
Various - The Best American Mystery and Suspense / Разные авторы - Лучший американский детектив и триллер [1997-2023, fb2/epub, ENG]

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Various - The Best American Mystery and Suspense

Название: The Best American Mystery and Suspense / Лучший американский детектив и триллер (название серии в 1997-2020: The Best American Mystery Stories)
Годы выпуска: 1997-2023
Под редакцией: Penzler, Otto / Пенцлер, Отто (1997-2020); Cha, Steph / Чха, Стеф (2021-) (редакторы серии, для каждого выпуска приглашался "гость" - редактор-составитель именно этого выпуска)
Формат: fb2/epub
Качество: OCR/eBook
Язык: английский

Серия антологий американского детектива и триллера типа "Лучшее за год".
01 The Best American Mystery Stories 1997 1997, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-395-83584-4, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Robert B. Parker)
Blind Lemon by Dоug Allyn
Hot Springs by James Crumley
The Weekender by Jeffery Deaver
The Dark Snow by Brendan Dubois
The Surprise of His Life by Elizabeth George
Eyes That Never Meet by Jeremiah Healy
Another Tented Evening by Melodie Johnson Howe
The Mark by Pat Jordan
The Things We Do for Love by Jonathan Kellerman
Lou Monahan, County Prosecutor by Andrew Klavan
Karen Makes Out by Elmore Leonard
Red Clay by Michael Malone
Mrs. Feeley Is Quite Mad by Mabel Maney
Will You Always Love Me? by Joyce Carol Oates
When You’re Hungry by George Pelecanos
Hoops by S. J. Rozan
Doblin’s Lecture by Allen Steele
Kindred Spirits by Brad Watson
There Are Monsterim by John Weisman
Unlawful Contact by Monica Wood
02 The Best American Mystery Stories 1998 1998, epub, ISBN: 978-0-395-83586-9, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Sue Grafton)
Child Support by David Ballard
Swear Net by the Moon by Scott Bartels
Keller on the Spot by Lawrence Block
The Man Next Door / Мужчина по соседству by Mary Higgins Clark
This Is a Voice from Your Past by Merrill Joan Gerber
The Old Spies Club by Edward D. Hoch
Beyond Dog by Pat Jordan
Find Miriam by Stuart M. Kaminsky
Secrets by Janice Law
The Adventure of the Giant Rat of Sumatra by John T. Lescroart
Night Crawlers by John Lutz
Prayer for Judgment by Margaret Maron
Con Doctor by Jay McInerney
Black Dog by Walter Mosley
Faithless by Joyce Carol Oates
The Two Ladies at Rose Cottage / Две дамы из Розового коттеджа by Peter Robinson
Twelve Days Out of Traction by Dave Shaw
The Power of Suggestion by Helen Tucker
Take It Away by Donald E. Westlake
The Rest of Her Life by Steve Yarbrough
03 The Best American Mystery Stories 1999 1999, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-395-93916-1, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Ed McBain)
Keller’s Last Refuge by Lawrence Block
Safe by Gary A. Braunbeck
Fatherhood by Thomas H. Cook
Wrong Time, Wrong Place by Jeffery Deaver
Netmail by Brendan Dubois
Redneck by Loren D. Estleman
And Maybe the Horse Will Learn to Sing by Gregory Fallis
Poachers by Tom Franklin
Hitting Rufus by Victor Gischler
Out There in the Darkness by Ed Gorman
Survival by Joseph Hansen
A Death on the Ho Chi Minh Trail by David K. Harford
An Innocent Bystander by Gary Krist
The Jailhouse Lawyer / Тюремный защитник by Phillip M. Margolin
Secret, Silent by Joyce Carol Oates
In Flanders Fields by Peter Robinson
Dry Whiskey by David B. Silva
Sacrifice by L. L. Thrasher
Bech Noir by John Updike
04 The Best American Mystery Stories 2000 2000, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-395-93917-8, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Donald E. Westlake)
