
[Физика, Математика] KOLXO3 library (Колхоз), issue 7, DVD 25 [2009, DjVu]

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KOLXO3 library, issue 7, DVD 25

Год выпуска: 2009
Жанр: физ-мат
Формат: DjVu
Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное)
Автор релиза: Jurinab

Описание: Библиотека KOLXO3 - большая структурированная коллекция книг в основном физико-математической
тематики. Данный 7 выпуск содержит 4 ДВД являющиеся обновлениями библиотеки Колхоза. Инструкция по установке лежит на каждом диске.
top / Biology
BMA illustrated medical dictionary [Dorling Kindersley, 2007] (0751333832,pdf,608 p.,27333K,en)
DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [4ed., APA, 1994] (0890420610,djvu,915 p.,6709K,300dpi,en,T)
Middleton's Allergy, Principles and Practice [Mosby, 6ed., 2003] (pdf,3701 p.,52549K,en)
Nelson's textbook of pediatrics [2004] (0721695566,djvu,2806 p.,45833K,300dpi,en,T)
Banks H.T., Castillo-Chavez C. (eds.) Bioterrorism [SIAM, 2003] (0898715490,djvu,251 p.,2485K,300dpi,en,T)
Bellack A.S., Hersen M. (eds.) Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. Volume 2 [Elsevier, 2000] (pdf,489 p.,10619K,en)
Birren J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of gerontology. Vol.1-2 [2ed., AP, 2007] (0123705304,pdf,1510 p.,16321K,en)
Borodovsky M., Ekisheva S. Problems and solutions in biological sequence analysis [CUP, 2006] (0521612306,pdf,361 p.,1756K,en)
Boskou D. (ed.) Olive oil: Minor constituents and health [CRC, 2009] (1420059939,pdf,244 p.,3993K,en)
Chakraborty T. (ed.) Charge Migration in DNA: Perspectives from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology [Springer, 2007] (3540724931,pdf,301 p.,6417K,en)
Chatenay D. (eds.) Multiple Aspects of DNA and RNA: From Biophysics to Bioinformatics [Les Houches, Elsevier, 2005] (0444520813,pdf,379 p.,6552K,en)
Chow C.C., et al. (eds.) Methods and Models in Neurophysics [Les Houches, Elsevier, 2005] (0444517928,djvu,863 p.,7378K,300dpi,en,T,C,K)
Connolly J.F. Fractures and dislocations: closed management. Vol.2. (djvu,818 p.,11028K,300dpi,en,T)
Cristianini N., Hahn M.W. Introduction to computational genomics [CUP, 2007] (0521671914,pdf,202 p.,1457K,en)
Currie P.J., Padian K. (eds.) Encyclopedia of dinosaurs [AP, 1997] (0122268105,pdf,901 p.,27703K,en)
Dennett D.C. Elbow room: The varieties of free will worth wanting [OUP, 1984] (0198247532,djvu,210 p.,1510K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Duffus J.H., Worth H.G.J. (eds.) Fundamental toxicology [2ed., RSC, 2006] (0854046143,pdf,516 p.,4174K,en)
Gordon I. Theories of visual perception [3ed., Psychology, 2004] (1841693839,pdf,271 p.,1426K,en)
Haynie D.T. Biological thermodynamics [2ed., CUP, 2008] (0521711347,pdf,440 p.,3637K,en)
Hou C.T., Shaw J.-F. Biocatalysis and Bioenergy [Wiley, 2008] (0470134046,pdf,604 p.,4411K,en)
Keener J., Sneyd J. Mathematical physiology [2ed., Springer, 2009] (0387758461,pdf,1067 p.,21254K,en)
MacLeod N., Forey P. (eds.) Morphology, shape and phylogeny [Taylor, 2002] (0415240743,pdf,319 p.,3321K,en)
Magal P., Ruan S. (eds.) Structured population models in biology and epidemiology [LNM1936, Springer, 2008] (3540782729,pdf,314 p.,2839K,en)
Masoro E. Caloric restriction: a key to understanding and modulating aging [Elsevier, 2002] (0444511628,pdf,192 p.,1480K,en)
Mehta S.S. Commercializing Successful Biomedical Technologies [draft, CUP, 2008] (0521870984,pdf,360 p.,3218K,en)
Nelson A., Kokkonen J. Stretching anatomy [Human Kinetics Publ., 2006] (0736059725,pdf,158 p.,7004K,en)
Netter F.H. Atlas d'anatomie humaine (djvu,546 p.,37668K,600dpi,fr,T,C)
Purves, Sadama, Orions, Heller. Life: the science of biology [7ed., Freeman, 2003] (0716798565,pdf,1124 p.,38548K,en)
Rae-Dupree J., DuPree P. Anatomy and physiology workbook for dummies [Wiley, 2007] (047016932X,pdf,313 p.,9351K,en)
Rao, Olshausen, Lewicki. (eds.) Probabilistic models of the brain: Perception and neural function [MIT, 2002] (0262182246,pdf,335 p.,3329K,en)
Salkind N. (ed.) Encyclopedia of human development [Sage, 2006] (1412904757,pdf,1555 p.,8636K,en)
Sandberg F., Corrigan D. Natural remedies: their origins and uses [Taylor, 2001] (0415272017,pdf,178 p.,5829K,en)
Schutter E. (ed.) Computational neuroscience. Realistic modeling for experimentalists [CRC, 2001] (0849320682,pdf,355 p.,4721K,en)
Sen C., Packer L., Hanninen O. (eds.) Handbook of oxidants and antioxidants in exercise [Elsevier, 2000] (0444826505,djvu,1216 p.,7961K,300dpi,en,T)
Serdyuk I.N., Zaccai N.R., Zaccai J. Methods in molecular biophysics [CUP, 2007] (052181524X,pdf,1138 p.,18437K,en)
Smith T., Pinnock C., Lin T., Jones R. (eds.) Fundamentals of Anaesthesia [draft, 3ed., CUP, 2009] (0521692490,pdf,931 p.,9933K,en)
Smith T., et al. (eds.) The BMA family doctor home adviser [Dorling Kindersley, 2001] (0751321680,pdf,319 p.,17466K,en)
Tan W., Hanin L. (eds.) Handbook of cancer models with applications [WS, 2008] (9812779477,pdf,592 p.,5215K,en)
Turchin V.F. The phenomenon of science. A cybernetic approach to human evolution [1977] (pdf,261 p.,1175K,en)
Warren R.M. Auditory Perception [3ed., CUP, 2008] (0521688892,pdf,280 p.,5318K,en)
Wiseman G. Nutrition and Health [Taylor, 2002] (0415278759,pdf,209 p.,1739K,en)
Wolken J.J. Light detectors, photoreceptors, and imaging systems in nature [OUP, 1995] (0195050029,djvu,274 p.,5090K,300dpi,en,T,C,K)
Wuketits F.M., Antweiler C. (eds.) Handbook of evolution, vol.1. Evolution of societies [Wiley-VCH, 2004] (3527308393,djvu,346 p.,2300K,300dpi,en,T)
Wuketits F.M., Ayala F.J. Handbook of evolution vol.2: living systems [Wiley, 2005] (3527308385,djvu,290 p.,2893K,400dpi,en,T)
Биология. Современная иллюстрированная энциклопедия [Росмэн, 2006] (chm,560 p.,1468K,ru)
Дарвин Ч. Происхождение человека и половой подбор [изд-во Поповой, 1896] (djvu,446 p.,19942K,600dpi,ru,T)
Докинз Р. (Dawkins) Бог как иллюзия [КоЛибри, 2008] (9785389003347,pdf,405 p.,2938K,ru,T)
Дроздова И.В. Удивительная биология [НЦ ЭНАС, 2006] (chm,232 p.,1027K,ru)
Ичас М. (Ycas) О природе живого: механизмы и смысл [Мир, 1994] (djvu,494 p.,7768K,300dpi,ru,T)
Корпачев В.В. Целебная фауна [Наука, 1989] (chm,190 p.,530K,ru)
Кук Д. 100-процентное зрение без очков и линз [ЭКСМО, 2006] (djvu,224 p.,1596K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Рудницкий Л.В. О чем говорят анализы [Питер, 2008] (djvu,160 p.,1472K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Сергеев Б. Тайны памяти [Цитадель, 1991] (djvu,270 p.,2023K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Скальный А.В. Химические элементы в физиологии и экологии человека [Мир, 2004] (5030036485,djvu,218 p.,4584K,300dpi,ru,T)
Турчин В.Ф. Феномен науки. Кибернетический подход к эволюции [2изд., ЭТС, 2000] (pdf,192 p.,1797K,ru)
Уотсон Дж. (Watson) Двойная спираль. Воспоминания об открытии структуры ДНК [РХД, 2001] (chm,67 p.,508K,ru)
Уотсон Дж. (Watson) Двойная спираль. Воспоминания об открытии структуры ДНК [РХД, 2001] (pdf,67 p.,901K,ru)

