A. E. van Vogt / Альфред Ван Вогт - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1939-2021 г. Автор: van Vogt, A. E. / Ван Вогт, Альфред Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Альфред Элтон Ван Вогт (26 апреля 1912 г. - 26 января 2000 г.) - американский писатель-фантаст. В 1939 г. его рассказ «Черный разрушитель» был опубликован в самом престижном журнале фантастики - «Astounding Science Fiction». Успех пришел сразу, но закрепился – и уже навсегда – после выхода в свет романа «Слэн». Даже сам этот термин, как синоним гонимого ординарностью таланта, закрепился тогда в разговорном языке, подобно тому, как это произошло со словом «робот», введенным в свое время в оборот К. Чапеком. А.Э. Ван Вогт вместе с Р. Хайнлайном, Т. Старджоном, К. Саймаком, Э. Ф. Расселом, А. Азимовым, Ли Брэкетт, А. Бестером и другими мастерами высочайшего класса закладывает основы того славного периода американской фантастики, который по праву называют ее «золотым веком». Именно на 40-е годы приходится пик его творчества – 17 романов. В 1947 г. по итогам опроса читателей его признают «самым популярным» в США фантастом. «Религиозный в самом глубоком смысле этого слова» (по оценке известнейшего критика С. Московица), А.Э. Ван Вогт всю жизнь ищет позитивное начало в Человеке, начиная с самого себя. Лейтмотив всех его произведений: человек способен достигнуть всего, если действительно приложит к тому усилия. Эта неизбывная тоска по идеалу и вере постоянно толкает его на поиск новых для него доктрин и учений, в том числе и в области псевдонаук и экзотических знаний. В конечном счете это обернулось для А. Э. Ван Вогта творческим надломом: увлекшись «дианетикой» Рона Хаббарда, он практически забрасывает писательство, ограничиваясь перелицовкой старых рассказов. Примечательно, что это – вообще одна из особенностей его творчества: например, из своего первого опубликованного рассказа «Черный разрушитель» он впоследствии выстроил один из лучших своих романов — «Путешествие космического «Бигля» (вариант – «Путешествие «Космической гончей») (1950), из повести «Потеряно: пятьдесят солнц» (1952) получилась «Миссия к звездам», а «Варвар» (1947) был переработан в дилогию «Империя Атома» («Атомные боги») и «Колдун Линн» («Волшебник Линна»). Новый взрыв творческой активности пришелся на начало 60-х годов. С 1970 по 1973 гг. он, например, выпускает сразу шесть романов. Трудно найти тему, которую этот классик американской фантастики так или иначе не затронул бы в своем творчестве: иные формы жизни, лабиринты времени, головокружительные приключения в межзвездных далях, «сверхчеловек» и «суперзнание», бурная жизнь Межгалактической Империи, Бог как герой повествования, интереснейшая трактовка многих проблем мироздания, эволюция общества, тех или иных конкретных наук или систем познания мира. Как художник он отлично владеет технологией писательского мастерства, большими и малыми формами, всегда сосредоточен на действии, а не на описании среды или душевных переживаний действующих лиц. Но для конкретного, логического склада ума его фразы порой недостаточно конкретны, чувствуется недосказанность, создается возможность неодномерного понимания высказанных мыслей. Его личный литературный вкус – волшебные сказки и творчество Томаса Вулфа.
