
Le Guin, Ursula K/ Ле Гуин, Урсула - Собрание сочинений (167 произведений) [1963-2020, fb2/epub/pdf, ENG]

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Le Guin, Ursula K/ Ле Гуин, Урсула - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1963-2020 г.
Автор: Le Guin, Ursula K/ Ле Гуин, Урсула
Язык: Английский
Формат: fb2/epub/pdf
Качество: OCR/eBook

Урсула Крёбер Ле Гуин (21 октября 1929 г. - 22 января 2018 г.)
Урсула Ле Гуин — одна из самых ярких и самобытных на небосклоне американской «мягкой» (гуманитарной) научной фантастики. Большую славу ей принесли произседения из «Хайнского» цикла (Хайн — гипотетическая сверхцивилизация, «прародительница» разумной жизни в Галактике ), образуя органическую и богатую оригинальными деталями и находками историю будущего. В отличие от П. Андерсона, Л. Нивена, Р. Хайнлайна и др. представителей право-технократического крыла американской научной фантастики, Урсула Ле Гуин строит свою Галактическую федерацию — Лигу Миров, или Экумену, на принципах гуманизма (что облегчено генетическим родством разумных рас в Галактике) и на особой, тщательно разработанной этике контакта, исключающей насильственное вмешательство (Лига не правит, а только координирует развитие всех цивилизаций, представляя собой своеобразную «галактическую школу») и серьезно ограничивающей «прогрессорскую» деятельность, сводя ее первоначально к индивидуальному контакту личностей, психологий, философий, культур.
Экумена, чья история, описанная в шести романах и полутора десятках повестей и рассказов, простирается на несколько тысяч лет, начиная с XXIII-XXIV вв., является беспрецедентной в американской НФ попыткой построить будущий «вселенский порядок» на принципах скорее гуманитарных, нежели торговых, технологических или политических. Произведения Хайнского цикла поражают богатством представленных в них культур (что неудивительно для автора, выросшего в семье антропологов и этнографов); также беспрецедентна в подобной литературе психологическая глубина характеров — землян и инопланетян.
01 Catwings 1990, pdf, ISBN: 0-590-42833-0, Scholastic
03 Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings 1996, pdf, ISBN: 0-590-54336-9, Scholastic
01 A Wizard of Earthsea / Волшебник Земноморья (= Маг Земноморья; Колдун Архипелага; Волшебник с архипелага Эртси) 1968, fb2; 1980, epub, ISBN: 0-553-14863-X, Bantam
02 The Tombs of Atuan / Гробницы Атуана (= Могилы Атуана) 1971, fb2; 1979, epub, ISBN: 0-553-13594-5, Bantam
03 The Farthest Shore / На последнем берегу (= На самом дальнем берегу; Самый дальний берег) 1972, fb2; 1975, epub, Bantam
04 Tehanu / Техану. Последнее из сказаний о Земноморье (= Техану. Последняя книга Земноморья) 1990, fb2; 1991, epub, ISBN: 0-553-28873-3, Bantam
05 The Other Wind / На иных ветрах (= На другом ветру) 2001, fb2; 2003, epub, ISBN: 0-441-00993-X, Ace
Tales from Earthsea / Сказания Земноморья 2001, fb2
Foreword / Предисловие
The Finder / Искатель
Darkrose and Diamond / Тёмная Роза и Диамант (= Роза и Алмаз)
The Bones of the Earth / Кости земли (= Кости земные)
On the High Marsh / На Верхних Болотах
Dragonfly / Стрекоза (= Ящерка)
A Description of Earthsea / Краткое описание Земноморья
Tales from Earthsea / Сказания Земноморья 2001, epub, ISBN: 0-15-100561-3, Harcourt
Foreword / Предисловие
The Finder / Искатель
Darkrose and Diamond / Тёмная Роза и Диамант (= Роза и Алмаз)
The Bones of the Earth / Кости земли (= Кости земные)
On the High Marsh / На Верхних Болотах
Dragonfly / Стрекоза (= Ящерка)
A Description of Earthsea / Краткое описание Земноморья
The Word of Unbinding / Слово Освобождения (= Магическое слово; Освобождающее заклятие; Слово освобождения; Слово свободы)
The Rule of Names / Правило имен (= Похититель сокровищ; Правила имен; Укравший имя; Закон имен)
The Daughter of Odren 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-0-544-35838-6, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-473-22355-4, Gollancz
01 A Wizard of Earthsea / Волшебник Земноморья
02 The Tombs of Atuan / Гробницы Атуана
03 The Farthest Shore / На последнем берегу
04 Tehanu / Техану. Последнее из сказаний о Земноморье
Tales from Earthsea
The Finder / Искатель
Darkrose and Diamond / Тёмная Роза и Диамант (= Роза и Алмаз)
The Bones of the Earth / Кости земли (= Кости земные)
On the High Marsh / На Верхних Болотах
Dragonfly / Стрекоза (= Ящерка)
05 The Other Wind / На иных ветрах
The Word of Unbinding / Слово Освобождения
The Rule of Names / Правило имен
The Daughter of Odren
The Ekumen: Author's Introduction 1999, fb2
01-03 Three Hainish Novels (Rocannon's World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions) / Три Хайнских романа (Мир Роканнона; Планета изгнания; Город иллюзий) 1978, epub, Nelson Doubleday
01 Rocannon's World / Мир Роканнона (= Планета Роканнона; Роканнон) 1966, fb2
02 Planet of Exile / Планета изгнания 1966, fb2
03 City of Illusions / Город иллюзий 1967, fb2
04 The Left Hand of Darkness / Левая рука Тьмы 1969, fb2; 1987, epub, ISBN: 0-441-47812-3, Ace
05 The Dispossessed / Обделённые (= Обездоленный) 1974, fb2, ISBN: 0-060-12563-2, Harper & Row; 2006, epub, ISBN: 9780061796883, Harper & Row
06 The Word for World Is Forest / Слово для "леса" и "мира" одно (= Слово для "мира" и "леса" одно) 1972, fb2; 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-425-03279-5, Berkley
07 Four Ways to Forgiveness / Четыре пути к прощению 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-06-076029-X, Perennial
Betrayals / Предательства
Forgiveness Day / День прощения
A Man of the People / Муж рода
A Woman's Liberation / Освобождение женщины
08 The Telling / Толкователи 2000, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-15-100567-2, Harcourt
Five Ways to Forgiveness 2017, epub, ISBN: 978–1–59853–571–6, Library of America
Betrayals / Предательства
Forgiveness Day / День прощения
A Man of the People / Муж рода
A Woman's Liberation / Освобождение женщины
Old Music and the Slave Women / Старая Музыка и рабыни
01 Gifts / Проклятый дар 2004, fb2; epub, ISBN: 0-15-205123-6, Harcourt
02 Voices / Голоса 2006, fb2; epub, ISBN: 0-15-205678-5, Harcourt
03 Powers / Прозрение 2007, fb2; epub, ISBN: 978-0-15-205770-1, Harcourt
01-03 Annals of the Western Shore 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978–1–59853–669–0, The Library of America
Orsinia / Орсиния
Orsinian Tales / Рассказы об Орсинии 1976, fb2; 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-06-076343-4, Perennial
The Fountains / Фонтаны
The Barrow / Курган
Ile Forest / Ильский лес
Conversations at Night / Ночные разговоры
The Road East / Дорога на восток
Brothers and Sisters / Братья и сестры
A Week in the Country / Неделя за городом
An die Musik
The House / Дом
The Lady of Moge / Хозяйка замка Моге
Imaginary Countries / Воображаемые страны