top / Biology / Encyclopaediae
Color Atlas of Neurology [Thieme, 2004] (1588901912,pdf,449 p.,10911K,en)
Color Atlas of Neuroscience - Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology [Thieme, 2000] (3131081716,pdf,449 p.,49362K,en)
Color Atlas of Otoscopy [Thieme, 1999] (3131114916,pdf,156 p.,10169K,en)
Color Atlas of Pathology [Thieme, 2004] (3131277815,djvu,479 p.,74941K,600dpi,en,T)
Color Atlas of Pathology [Thieme, 2004] (1588901173,pdf,479 p.,125715K,en)
Color Atlas of Physiology [Thieme, 2003] (1588900614,pdf,448 p.,27408K,en)
Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy [Thieme, 2000] (0865779287,pdf,510 p.,11377K,en)
Fundukian L. (ed.) The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. 4.vol.set [3ed., Gale, 2009] (1414448724,pdf,2711 p.,45997K,en)
Ramachandran V.S. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, vols.1-4 [Elsevier, 2002] (pdf,3289 p.,86013K,en)

top / Chemistry
Anh N.T. Frontier Orbitals [Wiley, 2007] (0471973580,pdf,304 p.,8542K,en)
Bowen D.K., Tanner B.K. High resolution X-ray diffractometry and topography [Taylor & Francis, 1998] (0850667585,pdf,278 p.,8546K,en)
Brown I.D. The chemical bond in inorganic chemistry: the bond valence model [OUP, 2002] (0198508700,djvu,289 p.,1785K,300dpi,en,T,C,K)
Cook D.B. Handbook of computational quantum chemistry [OUP, 1998] (0198501145,djvu,767 p.,8039K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Czeslik, Seemann, Winter. Basiswissen physikalische Chemie [2ed., Teubner, 2007] (3835100475,djvu,381 p.,2475K,300dpi,de,T)
Dressler R. (ed.) Chemical Dynamics in Extreme Environments [WS 2001] (9810241771,djvu,630 p.,4370K,300dpi,en,T)
Eidhammer I., et al. Computational methods for mass spectrometry proteomics [Wiley, 2007] (9780470512975,pdf,285 p.,2991K,en)
Fredriksson H., Akerlind U. Physics of Functional Materials [Wiley, 2008] (0470517581,pdf,490 p.,10048K,en)
Gersten J.I., Smith F.W. The physics and chemistry of materials [Wiley, 2001] (0471057940,pdf,560 p.,7188K,en)
Glassman I. Combustion [3ed., AP, 1996] (0122858522,djvu,619 p.,4625K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Glassman I., Yetter R. Combustion [4ed., AP, 2008] (0120885735,pdf,794 p.,3823K,en)
Gschneidner K.A.Jr., Eyring L., Maple M.B. (eds.) Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths, vol 30 [NH, 2000] (0444505288,djvu,643 p.,7677K,300dpi,en,T,C,K)
Haedener A., Kaufmann H. Grundlagen der organischen Chemie [Birkhauser, 2006] (3764370408,djvu,374 p.,4992K,600dpi,de,T,C)
Harper G.D.J. Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius [MGH, 2008] (0071496599,pdf,208 p.,4231K,en)
Hermanson G.T. Bioconjugate Techniques [2ed., AP, 2008] (0123705010,pdf,1233 p.,15396K,en)
Hilgetag G., Martini A. (eds.) Weygand Hilgetag preparative organic chemistry [Wiley 1972] (0471937495,djvu,1209 p.,12247K,600dpi,en,T)
Holden A. Bonds between atoms [OUP, 1971] (0195014987,djvu,119 p.,1225K,600dpi,en,T)
Holden A. The Nature of Solids [Columbia U. Press, 1965] (0486270777,djvu,251 p.,2470K,600dpi,en,T)
Hosford W.F. Materials science: An intermediate text [CUP, 2007] (0521867053,pdf,253 p.,2948K,en)
Houk C.C., Post R. Chemistry: a self-teaching guide [2ed., Wiley, 1996] (0471121207,djvu,313 p.,2269K,300dpi,en,T)
Jakobsen H. Chemical Reactor Modeling: Multiphase Reactive Flows [Springer, 2008] (3540251979,pdf,1275 p.,10940K,en)
Kasai N., Kakudo M. X-Ray Diffraction by Macromolecules [Springer, 2005] (4062074052,djvu,506 p.,3424K,300dpi,en,T)
Klotz I., Rosenberg R. Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Concepts and Methods [Wiley 2008] (0471780154,pdf,586 p.,2125K,en)
Lee T.A. A beginner's guide to mass spectral interpretation [Wiley, 1998] (0471976288,pdf,240 p.,4394K,en)
Lee Y. Self-Assembly and Nanotechnology: Force Balance Approach [Wiley 2008] (0470248831,pdf,361 p.,1897K,en)
Marrion A. (ed.) The Chemistry and Physics of Coatings [RSC 2004] (0854046046,pdf,395 p.,4197K,en)
Martin J.W. Concise Encyclopedia of the Structure of Materials [Elsevier, 2006] (0080451276,pdf,485 p.,10821K,en)
McCreery R.L. Raman spectroscopy for chemical analysis [Wiley, 2000] (0471252875,djvu,436 p.,4408K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Mezey P.G. Shape in chemistry [Wiley-VCH, 1993] (0895737272,djvu,234 p.,1889K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Mortimer R.G. Physical Chemistry [3ed., AP, 2008] (0123706173,pdf,1405 p.,9288K,en)