Список книг:
01 Empire of the Atom / Империя атома 1957, fb2; 1957, epub, Ace Books 02 The Wizard of Linn / Волшебник Линна 1950, fb2 (исходная журнальная версия); 1962, epub, Ace Books (книжное издание) The Barbarian / Варвар 1947, fb2
01 The World of Null-A / Мир Нуль-А 1974, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-425-02558-6, Berkley Medallion 02 The Players of Null-A (= The Pawns of Null-A) / Пешки Ноль-А 1966, fb2 03 Null-A Three 1985, epub, ISBN: 0-88677-056-4, DAW Books 04 Null-A Continuum 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-0-765-38887-2, Tor (продолжение, написанное John C. Wright) The Original and Complete Null-A Trilogy 2014, epub
01 Slan / Слан 1946, fb2; 1940, epub (журнальный вариант с иллюстрациями) 02 Slan Hunter 2007, fb2 (with Kevin J. Anderson)
Weapon Shops of Isher
01 The Weapon Shops of Isher / Оружейные лавки империи Ишер 1951, fb2 02 The Weapon Makers (= One Against Eternity) / Оружейники империи Ишер 1947, epub The Empire of Isher (= The Weapon Shops of Isher and The Weapon Makers) 2000, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-312-87500-2, Orb
01 The Weapon Shops of Isher / Оружейные лавки империи Ишер 02 The Weapon Makers (= One Against Eternity) / Оружейники империи Ишер
The Original Weapon Shops of Isher 2015, epub (сборник журнальных вариантов)
The SeesawThe Weapon Shop / Оружейная лавка The Weapon Makers / Оружейники империи Ишер The Weapon Shops of Isher / Оружейные лавки империи Ишер
The Book of Ptath (= Two Hundred Million A.D.) / Библия Пта 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-88184-788-7, Carroll & Graf The House That Stood Still (= The Mating Cry; The Undercover Aliens) / Вечный дом (= Обитель вечности; А дом стоит себе спокойно...) 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-940392-04-2, Agency Editions The Voyage of the Space Beagle (= Mission: Interplanetary) 1950, fb2/epub Mission to the Stars (= The Mixed Men) / Миссия к звездам 1952, epub The Universe Maker / Творец Вселенной 1979, epub, ISBN: 0-671-83145-3, Pocket Books The Mind Cage / Клетка для разума 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-940392-05-9, Agency Editions Planets for Sale / Планеты на продажу 1970, fb2 The War Against the Rull / Война против Руллов 1959, epub The Violent Man 1962, fb2 (не фантастика) Moonbeast (= The Beast) / Зверь 1969, fb2, ISBN: 0-586-02937-0, Panther Rogue Ship / Корабль-бродяга 1965, fb2 The Winged Man / Крылатый человек 1970, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-01946-2, Berkley Medallion (with E. Mayne Hull) The Silkie / Шелки 1977, fb2, ISBN: 0-450-03549-2, New English Library Children of Tomorrow / Дети будущего 1970, fb2 (качество не очень; вычистил, что смог, но не все) Quest for the Future / Поиск будущего 1970, epub The Battle of Forever / Бесконечная битва 1971, fb2 The Darkness on Diamondia / Тьма над Диамондианой 1972, fb2 Tyranopolis (= Future Glitter) / Блеск будущего 1977, fb2 The Secret Galactics (= Earth Factor X) / Тайные галактики 1974, epub The Man with a Thousand Names / Человек с тысячью имен 1974, fb2 Supermind 1977, fb2 The Anarchistic Colossus 1977, fb2 Renaissance / Возрождение 1979, fb2 Cosmic Encounter / Космические встречи 1979, fb2 Computerworld (= Computer Eye) 1983, epub
