
Ashley, Mike - The Mammoth Book of New Comic Fantasy / Эшли, Майк - Юмористическое фэнтези [2013, EPUB, ENG]

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picНазвание: The Mammoth Book of New Comic Fantasy / Юмористическое фэнтези
Год выпуска: 2013
Под редакцией: Ashley, Mike / Эшли, Майк
Издательство: Robinson
ISBN: 978-1-47211-213-2
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Эта книга - четвертая антология юмористической фэнтези, составленная Майком Эшли и изданная в серии "The Mammoth Book of ...". В русском переводе она вышла просто как "Юмористическая фэнтези".
Инопланетянин-банан, расследующий преступление, плюшевые пираты, компьютеризированные ботинки, высокоэнергетические брюки, угрожающие Вселенной, исполняющий любые желания пульт от телевизора, говорящая голова лося... Читателю остается только гадать, что это — фантазия автора или безумный мир за окном!
Introduction: The Wonders to Behold / Видеть чудеса essay by Mike Ashley
Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire / Недозволенные невесты безликих невольников в безымянном доме ночью ужасного хотения by Neil Gaiman
The Blue Magnolia / Голубая магнолия by Tony Ballantyne
Colquitt's High-Energy Trousers / Высокоэнергетические штаны Колкита by Steven Pirie
A Drama of Dragons / Встреча с драконом by Craig Shaw Gardner
Pest Control / Уничтожение вредителей by Adam Roberts
Wrong Planet / Не та планета by Tom Holt
Return of the Warrior / Возвращение воина by Laird Long
Christmas Games / Рождественские забавы by David Langford
Stephen Skarridge's Christmas / Рождество Стивена Скэрриджа by Frank R. Stockton
Sing a Song of Sixpence / Песня за полпенса by Robert Loy
The Kaluza-Klein Caper / Прыжок сквозь вселенную by Damien Broderick
Shoes / Ботинки by Robert Sheckley
The Day We Played Mars / День нашей победы над Марсом by Maurice Richardson
Fowl Play / Птичья драма by Steve Redwood
The Deaths of Robin Hood / Смерти Робина Гуда by Rhys Hughes
Bad Timing / Промашка by Molly Brown
Sweet, Savage Sorcerer / Мой ласковый и грубый чародей by Esther M. Friesner
The Power and the Gory / Власть и порок by James Bibby
The Strange Affair of Mr. Corpusty / Чудесное приключение мистера Корпусти by Anthony Armstrong
The Great Wish Syndicate / Большой синдикат желаний by John Kendrick Bangs
Fractal Paisleys / Галстук в цветочек by Paul Di Filippo
Almost Heaven / Почти на небесах by Tom Gerencer
A Rude Awakening / Глубокое разочарование by Gail-Nina Anderson
Spoiled Rotten / Избалован до невозможности by Grey Rollins
The Birth of A.I. / Рождение ИИ by Cynthia Ward
Stakes and Adders / Уж-ж-жасное колдовство и немного любви by Marilyn Todd
The Sea Serpent Syndicate / Синдикат морского змея by Everard Jack Appleton
Yo Ho Hoka! / Йо-хо-хока! by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
The Mirrors of Moggropple / Зеркала Моггроппле by John Morressy
I Married a Robot / Замужем за роботом by Ron Goulart
Mrs. Wilson and the Black Arts of Mrs. Beelzebub from Number Six / Миссис Уилсон и черная магия миссис Вельзевул из дома номер шесть by Steven Pirie
Sooner or Later or Never Never / Рано или поздно или никогда-никогда by Gary Jennings
Образец текста:
Neil Gaiman


Somewhere in the night, someone was writing.


Her feet scrunched the gravel as she ran, wildly, up the tree-lined drive, Her heart was pounding in her chest, her lungs felt as if they were bursting, heaving breath after breath of the cold night air. Her eyes fixed on the house ahead, the single light in the topmost room drawing her toward it like a moth to a candle flame. Above her, and away in the deep forest behind the house, night-things whooped and skrarked. From the road behind her, she heard something scream, briefly – a small animal, that had been the victim of some beast of prey, she hoped, but could not be certain.
She ran as if the legions of hell were close on her heels, and spared not even a glance behind her until she reached the porch of the old mansion. In the moon’s pale light the white pillars seemed skeletal, like the bones of great beast. She clung to the wooden doorframe, gulping air, staring back down the long driveway, as if she were waiting for something, and then she rapped on the door – timorously at first, and then harder. The rapping echoed through the house. She imagined, from the echo that came back to her that, far away, someone was knocking on another door. muffled and dead.
“Please!” she called. “If there’s someone here – anyone – please let me in. I beseech you. I implore you.” Her voice sounded strange to her ears.
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