
Carter, Lin (ed) - Weird Tales / Картер, Лин (ред) - Серия антологий "Weird Tales" [1980-1983, FB2, ENG]

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Название: Lin Carter (ed) - Weird Tales / Лин Картер (ред) - Серия антологий "Weird Tales"
Год выпуска: 1980-1983
Под редакцией: Carter, Lin / Картер, Лин
Издательство: Разные
Формат: FB2
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

В 1980 году Лин Картер попытался возобновить выпуск знаменитого журнала палп-эпохи "Weird Tales". Поскольку издатель решил, что возобновление издания в форме журнала не имеет перспективы, решено было издавать серию антологий ...
Все четыре выпуска были переведены на русский язык. Названия выпусков были сохранены английские.
Мне антологии достались в виде сканов, OCR и вычитка - мои Smile
Weird Tales #1 1980, fb2, ISBN: 0-89083-714-7, Zebra Books / Kensington Publishing Corp.
Scarlet Tears / Алые слёзы novelette by Robert E. Howard
Down There / Там short story by Ramsey Campbell
The Light from the Pole / Свет с полюса short story by Lin Carter and Clark Ashton Smith
Someone Named Guibourg / Кто-то по имени Гиборг novelette by Hannes Bok
The Courier / Анналы Аркии: 1. The Courier poem by Robert A. W. Lowndes
The Worshippers / Анналы Аркии: 2. The Worshippers poem by Robert A. W. Lowndes
Bat's Belfry / Башня летучей мыши short story by August Derleth
The Pit / Яма short story by Carl Jacobi
When the Clock Strikes / Когда пробьют часы short story by Tanith Lee
Red Thunder / Красный гром poem by Robert E. Howard
Some Day I'll Kill You! / Когда-нибудь я убью тебя short story by Seabury Quinn
Healer / Целитель novelette by Mary Elizabeth Counselman
The House Without Mirrors / Дом без зеркал short story by David H. Keller, M.D.
Dreams in the House of Weir / Сны в Доме Уира short story by Lin Carter
Weird Tales #2 1980, fb2, ISBN: 0-89083-715-5, Zebra Books / Kensington Publishing Corp.
The Night Ocean / Ночной океан novelette by R. H. Barlow and H. P. Lovecraft
Boy Blue / Кен Блю short story by Steve Rasnic Tem
Fear / Страх novelette by Joseph Payne Brennan
Valse Triste / Грустный вальс short story by Ray Nelson
The Song of the Gallows Tree / Песнь виселицы poem by Robert E. Howard
The Feast in the Abbey / Пир в аббатстве short story by Robert Bloch
The Lamashtu Amulet / Амулет Ламашту novelette by Mary Elizabeth Counselman
Something in the Moonlight / Что-то в лунном свете short story by Lin Carter
Trick or Treat / Шутка novelette by Ramsey Campbell
Liberation / Анналы Аркии: 3.Liberation poem by Robert A. W. Lowndes
The Guardian / Анналы Аркии: 4.The Guardian poem by Robert A. W. Lowndes
The Descent Into the Abyss / Нисхождение в бездну novelette by Lin Carter and Clark Ashton Smith
The Sapphire Siren (= The Sapphire Goddess) / Сапфировая богиня novelette by Nictzin Dyalhis
The Sombrus Tower / Башня Сомбрус short story by Tanith Lee
Weird Tales #3 1981, fb2, ISBN: 0-7737-8019-X, General
The Chinese Woman / Леди из Китая novella by Evangeline Walton
The Messenger / Посыльный short story by Steve Rasnic Tem
To the Nightshade / Паслёну poem by Clark Ashton Smith
The Opposite House / Дом напротив novelette by Diane Brizzolara and John Brizzolara
The Guardian of the Idol / Страж Идола short story by Robert E. Howard and Gerald W. Page
The Black Garden / Чёрный сад novelette by Carl Jacobi
The House of the Temple / Дом над прудом novelette by Brian Lumley
The Red Brain / Красный мозг short story by Donald Wandrei
The Summons / Зов poem by Robert A. W. Lowndes
The Viola / Альт poem by Robert A. W. Lowndes
Nobody Ever Goes There / Никто туда не ходит short story by Manly Wade Wellman
The Summons of Nuguth-Yug / Зов Нугут-Йуга short story by Marc Laidlaw and Gary Myers
The Wind That Tramps the World / Ветер, что веет над миром short story by Frank Owen
The Winfield Heritance / Наследство Уинфилдов novelette by Lin Carter
Weird Tales #4 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-8217-1238-1, Zebra Books / Kensington Publishing Corp.
The Next Glade / Следующая поляна novelette by Robert Aickman
Crocuses / Крокусы novelette by Charles Sheffield
The Belfrey / Башня short story by James Arthur Anderson
There Are No Ghosts in Catholic Spain / В Испании совсем нет привидений poem by Ray Bradbury
Homecoming / Возвращение домой novelette by Frank Belknap Long
Compliments of the Season / Поздравление с праздником short story by John Brizzolara
The City of Dread / Город ужаса novella by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
The Doom Chant of Than-Kul / Гибельная песнь Тан-Кула poem by Robert E. Howard
Save the Children! / Спаси детей! short story by Steve Rasnic Tem
The Sea-Gods / Морские боги poem by Clark Ashton Smith
Ooze / Слизь novelette by Anthony M. Rud
Late Night Final / Ночной финал short story by Stuart H. Stock
The Vengeance of Yig / Месть Йига short story by Lin Carter
The City Of Dread
by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
The moon was a giant firefly caught in a web of cloud, its pallid light filtering dimly down to the narrow mountain trail. Stunted trees, leaning low over the path, rubbed leafy hands together with a mournful, rustling sound. Black shadows crouched under the overhanging branches. And over all loomed the towering peaks of the Peruvian cordillera, gashing the blue-black sky with jagged, blackened fangs.
A little caravan crawled warily up the narrow, winding trail—a woman, four men and their burros, one behind the other. The long, white beams of their electric torches, darting erratically among the gnarled trees, seemed to intensify the darkness. Uneasiness hung over the group, quelling speech. The last man, the cholo guide, leading the string of pack-animals, cast occasional hasty glances over his shoulder, watching little shadows steal silently from beneath the trees into patches of moonlight, bending and bowing and merging with the darkness.
“Verdammte dummkopjl” the second man in the column growled suddenly in a throaty Teutonic voice. “Why did we not stop for the night down in the valley as I suggested? It iss your fault, Marshall! Ja, you say, we reach the ruins before dark. We need but a climb a little while, and we are there! You said it, so it iss so!”
Ken Marshall, striding in the lead, looked down angrily at the shorter German. “Don’t be childish, Ollendorph!” he snapped in brittle tones. “I know it’s my fault—but we may as well make the best of it. Anyway, we would have made it if we hadn’t switched to the left back there at the fork. But you insisted that Enrique was wrong—so here we are.” His voice became mockingly gentle. “I know you’re afraid of the dark, Maxie—but I’ll protect you. You’re perfectly safe as long as I’m around.”
. . .
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