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Aldiss, Brian / Олдисс, Брайан - Собрание сочинений (330 произведений
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Brian Aldiss / Брайан Олдисс - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1955-2021 г. Автор: Aldiss, Brian / Олдисс, Брайан Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub/pdf Качество: OCR/eBook Описание: Брайан Олдисс (Brian Aldiss) Родился 18 августа 1925 года в Ист-Дареме (графство Норфолк, Англия). Английский писатель. Его многочисленные сочинения включают критические исследования, эссеистику, рассказы, а также получившие высокую оценку романы мейнстрима, но главные свои силы он сосредоточил на научной фантастике. В отличие от многих своих коллег, Олдисс подходит к научной фантастике с гуманитарных позиций, сосредоточивая внимание на характерах и темах более, чем на технических достижениях, проявляя редкую в этой области писательскую самостоятельность и предпочитая затасканным рецептам рискованные творческие эксперименты. Удостоен многих почетных премий и считается мастером научной фантастики мирового уровня. К концу 1950-х годов, подобно яркому метеору рассыпая словесные блестки, Олдисс ворвался в мир научной фантастики. Свидетельством этого стали сборник рассказов «Space, Time and Nathaniel» (1957) первый его научно-фантастический роман «Без остановки» («Non-Stop», 1958), вышедший в США под названием «Звездный корабль» («Starship»), и последовавшие за ним сборники рассказов «The Canopy of Time» (1959) и «No Time Like Tomorrow» (1959). В 1962 Олдисс публикует роман «Теплица» («Hothouse»), получивший в США название «Долгие сумерки Земли» («The Long Afternoon of Earth»). Атмосфера мрачной красоты и тревожной поэтичности мира, которому так и не удалось покорить Вселенную, напоминает первый роман писателя. За эту книгу Олдисс был удостоен в 1962 премии Hugo, она остается классическим вариантом возможного далекого будущего нашей планеты. Во второй половине 1960-х годов Олдисс становится одним из лидеров английской «новой волны» — связанного с журналом «New Worlds» литературного течения, ставившего целью литературный эксперимент в рамках жанра научной фантастики. Провоцируя споры и дискуссии, Олдисс печатает все более новаторскую прозу — повесть «Слюнное дерево» («The Saliva Tree», 1966), получивший премию Nebula, и роман «Отчет о вероятности А» («Report on Probability A», 1968), где приемы французского «антиромана» введены в сюрреалистически-загадочное повествование. За ними последовала книга «Босиком в голове» («Barefoot in the Head: A European Fantasia», 1969), рисующая последствия войны в Европе, где оружием стали психоделические наркотики. Это повествование, стилистику которого определяет игра слов, заставляющая вспомнить «Поминки по Финнегану» Джеймса Джойса, признано экстравагантным шедевром автора. По мнению критиков, занимающихся научной фантастикой, к числу лучших романов 1970-х годов принадлежит «Малайсийский гобелен» («The Malacia Tapestry», 1976) Олдисса – это, окрашенное лиризмом фэнтези с научной подоплекой считается некоторыми читателями (и мной, в том числе - OldOldNick) и критиками лучшим произведением Олдисса. В 1980 Олдисс напечатал «Moreau's Other Island», являющийся переделкой «Острова доктора Моро» Герберта Уэллса. Но самым значительным его произведением в жанре НФ стала получившая множество откликов трилогия о Гелликонии. Действие входящих в нее романов «Весна Гелликонии» («Helliconia Spring», 1982), «Лето Гелликонии» («Helliconia Summer», 1983) и «Зима Гелликонии» («Helliconia Winter», 1985) происходит на планете, расположенной в двойной звездной системе. Год Гелликонии равен 2592 земным, а времена года длятся веками в земном исчислении. Экстремальные климатические условия определяют взлет и падение цивилизаций, биологию и взаимоотношения обитателей планеты, в числе которых человеческие существа и фагоры — представители негуманоидной расы. Это самая масштабная попытка автора убедить всех, что научная фантастика — серьезная литература. Переводы на русский есть здесь: https://booktracker.org/viewtopic.php?t=42376 01 Three Enigmas 1973, fb2 The Enigma of Her Voyage I Ching, Who You? The Great Chain of Being What? [b]The Eternal Theme of Exile All Those Enduring Old Charms Nobody Spoke Or Waved Goodbye [b]Carefully Observed Women The Daffodil Returns the Smile The Year of the Quiet Computer Futurity Takes a Hand Through a Galaxy Backwards Where Walls Are Hung with Multi-Media Portraits Waiting for the Universe to Begin But Without Orifices Aimez-Vous Holman Hunt? 01 Helliconia Spring / Весна Гелликонии 1982, fb2, ISBN: 0-224-01843-4, Jonathan Cape 02 Helliconia Summer / Лето Гелликонии 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-224-01848-5, Jonathan Cape 03 Helliconia Winter / Зима Гелликонии 1985, fb2, ISBN: 0-224-01847-7, Jonathan Cape Helliconia / Гелликония 2010, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-575-08615-9; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-575-08616-6 01 