
Green, Jonathan (ed.) - Shakespeare vs. Cthulhu / Грин, Джонатан (ред.) - Шекспир против Ктулху [2016, EPUB, ENG]

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picJonathan Green (ed.) - Shakespeare vs. Cthulhu

Название: Shakespeare vs. Cthulhu / Шекспир против Ктулху
Год выпуска: 2016
Под редакцией: Green, Jonathan / Грин, Джонатан
Издательство: Snowbooks
ISBN: 978-1-911390-21-3
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Произведения по мотивам Шекспира и Лавкрафта
That Way Madness Lies - An Introdution Jonathan Green
  • Star-Crossed Jonathan Oliver
Act One
  • A Madness Most Discreet Michael Carroll
  • Something Rotten Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • Once More Unto the Breach C L Werner
  • A Tiger’s Heart, A Player’s Hide Josh Reynolds
  • What Dreams May Come Nimue Brown
Act Two
  • The ‘Ia’s of March Andrew Lane
  • The Undiscovered Country Ian Edginton
  • The Suns of York Adrian Chamberlin
  • A Reckoning Guy Haley
  • The Green-Ey’d Monster Danie Ware
Act Three
  • Exit, pursued by…? James Lovegrove
  • The King in Yellow Stockings Ed Fortune
  • The Terrors of the Earth Pat Kelleher
  • Exeunt John Reppion
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes Graham McNeill
  • #tempest @Siegel_Jan
Образец текста:
Something Rotten
Adrian Tchaikovsky

This is not what I told Fortinbras, Prince of Norway, when he arrived with his little band of followers; the desperate adventurer who had heard the Danish royal family was failing and had come to stake his claim.
Well, he has it all now: Norway, Denmark, all of it. And perhaps he sleeps easy, believing what I told him. But he never entered Elsinore. He never saw what I saw, what nobody should have to see. It’s better that way. Let him sleep easy right up until the restless history of that castle returns from that undiscovered country.
You’ve heard the story, of course, the one I told to Fortinbras. I made it lurid and bloody enough that nobody would think to go behind it and find the far more lurid and bloody truth.
But let me introduce myself: I am Horatio. I had the privilege of being the Prince of Denmark’s only confidant. And even now I cannot tell you what was true, what he did not confide in me, whether or not he was mad. I would far rather Hamlet had been mad.
And yet I fear – and it keeps me awake at nights – that there was method in it.
I knew Hamlet at Wittenberg. We were students together. He had an insatiable thirst for learning; he said that, back where he came from, they did not care for the new sciences. He was a child of his mother, though, and she had sent him away from Elsinore at a young age to be educated. He very seldom returned home. Often, when he threatened it, she came to see him instead. His father he described as “distant, almost faceless.” But then, Old Hamlet was the King. Small wonder he had no time to be a loving parent as well.
. . .
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В последние дни шо-то тут не то... Ктулху идёт? ag


Вслед за собранием сочинений Лавкрафта просто напрашивалось выложить антологии соответствующей тематики Smile
Их у меня много, но все разом выкладывать не буду :-)
Еще одну положу, и, пока - хватит ...
Иногда нужно отвлекаться от Ктулху на гигантских человекоподобных боевых родотов ag
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