
Dozois, Gardner (ed) - The Good New Stuff: Adventure SF in the Grand Tradition / Дозуа, Гарднер (ред.) - Божье око: Старая добрая фантастика. Новые имена [2002, fb2, ENG]

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picGardner Dozois (ed) - The Good New Stuff: Adventure SF in the Grand Tradition

Название: The Good New Stuff: Adventure SF in the Grand Tradition / Божье око: Старая добрая фантастика. Новые имена
Год выпуска: 2002
Под редакцией: Dozois, Gardner / Дозуа, Гарднер
Издательство: St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN: 0-312-26456-9
Формат: fb2
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Антология, парная к The Good Old Stuff. Тоже приключенческая НФ, рассказы, написанные с конца 70-х годов XX века
Ничуть не менее интересная, чем первая Smile
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Образец текста:
Peter F. Hamilton


Marcus Calvert had never seen an asteroid cavern quite like Sonora's before; it was disorientating even for someone who had spent 30 years captaining a starship. The center of the gigantic rock had been hollowed out by mining machines, producing a cylindrical cavity twelve kilometers long, five in diameter. Usually, the floor would be covered in soil and planted with fruit trees and grass. In Sonora's case, the environmental engineers had simply flooded it. The result was a small freshwater sea that no matter where you were on it, you appeared to be at the bottom of a valley of water.
Floating around the gray surface were innumerable rafts, occupied by hotels, bars, and restaurants. Taxi boats whizzed between them and the wharfs at the base of the two flat cavern walls.
Marcus and two of his crew had taken a boat out to the Lomaz bar, a raft which resembled a Chinese dragon trying to mate with a Mississippi paddle steamer.
"Any idea what our charter is, Captain?" asked Katherine Maddox, the Lady Macbeth's node specialist.
"The agent didn't say," Marcus admitted. "Apart from confirming it's private, not corporate."
"They don't want us for combat, do they?" Katherine asked. There was a hint of rebellion in her voice. She was in her late forties, and like the Calverts her family had geneered their offspring to withstand both freefall and high acceleration. The dominant modifications had given her thicker skin, tougher bones, and harder internal membranes; she was never sick or giddy in freefall, nor did her face bloat up. Such changes were a formula for blunt features, and Katherine was no exception.
"If they do, we're not taking it," Marcus assured her.
Katherine exchanged an unsettled glance with Roman Zucker, the ship's fusion engineer, and slumped back in her chair.
The combat option was one Marcus had considered possible.
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