
Knight, Damon (ed.) - Orbit 1-21/ Найт, Деймон (ред.) - Серия антологий "Orbit" 1-21 [1966-1980, fb2, ENG]

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picDamon Knight - Orbit 1-21

Название: Orbit / Серия антологий "Orbit"
Год выпуска: 1966-2018
Под редакцией: Knight, Damon / Найт, Деймон
Формат: fb2
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Одна из самых знаменитых серий антологий фантастики.
Список книг:
Orbit 1 1966, fb2, Berkley Medallion
Introduction by Damon Knight
Staras Flonderans by Kate Wilhelm
The Secret Place / Тайник by Richard McKenna
How Beautiful With Banners by James Blish
The Disinherited (= Home) / Домой! by Poul Anderson
The Loolies Are Here by Ruth Allison and Jane Rice
Kangaroo Court by Virginia Kidd
Splice of Life by Sonya Dorman
5 Eggs by Thomas M. Disch
The Deeps by Keith Roberts
Orbit 2 1967, fb2, Berkley Medallion
The Doctor / Целитель by Theodore L. Thomas (as by Ted Thomas)
Baby, You Were Great! / Крошка, ты была бесподобна! by Kate Wilhelm
Fiddler's Green / Страна мечты by Richard McKenna
Trip, Trap by Gene Wolfe
The Dimple in Draco by R. S. Richardson (as by Philip Latham)
I Gave Her Sack and Sherry by Joanna Russ
The Adventuress by Joanna Russ
The Hole on the Corner / Дыра на углу by R. A. Lafferty
The Food Farm by Kit Reed
Full Sun by Brian W. Aldiss
Orbit 3 1968, fb2, Berkley Medallion
Mother to the World by Richard Wilson
Bramble Bush by Richard McKenna
The Barbarian by Joanna Russ
The Changeling / Подменыш by Gene Wolfe
Why They Mobbed the White House by Doris Pitkin Buck
The Planners / Планировщики by Kate Wilhelm
Don't Wash the Carats / Не отмывайте караты by Philip José Farmer
Letter to a Young Poet by James Sallis
Here Is Thy Sting by John Jakes
Orbit 4 1969, fb2, Berkley Medallion
Windsong by Kate Wilhelm
Probable Cause by Charles L. Harness
Shattered Like a Glass Goblin / Разбит, как стеклянный гоблин by Harlan Ellison
This Corruptible by Joan Matheson (as by Jacob Transue)
Animal by Carol Emshwiller
One at a Time / Одним днём by R. A. Lafferty
Passengers / Пассажиры by Robert Silverberg
Grimm's Story by Vernor Vinge
A Few Last Words by James Sallis
Orbit 5 1969, fb2, Berkley Medallion
Somerset Dreams by Kate Wilhelm
The Roads, the Roads, the Beautiful Roads by Avram Davidson
Look, You Think You've Got Troubles / И вам ещё кажется, что у вас неприятности? by Carol Carr
Winter's King / Король планеты Зима by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Time Machine by Langdon Jones
Configuration of the North Shore / Конфигурация северного берега by R. A. Lafferty
Paul's Treehouse by Gene Wolfe
The Price by C. Davis Belcher
The Rose Bowl-Pluto Hypothesis by R. S. Richardson (as by Philip Latham)
Winston by Kit Reed
The History Makers by James Sallis
The Big Flash / И вспыхнет огонь… by Norman Spinrad
Orbit 6 1970, fb2, G. P. Putnam's Sons
The Second Inquisition / Гостья by Joanna Russ
Remembrance to Come by Gene Wolfe
How the Whip Came Back by Gene Wolfe
Goslin Day / День Гослина by Avram Davidson
Maybe Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck, Was a Little Bit Right by Robin Scott Wilson (as by Robin S. Scott)
The Chosen by Kate Wilhelm
Entire and Perfect Chrysolite / Из чистого сплошного хризолита by R. A. Lafferty
Sunburst by Roderick Thorp
The Creation of Bennie Good by James Sallis
The End (= Things) / Вещи by Ursula K. Le Guin
A Cold Dark Night with Snow by Kate Wilhelm
Fame by Arthur Jean Cox (as by Jean Cox)
Debut by Carol Emshwiller
Where No Sun Shines / Там, где не светит Солнце by Gardner Dozois
The Asian Shore / Азиатский берег by Thomas M. Disch
Orbit 7 1970, fb2
April Fool's Day Forever by Kate Wilhelm
Eyebem by Gene Wolfe
Continued on Next Rock / Продолжение на следующем камне by R. A. Lafferty
To Sport with Amaryllis by Richard Hill
In the Queue / Очередь by Keith Laumer
The Living End by Sonya Dorman
A Dream at Noonday by Gardner Dozois
Woman Waiting by Carol Emshwiller
Old Foot Forgot / Старая забытая ножка by R. A. Lafferty
Jim and Mary G by James Sallis
The Pressure of Time by Thomas M. Disch
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories / Остров доктора Смерти и другие рассказы by Gene Wolfe
Orbit 8 1971, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-01970-5, Berkley Medallion
Horse of Air by Gardner Dozois
One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty / Жизнь в стиле ранней бедности by Harlan Ellison
Rite of Spring by Avram Davidson
The Bystander by Thom Lee Wharton
All Pieces of a River Shore / Все фрагменты речного берега by R. A. Lafferty
Sonya, Crane Wessleman, and Kittee by Gene Wolfe
Tablets of Stone by Liz Hufford
Starscape with Frieze of Dreams by Robert F. Young
The Book by Robert E. Margroff and Andrew J. Offutt
Inside by Carol Carr
Right Off the Map by Pip Winn
The Weather on the Sun by Theodore L. Thomas
The Chinese Boxes by Graham Charnock
A Method Bit in "B" by Gene Wolfe
Interurban Queen / Великая междугородняя by R. A. Lafferty
The Encounter by Kate Wilhelm
Orbit 9 1972, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-02116-5, Berkley Medallion
Heads Africa Tails America by Josephine Saxton
What We Have Here Is Too Much Communication by Leon E. Stover
Dominant Species by Kris Neville
The Toy Theater / Марионетки by Gene Wolfe
Stop Me Before I Tell More by Robert Thurston
Gleepsite by Joanna Russ
Binaries by James Sallis
Lost in the Marigolds by Lee Hoffman and Robert E. Toomey, Jr.