Helliconia Spring / Весна Гелликонии 02 Helliconia Summer / Лето Гелликонии 03 Helliconia Winter / Зима Гелликонии (не фантастика) 02 A Soldier Erect 1971, fb2 03 A Rude Awakening 1978, fb2, ISBN: 0-297-77448-4, Weidenfeld & Nicolson The Horatio Stubbs Trilogy 2012, epub, ISBN: 9780007490493, HarperCollins 01 The Hand-Reared Boy 02 A Soldier Erect 03 A Rude Awakening 01 Super-Toys Last All Summer Long / Суперигрушек хватает на всё лето (= Замечательные игрушки на всё прошлое лето; Лето не кончится, игрушки не сломаются; Игрушки) 1969, fb2 02 Supertoys When Winter Comes / Суперигрушки с приходом зимы 2001, fb2 03 Supertoys in Other Seasons / Суперигрушки в другие времена года 2001, fb2 Supertoys Trilogy 2014, epub, ISBN: 9780007580477, HarperCollins 01 Super-Toys Last All Summer Long / Суперигрушек хватает на всё лето 02 Supertoys When Winter Comes / Суперигрушки с приходом зимы 03 Supertoys in Other Seasons / Суперигрушки в другие времена года 01 Life in the West 2012, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-1617567742, E-Reads 02 Forgotten Life 1988, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-0-00-746115-8, HarperCollins 03 Remembrance Day 1993, fb2 (!есть ошибки); 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-0-00-746117-2, HarperCollins 04 Somewhere East of Life 1994, fb2; 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4976-0847-4, Open Road Integrated Media Super-State / Сверхдержава 2002, fb2, ISBN: 1-84149-144-6, Orbit; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1030-6, Open Road Integrated Media Headless / Без головы 1994, fb2 The Old Mythology / Старый миф 2001, fb2 III / ИИИ 2001, fb2 Beef / Говядина 2001, fb2 Marvels of Utopia / Чудеса Утопии 2001, fb2 A Whiter Mars / Самый белый Марс 1995, fb2 The Brightfount Diaries 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-748211-5, The Friday Project Non-Stop (= Starship) / Без остановки (= Звёздный корабль; Беспосадочный полёт; Замкнутый мир) 2000, fb2, ISBN: 978-1857989984, Millennium/Orion; 2005, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59020-964-6, The Overlook Press The Male Response 2015, epub, eISBN: 9780007482399, HarperVoyager The Interpreter (= Bow Down to Nul; X for Exploitation) / Переводчик 1961, fb2 The Primal Urge (= Minor Operation) 1961, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-748207-8, HarperCollins Hothouse (= The Long Afternoon of Earth) / Теплица (= Долгие сумерки Земли; Перед закатом Земли; Мир-оранжерея) 1962, fb2; 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-1035-1, Open Road Integrated Media Greybeard / Седая Борода 1965, fb2; 2012 epub, ISBN: 978-1-61756-766-7, E-Reads The Dark Light Years / Градгродд (= На белой полосе) 1964, fb2; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4976-0815-3, Open Road Integrated Media Earthworks / Всё созданное Землёй 1965, fb2; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4976-0817-7, Open Road Integrated Media Cryptozoic! (= An Age) / Сад времени 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4976-0811-5, Open Road Integrated Media Report on Probability A / Доклад о Вероятности Эй 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1032-0, Open Road Integrated Media Barefoot in the Head / Босиком в голове 1979, fb2, ISBN: 0-586-04988-6, Panther Granada Publishing; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4976-0803-0, Open Road Integrated Media Frankenstein Unbound / Освобожденный Франкенштейн 2000, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7551-0069-9, House of Stratus Eighty-Minute Hour 2013, pdf/epub, ISBN: 978-0·00-748244-3, The Friday Project The Malacia Tapestry / Малайсийский гобелен 1976, fb2/epub; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1033-7, Open Road Integrated Media Brothers of the Head 2012, epub, ISBN: 9780007482054, HarperCollins Enemies of the System 1978, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1034-4, Open Road Integrated Media An Island Called Moreau (= Moreau's Other Island) 2015, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1029-0, Open Road Integrated Media Dracula Unbound 2015, ISBN: 978-1-5040-1037-5, Open Road Integrated Media White Mars 1999, fb2, ISBN: 0-316-85243-0, Little, Brown UK; 2015 epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-1028-3, Open Road Integrated Media (with Roger Penrose) Cretan Teat 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-0-00-748221-4, The Friday Project (не фантастика) Jocasta 2014, epub, ISBN: 9780007482153, HarperCollins HARM 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-50037-3, Del Rey / Ballantine Comfort Zone 2013, pdf, ISBN: 978-0-00-748248-1, The Friday Project (не фантастика) Walcot 2015, epub, eISBN: 978-0-00-748227-6, HarperVoyager Finches of Mars / Птицы Марса 2015, ISBN: 978-1-5040-0589-0, Open Road Integrated Media The Canopy of Time 1959, fb2 Three's a Cloud All the World's Tears / Все слёзы мира Who Can Replace a Man? / Кто может заменить человека? Blighted Profile / Профиль увядания Judas Danced O Ishrail! / О, Ишраиль! Incentive / Стимул Gene-Hive / Генетический улей Secret of a Mighty City / Секрет могущественного города They Shall Inherit Visiting Amoeba / Амёба-визитер T Not for an Age / Никогда в жизни Poor Little Warrior! / Бедный маленький вояка! The Failed Men (= Ahead) Carrion Country Judas Danced Psyclops / Пара-циклоп Outside / Извне Gesture of Farewell The New Father Christmas / Новый Дед Мороз Blighted Profile / Профиль увядания Our Kind of Knowledge The War Millennia - Out of Reach / Вне досягаемости The Sterile Millennia - All the World's Tears / Все слёзы мира The Robot Millennia - Who Can Replace a Man? / Кто может заменить человека? The Mingled Millennia - Blighted Profile / Профиль увядания The Dark Millennia - O Ishrail! / О, Ишраиль! The Star Millennia - Incentive / Стимул The Mutant Millennia - Gene-Hive / Генетический улей The Megalopolis Millennia - Secret of a Mighty City / Секрет могущественного города The Ultimate Millennia - Visiting Amoeba / Амёба-визитер Equator (= Vanguard from Alpha) / Экватор Segregation (= The Game of God) / Играя Бога A Kind of Artistry / Почти искусство How to Be a Soldier Basis for Negotiation Shards / Осколки[/b] "O Moon of My Delight!" The International Smile The Game of God (= Segregation) / Играя Бога Old Hundredth Poem at a Lunar Eclipse (poem by Thomas Hardy) The Moment of Eclipse The Day We Embarked for Cythera ... Orgy of the Living and the Dying Super-Toys Last All Summer Long / Суперигрушек хватает на всё лето The Village Swindler / Плут Down the Up Escalation That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art ... Confluence Heresies of the Huge God The Circulation of the Blood ... / Кровообращение ... And the Stagnation of the Heart / ...и застой крови The Worm That Flies / Летающий червяк Working in the Spaceship Yards Swastika! Brothers of the Head Big Lover Love is a Forest Bacterial Action Star-Time Just for a Moment I Was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music Where the Lines Converge The Other Side of the Lake The Gods in Flight The Blue Background Igur and the Mountain Incident in a Far Country The Girl Who Sang The Plain, the Endless Plain Consolations of Age The O in José A Romance of the Equator / Экватор любви A Tupolev Too Far Ratbird FOAM Summertime Was Nearly Over Better Morphosis Three Degrees Over A Life of Matter and Death A Day in the Life of a Galactic Empire Confluence Confluence Revisited North of the Abyss Alphabet of Ameliorating Hope Dracula Unbound Frankenstein Unbound / Освобожденный Франкенштейн Moreau's Other Island A Book in Time Criminal Record Breathing Space The Great Time Hiccup Not for an Age / Никогда в жизни Our Kind of Knowledge Outside / Извне Panel Game Pogsmith Conviction Dumb Show / Пантомима The Failed Men (= Ahead) Non-Stop Psyclops / Пара-циклоп T There Is a Tide Tradesman's Exit With Esmond in Mind The Flowers of the Forest Gesture of Farewell The Ice Mass Cometh Let's Be Frank / Да здравствует Фрэнк! No Gimmick The War Millennia Out of Reach / Вне досягаемости The Sterile Millennia All the World's Tears / Все слёзы мира The Dark Millennia O Ishrail! / О, Ишраиль! The Ultimate Millennia Visiting Amoeba / Амёба-визитёр The Shubshub Race Supercity Judas Danced Ten-Storey Jigsaw The Pit My Parish Blighted Profile / Профиль увядания Who Can Replace a Man? / Кто может заменить человека? The Carp That Once ... Carrion Country Equator (= Vanguard from Alpha) / Экватор Fourth Factor The Megalopolis Millennia Secret of a Mighty City / Секрет могущественного города The Star Millennia Incentive / Стимул The Mutant Millennia Gene-Hive / Генетический улей The New Father Christmas / Новый Дед Мороз Ninian's Experiences Poor Little Warrior! / Бедный маленький вояка! Sector Diamond Sight of a Silhouette They Shall Inherit Are You an Android? / А вы не андроид? The Arm The Bomb-Proof Bomb Fortune's Fool Intangibles, Inc. Sector Yellow The Lieutenant The Other One Safety Valve The Towers of San Ampa Three's a Cloud Faceless Card Neanderthal Planet (= A Touch of Neanderthal) / Неандертальская планета Old Hundredth Original Sinner Sector Grey (= Sector Gray) Stage-Struck! Under an English Heaven Hen's Eyes Sector Azure A Pleasure Shared / Удовольствие для двоих Basis for Negotiation Conversation Piece Danger: Religion! (= Matrix) / Осторожно: Религия! (= Осторожно: Сутаны!) The Green Leaves of Space Sector Green Sector Vermilion Tyrants' Territory Comic Inferno The Impossible Star In the Arena The International Smile Sector Violet Skeleton Crew The Thing Under the Glacier Counter-Feat Jungle Substitute Lazarus / Пробуждение Лазаря Man on Bridge Never Let Go Of My Hand! No Moon Tonight! One-Way Strait Pink Plastic Gods Unauthorised Persons The Day of the Doomed King The Girl and the Robot with Flowers / Девушка и робот с цветами How are they All on Deneb IV? The Impossible Smile Man in his Time / Человек в своем времени (= Время человека) Old Time's Sake The Saliva Tree / Слюнное дерево Scarfe's World The Small Betraying Detail The Source Amen and Out Another Little Boy / Ещё один «Малыш» Burning Question The Circulation of the Blood ... / Кровообращение The Eyes of the Blind King Heresies of the Huge God Lambeth Blossom The Lonely Habit / Неразделённое хобби The O in Jose One Role with Relish / Наслаждаясь ролью Paternal Care The Plot Sickens A Difficult Age A Taste for Dostoevsky Auto-Ancestral Fracture / Авто-анцестральный излом Confluence The Dead Immortal Down the Up Escalation Full Sun Just Passing Through / Одна нога здесь Multi-Value Motorway / Многозначная автострада The Night that All Time Broke Out / В потопе времени Randy's Syndrome Still Trajectories / Гладкие траектории Two Modern Myths (Reflection on Mars and Ultimate Construction) Wonder Weapon (= Ideal Weapon) ... And the Stagnation of the Heart / ...и застой крови Drake-Man Route / Дорогой Дрейка Dreamer, Schemer Dream of Distance Send her Victorious The Serpent of Kundalini / Змей Кундалини The Tell-Tale Heart-Machine Total Environment The Village Swindler / Плут When I Was Very Jung The Worm that Flies / Летающий червяк The Firmament Theorem Greeks Bringing Knee-High Gifts The Humming Heads The Moment of Eclipse Ouspenski's Astrabahn / Автострада Успенского Since the Assassination / Сразу же после убийства So Far From Prague The Soft Predicament Supertoys Last All Summer Long / Суперигрушек хватает на всё лето (= Замечательные игрушки на всё прошлое лето; Лето не кончится, игрушки не сломаются; Игрушки) That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art ... Working in the Spaceship Yards COUNTABLE INTRODUCTION 1. INDOORS WITH DELILAH 2. THE TRYST 3. IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE 4. COMPLEX BEHAVIOURS 5. WHEN YOU’RE SMILING 6. PAINTING BY KARL SPITZWEG 7. WANTED, THE WILDERNESS 8.THE DRAGON SLAYERS 9. THE UNDERGROUND STRIKE 10. DELILAH’S DANCE 11. THE LIVING PAST: A Rhyme 12. XENOPHOBIA 13. SANCTUARY: A Poem 14. THE FRENCH READER 15. MUSICAL TASTES 16. JOCASTA SPEAKS 17. ESCAPE, 1255 A.D. 18. THE OLD HOUSE 19. THE SHORT LIFE OF ROSETTA STONE 20. THE CALL OF THE WILD: in verse 21. LOST AT SEA! 22. RUINS 23. THE UPRISING 24. THE SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION 25. ANIMAL FARM 26. CIVILIZATION 27. THE ETERNAL PRESENT 28. THE IMPACT OF POETRY 29. A SALTY SACRIFICE 30. MY HOME TOWN 31. CINEMA PARADISO 32. CRO-MAGNON HE SPEAK 33. THE NEW LIFESTYLE 34. APHORISM 35. RUDOLF HESS 36. RETURN OF DEAR OLD GRANNIE 37. A LONG-STANDING HERO! 38. AN EXILE’S MINI-SAGA 39. CROSSROADS 40. HIGH TIDE 41. HAPPINESS AND SUFFERING 42. A VOICE IN A GARDEN 43. A LITTLE HEART SONG 44. THE LENIENCY OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY 45. GLAMOROUS SMILE, BRAVE GOLDFISH 46. MY FRIEND EDDIE 47. THE DINOSAUR ARCHBISHOP 48. THE LAWN TILL DAWN 49. THE STANDING STONE 50. DIVING BELLE EPILOGUE: CAN YOU FEEL ANYTHING? The Saliva Tree / Слюнное дерево Danger: Religion! / Осторожно: Религия! The Source The Lonely Habit / Неразделённое хобби A Pleasure Shared / Удовольствие для двоих One Role with Relish / Наслаждаясь ролью Legends of Smith's Burst The Day of the Doomed King Paternal Care The Girl and the Robot with Flowers / Девушка и робот с цветами Outside / Извне (= Внешность; Снаружи) 1955, fb2 There Is a Tide / В потопе времени 1956, fb2 Let's Be Frank / Да здравствует Фрэнк! 1957, fb2 Ten-Storey Jigsaw (= Ten-Story Jigsaw) 1958, fb2 Poor Little Warrior! / Бедный маленький вояка! (= Бедный маленький воин, Бедный солдатик!) 1958, fb2 But Who Can Replace a Man? / Кто может заменить человека? 1958, fb2 Intangibles, Inc. 1959, fb2 Neanderthal Planet (= A Touch of Neanderthal) / Неандертальская планета 1960, fb2 Danger: Religion! (= Matrix) / Осторожно: Религия! (= Осторожно: Сутаны!) 1962, fb2 In The Arena 1963, fb2 Man on Bridge 1964, fb2 Jungle Substitute 1964, fb2 Scarfe's World 1965, fb2 Man In His Time / Человек в своем времени (= Время человека) 1965, fb2 The Saliva Tree / Слюнное дерево 1965, fb2 The Night That All Time Broke Out 1967, fb2 A Taste for Dostoevsky 1967, fb2 Full Sun 1967, fb2 Total Environment 1968, fb2 The Ergot Show 1972, fb2 As for Our Fatal Continuity ... 1972, fb2 Manuscript Found in a Police State 1972, fb2 Castle Scene with Penitents 1973, fb2 The Young Soldier's Horoscope 1973, fb2 Woman in Sunlight with Mandoline 1973, fb2 Serpent Burning on an Altar 1973, fb2 Live? Our Computers Will Do That for Us 1974, fb2 A Space for Reflection 1976, fb2 My Lady of the Psychiatric Sorrows 1977, fb2 The Skeleton 1981, fb2 Door Slams in Fourth World 1982, fb2 Ruins 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-00-841258-6, Harper Voyager (UK) Becoming the Full Butterfly / Стать полной бабочкой 1995, fb2 Dark Society / Тёмное сообщество (= Мрачное сообщество) 1996, fb2 Death, Shit, Love, Transfiguration 1997, fb2 The Pause Button / Кнопка «Пауза» 1997, fb2 Apogee Again / Апогей 1999, fb2 Nothing in Life is Ever Enough / Ничто не лишне в жизни этой... 1999, fb2 