
Bulbeck, Laura (ed) - Swords & Steam / Булбек, Лаура (ред) - Мечи и пар [2016, EPUB, ENG]

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Laura Bulbeck (ed) - Swords & Steam

Название: Swords & Steam / Мечи и пар
Год выпуска: 2016
Под редакцией: Bulbeck, Laura / Булбек, Лаура
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-78664-513-5
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook (retail)
Язык: английский

Фэнтези и НФ. Классические и современные истории.
Little Healers short story by Andrew Bourelle
The Grove of Ashtaroth / Дубрава Астарты novelette by John Buchan
Moon Skin short story by Beth Cato
The Demoiselle d'Ys / Хозяйка замка Из short story by Robert W. Chambers
Hilda Silfverling: A Fantasy short fiction by Lydia Maria Child
Dear George, Love Margaret short story by Amanda C. Davis
Pax Mechanica short story by Daniel J. Davis
Fire to Set the Blood short story by Jennifer Dornan-Fish
The Horror of the Heights / Ужас высот short story by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Fires of Mercy short story by Spencer Ellsworth
Sisters short story by David Jón Fuller
Undine / Ундина novella by Baron Friedrich de La Motte Fouqué
The Raid of Le Vengeur short story by George Griffith
The Man Without a Country / Человек без родины novelette by Edward Everett Hale
Advantage on the Kingdom of the Shore short story by Kelly A. Harmon
The Artist of the Beautiful / Мастер красоты short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne
P.'s Correspondence / Послания П. short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Sandman / Песочный человек novelette by E. T. A. Hoffmann
Spectrum short story by Liam Hogan
Skulls in the Stars / Черепа среди звёзд short story by Robert E. Howard
Rip Van Winkle / Рип ван Винкль short story by Washington Irving
The Aerial Burglar short story by Percival Leigh
The Crime of the Windcatcher short story by B. C. Matthews
War Mage short story by Angus McIntyre
Three Lines of Old French / Три строчки на старофранцузском short story by A. Merritt
Pen Dragons short story by Dan Micklethwaite
The Clock That Went Backward / Часы, которые шли вспять short story by Edward Page Mitchell
The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall / Необыкновенное приключение некоего Ганса Пфааля novella by Edgar Allan Poe
The Winning of a Sword (from Part II of The Story of King Arthur and his Knights) short fiction by Howard Pyle
Taking Care of Business short story by Victoria Sandbrook
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror / Магическое зеркало novelette by Sir Walter Scott
Death of the Laird's Jock / Смерть Лэрдова Джока short story by Sir Walter Scott
Roger Dodsworth: The Reanimated Englishman / Роджер Додсворт, воскресший англичанин short story by Mary Shelley
Eli Whitney and the Cotton Djinn short story by Zach Shephard
Dressing Mr. Featherbottom short story by Amy Sisson
The Touchstone / Пробный камень short story by Robert Louis Stevenson
Vortaal Hunt short story by Brian Trent
A Drama in the Air / Драма в воздухе short story by Jules Verne
Master Zacharius / Мастер Захариус novelette by Jules Verne
War Mage
Angus McIntyre

THE FIGHTING HULL was three times the height of a man, a flattened steel egg perched on the front of an armored chassis that bristled with firing slits and stubby smoke-vents. In its glossy black paint, it reminded Getan of the big black ants that were everywhere on his uncle’s farm in the Brintels.
The paint had lost some of its gloss now, scarred and stained by a month at the front. Infantrymen with buckets of water had washed off much of the mud, but they could do little about the bright dings left by rifle rounds or the scorch marks that covered most of the right side. A near-miss from an enemy projector had bubbled and blistered the paint, giving it a scabrous look.
“Tough old girl,” observed Otring. Getan grunted. He felt no inclination to romanticize the hull. It was an ugly implement of destruction, the latest murderous fad in a pointless war. More particularly, it was his personal place of imprisonment. He had spent the last six weeks squeezed inside that steel egg with seven other war mages, sweating in his leather harness, dope-dazed and deafened by the thunder of the pistons at his back. He hated it intimately, hated the fear and discomfort, hated being part of the war machine. Unlike Otring, he had not learned to submerge his resentment in facile patriotism.
. . .
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