
Lewis Clive Staples / Льюис Клайв Стейплс - The Screwtape Letters / Письма Баламута (eng / на английском языке) [Cleese John / Клиз Джон, 2002, Психологическая фантастика, 32 kbps]

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The Screwtape Letters / Письма Баламута (eng)

Год выпуска: 2002
Автор: Lewis Clive Staples / Льюис Клайв Стейплс
Исполнитель: Cleese John / Клиз Джон
Жанр: Психологическая фантастика
Издательство: Zondervan/HarperAudio
Язык: Английский
Тип: аудиокнига
Аудиокодек: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 24 kbps
Продолжительность: 03:33:13

The Screwtape Letters is a work of Christian satire by C. S. Lewis first published in book form in 1942. The story takes the form of a series
of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew, a junior tempter named Wormwood, so as to advise him on methods of securing the damnation of
an earthly man, known only as "the Patient."
Screwtape (along with his trusted scribe Toadpipe) holds an administrative post in the bureaucracy ("Lowerarchy") of Hell, and acts more as a mentor than
a supervisor to Wormwood, the inexperienced tempter; almost every letter ends with the signature, "Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape." In the body of
the thirty-one letters which make up the book, Screwtape gives Wormwood detailed advice on various methods of undermining faith and promoting sin in his
Patient, interspersed with observations on human nature and Christian doctrine.
In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis provides a series of lessons in the importance of taking a deliberate role in living out Christian faith by portraying
a typical human life, with all its temptations and failings, as seen from the demon/devil's viewpoint. Wormwood and Screwtape live in a peculiarly morally
reversed world, where individual benefit and greed are seen as the greatest good, and neither demon is capable of comprehending or acknowledging true human
virtue when he sees it. A preface included in some older publishings of the book included a short dialog on the subject of whether Lewis believed demons
to be fact or fiction, exemplifying Lewis' belief that despite the fictional storyline of the book, he believed Satan and demons are not fictional; further,
that he held a view that they exist for a decidedly evil purpose which must not be portrayed innocuously in art and culture at the risk of obfuscating
their true nature.
Есть два равносильных и противоположных заблуждения относительно бесов. Одни не верят в них, другие верят и питают к ним ненужный и нездоровый
интерес. Сами бесы рады обеим ошибкам и с одинаковым восторгом приветствуют и материалиста, и любителя черной магии.
К. С. Льюис
Произведение имеет вид серии писем, написанных старым бесом Баламутом своему юному племяннику, бесу-искусителю — Гнусику. Баламут занимает административную
должность в бюрократии Ада, но действует скорее как наставник, чем руководитель Гнусика, заканчивая каждое письмо трогательной подписью «Твой любящий дядя

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