
Adams, John Joseph (ed.) - The Way of the Wizard / Адамс, Джон Джозеф (ред.) - Путь волшебника [2010, EPUB, ENG]

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picJohn Joseph Adams (ed.) - The Way of the Wizard

Название: The Way of the Wizard / Путь волшебника
Год выпуска: 2010
Под редакцией: Adams, John Joseph / Адамс, Джон Джозеф
Издательство: Prime Books
eISBN: 978-1-60701-275-7
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Власть. Мы все хотим ее получить, а они ею владеют — ведьмы, колдуны, волшебники, некроманты — те, кто смотрят сквозь завесу мирской действительности и держат руки на рычагах, которыми управляется вселенная. Они видят будущее в отражении стекла, вызывают фантастических чудовищ и превращают свинец в золото ... а могут превратить вас в лягушку ...
Антология фэнтези о волшебниках (и о волшебницах, конечно)
Introduction by John Joseph Adams
In the Lost Lands / В потерянных землях by George R. R. Martin
Family Tree / Родовое древо by David Barr Kirtley
John Uskglass and the Cumbrian Charcoal Burner / История о Джоне Аскглассе и углежоге из Камбрии by Susanna Clarke
Wizard's Apprentice / Ученик волшебника by Delia Sherman
The Sorcerer Minus / Колдун Минус by Jeffrey Ford
Life So Dear or Peace So Sweet / Жизнь так дорога или покой так сладок by Charles Coleman Finlay
Card Sharp / Картежник by Rajan Khanna
So Deep That the Bottom Could Not Be Seen / Так глубоко, что дна не видно by Genevieve Valentine
The Go-Slow / Пробка by Nnedi Okorafor
Too Fatal a Poison / Слишком опасный яд by Krista Hoeppner Leahy
Jamaica / Джамайка by Orson Scott Card
The Sorcerer's Apprentice / Подмастерье волшебника by Robert Silverberg
The Secret of Calling Rabbits / Тайна кроличьего зова by Wendy N. Wagner
The Wizards of Perfil / Колдуны из Перфила by Kelly Link
How to Sell the Ponti Bridge / Как продать Понтийский мост by Neil Gaiman
The Magician and the Maid and Other Stories / «Волшебник и дева» и другие сказки by Christie Yant
Winter Solstice / Зимнее солнцестояние by Mike Resnick
The Trader and the Slave / Купец и рабыня by Cinda Williams Chima
Cerile and the Journeyer / Серайл и путешественник by Adam-Troy Castro
Counting the Shapes / Перебирая формы by Yoon Ha Lee
Endgame / Конец игры by Lev Grossman
Street Wizard / Уличный маг by Simon R. Green
Mommy Issues of the Dead / Мама из небытия by Tim Pratt
One-Click Banishment / Бан в один клик by Jeremiah Tolbert
The Ereshkigal Working / Ритуал Эрешкигали by Jonathan L. Howard
Feeding the Feral Children / Пища свирепых чад by Dave Wolverton
The Orange-Tree Sacrifice / Апельсиновое жертвоприношение by Vylar Kaftan
Love Is the Spell That Casts Out Fear / Любовь — заклинание против страха by Desirina Boskovich
El Regalo / Дар by Peter S. Beagle
The Word of Unbinding / Слово Освобождения by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Thirteen Texts of Arthyria / Тринадцать книг Артирии by John R. Fultz
The Secret of the Blue Star / Секрет голубой звезды by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Образец текста:
How to Sell the Ponti Bridge

Neil Gaiman

My favorite rogues’ club is the oldest and still the most exclusive in all the Seven Worlds. It was formed by a loose association of rogues, cheats, scoundrels, and confidence men almost seventy thousand years ago. It has been copied many times in many places (there was one started quite recently, within the last five hundred years at any rate, in the City of London), but none of the other clubs matches the original Rogues’ Club, in the city of Lost Carnadine, for atmosphere. No other club has quite so select a membership.
And the membership of the Lost Carnadine Rogues’ Club is particularly select. You will understand the kind of person who makes it to membership if I tell you that I myself have seen, walking or sitting or eating or talking, in its many rooms, such notables as Daraxius Lo (who sold the Kzem a frog-bat on a holy day), Prottle (who sold the palace of the King of Vandaria to the King of Vandaria), and the self-styled Lord Niff (who, I have heard it whispered, was the original inventor of the fox twist, the cheat that broke the bank at the Casino Grande). In addition, I have seen Rogues of interuniversal renown fail to gain admittance to even discuss their membership with the secretary—on one memorable day I passed a famous financier, in company with the head of the Hy-Brasail mafia and a preeminent prime minister on their way down the back stairs with the blackest of expressions upon their faces, having obviously been told not even to think about returning. No, the ones who make it into the Rogues’ Club are a high bunch. I am sure that you will have heard of each of them. Not under those names, of course, but the touch is distinctive, is it not?
. . .
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