Malafrena / Малафрена 1979, epub, ISBN: 0-399-12410-1, G. P. Putnam's Sons
The Complete Orsinia: Malafrena / Stories and Songs 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59853-493-1, The Library of America
MALAFRENA / Малафрена
    Folk Song from the Montayna Province
    Red Berries (Montayna Province)
    The Walls of Rakava (Polana Province)
Orsinian Tales
    The Fountains / Фонтаны
    The Barrow / Курган
    Ile Forest / Ильский лес
    Conversations at Night / Ночные разговоры
    The Road East / Дорога на восток
    Brothers and Sisters / Братья и сестры
    A Week in the Country / Неделя за городом
    An die Musik
    The House / Дом
    The Lady of Moge / Хозяйка замка Моге
    Imaginary Countries / Воображаемые страны
Other Stories
    Two Delays on the Northern Line / Две задержки на Северной линии
    Unlocking the Air / Глоток воздуха
The Lathe of Heaven / Резец небесный (= Станок небес; Гончарный круг неба; Оселок небес) 1973, fb2, ISBN: 0-380-01320-7, Avon; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62681-262-8, Diversion Books
The Eye of the Heron / Глаз цапли 1983, epub, ISBN: 0-06-015086-6, Harper & Row
The Beginning Place (= Threshold) / Порог 1980, epub, ISBN: 0-06-012573-X, Harper & Row
Always Coming Home / Всегда возвращаясь домой 2001, epub, ISBN: 0-520-22735-2, University of California Press
Always Coming Home: Author's Expanded Edition 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978–1–59853–604–1, The Library of America
Very Far Away From Anywhere Else / Далеко-далеко отовсюду, 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-15-205208-9, Harcourt
Lavinia / Лавиния 2008, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-0-15-101424-8, Harcourt
The Wind's Twelve Quarters / Двенадцать румбов ветра 1976, pdf, ISBN: 0-553-02907-X, Bantam; 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-0-06-247103-1, Harper Perennial
Foreword / Предисловие
Semleys Necklace / Ожерелье
April in Paris / Апрель в Париже
The Masters / Мастера
Darkness Box / Шкатулка, в которой была Тьма (= Ларец с темнотой; Сундучок темноты; Шкатулка с темнотой)
The Word of Unbinding / Слово Освобождения (= Магическое слово; Освобождающее заклятие; Слово освобождения; Слово свободы)
The Rule of Names / Правило имен (= Похититель сокровищ; Правила имен; Укравший имя; Закон имен)
Winter's King / Король планеты Зима
The Good Trip / Вдогонку
Nine Lives / Девять жизней
Things / Одержавший победу (= Вещи)
A Trip to the Head / Вымышленное путешествие (= Путешествие вглубь сознания)
Vaster than Empires and More Slow / Обширней и медлительней империй (= Безмернее и медленней империй; Безграничней и медлительней империй; Медленно, как империи, и даже медлительней их; Безбрежней и медлительней империй...)
The Stars Below / Выше звезд (= Звезды под ногами)
The Field of Vision / Поле зрения
Direction of the Road / Направление пути (= Направление дороги; Направление)
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas / Уходящие из Омеласа (= "Те, кто покидают Омелас", "Те, кто уходит из Омеласа")
The Day Before the Revolution / За день до революции
The Wind's Twelve Quarters vol.2 / Двенадцать румбов ветра том 2 (из двухтомного издания) 1978, epub, ISBN: 0-586-04622-4, Panther Granada
Things / Одержавший победу (= Вещи)
A Trip to the Head / Вымышленное путешествие (= Путешествие вглубь сознания)
Vaster than Empires and More Slow / Обширней и медлительней империй (= Безмернее и медленней империй; Безграничней и медлительней империй; Медленно, как империи, и даже медлительней их; Безбрежней и медлительней империй...)
The Stars Below / Выше звезд (= Звезды под ногами)
The Field of Vision / Поле зрения
Direction of the Road / Направление пути (= Направление дороги; Направление)
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas / Уходящие из Омеласа (= "Те, кто покидают Омелас", "Те, кто уходит из Омеласа")
The Day Before the Revolution / За день до революции
The Compass Rose / Роза ветров 1983, epub, ISBN: 0-553-23512-5, Bantam Books
Nadir / Надир
  • «The Author of the Acacia Seeds» and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics / «Автор «Записок на семенах акации» и другие статьи из «Журнала ассоциации теролингвистов»
  • The New Atlantis / Новая Атлантида
  • Schrodinger's Cat / Волновой кот
North / Север
  • Two Delays on the Northern Line / Две задержки на Северной линии
  • SQ / КН (= Тест «С»)
  • Small Change / Мелочь
East / Восток
  • The First Report of the Shipwrecked Foreigner to the Kadanh of Derb / Первый отчет потерпевшего крушение иноземца кадану Дербскому
  • The Diary of the Rose / Дневник Розы
  • The White Donkey / Белый ослик
  • The Phoenix / Феникс
Zenith / Зенит
  • Intracom / Проблемы внутренней связи
  • The Eye Altering / Изменить взгляд
  • Mazes / Лабиринты
  • The Pathways of Desire / Тропки желания
West / Запад
  • Gwilan's Harp / Арфа Гвилан
  • Malheur County / Округ Мэлхью
  • The Water Is Wide / Вода широка
South / Юг
  • The Wife's Story / Рассказ жены
  • Some Approaches to the Problem of the Shortage of Time / Некоторые подходы к проблеме недостатка времени
  • Sur / Сур
Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences / Бизон-девицы и другие духи животных 1990, epub, ISBN: 0-451-45049-3, Roc / New American Library
Introduction / Предисловие
Come into Animal Presence
I. Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight / Бизоны-малышки, идите гулять... (= Девчонки-Бизоны, выходите гулять вечерком)
II. Three Rock Poems
  • The Basalt
  • Flints
  • Mount St Helens/ Omphalos
III. "The Wife's Story" and "Mazes"
  • Mazes / Лабиринты
  • The Wife's Story / Рассказ жены
IV. Five Vegetable Poems
  • Torrey Pines Reserve
  • Lewis and Clark and After
  • West Texas
  • Xmas Over
  • The Crown of Laurel
V. "The Direction of the Road" and "Vaster Than Empires And More Slow"
  • Direction of the Road / Направление пути (= Направление дороги; Направление)
  • Vaster Than Empires and More Slow / Обширней и медлительней империй (= Безмернее и медленней империй; Безграничней и медлительней империй; Медленно, как империи, и даже медлительней их; Безбрежней и медлительней империй...)
VI. Seven Bird and Beast Poems
  • What is Going on in The Oaks Around the Barn
  • For Ted
  • Found Poem
  • Totem
  • Winter Downs
  • The Man Eater
  • Sleeping Out
VII. "The White Donkey and "Horse Camp"
  • The White Donkey / Белый ослик
  • Horse Camp
VIII. Four Cat Poems
  • Tabby Lorenzo
  • Black Leonard in Negative Space
  • A Conversation with a Silence
  • For Leonard, Darko, and Burton Watson
IX. "Schrodinger's Cat" and "The Author of the Acacia Seeds"
  • Schrodinger's Cat / Волновой кот