Across the Bar by Kit Reed
The Science Fair / Ярмарка науки by Vernor Vinge
The Last Leaf by W. Macfarlane
When All the Lands Pour Out Again / Когда все земли изольются вновь by R. A. Lafferty
Only the Words Are Different by James Sallis
The Infinity Box by Kate Wilhelm
Orbit 10 1972, fb2
The Fifth Head of Cerberus / Пятая голова Цербера by Gene Wolfe
Jody After the War by Edward Bryant
Al by Carol Emshwiller
Now I'm Watching Roger / А теперь я слежу за Роджером by Alexei Panshin
Whirl Cage by Jack Dann
A Kingdom by the Sea by Gardner Dozois
Christlings by Albert Teichner
Live, from Berchtesgaden by George Alec Effinger
Dorg / Дорг by R. A. Lafferty
Gantlet / Сквозь строй by Richard E. Peck
The Fusion Bomb by Kate Wilhelm
Orbit 11 1973, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-02316-8, Berkley Medallion
Alien Stones by Gene Wolfe
Spectra by Vonda N. McIntyre
I Remember a Winter by Frederik Pohl
Doucement, S'il Vous Plaît by James Sallis
The Summer of the Irish Sea by Charles L. Grant
Good-Bye, Shelley, Shirley, Charlotte, Charlene by Robert Thurston
Father's in the Basement by Philip José Farmer
Down by the Old Maelstrom by Edward Wellen
Things Go Better by George Alec Effinger
Dissolve by Gary K. Wolf
Dune's Edge by Edward Bryant
The Drum Lollipop by Jack Dann
Machines of Loving Grace by Gardner Dozois
They Cope by David J. Skal
Counterpoint by Joe Haldeman
Old Soul by Steve Herbst
New York Times / Пульс Нью-Йорка by Charles Platt
The Chrystallization of the Myth by John Barfoot
To Plant a Seed by Hank Davis
On the Road to Honeyville by Kate Wilhelm
Orbit 12 1973, fb2
Shark by Edward Bryant
Direction of the Road / Направление пути by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Windows in Dante's Hell by Michael Bishop
Serpent Burning on an Altar by Brian W. Aldiss
Woman in Sunlight with Mandolin by Brian W. Aldiss
The Young Soldier's Horoscope by Brian W. Aldiss
Castle Scene with Penitents by Brian W. Aldiss
The Red Canary by Kate Wilhelm
What's the Matter with Herbie? / Что с Херби? by Mel Gilden
Pinup by Edward Bryant
The Genius Freaks by Vonda N. McIntyre
Burger Creature by Stepan Chapman
Half the Kingdom by Doris Piserchia
Continuing Westward by Gene Wolfe
Orbit 13 1974, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-02698-1, Berkley Medallion
The Scream by Kate Wilhelm
Young Love by Grania Davis
And Name My Name by R. A. Lafferty
Going West by Edward Bryant
My Friend Zarathustra by James Sallis
Therapy by Gary K. Wolf
Gardening Notes from All Over by W. Macfarlane
Idio by Doris Piserchia
Fantasy's Profession by Albert Teichner
Spring Came to Blue Ridge Early This Year by Charles Arnold
Creation of a Future World in the Tracer by Steve Herbst
Coils by John Barfoot
Time Bind by Sonya Dorman
Everybody a Winner, the Barker Cried by Charles L. Grant
Naked and Afraid I Go by Doris Piserchia
Teeth by Grace Rooney
Troika by Stepan Chapman
Black Sun by Dennis Etchison
The Mouth Is for Eating by William F. Orr
Flash Point by Gardner Dozois
Orbit 14 1974, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012438-5, Harper & Row
Tin Soldier by Joan D. Vinge
Reasonable People by Joanna Russ
Royal Licorice / Королевская лакрица by R. A. Lafferty
The Stars Below / Выше звёзд by Ursula K. Le Guin
A Brother to Dragons, a Companion of Owls by Kate Wilhelm
The Bridge Builder by Gary K. Wolf
Winning of the Great American Greening Revolution by Murray F. Yaco
Forlesen by Gene Wolfe
Orbit 15 1974, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012439-3, Harper & Row
Flaming Ducks and Giant Bread / Пылающие утки и великанский хлеб by R. A. Lafferty
Pale Hands by Doris Piserchia
If Eve Had Failed to Conceive by Edward Wellen
Why Booth Didn't Kill Lincoln by Edward Wellen
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm
Melting by Gene Wolfe
In the Lilliputian Asylum: A Story in Eight Poems & an Interrogation by Michael Bishop
