
Ellison, Harlan (ed.) - Dangerous Visions / Эллисон, Харлан (ред.) - Опасные видения [2009, epub, ENG]

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picHarlan Ellison (ed.) - Dangerous Visions

Название: Dangerous Visions / Опасные видения
Год выпуска: 2009
Под редакцией: Ellison, Harlan / Эллисон, Харлан
Издательство: e-reads.com
ISBN: 978-0-7592-3084-2
Формат: epub
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Перед нами легендарная книга. Перед нами знаменитая книга. Книга, которая совершила переворот и открыла дорогу современной фантастике, фантастике размышлений. Ее составитель, не менее легендарный писатель Харлан Эллисон смог собрать под свои знамёна целый ряд знаменитых авторов, которые не боялись разрушать табу и показывать, что фантастика может быть не только развлекательной, но и умной и литературной...
Впервые издана в 1967. Это издание 2009 года воспроизводит юбилейное издание 2002 года, посвященное 35-летию книги.
Foreword: Year 2002 by Michael Moorcock
Introduction: Year 2002 by Harlan Ellison
Foreword 1-The Second Revolution by Isaac Asimov
Introduction: Thirty-Two Soothsayers by Harlan Ellison
Foreword 2-Harlan and I by Isaac Asimov
Evensong / Вечерняя молитва by Lester del Rey
Flies / Мухи by Robert Silverberg
The Day After the Day the Martians Came / День марсиан by Frederik Pohl
Riders of the Purple Wage / Пассажиры с пурпурной карточкой by Philip Jose Farmer
The Malley System by Miriam Allen deFord
A Toy for Juliette / Игрушка для Джульетты by Robert Bloch
The Prowler in the City at the Edge of the World / Злодей в Городе на краю Света by Harlan Ellison
The Night That All Time Broke Out by Brian W. Aldiss
The Man Who Went to the Moon - Twice by Howard Rodman
Faith of Our Fathers / Вера отцов наших by Philip K. Dick
The Jigsaw Man / Человек-мозаика by Larry Niven
Gonna Roll the Bones / Побросаю-ка я кости by Fritz Leiber
Lord Randy, My Son by Joe L. Hensley
Eutopia / Еутопия by Poul Anderson
Incident in Moderan by David R. Bunch
The Escaping by David R. Bunch
The Doll-House by James Cross
Sex and/or Mr. Morrison by Carol Emshwiller
Shall the Dust Praise Thee? / Восславит ли прах тебя? by Damon Knight
If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister? / Окажись все мужчины братьями, ты бы выдал сестру за одного из них? by Theodore Sturgeon
What Happened to Auguste Clarot? / Куда подевался Огюст Кляро? by Larry Eisenberg
Ersatz by Henry Slesar
Go, Go, Go, Said the Bird by Sonya Dorman
The Happy Breed by John Sladek
Encounter with a Hick by Jonathan Brand
From the Government Printing Office by Kris Neville
Land of the Great Horses / Страна больших лошадей by R. A. Lafferty
The Recognition / Узнавание by J. G. Ballard
Judas / Иуда by John Brunner
Test to Destruction / Проверка на прочность by Keith Laumer
Carcinoma Angels / Ангелы раковой опухоли by Norman Spinrad
Auto-da-Fe / Ауто-да-фе by Roger Zelazny
Aye, and Gomorrah ... / Да, и Гоморра... by Samuel R. Delany
Образец текста:
or The Great Gavage

by Philip Jose Farmer

If Jules Verne could really have looked into the future, say 1966 A.D., he would have crapped in his pants. And 2166, oh, my!
—from Grandpa Winnegan's unpublished Ms. How I Screwed Uncle Sam & Other Private Ejaculations.


Un and Sub, the giants, are grinding him for bread.
Broken pieces float up through the wine of sleep. Vast treadings crush abysmal grapes for the incubus sacrament.
He as Simple Simon fishes in his soul as pail for the leviathan.
He groans, half-wakes, turns over, sweating dark oceans, and groans again. Un and Sub, putting their backs to their work, turn the stone wheels of the sunken mill, muttering Fie, fye, fo, fum. Eyes glittering orange-red as a cat's in a cubbyhole, teeth dull white digits in the murky arithmetic.
Un and Sub, Simple Simons themselves, busily mix metaphors non-self-consciously.
Dunghill and cock's egg: up rises the cockatrice and gives first crow, two more to come, in the flushrush of blood of dawn of I-am-the erection-and-the-strife.
It grows out and out until weight and length merge to curve it over, a not-yet weeping willow or broken reed. The one-eyed red head peeks over the edge of bed. It rests its chinless jaw, then, as body swells, slides over and down. Looking monocularly this way and those, it sniffs archaically across the floor and heads for the door, left open by the lapsus linguae of malingering sentinels.
A loud braying from the center of the room makes it turn back. The three-legged ass, Baalim's easel, is heehawing. On the easel is the "canvas," an oval shallow pan of irradiated plastic, specially treated. The canvas is seven feet high and eighteen inches deep. Within the painting is a scene that must be finished by tomorrow.
As much sculpture as painting, the figures are in alto-relief, rounded, some nearer the back of the pan than others. They glow with light from outside and also from the self-luminous plastic of the "canvas." The light seems to enter the figures, soak awhile, then break loose. The light is pale red, the red of dawn, of blood watered with tears, of anger, of ink on the debit side of the ledger.
This is one of his Dog Series: Dogmas from a Dog, The Aerial Dog-fight, Dog Days, The Sundog, Dog Reversed, The Dog of Flinders, Dog Berries, Dog Catcher, Lying Doggo, The Dog of the Right Angle, and Improvisations on a Dog.
Socrates, Ben Jonson, Cellini, Swedenborg, Li Po, and Hiawatha are roistering in the Mermaid Tavern. Through a window, Daedalus is seen on top of the battlements of Cnossus, shoving a rocket up the ass of his son, Icarus, to give him a jet-assisted takeoff for his famous flight. In one corner crouches Og, Son of Fire. He gnaws on a sabertooth bone and paints bison and mammoths on the mildewed plaster. The barmaid, Athena, is bending over the table where she is serving nectar and pretzels to her distinguished customers. Aristotle, wearing goat's horns, is behind her. He has lifted her skirt and is tupping her from behind. The ashes from the cigarette dangling from his smirking lips have fallen onto her skirt, which is beginning to smoke. In the doorway of the men's room, a drunken Batman succumbs to a long-repressed desire and attempts to bugger the Boy Wonder. Through another window is a lake on the surface of which a man is walking, a green-tarnished halo hovering over his head. Behind him a periscope sticks out of the water.
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