  • "The Author of the Acacia Seeds" and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics / "Автор "Записок на семенах акации" и другие статьи из "Журнала ассоциации теролингвистов" (= "Автор "Семян акации» и другие выдержки из "Журнала ассоциации теролингвистики"; Автор "Рукописи на семенах акации"; "...Они не умели читать даже на языке баклажанов"] )
X. "May's Lion"
  • May's Lion
XI. Rilke's "Eighth Duino Elegy" and "She Unnames Them"
  • The Eighth Elegy
  • She Unnames Them
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea / Рыбак из Внутриморья 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-575-10827-1, Gollancz / Orion
The First Contact With the Gorgonids / Первый контакт с горгонидами
Newton's Sleep / Сон Ньютона
The Ascent of the North Face / Восхождение на Северную стену
The Rock That Changed Things / Камень, изменивший мир
The Kerastion / Керастион
The Shobies' Story / История «шобиков»
Dancing to Ganam / Танцуя Ганам
Another Story OR A Fisherman of the Inland Sea / Еще одна история, или Рыбак из Внутриморья
The Birthday of the World and Other Stories / День рождения мира 2002, epub, ISBN: 9780061803925, HarperCollins
FOREWORD / Предисловие
COMING OF AGE IN KARHIDE / Взросление в Кархайде
UNCHOSEN LOVE / Невыбранная любовь
MOUNTAIN WAYS / Законы гор
SOLITUDE / Одиночество
OLD MUSIC AND THE SLAVE WOMEN / Старая Музыка и рабыни
THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD / День рождения мира
PARADISES LOST / Растерянный рай
THE SHOBIES’ STORY / История "шобиков"
ANOTHER STORY, OR A FISHERMAN OF THE INLAND SEA / Еще одна история, или Рыбак из Внутриморья
Changing Planes / Пересадка 2003, fb2; 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-0-544-34168-5, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Sita Dulip's Method / Метод Ситы Дьюлип
Porridge on Islac / Овсяная каша по-айслакски
The Silence of the Asonu / Молчание азону
Feeling at Home with the Hennebet / В мире Хеннебет как дома
The Ire of the Veksi / Гнев народа векси
Seasons of the Ansarac / Времена года в Анзараке (= Сезоны Ансаров)
Social Dreaming of the Frin / Коллективные сны фринов
The Royals of Hegn / Августейшие особы Хегна
Woeful Tales from Mahigul / Страшные сказки Махигула (= Печальные истории из Махигула)
Great Joy / Мир Великой Радости
Wake Island / Остров Неспящих
The Nna Mmoy Language / Язык нна ммуа
The Building / Здание
The Fliers of Gy / Флаеры Гая (= Летатели Гая)
The Island of the Immortals / Остров Бессмертных
Confusions of Uni / Великая путаница в мире Унни
The Wild Girls Plus ... 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-60486-403-8, PM Press
The Wild Girls / Дикие девушки
"Staying Awake While We Read"
Poems / Поэмы
"The Conversation of the Modest"
"A Lovely Art" Outspoken Interview with Ursula K. Le Guin
The Unreal and the Real: The Selected Short Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4814-7598-3, Saga Press
Introduction / Предисловие
Brothers and Sisters / Братья и сестры
A Week in the Country / Неделя за городом
Unlocking the Air / Глоток воздуха
Imaginary Countries / Воображаемые страны
The Diary of the Rose / Дневник Розы
Direction of the Road / Направление пути (= Направление дороги; Направление)
The White Donkey / Белый ослик
Gwilan’s Harp / Арфа Гвилан
May’s Lion
Buffalo Gals, Won’t You Come Out Tonight / Бизоны-малышки, идите гулять... (= Девчонки-Бизоны, выходите гулять вечерком)
Horse Camp
The Water Is Wide / Вода широка
The Lost Children
Texts / Тексты
Sleepwalkers / Лунатики
Hand, Cup, Shell / Рука, чашка, раковина
Ether, OR / Итер, или...
Half Past Four / В половине пятого
Introduction / Предисловие
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas / Уходящие из Омеласа (= "Те, кто покидают Омелас", "Те, кто уходит из Омеласа")
Semley’s Necklace / Ожерелье
Nine Lives / Девять жизней
Mazes / Лабиринты
The First Contact With the Gorgonids / Первый контакт с горгонидами
The Shobies’ Story / История "шобиков"
Betrayals / Предательства
The Matter of Seggri / Дело о Сеггри
Solitude / Одиночество (= Соло души)
The Wild Girls / Дикие девушки
The Fliers of Gy / Флаеры Гая (= Летатели Гая)
The Silence of the Asonu / Молчание азону
The Ascent of the North Face / Восхождение на Северную стену (= Восхождение по северной стороне)
The Author of the Acacia Seeds / Автор "Записок на семенах акации" (= Автор "Семян акации"; Автор "Рукописи на семенах акации"; "...Они не умели читать даже на языке баклажанов")
The Wife’s Story / Рассказ жены
The Rule of Names / Правило имен (= Похититель сокровищ; Правила имен; Укравший имя; Закон имен)
Small Change / Мелочь
The Poacher / Браконьер
Sur / Сур
She Unnames Them
The Jar of Water
The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4814-5141-3, Saga Press
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow / Обширней и медлительней империй
Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight / Бизоны-малышки, идите гулять...
Hernes / Семейство Херн
The Matter of Seggri / Дело о Сеггри
Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea / Еще одна история, или Рыбак из Внутриморья
Forgiveness Day / День прощения
A Man of the People / Муж рода
A Woman's Liberation / Освобождение женщины
Old Music and the Slave Women / Старая Музыка и рабыни
The Finder / Искатель
On the High Marsh / На Верхних Болотах
Dragonfly / Стрекоза (= Ящерка)
Paradises Lost / Растерянный рай
Darkness Box / Шкатулка, в которой была Тьма (= Ларец с темнотой; Сундучок темноты; Шкатулка с темнотой) 1963, fb2
Winter's King / Король планеты Зима 1969, fb2; 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-0-06-247099-7, Harper Perennial
Schrodinger's Cat / Волновой кот 1974, fb2
The New Atlantis / Новая Атлантида 1975, fb2
The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine / Мечтательница: История жизни Дятла из Дома Змеевика 1984, fb2
Newton's Sleep / Сон Ньютона 1991, fb2
A Ride on the Red Mare's Back 1992, pdf, ISBN: 0-531-05991-X, Richard Jackson / Orchard Books
Olders / Старшие 1995, fb2
King Dog 2009, epub, Book View Cafe
Dangerous People 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978–1–59853–605–8, The Library of America
Steering the Craft: A Twenty-First-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-61234-1, Mariner Books
Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-0-8021-6566-4, Grove Press
No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-328-66103-6, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Last Interview and Other Conversations 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-61219-780-7, Melville House
Все PDF - графические, с наложенным текстовым слоем.
1.Catwings 2.Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings 3.The Wind's Twelve Quarters 4.A Ride on the Red Mare's Back
Этот сборник в сети имеется в весьма плохом качестве и, похоже, все варианты получены конвертированием одного, весьма сырого OCR. Я выправил его насколько хватило внимания и терпения. Какие-то ошибки несомненно остались ...