Ernie by Lowell Kent Smith
Live? Our Computers Will Do That for Us by Brian W. Aldiss
Ace 167 by Eleanor Arnason
Biting Down Hard on Truth by George Alec Effinger
Orbit 16 1975, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012437-7, Harper & Row
Mother and Child by Joan D. Vinge
The Skinny People of Leptophlebo Street / Тощие люди с Лептофлебо-стрит by R. A. Lafferty
A Brilliant Curiosity by Doris Piserchia
Phoenix House by Jesse Miller
Jack and Betty by Robert Thurston
Prison of Clay, Prison of Steel by Henry-Luc Planchat
Heartland by Gustav Hasford
Sandial by Moshe Feder
In Donovan's Time by Charles L. Grant
Ambience by David J. Skal
Binary Justice by Richard Bireley
The House by the Sea by Eleanor Arnason
Euclid Alone by William F. Orr
Orbit 17 1975, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012434-2, Harper & Row
The Anthropologist by Kathleen M. Sidney
The Man with the Golden Reticulates by Felix C. Gotschalk
The Steel Sonnets by Jeff Duntemann
Toto, I Have a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore by Jeff Millar
Autopsy in Transit by Stepan Chapman
House by John Barfoot
Fun Palace by Raylyn Moore
When We Were Good by David J. Skal
Which in the Wood Decays by Seth McEvoy
Great Day in the Morning / Утро великого дня by R. A. Lafferty
The Maze by Stuart Dybek
Quite Late One Spring Night by John Michael Curlovich
Under the Hollywood Sign by Tom Reamy
Orbit 18 1976, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012433-4, Harper & Row
Ladies and Gentlemen, This Is Your Crisis by Kate Wilhelm
The Hand with One Hundred Fingers / Стопалая рука by R. A. Lafferty
Meathouse Man / Человек с мясной фабрики by George R. R. Martin
Rules of Moopsball by Gary Cohn
Who Was the First Oscar to Win a Negro? by Craig Strete
In Pierson's Orchestra by Kim Stanley Robinson
Mary Margaret Road-Grader by Howard Waldrop
The Family Winter of 1986 by Felix C. Gotschalk
The Teacher by Kathleen M. Sidney
Coming Back to Dixieland by Kim Stanley Robinson
A Modular Story by Raylyn Moore
The M&M Seen as a Low-Yield Thermonuclear Device by John Varley
The Eve of the Last Apollo by Carter Scholz
Orbit 19 1977, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012431-8, Harper & Row
Lollipop and the Tar Baby / Охота by John Varley
State of Grace by Kate Wilhelm
Many Mansions by Gene Wolfe
The Veil Over the River by Felix C. Gotschalk
Fall of Pebble-Stones / Камушки by R. A. Lafferty
Tomus by Stephen Robinett
Under Jupiter by Michael W. McClintock
To the Dark Tower Came by Gene Wolfe
Vamp by Mike Conner
Beings of Game P-U by Phillip Teich
Night Shift by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
Going Down by Eleanor Arnason
The Disguise by Kim Stanley Robinson
Orbit 20 1978, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012429-6, Harper & Row
Moongate by Kate Wilhelm
The Novella Race by Pamela Sargent
Bright Coins in Never-Ending Stream / Бесконечный поток звонких монет by R. A. Lafferty
The Synergy Sculpture by Terrence L. Brown
The Birds Are Free by Ronald Anthony Cross
A Right-Handed Wrist by Stepan Chapman
"They Made Us Not to Be and They Are Not" by Philippa C. Maddern
Seven American Nights by Gene Wolfe
Orbit 21 1980, fb2, ISBN: 0-06-012426-1, Harper & Row
Love, Death, Time, and Katie by Richard Kearns
The Greening by Eileen Roy
Abominable by Carol Emshwiller
Underwood and the Slaughterhouse by Raymond G. Embrak
Hope by Lelia Rose Foreman
The Mother of the Beast by Gordon Eklund
Robert Fraser: The Xenologist as Hero by Sydelle Shamah
Persephone by Rhondi A. Vilott Salsitz (as by Rhondi Vilott)
The Smell of the Noose, The Roar of the Blood by John Barfoot
And the TV Changed Colors When She Spoke by Lyn Schumaker
The Only Tune That He Could Play / Его единственная мелодия by R. A. Lafferty
Survivors by Rita-Elizabeth Harper
On the North Pole of Pluto by Kim Stanley Robinson
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