Cognitive Ability and the Light Bulb / Когнитивная способность и электрическая лампочка 2000, fb2 Steppenpferd 2000, fb2 Tomorrow's Yesterdays 2000, fb2 A Matter of Mathematics / Вопрос математики 2001, fb2 Galaxy Zee / Галактика Зет 2001, fb2 Three Types of Solitude / Три вида одиночества 2001, fb2 Sunlight 2002, fb2 Tralee Of Young Man 2002, fb2 The Man and a Man with His Mule 2002, fb2 Aboard the Beatitude 2002, fb2 Tarzan of the Alps 2004, fb2 Pipeline 2005, fb2 Four Ladies of the Apocalypse 2007, fb2 Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith's 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-0074-8213-9, HarperCollins CHAPTER ONE A Visionary Spring 1990 Professor Hengist Morton Embry was at the wheel, gliding along through Fort Lauderdale, pointing out the sights to his English visitor. 'This is the place if you want to eat fish. Absolutely first rate. I was there two - three nights ago, with Bobby Strawson and her crowd. Try the dolphin. Not the mammal, the fish. Go upstairs for better service. There's a waitress without a bra, and they serve a good Australian Shiraz.' Gordon Levine was impressed. He would not have expected such information, so crisply delivered, from an English professor of Stochastic Sociology - even if there was such a thing - in an English town. Embry had facts spilling from his fingertips. Fort Lauderdale slid by, malls, slummy bits, houses of the wealthy situated on well-tended canals. Levine was paying his first visit to Florida, and liking it. The month was March, the temperature was warm. He had already taken a swim in the hotel pool and exchanged a few words with the influential Bobby Strawson, organizer of the ASSA conference. He was impressed by the air of efficiency and glamour exuded by la Strawson. Equally, he was impressed by the charisma of this important professor, who had taken time out to show a stranger the town. Embry was the sort of scholar referred to as outgoing, though Levine had glimpsed a more thoughtful person beneath the surface. He had already given Levine some insights into other members of the ASSA, the American Stochastic Sociology Association. Embry was an untidy man, moderately massive, given to large ties which hung over one shoulder of his cotton jacket like the tongues of wolfhounds. Academically, he was considered brilliant; yet he could schedule a neat eight-stream conference in a matter of moments, totting up all the scholars involved, friend and foe, like columns of figures. So why was this paragon accepting a sabbatical year in England at the .'Vnglia University of Norwich, opening a new department? This was the question Levine put to his companion as they surveyed Fort Lauderdale. 'This mansion with the laburnums we're coming to, that's the Florida home of Jeff Stackpine, the Stackpine Trucks man. You think I'm side-tracking my career trajectory by taking off for a year? I don't read it that way. The US needs a breathing space from me. I can do wonderful things in England. They'll name the department after me.' He ground to a belated halt at a red. 'Traffic lights always see me coming. When did I last get a green? It's nature's way of telling me to slow down, I guess. 'Now we're heading for Mount Lauderdale. Have you heard of .Mount Lauderdale? It's the highest point in the city, snow on it in the winter. Coaches lose their way and have to be dragged out.' Levine expressed surprise. But, just as the Americans had their own views of what English weather was like, he had his views on the extremes of the American climate. They turned into a less elegant road and were passing the Everglades Motel, faced with fake logs. The sign was supported by two fibreglass alligators. There you see the real unreal America, Gordy,' said Embry, gesturing. The wish to get on, the wish to get off, the longing to have you on, the longing to have it off. See how one of those gators is female - mammal female, with boobs and blonde hair? It represents some sort of displacement in time as well as space. You clear the everglades, then you fake 'em to get 'em back. Consider the diversity of mentalities in these so-called United States, the sheer diversity' of mentalities. Some of us are living, or attempting to live, in the next century, and face up to the demographic conundrums ahead. Others - don't construe this as an ethnic remark in any way, Gordy, but some of us are still living and thinking last century, and the centuries before that, way back to primitive times, when tribes first wandered into North America. He knocked significantly at his forehead. As Embry exchanged an unscholarly word with a driver proceeding in the opposite direction, Levine said, by way of agreement, 'I saw in a recent poll that fifty-five percent of the population believe the sun goes round the earth, rather than vice versa.' Embry shot Levine a glance, half-smiling, one eyebrow crooked. 'You mean the other way round, surely? The earth going round the sun?' 