Destination: Universe! 1952, fb2 (качество не очень; вычистил, что смог, но не все)
Far Centaurus / Далекий Центавр The Monster (= Resurrection) / Чудовище Dormant / Пробуждение Enchanted Village / Зачарованная деревня A Can of Paint / Банка краски Defense / Защита The Rulers / Правители Dear Pen Pal (= Letter from the Stars) / Дорогой друг The Sound / Звук The Search / Поиски
The Twisted Men 1964, fb2
The Twisted Men (= Rogue Ship)The Star-Saint / Галактический святой The Earth Killers / Убийцы земли
More Than Superhuman 1975, fb2, ISBN: 0-450-02571-3, New English Library
Humans, Go Home! / Земляне, убирайтесь домой! The Reflected Men / Двойники All the Loving Androids / Любящие андроиды Laugh, Clone, Laugh / Смейся, смейся, клон! (with Forrest J. Ackerman) Research Alpha / Исследовательский центр «Альфа» (with James H. Schmitz) Him / Хайм
Pendulum / Маятник 1978, fb2
Pendulum / Маятник The Male Condition / Мужское поведение Living With Jane / Джейна The First Rull / Первый рулл Footprint Farm / Ферма «След» The Non-Aristotelian DetectiveThe Human Operators / Люди для технического обслуживания (with Harlan Ellison) The Launch of Apollo XVII
The Best of A. E. van Vogt Volume 2 1979, fb2, ISBN: 0-7221-8727-0, Sphere
Dear Pen Pal (= Letter from the Stars) / Дорогой друг The Green Forest / Лес зелёный War of Nerves / Война нервов The ExpendablesSilkies in SpaceThe Proxy Intelligence / Переходящий интеллект
Lost: Fifty Suns (= The Book of van Vogt)
The Timed Clock / Часы времени The Confession / Признание The Rat and the Snake / Крыса и змея The Barbarian / Варвар Ersatz Eternal / Эрзац-вечность The Sound of Wild Laughter / Безумный смех Lost: Fifty Suns / Потеряно пятьдесят солнц
Transfinite: The Essential A. E. van Vogt 2003, fb2, ISBN: 978-1-886778-34-4, NESFA Press
Black Destroyer / Черный разрушитель The Monster (= Resurrection) / Чудовище Film LibraryEnchanted Village (= The Sands of Mars) / Зачарованная деревня Asylum / Жизненная сила Vault of the Beast / Усыпальница зверя The Ghost / Призрак The Rull / Рулл Recruiting Station (= Earth's Last Fortress; Masters of Time) / Властелины времени A Can of Paint / Банка краски The Search / Поиски Dear Pen Pal (= Letter from the Stars) / Дорогой друг The Harmonizer / Гармонизатор The Great Judge / Верховный судья Far Centaurus / Далекий Центавр Secret Unattainable / Ускользнувшее из рук чудо Future Perfect / Совершенное будущее The Great EngineDormant / Пробуждение The Sound / Звук The Rulers / Правители Final Command / Окончательное решение War of Nerves / Война нервов Don't Hold Your Breath / Чем ни дыши, один чёрт Discord in Scarlet / Этюд в алых тонах
A Son Is BornChild of the GodsHand of the GodsHome of the GodsThe Barbarian / Варвар The Wizard of Linn / Волшебник Линна Co-Operate - Or Else!The Second Solution / Второе решение Concealment / Маскировка The StormThe Mixed Men
The Original Tales of Centaurus 2018, epub (журнальные публикации, Jerry eBooks)
