The Wilderness / Пустыня short story by Ray Bradbury
Mars Is Ours short story by Alfred Coppel
Crime on Mars (= Trouble with Time) / Неувязка со временем short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Purple Priestess of the Mad Moon / Багровая жрица Безумной Луны short story by Leigh Brackett
A Rose for Ecclesiastes / Роза для Екклезиаста novelette by Roger Zelazny
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale / Мы вам всё припомним novelette by Philip K. Dick
Hellas Is Florida novelette by Gregory Benford and Gordon Eklund
In the Hall of the Martian Kings / Во дворце марсианских царей novella by John Varley
The First Mars Mission / Первая экспедиция на Марс short story by Robert F. Young
The Last Mars Trip / Последний полёт на Марс short story by Michael Cassutt
The Great Martian Pyramid Hoax short story by Jerry Oltion
Pictures from an Expedition novella by Alex Irvine