I have tried hard to use my wits and keep up my courage, but I know now that I will not be able to withstand the torture any longer. My perceptions of time are confused, but I think it has been several days since I realized I could no longer keep my emotions under aesthetic control, and now the physical breakdown is also nearly complete. I cannot accomplish any of the greater motions. I cannot speak. Breathing, in this heavy foreign air, grows more difficult. When the paralysis reaches my chest I shall die: probably tonight.

The alien’s cruelty is refined, yet irrational. If it intended all along to starve me, why not simply withhold food? But instead of that it gave me plenty of food, mountains of food, all the greenbud leaves I could possibly want. Only they were not fresh. They had been picked; they were dead; the element that makes them digestible to us was gone, and one might as well eat gravel. Yet there they were, with all the scent and shape of greenbud, irresistible to my craving appetite. Not at first, of course. I told myself, I am not a child, to eat picked leaves! But the belly gets the better of the mind. After a while it seemed better to be chewing something, anything, that might still the pain and craving in the gut. So I ate, and ate, and starved. It is a relief, now, to be so weak I cannot eat.
The same elaborately perverse cruelty marks all its behavior. And the worst thing of all is just the one I welcomed with such relief and delight at first: the maze. I was badly disoriented at first, after the trapping, being handled by a giant, being dropped into a prison; and this place around the prison is disorienting, spatially disquieting, the strange, smooth, curved wall-ceiling is of an alien substance and its lines are meaningless to me. So when I was taken up and put down, amidst all this strangeness, in a maze, a recognizable, even familiar maze, it was a moment of strength and hope after great distress. It seemed pretty clear that I had been put in the maze as a kind of test or investigation, that a first approach toward communication was being attempted. I tried to cooperate in every way. But it was not possible to believe for very long that the creature’s purpose was to achieve communication.
It is intelligent, highly intelligent, that is clear from a thousand evidences. We are both intelligent creatures, we are both maze-builders: surely it would be quite easy to learn to talk together! If that were what the alien wanted. But it is not. I do not know what kind of mazes it builds for itself. The ones it made for me were instruments of torture.
The mazes were, as I said, of basically familiar types, though the walls were of that foreign material much colder and smoother than packed clay. The alien left a pile of picked leaves in one extremity of each maze, I do not know why; it may be a ritual or superstition. The first maze it put me in was babyishly short and simple. Nothing expressive or even interesting could be worked out from it. The second, however, was a kind of simple version of the Ungated Affirmation, quite adequate for the reassuring, outreaching statement I wanted to make. And the last, the long maze, with seven corridors and nineteen connections, lent itself surprisingly well to the Maluvian mode, and indeed to almost all the New Expressionist techniques. Adaptations had to be made to the alien spatial understanding, but a certain quality of creativity arose precisely from the adaptations. I worked hard at the problem of that maze, planning all night long, reimagining the lines and spaces, the feints and pauses, the erratic, unfamiliar, and yet beautiful course of the True Run. Next day when I was placed in the long maze and the alien began to observe, I performed the Eighth Maluvian in its entirety.
It was not a polished performance. I was nervous, and the spatio-temporal parameters were only approximate. But the Eighth Maluvian survives the crudest performance in the poorest maze. The evolutions in the ninth encatenation, where the “cloud” theme recurs so strangely transposed into the ancient spiraling motif, are indestructibly beautiful. I have seen them performed by a very old person, so old and stiff-jointed that he could only suggest the movements, hint at them, a shadow-gesture, a dim reflection of the themes: and all who watched were inexpressibly moved. There is no nobler statement of our being. Performing, I myself was carried away by the power of the motions and forgot that I was a prisoner, forgot the alien eyes watching me; I transcended the errors of the maze and my own weakness, and danced the Eighth Maluvian as I have never danced it before.
When it was done, the alien picked me up and set me down in the first maze—the short one, the maze for little children who have not yet learned how to talk.
Was the humiliation deliberate? Now that it is all past, I see that there is no way to know. But it remains very hard to ascribe its behavior to ignorance.
After all, it is not blind. It has eyes, recognizable eyes. They are enough like our eyes that it must see somewhat as we do. It has a mouth, four legs, can move bipedally, has grasping hands, etc.; for all its gigantism and strange looks, it seems less fundamentally different from us, physically, than a fish. And yet, fish school and dance and, in their own stupid way, communicate! The alien has never once attempted to talk with me. It has been with me, watched me, touched me, handled me, for days: but all its motions have been purposeful, not communicative. It is evidently a solitary creature, totally self-absorbed.
This would go far to explain its cruelty.
I noticed early that from time to time it would move its curious horizontal mouth in a series of fairly delicate, repetitive gestures, a little like someone eating. At first I thought it was jeering at me; then I wondered if it was trying to urge me to eat the indigestible fodder; then I wondered if it could be communicating labially. It seemed a limited and unhandy language for one so well provided with hands, feet, limbs, flexible spine, and all; but that would be like the creature’s perversity, I thought. I studied its lip-motions and tried hard to imitate them. It did not respond. It stared at me briefly and then went away.
In fact, the only indubitable response I ever got from it was on a pitifully low level of interpersonal aesthetics. It was tormenting me with knob-pushing, as it did once a day. I had endured this grotesque routine pretty patiently for the first several days. If I pushed one knob I got a nasty sensation in my feet, if I pushed a second I got a nasty pellet of dried-up food, if I pushed a third I got nothing whatever. Obviously, to demonstrate my intelligence I was to push the third knob. But it appeared that my intelligence irritated my captor, because it removed the neutral knob after the second day. I could not imagine what it was trying to establish or accomplish, except the fact that I was its prisoner and a great deal smaller than it. When I tried to leave the knobs, it forced me physically to return. I must sit there pushing knobs for it, receiving punishment from one and mockery from the other. The deliberate outrageousness of the situation, the insufferable heaviness and thickness of this air, the feeling of being forever watched yet never understood, all combined to drive me into a condition for which we have no description at all. The nearest thing I can suggest is the last interlude of the Ten Gate Dream, when all the feintways are closed and the dance narrows in and in until it bursts terribly into the vertical. I cannot say what I felt, but it was a little like that. If I got my feet stung once more, or got pelted once more with a lump of rotten food, I would go vertical forever…I took the knobs off the wall (they came off with a sharp tug, like flowerbuds), laid them in the middle of the floor, and defecated on them.
The alien took me up at once and returned to my prison. It had got the message, and had acted on it. But how unbelievably primitive the message had had to be! And the next day, it put me back in the knob room, and there were the knobs as good as new, and I was to choose alternate punishments for its amusement…Until then I had told myself that the creature was alien, therefore incomprehensible and uncomprehending, perhaps not intelligent in the same manneras we, and so on. But since then I have known that, though all that may remain true, it is also unmistakably and grossly cruel.
When it put me into the baby maze yesterday, I could not move. The power of speech was all but gone (I am dancing this, of course, in my mind; “the best maze is the mind,” the old proverb goes) and I simply crouched there, silent. After a while it took me out again, gently enough. There is the ultimate perversity of its behavior: it has never once touched me cruelly.
It set me down in the prison, locked the gate, and filled up the trough with inedible food. Then it stood two-legged, looking at me for a while.
Its face is very mobile, but if it speaks with its face I cannot understand it, that is too foreign a language. And its body is always covered with bulky, binding mats, like an old widower who has taken the Vow of Silence. But I had become accustomed to its great size, and to the angular character of its limb-positions, which at first had seemed to be saying a steady stream of incoherent and mispronounced phrases, a horrible nonsense-dance like the motions of an imbecile, until I realized that they were strictly purposive movements. Now I saw something a little beyond that, in its position. There were no words, yet there was communication. I saw, as it stood watching me, a clear signification of angry sadness—as clear as the Sembrian Stance. There was the same lax immobility, the bentness, the assertion of defeat. Never a word came clear, and yet it told me that it was filled with resentment, pity, impatience, and frustration. It told me it was sick of torturing me, and wanted me to help it. I am sure I understood it. I tried to answer. I tried to say, “What is it you want of me? Only tell me what it is you want.” But I was too weak to speak clearly, and it did not understand. It has never understood.
And now I have to die. No doubt it will come in to watch me die; but it will not understand the dance I dance in dying.
She Unnames Them

