Unity Android Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide+CD
Разработка игр в Unity для Android на примере: Руководство для начинающих
Год выпуска: 2013 Автор: Thomas Finnegan Наличие иллюстраций: Цв. иллюстрации Жанр: CG Game Development Язык: Английский Издательство: PacktPub ISBN: 978-1-84969201-4 Формат: PDF Качество: Электронное издание: оригинал-макет Количество страниц: 320 Описание: Learn how to create exciting games using Unity 3D for Android with the help of hands-on examples
What you will learn from this book: Set up a development environment to work with both Unity and Android Import and work with the basic building blocks of a game: meshes, materials, and animations Utilize particles and sound effects to provide feedback to the player Adjust camera effects and game logic to create 2D games Interface with touch and tilt inputs to create custom control systems Set up path finding to create intelligently moving characters Successfully create custom graphical interfaces Set up and utilize physics to create a mobile game classic Create dynamically lit scenes using lightmaps Understand the best choices for optimizing a game for the mobile platform
Chapter 1: Saying Hello to Unity and Android Chapter 2: Looking Good – Graphical Interface Chapter 3: The Backbone of Any Game – Meshes, Materials, and Animations Chapter 4: Setting the Stage – Camera Effects and Lighting Chapter 5: Getting Around – Pathfinding and AI Chapter 6: Specialties of the Mobile Device – Touch and Tilt Chapter 7: Throwing Your Weight Around – Physics and a 2D Camera Chapter 8: Special Effects – Sound and Particles Chapter 9: Optimization
This book, "Unity Android Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide" by Thomas Finnegan, is a fantastic resource for beginners looking to create games on Android using Unity 3D. It covers everything from setting up the development environment to implementing custom controls and optimizing games for mobile. A must-read for aspiring game developers! rice purity score