The Cthulhu Navy Wife Sandra McDonald Security Sometimes the nature of your husband’s work means you will not know exactly where he is going, or for how long, or what he will be doing in service to the Old Ones. He may not be able to answer questions you pose or discuss other details of his deployment. You might roll over in bed one gray, dreary morning to find him already gone. Perhaps he will return shortly, or several months from now, or not at all. But the little ones need breakfast or changed diapers, so get up with good cheer and face the day. A Navy wife never shirks from duty.
Many times your husband’s job will be “classified” and the details available only to those who “need to know.” As a Navy wife, you do not “need to know” anything beyond what it takes to keep your husband satisfied and your household run efficiently here in the city of R’lyeh under the waves. Put aside your worries and focus your energy on activities such as church, scouting, and baking contests. You and your family will be happier if you keep busy and useful.
Do remember, however, that effective security is the best way to protect our way of life and keep the Earth secure. This protection can only be as strong as the citizens who use common sense in their actions and speech.
Therefore, never press your husband for details about his job. Do not gossip with the other wives about ship schedules or activities, even when taking tea with the captain’s wife. Do practice the good habit of saying “I don’t know” if asked unnecessary questions by strangers. Do not be curious.
An important part of being a military wife is understanding that there are some things you can not know. Your life depends on it.
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