Miracles! Happen! by Doug Allyn
Ghosts by David Beaty
Spring Rite by Tom Berdine
Annie’s Dream by Bentley Dadmun
Motel 66 by Barbara D’Amato
Jumping with Jim by Geary Danihy
Triangle by Jeffery Deaver
The Instruments of Peace by Edward Falco
Grit by Tom Franklin
Compass Rose by David Edgerley Gates
The Defenestration of Aba Sid by Robert Girardi
The Island in the River by Chad Holley
ICU / Реанимация by Edward Lee
Running Out of Dog by Dennis Lehane
Sheep by Thomas H. McNeely
Dead Rock Singer by Martha Moffett
Wrong Numbers by Josh Pryor
The Guilty Party by Shel Silverstein
Forgetting the Girl by Peter Moore Smith
Water Dog God by Brad Watson
05 The Best American Mystery Stories 2001 2001, epub, ISBN: 978-0-618-12492-3, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Lawrence Block)
Things That Make Your Heart Beat Faster by Jennifer Anderson
Lobster Night by Russell Banks
Prison Food by Michael Downs
In the Zone by Leslie Edgerton
The Paperhanger by William Gay
A Book of Kells by Jeremiah Healy
Erie’s Last Day by Steve Hockensmith
Under Suspicion by Clark Howard
Her Hollywood by Michael Hyde
Family by Dan Leone
Blood Sport by Thomas Lynch
Carnie by David Means
Tides by Kent Nelson
The Girl with the Blackened Eye by Joyce Carol Oates
Easy Street by T. Jefferson Parker
The Big Bite by Bill Pronzini
Missing in Action by Peter Robinson
The Face-Lift by Roxana Robinson
Big Ranch by John Slater
Push Gomes to Shove by Nathan Walpow
06 The Best American Mystery Stories 2002 2002, epub, ISBN: 978-0-618-12494-7, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - James Ellroy)
It Is Raining In Bejucal by John Biguenet
Two-Bagger by Michael Connelly
The Fix by Thomas H. Cook
Summa Malhematica by Sean Doolittle
Man Kills Wife, Two Dogs by Michael Downs
A Family Game by Brendan DuBois
The Blue Mirror by David Edgerley Gates
Inscrutable by Joe Gores
The Championship of Nowhere by James Grady
The Cobalt Blues by Clark Howard
Sometimes Something Goes Wrong by Stuart M. Kaminsky
The Mule Rustlers by Joe R. Lansdale
Maniac Loose by Michael Malone
Counting by Fred Melton
You Don’t Know Me by Annette Meyers
The High School Sweetheart by Joyce Carol Oates
Harlem Nocturne by Robert B. Parker
Midnight Emissions by F. X. Toole
A Lepidopterist’s Tale by Daniel Waterman
The Copper Kings by Scott Wolven
07 The Best American Mystery Stories 2003 2003, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-618-32966-3, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Michael Connelly)
The Jukebox King by Doug Allyn
Aardvark to Aztec by Christopher Chambers
The Pickpocket by Christopher Cook
After You’ve Gone by John Peyton Cooke
Hostages by James Crumley
Death on Denial by O’Neil De Noux
The Jeweler by Pete Dexter
Thug: Signification and the (De) Construction of Self by Tyler Dilts
War Can Be Murder by Mike Doogan
Richard’s Children by Brendan DuBois
When the Women Come Out to Dance by Elmore Leonard
The Confession by Robert McKee
Lavender by Walter Mosley
The Skull by Joyce Carol Oates
The Dead Their Eyes Implore Us by George P. Pelecanos
Sockdolager by Scott Phillips
The Adventure of the Agitated Actress by Daniel Stashower
Home Sweet Home by Hannah Tinti
Controlled Burn by Scott Wolven
That One Autumn by Monica Wood
08 The Best American Mystery Stories 2004 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-0-618-32968-7, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Nelson DeMille)
Bet on Red by Jeff Abbott
Stonewalls by Jeffrey Robert Bowman
Height Advantage by William J. Carroll, Jr.
