
Strahan, Jonathan (ed.) - The Year's Best Science Fiction / Стрэн, Джонатан (ред.) - Лучшая НФ года [2020-2021, EPUB, ENG]

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picJonathan Strahan (ed.) - The Year's Best Science Fiction

Название: The Year's Best Science Fiction / Лучшая НФ года
Год выпуска: 2020-2021
Под редакцией: Strahan, Jonathan / Стрэн, Джонатан
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Новая серия антологий фантастики от известного составителя антологий
Список книг:
The Year's Best Science Fiction, Vol. 1 2020, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5344-4961-9, Saga Press
The Bookstore at the End of America by Charlie Jane Anders
The Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex by Tobias S. Buckell
Kali_Na by Indrapramit Das
Song of the Birds by Saleem Haddad
The Painter of Trees by Suzanne Palmer
The Last Voyage of Skidbladnir by Karin Tidbeck
Sturdy Lanterns and Ladders by Malka Older
It's 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning by Ted Chiang
Contagion's Eve at the House Noctambulous by Rich Larson
Submarines / Подводные лодки by Han Song (trans.)
As the Last I May Know by S. L. Huang
A Catalog of Storms by Fran Wilde
The Robots of Eden by Anil Menon
Now Wait for This Week by Alice Sola Kim
Cyclopterus by Peter Watts
Dune Song by Suyi Davies Okungbowa
The Work of Wolves by Tegan Moore
Soft Edges by Elizabeth Bear
Emergency Skin by N. K. Jemisin
Thoughts and Prayers by Ken Liu
At the Fall by Alec Nevala-Lee
Reunion by Vandana Singh
Green Glass: A Love Story by E. Lily Yu
Secret Stories of Doors by Sofía Rhei
This is Not the Way Home / Это не путь домой by Greg Egan
What the Dead Man Said by Chinelo Onwualu
I (28M) Created a Deepfake Girlfriend and Now My Parents Think We're Getting Married by Fonda Lee
The Archronology of Love by Caroline M. Yoachim
The Year's Best Science Fiction, Vol. 2 2021, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5344-4964-0, Saga Press
A Guide for Working Breeds by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
An Important Failure by Rebecca Campbell
Drones to Ploughshares by Sarah Gailey
The Pill by Meg Elison
The Mermaid Astronaut by Yoon Ha Lee
It Came from Cruden Farm by Max Barry
Schrödinger's Catastrophe by Gene Doucette
Midstrathe Exploding by Andy Dudak
The Bahrain Underground Bazaar by Nadia Afifi
50 Things Every AI Working with Humans Should Know by Ken Liu
Polished Performance by Alastair Reynolds
GO. NOW. FIX. by Timons Esaias
Burn or The Episodic Life of Sam Wells as a Super by A. T. Greenblatt
How Quini the Squid Misplaced His Klobučar by Rich Larson
The Final Performance of the Amazing Ralphie by Pat Cadigan
Yellow and the Perception of Reality by Maureen McHugh
Father by Ray Nayler
Don't Mind Me by Suzanne Palmer
The Suicide of Our Troubles by Karl Schroeder
AirBody by Sameem Siddiqui
The Transition of OSOOSI by Ozzie M. Gartrell
If You Take My Meaning by Charlie Jane Anders
Beyond These Stars Other Tribulations of Love by Usman T. Malik
A Mastery of German by Marian Denise Moore
How to Pay Reparations: A Documentary by Tochi Onyebuchi
Sparklybits by Nick Wolven
The Search for (Flight X) by Neon Yang
Образец текста:

Emily Fort

So you want to know about Hayley.
No, I’m used to it, or at least I should be by now. People only want to hear about my sister.
It was a dreary, rainy Friday in October, the smell of fresh fallen leaves in the air. The black tupelos lining the field hockey pitch had turned bright red, like a trail of bloody footprints left by a giant.
I had a quiz in French II and planned a week’s worth of vegan meals for a family of four in Family and Consumer Science. Around noon, Hayley messaged me from California.
Skipped class. Q and I are driving to the festival right now!!!
I ignored her. She delighted in taunting me with the freedoms of her college life. I was envious, but didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of showing it.
In the afternoon, Mom messaged me.
Have you heard from Hayley?
No. The sisterly code of silence was sacred. Her secret boyfriend was safe with me.
“If you do, call me right away.”
I put the phone away. Mom was the helicopter type.
. . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 29.09.2021
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Strahan, Jonathan (ed) - The Year's Best Science Fiction, Vol. 2 - 2021.epub
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UPD Релиз обновлен 29.09.2021
Strahan, Jonathan (ed) - The Year's Best Science Fiction, Vol. 2 - 2021.epub
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