Nastasi M., Mayer J. Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials [Springer, 2006] (3540236740,pdf,273 p.,4674K,en)
Nilsson A., Pettersson L., Noerskov J. (eds.) Chemical bonding at surfaces and interfaces [Elsevier, 2008] (0444528377,pdf,533 p.,15699K,en)
Nitzan A. Chemical dynamics in condensed phases [OUP, 2006] (0198529791,pdf,741 p.,3399K,en)
Pfeiler W. (ed.) Alloy Physics [Wiley-VCH, 2007] (3527313214,djvu,1003 p.,7248K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Piela L. Ideas of quantum chemistry [Elsevier, 2006] (0444522271,djvu,1121 p.,10057K,300dpi,en,T)
Rubinstein I. Electro-diffusion of ions [SIAM, 1990] (0898712459,djvu,265 p.,1669K,300dpi,en,T)
Shaik S., Hiberty P.C. A chemist's guide to valence bond theory [Wiley, 2008] (0470037350,pdf,333 p.,3447K,en)
Simoes J., Piedade M. Molecular Energetics [OUP, 2008] (0195133196,pdf,305 p.,1620K,en)
Simoes J., Piedade M. Molecular Energetics. Condensed-Phase Thermochemical Techniques [Oxford 2008] (0195133196,pdf,305 p.,1455K,en)
Smith P.L. A primer for sampling solids, liquids, and gases [SIAM, 2001] (0898714737,djvu,117 p.,921K,300dpi,en,T)
Spasic A., Hsu J-P. (eds.) Finely Dispersed Particles: Micro-, Nano-, and Atto-Engineering (Surfactant Science) [CRC 2006] (1574444638,pdf,936 p.,15205K,en)
Sunagawa I. Crystals [CUP, 2005] (0521841895,pdf,308 p.,6309K,en)
Suppan P. Chemistry and Light [RSC 1994] (0851868142,djvu,310 p.,3121K,600dpi,en,T)
Sutherland K. Filters and Filtration Handbook [5ed., Elsevier, 2008] (1856174646,pdf,536 p.,6440K,en)
Togni A., Hayashi T. (eds.) Ferrocenes [Wiley-VCH, 1995] (3527290486,djvu,555 p.,4640K,300dpi,en,T)
Whitakker A.G., Mount A.R., Heal M.R. Physical chemistry: Instant Notes [BIOS, 2000] (1859961940,pdf,399 p.,3773K,en)
Yoder C.H. Ionic compounds [Wiley, 2006] (0471740462,pdf,207 p.,3794K,en)
Дуглас Д. (Douglass) Металловедение циркония [Атомиздат, 1975] (djvu,361 p.,8041K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Родебуш В., Родебуш Э. (W.Hrodebush,E.K.Hrodebush) Введение в физическую химию [ОНТИ, 1935] (djvu,412 p.,7654K,600dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Chemistry / Computational chemistry
Balbuena P., Seminario J. Nanomaterials: Design and Simulation [TCC018, Elsevier 2007] (0444528261,pdf,329 p.,15530K,en)
Полак Л.С. (ред.) Применение вычислительной математики в химической и физической кинетике [Наука, 1969] (djvu,279 p.,3918K,600dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Chemistry / Encyclopaediae
Schleyer P., et al. (eds.) Encyclopedia of computational chemistry [Wiley, 1998] (047196588X,djvu,3450 p.,92004K,300dpi,en,T)

top / Computer science
Amadio R., Curien P.L. Domains and Lambda-calculi [draft, 1996] (0521622778,pdf,536 p.,3819K,en)
Aspray W. John von Neumann and the origins of modern computing [MIT Press, 1990] (0262011212,djvu,394 p.,4245K,600dpi,en,T)
Aspray W. John von Neumann and the origins of modern computing [MIT, 1990] (0262011212,djvu,394 p.,3622K,300dpi,en,T)
Barbin E., et al. (eds.) A history of algorithms [Springer, 1999] (3540633693,djvu,533 p.,6556K,600dpi,en,T)
Bardini T. Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and origins of personal computing [Stanford 2000] (0804738718,djvu,309 p.,3812K,600dpi,en,T)
Bashe C.J., et al. IBM's early computers [MIT, 1986] (0262022257,djvu,735 p.,8778K,600dpi,en,T)
Berkeley E.C. Giant brains, or Machines that think [Science Editions, 1961] (B000NSR5P2,djvu,309 p.,2895K,600dpi,en,T)
Davis M. Engines of logic [Norton, 2001] (0393322297,djvu,268 p.,1873K,600dpi,en,T)
Grier D.A. When computers were human [PUP, 2005] (0691091579,djvu,421 p.,6172K,600dpi,en,T)
McCartney S. ENIAC: The triumphs and tragedies of the world's first computer [Walker, 1999] (0802713483,djvu,271 p.,1744K,600dpi,en,T,C)
Murray C.J. The supermen: the story of Seymour Cray and the supercomputer [Wiley, 1997] (0471048852,djvu,241 p.,2013K,600dpi,en,T)
Murray F.J. The theory of mathematical machines [Rev.ed., King's Crown, 1947] (B0007EA3B0,djvu,123 p.,2660K,600dpi,en,T)
Reynolds C., Tymann P. Schaum's outline of principles of computer science [MGH, 2008] (0071460519,pdf,233 p.,1773K,en)
Schoening U. Theoretische Informatik - kurz gefasst [Spektrum, 2008] (3827418240,djvu,171 p.,1531K,150dpi,de,T,K)
Vickers S. Topology via logic [CUP, 1989] (0521360625,djvu,211 p.,1289K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Анисимов А.В. Компьютерная лингвистика для всех [Наукова Думка, 1991] (djvu,209 p.,1895K,300dpi,ru,T)

