An Almost Perfect Crime
William F. Smith
“According to six eyewitnesses,” said Captain Jack Parker, handing a manila folder to Detective Sergeant Raymond Stone, “a man named Richard Townsend entered a telephone booth last night, closed the door, and toppled dead a few minutes later with an ice pick in his back. Crazy, huh?”
Stone grunted a monosyllabic affirmative. “Are you sure it’s murder?”
“A blade in the back usually is. Read the report Paul Decker turned in. You know him. Meticulous.”
“Why don’t you keep him on it?” Stone suggested.
“He prefers to stick to the night shift. Decker’s excellent at accumulating details, but he’s not keen on these brain busters. He thought you might be better suited to solve this one. So do I. I’ve notified Curtis and Lissner to report to you.”