
Kowal, Mary Robinette (ed.) - The Hugo Award Showcase: 2010 Volume / Коваль, Мэри Робинетт (ред.) - Витрина премии Хьюго: выпуск 2010 [2010, epub, ENG]

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picKowal, Mary Robinette (ed.) - The Hugo Award Showcase: 2010 Volume

Название: The Hugo Award Showcase: 2010 Volume / Витрина Премии Хьюго: выпуск 2010
Год выпуска: 2010
Под редакцией: Kowal, Mary Robinette / Коваль, Мэри Робинетт
Издательство: Prime Books
ISBN: 978-1-60701-245-0
Формат: epub
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология включает повести, короткие повести и рассказы (к сожалению, не все, даже не все победители), вошедшие в короткий лист номинации и победители премии Хьюго за 2009 год.
Introduction by Mary Robinette Kowal
Pride and Prometheus / Гордость и Прометей novelette by John Kessel
26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss short story by Kij Johnson
The Erdmann Nexus / Нексус Эрдманна novella by Nancy Kress
From Babel's Fall'n Glory We Fled / И бежали мы от падшей славы вавилонской short story by Michael Swanwick
Shoggoths in Bloom short story by Elizabeth Bear
Truth novella by Robert Reed
The Ray-Gun: A Love Story / Лучемёт: История любви novelette by James Alan Gardner
Evil Robot Monkey / Злобный робошимпанзе short story by Mary Robinette Kowal
The Tear / Слеза novella by Ian McDonald
2009 Hugo Nominees and Winners
Образец текста:

Had both her mother and her sister Kitty not insisted upon it, Miss Mary Bennet, whose interest in Nature did not extend to the Nature of Society, would not have attended the ball in Grosvenor Square. This was Kitty’s season. Mrs. Bennet had despaired of Mary long ago, but still bore hopes for her younger sister, and so had set her determined mind on putting Kitty in the way of Robert Sidney of Detling Manor, who possessed a fortune of six thousand pounds a year, and was likely to be at that evening’s festivities. Being obliged by her unmarried state to live with her parents, and the whims of Mrs. Bennet being what they were, although there was no earthly reason for Mary to be there, there was no good excuse for her absence.
So it was that Mary found herself in the ballroom of the great house, trussed up in a silk dress with her hair piled high, bedecked with her sister’s jewels. She was neither a beauty, like her older and happily married sister Jane, nor witty, like her older and happily married sister Elizabeth, nor flirtatious, like her younger and less happily married sister Lydia. Awkward and nearsighted, she had never cut an attractive figure, and as she had aged she had come to see herself as others saw her. Every time Mrs. Bennet told her to stand up straight, she felt despair. Mary had seen how Jane and Elizabeth had made good lives for themselves by finding appropriate mates. But there was no air of grace or mystery about Mary, and no man ever looked upon her with admiration.
Kitty’s card was full, and she had already contrived to dance once with the distinguished Mr. Sidney, whom Mary could not imagine being more tedious. Hectically glowing, Kitty was certain that this was the season she would get a husband. Mary, in contrast, sat with her mother and her Aunt Gardiner, whose good sense was Mary’s only respite from her mother’s silliness. After the third minuet Kitty came flying over.
. . .
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