top / Computer science / AI, knowledge
Aliseda-Llera A., et al. Computing natural language [1998] (1575861003,djvu,168 p.,1099K,300dpi,en,T)
Alpaydin E. Introduction to machine learning [MIT Press, 2004] (0262012111,djvu,432 p.,2591K,300dpi,en,T)
Bertot Y., et al. (eds.) Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development [Springer, 2004] (3540208542,djvu,497 p.,3245K,600dpi,en,T)
Bolc L. (ed.) Natural language communication with computers [LNCS0063, Springer, 1978] (038708911X,djvu,288 p.,1591K,300dpi,en,T)
Bratko I. Prolog programming for artificial intelligence [3ed., AW, 2001] (0201403757,djvu,704 p.,5475K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Friedman J., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. The elements of statistical learning: Data mining, inference, and prediction [2ed., Springer, 2008] (0387848576,pdf,809 p.,11182K,en)
Furuhashi T. (ed.) Advances in Fuzzy Logic Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. Proc. Workshop Nagoya, 1994 [LNCS1011, Springer, 1995] (3540606076,djvu,155 p.,1603K,300dpi,en,T)
German O.V., Ofitserov D.V. Problem solving (no title,no TOC) [Elsevier, 1995] (0444822267,djvu,419 p.,2360K,300dpi,en,T)
Giannopoulou E. (ed.) Data mining in medical and biological research [I-Tech, 2008] (9789537619305,djvu,330 p.,4398K,600dpi,en,T)
Grimm M., Kroscel K. (eds.) Robust speech recognition and understanding [I-Tech, 2007] (9783902613080,pdf,468 p.,5712K,en)
Grishman R. Computational linguistics: an introduction [CUP, 1986] (0521310385,djvu,195 p.,1990K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Holmes J., Holmes W. Speech synthesis and recognition [2ed., Taylor & Francis, 2001] (0748408576,pdf,317 p.,3009K,en)
Kitamura T. (ed.) What should be computed to understand and model brain function [WS, 2001] (9810245181,djvu,323 p.,2603K,300dpi,en,T)
Larichev O.I., Mechitov A.I., Moshkovich E.M., Furems E.M. Vyyavlenie e'kspertnyx znanij [Nauka, 1989] (djvu,128 p.,1072K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Mahadevan S. Representation discovery using harmonic analysis [Morgan, 2008] (1598296590,pdf,160 p.,5256K,en)
Mihelic F., Zibert J. (eds.) Speech recognition. Technologies and applications [I-Tech, 2008] (9789537619299,djvu,574 p.,7149K,600dpi,en,T)
Ruan D., H'hondt P., et al. (eds.) Applied artificial intelligence. Proc. 7th FLINS conf. [WS, 2006] (9812566902,djvu,1019 p.,9022K,300dpi,en,T)
Rutkowski L. Computational Intelligence: methods and techniques [Springer, 2008] (3540762876,djvu,519 p.,3913K,600dpi,en,T)
Shafer G. Probabilistic expert systems [SIAM, 1996] (0898713730,djvu,91 p.,832K,300dpi,en,T)
Winograd T., Flores F. Understanding computers and cognition [AW, 1987] (0201112973,djvu,221 p.,1833K,300dpi,en,T)
Бенерджи Р. (Banerji) Теория решения задач [Мир, 1972] (djvu,224 p.,2411K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Захаров В.Н., Хорошевский В.Ф. (ред.) Искусственный интеллект: В 3 кн. Кн. 3. Программные и аппаратные средства: Справочник [Радио и связь, 1990] (djvu,368 p.,6082K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Нильсон Н. (Nilsson) Принципы искусственного интеллекта [РиС, 1985] (djvu,374 p.,6335K,300dpi,ru,T)
Попов Э.В. (ред.) Искусственный интеллект: В 3 кн. Кн. 1. Системы общения и экспертные системы: Справочник [Радио и связь, 1990] (5256003658,djvu,464 p.,7157K,400dpi,ru,T,K)
Поспелов Д.А. (ред.) Искусственный интеллект. В 3-х кн. Кн. 2. Модели и методы: Справочник [Радио и связь, 1990] (5256003682,djvu,304 p.,5398K,600dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Computer science / Algorithms
Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [SIAM, 2001] (0898714907,djvu,952 p.,31957K,600dpi,en,T)
Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms [SIAM, 2004] (089871558X,djvu,1149 p.,20351K,300dpi,en,T)
Proceedings of the 16th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms [SIAM, 2005] (0898715857,djvu,1204 p.,20103K,300dpi,en,T)
Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms [SIAM, 2006] (0898716055,djvu,1261 p.,21763K,300dpi,en,T)
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top / Computer science / Bioinformatics
Husmeier, Dybowski, Roberts. (eds.) Probabilistic modeling in bioinformatics and medical informatics [Springer, 2005] (1852337788,pdf,510 p.,3743K,en)
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top / Computer science / Computer algebra
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top / Computer science / Computational geometry
Akenine-Moeller T., Haines E., Hoffman N. Real-time rendering [3ed., AK Peters, 2008] (9781568814247,djvu,1046 p.,16848K,600dpi,en,T,C,K)
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top / Computer science / Cryptography
Baldoni, Ciliberto, Cattaneo. Elementary number theory, cryptography and codes [Springer, 2009] (3540691995,pdf,530 p.,2757K,en)
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top / Computer science / Discrete math
Acharjya D.P. Fundamental approach to discrete mathematics [New Age, 2005] (8122416926,pdf,279 p.,3820K,en)
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Gill A. Applied algebra for the computer sciences [PH, 1976] (0130392227,djvu,445 p.,3559K,300dpi,en,T)
Grossman P. Discrete mathematics for computing [2ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2002] (0333981111,pdf,316 p.,1028K,en)
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Соболева Т., Чечкин А.В. Дискретная математика [Академия, 2006] (5769528230,djvu,258 p.,2617K,300dpi,ru,T)

