
Datlow, Ellen (ed) - Fairy Tales Retold / Датлоу, Эллен (ред) - "Волшебные сказки, рассказанные заново" [2009-2012, EPUB, ENG]

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picНазвание: Fairy Tales Retold / "Волшебные сказки, рассказанные заново"
Год выпуска:2009-2012
Под редакцией: Datlow, Ellen & Terri Windling / Датлоу, Эллен & Терри Виндлинг
Издательство: Разные
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Три антологии для детей и подростков с рассказами в жанре фэнтези, основанными на волшебных сказках.
A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4424-6039-3, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Introduction by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
The Months of Manhattan by Delia Sherman
Cinder Elephant by Jane Yolen
Instructions / Инструкции by Neil Gaiman
Mrs. Big: "Jack and the Beanstalk" Retold by Michael Cadnum
Falada: The Goose Girl's Horse by Nancy Farmer
A Wolf at the Door by Tanith Lee
Ali Baba and the Forty Aliens by Janeen Webb
Swans by Kelly Link
The Kingdom of Melting Glances by Katherine Vaz
Hansel's Eyes / Глаза Гензеля by Garth Nix
Becoming Charise by Kathe Koja
The Seven Stage a Comeback by Gregory Maguire
The Twelve Dancing Princesses by Patricia A. McKillip
Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4424-6040-9, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Introduction by Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow
Greenkid by Jane Yolen
Golden Fur by Midori Snyder
Chambers of the Heart by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Little Red and the Big Bad by Will Shetterly
The Fish's Story by Pat York
The Children of the Tilford Fortune by Christopher Rowe
The Girl in the Attic by Lois Metzger
The Harp That Sang by Gregory Frost
A Life in Miniature by Bruce Coville
Lupe by Kathe Koja
Awake by Tanith Lee
Inventing Aladdin / Сотворение Аладдина by Neil Gaiman
My Swan Sister by Katherine Vaz
Troll's Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales / С точки зрения Тролля 2009, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-101-15550-9, Viking
Introduction by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Wizard's Apprentice / Ученик волшебника by Delia Sherman
An Unwelcome Guest / Незваный гость by Garth Nix
Faery Tales / Волшебные сказки by Wendy Froud
Rags and Riches / Из грязи в князи by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Up the Down Beanstalk: A Wife Remembers / Вверх и вниз по бобовому стеблю: воспоминания великанши by Peter S. Beagle
The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces / Изношенные танцевальные туфли by Ellen Kushner
Puss in Boots, the Sequel / Кот в сапогах. Продолжение by Joseph Stanton
The Boy Who Cried Wolf / Мальчик, который выл, как волк by Holly Black
Troll / Тролль by Jane Yolen
Castle Othello / Замок Отелло by Nancy Farmer
'Skin / Жулик by Michael Cadnum
A Delicate Architecture / Хрупкое создание by Catherynne M. Valente
Molly / Молли by Midori Snyder
Observing the Formalities / О вежливости by Neil Gaiman
The Cinderella Game / Игра в Золушку by Kelly Link
Образец текста:
A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales
Hansel’s Eyes
by Garth Nix
Hansel was ten and his sister, Gretel, was eleven when their stepmother decided to get rid of them. They didn’t catch on at first, because the Hagmom (their secret name for her) had always hated them. So leaving them behind at the supermarket or forgetting to pick them up after school was no big deal.
It was only when their father got in on the “disappearing the kids” act that they realized it was serious. Although he was a weak man, they thought he might still love them enough to stand up to the Hagmom.
They realized he didn’t the day he took them out into the woods. Hansel wanted to do the whole Boy Scout thing and take a water bottle and a pile of other stuff, but their dad said they wouldn’t need it. It’d only be a short walk.
Then he dumped them. They’d just gotten out of the car when he took off. They didn’t try to chase him. They knew the signs. The Hagmom had hypnotized him again or whatever she did to make him do things.
“Guess she’s going to get a nasty surprise when we get back,” said Hansel, taking out the map he’d stuffed down the front of his shirt. Gretel silently handed him the compass she’d tucked into her sock.
. . .
Troll's Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales
Up the Down Beanstalk: A Wife Remembers

Peter S. Beagle

Special to the Cumulonimbus Weekly Chronicle,
as recounted by Mrs. Eunice Giant,
72 Fairweather Lane, East-of-the-Bean, Sussex Overhead

He seemed like such a nice boy.
And he was a nice boy, really, for all the vexation he caused. They always are; I’ve never eaten a bad one yet. Oh, there’s some don’t care for the crunchiness, I know that, and there’s others who complain about that sort of salty aftertaste. But you clean the palate with a couple of firkins of ale, and where’s the harm, that’s what I say. No, I like boys just fine. Always have.
The funny thing is that poor old Harvey didn’t like them, not really. Oh, he’d eat one now and then, if we were having dinner at someone’s house—I mean, you have to be polite, don’t you? But for himself, no . . . you could keep that man perfectly happy with a couple of cows, a couple of horses smothered in sheep, the way my mother used to do them—he loved that. Which wasn’t exactly what you might call labor-saving, because, after all, cows and horses don’t come running to you, do they? I mean, you have to go out and get them, and then you have to carry them all the way home. Not like people—you see what I’m getting at?
. . .
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