
Various - Science Fiction Stories: The Complete Fiction / Разные авторы - Все художественные произведений из журнала "Science Fiction Stories" [2020, EPUB, ENG]

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picScience Fiction Stories: The Complete Fiction

Название: Science Fiction Stories: The Complete Fiction / Все художественные произведений из журнала "Science Fiction Stories"
Год выпуска: 2020
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
ISBN: отсутствует
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Science Fiction Stories". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry.
"Science Fiction Stories" - НФ журнал, издавался с 1955 по 1960 годы (плюс два пробных выпуска в 1953 и 1954 годах). Среди публиковавшихся там авторов - Poul Anderson, Robert Sheckley, Algis Budrys, Philip K. Dick, Gordon R. Dickson, Eric Frank Russell, Clifford D. Simak, James Blish, Robert Silverberg, ...
1953 (“First Issue”)
Sentiment, Inc. / Чувства инкорпорейтид - Poul Anderson
The Way of Decision - M.C. Pease
Comet's Burial - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Slizzers / Высасыватели - Jerome Bixby
Ask a Foolish Question / Верный вопрос - Robert Sheckley
Riya's Foundling - Algis Budrys
Nine Men in Time - Noel Loomis
By Earthlight - Bryce Walton
The Natives - Katherine MacLean
The Eyes Have It / Имеющий глаза да увидит - Philip K. Dick
1954 (“Second Issue”)
In Human Hands - Algis Budrys
Peace Agent - M.C. Pease
The Turning Wheel / Вращающееся колесо - Philip K. Dick
To See Ourselves / Своими глазами - Robert F. Young
Give Away - Milton Lesser
And What Remains? - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Barrier - Theodore R. Cogswell
Husbands, Care and Feeding of - Mack Reynolds
January 1955
The Gift of the Gods - Raymond F. Jones
Ripeness - M.C. Pease
Inherit the Earth - Monroe Schere
Voyage to Nowhere - Wallace West
The Two Sharp Edges - Algis Budrys
The Next Time - Garda Jamieson
It Should Happen to a Dog - Dennis Wiegand
March 1955
The Pattern - Boyd Ellanby
Caution Advisable - Ward Moore
The Ear-Friend - Raymond E. Banks
Path of Darkness - M.C. Pease
Playback - Winston K. Marks
Repeat Performance - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
May 1955
Last Stand - Algis Budrys
Live in Amity - D.A. Jourdan
In Working Order - Ward Moore
Design in Statistics - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Telestassis / Телестасис - M.C. Pease
Ugly Duckling - Barbara Constant
Protective Camouflage - Charles V. De Vet
July 1955
Perfectly Adjusted - Gordon R. Dickson
Decoy - John Christopher
Saraband in C Sharp Major / Сарабанда в резком С мажоре - Eric Frank Russell
Service Call / Мастера вызывали? - Philip K. Dick
The Wilhelm Spot - Les Cole
September 1955
No More Barriers - Gordon R. Dickson
Farewell, Mr. Ridley - Milton Lesser
The Three Spacemen - George Hudson Smith
Day After Fear - Sam Merwin, Jr.
The Oldest Man in the World - Russ Winterbotham
November 1955
Full Cycle / Круг замкнулся - Clifford D. Simak
The Idealists - Morton Klass
Female of the Species - Charles V. De Vet
Crossroad - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Time's a Gorilla - Russ Winterbotham
January 1956
The Last Chance - Richard deMille
Giants in the Earth - James Blish
The Instigators - Raymond E. Banks
Parodies Tossed: Alfred Bester's “The Demolished Man” - Randall Garrett
Shrine of Hate - George Hudson Smith
Stranger - Jim Harmon
March 1956
The Spaceman's Van Gogh / Ван Гог космоса - Clifford D. Simak
Through a Glass Darkly - Milton Lesser
The Bloomers of Shizar - Charles A. Stearns
The Vacationer - Sam Merwin, Jr
Parodies Tossed: Isaac Asimov's “The Caves of Steel” - Randall Garrett
Comes the Revolution - Donald Franson
May 1956
Living Space / Жизненное пространство - Isaac Asimov
The Non-Statistical Man - Raymond F. Jones
Parodies Tossed: John W. Campbell, Jr.'s “Who Goes There?” - Randall Garrett
With a Dime on Top of It - Algis Budrys
Project Flatty - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
The Dessicator / Осушитель - Robert Silverberg
July 1956
Wapshot's Demon - Frederik Pohl
The Third City - Bryce Walton
Art-Work / Произведение искусства - James Blish
The Saboteur - Randall Garrett
The Secret Weapon of Titipu / Секретное оружие Титипу - Ralph Spencer
The Lonely One / Одинокая - Robert Silverberg
September 1956
The Songs of Summer / Песни лета - Robert Silverberg
Galactic Chest / Галактический фонд призрения - Clifford D. Simak
Social Climber - Milton Lesser
Consumership / Потребители - Margaret St. Clair
Parodies Tossed: L. Sprague de Camp's “Lest Darkness Fall” - Randall Garrett
The Other Army - George Hudson Smith
Co-incidence - Irwin Booth
November 1956
Homecalling - Judith Merril
Women's Work - Murray Leinster
How to Succeed at Science Fiction Without Really Trying - Isaac Asimov
Tools of the Trade - Robert Randall
The Messiahs - Alfred McCoy Andrews
The Stretch - Sam Merwin, Jr.
January 1957
The Unreconstructed M / Деконструкция М - Philip K. Dick
Male Strikebreaker / Штрейкбрехер - Isaac Asimov
Godling, Go Home! / Боги, убирайтесь домой! - Robert Silverberg
Mission to the Enemy - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Occupational Risk - John Christopher
Lost Love - Paul Janvier
March 1957
Salt Lake Skirmish - Richard Royale
Saturnalia - Randall Garrett
The Quest - Abraham Stern
Galactic Gamble - Eando Binder
All the Latest Improvements - L. Sprague de Camp
Dark of the Moon - Bryce Walton