MOST OF THEM ACCEPTED NAMELESSNESS with the perfect indifference with which they had so long accepted and ignored their names. Whales and dolphins, seals and sea otters consented with particular grace and alacrity, sliding into anonymity as into their element A faction of yaks, however, protested. They said that "yak" sounded right, and that almost everyone who knew they existed called them that Unlike the ubiquitous creatures such as rats or fleas who had been called by hundreds or thousands of different names since Babel, the yaks could truly say, they said, that they had a name. They discussed the matter all summer. The councils of the elderly females finally agreed that though the name might be useful to others, it was so redundant from the yak point of view that they never spoke it themselves, and hence might as well dispense with it After they presented the argument in this light to their bulls, a full consensus was delayed only by the onset of severe early blizzards. Soon after the beginning of the thaw their agreement was reached and the designation "yak" was returned to the donor.
Among the domestic animals, few horses had cared what anybody called them since the failure of Dean Swift's attempt to name them from their own vocabulary. Cattle, sheep, swine, asses, mules, and goats, along with chickens, geese, and turkeys, all agreed enthusiastically to give their names back to the people to whom -- as they put it -- they belonged.
A couple of problems did come up with pets. The cats of course steadfastly denied ever having had any name other than those selfgiven, unspoken, effanineffably personal names which, as the poet named Eliot said, they spend long hours daily contemplating -- though none of the contemplators has ever admitted that what they contemplate is in fact their name, and some onlookers have wondered if the object of that meditative gaze might not in fact be the Perfect, or Platonic, Mouse. In any case it is a moot point now. It was with the dogs, and with some parrots, lovebirds, ravens, and mynahs that the trouble arose. These verbally talented individuals insisted that their names were important to them, and flatly refused to part with them. But as soon as they understood that the issue was precisely one of individual choice, and that anybody who wanted to be called Rover, or Froufrou, or Polly, or even Birdie in the personal sense, was perfectly free to do so, not one of them had the least objection to parting with the lower case (or, as regards German creatures, uppercase) generic appellations poodle, parrot dog, or bird, and all the Linnaean qualifiers that had trailed along behind them for two hundred years like tin cans tied to a tail.
The insects parted with their names in vast clouds and swarms of ephemeral syllables buzzing and stinging and humming and flitting and crawling and tunneling away.
As for the fish of the sea, their names dispersed from them in silence throughout the oceans like faint, dark blurs of cuttlefish ink, and drifted off on the currents without a trace.
None were left now to unname, and yet how close I felt to them when I saw one of them swim or fly or trot or crawl across my way or over my skin, or stalk me in the night, or go along beside me for a while in the day. They seemed far closer than when their names had stood between myself and them like a clear barrier: so close that my fear of them and their fear of me became one same fear. And the attraction that many of us felt, the desire to smell one another's smells, feel or rub or caress one another's scales or skin or feathers or fur, taste one another's blood or flesh, keep one another warm, -- that attraction was now all one with the fear, and the hunter could not be told from the hunted, nor the eater from the food.
This was more or less the effect I had been after. It was somewhat more powerful than I had anticipated, but I could not now, in all conscience, make an exception for myself. I resolutely put anxiety away, went to Adam, and said, 'You and your father lent me this -- gave it to me, actually. It's been really useful, but it doesn't exactly seem to fit very well lately. But thanks very much! It's really been very useful."
It is hard to give back a gift without sounding peevish or ungrateful, and I did not want to leave him with that impression of me. He was not paying much attention, as it happened, and said only, "Put it down over there, OK?" and went on with what he was doing.
One of my reasons for doing what I did was that talk was getting us nowhere; but all the same I felt a little let down. I had been prepared to defend my decision. And I thought that perhaps when he did notice he might be upset and want to talk. I put some things away and fiddled around a little, but he continued to do what he was doing and to take no notice of anything else. At last I said, "Well, goodbye, dear. I hope the garden key turns up."
He was fitting parts together, and said without looking around, "OK, fine, dear. When's dinner?"
"I'm not sure," I said. "I'm going now. With the -- " I hesitated, and finally said, "With them, you know," and went on. In fact I had only just then realized how hard it would have been to explain myself. I could not chatter away as I used to do, taking it all for granted. My words now must be as slow, as new, as single, as tentative as the steps I took going down the path away from the house, between the dark-branched, tall dancers motionless against the winter shining.
By Ursula K. Le Guin

