Chapter 1, HTML Elements, covers all the elements that you will need when building a web page. This is focused on HTML5.
Chapter 2, HTML Attributes, focuses on any the attributes that can be used with HTML elements.
Chapter 3, CSS Concepts and Applications, focuses on selectors. Selectors are core to determining which elements the CSS attributes apply to.
Chapter 4, CSS Properties – Part I, covers properties for animation, background, the box model, CSS units, columns, and the mighty Flexbox.
Chapter 5, CSS Properties – Part II, covers properties for fonts, transforms, transitions, positions, text, tables, words and paragraphs, and paging.
Chapter 6, CSS Properties – Part III, covers properties for the page box, lists, counters, drop shadows, display and visibility, clipping and masking, user interface, and 3D.
Chapter 7, CSS Functions, covers functions for filters, transforms, colors, gradients, and values. It covers a few extra concepts like at-rules, global keyword values, and miscellaneous.
Chapter 8, JavaScript Implementations, Syntax Basics, and Variable Types, talks about JavaScript implementations and language basics, including syntax and variables and their types. This chapter will enable us to understand and get started with basic scripting.
Chapter 9, JavaScript Expressions, Operators, Statements, and Arrays, enables us to advance with our basic JavaScript language understanding and introduces JavaScript expressions, basic operators, statements, loops, conditions, and arrays. This also covers examples for better understanding.
Chapter 10, JavaScript Object-Orientated Programming, explains the basic concepts of object-oriented programming, that is, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and encapsulation. You will also learn the usage of objects, classes, and related methods. We will cover examples for better understanding.
Chapter 11, Extending JavaScript and ECMA Script 6, covers all the newly introduced features of ECMAScript 6, which was released in 2015, such as new objects, patterns, syntax changes, and new methods on existing objects. This chapter covers all these features in detail.
Chapter 12, Server-side JavaScript – NodeJS, continues to focus on JavaScript. The difference is that we will now write JavaScript on the server side instead of the client side. We can use the concepts covered in the other JavaScript chapters in addition to learning specific NodeJS objects and paradigms.
Chapter 13, Bootstrap – The Stylish CSS Frontend Framework, talks about Bootstrap, which is an intuitive framework for creating responsive websites. It uses JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. This chapter will give you a detailed look at the Bootstrap framework and will enable you to create responsive layouts and web pages. Each topic in this chapter has a relevant example.
Chapter 14, jQuery – The Popular JavaScript Library, focuses on jQuery, which is a JavaScript library that simplifies dealing with various aspects of an HTML document. In this chapter, you will learn to traverse elements of an HTML document, methods, event handling, animations, and AJAX for rapid development.
Chapter 15, AngularJS – Google’s In-Demand Framework, is where we conclude this book by finishing the external library section. Angular has been one of the most popular frameworks since it was introduced by Google. We will look at all the main concepts that you will need to begin writing applications with Angular.