2015.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume One - 2017.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Two - 2017.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Complete Serials - 2018.epub (журнальные публикации романов, Jerry eBooks)
Интересно, почему Open Road Integrated Media не выпустило последние два тома The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak из запланированных 14?
El Volumen 13 acaba de ser publicado y el 14 lo será en agosto (Aparentemenete)
Cordiales saludos
Y mil gracias al posteador!!!
Действительно, уже вышли том 13. Buckets of Diamonds and Other Stories и том 14. Epilog and Other Stories Мы ждём их и здесь
UPD Релиз обновлен 24.10.2023 Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.13. Buckets of Diamonds and Other Stories - 2023.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Three - 2018.epub Simak, Clifford D. - The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Four - 2018.epub
14-й том пока не найден, надеюсь, что скоро появится где-нибудь ...
Очень благодарен за обновление. Надеюсь, вы сможете получить Том 14.
1000 Gracias!!!!!
UPD Релиз обновлен 08.11.2023 Добавлено: Simak, Clifford D. - Complete Short Fiction v.14. Epilog and Other Stories - 2023.epub
OldOldNick, большое спасибо!
Файл Why Call Them Back From Heaven? не полный. Конец десятой главы и начало одиннадцатой главы отсутствуют.
Я вижу, что Open Road Media переиздали этот роман в 2022 году. А может где-нибудь в сети можно найти электронную версию этого издания?
UPD Релиз обновлен 01.12.2023 Замена: Simak, Clifford D. - Why Call Them Back From Heaven - 1967.fb2 на Simak, Clifford D. - Why Call Them Back From Heaven - 2022.epub