Centaurus IIRogue ShipThe Expendables
Complete Short Fiction 2021, epub, Jerry eBooks
BLACK DESTROYER / Черный разрушитель DISCORD IN SCARLET / Этюд в алых тонах
THE SEA THING / Третий вид: Океанское чудовище. Морское чудовище REPETITION (= The Gryb) / Гриб VAULT OF THE BEAST / Усыпальница зверя SLAN / Слан (Part One of Four Parts) SLAN (Part Two of Four Parts) SLAN (Part Three of Four Parts) SLAN (Part Four of Four Parts)
NOT THE FIRST / Не в первый раз THE SEESAW
RECRUITING STATION (= Earth's Last Fortress; Masters of Time) / Властелины времени CO-OPERATE—OR ELSE!ASYLUM / Жизненная сила SECRET UNATTAINABLE / Ускользнувшее из рук чудо THE GHOST / Призрак THE SECOND SOLUTION / Второе решение NOT ONLY DEAD MEN / Не только мёртвые THE WEAPON SHOP / Оружейная лавка THE FLIGHT THAT FAILED (= Rebirth: Earth)
THE SEARCH / Поиски THE WEAPON MAKERS (= One Against Eternity) / Оружейники империи Ишер (Part I) THE WITCH / Ведьма THE WEAPON MAKERS (Part II) ABDICATION (= The Invisibility Gambit) / Гамбит невидимки THE WEAPON MAKERS (Conclusion) THE GREAT ENGINEM 33 IN ANDROMEDA / Галактика М-33, туманность Андромеды CONCEALMENT / Маскировка THE BOOK OF PTATH (= Two Hundred Million A.D.) / Библия Пта THE STORMTHE BEAST
FAR CENTAURUS / Далекий Центавр THE RULERS / Правители THE CHANGELINGTHE WINGED MAN / Крылатый человек (Part One) THE WINGED MAN (Conclusion) JUGGERNAUT / Сокрушительная сила A CAN OF PAINT / Банка краски THE HARMONIZER / Гармонизатор
THE MIXED MENTHE PURPOSE / Цель HEIR APPARENT (= Heir Unapparent)WORLD OF Ā / Мир Нуль-А (Part One) WORLD OF Ā (Part Two) WORLD OF Ā (Conclusion)
A SON IS BORNFILM LIBRARYCHILD OF THE GODSTHE CHRONICLER (= Siege of the Unseen; The Three Eyes of Evil) / Три дурных глаза (First of two parts) THE CHRONICLER (Conclusion) HAND OF THE GODS
THE SHIP OF DARKNESS / Корабли тьмы THE RULL / Рулл THE GREAT JUDGE / Верховный судья THE MONSTER (= Resurrection) / Чудовище DORMANT / Пробуждение THE PLAYERS OF Ā (= The Pawns of Null-A) / Пешки Ноль-А (Part One of Four Parts) THE PLAYERS OF Ā (Part II of IV) THE PLAYERS OF Ā (Third of Four Parts)
THE PLAYERS OF Ā (Conclusion) THE WEAPON SHOPS OF ISHER / Оружейные лавки империи Ишер THE EARTH KILLERS / Убийцы земли THE GREEN FOREST / Лес зелёный PROJECT SPACESHIP (= The Problem Professor) / Проблемный профессор FINAL COMMAND / Окончательное решение DEAR PEN PAL (= Letter from the Stars) / Дорогой друг
THE SHADOW MENTHE SOUND / Звук ROGUE SHIP (= The Twisted Men)THE WIZARD OF LINN / Волшебник Линна (First of Three Parts) WAR OF NERVES / Война нервов THE WIZARD OF LINN (Second of three parts) THE WIZARD OF LINN (Conclusion) ENCHANTED VILLAGE (= The Sands of Mars) / Зачарованная деревня AUTOMATON (= Dear Automaton) / Киборг PROCESS / Буколика
HAUNTED ATOMS / Призрачные атомы THE STAR-SAINT / Галактический святой THIS JOE (= The First Martian) / Первый марсианин FULFILLMENT / Завершение
THE REPLICATORS / Репликаторы RESEARCH ALPHA / Исследовательский центр «Альфа»
THE PROXY INTELLIGENCE / Переходящий интеллект (condensed version)
HIM / Хайм LAUGH, CLONE, LAUGH / Смейся, смейся, клон! HUMANS, GO HOME! / Земляне, убирайтесь домой!