Evolution by Benjamin Cavell
All Through the House by Christopher Coake
Where Beautiful Ladies Dance for You by Patrick Michael Finn
How Wendy Tudhope Was Saved from Sure and Certain Death by Rob Kantner
Snake Eyes by Jonathon King
Harvey’s Dream / Сон Харви by Stephen King
Smash and Grab by Michael Knight
Bank of America by Richard Lange
Lids by Tom Larsen
Low Tide by Dick Lосhtе
The Incident of the Impecunious Chevalier by Richard A. Lupoff
Doll: A Romance of the Mississippi by Joyce Carol Оates
The Swag from Doc Hawthorne’s by Jack O’Connell
Best Man Wins by Frederick Waterman
Something About Teddy by Timothy Williams
El Rey by Scott Wolven
Green Heat by Аngеla Zeman
09 The Best American Mystery Stories 2005 2005, epub, ISBN: 978-0-618-51744-2, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Joyce Carol Oates)
The Identity Club by Richard Burgin
Disaster Stamps of Pluto by Louise Erdrich
Delmonico by Daniel Handler
Jack Duggan’s Law by George V. Higgins
Old Boys, Old Girls by Edward P. Jones
The Shooting of John Roy Worth by Stuart M. Kaminsky
Until Gwen by Dennis Lehane
The Shoeshine Man’s Regrets by Laura Lippman
When All This Was Bay Ridge by Tim McLoughlin
Case Closed by Lou Manfredo
Sault Ste. Marie by David Means
Public Trouble by Kent Nelson
Officers Weep by Daniel Orozco
The Last Man I Killed by David Rachel
One Mississippi by Joseph Raiche
Cruisers by John Sayles
Reconstruction by Sam Shaw
The Love of a Strong Man by Oz Spies
Loyalty by Scott Turow
Barracuda by Scott Wolven
10 The Best American Mystery Stories 2006 2006, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-618-51746-6, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Scott Turow)
Theft by Karen E. Bender
Pirates of Yellowstone by C. J. Box
Why Bugsy Siegel Was a Friend of Mine by James Lee Burke
Born Bad by Jeffery Deaver
Edelweiss by Jane Haddam
Texas Heat by William Harrison
Peacekeeper by Alan Heathcock
A.K.A., Moises Rockafella by Emory Holmes II
Dust Up by Wendy Hornsby
Her Lord and Master by Andrew Klavan
Louly and Pretty Boy by Elmore Leonard
The Crack Cocaine Diet (Or: How to Lose a Lot of Weight and Change Your Life in Just One Weekend) by Laura Lippman
Improvisation by Ed McBain
McHenry’s Gift by Mike MacLean
Karma by Walter Mosley
So Help Me God by Joyce Carol Oates
A Temporary Grown by Sue Pike
Smile by Emily Raboteau
Ina Grove by R. T. Smith
Ringing the Changes by Jeff Somers
Vigilance by Scott Wolven
11 The Best American Mystery Stories 2007 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-0-618-81265-3, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Carl Hiaasen)
Stab by Chris Adrian
Solomon’s Alley by Robert Andrews
Going, Going, Gone by Peter Blauner
Keller’s Double Dribble by Lawrence Block
T-Bird by John Bond
A Season of Regret by James Lee Burke
The Timing of Unfelt Smiles by John Dufresne
Gleason by Louise Erdrich
Chellini’s Solution by Jim Fusilli
Where Will You Go When Your Skin Cannot Contain You? by William Gay
Take the Man’s Pay by Robert Knightly
One True Love by Laura Lippman
The Spot by David Means
Rodney Valen’s Second Life by Kent Meyers
Meadowlands by Joyce Carol Oates
Jakob Loomis by Jason Ockert
Queeny by Ridley Pearson
Lucy Had a List by John Sandford
The True History by Brent Spencer
Pinwheel by Scott Wolven
12 The Best American Mystery Stories 2008 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-0-618-81267-7, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - George Pelecanos)
Mist by James Lee Burke
Mulholland Dive / Нырок с Малхолланда by Michael Connelly
The Hour When the Ship Comes In / Час, когда приходит корабль by Robert Ferrigno
One Good One by Chuck Hogan
The Monks of the Abbey Victoria by Rupert Holmes
Proof of God by Holly Goddard Jones
Tunis and Time by Peter LaSalle
A Day Meant to Do Less by Kyle Minor
Child’s Play / Детская игра by Alice Munro
Win’s Girl by Thisbe Nissen
The Blind Man’s Sighted Daughters by Joyce Carol Oates
The Empty House by Nathan Oates
Car Trouble by Jas. R. Petrin