top / Computer science / Genetic, neural
Anthony M. Discrete mathematics of neural networks [SIAM, 2001] (089871480X,djvu,143 p.,1134K,300dpi,en,T)
Domosi P., Nehaniv C.L. Algebraic theory of automata networks [SIAM, 2005] (0898715695,djvu,271 p.,2673K,300dpi,en,T,C)
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Zurada J.M. Introduction to artificial neural systems [West, 1992] (0314933913,djvu,764 p.,7113K,300dpi,en,T,K)

top / Computer science / Information theory
Adamek J. Foundations of coding: theory and applications of error-correcting codes [Wiley, 1991] (0471621870,djvu,334 p.,2148K,300dpi,en,T)
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top / Computer science / Image processing
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Ammari H. An introduction to mathematics of emerging biomedical imaging [Springer, 2008] (3540795529,pdf,193 p.,2254K,en)
Bhanu B., Pavlidis I. Computer vision beyond the visible spectrum [Springer, 2005] (1852336048,pdf,322 p.,3881K,en)
Bhatti A. (ed.) Stereo vision [I-Tech, 2008] (9789537619220,djvu,378 p.,8031K,600dpi,en,T)
Chan T.F., Shen J. Image processing and analysis [SIAM, 2005] (089871589X,djvu,423 p.,3791K,300dpi,en,T)
Chaudhuri S., Manjunath J. Motion-free super-resolution [Springer, 2005] (0387258906,djvu,245 p.,2424K,300dpi,en,T)
Davies E.R. Machine vision: theory, algorithms, practicalities [Elsevier, 2005] (0122060938,djvu,958 p.,7774K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Frank J. Electron tomography: methods for three-dimensional visualization of structures in the cell [2ed., Springer, 2006] (038731234X,pdf,464 p.,6125K,en)
Frank J. Three-dimensional electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies: Visualization of biological molecules [2ed., OUP, 2006] (0195150961,pdf,428 p.,8757K,en)
Goh, Ron, Shen. (eds.) Mathematics and computation in imaging science and information processing [WS, 2007] (9812709053,pdf,275 p.,6588K,en)
Hammoud R. (ed.) Interactive Video: algorithms and technologies [Springer, 2006] (3540332146,pdf,256 p.,2846K,en)
Hansen P.C., Nagy J.G., O'Leary D.P. Deblurring images [SIAM, 2006] (0898716187,djvu,145 p.,1513K,300dpi,en,T)
Hartley R., Zisserman A. Multiple view geometry in computer vision [CUP, 2003] (0521540518,djvu,672 p.,7552K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Jahne B. Practical handbook on image processing for scientific and technical applications [2ed., CRC, 2004] (0849319005,pdf,571 p.,29236K,en)
Jain A.K. Fundamentals of digital image processing [PH, 1989] (0133361659,djvu,590 p.,7610K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Kak A.C., Slaney M. Principles of computerized tomographic imaging [SIAM, 2001] (089871494X,djvu,342 p.,4990K,300dpi,en,T)
Kanatani K. Statistical optimization for geometric computation. Theory and practice [NH, 1996] (0444824278,djvu,508 p.,3091K,300dpi,en,T)
Kehtarnavaz N., Gamadia M. Real-time image and video processing: from research to reality [M&C, 2006] (1598290525,pdf,107 p.,535K,en)
Klette R., Rosenfeld A. Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Image Analysis [Morgan Kaufmann, 2004] (1558608613,djvu,657 p.,6696K,300dpi,en,T)
Kong T., Rosenfeld A. (eds.) Topological algorithms for digital image processing [NH, 1996] (0444897542,djvu,293 p.,2538K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Lee H.-C. Introduction to color imaging science [CUP, 2005] (052184388X,pdf,717 p.,2751K,en)
Marchand-Maillet S., Sharaiha Y.M. Binary digital image processing: a discrete approach [AP, 2000] (0124705057,djvu,279 p.,2173K,300dpi,en,T)
Meyer-Baese A. Pattern recognition in medical imaging [Elsevier, 2004] (0124932908,djvu,404 p.,3213K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Natterer F. The mathematics of computerized tomography [SIAM, 2001] (0898714931,djvu,245 p.,1657K,300dpi,en,T)
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Obinata G., Dutta A. (eds.) Vision systems. Applications [I-Tech, 2007] (9783902613011,pdf,616 p.,10327K,en)
Obinata G., Dutta A. (eds.) Vision systems: segmentation and pattern recognition [I-Tech, 2007] (390261305X,pdf,546 p.,11045K,en)
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Sarty G. Computing brain activity maps from fMRI time-series images [CUP, 2007] (0521868262,pdf,203 p.,1510K,en)
Scherzer, Grasmair, et al. Variational methods in imaging [Springer, 2009] (0387309314,pdf,323 p.,5586K,en)
Stolkin R. (ed.) Scene reconstruction, pose estimation and tracking [I-Tech, 2007] (9783902613066,pdf,538 p.,8707K,en)
Taylor G., Kleeman L. Visual perception and robotic manipulation [Springer, 2006] (3540334548,pdf,230 p.,2338K,en)
Theodoridis S., Koutroumbas K. Pattern recognition [3ed., AP, 2006] (0123695317,djvu,840 p.,5794K,300dpi,en,T)
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Zhihui X. (ed.) Computer vision [I-Tech, 2008] (9789537619213,djvu,546 p.,10663K,600dpi,en,T)
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Загоруйко Н.Г. Прикладные методы анализа данных и знаний [Из-во Инст. мат., 1999] (5861340609,djvu,270 p.,2219K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Лбов Г.С., Бериков В.Б. Устойчивость решающих функций в задачах распознавания образов и анализа разнотипной информации [Новосибирск, 2005] (djvu,218 p.,1673K,600dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Computer science / Computability
Bogdanov A., Trevisan L. Average-case complexity [NOW, 2006] (1933019492,pdf,122 p.,584K,en)
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Davis M. Computability and unsolvability [MGH, 1958] (0486614719,djvu,235 p.,1769K,300dpi,en,T)
Goldreich O. Computational complexity: A conceptual perspective [CUP, 2008] (052188473X,pdf,632 p.,3375K,en)
Griffor E.R. (ed.) Handbook of computability theory [Elsevier, 1999] (0444898824,djvu,710 p.,3588K,300dpi,en,T)
Luby M., Wigderson A. Pairwise independence and derandomization [NOW, 2006] (1933019220,pdf,78 p.,465K,en)
Manna Z. Lectures on the logic of computer programming [SIAM, 1980] (0898711649,djvu,57 p.,269K,300dpi,en,T)
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Zimand M. Computational complexity. A quantitative perspective [Elsevier, 2004] (0444828419,djvu,350 p.,1941K,300dpi,en,T)
Эббинхауз, Якобс, Ман, Хермес. (Ebbinghaus,Jacobs,Mahn,Hermes) Машины Тьюринга и рекурсивные функции [Мир, 1972] (djvu,264 p.,3575K,460dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Computer science / Programming languages
Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages [ACM, 2007] (pdf,484 p.,9602K,en)
Adams J.C., et al. The Fortran 2003 Handbook [Springer, 2008] (1846283787,pdf,713 p.,3273K,en)
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Chapman S.J. Fortran 90-95 for scientists and engineers [1ed., MGH, 1998] (0070119384,djvu,891 p.,14887K,600dpi,en,T)
Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers [3ed., MGH, 2007] (0390911976,djvu,988 p.,25631K,300dpi,en,T)
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Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. Prolog programming in depth [PH, 1996] (013138645X,djvu,528 p.,3005K,400dpi,en,T,K)
Gaddis T., Walters J., Muganda G. Starting Out with C++: Early Objects [5ed., AW, 2005] (0321383486,djvu,1337 p.,7023K,600dpi,en,T)
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Kernighan, Ritchie. The ANSI C programming language [2ed., PH, 1998] (0131103709,djvu,287 p.,1998K,600dpi,en,T)
Queinnec C. LISP in small pieces [CUP, 1996] (0521562473,djvu,526 p.,4874K,600dpi,en,T,K)
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Weiss M.A. Data structures and problem solving using C++ [2ed., Pearson, 2003] (0321205006,djvu,976 p.,9695K,600dpi,en,T)
Wexelblat R.L. (ed.) History of programming languages, vol.1 [ACMM, AP, 1981] (0127450408,djvu,822 p.,9110K,300dpi,en,T)
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top / Computer science / Quantum computing
Audretsch J. (ed.) Entangled World [Wiley, 2006] (3527404708,djvu,308 p.,2131K,300dpi,en,T)
Berman G.P., et al. Introduction to Quantum Computers [WS, 1998] (9810234902,djvu,197 p.,866K,300dpi,en,T)
Bruss D., Leuchs G. Lectures on Quantum Information [Wiley, 2007] (3527405275,pdf,636 p.,9787K,en)
Kitaev A.Y., Shen A.H., Vyalyi M.N. Classical and quantum computation [AMS, 2002] (082182161X,djvu,273 p.,3175K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Macucci M. (ed.) Quantum Cellular Automata [ICP, 2006] (1860946321,djvu,298 p.,3335K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Steeb W.-H., Hardy Y. Problems and Solutions in Quantum Computing and Quantum Information [WS, 2004] (9812387897,djvu,262 p.,1014K,300dpi,en,T)
Stolze J., Suter D. Quantum Computing [Wiley, 2004] (3527404384,djvu,246 p.,2575K,300dpi,en,T)