CARTHING / Картинг
THE HUMAN OPERATORS / Люди для технического обслуживания THE PROXY INTELLIGENCE / Переходящий интеллект (full-length version) THE RAT AND THE SNAKE / Крыса и змея THE REFLECTED MEN / Двойники ALL THE LOVING ANDROIDS / Любящие андроиды
THE TIMED CLOCK / Часы времени THE CONFESSION / Признание THE BARBARIAN / Варвар (1972 expanded version) ERSTATZ ETERNAL / Эрзац-вечность THE SOUND OF WILD LAUGHTER / Безумный смех LOST: FIFTY SUNS / Потеряно пятьдесят солнц
DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH / Чем ни дыши, один чёрт FUTURE PERFECT / Совершенное будущее
Discord in Scarlet / Этюд в алых тонах 1939, epub The Gryb (= Repetition) / Гриб 1940, fb2 Not The First / Не в первый раз 1941, fb2 The Seesaw 1941, fb2 Recruiting Station (= Earth's Last Fortress; Masters of Time) / Властелины времени 1942, epub (журнальная публикация с иллюстрациями, Jerry eBooks) Not Only Dead Men / Не только мёртвые 1942, fb2 Rebirth: Earth (= The Flight That Failed) 1942, fb2 The Weapons Shop / Оружейная лавка 1942, fb2 The Invisibility Gambit (= Abdication) / Гамбит невидимки 1943, fb2 M 33 in Andromeda / Галактика М-33, туманность Андромеды 1943, fb2 The Witch / Ведьма 1943, fb2 The Purpose / Цель 1945, fb2 Heir Unapparent (= Heir Apparent) 1945, fb2 The Chronicler (= Siege of the Unseen; The Three Eyes of Evil) / Три дурных глаза 1946, fb2 The Cataaaaa / Кот! Кот! 1947, fb2 Ship of Darkness / Корабли тьмы 1948, fb2 The Problem Professor (= Project Spaceship) / Проблемный профессор 1949, fb2 Automaton (= Dear Automaton) / Киборг 1950, fb2 Process / Буколика 1950, fb2 The First Martian (= This Joe) / Первый марсианин 1951, fb2 Fulfilment / Завершение 1951, fb2 Itself! / Нечто 1963, fb2 The Replicators / Репликаторы 1965, fb2 The Ultra Man / Ультраземлянин 1966, fb2 The Rat and the Snake / Крыса и змея 1971, fb2 The Human Operators / Люди для технического обслуживания 1971, fb2 (with Harlan Ellison) Ersatz Eternal / Эрзац-вечность 1972, fb2
Примеры текстов:
The War Against the Rull
As the spaceship vanished into the steamy mists of Eristan II, Trevor Jamieson drew his gun. He felt dizzy, sickened by the way he had been tossed and buffeted for long moments in the furious wind stream of the great ship. But awareness of danger held him tense there in the harness that was attached by cables to the antigravity plate above him. With narrowed eyes, he stared up at the ezwal which was peering down at him over the edge of the still swaying skyraft. Its three-in-line eyes, as gray as dully polished steel, gazed at him, unwinking; its massive blue head poised alertly and— Jamieson knew—ready to jerk back the instant it read in his thoughts an intention of shooting. "Well," said Jamieson harshly, "here we are, both of us— thousands of light-years from our respective home planets. And we're falling down into a primitive hell that you, with only your isolated life on Carson's Planet to judge by, cannot begin to imagine despite your ability to read my thoughts. Even a six-thousand-pound ezwal can't survive down there alone." A great claw-studded paw slid over the side of the raft, flicked down at one of the three slender cables that supported Jamieson's harness. There was a bright, steely ping as the cable parted from the slashing blow, and the force of it lifted Jamieson in his harness several feet. He dropped back heavily and began swinging from the two remaining cables as from a trapeze. Awkwardly, gun in hand, he craned his neck to defend these last two supports from attack. But the ezwal made no further threatening move, and there was only the great head and the calm, unwinking eyes peering down at him. Finally, a thought penetrated to Jamieson. A thought cool and unhurried: "At the moment I have only one concern. Of the hundred or more men on your ship, only you remain alive. Out of all the human race, therefore, only you know that the ezwals of what you call Carson's Planet are not senseless beasts but intelligent beings. Your government, we know, is having great difficulty in settling or keeping colonists on our planet, because we are regarded simply as a sort of natural force, very dangerous to cope with but unavoidable. That is just the way we want the situation to remain. Once human beings became convinced that we are an intelligent enemy, there would be a systematic, full-scale warfare against us. This would handicap us seriously in our unalterable purpose of driving all trespassers from our world. Because you know this, rather than take the slightest risk of your escaping the jungle dangers below, I took the chance of jumping on top of this antigravity raft just as you were launching yourself out of the lock." . . .