The Emerson, 1950 by Scott Phillips
At the Top of His Game by Stephen Rhodes
Hothouse by S. J. Rozan
The Invisibles by Hugh Sheehy
A Different Road by Elizabeth Strout
Given Her History by Melissa VanBeck
St. Gabriel by Scott Wolven
14 The Best American Mystery Stories 2010 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-857-89153-2, Atlantic Books (редактор - Lee Child)
Charlie and the Pirates by Gary Alexander
The Emerald Coast by R. A. Allen
An Early Christmas by Doug Allyn
Maynard by Mary Stewart Atwell
Dredge by Matt Bell
A Jury of His Peers by Jay Brandon
Designer Justice by Phyllis Cohen
The Cross-Eyed Bear by John Dufresne
The Case of Colonel Warburton’s Madness by Lyndsay Faye
The First Rule Is by Gar Anthony Haywood
Killing Time by Jon Land
Animal Rescue by Dennis Lehane
Tell Me by Lynda Leidiger
The House on Pine Terrace / Дом на Сосновой Террасе by Phillip Margolin
Bias by Chris Muessig
Bismarck Rules by Albert Tucher
Ed Luby’s Key Club / Закрытый клуб Эда Луби by Kurt Vonnegut
Custom Sets by Joseph Wallace
The Shipbreaker by Mike Wiecek
Blood and Dirt by Ryan Zimmerman
15 The Best American Mystery Stories 2011 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-547-55396-2, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Harlan Coben)
Audacious by Brock Adams
Something Pretty, Something Beautiful by Eric Barnes
Clean Slate / Чистый лист by Lawrence Block
Who Stole My Monkey? by David Corbett and Luis Alberto Urrea
Ride-Along by Brendan Dubois
Sometimes a Hyena by Loren D. Estleman
What His Hands Had Been Waiting For by Beth Ann Fennelly and Tom Franklin
A Crime of Opportunity by Ernest J. Finney
Flying Solo / Одиночный полёт by Ed Gorman
Destiny City by James Grady
The Hitter by Chris F. Holm
West of Nowhere by Harry Hunsicker
Baby Killer by Richard Lange
The Stars are Falling / Звёзды падают by Joe R. Lansdale
The End of the String by Charles Mccarry
Diamond Alley by Dennis Mcfadden
Last Cottage by Christopher Merkner
Heart Like a Balloon by Andrew Riconda
Chin Yong-Yun Takes a Case by S. J. Rozan
A Long Time Dead by Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins
16 The Best American Mystery Stories 2012 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-547-84055-0, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Robert Crais)
The Hit by Tom Andes
The Bridge Partner by Peter S. Beagle
Filament by K. L. Cook
The Funeral Bill by Jason Deyoung
Fifty Minutes by Joe Donnelly and Harry Shannon
Man on the Run by Kathleen Ford
The Other Place by Mary Gaitskill
Safety by Jesse Goolsby
Trafficking by Katherine L. Hester
Soul Anatomy by Lou Manfredo
The Good Samaritan by Thomas Mcguane
Looking for Service by Nathan Oates
Dog on a Cow by Gina Paoli
Vic Primeval by T. Jefferson Parker
Hard Truths by Thomas J. Rice
Local Knowledge by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Icarus by Lones Seiber
Trafalgar by Charles Todd
Half-Lives by Tim L. Williams
17 The Best American Mystery Stories 2013 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-03242-2, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Lisa Scottoline)
Smothered and Covered by Tom Barlow
A Fine Mist of Blood by Michael Connelly
Misprision of Felony by O’Neil De Noux
The Sailor in the Picture by Eileen Dreyer
The Devil to Pay by David Edgerley Gates
The Street Ends at the Cemetery by Clark Howard
Crossing by Andre Kocsis
Remora, IL by Kevin Leahy
Thy Shiny Car in the Night by Nick Mamatas
Drifter by Emily St. John Mandel
The Ring of Kerry by Dennis Mcfadden
Quarry by Micah Nathan
So Near Any Time Always by Joyce Carol Oates
Light Bulb by Nancy Pickard
Gunpowder Alley by Bill Pronzini
The Indian by Randall Silvis
When They Are Done with Us by Patricia Smith
The Don’s Cinnamon by Ben Stroud
Bullet Number Two by Hannah Tinti
Bound by Maurine Dallas Watkins
18 The Best American Mystery Stories 2014 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-03257-6, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Laura Lippman)