'Fifty-five per cent believe it's the other way about. Maybe it was sixty-five.' 'You mean the sun going round the earth?' 'That's what fifty-five per cent believe.' Embry gave a snort and concentrated on the traffic ahead. Levine saw a muscle in his cheek working, one of the muscles he used for talking; maybe it never rested, even when no speech was forthcoming. Levine experienced a pang of doubt, sudden as toothache. Could it be that Hengist Morton Embry, founder, president, of the ASSA, was himself one of that fifty-five per cent? Or sixty-five? It couldn't be. Could it? 'Astronomy was never a subject I specialized in,' Embry said. 'But I do know that one American in seven carries a gun in his or her car.' Levine wanted to explain to him that you did not have to go to university to learn that the earth went round the sun, taking a year to make a complete orbit, because this was one of the known facts you imbibed with your mother's elderberry wine, if not her milk. That there was a whole raft of things, a skein, a web, a map, a safety net, you absorbed like your native language itself, if you were normal, by the time you made your first date, and that that safety net was an indispensable component of- well, of Western culture. Yet here was this professor of a distinguished Illinois university - a whole lot of them managed to get down to Florida in March - who appeared to have doubts regarding a cardinal fact known to ancient Greeks. Levine had on his safety belt in the Toyota; but in the other world, that great nexus of circumstance we call life, there was no safety belt. He was sitting next to an eminent academic who believed the sun was in orbit about the earth. 'Right, Gordy,' Embry said, 'here's Mount Lauderdale coming up.' He gestured grandly and chuckled. The car was heading up a slight incline. There were trees on either side of the road, expensive properties, a neat waterway, and the slight rise in the road. 'Mount Lauderdale. How d'you like it? All of eighteen feet above sea level. We're a great country for making mountains out of molehills.' 'I see.' Embry chuckled again. 'Just kidding you before, Gordy. Exercising your British sense of humour . . . We'd best head back to the conference.' Embry was a Happy American. It was easy to appear Happy. It was patriotic to be Happy. It was also good business to be Happy. Good business and patriotism went together, and their lubricant was the kind of good humour in which Professor Embry specialized. Returning to the conference, he drove Levine past The Fronds, a gigantic shopping mall built on adventurous Hnes, with undulating facades and interior waterfalls. It had been standing half a year, and was due to be pulled down, Embry said, in eighteen months. The carpark beside it was full of cars. Embry took it in with a gesture. . . . Book One Mountebanks in an Urban Landscape Smoke was drifting through my high window, obscuring the light. Something was added to the usual aromas of Stary Most. Among the flavours of fresh-cut timber, spices, cooking, gutters, and the incense from the corner wizard, Throat Dark, floated the smell of wood-smoke. Perhaps the sawdust-seller had set fire to his load again. Going to my casement, I looked down into the street, which was more crowded than usual for this hour of day. The gongfermors and their carts had disappeared, but the Street of the Wood Carvers was jostling with early traffic, including among its habitual denizens a number of porters, beggars, and general hangers-on; they were doing their best either to impede or to further the progress of six burly orientals, all wearing turbans, all accompanied by lizard-boys bearing canopies over them — the latter intended as much to provide distinction as shade, since the summer sun had little force as yet. The smoke was rising from the sweepings of an ash-merchant, busily burning the street's rubbish. One good noseful of it and I withdrew my head. The orientals had probably disembarked from a trireme newly arrived. From my attic, between roofs, its furled sails could be glimpsed alongside Satsuma, only a couple of alleys distant. I pulled on my blue ankle-boots, made from genuine marshbags skin; the black pair was in pawn and likely to remain so for a while. Then I went to greet the day. As I went down the creaking stair, I met my friend de Lambant climbing up to meet me, his head lowered as if compulsively counting the steps. We greeted each other. 'Have you eaten, Perian?' 'Why, I've been up for hours doing nothing else,' I said, as we made our way down. 'A veritable banquet at Truna's, with pigeon pie merely one of the attractions.' 'Have you eaten, Perian?' 'Today not, if you refuse to believe in pigeon pie. And you?' 'I found a muffin lying idle on a baker's tray as I made my way here.' 'There's a ship in. Shall we have a look at it on our way to Kemperer's?' 'If you think it holds any advantage. My horoscope isn't profitable today. There's women in it, but not just yet apparently. Saturn is proving difficult, while all the entrails are against me.' 