The Man with a Thousand Names
Steven Masters climbed down the ladder to the surface of the planet, wondering how he should feel. It seemed degrading that he had first to ease himself backward out of the airlock, just like an ordinary member of the crew, and then gingerly edge down the slats of the ladder. Were films being taken? How would he look from the rear? He had a sense of moving awkwardly. He cringed with that awareness. And yet - a mixed reaction.... If people on Earth were really viewing this, then someone would be naming him as being the person on the ladder at this moment. That possibility had its own stimulation. They're looking at me. They're seeing me! His thought was: I'll go over and climb that hill, and see what this stupid place looks like. As his feet touched the soil, Steven tried for a moment to imagine that, really, his contact with the new planet was the one that counted. As he had that thought, he let go of the ladder and braced himself within the frame of his spacesuit and all its paraphernalia. Almost fell. Staggered, stumbled, fought a terrible unbalance. Good God, he was disgracing himself. A full, perspiring minute later, he had himself braced in a leaning-back posture. And now he discovered what it was that had overbalanced him. One of the two hooks hanging down over his shoulder had caught in the handle of a canister, which had been left at the foot of the ladder. The sudden pull of the heavy object had flung him off center. Whereupon his need to keep going and the continuing weight of the object had acted one against the other, and the tough material of the spacesuit had prevented him from feeling what it was. Steven released the hook. And stood there in such a rage that he could scarcely see. But he realized presently that apparently none of the other crew members had noticed his wild antic. The overstimulated feeling remained. But his anger dimmed, yielded to a partial confusion. It was a moment of stress, and an ever so tiny sliver of truth poked up through his normal condition of self-delusion. The minuscule message from somewhere inside him whispered that his aloofness during the trip had not endeared him to his fellow travelers. The realization roused in him a progression of increasing irritation that ended up as outrage. But, even so, a restraining thought remained. Better not complain. He was walking hurriedly now in the direction of the nearest of a series of low hills. Noticing, as he approached - not volcanic. It had a steep slope, a lot of brush, mostly yellowish in color, but some green, with a hint of blue here and there. Pretty leaves, L-shaped, of all things. Nothing like that on Earth, or other discovered planets. Well (tolerantly), they did get a little education into me, in spite of all my resistance. Yet (he couldn't help realizing) I'm already bored. The feeling: So there would be many new plants and animals. But such details really didn't matter to the son of the world's richest man. Images of comfort flashed through his mind, as he had that thought. Fleeting pictures of fancy cars, glittering, available aircraft, well-dressed girls overly anxious to please the handsome heir. Elegant interiors, great homes, magnificent hotels, kowtowing servants - ('Yes, Mr Masters? Anything else, Mr Masters? Shall I bring the car out, Mr Masters?' His own response: A shrug and a don't-bother-me attitude. Til call you when I need you.' But if they weren't there: 'Where the hell have you been all this time?') On the trip to Mittend, he had discovered that there were things that money could not buy. His father's position had secured him a berth on the spaceship. It could not, once the craft was en route, take him off it, or turn it back. Such brazen use of money influence, the world did not openly tolerate. He'd tried, by God! - and alienated everybody aboard. Not that their reactions had mattered. In certain emotional states, he was a super-communicator of negation. Okay, so I'm bored. So you poor little creatures are looking forward to another green planet. Waiting breathlessly to see all the little birdies and the real estate. My God, it kills me just to think of spending three weeks more in space, and then a month there, and then all that endless six weeks going back. As he strode along, bored, kind of