Год выпуска: 2005 Автор: Penelope Mason Наличие иллюстраций: Цв. и ч/б иллюстрации Жанр: История искусства Язык: Английский Издательство: Pearson; 2nd edition ISBN: 978-0131176010 Формат: DjVu Качество: Сканированные страницы Количество страниц: 216 (432) Описание: Published jointly by Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc., this second edition of the comprehensive history of Japanese art from 10,500 B.C.E. now extends beyond 1945, tying together more closely the development of all the media within a well-articulated historical and social context. Features a comprehensive survey of Japanese art and culture, now with 67 new color and 52 new black and white illustrations including other art forms such as calligraphy, lacquer, metalwares, ceramics, and textiles. For art enthusiasts interested in far eastern art.