A Sleep and a Forgetting / Сон и забвение short story by Robert Silverberg
The Old Man and C short story by Sheila Finch
The Last Article / Последний символ novelette by Harry Turtledove
Mules in Horses' Harness novelette by Michael Cassutt
Lenin in Odessa / Ленин в Одессе short story by George Zebrowski
Abe Lincoln in McDonald's / Эйб Линкольн в «Макдональдсе» short story by James Morrow
Another Goddamned Showboat short story by Barry N. Malzberg
Loose Cannon novelette by Susan Shwartz
A Letter from the Pope / Послание папы novelette by Harry Harrison and Tom Shippey
Roncesvalles / Ронсеваль novelette by Judith Tarr
His Powder'd Wig, His Crown of Thornes / Его напудренный парик, его терновый венец short story by Marc Laidlaw
Departures short story by Harry Turtledove
Instability / Пятидесятые: Нестабильность short story by Paul Di Filippo and Rudy Rucker
No Spot of Ground novella by Walter Jon Williams