top / Engineering
Blitz J. Ultrasonics: methods and applications [Butterworths, 1971] (0408702125,djvu,163 p.,1354K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Hicks T.G., et al. (eds.) Standard handbook of engineering calculations [MGH, 2005] (0071427937,pdf,1125 p.,18203K,en)
Hoischen H. Technisches Zeichnen [Cornelsen, 1998] (3464480070,djvu,445 p.,4662K,300dpi,de,T)
Rantanen K., Domb E. Simplified TRIZ: New problem solving applications for engineers [Taylor, 2008] (1420062735,pdf,274 p.,4498K,en)
Ratner M.A., Ratner D. Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea [PH, 2003] (0131014005,pdf,153 p.,1285K,en)
Rothbart H. (ed.) CAM design handbook [McGraw-Hill, 2004] (pdf,599 p.,4275K,en)
Smith R.C. Smart material systems [SIAM, 2005] (0898715830,djvu,530 p.,5342K,300dpi,en,T)
Viebahn U. Technisches Freihandzeichnen. Lehr- und Uebungsbuch [6ed., Springer, 2007] (3540708359,djvu,216 p.,2478K,300dpi,de,T)
Woo G. The mathematics of natural catastrophes [Imperial College, 1999] (1860941826,djvu,305 p.,2227K,300dpi,en,T)
Yantovskii E.I. Energy and exergy currents [Nova Science, 1994] (1560721758,djvu,194 p.,4360K,600dpi,en,T)
Альтшуллер Г. Найти идею: Введение в ТРИЗ [2007] (djvu,402 p.,3913K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Альтшуллер Г.С. Творчество как точная наука. Теория решения изобретательских задач [Сов. радио, 1979] (pdf,105 p.,904K,ru)
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top / Engineering / Aerospace
Интегральные прямоточные воздушно-реактивные двигатели на твердых топливах [Академкнига, 2006] (djvu,343 p.,4618K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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Девнин С.И. Аэрогидромеханика плохообтекаемых конструкций [Судостроение, 1983] (djvu,320 p.,4474K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Рубцов, Голованев, Каштанов. Аэрокосмические средства и технологии для точного земледелия [2008] (djvu,330 p.,9787K,600dpi,ru,T)
Свищев Г.П. (ред.) Авиация [БРЭ, ЦАГИ, 1994] (djvu,739 p.,26983K,400dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Engineering / Electrical engineering
Chubb D. Fundamentals of Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion [Elsevier, 2007] (0444527214,pdf,531 p.,3129K,en)
Davidson D.B. Computational electromagnetics for RF and microwave engineering [CUP, 2005] (0521838592,pdf,433 p.,3304K,en)
DeGunther R. Solar Power Your Home For Dummies [Wiley, 2007] (0470175699,pdf,386 p.,6906K,en)
Gutierrez-D.E.A., Deen M.J., Claeys C. Low temperature electronics [AP, 2001] (0123106753,djvu,985 p.,8280K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Hayes T.C., Horowitz P. Student Manual for The Art of Electronics [CUP, 1989] (0521377099,djvu,622 p.,7001K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Kohler M., Fritzsche W. Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Nanostructuring [2ed., Wiley, 2007] (9783527318711,pdf,335 p.,5373K,en)
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Lee Y.S. Self-Assembly and Nanotechnology [Wiley, 2008] (0470248831,pdf,361 p.,2121K,en)
Lundstrom M., Guo J. Nanoscale transistors: Device Physics, Modeling and Simulation [Springer, 2006] (0387280022,djvu,222 p.,1940K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Mallinson J.C. Magneto-resistive and spin valve heads [2ed., AP, 2002] (0124666272,djvu,207 p.,1138K,300dpi,en,T,K)
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Minoli D. Nanotechnology applications to telecommunications and networking [Wiley, 2005] (0471716391,pdf,508 p.,7336K,en)
Mishra U., Singh J. Semiconductor Device Physics and Design [Springer, 2007] (1402064802,pdf,583 p.,8384K,en)
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Ohta J. Smart CMOS image sensors and applications [CRC, 2008] (0849336813,pdf,267 p.,3768K,en)
Pradeep T. Nano: The Essentials [MGH, 2008] (0071548297,pdf,453 p.,4543K,en)
Roblin P., Rohdin H. High-speed heterostructure devices [CUP, 2002] (0521781523,pdf,726 p.,11054K,en)
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Wolf E.L. Nanophysics and Nanotechnology [2ed., Wiley-VCH, 2006] (3527406514,pdf,301 p.,3984K,en)
Yang F., Rahmat-Samii Y. Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures in Antenna Engineering [CUP, 2008] (052188991X,pdf,282 p.,3781K,en)
Дригалкин В.В. Как освоить радиоэлектронику с нуля [НТ-Пресс, 2007] (djvu,161 p.,1928K,300dpi,ru,T)