When I wrote this story, a year before I began the novel The Left Hand of Darkness, I did not know that the inhabitants of the planet Winter or Gethen were androgynes. By the time the story came out in print, I did, but too late to emend such usages as "son,""mother," and so on.
Many feminists have been grieved or aggrieved by The Left Hand of Darkness because the androgynes in it are called "he" throughout. In the third person singular, the English generic pronoun is the same as the masculine pronoun. A fact worth reflecting upon. And it's a trap, with no way out, because the exclusion of the feminine (she) and the neuter (it) from the generic/masculine (he) makes the use of either of them more specific, more unjust, as it were, than the use of "he." And I find made-up pronouns, "te" and "heshe" and so on, dreary and annoying.
In revising the story for this edition, I saw a chance to redress that injustice slightly. In this version, I use the feminine pronoun for all Gethenians--while preserving certain masculine titles such as King and Lord, just to remind one of the ambiguity. This may drive some nonfeminists mad, but that's only fair.
The androgyny of the characters has little to do with the events of this story, but the pronoun change does make it clear that the central, paradoxical relationship of parent and child is not, as it may have seemed in the other version, a kind of reverse Oedipus twist, but something less -familiar and more ambiguous. Evidently my unconscious mind knew about the Gethenians long before it saw fit to inform me. It's always doing things like that.

