
Hobbs-Wyatt, Debz (ed.) - Crime After Crime / Хоббс-Уайетт, Дебз (ред.) - Преступление за преступлением [2012, EPUB, ENG]

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picDebz Hobbs-Wyatt & Stephen Puleston (ed.) - Crime After Crime

Название: Crime After Crime / Преступление за преступлением
Год выпуска: 2012
Под редакцией: Hobbs-Wyatt, Debz & Puleston, Stephen / Хоббс-Уайетт, Дебз & Пьюлстон, Стивен
Издательство: Bridge House Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907335-26-6
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

12 детективных рассказов британских и американских писателей были отобраны для этой антологии из нескольких сотен претендентов.
Blood in Summer by Sam Millar
A Killer Week by Cathy Cole
No Privacy by Kirsty Ferry
Perilous Truths by Jane Isaac
A Routine Job by Don Nixon
The Weapon by L. A. Wilson, Jr.
Stevie’s Luck by Gerry McCullough
Foxtrot by Don Nixon
The Most Whimsical Jape of the Season by Kate Tough
Rat Trap by Paula R C Readman
The Courgette House by Stephen Puleston
The Execution by C D Mitchell
Образец текста:
Perilous Truths

Jane Isaac

“Death is always personal, even when it’s business,” Kenny said. He leant back against an old crate and dug his hands into his pockets.
Rip, whose wide, frantic eyes were fixed on Kenny, started to shudder uncontrollably, as if the organs inside his body were individually jumping about in terror. His head darted from side to side. The shrieking yelps from beneath the duct tape that covered his mouth sounded more like a deserted puppy.
Mitch turned away, struggling to calm his quivering limbs, and took a deep breath. Don’t look at him. Stay composed. The metallic stench of blood proved overwhelming. Fighting every one of his body’s natural reactions, he exhaled slowly, and watched the puffs of white air disperse into the cool atmosphere as he strode over to the factory entrance.
. . .
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