The Dead Man short story by Gene Wolfe
Bright Streets of Air short story by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
The Dolphin and the Deep / Дельфин и глубина novella by Thomas Burnett Swann
The Swordsmen of Varnis / Меченосцы Варниса short story by Clive Jackson
The Emperor of Gondwanaland short story by Paul Di Filippo
Space-Time for Springers / Пространство-время для прыгунов short story by Fritz Leiber
Red Nails / Красные гвозди novella by Robert E. Howard
Arms and the Woman short story by Lawrence Watt-Evans
The Bride of the Man-Horse / Невеста Человека-лошади short story by Lord Dunsany
The Woman short story by Tanith Lee
Dreamtime in Adjaphon short story by John Gregory Betancourt
The Black Abbot of Puthuum / Чёрный аббат Патуума novelette by Clark Ashton Smith
Black Hawk of Valkarth / Чёрный ястреб из племени Валькаров short story by Lin Carter
The Devil's Crypt / Дьявольский склеп novelette by E. Hoffmann Price
Vandibar Nasha in the College of Shadows novelette by Darrell Schweitzer
The Power of Prayer short story by Brian Stableford
The Secret of Kralitz / Тайна Кралица short story by Henry Kuttner
Light / Свет short story by Achmed Abdullah
The Lost Race / Затерянная раса short story by Robert E. Howard
Ringard and Dendra novelette by Brian McNaughton