
Penzler, Otto (ed) - The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps / Пенцлер, Отто (ред) - Большая книга детективов pulp эпохи от Black Lizard [2008, EPUB, ENG]

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picOtto Penzler (ed.) - The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps: The Best Crime Stories from the Pulps During Their Golden Age - The '20s, '30s & '40s

Название: The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps / Большая книга детективов pulp эпохи от Black Lizard
Год выпуска: 2008
Под редакцией: Penzler, Otto / Пенцлер, Отто
Издательство: Vintage Crime/Black Lizard
eISBN: 978-0-307-49416-0
Формат: EPUB (retail)
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Детективы эпохи pulp журналов. Великолепная подборка от Отто Пенцлера.
One, Two, Three / Раз, два, три Paul Cain
The Creeping Siamese / Коварные сиамцы Dashiell Hammett
Honest Money / Честные деньги Erle Stanley Gardner
Frost Rides Alone Horace McCoy
Double Check / Двойная проверка Thomas Walsh
Stag Party / Последняя вечеринка Charles G. Booth
The City of Hell! / Прóклятый город Leslie T. White
Red Wind / Кровавый ветер Raymond Chandler
Wise Guy / Умник Frederick Nebel
Murder Picture / Роковой снимок George Harmon Coxe
The Price of a Dime / Десять центов Norbert Davis
Chicago Confetti / Чикагское конфетти William Rollins, Jr.
Two Murders, One Crime / Три казни за одно убийство Cornell Woolrich
The Third Murderer / Третий убийца Carroll John Daly
The Cat-Woman / Женщина-кошка Erle Stanley Gardner
The Dilemma of the Dead Lady / Дама, валет... Cornell Woolrich
The House of Kaa / Обитель зла Richard Sale
The Invisible Millionaire / Миллионер-невидимка Leslie Charteris
You'll Always Remember Me / Ты запомнишь меня навсегда Steve Fisher
Faith / Символ веры Dashiell Hammett
Pastorale / Пастораль James M. Cain
The Sad Serbian / Грустный серб Frank Gruber
Finger Man / Свидетель Raymond Chandler
The Monkey Murder / Убийство обезьяны Erle Stanley Gardner
About Kid Deth / О парне по фамилии Дет Raoul Whitfield
The Sinister Sphere / Зловещее светило Frederick C. Davis
Pigeon Blood / Рубины голубиной крови Paul Cain
The Perfect Crime / Идеальное преступление C. S. Montanye
You'll Die Laughing / Умрешь со смеху Norbert Davis
The Crimes of Richmond City / Преступления в Ричмонде Frederick Nebel
    i) Raw Law / Суровый закон
    ii) Dog Eat Dog
    iii) The Law Laughs Last
    iv) Law Without Law / Закон без закона
    v) Graft / Беспредел
Angel Face Cornell Woolrich
Chosen to Die Leslie T. White
A Pinch of Snuff Eric Taylor
Killer in the Rain / Убийца под дождем Raymond Chandler
Sally the Sleuth Adolphe Barreaux
A Shock for the Countess C. S. Montanye
Snowbound C. B. Yorke
The Girl Who Knew Too Much Randolph Barr
The Corpse in the Crystal D. B. McCandless
He Got What He Asked For D. B. McCandless
Gangster's Brand P. T. Lutnan
Dance Macabre Robert Reeves
The Girl with the Silver Eyes / Девушка с серебряными глазами Dashiell Hammett
The Jane from Hell's Kitchen Perry Paul
The Duchess Pulls a Fast One Whitman Chambers
Mansion of Death Roger Torrey
Concealed Weapon Roger Torrey
The Devil's Bookkeeper Carlos Martinez
Black Legion Lars Anderson
Three Wise Men of Babylon Richard Sale
The Adventure of the Voodoo Moon Eugene Thomas
Brother Murder T. T. Flynn
Kindly Omit Flowers Stewart Sterling
Образец текста:
One, Two, Three
Paul Cain

I’D BEEN IN Los Angeles waiting for this Healey to show for nearly a week. According to my steer, he’d taken a railroad company in Quebec for somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred and fifty grand on a swarm of juggled options or something. That’s a nice neighborhood.
My information said further that he was headed west and that he dearly loved to play cards. I do, too.
I’ll take three off the top, please.
I missed him by about two hours in Chicago and spent the day going around to all the ticket-officers, getting chummy with agents, finally found out Healey had bought a ticket to LA, so I fanned on out there and cooled.
Sunday afternoon I ran into an op for Eastern Investigators, Inc., named Gard, in the lobby of the Roosevelt. We had a couple drinks and talked about this and that. He was on the Coast looking for a gent named Healey. He was cagey about who the client was, but Eastern handles mostly missing persons, divorces, stuff like that.
Monday morning Gard called me and said the Salt Lake branch of his outfit had located Healey in Caliente, Nevada. He said he thought I might like to know. I told him I wasn’t interested and thanked him and then I rented a car in a U Drive place and drove up to Caliente.
I got there about four in the afternoon and spotted Healey in the second joint I went into. He was sitting in a stud game with five of the home boys and if they were a fair sample of local talent I figured I had plenty of time.
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