angry, even making small movements of impatience with each step, he looked at the yellow-green world that was beginning to be slightly below him, now that he was climbing. Because the oxygen content of the air was Earth-level, he had taken his helmet off, and dropped it casually. So he could see with his naked eyes a distant forest of trees, glints of a winding river. He despised the beauty that greeted his gaze from every direction, and grimaced at the scent of the growing things around him. A tiny, oh, ever so tiny, portion of the impatience was with himself. Steven Masters going to Mittend with the first landing party. His first expressed wish, spoken while drunk, had brought those wonderful headlines, Reading them, and the long columns about himself and his father, had done that stupid ego business. And, also, he saw now, the newspaper accounts had expanded into total purpose what had originally been a minor boastful remark at a party, and - in fact - had no purpose at all. He mentally looked back at that asininity, pictured the dreary consequence. The conviction came suddenly: I can't survive this. It's too much. A sense of disaster, and of how meaningless exploration really was, was like a weight upon him, as he stood finally on the crest of the hill, and gazed at all the horizons that he could see. An odd thought-feeling passed through his mind at that instant: "Mother, we pass on to you an image of the intruder. Have we your permission, and your power, to deal with it!" . . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 20.01.2022
История обновлений
Добавлено: 03 van Vogt, A E - Null-A Three (Null-A) - 1985.epub 04 Wright, John C. - Null-A Continuum (Null-A) - 2015.epub van Vogt, A E - The House That Stood Still - 2014.epub
Добавлено: van Vogt, A E - Computerworld - 1983.epub van Vogt, A E - Mission to the Stars - 1952.epub
Добавлено: van Vogt, A E - The Mind Cage - 2014.epub van Vogt, A E - Lost_ Fifty Suns - 1980.fb2 van Vogt, A E - Quest for the Future - 1970.epub van Vogt, A E - The Secret Galactics - 1974.epub van Vogt, A E - The Original and Complete Null-A Trilogy (Null-A) - 2014.epub (журнальные публикации) van Vogt, A E - The Original Tales of Centaurus - 2015.epub (журнальные публикации рассказов, вошедших впоследствии в роман Rogue Ship) van Vogt, A E - The Original Weapon Shops of Isher (Weapon Shops of Isher) - 2015.epub (журнальные публикации)
01 van Vogt, A E - Slan (Slan) - 1940.epub (к имеющемуся fb2, копия публикации в Astounding SF) van Vogt, A E - The Voyage of the Space Beagle - 1950.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Добавлено: van Vogt, A E - Complete Short Fiction - 2020.epub (Jerry eBooks)
Добавлено: 01 van Vogt, A E - Empire of the Atom (Clane) - 1957.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) 02 van Vogt, A E - The Wizard of Linn (Clane) - 1962.epub (книжное издание к имеющемуся журнальному) van Vogt, A E - Recruiting Station - 1942.epub (журнальная публикация с иллюстрациями, Jerry eBooks) Замены: van Vogt, A E - Complete Short Fiction - 2020.epub на van Vogt, A E - Complete Short Fiction - 2021.epub (новая версия от Jerry) van Vogt, A E - The Original Tales of Centaurus - 2015.epub на van Vogt, A E - The Original Tales of Centaurus - 2018.epub (более свежая версия от Jerry)
Upd Релиз обновлен 02.04.2016
UPD Релиз обновлен 13.12.2016 Добавлено: van Vogt, A E - Computerworld - 1983.epub van Vogt, A E - Mission to the Stars - 1952.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 05.12.2018 Список добавленного - в головном сообщении темы
UPD Релиз обновлен 27.11.2020 Добавлено: van Vogt, A E - Complete Short Fiction - 2020.epub (Jerry eBooks)
UPD Релиз обновлен 20.01.2022 Добавлено: 01 van Vogt, A E - Empire of the Atom (Clane) - 1957.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) 02 van Vogt, A E - The Wizard of Linn (Clane) - 1962.epub (книжное издание к имеющемуся журнальному) van Vogt, A E - Recruiting Station - 1942.epub (журнальная публикация с иллюстрациями, Jerry eBooks) Замены: van Vogt, A E - Complete Short Fiction - 2020.epub на van Vogt, A E - Complete Short Fiction - 2021.epub (новая версия от Jerry) van Vogt, A E - The Original Tales of Centaurus - 2015.epub на van Vogt, A E - The Original Tales of Centaurus - 2018.epub (более свежая версия от Jerry)