
Van Gelder, Gordon (ed) - Fourth Planet from the Sun / Ван Гелдер, Гордон (ред) - Четвертая от Солнца планета [2005, EPUB, ENG]

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Gordon Van Gelder (ed) - Fourth Planet from the Sun

Название: Fourth Planet from the Sun / Четвертая от Солнца планета
Год выпуска: 2005
Под редакцией: Van Gelder, Gordon / Ван Гелдер, Гордон
Издательство: Thunder's Mouth Press
ISBN: 0-7394-5190-1
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR (Jerry eBooks)
Язык: английский

Фантастика о Марсе из журнала Fantasy and Science Fiction.
The Wilderness / Пустыня short story by Ray Bradbury
Mars Is Ours short story by Alfred Coppel
Crime on Mars (= Trouble with Time) / Неувязка со временем short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Purple Priestess of the Mad Moon / Багровая жрица Безумной Луны short story by Leigh Brackett
A Rose for Ecclesiastes / Роза для Екклезиаста novelette by Roger Zelazny
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale / Мы вам всё припомним novelette by Philip K. Dick
Hellas Is Florida novelette by Gregory Benford and Gordon Eklund
In the Hall of the Martian Kings / Во дворце марсианских царей novella by John Varley
The First Mars Mission / Первая экспедиция на Марс short story by Robert F. Young
The Last Mars Trip / Последний полёт на Марс short story by Michael Cassutt
The Great Martian Pyramid Hoax short story by Jerry Oltion
Pictures from an Expedition novella by Alex Irvine
Mars Is Ours

Alfred Coppel

THE RED DUNES woke to the morning sun. The stars dimmed, but did not fade before the dawn. Light touched the mare’s tails of high ice clouds and turned them pink against the great cobalt sky. To the far west, the eroded hills along the edge of Syrtis came alive with brilliant yellows and sere browns.
The long column of armored vehicles, insectlike in the vast emptiness, inched northward. The sound of their engines faded quickly in the thin, cold air and the drifting iron sands swiftly covered the tracks of the steel cleats.
Marrane woke from fitful slumber in his tank. The tiny reading light was still on and the book of plays lay open across his chest. He glanced at the clock in the footing of the tank and wondered if he had slept at all.
He rubbed a hand across his stubbled face and fought down the familiar clamoring terror of waking. He forced himself to lie back and relax, letting the undulating movement of the Weasel soothe him.
. . .
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