'I'm too hard-up even to get my amulet blessed by Throat Dark.' 'It's marvellous not to be troubled by money.' We strolled along in good humour. His doublet, I thought, was not a shade of green to be greatly excited about; it made him look too much the player. Yet Guy de Lambant was a handsome fellow enough. He had a dark, quick eye and eyebrows as sharp and witty as his tongue could be. He was sturdily built, and walked with quite a swagger when he remembered to do so. As an actor he was effective, it had to be admitted, although he lacked my dedication. His character was all one could wish for in a friend: amusing, idle, vain and dissolute, ready for any mischief. The two of us were always cheerful when together, as many ladies of Malacia would vouch. 'Kemperer might give us a breakfast snack, even if there's no work.' 'That depends on his temper,' de Lambant said. 'And that depends on La Singla and how she has been behaving herself.' To which I made no answer. There was some slight jealousy between us concerning Kemperer's wife. Pozzi Kemperer was the great impresario, one of the best in Malacia. Both de Lambant and I had been in his company for the better part of two years; our present lack of employment was nothing new. On the quayside, a swarm of men were in action, mostly working bare-chested and barefoot, heaving on ropes, tugging winches, hauling boxes. The trireme was being unloaded. Various onlookers were delighted to inform us that the vessel had come up the River Toi from Six Lagoons, trading from the West. The optimists thought it might carry statuary, the pessimists that it might bring plague. As we arrived, customs officials in tricorne-hats were marching off the vessel. They would have been searching for forbidden goods, in particular any new thing which might upset the mellow flow of existence in Malacia; although I could only approve their mission, they were a poor, mothy collection, despite their hats and uniforms, one man limping, one half-blind, and a third, judging by appearances, lame, blind and drunk into the bargain. Guy and I had watched such scenes since we were children. Boats arriving from the East were a better spectacle than those from the West, since they often carried exotic animals and black female slaves. As I was turning away, not unprompted by the rumbling of my stomach, I noted a strange old figure hopping up and down on the deck of the trireme. His body was cut into pieces by the yards, but in a moment he turned and came down the gang-plank, carrying a box under one arm. He was stooped and white of hair, while something about his dress suggested to me that he was a foreigner — though he was not one of the mariners; indeed, I believed I had seen him about Malacia before. He wore a tattered fur jacket, despite the heat of the day. What took me was the mixture of delight and caution on his whiskery countenance; I tried setting my face in the same expression. He made off smartly into Stary Most and was lost to sight. The city brimmed with crazy characters. Several carriages were drawn up along the Satsuma. As de Lambant and I made off we were hailed from one of them. The carriage door opened, and there was my sister Katarina, smiling a sweet smile of welcome. We embraced each other warmly. Her carriage was one of the shabbiest there, the Mantegan arms peeling on the coachwork. She had married into a ruined family; yet she herself was as neat as ever, her long, dark hair pinned severely back, the contours of her face soft. 'You're both looking very idle,' she said. 'That's part nature, part artifice,' said de Lambant. 'Our brains are quite active — or mine is. I can't speak for your poor brother.' 'My stomach's active. What brings you here, Katarina?' She smiled in a sad fashion and gazed down at the cobblestones. 'Idleness also, you might say. I came to see the captain of the vessel to find out if there was word from Volpato, but he has no letters for me.' Volpato was her husband — more often absent than present and, when present, generally withdrawn. Both de Lambant and I made consoling noises. 'There will be another ship soon,' I said. 'My soothsayer misled me. So I'm going to the cathedral to pray. Will you join me?' 'Our Maker this morning is Kemperer, sweet sister,' I said. 'And he will make or break us. Go and act as our Minerva. I'll come and visit you at the castle soon.' I said it lightly meaning to reassure her. She returned me a concerned look. 'Don't forget, then. I went to see Father last evening and played chess with him.' 'I wonder he had time for chess, burrowing among his old tomes! A Disquisition on the Convergences — or is it Congruities or Divergencies'? — for I never seem to remember — Between the High Religion and the Natural Religion and Mithraism and the Bishop's Nostrils!' 'Don't make fun of your father, Perian,' Katarina said gently, as she climbed back into her carriage. 