When whirlpools appear in the onward run of time and history seems to swirl around a snag, as in the curious matter of the Succession of Karhide, then pictures come in handy: snapshots, which may be taken up and matched to compare the parent to the child, the young king to the old, and which may also be rearranged and shuffled till the years run straight. For despite the tricks played by instantaneous interstellar communication and just-sub-lightspeed interstellar travel, time (as the Plenipotentiary Axt remarked) does not reverse itself; nor is death mocked.
Thus, although the best-known picture is that dark image of a young king standing above an old king who lies dead in a corridor lit only by mirror-reflections of a burning city, set it aside a while. Look first at the young king, a nation's pride, as bright and fortunate a soul as ever lived to the age of twenty-two; but when this picture was taken the young king had her back against a wall. She was filthy, she was trembling, and her face was blank and mad, for she had lost that minimal confidence in the world which is called sanity. Inside her head she repeated, as she had been repeating for hours or years, over and over, "I will abdicate. I will abdicate. I will abdicate." Inside her eyes she saw the red-walled rooms of the Palace, the towers and streets of Erhenrang in falling snow, the lovely plains of the West Fall, the white summits of the Kargav, and she renounced them all, her kingdom. "I will abdicate," she said not aloud and then, aloud, screamed as once again the person dressed in red and white approached her saying, "Majesty! A plot against your life has been discovered in the Artisan School," and the humming noise began, softly. She hid her head in her arms and whispered, "Stop it, please stop it," but the humming whine grew higher and louder and nearer, relentless, until it was so high and loud that it entered her flesh, tore the nerves from their channels and made her bones dance and jangle, hopping to its tune. She hopped and twitched, bare bones strung on thin white threads, and wept dry tears, and shouted, "Have them-- Have them-- They must-- Executed-- Stopped-- Stop!"
It stopped.
She fell in a clattering, chattering heap to the floor. What floor? Not red tiles, not parquetry, not urine-stained cement, but the wood floor of the room in the tower, the little tower bedroom where she was safe, safe from her ogre parent, the cold, mad, uncaring king, safe to play cat's cradle with Piry and to sit by the fireside on Borhub's warm lap, as warm and deep as sleep. But there was no hiding, no safety, no sleep. The person dressed in black had come even here and had hold of her head, lifted it up, lifted on thin white strings the eyelids she tried to close.
"Who am I?"
The blank, black mask stared down. The young king struggled, sobbing, because now the suffocation would begin: she would not be able to breathe until she said the name, the right name-- "Gerer!"--She could breathe. She was allowed to breathe. She had recognized the black one in time.
"Who am I?" said a different voice, gently, and the young king groped for that strong presence that always brought her sleep, truce, solace. "Rebade," she whispered, "tell me what to do..."
Переводы есть здесь: https://booktracker.org/viewtopic.php?t=2045