My Heart Is Either Broken / Непорядок в душе by Megan Abbott
Collectors by Daniel Alarcón
Princess Anne by Jim Allyn
Snuff by Jodi Angel
Former Marine by Russell Banks
Going Across Jordan by James Lee Burke
Aida by Patricia Engel
The Wrecker by Ernest Finney
I Will Follow You by Roxane Gay
Bush-Hammer Finish by Michelle Butler Hallett
Small Kingdoms by Charlaine Harris
Almost Like Christmas by Joseph Heller
The Covering Storm by David H. Ingram
A Good Marriage by Ed Kurtz
Gauley Season by Matthew Neill Null
Rough Deeds by Annie Proulx
Pleasant Grove by Scott Loring Sanders
Festered Wounds by Nancy Pauline Simpson
Satan’s Kingdom by Dennis Tafoya
Antarctica by Laura Van Berg
19 The Best American Mystery Stories 2015 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-52796-6, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - James Patterson)
The Snow Angel by Doug Allyn
Cowboy Justice by Andrew Bourelle
Rosalee Carrasco by Tomiko M. Breland
Wet with Rain by Lee Child
Red Eye / Красный глаз by Michael Connelly and Dennis Lehane
Harm and Hammer by Joseph D’Agnese
The Adventure of the Laughing Fisherman / Смеющийся рыбак by Jeffery Deaver
Crush Depth by Brendan DuBois
Molly’s Plan / План Молли by John M. Floyd
A Bottle of Scotch and a Sharp Buck Knife by Scott Grand
Shared Room on Union by Steven Heighton
Afterlife of a Stolen Child by Janette Turner Hospital
Apocrypha by Richard Lange
Staircase to the Moon by Theresa E. Lehr
A Man Looking for Trouble by Lee Martin
Many Dogs Have Died Here by James Mathews
Motherlode by Thomas McGuane
A Kidnapping in Koulèv-Ville by Kyle Minor
The Home at Craigmillnar / Приют в Крейгмилнаре by Joyce Carol Oates
The Shot by Eric Rutter
20 The Best American Mystery Stories 2016 2016, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-52797-3, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Elizabeth George)
The Little Men / Маленькие by Megan Abbott
Okay, Now Do You Surrender? by Steve Almond
Toward the Company of Others by Matt Bell
Fool Proof by Bruce Robert Coffin
Safety by Lydia Fitzpatrick
Christians by Tom Franklin
A Death / Смерть by Stephen King
For Something to Do by Elmore Leonard
The Continental Opposite by Evan Lewis
Street of the Dead House by Robert Lopresti
Lafferty’s Ghost by Dennis McFadden
The Tank Yard by Michael Noll
Trash by Todd Robinson
Christmas Eve at the Exit by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
The Mountain Top by Georgia Ruth
Mailman by Jonathan Stone
Rearview Mirror by Art Taylor
Border Crossing by Susan Thornton
Entwined by Brian Tobin
God’s Plan for Dr. Gaynor and Hastings Chiume by Saral Waldorf
21 The Best American Mystery Stories 2017 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-94920-1, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - John Sandford)
Puncher’s Chance by Doug Allyn
The Master of Negwegon by Jim Allyn
The Human Variable by Dan Bevacqua
Power Wagon by C. J. Box
Williamsville by Gerri Brightwell
Abandoned Places by S. L. Coney
Flight by Trina Corey
The Incident of 10 November / Инцидент 10 ноября by Jeffery Deaver
The Man from Away by Brendan DuBois
GI Jack by Loren D. Estleman
Ike, Sharon, and Me by Peter Ferry
Lovers and Thieves by Charles John Harper
Land of the Blind by Craig Johnson
The Painted Smile by William Kent Krueger
Dot Rat by Karen McGee
The Woman in the Window / Женщина в окне by Joyce Carol Oates
The Sweet Warm Earth by Steven Popkes
All Things Come Around by William Soldan
The Process Is a Process All Its Own by Peter Straub
Night Run by Wallace Stroby
22 The Best American Mystery Stories 2018 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-544-94922-5, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Louise Penny)
Banana Triangle Six by Louis Bayard
Y Is for Yangchuan Lizard by Andrew Bourelle
The Designee by T. C. Boyle
Smoked by Michael Bracken
The Wild Side of Life by James Lee Burke
Too Much Time / Слишком много времени by Lee Child
The Third Panel by Michael Connelly
Gun Work by John M. Floyd