top / Engineering / Mechanics of elastic materials
Anderson T.L. Fracture Mechanics. Fundamentals ans Applications [2ed., CRC, 1995] (0849342600,djvu,669 p.,26003K,600dpi,en,T,K)
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Broberg K.B. Cracks and Fracture [AP, 1999] (0121341305,djvu,773 p.,7558K,300dpi,en,T,C,K)
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top / Engineering / Optical devices
Bille J., Schlegel W. (eds.) Medizinische Physik 3: Medizinische Laserphysik [Springer, 2005] (9783540652557,pdf,459 p.,6936K,de)
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Chen C.-L. Foundations for guided-wave optics [Wiley, 2007] (0471756873,pdf,482 p.,6191K,en)
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Dubowski J.J., Tanev S. (eds.) Photon-based Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology [NATO, Springer, 2006] (1402055226,pdf,373 p.,8342K,en)
Dutta N.K., Wang Q. Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers [WS, 2006] (9812563970,pdf,310 p.,5271K,en)
Gan F., Xu L. (eds.) Photonic Glasses [WS, 2006] (9812568204,djvu,460 p.,4495K,300dpi,en,T,C,K)
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Rosencher E., Vinter B. Optoelectronics [CUP, 2002] (0521771293,pdf,745 p.,4825K,en)
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Запрягаева Л.А., Свешникова И.С. Расчет и проектирование оптических систем [Логос, 2000] (5884391439,djvu,586 p.,6291K,300dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Languages
Brown K., et al. (eds.) Encyclopedia of linguistics (pdf,12353 p.,164071K,en)
Hawke A.G. The quick and dirty guide to learning languages fast [Paladin, 2000] (1581600968,djvu,177 p.,1300K,300dpi,en,T)
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top / Languages / Chinese
Прокофьева Т.И. (ред.) Справочник китаиста. Начальный уровень [АЦТ, 2007] (djvu,221 p.,2762K,600dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Languages / English
Easier English basic synonyms [Bloomsbury, 2004] (0747569797,djvu,129 p.,377K,600dpi,en,T)
Longman phrasal verbs dictionary [Pearson, 2000] (0582291836,djvu,623 p.,18366K,600dpi,en,T)
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Акуленко В.В., и др. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь ложных друзей переводчика [Советская энциклопедия, 1969] (djvu,384 p.,7541K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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Антрушина Г., и др. Лексикология английского языка [Дрофа, 2004] (pdf,100 p.,1054K,ru)
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Качалова К., Израилевич Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Т.1 [8изд., Киев, 2003] (djvu,363 p.,3417K,300dpi,ru,T)
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Романова Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка [Айрис, 2000] (pdf,160 p.,772K,ru)
Савинова Е.С. Как читать по-английски математические, химические и другие символы, формулы и сокращения [1966] (djvu,49 p.,369K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
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top / Languages / Formal theory
Graddol D., Cheshire J., Swann J. Describing language (no p.48-49) [Open University, 1994] (0335193153,djvu,254 p.,3283K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Millikan R.G. Language, thought, and other biological categories: New foundations for realism (no pp. I-VI) [MIT, 2001] (0262631156,djvu,364 p.,8156K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Salomaa A. Formal languages [AP, 1973] (0126157502,djvu,336 p.,2273K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Tomalin M. Linguistics and the formal sciences: the origins of generative grammar [CUP, 2006] (0521854814,pdf,248 p.,785K,en)
Блинов А.Л. Семантика и теория игр [Наука, 1983] (djvu,131 p.,1617K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Степанов Ю.С. Семиотика [Наука, 1971] (djvu,168 p.,3026K,600dpi,ru,T,K)

top / Languages / French
Иллюстрированный словарь французского и русского языка [Живой язык, 2004] (5803301264,djvu,1090 p.,40532K,600dpi,ru,T)
Tolas J. Le francais pour les sciences [PUG 2004] (2706111178,djvu,309 p.,2856K,300dpi,fr,T,K)

top / Languages / Russian
Borovkov K.A. Russian-English, English-Russian dictionary on probability, statistics and combinatorics [SIAM, 1994] (0898713161,djvu,163 p.,1983K,300dpi,en,T)
Александрова З.Е. Словарь синонимов русского языка [Русский язык, 2001] (djvu,568 p.,4494K,300dpi,ru,T)
Зарва М.В. Русское словесное ударение [НЦ ЭНАС, 2001] (5931960848,djvu,596 p.,3706K,300dpi,ru,T)
Иванова Т.Ф. Новый орфоэпический словарь русского языка [Русс.Яз., 2005] (djvu,907 p.,10110K,300dpi,ru,T)
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Пасхалов А.П. Удивительная этимология [2007] (chm,1615K,ru)
Розенталь Д., Теленкова М. Словарь трудностей русского языка [3изд., Айрис, 2003] (5811201028,djvu,824 p.,4916K,300dpi,ru,T)
Сурова Н., и др. Словарь трудных случаев употребления созвучных слов в русском языке [Киев, 1999] (djvu,179 p.,3103K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Федосов И., и др. Фразеологический словарь русского языка [Юнвест, 2003] (djvu,599 p.,1519K,300dpi,ru,T)
Шанский Н. Лингвистические детективы [Дрофа, 2002] (djvu,530 p.,4439K,300dpi,ru,T)

