
Healy, Raymond J. (ed) - New Tales of Space and Time / Хэйли, Рэймонд (ред) - Новые сказания о времени и пространстве [1951, EPUB, ENG]

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picRaymond J. Healy (ed) - New Tales of Space and Time

Название: New Tales of Space and Time / Новые сказания о времени и пространстве
Год выпуска: 1951
Под редакцией: Healy, Raymond J. / Хэйли, Рэймонд
Издательство: Henry Holt
ISBN: нет
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR (Jerry)
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная по принципу "лучшее из новой фантастики". Не забывайте, что "новое" здесь для 1951 года Smile.
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Little Anton by Reginald Bretnor
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Образец текста:

I sit on a hill. I have sat here, it seems to me, for all eternity. Occasionally I realize there must be a reason for my existence. Each time, when this thought comes, I examine the various probabilities, trying to determine what possible motivation I can have for being on the hill. Alone on the hill. Forever on a hill overlooking a long, deep valley.
The first reason for my presence seems obvious: I can think. Give me a problem. The square root of a very large number? The cube root of a large one? Ask me to multiply an eighteen digit prime by itself a quadrillion times. Pose me a problem in variable curves. Ask me where an object will be at a given moment at some future date, and let me have one brief opportunity to analyze the problem.
The solution will take me but an instant of time.
But no one ever asks me such things. I sit alone on a hill.
. . .
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