Cabin Fever by David Edgerley Gates
Small Signs by Charlaine Harris
Takeout by Rob Hart
Death in the Serengeti by David H. Hendrickson
All Our Yesterdays by Andrew Klavan
PX Christmas by Martin Limón
Windward by Paul D. Marks
Phantomwise: 1972 by Joyce Carol Oates
Rule Number One by Alan Orloff
The Apex Predator by William Dylan Powell
Waiting on Joe by Scott Loring Sanders
Breadfruit by Brian Silverman
23 The Best American Mystery Stories 2019 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-328-63611-9, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - Jonathan Lethem)
Coach O by Robert Hinderliter
The Keepers of All Sins by Sharon Hunt
Open House by Reed Johnson
A Damn Fine Town by Arthur Klepchukov
The Walk-In by Harley Jane Kozak
Top Ten Vacation Selfies of YouTube Stars by Preston Lang
Mastermind by Jared Lipof
That Donnelly Crowd by Anne Therese Macdonald
The Clown by Mark Mayer
Interpreting American Gothic by Rebecca McKanna
Hannah-Beast by Jennifer McMahon
The Archivist by Joyce Carol Oates
A Box of Hope by Brian Panowich
Payback by Tonya D. Price
If You Say So by Suzanne Proulx
Neighbors by Ron Rash
Faint of Heart by Amanda Rea
Lush by Duane Swierczynski
Inside Man by Robb T. White
Burning Down the House by Ted White
24 The Best American Mystery Stories 2020 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-328-63612-6, Houghton Mifflin (редактор - C. J. Box)
Justice by Pamela Blackwood
Home Movie by Jerry M. Burger
Deportees by James Lee Burke
Second Cousins by Michael Cebula
The Surrogate Initiative by Brian Cox
Shanty Falls by Doug Crandell
The Duelist by David Dean
Security by Jeffery Deaver
Rhonda and Clyde by John M. Floyd
On Little Terry Road by Tom Franklin
See Humble and Die by Richard Helms
All This Distant Beauty by Ryan David Jahn
Miss Martin by Sheila Kohler
The Most Powerful Weapon by Jake Lithua
Baddest Outlaws by Rick McMahan
What Ever Happened to Lorna Winters? by Lisa Morton
Girl with an Ax by John Sandford
Pretzel Logic by David B. Schlosser
Nightbound by Wallace Stroby
The Last Hit by Robin Yocum
25 The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2021 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-358-52590-5, HarperCollins (редактор - Alafair Burke)
Return to India by Jenny Bhatt
SWAJ by Christopher Bollen
Neighbors by Nikki Dolson
Mala Suerte by E. Gabriel Flores
Where I Belong by Alison Gaylin
With Footnotes and References by Gar Anthony Haywood
The Good Thief by Ravi Howard
Everything Is Going to Be Okay by Gabino Iglesias
Green-Eyed Monster by Charis Jones
Potato Sandwich Days by Preston Lang
Frederick Douglass Elementary by Aya de León
Infinity Sky by Kristen Lepionka
Slow Burner by Laura Lippman
Mr. Forble by Joanna Pearson
The Killer by Delia C. Pitts
Wings Beating by Eliot Schrefer
90 Miles by Alex Segura
Land of Promise by Brian Silverman
One Bullet. One Vote. by Faye Snowden
Let Her Be by Lisa Unger
26 The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2022 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-326449-6, HarperCollins (редактор - Jess Walter)
La Chingona by Hector Acosta
Lucky Thirteen by Tracy Clark
An Ache So Divine by S. A. Cosby
Detainment by Alex Espinoza
Here’s to New Friends by Jacqueline Freimor
A Career Spent Disappointing People by Tod Goldberg
The Very Last Time by Juliet Grames
The Wind by Lauren Groff
No Man’s Land by James D. F. Hannah
Return to Sender by Gar Anthony Haywood
Harriet Point by Leslie Jones
Stingers by LaToya Jovena
God Bless America by Elaine Kagan
A Bostonian (in Cambridge) by Dennis Lehane
Remediation by Kristen Lepionka
Long Live the Girl Detective by Megan Pillow
Mata Hambre by Raquel V. Reyes
Turning Heart by David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Lycia by Brendan Williams-Childs
Thank You for Your Service by Matthew Wilson
27 The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2023 2023, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-06-331582-2, HarperCollins (редактор - Lisa Unger)