To Have and to Hold Not - Winston K. Marks
Tempus Non Fugit - Gordon R. Dickson
May 1957
Sunrise on Mercury / Восход на Меркурии - Calvin M. Knox
The Demancipator - G.C. Edmondson
Zoological Specimen / Зоологический образчик - A. Bertram Chandler
Fulfillment - Thomas N. Scortia
The Innocents' Refuge - Theodore L. Thomas
Extra Space Perception - Russ Winterbotham
The Janus City - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Pleasure Orbit - Winston K. Marks
Hunting Machine / Охотничья машина - Carol Emshwiller
July 1957
The Disappearing Man - Theodore L. Thomas
Neutral Planet / Нейтральная планета - Robert Silverberg
The Disinherited - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
Femmequin 973 - Fritz Leiber
Golden Boy - Winston K. Marks
The Gardener - Raymond F. Jones
Gag Rule - Thomas N. Scortia
September 1957
The Return from Troy - Russ Winterbotham
Genius Loci - Thomas N. Scortia
His Head in the Clouds / Голова в облаках - Calvin M. Knox
Compulsions - Peter Stom
The Principle - A. Bertram Chandler
Just Rub a Lamp ... - Theodore L. Thomas
November 1957
Quest - Manly Banister
Early Bird / Ранняя пташка - Eric Frank Russell
Why? / Зачем? - Robert Silverberg
Delay—Temporary - Charles V. De Vet
Audition - Robert Arnett
Pursuit - Ron Smith
The Heirs - Irving E. Cox, Jr.
January 1958
Prime Commandment / Главная заповедь - Calvin M. Knox
The Wild Ones - Tom Godwin
The Better Egg - Dick Hetschel
Death Wish - Nicholas G. Lordi
Oh, That Lost Sense of Wonder! - Isaac Asimov
Dangerous Weapon - Donald Franson
March 1958
Far from Somewhere - Randall Garrett
The Time for Delusion - Donald Franson
The Jolly Boys - Walter Maneikis
Fluorocarbons Are Here to Stay! - Donald E. Westlake
The Winning Hand - William Moeller
Paradox Lost - Brent Howell
Robots' Gambit - Richard Wilson
May 1958
The Tower of Zanid (Beginning a Four-Part Novel) / Башня Занида - L. Sprague de Camp
Invasion Vanguard - T.D. Bethlen
Postman's Holiday - Charles V. De Vet
Research Team - Don Hinkle
The Logical Life - Charles E. Fritch
June 1958
The Sound of the Wind - Theodore L. Thomas
Constabulary Duty / Долг полицейского - Calvin M. Knox
Mirror - Ralph Spencer
Lullaby - Arthur Zirul
The Tower of Zanid (Second of Four Parts) / Башня Занида - L. Sprague de Camp
July 1958
Underground Front - Leroy B. Haugsraud and Dale R. Smith
The Moon—Good Night! - Mack Richards
Last Voyage - Gordon R. Dickson
The Tower of Zanid (Third of Four Parts) / Башня Занида - L. Sprague de Camp
Hello, Terra Central! - George H. Smith
A Certain Answer - Robert Randall
Just Desserts - Irving Fang
August 1958
Little Brother - D.A. Jourdan
The Four - Calvin M. Knox
The Successors - A. Bertram Chandler
Age of Miracles - Watson Parker
The Tower of Zanid (Last of Four Parts) / Башня Занида - L. Sprague de Camp
September 1958
The Destroyers - Theodore L. Thomas
The Avengers - Thomas N. Scortia
Fourth Factor - Brian W. Aldiss
Star Ways - Joe L. Hensley
The Outcasts / Отверженные - George H. Smith
November 1958
Riddle of the Deadly Paradise - Charles Long
The Sun Stood Still - Maurice Vaisberg
The Isolationists / Изоляционисты - George Osborne
The Tomb - Diane Detzer
January 1959
Caduceus Wild (First of Four Parts) - Ward Moore and Robert Bradford
Perfect Marriage - George H. Smith
The Cyclops Gun - Stanley H. Siegel
The Anaheim Disease - Margaret St. Clair
Make a Prison - Lawrence Block
February 1959
Delivery Guaranteed - Calvin M. Knox
Dreamboat - A. Bertram Chandler
Paradox Lost - George H. Smith
Caduceus Wild (Second of Four Parts) - Ward Moore and Robert Bradford
The Last Unicorns - Edward D. Hoch
March 1959
Project Starlight - Kate Wilhelm
Spaceman's Delight - A. Bertram Chandler
Time Bomb - Joseph Farrell
The Smoke of Last Rites - George W. Maki
Caduceus Wild (Third of Four Parts) - Ward Moore and Robert Bradford
May 1959
There's No Place Like Space / На Земле хорошо, а дома лучше - Robert Silverberg
Utility Girl - Basil Wells
Android, Kill for Me! - Kate Wilhelm
Here, Kitty Kitty - Kit Reed
Weapon Master - A.L. Caramine
Caduceus Wild (Last of Four Parts) - Ward Moore and Robert Bradford
July 1959
The Bare Facts - George H. Smith
Night of the Robots - Allen Wilder
Beyond the Snake Planet - Bill Wesley
Twist of the Century - Donald Franson
Heap Big Medicine - Robert Silverberg
Building Nine - J. Martin Graetz
Alien Cornucopia / Инопланетянский рог изобилия - Walt Liebscher
September 1959
End as an Explorer - Jim Harmon
To Err Is Inhuman - Marion Zimmer Bradley
Eye of the Beholder - Robert Silverberg
Special City - Jackson Barrow
Blow That Horn of Plenty - Wallace West
November 1959
The Impossible Intelligence - Robert Silverberg
The Hunted Ones - Mack Reynolds
Luck, Inc. - Jim Harmon
No Star Shall Fall - Wilfred Owen Morley
The Great Mutation - Talmage Powell
A Little Knowledge - Charles V. De Vet
For Sale—Super Ears - Louise Hodgson
January 1960
The Coffin Ship - Bill Wesley
Day of the Glacier - R. A. Lafferty
Puritan Planet - Carol Emshwiller
Once in a Blue Moon - Norman L. Knight
March 1960
Artery of Fire - Thomas N. Scortia
The Hands - Venard McLaughlin
UFObia - Kate Wilhelm
A Matter of Philosophy - Wilfred Owen Morley
Washington Slept Here - Hugh Raymond
May 1960
The Corianis Disaster / Официальный визит - Murray Leinster
This Year and No Other - David Grinnell
The Living Urn - Kate Wilhelm
Travelers Far and Wee - Donald E. Westlake
Parodies Tossed: Immortality C.O.D. - Bret Hooper
The Alien Vibration - Hannes Bok
Образец текста:

Poul Anderson

The way we feel about another person, or about objects, is often bound up in associations that have no direct connection with the person or object at all. Often, what we call a “change of heart” comes about sheerly from a change in the many associations which make up our present viewpoint. Now, suppose that these associations could be altered artificially, at the option of the person who was in charge of the process ...

SHE was twenty-two years old, fresh out of college, full of life and hope, and all set to conquer the world. Colin Fraser happened to be on vacation on Cape Cod, where she was playing summer stock, and went to more shows than he had planned. It wasn’t hard to get an introduction, and before long he and Judy Sanders were seeing a lot of each other.
“Of course,” she told him one afternoon on the beach, “my real name is Harkness.”
He raised his arm, letting the sand run through his fingers. The beach was big and dazzling white around them, the sea galloped in with a steady roar, and a gull rode the breeze overhead. “What was wrong with it?” he asked. “For a professional monicker, I mean.”
She laughed and shook the long hair back over her shoulders. “I wanted to live under the name of Sanders,” she explained.
“Oh—oh, yes, of course. Winnie the Pooh.” He grinned. “Soulmates, that’s what we are.” It was about then that he decided he’d been a bachelor long enough.
In the fall she went to New York to begin the upward grind—understudy, walk-on parts, shoestring-theaters, and roles in outright turkeys. Fraser returned to Boston for awhile, but his work suffered, he had to keep dashing off to see her.
By spring she was beginning to get places; she had talent and everybody enjoys looking at a brown-eyed blonde. His weekly proposals were also beginning to show some real progress, and he thought that a month or two of steady siege might finish the campaign. So he took leave from his job and went down to New York himself. He’d saved up enough money, and was good enough in his work, to afford it; anyway, he was his own boss—consulting engineer, specializing in mathematical analysis.
He got a furnished room in Brooklyn, and filled in his leisure time—as he thought of it—with some special math courses at Columbia. And he had a lot of friends in town, in a curious variety of professions. Next to Judy, he saw most of the physicist Sworsky, who was an entertaining companion though most of his work was too top-secret even to be mentioned. It was a happy period.
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