top / Mathematics
Доклады Одесского семинара по дискретной математике, вып.3 [Астропринт, Одесса, 2006] (djvu,55 p.,937K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Доклады Одесского семинара по дискретной математике, вып.4 [Астропринт, Одесса, 2006] (djvu,51 p.,1238K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Доклады Одесского семинара по дискретной математике, вып.5 [Друк, Одесса, 2007] (djvu,45 p.,541K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Доклады Одесского семинара по дискретной математике, вып.6 [Астропринт, Одесса, 2008] (djvu,57 p.,2654K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Доклады Одесского семинара по дискретной математике, вып.7 [Друк, Одесса, 2008] (djvu,61 p.,887K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Bailey D.H., Borwein J.M., et al. Experimental mathematics in action [A.K.Peters, 2007] (156881271X,pdf,317 p.,3684K,en)
Bailey D.H., Borwein J.M., et al. Experimental mathematics in action [A.K.Peters, 2007] (156881271X,djvu,332 p.,2788K,300dpi,en,T)
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Berkeley H. Mysticism in modern mathematics [OUP, 1910, Adamant, 2004] (1421263297,djvu,276 p.,3417K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Bourbaki N. Commutative algebra [AW, 1972] (0201006448,djvu,642 p.,5009K,300dpi,en,T,K)
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Ewald W.B. From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Vol. 2 [OUP, 2005] (0198505361,djvu,709 p.,9475K,600dpi,en,T)
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Gowers T. (ed.) The Princeton companion to mathematics (no toc) [Princeton, 2008] (0691118809,pdf,1009 p.,8077K,en)
Gullberg J. Mathematics: from the birth of numbers [Norton, 1997] (039304002X,djvu,1110 p.,13579K,600dpi,en,T)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Abstract algebra
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Brewer J., et al. (eds.) Multiplicative ideal theory in commutative algebra. Tribute to R.Gilmer [Springer, 2006] (0387246002,djvu,434 p.,2265K,300dpi,en,T)
Browne J. Grassmann algebra. Exploring applications of extended vector algebra with Mathematica [web draft, 2001] (pdf,472 p.,2008K,en)
Bruns W., Gubeladze J. Polytopes, rings, and K-theory [Springer, Preliminary version, 2008] (0387763554,pdf,487 p.,3208K,en)
Brzezinski T., et al. (eds.) Modules and comodules [Birkhauser, 2008] (3764387416,pdf,354 p.,2068K,en)
Cantor G. Sur les fondements de la theorie des ensembles transfinis [Gabbay, 1989] (2876470624,djvu,104 p.,679K,300dpi,fr,T,K)
Chevalley C. Fundamental concepts of algebra [AP, 1956] (0121720500,djvu,247 p.,2051K,300dpi,en,T)
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Ciesielski K. Set theory for the working mathematician [CUP, 1997] (0521594650,pdf,244 p.,993K,en)
Coelho F., Merklen H. (eds.) Representations of algebras [Dekker, 2002] (0824707338,djvu,305 p.,2103K,300dpi,en,T)
Cohn P. Free ideal rings and localization in general rings [CUP, 2006] (0521853370,pdf,596 p.,2367K,en)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Computational algebra
Feinsilver P., Schott R. Algebraic structures and operator calculus, vol.2 [Kluwer, 1996] (079232921X,djvu,150 p.,796K,300dpi,en,T)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Category theory
Arbib M.A., Manes E.G. Arrows, Structures, and Functors. The Categorical Imperative (no title) [AP, 1975] (0120590603,djvu,190 p.,1091K,300dpi,en,T)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Differential algebra
Hardy G.H. Integration of functions of single variable [2ed., CUP, 1916] (djvu,69 p.,3132K,600dpi,en,T,K)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Algebraic geometry
Abhyankar S.S. Algebraic geometry for scientists and engineers [AMS, 1990] (0821815350,djvu,307 p.,2207K,600dpi,en,T)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Linear algebra
Weintraub S. Jordan canonical form: Application to differential equations [Morgan, 2008] (1598298046,pdf,93 p.,336K,en)

top / Mathematics / Calculus

top / Mathematics / Calculus / Complex variable
Mathews J.H., Howell R.W. Complex analysis for mathematics and engineering (no title,no TOC)_MCc_.TOC.html [3ed., Jones and Bartlett, 1997] (0763702706,zip,1 p.,8K,en)

top / Mathematics / Numerical methods
Kelley C.T. Solving nonlinear equations with Newton's method.MATLAB code [SIAM, 2003] (0898715466,tgz,23K,en)

top / _Papers

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top / _Papers / Computer_algebra / Proceedings ISSAC
Proceedings ISSAC 2008 (ACM)_TOC (html.gz,10K,en)
Proceedings PASCO 1997 (ACM)_TOC (html.gz,7K,en)

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta / Algebra

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta / Algebra / Algebra
Algebra_002.ps.gz (txt,87 p.,2K,de)

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta / Analysis

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta / Analysis / Wavelets
An_Introduction_to_Wavelets_001.ps.gz (txt,18 p.,0K,en)

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta / Informatik

top / _Papers / TU Wien Scripta / Informatik / Kuenstliche_Intelligenz
Artificial_Neural_Networks_001.ps.gz (txt,136 p.,0K,en)
NN_and_GA_as_heuristsics_for_NP_problems_001.ps.gz (txt,5 p.,0K,en)

Some statistics

Total size of the collection: 4550585 KB
Total number of books (DjVu, PS, PDF files): 798
Other files (non-book): 35
DjVu files: 518 (2538302.8 KB)
PS files: 0 (0.0 KB)
PDF files: 280 (1974612.1 KB)
Books by language: English 672
Russian 133
French 14
German 13
Latin 1

Total pages: 351323
Average KB per page: 12.9
Average publication year: 1996

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