Ripen by Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier
New York Blues Redux by William Boyle
The Mayor of Dukes City by S. A. Cosby
Foreword by Jacqueline Freimor
Home Is the Hunter by James A. Hearn
Flip Lady by Ladee Hubbard
When We Remembered Zion by A. J. Jacono
Mr. Filbert’s Classroom by Adam Meyer
The Land of Milk and Honey by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Not Exit by Walter Mosley
Valley of the Moon by Leigh Newman
33 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister by Joyce Carol Oates
The Invitation by Margaret Randall
The Blood-Red Leaves of Autumn by Annie Reed
The Ticks Will Eat You Whole by Anthony Neil Smith
The Obsession of Abel Tangier by Faye Snowden
How Hope Found Chauncey by Jervey Tervalon
Crime Scene by Joseph S. Walker
Flight by Thaai Walker
Love Interest by Jess Walter
Joyce Carol Oates
Will You Always Love Me?

From Story

When Harry Steinhart introduced himself to Andrea McClure that evening, at the crowded reception in the atrium of Kress, Inc., he allowed her to assume that she was encountering him for the first time. Yet, in fact, Harry had been well aware of the young woman for months, since she’d come to work at Kress, Inc., the investment firm for which he was a market analyst. She was not a beautiful woman exactly, but rather odd-looking, with an asymmetrical face, sharp cheekbones, large liquid-dark quick-darting eyes that nonetheless failed to absorb much of their surroundings. Her hair was a fine fawn-brown streaked prematurely with gray. She was in her early thirties, with a habit of crinkling her forehead, a quizzical half-smile. There are women who preserve their faces by denying such expressions of emotion (Harry had known such women, well) and there are women so indifferent to their faces as to seem reckless, even profligate. Maybe that was why Harry found himself so attracted to her: a lack of guile?
Once, Harry had ridden alone with her in a swiftly rising elevator for twenty-two floors but she’d been so distracted by a sheath of papers she was carrying, she hadn’t noticed him at all. (And he was a man accustomed to being noticed by women, especially at Kress. Inc.) Another time, sighting her in a local park where, one misty-bright April morning, she was running alone on a jogging trail. Harry found himself following her, at a discreet distance; he’d unobtrusively crossed a rocky strip where the trail doubled back and the young woman would have to pass him a second time. He’d been strangely excited, watching her. Watching her and not being seen. The small-boned woman with the prematurely graying hair, legs in loose-fitting white shorts slenderly muscular, small fists clenched. She wasn’t a natural runner: Her arms swung stiffly at her sides, not quite rhythmically. She was frowning, crinkling her forehead, her mouth working as if, silently, she was arguing with someone. Harry climbed up onto an outcropping of rock, to stand in full view in the sun, in order not to be misunderstood (truly, he wasn’t the kind of man to spy on a woman in a lonely place), but still the woman seemed oblivious of him. Possibly, as she ran past, her eyes brushed over him, but only for an instant.
Harry stared after her, amazed. It was not that he’d been rebuffed — he hadn’t even been noticed. His maleness had not been acknowledged, let alone contemplated. Yet he’d felt not annoyed, but oddly amused. And protective of the woman.
After that, he’d avoided the park at that hour, to spare himself the temptation of seeking her out, watching her, again.
And now she was smiling up at him, saying, “Why do I like to act? — because I feel comforted by the stage.”
An amateur actress! Harry was intrigued.
. . .
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Выпуск 13 (2009 год) пока отсутствует. У меня есть в виде скана, соберусь с силами вычитывать после OCR - добавлю. Серия живая, очередной, 28 выпуск (2024 год) намечен к выходу в конце октября.
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