
Conklin, Groff (ed.) - 5 Unearthly Visions / Конклин, Грофф (ред.) - 5 неземных видений [1965, EPUB, ENG]

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Groff Conklin (ed.) - 5 Unearthly Visions

Название: 5 Unearthly Visions / 5 неземных видений
Год выпуска: 1965
Под редакцией: Conklin, Groff / Конклин, Грофф
Издательство: Fawcett Gold Medal
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR (Jerry eBooks)
Язык: английский

5 произведений пяти выдающихся писателей-фантастов. Книгу вернул к жизни Jerry.
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Raymond Z. Gallun

Ten minutes after the crackup, somebody phoned for the Army. That meant us. The black smoke of the fire, and the oily residues, which were later analyzed, proved the presence of a probable petroleum derivative. The oil was heavily tainted with radioactivity. Most likely it was fuel from the odd, conchlike reaction motors, the exact principles of which died, as far as we were concerned, with the crash.
The craft was mainly of aluminum, magnesium and a kind of stainless steel, proving that, confronted with problems similar to ones we had encountered, aliens might solve them in similar ways. From the crumpled-up wreckage which we dug out of that Missouri hillside, Klein even noticed a familiar method of making girders and braces lighter. Circular holes were punched out of them at spaced intervals.
I kept hunting conviction by telling myself that, for the first time in all remembered history, we were peeking behind the veil of another planet. This should be the beginning of a new era, one of immensely widened horizons, and of high romance—but with a dark side, too. The sky was no longer a limit. There were things beyond it that would have to be reckoned with. And how does unknown meet unknown? Suppose one has no hand to shake?
The mass of that wreck reeked like a hot cinder-pile and a burning garbage dump combined. It oozed blackened goo. There were crushed pieces of calcined material that looked like cuttlebone. The thin plates of charred stuff might almost have been pressed cardboard. Foot-long tubes of thin, tin-coated iron contained combined chemicals identifiable as proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Food, we decided.
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