UPD Релиз обновлен 29.09.2022
Le Guin, Ursula K - A Fisherman of the Inland Sea - 2011.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Found and the Lost - 2016.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Complete Orsinia - 2016.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Unreal and the Real vol 1 - Where on Earth - 2012.epub и
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Unreal and the Real vol 2 - Outer Space, Inner Lands - 2012.epub
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Le Guin, Ursula K - The Unreal and the Real - 2016.epub (это издание содержит на 1 рассказ больше)
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Wind's Twelve Quarters - 2017.epub к имеющемуся pdf
Le Guin, Ursula K - Winter's King - 2017.epub к имеющемуся fb2
Le Guin, Ursula K - Five Ways to Forgiveness (Hainish) - 2017.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - Dancing at the Edge of the World_ Thoughts on Words, Women, Places - 2017.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - No Time to Spare - 2017.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Books of Earthsea (Earthsea) - 2018.epub (Весь цикл Earthsea; иллюстрированное издание)
Le Guin, Ursula K - Always Coming Home - 2019.epub (Author's Expanded Edition)
Le Guin, Ursula K - Dangerous People - 2019.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Last Interview and Other Conversations - 2019.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - Steering the Craft - 2015.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - Annals of the Western Shore (The Annals of the Western Shore 01-03) - 2020.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences - 1988.fb2 на Le Guin, Ursula K - Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences - 1990.epub (файл с ошибками на, вроде бы, хорошо выправленный)
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Раздача обновлена 02.12.2014
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UPD Релиз обновлен 06.12.2016
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Found and the Lost - 2016.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Complete Orsinia - 2016.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Unreal and the Real vol 1 - Where on Earth - 2012.epub и
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Unreal and the Real vol 2 - Outer Space, Inner Lands - 2012.epub
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Le Guin, Ursula K - The Unreal and the Real - 2016.epub (это издание содержит на 1 рассказ больше)


UPD Релиз обновлен 13.05.2017
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Wind's Twelve Quarters - 2017.epub к имеющемуся pdf
Le Guin, Ursula K - Winter's King - 2017.epub к имеющемуся fb2


UPD Релиз обновлен 10.11.2017
Le Guin, Ursula K - Five Ways to Forgiveness (Hainish) - 2017.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - Dancing at the Edge of the World_ Thoughts on Words, Women, Places - 2017.epub


you rock! thanks ay


UPD Релиз обновлен 06.02.2018
Le Guin, Ursula K - No Time to Spare - 2017.epub

Полное название: No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters. Книга размышлений вышла 5 декабря 2017


UPD Релиз обновлен 11.07.2019
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Books of Earthsea (Earthsea) - 2018.epub (Весь цикл Earthsea; иллюстрированное издание)
Le Guin, Ursula K - Always Coming Home - 2019.epub (Author's Expanded Edition)
Le Guin, Ursula K - Dangerous People - 2019.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - The Last Interview and Other Conversations - 2019.epub


UPD Релиз обновлен 13.12.2021
Le Guin, Ursula K - Steering the Craft - 2015.epub

Полное название - Steering the Craft: A Twenty-First-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story


UPD Релиз обновлен 29.09.2022
Le Guin, Ursula K - Annals of the Western Shore (The Annals of the Western Shore 01-03) - 2020.epub
Le Guin, Ursula K - Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences - 1988.fb2 на Le Guin, Ursula K - Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences - 1990.epub (файл с ошибками на, вроде бы, хорошо выправленный)
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