'His work is quite important.' I spread my hands eloquently, tilting my head to one side to show pity and resignation. 'I love the old boy, I know his work is important. I'm just tired of being lectured by him.' As de Lambant and I walked along the quay in the direction of the Bucintoro, he said, 'Your sister in her dove-grey dress — really quite fetching in a sober way… I must visit her in her lonely castle one of these fine evenings, though you are disinclined to do so. Her husband similarly, it appears.' 'Keep your filthy thoughts off my sister.' We talked instead about de Lambant's sister, Smarana, whose wedding day, determined by a useful conjunction of constellations, was little more than five weeks away. The thought of three days of family celebration cheered us, not least because the two families involved, the de Lambants and the Orinis, had engaged Kemperer's company to play on the second day. We should have work then, at least. 'We'll perform such a comedy as all will remember ever after. I'm even prepared to fall down the stairs again for the sake of an extra laugh.' He dug me in the ribs. 'Pray that we eat before that date, or I can see us treading the boards in the Shadow World. Here's the market — let's run different ways!' The fruit market stood at the end of the Stary Most district. At this time of morning it was crammed with customers and buzzing with argument, gossip, and wasps the size of thumbs. De Lambant and I slipped among the stalls at a trot, bouncing off customers, swerving round posts, to arrive together at the other end laughing, with a good muster of peaches and apricots between us. . . . Добавления: Aldiss Brian - Cretan Teat - 2014.epub Aldiss Brian - Earthworks - 2014.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - Galaxies Like Grains of Sand - 2014.epub Aldiss Brian - Super-State (Super-State) - 2015.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - The Dark Light Years - 2014.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Замены: Aldiss Brian - Cryptozoic! - 1969.epub на Aldiss Brian - Cryptozoic! - 2014.epub (OCR на eBook) Aldiss Brian - Non-Stop - 2000.epub на Aldiss Brian - Non-Stop - 2005.epub (OCR на eBook) Добавления: Aldiss Brian - The Complete Short Stories_ The 1960s (Part 1) - 2015.epub Aldiss Brian - The Complete Short Stories_ The 1960s (Part 2) - 2015.epub Aldiss Brian - The Complete Short Stories_ The 1960s (Part 3) - 2015.epub Aldiss Brian - The Complete Short Stories_ The 1960s (Part 4) - 2015.epub Добавления: Aldiss Brian - 50 x 50 The Mini-Sagas - 2012.epub (Сборник из 50 микро-рассказов по 50 слов в каждом) Aldiss Brian - No Time Like Tomorrow - 1959.epub (Сборник) Aldiss Brian - The Brightfount Diaries - 2013.epub (Первый опубликованный роман, 1955 год) Добавления: Aldiss Brian - The Complete Short Stories_ The 1950s - 2014.epub Добавления: 04 Aldiss Brian - Somewhere East of Life (Squire Quartet) - 2014.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - The Saliva Tree and Other Strange Growths - 2015.epub (Сборник) Добавлено: Aldiss Brian - Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith's - 2013.epub Aldiss Brian - Eighty-Minute Hour - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся pdf) Aldiss Brian - The Primal Urge - 1972.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - The Monster Trilogy - 2013.epub Добавлено: Aldiss Brian - Ruins - 2021.epub (повесть) Aldiss Brian - Seasons in Flight - 1988.epub (сборник) Aldiss Brian - White Mars - 2015.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Замены: Aldiss Brian - Hothouse - 2008.epub на Aldiss Brian - Hothouse - 2015.epub (файл лучшего качества) Aldiss Brian - The Primal Urge - 1972.epub на Aldiss Brian - The Primal Urge - 2012.epub (файл лучшего качества) |
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Внимание! Релиз обновлен 20.06.2015 Список добавлений в головном сообщении темы
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Aldiss Brian - Cretan Teat - 2014.epub Aldiss Brian - Earthworks - 2014.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - Galaxies Like Grains of Sand - 2014.epub Aldiss Brian - Super-State (Super-State) - 2015.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - The Dark Light Years - 2014.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Aldiss Brian - Cryptozoic! - 1969.epub на Aldiss Brian - Cryptozoic! - 2014.epub (OCR на eBook) Aldiss Brian - Non-Stop - 2000.epub на Aldiss Brian - Non-Stop - 2005.epub (OCR на eBook) |
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UPD Релиз обновлен 23.06.2018 Добавления: Aldiss Brian - 50 x 50 The Mini-Sagas - 2012.epub (Сборник из 50 микро-рассказов по 50 слов в каждом) Aldiss Brian - No Time Like Tomorrow - 1959.epub (Сборник) Aldiss Brian - The Brightfount Diaries - 2013.epub (Первый опубликованный роман, 1955 год)
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UPD Релиз обновлен 22.11.2019 Добавлен сборник Aldiss Brian - The Complete Short Stories_ The 1950s - 2014.epub
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